The Power Inquiry of 2004 -2006 - a document that provides a framework for egalitarian democracy.

The Power Inquiry Report : free download

The Power Inquiry of 2004 -2006 predicted what has been happening politically and suggested a series of shifts and changes to devolve political decision making to the general population through structural changes across a range of areas of engagement to resist and resolve the problems of political dominance of Wealth as Power, in favour of the population at large.

I often cite it as a useful and substantive document for my readers to study and understand, and to also recount why the leading political party leaders declared it was 'impractical' (a dismissive comment without any detailed analysis as to why it would be impractical..) even though they attended the conference in February 2006 and praised it as an important initiative - Ed Milliband, Menzies Campbell and David Cameron gave laudatory speeches at that conference, I was there, I heard their speeches.

Here is a brief overview of the report from the respected website of OpenDemocracy, written by Pamy Giddy, a Director of The Power Inquiry..

The Power inquiry, an independent investigation into the condition of democracy in Britain, was set up in 2004. The members of its commission (chaired by Helena Kennedy) hosted meetings around Britain and heard submissions from a wide variety of interest groups, professionals, and concerned citizens. The commission published its report on 27 February 2006: 

"After eighteen months of investigation, the final report of Power is a devastating critique of the state of formal democracy in Britain. Many of us actively support campaigns such as Greenpeace or the Countryside Alliance. And millions more take part in charity or community work. But political parties and elections have been a growing turn-off for years. 

The cause is not apathy. The problem is that we don't feel we have real influence over the decisions made in our name. The need for a solution is urgent. And that solution is radical. Nothing less than a major programme of reform to give power back to the people of Britain..."

I remind my readers, repetition I know, that the very next week after the conference, all of the political leaders who praised it at the conference cast it as being 'impractical'..... without explanation or analyse..... they publicly dismissed the report, ever so casually. I think we know why.

Read the full Report :

Share it widely, it provides a substantive framework for the work we are all calling for.

As an aside, here's an interesting thought I often think...

I often think about how dismantling castles, pyramids, etc... as these are all monuments to Wealth as Power ( cruel and exploitative cult, no matter which one one examines) and reusing the stone to build genuinely long term social housing whilst training up a new batch of stone workers who could recycle old stone until all the monuments to Wealth as Power were converted to community housing projects.... and how THAT would be a superb way of addressing the harms caused by Wealth as Power...

Each site could have a small dwelling built as an archeological, anthropological and social museum recording the cruelty and arrogance of Wealth as Power, thus recording and preserving the History accurately.


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There is no dark energy, no Satan, nothing to fear other than other violent people.

The lie of the religion that claims we are somehow fallen, impure, unclean and in need of saving or else society will suffer  is one of the most vile things they teach to children ....

The author as a child within a Catholic Boarding School... a child whose needs went unmet..

Jung was unable to decolonise from that, so he created the secular shadow, the dark beast within that threatens society... 

Then he drew on the myths of violent hierarchies to assert the veracity of his claims, without any scientific inquiry, hypothesis testing or knowledge of neurology and endocrinology.

Mass media and entertainment replicates that nonsense, ad nauseum.

The truth is this - we are born with the evolutionary biology of egalitarian ways.

Such ways are rooted in community parenting aka alloparenting, a dynamic where the whole community cares for all the children and the vulnerable, because they are bonded, because they care for one another (and not just as a matter of bleak survival utility) and because they are creative, intelligent and healthy - their emotional state self regulation is intact.

When needs are not met, and a sense of impotent and injustice emerges, naturally enough, these can over time gestate into anger and rage, into lateral violence and a desire to control others...

Thus the darkness is not something inherent, it is a symptom of unmet needs...

We are not fallen as much as we are all victimised by a cult that is a hierarchy of Wealth as Power that violently protects its ability to extract wealth from populations. - Mothers and Others

Sarah Blatter Hrdy wrote a hypothesis on this - suggesting that the split from Primates to Hominims correlates with the enlarged forebrain, which is the part we use to regulate emotional states.

The work of Allan Schore in Neuroscience and neurobiology demonstrates that healthy emotional state self regulation is learned by experience, between carer and infant, as a brain to brain and body to body dynamic where the healthy brain  and body of the adult is adept at meeting the infants needs consistently, which is the primary driver of healthy emotional development. 

No direct instruction is required, and this process is complete by end of first 24 months of life from within the womb to toddler ship.

Unmet needs create problems. We can see this in every living organism, and unmet needs that persist and then become chronic create chronic stresses that undermine all health areas.. it's a really simple dynamic that is complex in how it emerges.

The demands of Wealth as Power Cultism make confronting this a lot more complicated than it ever needs to be.

There is no dark energy, no Satan, nothing to fear other than other violent people. Trauma that remains unresolved, in particular chronic trauma, distorts behavioural dynamics, always for the worse.

Wealth as Power has to extract wealth from populations and that is always an exploitative relationship, and is imherently unjust. Injustice generates resentment and dissent. Violence is used to quell such dissent.

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Adults beating on Children is the First Crime.


The primary hook was, in my mind at least, that feeling of superiority to 'the masses' inherent in all cults and belief systems and cliques that see themselves as separate from the rest of humanity, …better than.

it's such an easy hook to exacerbate... I know this because, to be honest and fair about it, that was the hook that took me in many years ago.

I so wanted to believe I was better than others because my self esteem was minimal, and I was overcompensating. Trauma in my early life set me up for this dynamic. Trauma throughout my adult life that reverberated throughout. 

Two and half years of counselling helped me work through this... at age 62.

I'm no better than any other humane being.. and what luck I have had has largely been down to the actions of other humane beings, I stand on the shoulders of many, many giants.. being nice is normal, kindness is cool and is never performative...

There's a lot of people who need and deserve counselling because low self esteem is a trauma symptom, it is not a natural emergent quality of a healthy humane being.. In fact it is a common theme within every known hierarchy of wealth as power culture ever studied...

Wealth as Power, as a culture, has to exploit populations to extract the levels of wealth that can then be utilised as a weapon.

Zionist ideology suggests Jews are inherently better than Arabs. We are seeing the cost of this daily, in the most horrific manner possible. Trump displays this sense of superiority in full view. The priests who assaulted me, and millions of other children, are an example of the adverse impact of this sense of superiority rooted in trauma. Catholics are led to belief they are better than non-Catholics. God will save you if you adhere to there ideology. Protestants too. The history of Northern Irelands civil rights movements presents this.

Racism, misogyny, anti-trans activism, the abuse heaped onto the impoverished all present this symptom.

I now know to check myself when ever I feel a sense of superiority.

There's a difference between healthy behaviour, and nasty behaviour. That is true. The healthy person will confront the nasty person, because it is unhealthy, not because of a sense of superiority.


Here is a blog by Peter Gray, author of Free To Learn, a book about the evolutionary basis of natural learning.

In this blog which Peter wrote titled 'The Play Theory of Hunter-Gatherer Egalitarianism : How hunter gatherer cultures countered the human drive to dominate' , Peter notes the relationship between adults and children in older egalitarian cultures and the role of gentle playfulness and kindness in nurturing healthy children who become healthy adults, a cultural dynamic that trusts the child at its very core.

He uses the term 'hunter gatherer', however we now understand that they are a variety of social organisational sets, from nomadic, to pastoral, to settled communities, and we now understand that most were gardeners, rather than gatherers. They gardened naturally, and so when Europeans arrived and did not see structured formalised gardens, they did not see the food that was around them everywhere.

I also understand that all children have an innate deep sense of justice, and a keen aversion to injustice.

Peter also suggests the drive to dominate is somehow innate. I disagree. I think the desire to dominate is a symptom of unresolved trauma and the insecurity of that state of being. I think we are mostly egalitarian when we are healthy and un-traumatised. 

It does not make sense for biology to craft a species that is naturally unhealthy and domination behaviour is, in human terms, profoundly unhealthy.

I wrote this song more than 25 years ago, to help guide me as a parent and as an activist, and as a growing adult. It was not until my 60s that I started counselling to address the deep unresolved trauma of my childhood at the hand of adults and social dominance systems.


Expectations - a song by Corneilius Lyrics : The Expectations of Every Child The expectations of every child To be held in love, all the time To know safety with every touch These are the ways we need, it's not so much... These are the gifts, that life on earth is meant to bring The expectations of every child, Acceptance, gentle guidance with a smile, Honest answers to their questions of life, Space to grow, fully assured and bright. The expectations of every child, To find a safe place to learn in good time So that the child knows and trusts the heart Then grows the child in confidence, that is the art.. The expectation of every child, To know the family, to feel the line Of ancient stories, and harmonies The child is born to know that she is free. The expectation of every child, To be respected all the time, To be chosen with the highest love, So honour the child you hold, that will be enough..... These are the gifts that life on earth is meant to bring Do you bring the gifts? Do we bring the gifts?

♬ original sound - Corneilius The Egalitarian ☘️

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children....

Kindness Prevails.. 

Compassion has much merit. 

Understanding this is critical to what remains of my life.

Kindest regards


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Open Letter to Irish Media, the Dail and Seanad Eireann on the Scoping Inquiry and the European Court of Human Rights.

 My letter* published in the Irish Independent 6th September 2024`
*text of the letter published - edits in italics below.
very good editing. thank you Irish Independent!
also in the Irish Times (paywalled)
also in the Examiner

A Chara,

As a Survivor, I wish to express my personal gratitude to to the Scoping Inquiry Team.

The Scoping Inquiry Report is a solid document. 

That the Scoping Inquiry team requested and The Minister for Education granted them the extra time to drill into the data and information they had collected, so that they could subject it to critical analysis, was a sound decision.

Reading through the Report is a sobering experience, an informative and devastating outline of the scale and force of the crimes of sexual, bodily and psychic nature committed upon us as children, and the symptoms of same which we Survivors have been forced to endure, through no fault or flaw in ourselves, all our lives.

The fault and flaws lay with the perpetrators; and with the Church, the Congregations and the State and its organs where they failed to protect our human rights, our dignity and safety.

I am sure the Irish people would wish to correct that unhappy condition.

It struck me today as I was reading the Report, that had such a process been carried out in 2000, when it was clear that there was at the very least a risk of a substantive case to answer within the Irish Schools system, given the numbers of cases already extant at the time, and the knowledge, since the suppressed Kerrigan Report of 1931, of the prevalence of child sexual abuse and of physical and psychological abuse of children in Ireland, how different would the outcomes have been for all the Survivors over the past 24 years - many have not survived, and they will never see justice or accountability for their suffering. Their loss is our Nations loss too.

And they lost so much more than we. Life is precious, a gift not to be squandered by neglect to meet the needs of the people and their children.

I understand that many elements of the current Scoping Inquiry were not in place at the time, and that my thoughts are of possibilities rather than realities, and that time cannot be rolled back.

The work and effort of Survivors to seek justice over the past 30 years has made the present situation possible.

We move forwards in this generation, cautiously. Step by step.

The recent settlement outside the High Court on the issue of redress between Louise O’Keefe et al and The State, The Department of Education, reflects another delay in taking action, an avoidable delay. The issue is not about money, it is about responsibility, it is about duty of care.

The ruling of the European Court of Human Rights in that regard ought to have been implemented in 2014, at pace.

That is, of course, a matter of previous Governments, albeit each Government represents the State as well as the electorate.

The State is practically immortal, the Government of the day temporary.

I respectfully urge The Taoiseach, The Minister of Education, The Minister of Justice, and the assemblies of the Dáil and Seanad to now to seize the day, to act upon that ruling, and in accepting the State’s responsibility, on behalf of the Irish People, and our children, that they move the process onwards, as soon as possible, as a way to set the most apt conditions for the forthcoming Commission of Investigation, affording Survivors the help they so desperately need and deserve, ensuring that it is not contingent upon the outcome of that Commission of Investigation.

Kindest Regards

Corneilius Crowley


I think of the Johnny Cash cover, originally written and performed by Tom Petty, as a song to be sung by all Survivors and all our advocates, none of us alone, ever again. Our cause is just.

Kindest regards


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The Power Inquiry 2004 - How to make British Democracy work, by the British people, engaged and responsible.

In 2004, a wide ranging group of people across numerous sectors collated the following insights and suggestions as to how to make British Democracy more fully and functionally democratic. 

In short this disparate gathering of experts, community workers, politicians, community groups and leaders, various public service workers and executives, and more undertook to examine in detail what aspects of democracy were not functioning well for the people.

They looked carefully at peoples lived experiences, gathering and listening to witness testimony, to relevant expertise. They looked at where were people being disempowered.

That led to consultations, assemblies and other fora for discussion of how to end those disempowering dynamics.

They look at what changes could be made to devolve more democratic decision making power and responsibility to the people, placing the people as collective decision makers on policy that impacts their lives and empowering the people to hold government. They also understood the need for structures that enable the people to hold The State to account, if the need arises. 

The collective that lives, works and generates wealth and taxes has a natural right to a meaningful role in policy formulation, implementation and oversight. We do not deserve to be Ruled. We do not need to be Ruled.


Solidarity is our super power.

Kindest regards


Thank you for reading this blog.

"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account. - donations gratefully received - .mp3 songs - .wav Songs - Archive


Robert Sapolsky : the neurobiology of transgender people

Robert Sapolsky is a neuroendocrinology researcher and author. He is a professor of biology, neurology, neurological sciences, and neurosurgery at Stanford University. Sapolsky has received numerous honors and awards for his work, including a MacArthur Fellowship in 1987, an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, and the Klingenstein Fellowship in Neuroscience. He was also awarded the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, the Young Investigator of the Year Awards from the Society for Neuroscience, the International Society for Psychoneuroendocrinology, and the Biological Psychiatry Society. In this conversation, he will share scientific research related to the neurobiology of transgender people with the goal protecting the rights of transgender people via the creation of informed policies.

Robert Sapolsky speaks to the neurobiology of sex expression, which he demonstrates presents as a natural and indeed expected wide variation across a spectrum. There is no absolute binary present.

Biology is all about subtle variation, and Sapolsky explains why that matters, in a really engaging manner... it is complex, yet not at all complicated.

Reassuring and enlightening.

Hatred complicates things. Always.
Power struggles in politics complicates things.

Kindness Prevails.

Remember that.

The more, the merrier.

Solidarity as humane persons.

Kindest regards


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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account. - donations gratefully received - .mp3 songs - .wav Songs - Archive


A Discourse on Why We Need Legislation to Criminalise Ideological Grooming. Common Sense approach.

This has been a subject of concern for some time. This post is to serve as an alert.

We know that there is very well organised ongoing, in-depth collection of surveillance data about entire populations. Surveillance Capitalism collects data on our psychology and behaviour, every day, all day long, all the time. 

The platforms collect data on c.4,000 data points for every active consumer. We know too that this data and the analysis of that data is being deployed by the platforms that collect it.

All Social Media and on-line News Content platforms sell their capability to target consumers. They have millions of users, they know a lot about those users, they have categorised the users in great detail, they sell precision micro-marketing which increase sales to ad revenue spend compared to other platforms for advertising.

They can direct content to stimulate very specific traits including psychological characteristics, locations, income range, age range, hatreds, fears, likes, hobbies, work history and much, much more, to offer enhanced marketing effectiveness to advertisers, increasing sales to advert ratios, offering more precision. 

They call it micro-targeting, and it is fed by global data-mining.
Advertisers go to the platforms believing that micro-targeting advertising/influencing will be more effective in generating attention and sales. Influencers.

Ideological Marketing.

In marketing language then the objective of online political grooming is to locate and identify 'vulnerable' people who are then targeted with content that exploits sets of cognitive biases, insecurities, pain, fear, distress and concerns. The objective is to weaponise the targets 'heart and mind' in support of the groomers goals. Here is an example.

Just asking questions?

Bylinetimes published this article looking at the paper and money trails of various 'journalists' who have been inciting bigotry in the 'culture wars' a form of cognitive warfare.

The strategy is to weaponise the minds of a violent minority and a larger supportive base of Nationalists to the point where the violent will present rioting, the supporter base will present supporting oppressive legislation aimed at minority groups, marginalised groups, groups of people who are 'othered' - "they are not like us!"

We know now that in 2016 and before, decades before SCL and then Cambridge Analytica and a raft of affiliates, consultant coders, data analysis experts and on the ground staff were carrying out these kinds of campaigns in many, many countries, influencing more than 100 different elections over a few decades, growing as the tech world grew, but growing out of previous propaganda industries.

Adam Curtis BBC Documentary 'The Mayfair Set' speaks to those industries, and their sponsors in the aftermath of WWII and throughout the 20th Century.

Today sending refined content to micro-target individuals, groups, populations is an expensive operation.  Data Centres eat electricity. Very expensive to run.

Cognitive Warfare requires high tech savvy, funding to pay for distribution, teams of people to work as content producers, journalists to pick this up, mainstream news media to present this as 'another opinion in the room' and refusing to counter it, head on and demolish it in public in the manner of an honest discussion of the issue.

Instead the false logic, the emotionally immature attachment, the propaganda and the naked hatred remains festering.

Posing as 'valid opinion', vague patriots pretend to represent the whole, they are just like us, workers whose masters Rule us all,

Our Rulers are the ones who who curate those opinions as weapons to seed the minds of a restive population, to prevent solidarity emerging.


Funding febrile fearmongering for far fright street theatre.

When it comes to political funding, from election posters to think tanks, those who fund such an enterprise do so with purpose, to serve their interest. Most often preventing accountability for harm already done, and preventing regulation of harm ongoing, because wealth extraction is the only measure of note to those who Rule.

In 2004, The Power Inquiry looked at this and made this suggestion as to how to resolve the issue.

"Fourth, party funding has to be cleaned up. We suggest limits on individual donations of £10,000 and on group donations of £100 per member. Millionaires could still give large sums to a pressure group of their fancy but the pressure group would need to have any political donations authorised by a vote of its members. 

British politics is also generally underfunded by comparison both with its own past and with other social activities today. So we propose an ingenious but modest wheeze for public funding, especially designed to help parties without sugar daddies. 

At each election, every voter would be able to nominate a local political party to receive, say, £3. If you do not vote or you do not want the bastards to have an extra penny, then your £3 would stay in the public treasury to be spent on hospitals and tanks."

A neat solution to get the Wealth as Power Lobby out of the election process. The Power Inquiry had 47 recommendations to shift the balance of power to the electorate, to local government, to make Power safe for people. It takes a lot of wealth to operate campaigns that manipulatively influence millions of people for political purposes. Wealth as Power is a political lobby inside and outside of almost every aspect of this culture. And I think that it goes well beyond parties, because it is a cultural lobby. Wealth lobbies for more Wealth. Wealth lobbies to evade accountability for harms caused. Wealth lobbies subvert a peoples electoral democracy. They must be regulated for us to try to build a healthy functioning democratic system.

"This may seem an ambitious programme, spread as it is over three fronts: reviving elections and parties, rebalancing our institutions, and giving voters a direct say in national and local decisions. But we should reflect that over the past twenty-five years we have reformed almost everything in Britain from the trade unions to soccer's offside rule. 

The one area that remains more or less just as it was is the political system, which has become shabby, vandalised and unloved like a bus shelter where the buses don't stop any more. Time, I think, to take pity on a set of British institutions which used to be so widely envied and imitated and could be made a source of pride again."

Good governors govern well, Wealth Extraction Rules in its own interest. I think that we, as a population majority, have a choice t make as to which of these we consider a necessity, and which is not.

The funding that incites and organises a wide range of politically bigoted groups can be traced, and it should be.

What do I think of the Southport Riots?

  1. Targeting vulnerable people selected through studying their biases, insecurities, fears - psychological profiling, criminal intent 
  2. Disseminating content designed to exacerbate those vulnerabilities - incitement, criminal intent 
  3. Tweaking the content, increasing the tension and emotional charge to drive or nudge behaviour in a desired direction - manipulation, criminal intent 
  4. Providing mechanisms for multiple small groups to form to take actions designed to inflame public political discourse - undermining healthy democracy, criminal intent 
  5. Be ready to mobilise a group action at a few hours notice, maintaining targets in a febrile state. Inciting hatred, fear and vengeance, heightening emotional rhetoric, lying about events to provide 'reason' for the violence. "We are protecting the children".

Vulnerable people are being exploited and their exploitation causes even more 


The people who incite and orchestrate this are the ultimate criminals - the rioters are not the cause, they are the symptom. 

They have been groomed. Some quite willingly, admittedly. These are carefully selected unhappy, emotionally immature violence prone people. Their emotional immaturity renders them exploitable. They are vulnerable. They need help, they too are being exploited.

This is not to offer excuses, because there are none when violence and abuse are perpetrated, rather it is to try to understand many dynamics feeding into this deliberately provoked street violence as political theatre.

Surveillance Capitalism - a short talk.

By all means hold those who participate in violence to account. 

By all means hold those who are abusive on our streets to account. 

And for all our sakes, do not allow the people who cause this, the politically and commercially powerful who fund all of this, across the board, to go unaccountable. They must be held accountable, their behaviour must be described accurately, the harm they cause witnessed, survivors needs met and prevention must therefore be the next stage.

Because it is dishonest, grooming, at any level, in any relationship or setting, is not Free Speech.

Because it is manipulative and causes emotional harm, it is psychological abuse.

Because it incites hatred and fear, aimed at marginalised identified groups, it is bullying.

Because it is designed to undermine healthy public debate on democratic governance it is political.

We need to legislate ideological grooming as the psychological abuse that it is, to recognise it as a criminal activity, to define it as an offence, with a custodial sentence as a rational reasonable preventative measure, more health and safety than punishment.

We already define psychological abuse within Domestic Violence.

The legal precedent of criminalising gaslighting, bullying and other forms of psychological abuse within a relationship, human to human, exists.

The relationship of human to human in this dynamic contains a Power Disparity, the more powerful party being the sponsors of the most public figure, the funders of the ‘research’, content creation, content dissemination compared to any of the vulnerable targets.

Preventative Legislation would mean the platforms would have to shut all that grooming down, which they could do. They have total control of the platforms. They would have to uphold that legislation in order to operate.

Protecting the vulnerable from avoidable harm is a fundamental duty of care.

Kindest regards


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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account. - donations gratefully received - .mp3 songs - .wav Songs - Archive
