Showing posts with label empire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label empire. Show all posts

Christ, Empathy and Society

The Christ, from what few references we have, appeared to be a deeply empathic person. Those qualities are not his alone, but the qualities of a naturally empathic human being, the kind that lived for many hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions of years in a sustainable and relatively stable condition. 

Whilst Christ can be suggested as a role model in this, (though it must be said that to do this would necessitate the omission of, or critical analysis of, the entire old testament, which is essentially a document on Monolithic Power and how to manage Power Relationships to retain Power, violently and otherwise, and contains a specified torture manual to boot! ...and most of the new testament, apart from those few stories concerning the Christ's actions, being as actions speak louder than words - think of the trees saved by this one simple shift in paradigm!)  he can not be held as the SOURCE of Empathy.

It is absolutely clear, to both Science and Mothers, that appropriate child-mother bonding and environmental conditions (such as being part of a day to day community, with full access to nature as a place of exploration and learning, optimum nutrition, intimacy, trust, respect and so on) are ESSENTIAL for the development of the empathetic neurology and natural sensitivity of the new born.

Any deprivation of any of these essentials leads directly to stressed physiology, an altered neurology and a consequent psychological dysfunction as an emergent quality of any given society, and when codified, becomes Institutionalised as we see throughout the Dominant Culture.

Thus, with regards our biologically determined empathy, when the appropriate nurturant environment in place, there is no need for an historical role model, or an external role model, for the parents and community will assuredly provide that confirmation of the internal, intrinsic empathy emerging from within the child, naturally.

This is extremely important.

For example, the lack of empathy inherent in The Missionary Position; to look upon another human being as being inferior to the point of being sub-human and to offer to ‘convert’ that person with the caveat that if conversion is not possible, then extermination is inevitable and justified by Biblical Dictat is so utterly devoid of empathy that it’s a feat of deep, almost supernatural denial that stretches the concept of Charity completely out of shape, and creates a monstrosity steeped in blood and misery.

The lack of empathy inherent in the religious induction of infants into a faith and binding those children to a psychological and spiritual contract they cannot possibly consent to, with the caveat that the child is already a sinner, already condemned, and that this is communicated at the earliest possible moment, consistently re-enforced by what are, in effect and intent, behaviour modification techniques of a Pavlovian Skinnerist perspective. Though it has to be said that the practices of Pavlov and Skinner were long extent by the time those two fools existed. Indeed they are prime examples of the lack of empathy in action.

The lack of empathy inherent in Dominance and Empire; the Dominance of the Christian/Judeo/Muslim Human Being over the Earth and all that dwell within her; the Empire of God open only to those who qualify, Eternal Torture for those who fail.

The lack of empathy that blames the poor for being poor by categorising them as being in Gods disfavour, and them treating them as a charity case, and doing NOTHING to alter the fundamental inequities of the distribution of the materials that nurture life of which Poverty is a symptom.

The lack of empathy inherent in the Vatican’s response to the unveiling of massive abuse of children in Institutions operated by Clergy, often on behalf of the State, dating back centuries and ongoing even as I

The lack of empathy demonstrated by so many adherents of Faith, that amounts to a declaration of war against all who do not share that Faith. The so-called battle or struggle between Good and Evil.

Let it be said here too, that a lack of empathy is not merely an issue for religion, but for our entire Society.

It permeates Economics, Psychiatry, Commerce, Education, Health Care, Food production and much else besides.

I submit, for your perusal, a useful document that outlines the characteristics that emerge in variant societies, where nurturing is either present or absent.

Take a good look at these characteristics and again at the Society you were born into, that you had to adapt to.....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Nurture, Nature and the Joy of Sense.

Nurture, Nature and the Joy of Sensory Acuity.

The core biological function of the adult human being is to nurture the true inherent nature of the natural child so that the natural child lives as a natural expression of life itself, of Earths emergent biology. 

Another way to say this is that the core biological function is to improve and or maintain the natural life sustaining habitat of the natural child, and of all natures children.

Reproduction arises not as a means of passing on, but as the companion of death, the companion of those processes that metabolise materials from one form to another, releasing them so that those materials can be utilised by natural living processes to enhance the fecundity of Earths biology. 

To effectively increase fecundity, earth materials have to be gathered, energy has to be expended, so that metabolic processes can act on those materials. This is what plants do, using the freely available energy of the sun to drive photosynthesis. 

Animals consume some of those materials, as do bacteria, and metabolise those materials as an intrinsic part of their living processes. Animals and bacteria also excrete metabolised materials, as well as providing them on their death and decomposition – a process I refer to as bio-returning.

This process increases the available materials for life for all life.

Trees and squirrels, which we can see, need each other. All need bacteria, who remain invisible to us, to do a huge amount of the work required to metabolise materials from one form to another.

All the senses of the human being are emergent properties, crafted by biology, to enable a high degree of functioning within the paradigm I am describing. 

These senses can be seen to operate at both the cellular level, the organ or organism level and the macro level of the habitat. They are all physical interpretations of electromagnetic frequencies that inhere to the fundamental atomic level.

Photosynthesis is a response to photons, to light and is therefore the primary precursor to the human eye, which also responds to light.

The concept of passing on DNA, of the selfish gene, of inheritance itself, is a concept that emerges from within a society that typically expresses power relationships as opposed to egalitarian relationships. 

It is an expression of Empire. For it is the case that all Emperors wish to pass on what they have ‘achieved’ to others whom they are certain will continue that achievement as a form of narcissistic ‘immortality’….. a form of vanity if you will… 

Empire tends to mould the habitat to meets its own perceived needs above the needs of all others – recognition, the placating of hubris, the placating of an irrational fear of nature, all are processes that leads directly to the desire to dominate nature. And with that to dominate ALL people.

And what is truly insane about this desire to dominate is that it negates the ability to truly sense the Earth and the habitat, and each other, with the awesome sensory abilities that inhere to our biological forms, which are freely and unconditionally given and are indeed of such stunning beauty and exquisite pleasure that they define bliss itself.

Empire has come to the party and missed the point completely and is in the process of ruining the party. 

For ALL concerned. Doh!

Kindest regards 


 Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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