My maleness is an accident. Of conception. Of something that happened in the womb. Nothing I did. It just happened that way. Nonetheless I am a man. Male body.
and in how they relate to and treat the most vulnerable people within their society.
Heal that and we can heal everything.
Being biologically male or female is an accident of conception - time we got over it, don't you think?
My maleness is an accident. Of conception. Of something that happened in the womb. Nothing I did. It just happened that way. Nonetheless I am a man. Male body.
"It is too many men, too much of the time" , with too much impunity - it is the culture we live in.
More importantly it's clear that my reaction is about me, rather than the quality of the welfare, the health and and the safety of women who live with being mistreated by many men, within a culture of misogyny and sexism. women. Which is missing the point. I'm not the point here. The lived experience of women. Matters.
I know I am not that kind of person. and that it has nothing to do with the accident of my maleness.
Yes, I did not chose my born sex, nor did I chose the role dynamics the culture imposes. It's an accident of birth. I can choose to reject those culturally imposed values and I do. Because the culture that imposes those 'values' is a rooted in patriarchal violence and bullying. I saw through that a long time ago.
That said, I do und erstand that when meeting a woman who does not know me, that if her lived experience has shown her that some men are predators, that some men can make a predatory move when it is least expected, and that there is no accurate measure or means to predict this, and she has been hurt, wounded, terrorised by that behaviour, and she knows other women have similar experiences such that it is common place, then she will be wary of me. Well yes, of course.
If I were in her shoes, I'd be wary too.
I have been assaulted a number of times. I understand. I don't fully know what it is like to be subject to uninvited stares, sexual advances, lewd comments, 'banter' day in day out. It can't be comfortable.
The men who react with "it's not all men!" have not heard the majority of women cry "It is all men!"
There may be a few women who do make that assertion. They are a minority. Elevating them to the majority in defence of a fragile sense of maleness is a logical error, and it is also a tactical play generated by the bully culture, the macho culture, the authoritarian culture. It's important to not to fall for that tactic.
"It's not all men!" means that I am not listening and I am not hearing what is being said, and instead I am taking it personally. That aligns me away from the women who are making a fair and honest statement.
That inadvertently aligns me as a bystander, a faux neutral position that flows with the abusers and with the abuse system itself. Even if I oppose the abusers with all my heart. Unless I do so with action, I am mute.
I really must just listen to the women, and hear them, and be with that for a while. I need to understand that because most men are not active in confronting misogyny it continues. Just as most 'White' people are not actively confronting Racism, it continues.
What women want is my fullest empathy, moral, practical and active support to confront this awful systemic misogyny.
A cultural problem.
The British Empire was a force for good. Invading Iraq was about bringing Democracy to the Middle East. The Hillsborough Fans were drunk and disorderly and caused their own deaths. The Police Forces are innocents, doing their very best to protect and serve the communities. These are all well known establishment lies promoted as truth.
The Culture of Power
Spend a day reviewing the statistics on ONS. Spend a day listening to women tell you the truth of their lived experience. There is a cultural problem here.
source : New York Times
They still opposed the Clapham Common Vigil.
Tactics to obscure the truth, to mute the voices of survivors.
"You knew he was abusive?"
"None of your business!"
Compare and Contrast
Rangers: No arrests at Ibrox as police urge fans to follow Covid restrictions.
That Vigil was a respectful gathering, and it was exercised without the infrastructure the RTS organisers had been ready to put in place. Police were told that, even as the RTS organisers used all means to cancel their Vigil, used their extensive media and online presence to communicate that their participation as an organiser would not go forward, that it would not prevent people who are grieving and upset and angry from gathering. The Police acknowledged that.
Therefore it looks very much like the Police tactic was to let the gathering happen, then to use force to break it up which, given the context of the court hearing and rulings, looks like a deliberate set up.
People gathered in the late afternoon, in daylight. Peacefully, respectfully.
They could have done that. Given the circumstance they really ought to have done that.
Think of the PR coup that might have represented. The Police standing with the people!
The London MetPol could have demonstrated solidarity with these women, these men, and thus by practical means have publicly condemned their team mate (and any others like him, lurking behind the cover of uniforms and institutional defence lawyers) and shown that they too stand with the people, as the protectors of the people.
“There were more and more police around the bandstand and then they marched single-file into the bandstand,” she added. “That moment felt very uncomfortable. Very unnecessary. And it was not clear at all from a close bystander’s point of view why they were doing it.”
Flora told Byline Times that it was this moment when things started to shift.
“Nothing was kicking off – it was very static, the atmosphere was unpleasant but nothing was changing,” she said. “Then, all of a sudden, they filed in – almost as if they had decided enough was enough, ‘let’s move things on’. They intervened and it changed because of their actions.”
Sophia witnessed the police move onto the bandstand, “making themselves the focal point of our hurt and sadness,” she said. “Everyone was looking at the bandstand and then suddenly we were all looking at the police. I turned around and the police had also moved in behind this. We were caged in.”
“It was quite intimidating for the crowd,” said Katie.
Sisters Uncut said: “It’s important to be clear that the anger was felt in our bodies. It was not one we enacted. The people who were aggressive and weaponising anger were the police.”
Other Agendas
While the vast majority of women and men had come to Clapham Common, and to similar impromptu vigils across the UK, to pay their respects to women who have been killed and to make a statement against gender-based violence, “there were people there who hadn’t come to fight for women’s rights or against state violence,” Katie told Byline Times.
“That really upset me,” she said, describing how some male attendees were aggressive towards the police or vandalised police vehicles. “It took away from what was happening.”
This was typified by a man who took to the bandstand to give an uninvited speech against lockdown and the police more widely.
“The first person to speak was a man – no one asked him to,” Katie said. “People started chanting ‘not your place’.”
“As I was leaving, it became apparent that a lot of people were arriving who weren’t there for the reason I was,” Coleman said.
So what we see here is that there were people within the setting who were hijacking the event, (more about that below). People, men, whose publicly stated opinions, beliefs and attitudes feed into more spread of the virus - anti-lockdown, anti-zerocovid, which is aligned with the reality in outcome terms of UK Government strategic position - Herd Immunity is the way out of the Epidemic - and the Police, who are an arm of Government using force to break up a Vigil, claiming to wish to prevent the spread of the virus, whilst also citing the behaviour of the people who were hijacking the event, all co-inciding as part of the news and online media led protection of the policing as it was handled.Power not wisdom.
What reason, what exactly gave the police the excuse to push through the crowd and break up the gathering on the bandstand, with 'reasonable force', in order 'to prevent spread of the virus'?
A gathering of mostly women, mostly in quiet mournful respect, quiet enough to listen to a non amplified female voice speaking from the bandstand, all wearing masks, all outdoors?
Was that a wise move? Who ordered it, on what basis?
Compelled by a greater power than any parent or child can muster. Dominance.
No Child Left Behind.
Bullying in schools.
"Poisonous pedagogy, in Katharina Rutschky's definition, aims to inculcate a social superego in the child, to construct a basic defense against drives in the child's psyche, to toughen the child for later life, and to instrumentalize the body parts and senses in favor of socially defined functions. " Boy's don't dry.
Thus compulsory education is a toxic mime of self directed education and it serves to undermine the person in favour of approved persona. Look to the celebrity role models. Persona. Images. Faux Reality.
Power and powerlessness entrenched by disempowering dynamic structures.
This is all about power, a pecking order of who exercises power over others.
Co-opting the Vigil
Bylinetimes published an article showing how some of the people attending the Vigil had other agenda's to promote, exploiting the situation for their political viewpoints. Anti-lockdown, anti-vaxxer, right Libertarians among them.
"Toby Young, general secretary of the Free Speech Union and editor of the Lockdown Sceptics site, has also used the events of Saturday night to promote an anti-lockdown narrative.
Writing on Lockdown Sceptics, he said that the people criticising the police response were “the very same people who’ve enthusiastically supported the lockdowns, including the suspension of the right to protest, and who’ve condemned anti-lockdown protestors for being ‘selfish’ and ‘irresponsible’”. Young stated that the arrests of women in Clapham “were on you”.
A woman who attended Saturday’s vigil told Byline Times that the Metropolitan Police’s decision not to engage with the grassroots organisers of the event was, in part, responsible for how she believed it could be co-opted by those with different agendas.
“When the Metropolitan police refused to work with the organisers, and the organisers stepped back, that left a vacuum which was filled by people who had a different agenda,” she said.
Again the dishonesty of those who claim to oppose abuse of power yet whose own actions amount to an abuse of their position, status and power that favours more abuses of power is made clear. Misogyny is shameless.
Make telling lies in Parliament a criminal offence, with a mandatory custodial sentence. Make publishing misinformation and lies as 'News' a criminal offence.
Zero Community Transmission is dismissed as 'impossible' - that is a lie.
Critical thinking would make such lies unlikely to survive more than a few days at most.
Kindest regards
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COVID-19 : Opinion is lethal, Evidence saves lives.
The World Health Organisation and many other eminent expert bodies are saying that the COVID19 Pandemic is still a long way from being dealt with, 15 months on from the first proven cases of the disease.
Estimates vary depending on who is presenting a narrative and where they are presenting from.
More cases is always the result of increased transmission, lower cases is always the result of lowered transmission. It is that simple.
Protected by an evidence led set of strategies, without the utility of a vaccine.
It is not rocket science.
Evidence ignored, opinion and belief promoted, every single wheel re-invented turned out to be square, appalling death tolls, long term sequalae for hundreds of thousands of people, vast economic harms.
There is a pattern where those in power and others online cite the harms caused by bad management to argue for worse management rather than better management as in epidemiologically sound, proven and reliable zero community transmission strategies.
Behavioural Science, Data Modelling and Economics.
They are failing even in that simplistic task.
Opinion, belief and ideology is lethal, honesty and evidence saves lives.
Gavin Williamsons opinion is that schools are safe for full attendance re-opening. Williamson cites a .002% case rate among students during the September re-opening period. Sounds like a small figure. .002% of 8.9 million students is 17,800+ cases. That is not a small number. Factor in the inadequacies of a centralised contact tracing system that has failed on almost every metric then we have a situation where were do not know how many infections are linked to those cases, what their index cases were, where the virus was transmitted... Gavin Williamson is playing tricks with numbers to push a deliberately egregious policy.
A recent study on school safety makes this clear.
"On Feb 22, 2021, the UK Government announced that schools in England would fully reopen on March 8, 2021.
The study goes on to outline a series of mitigation steps to suppress transmission within the school community.
None of which is currently provided as logistical support or funded by central government at this time.
A former OSTED chief urged teachers to put their lives on the line, for the future of the children they are teaching.
I saw the interview and to my mind he was impatient and dismissive rather than attentive to the needs of the teachers and the students. He was not calmly presenting evidence.
Mary Bousted, of the NEU, corrected his assertion that schools were not functioning, which was a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts - she pointed out that teachers are in already in schools teaching key workers children and vulnerable children, and are helping children in a variety of ways to make up for the fall off in social services provision, as well as running remote online tuition.
Ideology, belief and opinion are lethal, honesty and evidence saves lives.
More from the study...
"Although COVID-19 is unlikely to cause severe disease in children, estimates of the prevalence of long COVID symptoms based on the ONS Infection Survey suggest that 13% of children aged 2–10 year and 15% of those aged 12–16 years have at least one persistent symptom 5 weeks after testing positive.
Given uncertainty around the long-term health effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection, it would be unwise to let the virus circulate in children, with consequent risk to their families. Reopening fully in the setting of high community transmission without appropriate safeguards risks depriving many children of education and social interaction again, worsening existing inequalities.
By contributing to high community transmission, it also provides fertile ground for virus evolution and new variants."
What kind of person demands that children take these risks? The same kind who launched a war against a country based on a careful set of obvious lies, claiming that they are bringing Democracy to an oppressed people? That went well.... not!
Ideology, belief and opinion are lethal, honesty and evidence saves lives
This country really needs a Union of Teachers, Parents and Students who are studying the evidence, who are learning about the evidence base for zero community transmission strategies, because it directly affects their lives now and into the future to confront this situation and to support the NHS by confronting MPs, local councils, local media, national media and any other arena's of influence with the evidence.
If I have repeated myself, and I have, it is only because the frustration of seeing what is possible being deliberately ignored by so many for such little purpose with so much harm attendant that I persist.
Not yet blue in the face, not yet breathless, I will continue to posit zero community transmission strategy until it is in place. It is the only strategy that makes humane sense.
Womb with a View - International Womens Day
In my youth it was, for me, a matter of a un-verbalised feeling that the behaviour of men towards women was 'odd', that it lacked personhood. It seemed like people were taking sides where no sides existed, in my mind, as a person. Men and Women as strangers.
What does that mean? Well for one thing it is about this - 80% of frontline health provision is provided by women. Internationally women provide most of the expert care for their communities, beyond mothering. This video clip shows Mike Ryan of WHO talking about who delivers health care, globally.
That's one part of the meaning of International Women's Day and Month - why is there even such a date, such a need to express solidarity? Because sex/gender based oppression is real.
And this week in the UK the Male Patriarchy Bullying Conservative Government trolls the nation with a derisory 1% pay rise for health care workers in order to dim public discourse about their deliberate coercion of parents, teachers to return children they care for to COVID19 unsafe schools in the midst of a lethal epidemic.
The News Mefia rage about Meghan Markle combining Misogyny and Racism as further deflection from the truth if the situation we are in, and the deliberate mismanagement of this epidemic that has taken 140,000 lives in utterly horrific manner.
Well, for me it also means that and all of the following and much, much more. After all I am a man, a bloke, a male and I am not a woman. I do not have to endure the stares, the cat-calls, the sexualised banter, the gropes and leers, the assaults on my dignity and person that almost every woman I know endures in this culture. So yes, there's a lot more to this than my minute 'as a male' perspective could ever articulate.
Somethings are too big to fully articulate as one person. Many important subjects are too big to fully articulate as one person - thus the community that integrates all of it's perceptions, be they accurate, evidence based or intuitions or dreams or otherwise, gathers the most data. Listening works. Speaking in turn works. Speaking to one another, rather than at one another, works.
I am trying to write not as 'a man', and not as 'masculine' - I think both those terms are meaningless cultural gibberish - but as a person. What is 'masculine' other than a ludicrous fairy tale of culturally approved behaviours from within a violent hierarchy cult.
There are no exceptions to this. Everyone is a person who started out in the Womb.
Bio-logic. The Logic of Life. The Logic of Nurture.
We know from a vast data set that 'the terrible twos' is a condition unknown in egalitarian and pre-conquest cultures. What we now understand is that 'the terrible twos' is a dysfunctional state crafted by motherhood that is under severe stress - it is not the mothers fault, it is the expected outcome of mothers under immense evolutionary distress.
The safety of the womb is compromised by the lack of safety in the culture. The safety of the womb that is continued by the safety of the family and safety of the extended family is compromised in this Industrial Hierarchy of Violence culture, which is historically a Patriarchy of trauma. This is historic fact.
It is not the genitals that are the greater difference between men and women, it is the Womb. It is not hairy chests and breasts that define us as different. It is not that the brains of men and women are different.
It is that the culturally imposed roles that impose difference in behaviour and social conditioning upon our brains are dull and oppressive, they are utilitarian roles mediate by power relationships. It is that the culture that pretends that Womb is not central to all of everything about us is impossibly weirdly off key to the meaning of life.
Aristocracy exploits the womb as a utilitarian device of inheritance, alliance and power structures.
Poverty is anti-womb.
Misogyny is anti-womb.
By nurturing in the present we send love into the future.
Feminism is not advanced by female combat troops, by female grunts.
Kindest regards
"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."