News Media, Our Billions, Their Billions, Blair indicted? who is in charge here?

This life is a jam, not a rehearsal.

We are sensitive, because that is how biology grows... through sensitivity.

Being bullied undermines sensitivity, always.

I understand that live in a Violent Hierarchy, where large powerful groups of people and institutions wage war, often through proxies, militarily, economically, culturally and ideologically seeking degrees of 'full spectrum dominance.'

That is not Healthy.

At all.

On any level.

It's bio-illogical.

Nature or Living systems are not competitive fora,  they are all fully fledged mutli layered co-operating diversities.


The historical situation of emerging from within oppression, to resist and recover full health.

That is 'where' we are.... the 'when' is always now.

So here's a behavioural over-view, a massive generalisation, yet I think one that is helpful as a focussing tool

It is understood, that in some cases, some traumatised or brutalised or neglected children or individuals can learn dysfunctional behaviours, thought sets; and in turn they craft controlling mechanisms to manage a chaotic life, which are internalised and later on expressed in the will to control others to meet perceived needs of the controlling, wounded party.

This will influence the children born to such a parent, so as to habituate the next generation to hierarchy, power, violence as normal...unconsciously... behaviourally.

So too with communities.   Suspend all judgement, just for the next few paragraphs amd walk with me a little, as I explain.l

What can happen to a family to turn it into a dysfunctional unsafe place is scaled up at the State level.. the same dynamics, different expressions due to size, complexity etc... both bad situations..

Europe is littered, as is every other continent, littered with traumatmised and marginalised communities, oppressed by more powerful communities..We call the States and 'demographics' - everything is expressed as socio-economic status...

The existing system is rooted in bullying, in hierarchies of power.

It has everywhere attack the egalitarian pre-conquest cultures. None have been spared. Contact with industrialised peoples leads to extinction...

It is to be expected that leaders and ruling groups within this Competing Powers set-up are violent operators.

Concentrated private Wealth has always been the primary political party, (we call them the Oligarchy) and it was they who first replaced the Kings, and it was they who opened and maintained Parliaments of Owners,  and who pursued general Education by the State, and the financing of wars via Taxation and borrowings, and later on, after WWI and II, they ceded limited powers to Democratic assemblies, begrudgingly..

Now, they - the owning class, the Oligarchy - are clawing back more of that power, and wealth which the believe is theirs by right, and by the might of their billions, and so it goes.

Until someone decides the break the cycle in his or her life...

Until many choose that, quietly, robustly and then choose solidarity...

The Billionaires have their billions - we tax payers have ours, and we need to not be fighting each other, divided to vote for which bully we choose to be ruled by.... really...

We need to be using our Billions to regulate the Oligarchy, because their businesses all operate within the commons, and must be forced to be honest, transparent and safe for the commons. It really is that simple.

That's how we can frame the next step in Democracy...

Some days I think that the news media's role is to deliver stress to our brains.

And distraction, entertainment, fine.

Honesty about power, the kind that makes a robust man laugh - not a chance!

Then I remember the Worshipful Company of Stationers (and Newspaper Makers), the Star Chamber and censorship of printed materials in 14th Century England.

--- War and News Makers...


the ultimate legal, criminal responsibilities lie with those who ordered the war.

Given that to marshall the logistics for war is a deliberate and complex operation, why did the citizens not act to prevent the politicians from committing War Crimes, at that stage?

The preparation of an illegal war is as much a war crime as the rest ....once combat commences, there is no way to undo...

it is not logic, nor is it advisable though it is common to undict a trooper and not have the troopers entire command chain in the dock with him.

If a War Crime occurred, then the FULL picture of command liability is essential in confronting what took place, and how...the context must be understood, not to mitigate, nor to deflect, but to focus liability where it is...

We NEED this information in the public domain, in order to be able to prevent it from happening

It has to be that future military commanders whould understand that any time a politician issues an illegal order, they have the duty reject the order, then to arrest that politician, and hand him or her to the custody of the Civil State.

It has to be that following illegal orders breaks the millitary code, and the order issuer can be arrested by the subordinate.

Illegal military orders ought be seen as treason against both the home people and the target peoples...

If we truly want peace, we must be robust about it.

Arrest Blair, Cameron, May - see who wants to go to war after that.


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Intergenerational Trauma, exported to Australia, expanded to cover entire land mass.

So there's the ecology of the human psyche, it's fragile, we are naturally sensitive.


The evironmentalism of living as the habitat, as part of ancient living patterns...

The ecology of diversity - 250 language groups, no warfare.

they had a justice system, like for like.. people get angry, make errors, do silly shit...they learn.

It was all about working together, different personalities and different skills developed meant the group as a whole was really fully well equipped.. all the time...

Then the Europeans arrived...

The Europeans were all traumatised from their culture of god given hiearchy of violence,  already some 1000 years old, and arrogant with it, and they brought the trauma cult to Australia...

eventually...this has to happen.

This is a superb, clear and grounded explanation of the basic thread of living with Intergenrational trauma patterns... a apologise, i have not been able to embedd the video, my link is not happy today... - Intergenerational trauma, and recovery.

This animation was launched at The Healing Foundation's #OurFuture Youth Webinar on 24 July 18.

The animation has been created as a new education resource that explains where Intergenerational Trauma comes from and how it impacts young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
Please visit our website for more resources: #OurFuture

there are those who bring nurture to the wounded,
those who confront the oppressors insecurity, and help resolve it...... if you let them, they will do so.

yes, here and there, now and then, are many people, many experiences, no two people entirely, or vaguely, the same; alike is something different, a shared space, a commons.

The average does not exist.

The averaging of humanity is a lie.

The healthy have a history, a dated chronology going back, 80,000 years and more.

Pay attention.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Is' Freedom' an illusion born of relative comfort within a violent hierarchical society.

There is no freedom within a Hierarchy of Violence and Power.

Trump is not free, nor are the Iranians.

The Palestinians are not free, and neither are the Israelis..

They may experience relative differences in how they feel they are and conflate those with freedom or a lack of it, yet none in those situations are free.

They are all trapped by the psychology of hierarchy and violent power relationships.

The USA, as self-assigned 'champions of freedom' is not free at all.

It is locked into a global pathology that it is enacting.

Where is your freedom to stop the US wars?

What freedom did the Iraqi or Libyan people have to say

"No! You cannot start wars on our land, our peoples!"

Who spoke for either at the time?

No one did.

Freedom is an illusion, a delusion conflated with relative comfort.

The entire psyche of competing industrialised militarised powers is a global psychopathy. and as long as it persists then freedom remains a delusion of the middle classes.

Egalitarian behaviour is our basic biological setting - co-operation is what biology is all about.

The Hierarchy system projects it's own psyche onto biology, calling it a struggle for survival.

Geuss what - Hierarchies of power are inherently unstable, and are constantly seeking to buttress their structures by competing violently... it's pathological behaviour... and because they are normalised to it then easily project it onto biology.

Patriarchy has nothing to do with being Male, it is to do with behaving as the Hierarch Cultural Archetype approved in such a system, for men.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Battle of the Billions. Whose Billions Rules, whose Governs?

Billionaires, Wealth Funds, Tax Havened Wealth - people and organisations that have amassed vast fortunes, harvested from the general population, via the industrial consumer culture, which involves exploitation of any number of environmental and human vulnerabilities, through predatory economic systems owned by established Oligarchies...

Capitalist Billionaires use their Billions as political tools, to promote their continued status as economic and political hegemons, as rulers...

Churches do the same, of course... both Institutions collect funds from the 'faithful' which are used to enhance the status of the Institution. One pretends social service, the other spiritual service.

Their urge for vast wealth is not some personal flaw, it is not a banal greed for money itself, as much as it is the need for a very large fluid budget ie - the money, to feed and exercise the Power.

Capital is the unspoken Political Party, and we find it's comrades in every party, in every area of concern to Power.

Because some people conflate Capitalism with the Industrial Factory system, with trading, with the day to day business of working, buying and selling they can be frighted by calls to 'End Capitalism!' because it seems to them to mean end of all production, end of all luxuries and modern conveniences plus total social breakdown. It does not.

"End Capitalism!"

Ending Capitalism simply means confronting the Corporate Financial interference into civil and legislative matters of the commons, and it means confronting it in order to disable it, whilst taking up the shared tasks of healthy Governance.

Capitalism, and others, generally funds small actors in all sides of every mainstream discourse or problem and equally often they are silently supporting various extremes, on the sides of the angry, on the violent pushing and shoving of belief, faith and tradition, all  of it competing with evidence - it works,  it fosters division.

  As we see in competing identity politics - Brexit - distracting from the bullying which people who are 'different' are so often subjected to, often with mainstream media approval.

This in an age of better informed citizens where beleif, faith and tradition are exposed to the light of evidence, and are found wanting,.

Evidence matters,.

Power cannot be exercised unless one has an appropriate budget.

Power needs Wealth, Power needs aq constant supply of disposable, renwable income.

Capitalism is the political ideology of Wealth Rules All.

It is not factories and shops, even thouse do occur in Capitalist systems..

Capitalism is political rule by Oligarchs and their private wealth.

Ordinary folk cannot compete with such wealth.

I have £50 to my name...

And yet...

When we realise and understand that all taxation originates with and belongs to the ordinary citizen and is held in trust by Government, we can look again and perhaps see that we do have the economic and legislative tools with which we can regulate the Oligarchs.

All the wealth of Billionaires originated in our shopping, our working.. time to take a stand, a rational, evidence based stand.

Our Taxes, Our Billions, our Legislatures, our Judiciaries, us organised, our Political Power...

Regulate the Oligarchs, expose the press media to critical analysis, and confront liars... re-instate social care, environmental care and community as core operational practical values of Governance and the Civil Service.

We must take up the challenge, and occupy the legislatures, the judiciaries, the civil service, the other services, and do so democratically.

We must organise to fire the Corporate placemen and women.

Do business, we say the CEO, and stay away from Civil Governance.. 


Every business profits from civil infrastructure, education, health systems, reseach so they ought to consider it a privilege to operate in the commons, rather an exploitable opportunity, a predators prey scape.

It's a privilege to be an operator in the commons. And there are responsibilities with that privilege. Do no harm, cause no toxic spill.........etc.,
An important step to confront the Billionaires is to assert control of our taxes as a collective, as 'our billions.'

And the only safe way to do that is to bring politics into the 21st Century of evidence, out of the dark ages of belief and opinion. Penalise lies in  public office severely.

The Commons demands those who avail of it cause no harm, to the commons or to any other. It demands that the use of the Commons is transparent.

As a citizen, I appeal to all other citizens, as a tax payer I call to all taxpayers, to see that the collected taxes are our billions, and we must deploy them well, to nurture society by nurturing all the people and the environment.

The profit of our endeavour is happy communities, of happy people, who are free of chronic stressors induced by politics or economics...

Kindest regards

It's not about what party will do what, it's about who will take up the task, on our call, during our watch, with our budget and our full support, to rebalance our social systems in favour of nurture.


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog.

All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find, and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easier as a consequence.

Brexit, Abuse Relationship dynamics and evidence based policy design.

Someone else came up with this.

"If you are in a relationship where the other person has been lying to you to make you distrust and cut yourself off from all others, that is a pattern of behaviour consistent with coercive control.

They are trying to isolate you so that you have no one to turn to, they want you to be vulnerable to their controlling behaviour for their benefit only.

Trust me once this has worked things will not improve.

If this other person is a Government .... the same applies."

This best describes the processes of political manipulation we are witness to in Brexit.

A paper trail, the money, and the evidence is clear.

A second vote, as some are calling for,  reaffirms the validity of the first vote - this is a logical error.

The first vote was illegitmate, the proposition was flawed, deliberately so.

The acceptance of Red Bus Lies at Face Value indicates an institutionalised deceit. The repeated publishing of false stories and misleading narratives indicates a well funded, well resourced campaign. Intent.

The correct response to such deceit would be to Revoke Article 50, and to then arrest all the politicians on the public wage who lied, the editors who published who repeated lies, the writers and pundits who misled, all those who manipulated people's fears, insecurities, biases and prejudices for political advantage.

We also need to draft new legislation preventing MPs from lying, misleading or any other act of willful deceit - with a ten year imprisonment minimum sentence. If MPs do not fact check themselves, they are abusing their privilige. Deter them from such action.

The outcome we need is more democratic honesty, zero tolerance for lies in matters of Governance, regulation and civil policy and a public focus on evidence based social and environmental policy that is responsive to the dynamics of social progress...

The Power Inquiry outlined how.

We need to get on with it.

Our children need us to do this.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

The Pope, Shamina, ISIS/DAESH and the UK Government.

Pope ignored abuse in orphanage school for deaf children run by Catholic orders.

A Washington Post investigation published Tuesday alleges that those at the highest ranks of the Vatican, including Pope Francis, were made aware of horrific abuse allegations in three Catholic schools for deaf children but did little to punish the accused or stop the abuse from continuing.

The allegations, the first set of which emerged in 2006, led to the 2016 arrest of an 83-year-old Italian priest named Nicola Corradi, who was thought to be the “ringleader” of the abuse, according to the Post. Charges are pending against 12 other suspects, and a 14th has already been sentenced to 10 years in prison for rape and sexual abuse.

The allegations, the first set of which emerged in 2006, led to the 2016 arrest of an 83-year-old Italian priest named Nicola Corradi, who was thought to be the “ringleader” of the abuse, according to the Post.

Charges are pending against 12 other suspects, and a 14th has already been sentenced to 10 years in prison for rape and sexual abuse."

It was not possible that he was not directly involved, at an executive level, in the 'management' of 'allegations', the suppression of those who dared to come foward by enticement, bribes or threats...

Every Bishop was involved, in every Dioesces. It was institutionalised, accounted for.....

Shamina Begum


Foreign Office : "let's manipulate this heavily pregnant, groomed, trafficked girl, who is in a refugee camp, and use her to create a media narrative that is twisted - and do it to trigger, troll and mislead, to enrage and infuriate ... to encourage public abuse and humiliation for political and personal gratification.

She was groomed.

Looks like a lot of people have no real understanding of what that means. Certainly not an evidence based science mental health criminal understanding of grooming
It's unfortunate.

Media consumers are being played, a minor event is hyped.

Public de-humanising material is permitted.

Public triggering and trolling is permitted.

Free Speech.

It's not.

It's bullying.

Scapegoat and Bile.


"Thousands of Isis fighters have already returned to their home countries amid confusion over the number of foreign jihadis remaining in the dwindling caliphate, a new report has found.

Research by The Soufan Centre estimated that at least 425 British Isis members have so far returned to the UK – the largest cohort in Europe.

But there are fears many have “disappeared” from the view of security services, who will not publicly confirm how many returnees have been jailed or are being tracked."

Go figure, but to me it looked and felt like a medieval Witch Burning accusatory episode..

Both ISIS and the UK Government presenting a form of Patriotic Patriarchy gloating over a vulnerable, groomed, girl in childbirth, exploiting her for political gain and personal gratification.

Ugly is as ugly does.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Political Grooming Gangs - you should be appalled.

"The grooming (gaslighting) of human vulnerability is one of most vile things any human being can do to another."

How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political power to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics in the twentieth century.” ~ Aneurin Bevan 

 Let's be real here - we ought to be calling out the behaviour of political grooming gangsters.

Update : 6/11/19  An article by Aditya Chakraborrti in The Guardian exemplifies the grooming dynamic in action, in the hands of the Conservative Government. Labour was just as prone to exploiting similar tactics. 

Now We Have Proof : The Government Used Your Money to Lie About Poor People.

An article on Black Isle Media, which shows examples of the ad campaign itself. Very interesting background on this kind of nasty faux news 'journalism'. A government department posting materials posing as news paper articles designed to deflect from the actual harms that departments policy implementation are causing.

Advertising Watchdog Slams DWP for Misleading Universal Credit Adverts

The DWP ran an ad campaign in The Metro paper, with a budget £225,000 or so, over 9 weeks, that was designed to look like a series of journalistic articles, that were deployed to deflect from evidence that the DWP Sanctions policy was causing harm, that delays built into the way benefits were being run were causing real hardship, food poverty and distress to already vulnerable people - anyone who is faced with a week where they have not enough money to meet basic needs becomes vulnerable pretty quickly and if they are parents or carers, the vulnerability is heightened.

The aim of the campaign was to deflect responsibility away from the Policy just as a UN report on how Austerity policies were harming people who were in need of state support. The campaign mislead readers, by not so subtle blame shifting onto the very people being harmed, the no-income and low income poor, the disabled and the vulnerable in need of state assistance and support. Gaslighting the victimised in public, no less. This amounts to intentional psychological abuse.

From the Guardian article :

"Early this summer, a national newspaper published a string of curious articles. 

Under the logo Universal Credit Uncovered, the features promised readers of the Metro the truth about this most notorious of all benefits. 

The series began with a giant advert wrapped around the cover of the paper, coupled with a four-page spread right in its centre, and continued week upon week for nine weeks. 

Launched by the Department for Work and Pensions, it was an unprecedented attempt to salvage the reputation of a policy that had been attacked by MPs on all sides, plunged families into starvation and homelessness, and driven councils dealing with the fallout to call for its abolition.

That suffering across the country was dismissed by the DWP as “negativity and scaremongering” in an internal memo I saw and reported on here weeks beforehand.

 Signed by three top officials, it described the campaign to the Metro’s 2.5 million daily readers as “very different to anything that we’ve done before”. 

The civil servants crowed over how readers might be deceived into treating the advertorials as independent reporting: 

“The features won’t look or feel like DWP or UC [universal credit] – you won’t see our branding … We want to grab the readers’ attention and make them wonder who has done this ‘UC uncovered’ investigation.”

"What the government has effectively done is use public money to gaslight poor people, denying the reality of what has been done to them. 

In its eagerness to push its gargantuan failure of a welfare policy, it has swept aside the truth and peddled lies. 

Politicians, campaigners and journalists have all pointed out how Rudd and her DWP predecessor Iain Duncan Smith have done so – and each time we have faced breathtaking defensiveness from a Whitehall department that is meant to be working on our behalf, rather than for the Tories."

"We stand at the edge of an election campaign, a period traditionally marked by half-truths, plausible fibs and outright partisan lies.

Yet even amid the discursive sewage that is about to deluge us, this deceit is far different and vastly more serious.

First, that campaign was paid for by taxpayers like you and me. The DWP’s own filings show that £225,000 was paid to the Metro to run ads now declared “misleading”, “unsubstantiated” and “exaggerated”. Almost a quarter of million pounds was taken off us to lie to us."

In essence a tax payer funded operation of a Government Department deploying professional marketing techniques, huge budgets and deliberate tactics to mask a harm causing policy and to scapegoat the people the policy is purporting to serve, even as they are harmed by it.

Think again about the £100 million spent on marketing 'Get Ready for Brexit' - on all commercial radio stations, 24/7, in schools and in every access point they could muster. That budget is 400 times the budget for The Metro campaign.

Political grooming is big business, and big business is benefiting from it whilst ordinary folk are impoverished and dis-empowered by it.

Parliament is aware of this kind of behaviour with regards to 'fake news' yet remains silent when it comes to confronting the Government deployment of this kind of fake news.

Parliamentary Committee Report  into Disinformation and Fake News

"We have always experienced propaganda and politically-aligned bias, which purports to be news, but this activity has taken on new forms and has been hugely magnified by information technology and the ubiquity of social media. In this environment, people are able to accept and give credence to information that reinforces their views, no matter how distorted or inaccurate, while dismissing content with which they do not agree as ‘fake news’.

This has a polarising effect and reduces the common ground on which reasoned debate, based on objective facts, can take place. Much has been said about the coarsening of public debate, but when these factors are brought to bear directly in election campaigns then the very fabric of our democracy is threatened."

Political Grooming Gangsters.

Organised, well funded operations that  target and manipulate peoples cognitive biases, their social wounded-nesses, their insecurities, prejudices and worries, their misunderstandings, cultural conditioning and fears, and do that through public and social media , through marketing, propaganda and media campaigns operating on an industrial scale,  manipulating vulnerable people for ideological, religious, political or economic advantage.

“The fact that governments are paying – using taxpayers’ money – to attempt to manipulate the electorate – regardless of whether or not the methodologies used actually work – speaks volumes about government intentions, their lack of transparency, their disregard of citizens’ agency, their disdain for human rights, lack of respect for civil liberties and utter contempt for anything remotely resembling democratic accountability.”

from an article written by Kitty Jones

It is appalling behaviour. It is not new, we are all very well aware that the use of propaganda has a long and inglorious history.

What is fairly new is that this type of activity has been digitised, which means it has been individualised, it functions with precision targeting - micro targeting - and it has been scaled up in it's invasive and persuasive capabilities, to reach hundreds of millions of individuals, one by one, or in groups, to whisper carefully tested lies into their ears and eyes, based on close study of their fears and cognitive biases.

What is new is that we have a more detailed knowledge of how this works, a detailed paper and money trail.

The quote above is from an article written by Kitty Jones, on the blog 'Politics and Insights'.

map of countries where CA interfered with democratic elections source 

In this piece Kitty Jones has written out, in easy to read English, a wealth of detail on the many companies and shell companies which worked with Cambridge Analytica,  SCL and AggregateIQ as they 'served' various right wing political election campaigns across the Earth's countries.

From Trinidad to Hungary, from the UK to Nigeria, and onto the USA and Brazil, India and others, more than 100 elections. Foreign interference in National Elections. For the money, and the thrills.

Kitty Jone's blog ties it neatly into the pre-existing industry of psychological and emotional marketing, and it's well worth the read.

Good reliable, verified information. Proper journalism.

Edward Bernays

Looking back a century or just so, to New York in the 1920's.

Edward Bernays, a relative of Sigmund Freud,  organised a campaign for a cigarette company who wanted to create and then dominate a new female smoker market.

"Torches of Freedom" was a phrase used to encourage women's smoking by exploiting women's aspirations for a better life during the early twentieth century first-wave feminism in the United States. Cigarettes were described as symbols of emancipation and equality with men. 

The term was first used by psychoanalyst A. A. Brill when describing the natural desire for women to smoke and was used by Edward Bernays to encourage women to smoke in public despite social taboos. Bernays hired women to march while smoking their "torches of freedom" in the Easter Sunday Parade of 1929, which was a significant moment for fighting social barriers for women smokers.

Bill Hicks would have called it going after 'The Freedom Dollar'.

Women were engaged in the struggle to gain the vote, and to assert more rights as democratic equals, and thus women smoking was sold as an act of self liberation, and act of breaking a 'glass ceiling' of sorts. (edit - fast forward to 2020 - just as today, July 7th, refusing to wear a mask while shopping is touted as marker for Freedom Loving Libertarians, and wearing a mask is touted as submissive, sheep like behaviour. Same trick.)

The lady buys and smokes one pack, and the she is pretty much hooked for life. That is the aim of the campaign.

The addict dollar. Endless cash.

The Freedom dollar, endless lateral violence and social division barring the emergence of much needed solidarity.

Edward Bernays : "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized."

The People must be instructed, trained, tamed and organised by wiser people.

This is, of course, a bully's rationalisation. It is bullshit - nasty, Machiavellian, dysfunctional, anti-social invasive abuse, a different strand of indoctrination.

Public Relations.


Cambridge Analytica, Foreign Office Psyops, The Bible, The Daily MailThe Daily Express, Indoctrination, Ideology, Nudge (punishment/reward operand conditioning in UK social welfare programs), Nationalism. War.

Peddling belief for political advantage.

Bill Hicks was correct. I have created this term for this behaviour in relation to political domains.

Political Grooming Gangsters

Deliberate, organised, time tabled....

Deliberate targeting known vulnerabilities, insecurities, prejudices, exacerbating them to elicit reactions that are then exploited for political and economic advantage .

Cynical and cruel.

The dehumanisation of poor and low income people who access state benefits and support... a deliberate narrative produced during the legislative process that instituted Austerity...

The wide spread fact of the operation of political grooming must be addressed.

I think was quite correct during the EUref, to be writing and publishing articles that were pointing out that altering legislation on the basis of opinion was unsound, and that the deliberate framing of the question in opinion, rather than evidence, was in fact a set up for politically motivated tactical grooming. 

We now have so much evidence to support this view.

We know that for many years now, political campaigns have targeted specific fringe demographics, including conspiracy theory, nationalism, inter-group perceptions of favour,  far right and xenophobic groups, targeting those groups who would rarely vote, where if one could trigger them into voting out of anger, then they would swing the outcome, if not just merely confuse the issues,

And it worked.

Just like all the other gags the Ruling class pull work. Religion needs your cash!

We cannot have a healthy Democracy when political grooming aimed at a vulnerable population is fully Institutionalised. We cannot have a healthy democracy when public deceit is enabled by sub standard Education, poverty, discrimination and social policy.

There is no healthy democracy where targeting known vulnerabilities to exploit emotional triggers for political gain is a common practice.

Grooming .

I am appalled at the lack of emotional intelligence within the more socialist members of the Labour Party, the Green Party and others, around this. Is it because it is so common place that it is like water to fish, for them?

You should be too. Be appalled, very appalled.

It is quite blatantly and obviously psychological and emotional bullying of the worst kind, with lethal results.

Here's a song I created to articulate the realities of political, social, economic and religious grooming.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

There never was any cave-men, or 'primitives', ever.

Almost no-one within the Institutionalised culture understands the fact that

a) there were never an cave-men ug ug alpha males brutish stage of 'humanity' - we have not evolved from 'primitive' to 'advanced' in terms of sociality... there is no evidence supporting such a behavioural 'progression'.

b) the bulk of the past of human species are the life stories of billions of perfectly evolved people, evolved to love, live, nurture, create sweet lives (understanding that this means dealing with things like accidents, illnesses, deaths, changes in weather, environmental changes in creative ways that enabled them to continue living and thriving) utopia-free. as in it was not an IDEAL, it was a living reality.

c) there is no biological evidence that suggests that predatory, violent hierarchy is natural, healthy behaviour or that it is anything other than a pathology, a disease state, a presentation of severe and long term chronic stress and traumatisation, that is cylical, in that the behaviour tends to pass down the generations until it is healed.

d) So few people are willing to accept that the optimally healthy biological human being is mandated by the very design of our bodies, our sensory systems, our cognition systems, by how we develop from seed to mature adult by learning through direct contact and experience in the environment that we call 'the wilds' or 'nature' where the context is a dynamic of incremental increase in environmental fecundity.

Healthy humans nurture the environment, they do not pollute or poison the environment.

I detest the spiritual world view that holds that the tryanny and abuse being meted out is part of the story of Human Consciousness Development, from primitive to evolved, all is in place, and our task is to work through it, survive it, and ascend. Or our task is to comfort the afflicted.......

This is both a fantasy and a betrayal.

See how easy it is for people of Spirit to 'rise above it all' yet remain fully institutionalised.

There is only one thing to do - de-colonise,

De-colonise, and come home to Earth.

ps: I can de-colonise and still use my tech tools, but I probably won't want to pay a mortgage, support wars or work for bullies.... it's really quite easy, as I are already evolved to nurture - I just need to learn... to heal... to return.. to nurture here.

No Ascension.

It's ALL here.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Party Whip. What is that? Why is it even a thing?

Democracy - we so need to abolish the role of the Party Whip, and dis-establish the Party Whips Office in Parliament - it is 100% anti-democratic.

No argument. Completely Ant-Democratic, in spirit and in action. Amoral Pragmatism.

The Party Whips Office is an official body within Parliament, and is a body charted to enforce 'The Party Line' in the most vague terms, allowing for unregulated, secret coercive behaviour (alluded to, yet never subject to oversight, let alone exposure by formal disclosure) which will quite often be in opposition to the will and intent of the whole of the constituency the MP represents but more fundamentally, in opposition to the very notion of Democracy itself, 

Because the MP is representing the entire constituency, not merely those who voted for that MP.

The MP represents groups of people who live together, and who do not agree, ot who see things differently, from different experiences, etc...

The MP is a bridge, - between the people, as they are,  and the law making Parliament, as it is, and that role is acclaimed by all, world wide.

That said, an honest, democratic MP cannot serve both the full constituency, and the Party, unless
they are somehow aligned..  and if they are not, then why are they not talking about it in ways to resolve what business lies before them?

She knows this. She's suggested this. Who?


Never, ever, ever, ever mentioned in the straight-world media or school historical texts, no BBC Documentary will reveal this,... no one is allowed to even think about, let alone question that 'tradition' in the 'mother of all parliaments' (a whopper, a Big Mac of a Lie - it is not the first of it's kind, anywhere).....

The Emperor has No Clothes.
We Have No Functioning Democracy.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Take all the bullying out of Capitalism, what is left?

 When folks claim that Humanity is a harmful species I remember this ... bully any species, and dysfunctional behavioural dynamics will present.

Institutional Bullying is a culture, an experientially learned behaviour set, with a reactionary tendency to justify behaviour, rationalise harms caused in order to avoid accountability and thus maintain status.

If a bully builds a social structure, that process will Institutionalise the bullying.

Kings to parents. Same dynamic. Different scale.

Thus internalisation and projection form a large part of the behaviour.

The adult projects (religion, ideology, unresolved feelings) onto the child, the child internalises that experience to 'fit in'...because they have no other choice, because their bodies and behaviour is developing all the time.. learning through direct enviornmental experience, wordlessly.


Do not conflate Capitalism with Trade.

Capitalism is about the concentrated power of Capital, aka Wealth, as a political hegemony, as a Ruling Ideology. Communism was the same thing, just a different season.

Concentrated Power, as we know it, is a bully dynamic.


Here's a thought experiment - take all the bullying out of Capitalism, what is left?
The same question works with Islam, Christianity, Judaism, NeoLiberalism, Socialism, Communism...


There is no 'British People' as a thing, only as an abstract.

The 'British People' is a bunch of individuals and families who happen to be living in Britain.

Some people will have internalised Britishness. They will have internalised The Flag, the Monarchy, British History.

They THINK they are part of the thing that does not exist - 'The British People', because it is an abstract, a concept posing as an adjective, a noun..

There are no Irish, no Welsh, no Scots, no American 'People' as a thing.

Think about it.

The Soveriegn State is not some immutable, inevitable law unto itself, that can be imposed on those who just happen to live there - it is an out-dated mechanism of conquest.

When the ordinary tax payer who funds government directs policy, then we will have the beginnings of a State of sovereigns..

Taking back control: from the perspective of the UK must mean indicting Tony Blair and all others who enabled the Invasion of Iraq; likewise in the USA. Everything else is ceding control to the bullies.

If you do not understand this, then that is that.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Race, Hierarchy, Language and the bio-logical health of the human species.

A few insights into the problems posed by wide spread misunderstanding of human social behavioural dynamics.

 1. There are no Races, only language groups. Skin colour does not predict language, language is a local emergent phenonemon,  and varies vastly acorss the planet, apart from where a language is spread by conquest or occupation.

2. There exists a pre-historical and historical material spectrum of social organisation, ranging from egalitarian through to hierarchically violent, with the varying behavioural characteristics associated with each.

3. Almost all behaviour is learned. Environment and experience  modulate all body systems. Culture and experience dictates behaviour.

4. We humans thrived for millions of years because we were biologically healthy - that means secure attachment bonding, robust sense of self within strong kin relationships, co-operative effort and autonomy plus the sensory capability to read the environment, accurately, and adapt to change accordingly.

5. We, typing these words, live within an Institutionalised Hierarchy of Violence.

6. That Hierarchy has had the gall to rename the 'natural' world and it's processes as both separate from Humanity and Civilisation, (to objectify and commodify) to utilise it as a scapegoat, (onto which it projects it's own brutality, lust and position in the power chain), whilst also suggesting their hierarchical behaviour is as 'natural God given aggression', weaving into Darwins vague observations the ideology of survival of the most violent as a natural dynamic, repositing it as survival of the fittest State, Military, Corporation. This institutionalised objectifyication has a history, and no pre-history. The Warrior Gene. It's all false assumption.

7. Most of us have been educated and indoctrinated to one degree or another, by the Hierarchy, and to that extent that we have internalised that 'education' we are divorced from some of our healthiest human perceptions.

And because indoctrination is always psychologically invasive, and because infants, toddlers and small children have no defence agaiunst such invasive practices, not least if practiced and enforced at home, where the child's psyche ought be wholly safe, respected, honoured the process becomes unconsciously transmitted down the generations as 'normal behaviour'. It gains momentum, traction with each successive generation.

8. That's a lot of shit to deal with, plus the war! (the fact of war has a huge impact on social relations world wide)... I think of the billions of people who have been exploited, indoctrinated into furthering the expoloitation. I think of them, and the bullies who have the power to bully millions of people at a time. I know who I hold most responsible.

9. The problem is the industrial culture, not the people - the people are all subjected to indoctrination and to work requirements. Both are problematic, both are imposed to benefit the hierarchy. The industrial militarised hierarchy are problematic. The problem is bullies seek power, and gain it, with relative ease because they have designed the system thus.

10. The problem is technical in as much as who becomes involved in policy decision making with regards to shared communal resources of any kind.

example : Any group that has persisted on undeveloped land for unknowable times must be seen as the legal stewardsor inhabitants of that land. They must also be understood - they see and experience themselves as part of that environment, not on it, or in it.

Any entry into those lands has to be for the local societies to determine, at every level, in all apsects.

11. It is absolutely the case that White European Empire and Conquest has a long and bloody History, and has been the primary driver of extinction of human societies and culture within the past 600 years....

12. White people often object to critiques that lay out the human cost of that expansion, because they have internalised so much of the cultural identities provided via indoctrination that any critique of the culture FEELS like a personal attack.

White Elites manipulate that to the hilt.

So too, do all bullies. It is a standard bully tactic.

There are no archetypes, no Races, only living human beings, in a specturm between natural and institutionalised societal dynamics.


Here is what one group of pre-conquest societies offer as an insight to their needs...

Kametsa Asaike ‘Living Well’ Agenda for Development
Central Asháninka del Rio Ene

1. To live like Asháninka Sanori
2. To live eating what we know.
3. To live secure and serene in the territories we have always lived in.
4. To live in peace, without suffering from Terrorism
5. To live better, producing [cash crops] in order to buy what we require.
6. To live healthily using our own medicine and also well attended by the health post and the mobile medical brigade.
7. To live with education that will help us improve and empower us as Asháninka.
8. To live well with an organisation that listens to us and defends our rights.

I came across this through a good friend, who has just finished a Masters Thesis on the issue of 'sustainable development models' being activated by Climate Conscious NGOs whose own relationships reveal contradictory behaviour... 

Philanthropic behaviour that is claimed to be one thing, at face value, yet upon examination from the perspective of the 'un-developed' society and other material ecological criteria we see repeatedly failure to listen to those people, to see them as 'equals' or to engage with them as land tenure holders...

The urge to assimsilate, to Chritianise, to impose socio-economic status as a measure of well being: such help which is all invasive, no matter their claims to be for the benefit of the target groups.


They understand logging as Terrorism, mining as Terrorism, not least because the methodlogy of both demands disturbing the ecological balance, and clearing the land of those who inhabit force or by deceit.


In my opinion, all areas inhabited by pre-conquest cultures, or pre-industrial cultures must be ceded to those communities that are truly native. extant, thriving...

Across the world, Aboriginal societies are at best afforded flimsy tenure of the surface, yet the subsoil and rock is 'owned' by the State.

This allows the State to legislate exploitation of the sub soil domain without referal to the native societies...


Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.