Showing posts with label oil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oil. Show all posts

Advice to scrimp and be thrifty is gaslighting. We need a deeper policy, we need a nurture life policy platform.

"Sometimes the poor are praised for being thrifty. But to recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less." Oscar Wilde

This image is doing the rounds at the moment - for whose benefit is this being viralised?

How would you feel if someone advised you to eat less if you and your children were already eating less, due to poverty and speculation on necessary commodities driving prices up?

1. Asking people who, for the most part earn a low income (in order for corporations to pay high dividends to shareholders) to scrimp on Energy use in our homes, by 'raising consciousness' of the expense of daily use, with a tacit implication suggesting that if we made better 'informed' choices, we'd not face such intense bills is deliberate cruelty.

2. The price rises are entirely a matter of market speculation. UK generates 97% of it's own Energy needs. It has not become more expensive to drill, produce and ship oil. Speculation is all about using Wealth as an economic weapon.

Extreme inequality is a form of economic violence, where policies and political decisions that perpetuate the wealth and power of a privileged few result in direct harm to the vast majority of ordinary people across the world and the planet itself. 

3. Where's the chart for the energy costs of Tanks, Jets, Missiles, AirCraft Carriers, Mars Missions, Moon Missions, Yachts and Palaces? 

4. Where's the chart advising industry to be 'thrifty' with using energy?

Ordinary folk are responsible for at most, 25% of all Carbon emissions. USUK and EU populations are often presented as the biggest per capita Carbon emitters. Industry accounts for the most of carbon emission, with the US Military being the single biggest institutional carbon polluter on Earth. People point at China as the biggest polluter but ignore the population differences. If you combine Europe, UK and USA as one population it turns out that it is a population similar to that of China, and China's Per Capita Carbon Emissions are still below those of USUK and EU. Well below.

5. Carbon Footprint was initially designed as a tool to help us become more aware of the environmental costs of our day to day activity. Most ordinary carbon use is in getting to and from work, and in working for the Industrial Systems that refuse to pay the costs to prevent pollution and prevent environmental degradation. Because to do so would erase their profitability.

6. In it's great wisdom and benevolence, in 2004 BP recycled and popularised Personal Carbon Footprint as a way to make us ordinary people feel guilt, shame and hopeless hope (if we all did our little bit - which amounts to less than 10% of total) we could help save the planet) whist the Industrial Cult continued stomping on us all with their Carbon Wealth Extraction Boot Print. 

We little people were directed to obsess about our day to day use, so that BP, Shell, Exxon and their allies in Finance Markets could continue to obsess about Wealth Extraction in the 'most efficient' manner - by refusing to pay the costs of prevention of harm (pollution, disease casued by pollution and environmental degradation) and by speculating the price of energy fuels.

7. The Ukraine War is not causing Energy prices to rise - England produces 97% of it's energy needs from available domestic supplies.

So whose carbon foot print matters, and why?

"consumption and market exchange only represents a thin surface of our economy and its ecological consequences.

150 years ago, Karl Marx argued that the secret to profit, or what he called surplus value, laid in analyzing the “hidden abode” of production. 

We need a similar project to understand climate accountability in our carbon-based society. Of course, the most obvious producers of climate change are the fossil fuel producers themselves. 

A recent study suggests a mere 100 companies are responsible for 71% of emissions since 1988 (in this case, it is important to remember that half of total historical emissions since the industrial revolution have come since that year of 1988).

Yet, fossil fuel companies are not the only ones profiting off carbon emissions. Energy-intensive industries like steel, chemicals, cement, and aluminum consume ungodly amounts of fossil fuels to power and materially feed their production. 

The cement industry alone is responsible for 5% of global carbon emissions. Fertilizer uses natural gas as a source of hydrogen to combine with atmospheric nitrogen to form ammonia (NH3). When they extract that hydrogen from methane (CH4) carbon dioxide is the main byproduct. 

A fertilizer plant I visited in southern Louisiana claimed to consume a staggering 9% of natural gas consumption in the entire state (a state that already hosts an enormous industry of natural gas consuming chemical factories). 

This single fertilizer plant has the highest carbon emissions in the entire chemical sector of the United States."

8. Calls to tax these companies are largely a way to distract attention from the hidden roots of all industrial profitability - the deep roots of Externalised Costs as the very foundation of industrial wealth extraction.

9. Nationalisation is a way to 'take back control' and set pricing according to the needs of the population, us little people, whose need for the utility of energy, water, transit systems, health care systems, education systems ect is a life need, it is not a luxury. Such a move would massively help to alleviate general poverty, and for that reason alone it must be done.

It is important to understand that such a policy is designed to not touch the sides of Externalised Costs.

10. Cost externalizing is a socioeconomic term describing how a business maximizes its profits by off-loading indirect costs and forcing negative effects to a third party. An externalized cost is known to economists as a negative externality.

"The corporation is an externalizing machine (moving its operating costs and risks to external organizations and people), in the same way that a shark is a killing machine." - Robert Monks (2003) Republican candidate for Senate from Maine and corporate governance adviser in the film "The Corporation". Moving industries to where cheaper workers can be sourced is an externalising procedure. It's sole purpose is wealth extraction efficiency.

What we need. Starting now.

In my opinion Nationalisation must be followed by legislation that demands that industry prevents harm, pays the costs they have externalised from the beginnings of the Industrial 'Revolution' - from material sourcing through processing, manufacturing, distribution through to point of sale, use, consumption and end of life disposal - as the most basic measure of industrial health and legitimacy.

We must challenge every attempt to place the burden for such deep change upon us little people, many of us on low incomes, many more well paid yet trapped in mortgage debt; diligent workers and so-called 'scroungers' struggling to stay financially afloat are not the problem here.

We must not pass our life jackets to the Industrial Giants who are throwing us off the ship, as they sail towards the destination of continued, maximised Wealth Extraction.

We must mutiny, we must peacably take the ship over, be the majority in our legislatures that we fund, and we must plot a new course towards a nurturant industrial economic system that abolishes poverty, regulates industry well, eschews warfare as a a tool, prevents pollution and nurtures human and environment as one. and is honest and transparent.

Kindest regards


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Shopping, War and Santa..........

I am encouraged when hearing how many people are learning in their own lives the lost art of listening to children, and how again and again we discover that innate intelligence is the norm, the natural state. 

This culture is merely a measure of how far from that state we been pushed,  manipulated, led, or indeed beaten and have adjusted to simply because there is no other option, bar violence - and we know violence does not bring peace - so we quite sensibly avoid it.. As ordinary folk we have no comparative power with which we can change the culture, unless we are fully in solidarity with one another, as human beings, as people.

I understand the entities we know as the state, the church, the bank, the military and many other institutions that wield power over peoples large scaled up dysfunctional families with angry, violent and abusive parents who try to hide the truth and keep up the appearances of ‘normality’ and a captive population that falls into the roles of children trapped in that family.

I have found that correlation can help to explore than then articulate an understanding that the macro psychology is built upon the micro psychology, it's the same behaviours scaled up to institutional levels..

Fractals of conditioned behaviours, ripples on the surface, currents in the deep.

The Hierarchy of this 'culture' is constantly re-adapting it's presentation in the face of repeated liberation of perception.

The controllers of that adaptation and the institutions they utilise are populated by people and structural entities who have been trained to work in the creation of what becomes the cultural narrative.

No-one is outside the systems reach.

That's the idea, at any rate. Education and Marketing in combination ensure that the psychological messages being are being tested, and as they refine the content more are are taken up,

Wearing obe down..

Breaking the spirit. As it ever was in the elite education methodologies, based as it was in their child-rearing practices from which it sprang.

"Give me the child until seven years have passed, and I will give you the man!"

The history of the documentation and dissemination of child rearing practices is also the history of Empire. 

The first books of that nature, manuscripts written for the families of the elites, were the equivalent of military rules of engagement, for there was an enemy (the child’s natural sinful state), there was weaponry (corporal or other cruel punishment), there was a methodology (the subjugation of that spirit) and a goal : the victorious master would 'produce' a useful member of the Empire. 

One who actively accepts the indoctrination and subsequent submission to authority. 

Beyond that, from the viewpoint of those who set the state systems of education in place, the utility of education is minimal. 

The variations that are allowed, so that the system looks like it is changing, simply enable the infra-structure of human occupy-able industrial relationships (jobs) to be built into and within the systems of bureaucracy, and control and by giving it the appearance of ‘work‘, by creating the concept of ‘career’, all of which follow on logically from school, and by then applying that to the most ludicrous of activities, (sanitation engineer = janitor!) with varying rewards upwards for more blind obedience, by doing this and more it is ensured that most people are hoodwinked and taken in by it. 

Absorbed. Work is the problem. Shopping is designed to make too much hard or pointless work seem like it is worth it, by virtue alone of the money earned, and what proportion of that is 'disposable' . 

By hyping the reward driven activity, (mortgages to buy house to make money) hiding the slavery, with ever shorter durations of that feeling of well-being that comes with shopping and consuming, before another 'hit' is required to mask again the un-ease the psyche feels in this occupational vice. 

The roots of much addiction.

 Shopping is responsible for 70% of human driven environmental degradation. Stop Shopping!

Wars are being fought over resources that are needed to keep the shopping going. Stop Shopping!

Shopping can be done with tomorrows resources too, which means we are already disposing of our children’s children’ s resources - a fatal and somewhat genocidal gluttony! 

 Rain forests are fast becoming human excrement, destroyed daily to enable a constant flow of burgers, animal feed and waste paper to be made in huge quantities so that every child can taste a Big Mac! Stop snacking on processed foods! 

 It really is that simple. 

 We are losing connection with each other, with our children, our parents, our brothers and sisters, because our time is increasingly taken up with work and shopping (which includes consuming and waste disposal as well, just to complete the cycle!) It is that simple. 

 Any child will see that, clear as daylight itself. On a sunny day, of course. 

There’s just so much to do, and so much being to experience……. 

Grow your own food as much as you can. 

Spend your living time awake to nature's gifting. 

They duck when shoes are incoming! Stop bombing other peoples countries and cities and towns! 

I hop you all have a nurturing time, and that you are nurtured...

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