Optimal Human Bioloigical Health over behaviourally modified organisms.

From a purely biological social observation, one would notice that an optimally biologically healthy human being will express the following attitudes or sensitivities, as evolved for living as an effective or competent and unique individual within a co-operative community that knows how to live in the habitat in which they find themselves, without harming it; and in so doing they permaculture the habitat like all other creatures do.

They will demonstrate these qualities in abundance, and in varying degrees, we are all unique,  and it is also true that some days are bad hair days and others quite awful, as moods are a genuine flow of variations in sensitivity. In among all the lovely stuff!

1. Respectful self awareness, and a respectful awareness of others.

2. Self empathy and empathy for others.

3. Sense of self, sense of community.

4. Willing co-operation and sharing of skills and resources for the community,

5. Excellence in areas of adult responsibility, in skills and abilities that suit the individual's temperament.

6. Robust physical health.

7. Egalitarian approach to social organisation, no genderism or hierarchy of violence.

8 An ability to read the environment, accurately.

9. Life long ability to learn, through self motivation and mentoring.

10. Sense of gratitude towards ancestors, sense of duty of care to future generations.

11. Generally adept at conflict resolution, abides with a deep sense of justice

12. Cries when hurting, all emotions are felt and all feelings expressed.

13. Heals well.

14. Laughs and loves much, and is loved and respected by peers.

15. Would learn most of this without any hierarchically mandated instruction. by observing adult communities behaving as above, and working to that model, because it works and everyone loves each other, though some might not like each other so much. They can handle that. Shit happens.

NOTE : A chronically stressed individual will present a symptom set and behavioural picture as far removed from this optimal as the stressors he or she is enduring are distant to the natural biological background levels within which optimal biological health emerges as an evolutionary outcome.

All of the above is supported by a mass of evidence, going back 2 million years, at least.

Domesticated animals are behaviourally modified organisms. So too, in a different way, all wild creatures of all sizes, ever. The difference is that domestication of animals is done to control them as a food source. Wild behaviour is largely learned by observation and testing. A lot like Science.

Here is my base point.

Healthy human behaviour best adpated to the habitat from which we, as a species, emerged. Which just happens to be a complex and dynamic habitat that is constantly changing. Sometimes subtly, sometimes in acute events.

We are, of course, individual unique and complex eco-systems, with billion of companion species assisting us in every manner.  Each of us. Populated by billions of organisms upon whose efforts, minute as each organism is, are at the very base of our body functioning.

Just like Trees. Just like everything else that is alive on Earth, of Earth.

So the health of any individual is webbed in all directions into the community and habitat.

Biologically we are all in this together.

Chronic stressors such as war, displacement, poverty, living under duress,
experiencing long term bullying, debt, lack of services, vulnerability, disease, psychological stress all tend to corrode the optimal biological health stasis for the human organism.

Those stressors alter the endocrine systems of the adults, the youth, the children, the unborn babies in utero. Everyone is afflicted to one degree or another. There is variety in the reaction/response just as we are all unique people, and within any group some patterns will readily emerged, or become visible.

Patterns are merely aggregates, and cannot be safely applied to the individual case, where exact data and evidence is needed, due to the unique person presenting a case that demands a personal evidence based diagnosis and from that then a plan to meet the patient/person as a whole can be created.

I think at core of my perception is the concept of a return to balance, rather than any utopian futurist ideal.

The balance is in our behaviour, our motivation, in seeing our vulnerability and sensitivity as a gift. Work on the behaviour, and the rest will follow, as we bring our minds less cluttered by chaff to the problems we face.

Healing is a recovery. Step by step.

Far better we engineer a genuine recovery than fall for that old seduction of The Revolution’.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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Opinions, Evidence, manipulation : the tools of political seduction.

We can argue about opinions. We can disagree, and argue for our opinions from different perspectives.

That is the mainstream media game, where opinions are so often touted as facts or 'alternative facts', where the deliberate omission of key evidence is a central ploy in their narratives and manipulations. One cannot gain a accurate picture of something if much of the detail is deliberately omitted.

We cannot argue about evidence that exists, that is well documented, that is reliable. It is there.

Which is why the Main Stream Media, and the other sources of propaganda and false/fake news avoids this.

The Invasion of Iraq was and remains a War Crime. Fact.

No mainstream media has reported this fact, alongside the various national and international statutes and ratified treaties that prohibit war and make the prosecution of any war of aggression a criminal offence.

The entire political structure of power depends on the electorate and intelligentsia arguing opinions.

Was Saddam a nasty dictator? 

Yes, he was, albeit his system was much weakened by decades of sanctions. He was not a threat to any State in the West, or anywhere else for that matter, apart from Iraq itself, and then only in terms of being unable or unwilling to help the Iraqi civil Government deal with it's issues.

Was it morally right to remove him?

The only people who had a legal right, and the moral right to remove him were the Iraqi people. They were not afforded that option. Their rights in the matter did not matter to the international community.

Does Blair's opinion that he did the right thing at the time, bearing in mind all available evidence at the time, and the setting of post 9/11 stand as evidence?

Yes, evidence of either his duplicity or his insanity, or both. But it does not get him off the War Crimes charge.

Opinion being touted as evidence in the media, and in politics, as a tactical weapon used against entire populations, to distract, confuse, divide those populations.

"God told me to do it!" George Bush.

The reason why opinion is given such a status, is because most opinions, lacking the evidence, are reflections of personally held belief systems.

There is a lot of emotional attachment to those beliefs.

This means that when a personally held opinion is challenged, the person holding the opinion feels as if it is a personal attack, and the fight or flight sequence kicks in, and it all gets quite nasty very quickly.

So to rile folk, attack their personally held opinions or beliefs. And to get folk to fight each other, attack each sides opinions, using proxies within each community... to make it look like each community is attacking the other. Fake News.

If I want to 'save the world', or work for a healthier political set-up, then  I must study grooming, and I must study my own manipulative behaviours where they occur, and deal with them so that I never manipulate and that will go some way to ensure that I am less likely to manipulated.

Nobody else can do that for me.

This is a task that requires ruthless self honesty and some practice.

A hard road, yet worthy of my best efforts.

It will go some way towards ensuring that trolls, bullies or seducers,  liars, cheats, thieves and political demagogues have less purchase on my conscious and unconscious choices.

I do not watch tripe such as East Enders, Neighbours, X-Factor, Big Brother, The BBC News, etc as I find it deeply uncomfortable to watch dysfunctional behaviour normalised.

I am not 'moved' by puerile movies or triggered into unconscious reactive behaviours by tabloid headlines.

The hero kisses the girl in the midst of a battle.

American troops are scarred by their activities, whilst the deaths of the 'enemy' are relatively consequence free.

Spies are good. etc. it's all dodgy as...

The choice is mine, for I can alter my behaviour far easier than I can attempt to alter another's behaviour.

That is my primary sphere of influence.

Start here and work outwards.

In terms of professional manipulation of people through access to their often unconscious behaviours, I have written in previous blogs about the Behavioural Insights Team, originally attached to the British Government Cabinet, now a private enterprise drawing a steady earner from the public purse for advising Government on psychological tactics to 'nudge' folk into 'better behaviours'....

The assumption behind this 'nudge' is that some people are in a better position or are better 'qualified' to tell others what they should and should not be doing, but becausthose lessor able people are so 'resistant' then they need to be manipulated into behavioural changes. For their own good.

Another area of professional manipulation of electorates is big data, psychographics (psychometrics) and targeting known vulnerabilities to be triggered by 'messaging'.

Big data is a useful tool, and has many applications that will prove to be very valuable in terms of improving people's lives. But, like all tools, it can be used in benign or malign ways.

Brexit and the 2016 US election were new in that a highly sophisticated use of user data across a variety of platforms, apps, media, devices was used in real time to track and locate targets, and then that information about the target was used to designed specific 'messaging' to tap into their vulnerabilities, insecurities, prejudices.

This targeting was aimed at supporters, potential supporters and the other side.

It was coordinated in real time with media outlets and blogs etc with the intention of influencing the electorate, way, way, way beyond any potential that the Russians might have been able to affect. There is plenty of evidence of real time trolling by the media, of issuing reports designed to inflame anger and escalate hatred.

If anything the Russia influence was a distraction, a sleight of hand to hide the real hidden influence. It is basically an advanced high tech form of bullying. A beating that leaves no marks...

Russia aside, none of this would be possible if people in general were less susceptible to being manipulated, if critical thinking and evidence based policy making were core subjects of secondary schooling.

That is one of the key problems the world and all people's face as we slide into 2017.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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2017 and the centrality of bullying in all our lives.

Donald Trump and Miss Universe, DAESH and Jimmy Savile and are indeed part of a wider problem within our Society, our world culture of Power and State.

They are not the problem, it must be said; their behaviour are symptoms of a problem.

The problem is bullying.

From within an Imperial culture still heavily invested in 'Christian Ideals' even as it lays claim to a secular grounding; from within a 2000 year old culture that has undermined egalitarian and empathic relationships in all areas of life in favour of the relationships demanded by hierarchies of Power who see themselves as involved in a struggle for 'survival' (that is to say, a struggle to preserve their power at any cost); in that paradigm a key dynamic is the ad-mixture of sexuality and power.

The poor are ugly. The rich are beautiful.

Christians are beautiful, Pagans are ugly.

Primitive Peoples vs Civilised Peoples.

Gods view on sexuality is Law.

The unspoken line is that one must use one's sexuality as a tool to get something, as proof of one's power and potency, as a marker of who one is, as a sign of loyalty and conformity.

Marriage as a political tool.

The dynastic model.

Fucking for power.

Fucking for security.

Fucking for money.

Pleasure and Power.

When our innate, emergent and natural sensing of self is assaulted by forces we are unable to confront, specifically those forces of power that indoctrinate a people's children, a force that defines who we should be, then a wounding occurs, a wound to the emergent sense of self, and in order to survive that wounding and 'get by' on the terms power has set out, (a thriving healthy peaceful egalitarian society at all levels is but a pipe dream) within that woundedness, we are forced to 'adjust' to the status quo.

It is not that sex sells, it is that the illusion of power that sells.

You can be more attractive. Buy this product, subscribe to this belief. Gain power.

Rape is about power above all else.

Strict gender roles emerge in societies that are hierarchically and institutionally violent. Adherence to these self limiting roles is demanded by power. Seeing oneself as merely a man or a woman as defined by power.

Such societies repaint Nature, and create Gods in their own image.

Hierarchical, vengeful, domineering - and they love us!
 God loves us?

Our leaders and our Power Establishments love us.

They ‘serve’ us. It is an honour and a privilege, they acclaim.

And when our children are sacrificed, that too is an honour.

Yeah, right.

2017 onwards - can we end single issue political activism?

Or at the very least join the dots.

It's yet anoyther way the system has of dividing folk, of diluting and preventing a solid critical analysis of the situation, a way of undermining solidarity amongst our many strands of struggle. Fund and promote one above others. Create a climate of competition for funds and attention. Let the unresolved psyches of activists do the rest.

Homosexuality allowed openly within the Military is touted as ‘progress’.

"We will accept anyone who wants to enlist as a trained killer and help us bully other States!"

Gays for Trump! Fathers for Justice! Feminists for Clinton! Blacks for Obama?

How about Gay people for Heterosexual people against war and the bullying of women?

How about Climate Change activists against Bullying?

There is one issue.

It is called bullying. Power exerted over others.

Rape is bullying.

War is bullying.

Bribery is bullying.

Misogyny is bullying.

Sexism is Bullying.

Religious indoctrination is bullying.

Ideological indoctrination is bullying.

Usury is bullying.

Mortgages are a mass bullying device.

Debt is bullying.

Aspirational Marketing is bullying.

Mountain top removal is bullying.

Sex trafficking is bullying.

Uranium Mining is bullying.

Bullies always discount the costs others bear for their behaviour.

Fake News is bullying.

Every US President is a bully in Office.

Every Home Secretary is a bully in Office.

The Christian/Muslim/Jewish missionary is a bully.

And so it goes.

To cast any adverse judgement on a person's sense of their sexual self and their desire to live that sense openly where it does not involve any abuse of another is bullying.

It's not that people are homophobic, it's that they are bullies and they seek 'approved' targets, set by Higher Authorities, to vent their own frustration, pain and rage, again, and again (because their wounds remain unhealed) in the service of Power.

Bullying. Bullets. And Bombs.

They are the signal that something is out of balance and dis-eased.

I applaud everyone who engages in the work of confronting the issues within their own lives, I praise the disabled who campaign against cuts and discrimination, I delight in the peaceful who campaign against the weapons/war industry, I love the environmentally aware who campaign against environmental abuse, I admire and laud the Survivors who campaign to demand accountability from their abusers and the Institutions within which they are protected, I sing for the local folk who campaign against the imposition of fracking.

I understand the need for focused, evidence led campaigns, and I understand that they can be effective. I cannot dismiss these on any level. I can only praise these efforts.

It is the combinations of a one behaviour - bullying - across many areas of life that is the central issue.... the symptoms are not the central issue.

I hope more activists and others can make this connection as we move forwards with our struggles.

We need to see a focus on the central issue, Bullying, within and across all single issue campaigns.

We need to see that in our homes, schools, work places, Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Temples, and across all areas of Civil Governance.

We need to see that in relation to imposed taxation.

The urge to Power.

An origin story. A paper I wrote on the origins of Hierarchically Violent Religions and Cultures as an unresolved trauma-behaviour pattern that has become institutionalised over time, and thus deeply embedded within the modern industrial cultural psyche.

A short video on one aspect of the origin of the behaviour patterning that leads to the urge to exert power over others so that they meet one’s perceived needs.


It never strikes back.

Listen to the child.

Hear the Child.

Adults Don't Heed my Distress.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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Patterns: Institutional defence systems vs the truth : Child Sexual Abuse

Institutional response to Child Sexual Abuse as a culture.
Note: there are a number of inquiries ongoing across the Earth, in different countries and continents, at different stages of development. These inquiries are largely focussed on the ways institutions within which egregious harming criminal actions were perpetrated have sought to respond to the exposure of these crimes.

More are planned.

For many decades we the people have been,if we were paying attention,  hearing evidence and life stories from survivors of child abuse, narratives of harms and assaults that were perpetrated by abusers who found positions of power and within these institutions, which gave them access because of the setting, in schools, reformatories, residential premises.

The predators understood the value of the status and the public trust afforded once they were part of the institution, embedded; these institutions would by their very nature seek to protect their image, status and access to kudos and wealth. The abusers would understand this.

That strategy of protection is played out right before us, in the 21st Century.

It’s tactics are the stuff of courtrooms, banking, civilian police, media, settlement, intimidation, cover-up, and worse, the practice of protecting the abusers, moving them around large countries, or across continents, and when more assaults are made, the whole process starts again, with  an adversarial response from the Institution, mandating a rapid cash settlement, admitting no responsibility and a confidentiality contract. Thwarting Civil Criminal due process. Subverting the course of Justice....

There are a few common threads, patterns of behaviour to be observed in how Institutions across the world respondeda, throughout these decades of witness testimony, those with prima facie evidence, and whose evidence was corroborated and accepted in court as true, leading to indictments, prison sentences, pay outs, settlements, regulations, exposure.

The primary response appears to be to determine how best to manage what they see as a crisis first and foremost of the Institution itself.

This concern dominates the strategic and tactical arena of politicised clergy, or institutional officers, senior management, executives and leaders.

Tactics range from denial, to settlement, to intimidation, to adversarial court practices, setting Survivors who retain their trust in the system against others who do not hold that trust, for whom that is not an issue, yet whose access to support is filtered by that ‘flaw’.

Inadequate funding of healing services, care services set up to fail, through applying pressure across a range of activities, from funding to counselling, to legal advice, all loyal to The Church, and though they do use the lunch PR to advertise their good work…. The truth is that Charity by Institutions is part of their PR campaign.

A large budget is devoted to lobbying. The ultimate intent of that lobbying is to avoid the most necessary single action.

Total transparency. All their files.

News Media campaigns. The Good They Do.

Internal Inquiries.

‘Independent’ Internal Investigations.



no indictments.



No matter how public the evidence becomes, the Institutional mind set will hold onto it’s power until the bitter end.

Because it is the Power, the exercise of power, the feeling of that, that psychology at it’s experiential base that Institutions and Bureaucracies can amplify; that is the Raison D’Etre of the Institution. The ‘service provided’ is both the medium through which power can be projected, and a decoy sweetener, social grooming.

So when more and more witness testimony comes forward, as it is, as it will as Survivors feel more encouraged that most people will support them, remember this.

Yes, the abusers committed the first crime; and the institution was an accessory after the fact on everything that flowed from that failure to protect the child because the status of the institution was primary in their concerns.

The institutional crimes are Wilful Negligence, Corporate Murder, Corporate Torture, Obstruction of Justice just to identify the most obvious……

So too when we hear that allegations were made, some upheld, many settled, privately and see that nothing in the way of preventative measures were taken when it was understood to be a common enough culture of exploitation of young vulnerable people in their care, and that we are to accept that behaviour by the standards of those times ….. tell ‘em to piss right off!


The Correct Thing for The Institutions To Do is hand over all the data, evidence, paper work, ect of all known proven cases and allegations recorded within their sphere of influence, locally, nationally, internationally to UN mandated Public Judicial Inquiries, and let Justice be done, transparently.


Obvious when it’s clearly outlined, innit!?

That is all they NEED to do, to support genuine Justice, to demonstrate they are indeed, followers of Christ.

They need do nothing else; well,  apart from rapidly prepare to divest much of their institutional wealth in reparations, to meet the civil costs bills...

On my list are all of the following, no order implied;  all should be fully televised.

They ought also be regulated away from any and all political activism, or influence over Governance as a public service, a professional public service, serving all. Equally. No Church more lobbying.

And they must accept criminal responsibility for all egregious actions that caused harms, according to standard criminal and civil tarrifs.

Prostrate in utter Humility before A statue of The Virgin Mary and Infant.

Become the essence of Christ and no other. No Old Testament. Chuck it out. It’s drivel. Sermon on the mount and all child and person friendly aphorisms…. that's as far as it goes.

Return all the wealth and land they stole from Native Peoples.

Have all their gold cloth and braiding recycled as clothes for refugees, homeless people, etc.  VAT free of course!

Remove the crucifixion from the story. It’s the words and actions as a healthy humane person that matter. The rest is all a distraction. Miracles? Hah. They happen all the time, anyways.

Redesign Churches as Community Centers, for everyone.

Cease claiming the Pope has a special line with God.

Not much to ask for in return for retaining the base of the institution, without all the corrupt trappings. given all that they have done - I’d call that a free pass of sorts.

End all forms of indoctrination.

That might be pushing it a bit.

Quakerise it.

Over the top!"

All of that we'd leave out, if ye'd just be honest and out yer hands up, and be done with it. That's what concerns most Survivors. The honest accounting, before the full public. The truth.

Simply put.

But no.

The FA will not do that. The Vatican will not do that. The Church of England will not do that. The BBC did not do that. Then there’s Cyril Smith. And …. And …. And… Public Judicial Inquiries on three or four continents. Massive world wide web of connected offending within Internationalised Institutions.

The Globalisation of Abuse.

The power and the money required to achieve all that.

That is what Survivors are standing up to.

The Institutions do not want to let go of that power and wealth.

For them “Power Matters, (your lives don’t.)”

It is a statement.

The Institution is the excuse to wield the power, and it is the power that is the primary addiction. It afflicts us all, high and low, and it is amplified when bad people gain access to the power of Institutions.

They were designed that way.

Economics as a weapon of conquest, as developed within the East India Company,  for example, over the course of 150 years.

Following on from previous experiments, they included Christianity as part of the myth of British goodness, alongside commerce and civilisation.

That was what the papers wrote. Fake News.

The BBC will not make itself transparently accountable.

That is pretty rough playing.

And more witness testimony emerges. More real news.

In the 1990s, it Ireland it was the Irish Swimming Sport; this week it’s Olympic Swimming in the USA.

Each new wave is a mountainous wave of heart-break, soul death, terror, confusion, anger, rage, shame, guilt, loneliness, despair and then resilience, for some, and the sheer courage it takes to stand up to these huge Institutions.

How strong are these Survivors?

How much do we owe them, really?

Is this not critical information about our societal power structures, beyond opinion, we are talking about evidenced stuff here. They did that. It did happen.

And the honest accounting of all this cannot be set aside so easily, nor, sad to say, is it likely to be easily attained.

It is there.


Fake news is basically all the narratives that support these states of denial, either by ignoring, denying, pretending, distraction, scapegoating, whatever!!

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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The core responsibility of Healthy Governance.

When it comes to Governance, that is to say the administration of a community's shared resources - for example, taxation, which everybody contributes to - opinions are inadequate as a basis for decision making.

Only the data, the evidence, all of it, the whole picture, all that is reliable, available and assesed quantitatively and qualitatively can be utilised to meet the requirements of effective, just and sustainable Governance.

Miss out any one part of that available data, evidence or picture, for any reason or bias and we will generate problematic policies. That much ought to be rather obvious.

This is the discipline required, and frankly, too few people, anywhere, are prepared to exert that discipline on behalf of the entire community to deliver genuine equity.

Taking ideological or religious 'sides', the left/rightism of political discourse are all based on fundamental biases that will omit or ignore or play down any evidence that challenges their core beliefs. News Media and Schooling all function to embed these biases, in that they are top down, hierarchies of information.

That is immature, and honestly it is an abysmal failure, of due diligence and duty of care. We are all part of this problem.

I do understand that bias emerges in any system where forms of hierarchical violence are perpetuated and 'sides' within that structure groom people as 'supporters'.

To me, from my perspective, the 'sides' are irrelevant, a distraction.

I think the millennials get this in a way that previous generations do not.

They all grew up watching the adults around them allow a war against other young people their age, in other countries, be prosecuted .... in Iraq and Afghanistan..

.. and that showed them the immaturity of the adults around them who failed to confront the bullies in Power, the bullies in the media, the bullies in executive roles across society and as a direct outcome people, millions of people died and were maimed and traumatised, entire civilian structures destroyed.

Because we failed them.

I am 57.

I am of that generation.

They are rightfully appalled at that.

We should be ashamed of that at the least, and we should be honest about this.

We should be doing what we can, where we can, to remove that shame, by being honest, by taking no side but the truth (the available evidence in full) and to do that we need to up our game, seriously, to meet the duty we owe all the children, across the world, each and every one of us, as adults.... and get involved, get informed, get real.

We fund Government. We are paying for it. Those bombs are our bombs, and where they fall is our responsibility. Indeed it goes without saying that they ought not fall at all, even if they exist.  That they exist at all  speaks volumes. A bomb is a bullies extension , a mechanism to project power through murder and destruction.

The millennial's know this. Imagine how frustrating it must be to have parents who refuse to look at and see this.

The 'generation gap' is a culture gap. The difference between a culture acclimatised to violent bullying and a culture that refuses to bully.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.