Corneilus Radio Show

Hello my friends,

I did a radio show for blogtalk radio show 'bridge to unity' based in Tennesee this Sunday.

The theme was Natural Child, Natural Society. The show ran for 90 minutes. And from my perspective it went really fast.

You can hear it here:

I'd be really interested in any comments you might like to make on the show.

kindest regards
Corneilius Lookwood
'do what you love, it's your gift to the universe' 

Kindest regards


 Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Some thoughts on Derrick Jensen

I wrote this as a comment on a piece I came across in a blog that was describing the writers feeling of Derrick Jensen.

The fundamental result of all natural living processes is the improvement of the habitat for all life. If we are the descendants of anything, it is of bacteria. We eat, (every living cell eats..) and we men, women and children, metabolise about 20% of what we eat, we excrete the remaining 80% or so, which is then nutrient for yet more life, in that bacteria and insects eat that excreta and convert it into materials other living organisms, from bacteria to rainforests, can utilise, to make more abundant life.

That result is intentional. The web of living processes is far too complex and precise for it not to be.

Civilisation breaks that fundamental, uses 'resources' for it's own narcissistic 'needs' and leaves mostly toxic materials for which nature has, as yet, no corresponding metabolic processes, thus depriving the habitat from those materials converted into 'resources' and 'waste'. Uranium Tailings.

Trauma and abuse that go unresolved are akin to those toxic by-products of Civilisation, and unresolved trauma tends towards a trans-generational repetition of the cycles of abuse, due partly to the way the developing brain learns the neural pathways of abuse survival and partly because of the conscious actions of Power based abusers.

Jensen points out that empathy for/with the victims of abuse, for our natural selves as children born into this Civilisation (including natural living systems, the children of life) is the starting point for any real change, and that at present that empathy is lacking - mostly because those who are civilised have forgotten how to listen to natural living processes, because we have 'adjusted' or 'adapted' or 'conformed' or identified with the system of abuse by adopting abuse dynamic roles.

When we finally face the truth within ourselves, or as we do so, we become available to natural living processes as advocates and companions.

The does not mean 'going back'. We do not really know yet what that means. We might learn something of what that means if we stop the encroachment of civilisation onto those areas where ancient hunter gatherer societies live as and equal part of the habitat, not on it or even in it (both of which imply some sense of separateness).

We do know that empathy is learned and developed in the womb and as infants, and throughout childhood, and that those learnings are 'written' into the forming 'hardwired' neural pathways and networks, not only in the brain, but throughout the body. We do know that empathy is a superior long-term thrivival 'strategy'.

What we do with that information is up to each of us.

One thing is certain; those who Rule Civilisation, and those that identify with Civilisation, will not help and will obstruct any process of re-naturing with what ever tools they can muster to defend the Civilisation upon which they believe they depend upon.

So it is up to us, to each of us, to re-naturalise our lives, and that response ability cannot be avoided without causing more harm.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The Truth about Child Abuse: an Open Letter to the Media

The truth is that child abuse and cover-up are not primarily about religion or sex. They are about power

This is a crucial distinction to make.

Abuse, of any kind, is ALWAYS about POWER.

Sexual Abuse is but one part of a spectrum of behaviours that are based upon a desire to use others, to coerce children and people, for some perceived benefit.

And the facts are that those behaviours are learned, they are not innate.

What is being missed by almost all in this matter is that learned behaviours are learned  through experience - and that begs the question : what kinds of experience teach these lessons and what kind of adult rationalises the use of Power in such ways?

For sure, The Pope, and The Irish Government, The Canadian Government and other similar Institutions must be rationalising every decision they are making. That means, with regard to the abuse of children within Institutions of 'care',  they are sitting together around tables and saying "How can we manage this and retain our Power?" rather than saying "This is a dreadful situation for those who have suffered so much, and what can we do to help those people to recover, to feel safe again, and what can we do to ensure that all children are protected from abuse, whatever the situation they find themselves in?"

Those questions can best be answered by those who have survived, and by those who can act as Alice Miller writes, as 'enlightened witnesses'.

There is so much now known about brain development in infancy, early childhood and adolescence; about empathetic parenting; about working through the distress caused by abuse; about how learned behaviours are transmitted across generations that no Government nor any other Institution has any excuses not to implement these learnings.

Therefore it must be the case that those with Power are refusing this knowledge, that they are actively obstructing the processes of revelation and healing, and thus are themselves complicit, often unwittingly, yet in many cases knowingly.

It is time that clarity reigns.

There is so much at stake here, for all parents, all children and indeed our entire community.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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A Great Day for the Irish, and Catholic Victims Everywhere: Survivors Rally in Dublin for International Action against the Vatican

A Great Day for the Irish, and Catholic Victims Everywhere: Survivors Rally in Dublin for International Action against the Vatican
by Kevin D. Annett

Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (Canada)

Irish media report:  

Dublin, April 15, 2010

"I have a message to the Catholic church today: Get out of my country!"

Kevin Flanagan stood with me and fifty others, including a swarm of all the major media, as he said these words outside the Dail, the Irish parliament, in downtown Dublin today.

Tortured as a child in a Catholic school, Kevin faced the truth unafraid, and shared it with all of us who gathered to confront the state coverup of horrible crimes by the church in institutions across Ireland - and to reveal how these crimes continue.

"My brother Christopher Smith was thrown into a mental institute in Cork by the police for being homeless. They held him there for forty years, and experimented on him with drugs until he died in 2007, a burned out shell of a man. They're still doing that to people, to little kids, in St. Stephen's Hospital in Cork, in Unit 5, right now. Where is the justice?"

So said Mary Smith to our crowd, as national televsion and newspaper media recorded the stories and asked me what I as a Canadian was doing there.

I spoke of how such crimes were international, of children who died in Christian Indian residential schools in Canada, of how there, as in Ireland, the churches responsible have gotten away with murder. And I spoke of how most of the crimes led to Rome, and the Vatican.

At one point, Paddy Doyle, a world-renowned author, pulled his wheelchair next to me, as we unfurled the banner that has flown outside the Vatican, in London, and around the world, declaring "All the Children Need a Proper Burial".

Holding out to me a bundle of children's shoes that were recently hung at another protest by survivors in Ireland, Paddy asked me to carry these shoes as a remembrance of all the children who suffered and died under church control.

Of all the moments I have shared on this long journey, Paddy's offering struck home the hardest. Taking the shoes, I said I would bring them with me wherever I went in the world.

Something seemed to join us all at that moment, and I suddenly knew that, in the midst of the official lies, the corruption, and all the unmarked graves, people like Paddy and Mary and Kevin are part of what keeps the soul of humanity alive. 

Even the police there today felt it. Watching from the entrance to the Dail, two young Gardai approached us as the rally ended, and extended their hands to me.

"I want to wish you luck, Reverend" said one of them.

But that wasn't good enough for all of us. Kevin and John and a few of the best stalwarts hurried to the other side of the Dail after the rally, where an "official" meeting between church and government officials was taking place to plan so-called "compensation" to their victims. As the officials entered the side door, Kevin began berating them with Gaelic fury.

"Shame on you!" he yelled.

"Shame on you murderers! We don't want your blood money! We want you in jail!"

I marveled at the moment, as the church flunkies looked terrified and the policemen smiled, and Kevin allowed himself a rare sense of victory. I marveled at how the same spirit that defied the buggest empire in the world, just blocks away during the 1916 rebellion, lived on in the very hearts and lives targeted for death at a tender age.

Later, over tea and beer, Paddy Doyle announced that he planned to arrest the Pope when he comes to England in mid September. And I fully expect that all five foot two inches of him, a "disabled" man in a wheelchair, will do just that.

Today was more than our sixth "Aboriginal Holocaust Remembrance Day", celebrated now in the land of my ancestors. Today was our resurrection day.

To all the children, and to those we may have protected today.

Note: Kevin Annett will be continuing his European speaking and organizing tour in eight German cities between April 19 and 26.


Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Open letter in response to Hans Kung's Letter to The Catholic Bishops

To The Editors and Correspondents of the Press,

Hans Kung has the courage and the compassion to very publicly reach out, and respond to the pain, grief and cries of the victims of Institutional Abuses perpetrated from within The Roman Catholic Church, in face of direct opposition from the Authority of The Pope. In his letter to all the Catholic Clergy, he calls on ALL Catholic Clergy to come forward in response to the needs of the victims, to openly reject any obstruction to the dual requirements of full open accountability and justice.

Who amongst the Legal and Governmental Authorities of Ireland, Canada and elsewhere has that same courage?

Time and time again, public pronouncements are made by the Irish Government as to their willingness to deal  openly with the Historical Abuses, to give their full support to the surviving victims in their efforts to tell their stories and to at last seek some healing; and yet, time and time again, legalistic and other means are used to inhibit individuals and groups seeking acknowledgement of the crimes perpetrated against them, to thwart open accountability of all those who took part, be they clergy or laity,  to avoid justice and fair reparation for the victims, whose wounds are not so easily healed, whose lives have been blighted through no fault of their own, for whom compensation is less important than understanding, compassion and recognition that their symptoms say more about the abusers and the Institutions entrusted with their care than they do about the victims.

It is time now that all adults of all those communities concerned took their responsibilities to the community and to the children with the seriousness and urgency they deserve, and behave as mature and responsible people.

To not do so sends a terrible message to all our youth, and leaves the living survivors of these widespread Institutional abuses languishing in unspeakable pain, compounded confusion and an abiding aching grief for their lost childhoods.

To not do so is to remain, or in cases of genuine innocence, become complicit in these crimes.

I speak as a victim, as one whose childhood was obliterated by the adults entrusted with my care.

Kindest regards

Corneilius Crowley


Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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