Showing posts with label covid19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label covid19. Show all posts

Hit The Road Matt, Sajid!: end Mitigation Strategy, start Elimination Strategy to prevent more harms

Elimination Strategy is proven to prevent the harms that mitigation strategy has demonstrably caused. 

Misfeasancenonfeasance, and malfeasance are types of failure to discharge public obligations existing by common lawcustom, or statute Misconduct in Public Office is a criminal offence in England and Wales.

In a global pandemic, the government of every country has a dual duty of care. Firstly, they must work with the population to stop the spread of the pathogen in order to protect their health and their economies and secondly they must ensure they do not export the pathogen, which is a duty of care they owe to the global community.


March 2020 :same media, organisation, different headlines, similar policy of mitigation, 
elimination strategy rejected, with attendant harms not avoided.

This is incontrovertibly true. 

The evidence is there for all to see. On every possible measure, human or systemic, elimination strategy delivers much better outcomes. This is beyond all doubt true.

Evidence suggests that countries that opt for rapid action to eliminate SARS-CoV-2—with the strong support of their inhabitants—also better protect their populations health, their economies and minimise restrictions on civil liberties compared with those that strive for mitigation.

This chart shows the basics

FigureCOVID-19 deaths, GDP growth, and strictness of lockdown measures for OECD countries choosing SARS-CoV-2 elimination versus mitigation

The Lancet report lays out the evidence, fully referenced. Read it. Knowledge is better than belief.

"Among OECD countries, liberties were most severely impacted in those that chose mitigation, whereas swift lockdown measures—in line with elimination—were less strict and of shorter duration (figure). Importantly, elimination has been framed as a civic solidarity approach that will restore civil liberties the soonest; this focus on common purpose is frequently neglected in the political debate.

Evidence suggests that countries that opt for rapid action to eliminate SARS-CoV-2—with the strong support of their inhabitants—also better protect their health and their economies and minimise restrictions on civil liberties compared with those that strive for mitigation"

That this was predicted in January, February and March 2020 is also quite clearly true.

It's not rocket science, it is epidemiology and public health best practice.

It was why Australian State Governments chose elimination strategy and eventually beat down the Australian Federal Government's Mitigation policy choice. They acted wisely in opposing the Morrison/Murdoch policy line.

It was what China had done, and was what Vietnam, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South and North Korea had all chosen. Protect the population to protect the economy.

Stopping the Spread is Spreading the Love

Stop the spread of the virus within the community - track every case, trace all contacts, test all contacts, quarantine contacts, isolate the infected in prepared treatment facilities designed to prevent exacerbation of symptoms and disease - chase the virus until it can find no new hosts.

Maintain a tightly quarantined border - goods can pass, people must be checked, and quarantine monitored.

All of which was done without any Vaccine.

Slow spread is lethal

So I am writing today, from England, as we observe an exponential growth surge of the Delta Variant, a variant only possible because Governments chose to allow the virus to spread and rejected elimination strategy.  The English Government are gambling with the lives of the population and with the wealth of the economy.


They have made a bet with very uncertain odds.

Their bet is that the vaccine will reduce harms to an 'acceptable level'.  When just under half of the population is unvaccinated, and of the other half, only half are double dosed, with supplies and delivery systems stretched to their limit, even as a surge of the Delta Variant is under way. That's a very dodgy bet indeed.

The Education Secretary advises that masks are no longer mandatory in schools and the Health Secretary, 'Snogger' Hancock suggests ending all restrictions and leaving it to 'personal responsibility'.

'Acceptable Level' is meaningless when already the UK as seen 150,000 excess fatalities, of which 127,000 are directly attributable to COVID19 - a truly frightening and horrific way to die - and in addition we are seeing 2 million cases of Long COVID, with 350,000 cases of severe disease that appears to be chronic.

How much more of this are we to endure? How is any of this 'acceptable'?

Then there's the financial losses incurred by millions of people, entirely driven by Government policy decisions, in a wide range of industries. Is all of that 'acceptable' now?

Who loses, who wins in this casino of health and wealth?

Crony Capitalism is obviously one winner.

The Good Law Project is exposing in court what the Government has kept under wraps, the crony capitalism that is gouging profits from an imperiled population, whilst the pro-Government media is under reporting what should be known in every household in the land. The Government are borrowing on your good name, and their mates are shunting a significant portion of that cash off-shore via private contractors and sub contractors.

Pro Government News Media organisations owned by billionaires are losing money in order to maintain this degree of government support - and none of the leading editorials of any newspaper are calling for elimination strategy, which is what would prevent the harms we see daily.

During the past 16 months the English Billionaire class have seen their wealth increase by more than 1/3rd in 2020-21.  The Millionaire Club has seen an expansion too. They can afford to lose money supporting the current English Government because they are raking it in, in spite of the harms to the general population.

Who loses?

There are more children 'qualifying' for Free School Meals. Food bank dependency has grown, food banks in the UK saw a 47% increase in need during the crisis. Unemployment has surged even as the number of millionaires has grown.. 

Social Support systems are at breaking point after a decade of deliberate cut backs, carried out under the guise of a lie, Austerity, an act of Sado-Monetarism, by a government that is unrepentant and a continuing source of harm. 

Women bear the brunt of all this, as carers and frontline staff, as essential key workers and as low income workers who cannot survive on Statuary Sick Pay, and thus cannot afford to isolate if they suspect they are ill, possibly with covid19. There is no immediate economic or moral or emotional support for low income people who really ought to be isolating. 

The English government portrays such support as doling out freebees to individuals, rather than as part of a series of actions that protect the whole community. Gaslighting the population, trying to make people feel ashamed of asking for support.

Is snogging an criminal offence?

Matt Hancock is filmed in a sexual embrace with his lover, within his offices and some people call for his resignation. Hancock makes an apology, in writing, but does not present himself in public. Johnson accepts the apology, and says the matter is closed.

I disagree.

I say - arrest Matt Hancock, drag him from his office, bring him to a police station, charge him with Gross Malfeasance or Misconduct in Public Office and Corporate Manslaughter, and place him on remand, in Belmarsh Prison.

Hit The Road Matt

(Hit the road, Matt and don't you come back no more
no more, no more, no more)
(Hit the road, Matt and don't you come back no more)

Woah, Matt, oh Matt, don't treat us so mean
You're the meanest health minister that we've ever seen
because you tel us only  lies
virus spread far and wide
Woah Matt, listen, Matt, don't ya treat us this-a way
we'll be in Court for sure some day
We're really angry with you 'cause it's understood
You ain't got no morals, you just ain't no good
Woah Matt, Kissing, Matt, it's not a crime to snog you say
Your crony contracts are unlawful.  the Courts did say
We're really angry with you 'cause it's understood
You ain't got no morals, you just ain't no good
And because you always lied
a hundred thousand died

Who ever is chosen to take over the role of Health Secretary MUST end this harmful folly of 'mitigation' and 'living with the virus' which is an approach that rushes towards harm rather than avoiding harm. I do not hold much hope that this will happen. 

The current Conservative and Unionist Party and indeed, Keirless Starmer's front bench opposition show no signs of ever admitting the evidence that elimination strategy works, is proven and is, in the UK, eminently doable. Undoubtedly more people will die horrific deaths, long COVID will increase as the virus spreads. 

We are doomed to 'live with this Government', and must resort to doing our best as individuals to avoid being harmed and to avoid causing harm. 

Stopping the spread is spreading the love.

Julian Assange.

I know, I am howling at the moon again. Screaming into the wind. But I cannot stay silent, I cannot and will not recede into mute impotent fury. I much prefer loud impotent fury. Even if my audience is small. Even if I am screaming to myself.

Here's an idea - let's do a prisoner swapsie.  Release Julian Assange.

And make room in Belmarsh for Johnson, the entire Cabinet, the culpable Downing Street Cabinet Office advisory teams, the editors of News Media that rejected Elimination Strategy, UsForThem Lobbyists and many others.

Instruct Parliament to form a National Unity Government tasked with implementing elimination strategy and when we finally do eliminate community transmission within the British Isles, let us sit back and enjoy the public trials, and hug one another, freely.

#ArrestMattHancock #FreeJulianAssange Arrest Hancock, set Julian Assange free. A crazy idea! Totally unrealsitic. Fantasy la la land. Nonetheless Thiis speaks to the venality of the English Ruling Establishment : Blairs Freedom, Assange's persecution, Hancock's pension and resignation fee and the rejection of elimination strategy as the way to manage this epidemic are inextricably linked to Starmer's current position and his support for the English Government, and for Israeli State Military violence, among other things.

To be honest, I wouldn't want Keirlessness Starmer defending me in court. Would you?

Update: The new Health Secretary!

The new Health Secretary is Ayn Rand fan, Sajid Javid, former investment banker, CDO peddler, '08 Crasher, serial short term Cabinet Minister and general right wing neo-Liberal Free Market opportunist.

Richard Murphy outlines the kind of policy position Mr. Javid will bring to the Health portfolio.

"Sajid Javid is now the Health Secretary,and it has to be noted that  his prior experience was in trading the financial instruments that crashed the world economy in 2008.

And he was not a minor player. He was a major player at a major bank, worthy of having press releases issued about his career progression. In 2008 he helped bring down the world economy: no one else but bankers did that. Deutsche in London was right in the middle of that.

Now this Ayn Rand reading banker is making the decisions on whether or not the economy will reopen. And he says his I aim is to 'get back to normal'.

What? The normal where people whose only experience is in making a deal on a computer screen, the consequences of which they are utterly indifferent to, is what is defined as normal?"

Should Sajid Javid Rand really be appointed as Health Secretary? apt blog article on Mr. Javid and his attraction to Ayn Rand, a 'thinker' whose 'philosophy' amounts to a rabid justification for absolute selfishness, cited by those who think nothing of using Wealth as a weapon against everything they dislike, despise and fear - for the neo-liberal billionaire freedom is the right to do what you will with your own property, especially as owners of the land and  rulers of the people that inhabit it. A conquerors creed.

"So, after Matt Hancock’s humiliating resignation (which preserves his pension and severance pay), our Tory Government has just appointed Sajid Javid as the new Health Secretary?

What we are NOT being told, of course, is that Mr Javid is ideologically committed to the total destruction of the NHS.

"Mr Javid is a dedicated follower of the US “thinker” Ayn Rand (apparently he makes a point of re-reading a key scene from Ayn Rand’s novel “The Fountainhead” twice a year). Ayn Rand’s system of thought (which styles itself as “Objectivism”) is an extreme form of right wing libertarianism in which selfishness is regarded as the ultimate virtue from which the whole of morality is derived

Rand’s ideas are revered by many tax and regulation avoiding, and privatisation loving, billionaires, who then fund think tanks and political parties aiming to quietly promote such ideas the world over.

So now we now have a Health Secretary who is an adherent of this philosophy, who therefore thinks that anyone who needs healthcare, but can’t afford to pay for it, is a “looter”, part of Atlas’s burden, who should perish. Who really opposes socialised healthcare as an evil.

And our Government have made this appointment while we are still fighting a pandemic, and when yet another major reorganisation of the NHS is looming. How late, or non-existent, would our lockdowns have been with Mr Javid in charge? Will Big Business, via the new Integrated Care System boards, essentially now take over the NHS, with all that could imply for moving to a more “American” model?

The Tories are clearly intent on destroying the NHS, and lying while they do it. For most of us and our loved ones, at least those of us who have so far survived Tory austerity and the pandemic, this is literally an existential crisis"

One Mr. Javid's awful attempts at governance was ordering research into the ethnicity of child grooming gangs,as an appeal to right wing Daily Mail voters.rather than researching why grooming gangs exist in every city and in many towns, and remain largely un-challenged.

As Home Secretary Mr. Javid ordered research into why men convicted of grooming-gang sex crimes are disproportionately of Pakistani origin. Mr. Javid said at the time  that establishing the “particular characteristics” of the perpetrators was “critical to our understanding” of offending in places including Rotherham, Telford and Newcastle. He made the commitment in a letter to Sarah Champion, the Labour MP who was strongly criticised for stating that the country “has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls”.

As it turned out, research proved that the majority of such activity in England is perpetrated by white British and White European gangs.

His  Randian opportunism outweighed his concern for the welfare of the most vulnerable among our children and our youth.We can expect more from where that came from in the coming months and years, if he remains in post that long. The prospect is awful.

Hit the road, Sajid.

He is totally the wrong person in the wrong government to manage our health care systems in the midst of this epidemic/pandemic, if we wanted it to be managed well.

They all are.That much is obvious.

Hit the road, predaTory Party, it is understood, you ain't got no morals and you ain't no good, you are amoral, callous, avaricious, power mad bullies and cowards.- why do we have to live with you?

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

Partition, division, political grooming and the human costs of Oligarchy dominance.

Catholicism and Protestantism were both brought to Ireland as justifications for conquest and economic oppression.

The English Normans brought Catholicism in 1159, and the English Tudors brought Protestantism in 1534, both imposed their will through successive waves of violence and economic oppression. Both found willing accomplices within the Irish polity. So it goes.

Only when the entire Island is made a secular state, with no preference or high status afforded to any religion, will it's people be truly liberated and ready to meet the future as an awakened community.

"It's important to remember that the real problem was never one of religion, but political oppression of the native population of a Celtic country by the invasion of a different ethnic group, the Anglo-Saxons. Although much of the conflict through the centuries has been couched in religious terminology, it has been economic oppression that has always been the main issue." 100 years of Partition.

100 years ago today, the occupying power, The British Empire, created a border where none existed before, and they partitioned Ireland into two countries. Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland, each with their own political structure.

Ironically, it was the English Normans who brought Catholicism to Ireland.

Ireland was first colonised by the Norman King John, grandson of William, in 1159, with permission from the Holy Roman Pope. On his say so, the Irish were Heretics, and John could offer them conversion and integration into the Catholic fold, or send them to Hell, and take their lands to 'improve them' for Christianity.

Borders cannot be seen from Space, they do not really exist, they are artificial.

That invasion and the forced conversion to Catholicism (an historical irony given the protestant settlement on the 17th Century) set the stage for 800 years of political and social violence, and it seeded the colonial aspirations of the Norman Aristocracy that would span the Earth and in time become known as The British Empire.

Ironically enough and quite understandable ( if one studies the behaviour of Empires, and Empire Logic it all makes perfect sense) it was the English Norman Tudors who brought Protestantism to Ireland in the late 16th Century. Conquest brought both 'sides' of a socially adverse division that served the political rulers for centuries, and still serves them to this day. The creation of triggers for Lateral Violence is a constant theme of Empire.~

Here's a brief over view of how Protestantism was introduced into Ireland.

"Although much of the conflict through the centuries has been couched in religious terminology, it has been economic oppression that has always been the main issue." Disguising the issue is a deliberate political strategy.

Partition as a political utility.

Partition in Ireland set the stage for  yet another100 years of economic oppression presented as a religious sectarian struggle for newly named Northern Irish Citizens of the United Kingdom who just happened to be Protestant and Catholic, by accident of birth. For the most part, the people on all sides were caught in the cross fire of lateral violence incited by the Ruling class of England.

Partition thus assured another 100 years of division and hatred, rancour and nastiness that remains a thorn, a wound on the democracies of all four nations of these Islands off the coast of Europe. Even after 20 years of peace, that thorn remains sharp and poisonous out of all proportion to it's size, due to the DUP's alliance with the Conservative Party.

Billions for votes and slim majorities corrupts democracy.

The practice of partition by occupying powers across the Earth, in particular those of the British Empire, has created the stage for multiple wars and civilian upon civilian violence over many generations, designed to weaken any potential emergent power or alliance that might threaten the English Oligarchy, which sits smirking, behind the mask of Monarchy and a faux Democracy mired as it ever was in corruption.

Political grooming gangsters, partitioneers, dividers, war makers, widow makers, orphan makers, profit makers, bullies - the nastiest of the ruling class cult.

The story of Partition where ever it was imposed is a bloody story, gore is everywhere on the floor, communities rendered to shreds, new hatreds breeding on old while the overlord Oligarchy retains political control over divided populations.

Zero community Transmission vs anti-Lockdown vs COVID hoax claimants. More stupid, carefully inculcated divisions.

What united Kingdom?

What United these separate language groups? Violence united them, bound them under one yoke.

Inhumane bullying culture of a ruling class that has delivered slim comforts for a servant class who wave the flags of their submission for the Bullies adulation!

I detest the political structure and system that causes so much harm, I love the people, I love the lands.

I love all people, I love all lands. So what?  It is easy to be an optimist, it is easy to be an egalitarian but it is very difficult to make an impact on the existing oppressive system, unless I am part of an active majority, aware of the dynamics of power, resistant to the influence of persuasive grooming, poverty and violence and knowledgeable about ways to confront corruption and resolve conflict in a healthy manner.

There is no institutional Racism in English political system, they say! That was a daring lie to issue as official propaganda. Citing experts who were never  consulted, who would never, had they been consulted, have agreed to the thesis the Sewell Report proposed. How very daring. Brazen.

As brazen as the invention of Racism itself, as a tool to divide European and African indentured workers so as to prevent the oppressed labour force dislodging the oppressor owner class.

The Bully Cult

The latest episodes of the bully cult, as played out in this COVID19 crisis, with this weeks chatter about expensive wallpaper covering the cracks in the wall of filth, and the news media talk about home decoration as if it matters.!

Just to make this really clear. Just to clear away the distractions. What really matters is people's lives and livelihoods.

The News Media is raging about wallpaper. Those who consume the News Media are raging  and joking about wallpaper. Sir Keir Starmer, who purports to represent genuine democratic dissent, who claims to lead Her Majesty's Opposition, based on well informed opinion, within Parliament, is all over the wallpaper. 

Starmer is not talking about arresting Johnson and the entire Cabinet for Malfeasance in Public Office for rejecting zero community transmission strategy, a strategy chosen by countries with a population total of 1.8 billion citizens, a strategy that was known to work even in February 3rd 2020.

Misfeasance in Public Office - Mass Murder

Johnson and this Government chose a policy of death and maiming over one of life and safety for the people. They absolutely understood the meaning of that policy choice on February 3rd 2020. SAGE minutes confirm this. The policy choices of New Zealand and others confirm this. Everyone had the same information, the same data, the same science to work from at the same time.

Just this one paragraph contains the criminal intent, if you examine the language carefully.

"And in that context, we are starting to hear some bizarre autarkic rhetoric, when barriers are going up, and when there is a risk that new diseases such as coronavirus will trigger a panic and a desire for market segregation that go beyond what is medically rational to the point of doing real and unnecessary economic damage."

Johnsons lies analysed in detail.

1.  Autarkic - self-sufficiency, independence specifically, acting independently

2.  Bizarre - strange, weird, unusual, strange

3. Rhetoric - Language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect, but which is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.

All three words are outright lies, deployed to dismiss without due consideration, the sensible policy choices made by the ZCT countries.

That they acted independently in the sense that autarkic is implied is incorrect - they acted with themselves and others in mind, to stop the spread into and out of New Zealand. It is the UK that acted unilaterally, as his language in this speech indicates. 

Their articulation - that they would not permit avoidable fatalities in their tens of thousands in New Zealand was not bizarre at all. And it was not persuasive, empty rhetoric either - it was clear, adult to adult communication of the risk and the details of what was needed from government and citizens alike to achieve elimination of community transmission.

What Johnson said in that sentence was careful lies to cover over a murderous policy.

This is how Johnson and his sponsors describe Jacinda Ardern and others who adopted Zero Community Transmission Strategy, with quarantined borders as one of the elements - quarantine for travellers, not for goods.  

No market segregation implied.

4.  New Zealand did not panic, they acted calmly and wisely, to prevent greater harm, and they succeeded, by every measure.

5.  "To go beyond what is medially rational" - looking at English Government policy in the lead up to the pandemic - cutting supplies of PPE, standing down NHS local contact tracing systems, ignoring existing providers of equipment needed and creating new contracts for cronies that were less efficient in delivery of critical supplies, keeping international travel open and importing tens of thousands of cases of virus which then spread into the community, causing more death and maiming.... all of these medially irrational.

6.  "to the point of doing real and unnecessary economic harm" - here he carefully avoids mention of human harm, fatalities, disease sequelae, disruption to normal health care services - and in any event this is precisely what he and the Governments chosen policy did - Johnson and the Cabinet are 100% culpable for the death toll, the long covid toll (maiming), the economic hardships and the toll on small businesses, live entertainment and much else over the past 15 months - it was all 100% avoidable.

Deliberate policy is not an 'error of judgement'

The Johnson Government did not make any 'errors' - they made a deliberate policy choice to allow mass infection, and with it, mass fatalities and maimings and massive economic harm. They had their reasons. Who cares? I do not. Nothing they can present will balance the books, the human costs of their disastrous policy choice cannot be undone, and they are to my mind the result of criminality in Government.

The News Media, the much vaunted Free press, overtly concerned with expensive wallpaper and expensive alcohol in outdoor beer garden (the slow return to normality)  on this cold May 3rd, are the groomers of a supine, subservient, crippled political intelligentsia and we are, all of us, victimised by these foul abusers of democratic power, who have repeatedly abused our trust. Ordinary folk who disagree, who adopt support or opposition, are all equally powerless and equally victimised - and we are urged to direct our ire at each other, in a orgy of lateral violence, to protect those who abuse us all.

Political Grooming Gangsters.

Byline Times, Kitty Jones, Lloyd Hardy, Bakerstreet Herald  and others, including myself, have published a large number of detailed articles proving that the psychological warfare campaign of political grooming of a significant portion of the UK population is a reality.

Carole Cadwalladr's articles on Facebook and Cambridge Analytica revealed the tip of an immense ice-berg into which English Democracy had crashed, and as the Titanic of Johnson's policy sinks us ever deeper into the abyss, her work is being ignored, even by those who published her articles.

Our analysis proves that a psychologically sophisticated and adept campaign of emotional grooming that underpins political decision making that causes avoidable harms is a real and present danger to the citizens of the UK.

Be it Brexit or COVID hoaxy, or anti-Lockdown, there have been industrial scale grooming operations working with utter impunity, often integrated into the News Media - we are all being played by very nasty, very capable bullies. 

Psychological, emotional and physiological abuse.

Tracking Political Grooming On line is possible.

We can trace a line of cause and effect 

From the people who provide the money  to hire the people who organise the teams who create, maintain, deliver and adjust  online content to the real time tracking of targets responses/reactions , to  the targets changing physiological, psychological and emotional states as they are tweaked by newly evolving content designed to exacerbate anger, outrage, fear and hatred with all of this leading to actions incited by that content and by on the ground organisers, actions which cause harm to the whole community.

In the same way Cigarette makers had doctors in advertisement smoking, as a way to sell more cigarettes there is a line of responsibility for the harm caused.

The actions of Cambridge Analytica  (now defunct, their personnel moved onto new jobs in the same industry of persuasion) and many, many others, who form an industrial scale operation to groom targeted demographics within larger populations, often setting one group against another at the same time, amounts to psychological abuse.

So this week I am reading Brittany Kaiser's 'Targeted' and 'The Age of Surveillance Capitalism' by Shoshanna Zuboff.

I recently finished my first round reading of 'Mothers and Others' by Sarah Hrdy and Paolo Friere's 'Pedagogy of Freedom'. Studies of care and studies of abuse go hand in hand, in these times.

Kindest regards 


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

Pile Them High, Sell Them Short, Contracts for Cronies and Let The Market Rule!

English News Mefia, and the English Parliament are this week exercised by reports of callous language by Johnson that remain unverified - no witness has come forwards to say that he or she heard Johnson make those comments - and yet no attention has been paid to the proven statement made by Johnson back in February 2020 where he basically said it already - well not exactly... but almost..

Do you recall how Behavioural Science and Data Modelling were cited as the drivers of UK Government policy in March 2020? They did not cite epidemiology. they did not refer to virology and public health best practice was not mentioned.

Boris Johnson delivered a speech in Greenwich on February 3rd 2020, a month before those briefings. The policy direction had been adopted already.

Here's the full transcript of that speech.

And here is the most relevant section.

"And in that context, we are starting to hear some bizarre autarkic rhetoric, when barriers are going up, and when there is a

1. **** risk that new diseases such as coronavirus will trigger a panic ****

2. ****and a desire for market segregation that  ****

3. **** go beyond what is medically rational ****

4. **** to the point of doing real and unnecessary economic damage, ***

then at that moment humanity needs some government somewhere that is willing at least to make the case powerfully for freedom of exchange, some country ready to take off its Clark Kent spectacles and leap into the phone booth and emerge with its cloak flowing as the supercharged champion, of 

5. ****the right of the populations of the earth to buy and sell freely among each other.***

And here in Greenwich in the first week of February 2020, I can tell you in all humility that the UK is ready for that role.

6. ***We are ready for the great multi-dimensional game of chess **

 in which we engage in more than one negotiation at once and we are limbering up to use nerves and muscles and instincts that this country has not had to use for half a century."

My comments on this speech, what I think it reveals, starting with my comments on Johnson's choice of words

1. The panic stage was long over, by February 3rd - the WHO and all well run Governments were preparing for local epidemics and a global pandemic, and doing so with diligence and a calm serious focus. Johnson knew Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore and New Zealand were already putting zero community transmission strategies in place. He was disparaging those efforts. WHO had by this stage issued warnings just short of declaring a global pandemic. Italy was experiencing the initial surges into their hospitals, with exponential spread of the virus already evident and tens of thousands of British ski tourists in the area, unprotected.

2. The only proposed barriers were to human traffic, there was no blocks on trade or goods or finance being proposed anywhere. He lied, blatantly.

3. What was medically rational was adopting a zero community transmission strategy and resourcing it fully. Every other approach was irrational, in that it ignored the proven epidemiology. The approach of the UK Government was wholly irrational. It was a deliberate choice to allow harm rather than prevent harm. He gaslighted the audience.

4. The policy choice to allow slow spread is precisely what caused the need for multiple lockdowns, which caused more harm to people and more harm to the economy than would have happened had the UK adopted a zero community transmission strategy,  by a long  and wide margin. It is impossible to prevent surges if one allows slow spread within the community and has no suppression systems in place. That was already well understood by the epidemiology community, SAGE and WHO.

5. The human right to proper health care for the entire population was abrogated, it was denied, it was effectively removed by the decision which had clearly been already made by February 3rd 2020 - the subsequent decisions perpetrated a slow spread tactical battle that was bound to become a war of attrition that the vulnerable lost. 130,000+ horrific deaths, 320,00 cases of long covid, 3,000,000 small business owners excluded from financial support, delays in providing day to day health care as hospitals were swamped by covid cases. All of this was avoidable.

15 months later, the policy of UK Government remains opposed to zero community transmission and amounts to total population infection, aka 'Herd Immunity' - this leads directly into the potential for vaccine escape variants, which puts everyone at risk of back to square one again. 

Johnson's words then, and every policy since then are congruent with the charge of malfeasance in public office, leading to corporate manslaughter and wilful economic harm, with cronyism thrown in as a bitter condiment.

India is now, sadly, going through a horror of a second wave because their politicians have taken the same attitude and approach as those in the UK. 

6. The British Empire and the wannabe Hindu Empire, Johnson and Modi - sacrificing citizens as pawns in their great game of chess. 

To recap.

I am paraphrasing his words and suggesting the intent here :

 'we intend to let the bodies pile up, because we believe we can make vast profits from this situation by not doing the epidemiologically correct strategy that others are doing - we are different, better, superior super men of profit!'

How muscular!  How Brexit.

I predicted in a number of blog posts this time last year that the policy direction of the UK Government was going to cause more harm, harm to people and to the people's economy. I hated making that prediction, I detest that I was correct, I would gladly be wrong, be made a fool of, be a boy who cried wolf needlessly. I would endure all that, and more, happily had it been that the 127,000 + deaths and 350,000 long covid cases had not been brought about by UK Government policy.

It was the gaslighting and lies, the cronyism which contrasted with the forthright communications of Jacinda Ardern and others in the Zero Community Transmission states that really alerted me to the situation.

The Gamble of the Privateers.

The economic futures that the likes of William and Jacob Rees-Mogg of the Sovereign Individual ideology are promoting is that of Free Ports, Enterprise Cities and Private Cities that operate free of regulation by democratic state legislatures. Easier  then for these new entities to avoid regulation that is needed to deal with climate change, air pollution, water pollution and the many other externalised costs that underpin the wealth of extractive industry billionaires but put the whole of humanity at serious risk of long term harm.

Cities run as Corporate States, with citizens as captive customers. Dubai, a dubious set up with ultra wealthy management for ultra wealthy clients, underpinned with low paid immigrant labour deprived of the most basic standard of workers rights, is cited as an exemplar. This is part of the underlay of Brexit, that no English News Mefia will acknowledge. The Sovereign Individual. Privateers. Buccaneers.

The Game of Chess.

Meanwhile the British Press are falling over themselves to avoid the truth, to maintain the taboo this blog article is breaking. 

Labour's leader, Sir Keir Starmer and his personal choice of front bench are largely enfeebled in Parliament, they are almost totally futile, in that they support this government and whilst trying to make it look like they are being critical, they offer no solutions, the make no assertive challenge to the policy of slow spread and are in their subservience a walking, talking health and safety violation. 

Grooming gangsters operate with impunity to spread the lies that the covid19 is a hoax, that lockdowns are causing more deaths than they prevent, that we need to learn to live with the virus and keep calm and get on with it.

By not specifying schools as places where mask wearing is mandatory, schools are being indirectly pressured to stop students wearing masks, in effect to become super spreaders - the only possible reason must be that to complete Government policy total infection must be achieved sooner rather than later, rather than not at all. That is in line with the 'let the herd take it on the chin' dynamic. Right wing media are touting mask wearing as an infringement rather than a safety measure.

English Football fans are willing to take on the Oligarchs they are funding, yet unwilling to take on the Government that is killing their relatives, harming their economy, paying their furlough. What is that?

It's a mess. an awful, horrible mess and  many, many innocents are suffering as a result.

Pile those bodies high, and sell them cheap! 

Harm causation on an industrial scale, callous avarice disguised as Nationalism. Lies, gaslighting, cronyism. Intent.

Malfeasance in Public Office :

Under English lawmisconduct in public office is a criminal offence at common law which dates back to the 13th century.[2][3]

The offence carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment. It is confined to those who are public office holders, and is committed when the office holder acts (or neglects to act) in a way that constitutes a breach of the duties of that office.[4]

The Crown Prosecution Service guidelines on this offence[2] say that the elements of the offence are when:

  1. A public officer acting as such.
  2. Wilfully neglects to perform one's duty and/or wilfully misconducts oneself.
  3. To such a degree as to amount to an abuse of the public's trust in the office holder.[5]
  4. Without reasonable excuse or justification.

The similarly-named misfeasance in public office is a tort. In the House of Lords judgement on the BCCI case, it was held that this had three essential elements:[6]

  1. The defendant must be a public officer
  2. The defendant must have been exercising his power as a public officer
  3. The defendant is either exercising targeted malice or exceeding his powers

"Misconduct in public office" is often but inaccurately rendered as "misconduct in a public office", which has a different meaning. 

Something needs to shift, or there will be more harms caused that could have been avoided.

The place where the shift needs to come from is both within the Houses of Parliament and among the electorate.

Who will protect the most vulnerable?

Who will indict the culpable?

I sincerely hope the vaccines will help ameliorate the situation, yet I fear they will not. I would not want to bet on them, given the nature of this government.

Kindest regards 

"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

Late Elizabethan Holocausts

How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political power to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics in the twentieth century.” ~ Aneurin Bevan
One way of understanding history is to seek out the stories of those most harmed by the attitudes, behaviour and actions of those who hold and exercise the most social material power. The lives of the most vulnerable are historically more meaningful in that they reveal so much about the attitudes of the powerful. It is often the case that those who exercise power in abusive ways seek to obscure, bury or otherwise silence the stories of those most harmed by that exercise. Judith Herman faced that in her work as a Trauma specialist, meeting men and women exposed to extreme violence in the 1960s onwards, ranging from domestic abuse to political terrorism. "
I argued then that the study of psychological trauma is an inherently political enterprise because it calls attention to the experience of oppressed people. 

I predicted that our field would continue to be beset by controversy, no matter how solid its empirical foundation, because the same historical forces that in the past have consigned major discoveries to oblivion continue to operate in the world. 

 I argued, finally, that only an ongoing connection with a global political movement for human rights could ultimately sustain our ability to speak about unspeakable things." ~ Judith Herman in Trauma and Recovery
The narrative of historical celebrity is by definition and intent a serial hagiography.

Undue reverence to those who officiate the violent hierarchies rides roughshod over compassion, empathy and genuine concern for the lived experience - the lives of those who endure the worst outcomes of the decisions of the powerful who benefit most from the hierarchy systems are more footnote than headline.

Late Victorian Holocausts (follow the link)

Late Elizabethan Holocausts. (see below)

I want to make it very, very clear that I do not hold either of these Queens personally liable, culpable or responsible for any of the harms caused by the English Establishment during their tenures as Queen -as the Crown in person - they are persons trapped by birth and circumstance more than anything else. The accident of birth is as it is. This is in part about the Monarchy as a device exploited by the Establishment which dates back to The Restoration. 

Who are the culpable parties?

The Establishment are the Oligarchy. The descendants and inheritors of the Barons, The Merchants, the Colonists and the Industrialists. The Holders of the Assets of the Empire.

Since 1948, and the end of WWII, and the emergence of the Social Welfare State, the English Government has participated in a range of actions that have caused immense harm to entire populations, actions that were entirely avoidable and yet deliberately chosen. 

The Queen ascended to the Throne in the midst of all of this, on February 6th 1952.

Aden was abandoned in 1967. One could go back earlier in the historical record and include the Colonial abuses across Africa, India and elsewhere in the 19th Century. Apartheid in South Africa  from 1948 onwards was wholly supported by the English Establishment.  The brutal suppression of Mau Mau political activism in Kenya in the 1950s.

"Historian Mark Curtis, who estimates that the number of deaths in the post-war world for which Britain bears ‘significant responsibility’ is at around ten million (erring on the side of caution, as he stresses).

Taking into account such atrocities as the wars in Malaya (1948-1960) and Kenya (1952-1960),Indonesian atrocities (both during the 1965 coup and in East Timor from 1975), the Shah in Iran (1953-1979), the Falklands War (1982), support for US aggression in Central America (1980s),Apartheid in South Africa, other proxy wars in Africa, Military action in Sierra Leone, the bombing of Yugoslavia (1999) and Afghanistan (2001), and the invasion of Iraq (2003) not to mention the support for the Israeli conquest and occupation of Palestinian lands.

Of these ten million deaths, Britain has ‘direct responsibility’ for between four and six million:‘ Often, the policies responsible are unknown to the public and remain unresearched by journalists and academics’ (the friendly historian Dominic Sandbrook can still claim with a straight  face in 2010 that ‘Britain’s empire stands out as a beacon of tolerance, decency and the rule of law … Nor did Britain countenance anything like the dreadful tortures committed in French Algeria’).

Curtis adds in Unpeople that ‘humanitarian concerns do not figure at all in the rationale behind British foreign policy,’ and are occasionally evoked purely for ‘public-relations purposes.’"


Mark Curtis - Unpeople at the Authors website.

The Elizabethan Era - for whom the bells tolled.

Northern Ireland, 1968, where the oppression of civil rights marches degenerated into a faux Civil War in which the English State colluded with violent militia, that lasted for 30 years.

The destruction of the Trade Union movement, during the 1970s, and the offshoring of the bulk of English manufacturing jobs to gouge greater profits through production with cheap labour, which devastated communities in Wales, the midlands and the North, deliberately impoverishing millions of British citizens. Deprivation visited upon millions of English citizens by the English Establishment. 

The Thatcher Government provided ample support to Iraq in the Iraq-Iran War, 1980 - 1988. That support certainly prolonged that war. That support is implicated in the death toll of that war.

The Gulf War, in 1991 to repel the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait (itself a miscalculation by the US Ally, Hussein) and the decade of bombing with Depleted Uranium munitions, in order to maintain a 'no fly zone', which when combined with the destruction of civil infrastructure and the embargo of foods and medicines imposed by the US and UK let to the early deaths of 500,000 children.

The Invasion of Afghanistan,  in 2002 and all that ensued - 157,000 violent deaths, more maimings, displacement of hundreds of thousands of people, more trauma and poverty.

The Invasion of Iraq, 2003 and all that followed as a consequence - 600,000 deaths, more maimings, displacement of millions of people, more trauma and poverty. This also increased terrorism across the Middle East, North Africa,  the EU and USA.

2006 was the year that the Labour Government introduced the Work Capability Assessment, presented as a way to 'help disabled people into work'. The assessment regime was imported from USA, where it had been designed by a Health Insurance Corporation to downgrade claims for Disability, in order to make more profits.  Disabled claimants subjected to that Corporation's regime had been awarded hundreds of millions of dollars by courts. Nonetheless, Labour proceeded to implement this atrocious system. 

The former DWP Chief Medical Officer, Mansel Aylward, moved from the DWP in 2005 to the then named UnumProvident Centre for Psychosocial and Disability Research at Cardiff University, with funding by the American corporate giant who sponsored the new research centre with £1.6 million. 

Together with Gordon Waddell, Aylward produced discredited ‘policy based’ research4 in the 2005 DWP commissioned report: The Scientific and Conceptual Basis of Incapacity Benefits5 which supported the DWP’s planned course of action to demolish the welfare state.

DWP Ministers insisted that they were helping chronically sick and disabled people to take responsibility for their own financial future by searching for employment. In reality, various reforms to social welfare policies allowed preventable harm by the State to creep into disabled people’s lives. 

The flawed Waddell and Aylward biopsychosocial (BPS) model of assessment1 was used by the DWP to justify the use of the WCA, and the excessive use of sanctions against ESA claimants are known to cause identified preventable harm, including starvation, for those least able to protest."

This shift has caused untold harms ever since it was introduced. The UN made a series of reports that used UK data on how disabled people were being treated by UK Government, and called it a 'crime against humanity'.

Estimated excess deaths in the population of disabled people during 2010 - 2020 run to 150,000. During 2020/21 60% of all COVID related deaths were deaths of disabled people. The continuing harm of this policy is a stain upon the English democratic system of Government and is a holocaust of death, distress, fear and exploitation. still under way. The English Government shows no sign of changing course. The English population appear unwilling or unable to push against this, even as disability campaigners work over time. This is tragic.

Is it that the Queen, who we are told worked every day, right up to to her passing, is the example the Establishment sets out to mask this?

Support for illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine, where we know that 263,000 Palestinian people have been displaced has been a constant, in that support for the Israeli Government by the UK Government in social material terms and in the UN remains firm, and opposes almost every politician who draws attention to these criminal actions.

Support for Israeli War actions against Gaza, causing at least 6,000 deaths of civilians, men, women and children, where due to embargos and bombing of civil infrastructure, 1 million are forced to live abject poverty, a situation that the UN deems an act of collective punishment.

Austerity, 2010  which followed on from bailing out fraudulent mortgage selling and insurance practices which caused crashes in investment banking, for which no bankers were indicted. Austerity built on lies, which led to increased poverty across England, and the excess deaths of 150,000 disabled, vulnerable and low income people. The rich were given socialism, the poor were punished.

The destruction of Libya, 2011 - 2014, a functioning Civil state, reduced to rubble, which led to it being split and controlled by competing violent militia, where the rule of Law vanished and the rule of the wat lord still thrives.

The funding of violent militia in a proxy war against the Syrian State, 2011 - 2021 which has displaced millions, destroyed cities, towns and villages, caused immense trauma and poverty, where now food shortages exacerbated by trade sanctions are creating the possibility of famine, in the midst of a global pandemic.

The military and political support for the Saudi war against Yemen, 2015 - 2021, where 5 million people are facing famine, on top of all the associated harms of war. UK sells warplanes and munitions, and the ancillary staff to operate a fleet of aircraft to bomb peasants.

And in the last year: COVID19

The deliberate mismanagement of the covid19 epidemic locally,  200,000 deaths, 1,300,000 long covid cases, massive economic damage to working folks livelihoods, massive damage to small and medium businesses, tourism, live entertainment industries.

The policy that has exacerbated the pandemic globally, via the spread of variants that emerged within the UK and were spread due to keeping borders open, airports active, for non-essential travel and the rejection of early action by a prime minister, Boris Johnson, who styled himself as the Superman, the champion on Free Trade, in a speech given in Greenwich on February 3rd 2020.

These are all actions of the English Government that have caused millions of deaths, millions of people have been forced to flee, to be 'displaced', millions of people have been traumatised and these actions by the English Government have increased poverty and inequity across all nations afflicted.

At the same time, the English Establishment has increased it's global wealth and increased it's own power.

Late Elizabethan Holocausts.

I didn't mention Brexit, because, as of this moment it is not clear that it will cause death and mayhem at anything like the scale all these other actions have caused. But there is no doubt that it will. Brexit is, among other things, a move against collective effort and evidence based climate disruption policy to protect populations, build in resilience, shift from fossil fuel usage

People cry that the Conservatives are most foul. 

That is only partially true..  It's not just the Conservative and Unionist Party, the rot is much, much wider than that. Even within Labour there is a faction that opposes taking any meaningful action on the issues laid out above. Because they are culpable. Their war against Jeremy Corbyn laid bare the realities, and even still there are a sizable group of Labour voters who bought the lies, and are still, even as the Forde Report was released, holding firm to opposition to corrective action.

The English speaking global Oligarchy Establishment is dominant in all political parties in England, America, Australia and Canada - and they are a venal, brutish clan short on humanity, long on greed and focused always on fulfilling their desire for more power, and more wealth extraction and accumulation. 

Brexit was their operation to 'take back control' from a humanist Europe that is starting to regulate extractive industries, off shore banking, tax evasion, air and water pollution, environmental degradation and other abusive industrial practices that are the source of the wealth of the Global English speaking Establishment.

That is a large part of why Scotland is seeking independence.

Boris Johnson's veil slipped when he claimed yesterday that “The reason we have the vaccine success is because of capitalism, because of greed my friends.”

He is of course, totally wrong. The Vaccine success is entirely down to public funding, open and transparent sharing of information by research and academia, across borders, supported internationally as a medical necessity.

This resonates with his speech in Greenwich, February 3rd 2020 which I detail in a recent blog posting.

He posed himself as 'Superman' - he who will not flinch or panic, who will not undertake 'action that goes beyond what is medically rational' like others do, who will preserve open borders to facilitate trade. Except that was a deceit. Goods do not carry the virus, passenger travel carries the virus. He deliberately kept open borders without quarantine and therefore guaranteed spread of variants to and from the UK, even though experts warned of the dangers in this. He lied.

Crony Capitalism

The gaming of the epidemic as an exercise in profit gouging - £37 billion budget for a process to suppress transmission of the virus that is designed to fail at every turn, whilst pretending to help.  £57 billion wasted on contracts for PPE and other healthcare equipment, which ignored existing suppliers within the UK and handed contracts to small companies with no prior experience - creating hundreds of newly minted millionaires who raked off commissions at average 10%.   The filler accounting of the abuses of power are greater than the scope of this article.

This is Capitalism as a bullying dynamic, where the powerful exploit emerging vulnerabilities across a population and cause harm to that population whilst gaslighting that population through public briefing, news media co-ordination and online political conspiracy theory grooming dominance.

Taking Back Control

The English people need to seek independence from this Establishment, to save further lives and prevent further harms - indeed, the English people needed to do that back in 2003, when it was obvious that a War of Aggression was being initiated and prosecuted using tax payers funds. When the English grass roots failed to indict Tony Blair, a proven liar and War criminal,  they opened the flood gates to where we are today.

Queen Elizabeth is on the Throne, binding the nation. She is a person trapped by birth circumstances.  None of this is her fault. Her position is exploited by the English Establishment. Flags are waved, and people die.

Late Elizabethan Holocausts.

Now you know why.

God Save the Queen from this odious Establishment of NeoLiberal Robber Barons!

Arrest them all for malfeasance and corporate manslaughter.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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