Living in a Bully Social System. Bully, Bully, Bully and The Disabled.

We live within a social power system, a bully system, that we did not create.

It's not what our biology was expecting.…

1. One can live with as much personal integrity as possible, as the first step. Ruthless self honesty, total honouring of one's mind, body and being as a biological wonder designed for nurture. Extending that to all you meet, every day, as the mood takes you. Recognising that in all life. De-colonise oneself. Return to full human health, as biology intends.

2. One can also organise, with others to create safe communities. It helps if one is aware that the historical creation of the material social power system places us in historical situations - thus past, present and future becomes our context for action, which is informed by experience, (the past) as action is taken in the present, with envisioned impacts, and paying close attention to outcomes in the future, which further inform our efforts.

Feed back. Better feed back, than blow back.

The task is long term, longer than any single human life time... it is multi generational.

Do one's bit, cheerfully, with full passion, in one's area of skill, talent, aspiration, afinity, and with due diligence. And remember - The bacteria are the base of the forest. They are the base of me, and of you.

Bullying is not a biologically mandated evolved behaviour.

Social organisaiton based on healthy humane bonding is. Bullying

A version of what is known as The BioPsychoSocial Medical Model applied to assessing and relgulation of Disability Social Support.

A US think tank co-opts insight to generate twisted judgementalist medicalily peverse justifications for limiting support for disabled people by focusing on 'attitude'....'like, domore exercise...', 'get a job'.... etc

The amoral background to the UK New Labour/Conservative/LibDem lpong term neoliberal policy that is bullying disabled folk to death in the UK today....

- Blaming The Victim, all over.

A superb, clear and easy to read paper that examines the DWP's 'biopsychosocial medical miodel' basis for WCA, it's origins, and it's validity.

And it's outcomes.

Read about how a US Corporate think tank associated with the Health Insurance Industry directly influenced British policy design and implementation, in the back ground, in ways the EU could never occasion.

How that policy was clearly understood - that it would induce a nudge - a 'stress' to alter claimants behaviour positively, to urge/help them into work, upon an already chronically stressed demographic, leading to deaths.... and was still pursued.

Lord Freud supported this. It's in the Parliamentary record, Hansard.

Descendant of Siggy Freud. Relative of Edward Bernays. Nudge.

19th Century blame the distressed psychology

Identified as a non-medical functional assessment, the Waddell-Aylward biopsychosocial (BPS) assessment model was created at the Centre for Psychosocial and Disability Research (the Centre), at Cardiff University, when sponsored with £1.6million by Unum (Provident) Insurance, who had been official UK government advisers on “welfare claims management” since 1994.

Commissioned by the DWP, The Scientific and Conceptual Basis of Incapacity Benefits was rapidly produced at the Centre in 2005, with the recommendation that the medical model should be disregarded when assessing claimants for out-of-work disability benefit.

The totally discredited Waddell-Aylward BPS assessment model as used for the WCA disregards the diagnosis, prognosis and past medical history of the ESA claimant. Deaths were always inevitable.

- DWP Policy based on flawed papers, which when peer reviewed are found to be utterly false.

AUSTERITY was just the latest phase.

In other words, wholly avoidable harm causation was not avoided, in pursuit of an ideological policy. People died as a direct result.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Hype is a clue. Always. Rotherham, Race and predatory abuse.

Abuse of Power

It's a behaviour pattern.

A pattern of behaviour..

It's not skin tone related, nor is it genetic, and it is certainly an unhealthy behaviour, even though it is frequently institutionalised within violent hierarchies.

It happens in homes, institutions, criminal networks, in private.. it's a cultural marker, as much as is Commerce or War,

It happens to be Institutionalised across the corporate and religious domains.

It's a behaviour pattern.

Pedophiles - one variation of the predatory psyche as it is expressed within this culture - will insinuate themselves into the lives of those around the target, so that if the target speaks out, it threatens the circle of trust and they cover up, deny, run him out of town, but keep it quiet... They will also seek out targets who are abandoned, neglected and present with other vulnerabilities,

When the council's are running 'care systems' that routinely fail vulnerable children, then it's obvious that that predatory cohort will be targeted.

Predatory criminal behaviour is the key here, not skin tone. Volition, the choice to abuse another person.
People who hype the race card narrative, or the 'elite pedophiles' meme who are using the horrific lived experience of courageous Survivors for political leverage, are behaving like bullies, and they undermine the work of Survivors and their advocates by using the Survivors experience as a political polemic.

I am saddened when ever I see the hype.

Survivors deserve so much more than that..

They deserve honesty, transparency, understanding, compasssion, support and a proper hearing.

They are at the vanguard of the efforts towards detection and prevention of further abuse, as a cultural act of social justice and accountability.

Not the politicians. Not the hype activists. Not Tommy.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Brexit 101, and an odd thing.

There's a HUGE problem here and I want to open up about it.

Grooming and Manipulation

As long as the polarised leave/remain dynamic is dominant among media and politicians, and others, and the people who are being triggered and enervated are seeking to 'win', on all sides, no one is acknowledging that they have been groomed, gaslighted and emotionally manipulated to hate the other side.

That's a serious vulnerability.

I see people on both sides dehumanising the other as a result.

It's appalling behaviour.

It is THE problem, here, not the decision itself.

We have been socially conditioned to not see manipulative bullying when it happens, and we are unable to name it, and confront it it our offices, and our civil and political lives.

So here's the way forwards...

..... taking back control 101

We the grass roots want and deserve an honesty in political, civil and economic policy design, implementation and review.

The problems are not of the EU alone.

They are of the existing hierarchicaly system of power, currently occupied by a small minority of local and global oligarchs placemen.

Putting Tony Blair and all who voted and promoted for the Invasion of Iraq on trial would be my version of #takingbackcontrol #nowthatswhaticalltakingbackcontrol

It's not on the Brexit menu,

How odd!

We the people, the grass roots taxpayers and voters and non voters all deserve honesty and transparent in political and civil administration.

That much we can all agree on.

How odd!

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Take a Moment, Ownership, Misogyny and Climate Change.

It is often stated that the problems we facing are "everything to do with land distribution/equality, wealth distribution/equality, resource distribution/equality, and the lack of.."
Hmmmm..  fairer wealth distribution….? seems so far away, so bright!

Even if we have equitable distribution of wealth, power, land and technology would that culture leave the aboriginal peoples living on undeveloped lands to sustain their ancient tenure?
Wealth itself is problematic. It's an institutional concept:

The Moment
Margaret Atwood
The moment when, after many years
of hard work and a long voyage
you stand in the centre of your room,
house, half-acre, square mile, island, country,
knowing at last how you got there,
and say, I own this,
is the same moment when the trees unloose
their soft arms from around you,
the birds take back their language,
the cliffs fissure and collapse,
the air moves back from you like a wave
and you can't breathe.
No, they whisper. You own nothing.
You were a visitor, time after time
climbing the hill, planting the flag, proclaiming.
We never belonged to you.

You never found us.
It was always the other way round"

Margaret Atwood - 'The Moment'

Is wealth a healthy concept, when it results, in material terms in the degrading of the environmental abundance that is so freely available, easily nurtured.
What is healthy behaviour for the biological human social species?
Try explaining all that stuff about freedom, and gender roles, to healthy egalitarian pre-conquest cultures, and they'd think you desperately ill in your soul.
For egalitarian healthy adults, freedom is not a concept they play with. There's no need. They are born and live free, because they eschew power play. Egalitarian.
If we today are are talking about freedom, it is because we live in a social dynamic where the urge to control, to dominate, is common place, overt and covert. Misogyny is a fine example of how liberals and intelligentia keep missing the root.
It has nothing to do with gender, even as it presents if it were.
It has everything to do with 'property' - that one can do as one wishes to one's own property (without consideration of the environmental outcomes of what ever action is taken) because ownership is entitlement to control. Religions claim ownership by virtue of their God. Kingdoms, by Divine Right, by virtue of their violence and business acumen. Blessed by God. Misogyny is a fallacy built to enable the owning/bullying of women, and their children, as part of a system of hierarchies of power and violence. Not because they were/are women or children, but because they were/are viewed as property. The possessive relationship, that needs contractual guarantees.
Margaret Atwoods poem' The Moment' speaks to me of a sense or a context of masculinity and femininity that is ecologically deeper, more fundamental to the health of our species than those on offer within the dominating psyche, or those offered up in dissenting reaction to that dominating psyche.
Nature nurtures, and that is all nature does.
So yeah, freedom from the self-limiting desire to frame freedom from within a prison, to gain better freedoms, within that prison.
As soon as one enters into the 'owning' psyche, one closes the doors of perception, the sensitivities that that enable one to connect fully as a part of the world, totally connected to the environment within which one lives.
The idea of that 'withdrawal' by Nature, Gaia, Mother Earth is an echo of the wrath of God, which is a belief, and a scientific and logical fallacy.
Nature nurtures, and that is all nature does. Earth is also a dynamic environment, constantly changing at every level, in vastly differening time frames, and all emergent organisms are designed to respond to those changes in ways that support the biological health of both species and environment. Not worrying about freedom leaves one open to that. Being oppressed pushes that into the background. And it is always there. It just takes a moment to re-connect.
So yeah, freedom from the self-limiting desire to frame freedom from within a prison, to gain better freedoms, within that prison.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Brexit, Blair, Bolton and The ICC - The Healing Powers of Prosecution

Iraq is never far from my mind.

The Healing Powers of Prosecution.

Last year, in July 2017, an Iraqi citizen's attempt to bring a private prosecution against Tony Blair for War crimes was rejected, because the "High court rules that there is no crime of aggression in English law under which former PM could be charged".

"The decision blocks an attempt by a former Iraqi general, Abdulwaheed al-Rabbat, to bring a private war crimes prosecution against the former Labour leader."

John Bolton , National Security Advisor to President Trump, tipped as the next US Ambassador to the UN, has this week threatened the ICC, it's officials, funding and infrastructure with direct material reprisals if they pursue any American citizen or military personnel for War Crimes, anywhere. "The ICC is dead to us.." And here, an history of John Boltons criticisms of the ICC. John is a nice man, but tough, he'd have us all believe. He is, of course, a Patriot. He softly says, "The ICC is dead to us.." speaking for the US State, the way a 'compassionated' christian right winger semi-ideologue would to an errant son or daughter, who had become athiest, and was being disowned ... the drama, the guile, the guilt tripping..... all to mask a heart of stone, an intent towards evil. Nice man, nasty behaviour? Charm, and presentation skills. So what is the ICC? How does it relate to the UK, and why does no-one in the Brexit Camp speak of the ICC in the same tones as John Bolton?

The ICC is a European project, based on European Human Rights Legislation and International War Law. Surely the Brexiteers would be delighted to see that go, yet they rarely mention it. That is a bit odd. As if they did not want to talk about it. The ICC is convened and instituted under the Rome Statute of The International Criminal Court, and is the recognised International Court where War Crimes, Genocide, etc are prosecuted.
The ICC has been ratified under international treaty by 132 of 195 States. The USA is a signatory, but has not ratified the ICC.

The UK is a signatory and has ratified the ICC, by international treaty, and the International Criminal Court Act of 2001 did integrate the ICC and it's procedures into UK Statute Law, in the aftermath of the Pinochet debacle. Tony Blair over saw this. I bet he regrets it now.... His role in Brexit is divisive, and he is fixated on using the Remain extreme to undermine Corbyn and the democractic emergence within the Labour movement. Whilst the judgement of the High Court (see above) is technically correct, it is in fact misleading, and therefore wrong.

An ICC investigation and indictment can be initiated here in the UK. Once indicted, the defendant is trasferred to the Juridstriction of the ICC. Because there is no Statute Law to prosecute a War Crime in English or Welsh Law. Obviously. I repeat , the investigation can be initated in the UK, in England, and if it leads to an indictment, the prosecution will happen at The Hague, and thus the indicted defendants are transferred to The Hague for actual prosecution.
I think some people are very worried, very worried indeed. Who is worried, and why?
Jeremy Corbyn is among the few leading active politicians who has suggested that War Crimes investigations into Iraq are a necessity for the UK State to regain it's honour. He has some support among the populatioon for this. Indeed, the evidence we already have demands it, and nothing less.

However, we have a problem. Here it is.
1. The fact is that unless the next Goverment has the support of an active grass roots across the country and also within the Civil Service, Military, Police and Justice Systems, and the News media, this cannot succeed.

2. A leader or party cannot do this on their own. They needs us, the entire taxpaying population, not just cheering on, but materially active, ensuring that the Establishment do not derail the process - people power as a restraint on those who would wish to avoid accountability, and justice...

3. The list of people to be prosecuted is long. Think about it, all the high officials who acted, knowing that there were no weapons of mass destruction, and that the action itself was an illegal act of the War of Aggression. All the pundits, the editords, the media owners who dictated the agenda to support the war, the mercenary companies, the supply companies, the contractors of war.

4, A divided electorate, an ideologically divided population, groups who are being trolled to target each other, to hate each other, to fear each other, in our own communities, the distractions of debt, poverty, property ladders, Brexit, Control and Love Island. This is the situation we have been quite deliberately manipulated into. That manipulation, the fact of it, is a far greater problem than the Austerity Brexit it spewed onto our communities. I digress.

5.Jeremy Corbyn is the only leading politician in the UK whom I am aware of that has said in public that he supports War Crimes investigations, indictments and what flows from the evidence trail.#

6. The entire Establishment will resist this with all their might.

7. How far do you think thay are capable of going to prevent this?

8. Are we strong enough as a population to do this?

9. Am I strong enough to do this?
10. Are you?
11. It needs to be done.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

The Psyche of the International Competing Powers and our Children's Futures.

Benjamin Netanyahu, The Pope, Tony Blair.

Why are these men at liberty to carry on as if they had not comitted Human Rights abuses of a global nature?

Compassion takes into consideration the effective social conditioning processes being constantly tweaked and adjusted by a network of deliberate and attentive institutional bullies.... they are effective.

Yes - adults over the age of 40, me included, have failed our resposnsibilities to our chidlren, as a culture and a generation, and we have done so within the context of the entire culture and it's structures that resists the urge to peace that is the grass roots of society.

Most of us are innocent, in that we have been conditioned, to one degree or another.  I recall what it was like to think I was a Catholic, what it was like to think 'Dallas' had any insight into real life America, to follow given thoughts without examining them; I recall what it was like to feel assaulted if my beliefs were challenged. I know. We all know this.

That said, a few people, quite a few, hundreds of millions of poeople, have made huge efforts that will reverberate through the years - Permaculture is one example. Trauma Informed Care is another. Health care, Nutrition, Psychological Health, Housing are all areas where a committed cadre of our society are creating sustainable, humane resolutions to previous structural problems. More and more we see, from the grass roots, proposals for resolution and long term planning emerging, evidence led porposals.

Some of those people were in the conditioned state too, before they began to dig deeper and ask honest questions... anyone  who is safe, can do this..

Trauma Informed Health, Policing and Education will make huge differences in the coming decades is another area that is ignored by the ruling classes.... they are winding down all three, for a fire sale! The issue is critical. Just as resolutions emerge that are practical, the bullies harden their stance, dig in deeper, and launch offensive, after offensive.

There are many, many more working flat out to heal and create healthier sustainable ways to do things, and they don't get much News Media coverage.

What does happen is every statement the ruling class issues is fact checked, open source, on line and any lies, manipulations, incosistencies etc will be analysed, and countered...

These are heady times, indeed.

The Millenials.

There is a generation who have been able to reliably fact check their teachers, parents and politicians and have found them wanting, and have seen, to some degree, through the Emperors clothes.

This massive constituency is the one driving the confrontation with bullying in all, and any, form across our society - which is why the bullies call them snowflakes.

I am one of the failing generation, and I support the kids, 100%.

The system is a bully system and until we adults face that fact collectively we will still be co-opted to cause harm to our own children, and to other parents children too.

The Psyche of The System

Vladimir Putin, the Baby boy, was not born to become the Leader of a Nation.

Donald Trump, the Baby boy, was not born to become a bully.

Martin Luther King, the Baby boy, was not born to become a political leader.

Neil Armstrong, the Baby Boy, was not born to walk on the moon.

Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, General Custer, Cromwell, the babies, were not born to become military leaders who ordered the murder of millions.

They were and are all products of the societal psyche of 'Power', 'Hierarchy', 'Authority' and 'Security', terms which aggrandise the basic act of bullying.

Just as the populations of soldiers, willing or conscripted, are products of the societal psyche of power, which is a wholy cultural over lay and has no basis in healthy biology.

The chronic stress and trauma of this culture affects biology adversely. We see it first in our own disease vectors, within our own bodies....

Civilisation or Bulliliessation?

War is wholly avoidable.

The Wounded Psyche

How children are mandated to grow and develop as social beings according to biological optimal behavioural outcomes is now quite well understood.

The intergenerational affects of chronic trauma, on the body and the mind, have been and are under continious study, and we know so much more now about the way these dynamics perpetuate.

Therapeutic responses have been developed that help with recovery.

These are not yet widespread.

The evidence begs the question 'why the trauma?' directed at the society at large, at the social, causal and material environment.

Medicine and Psychological Health professionals must become activists, advocates of healing this cultural psyche.

"Given the place and time of your birth, what you were born into, and all that who have experienced/endured/enjoyed, it's no wonder you feel they way you do."


Prevention is understood to be more efficient, inherently sustainable.

Prevention is justice. Compassion is clarity. Integrity is strength.Transparency is honesty.

These are ancient human mandates, the mandate of Mother and child, the mandate of sociality as a joyous bond, the mandate of learning as self motivated, the mandate of sense of self as emergent, the mandate of robust health and ability to read the environment accurately, to respond creatively to changes, to notice changes and muse upon them, thus spotting patterns... these are all key skill sets for living in 'the wild'. Ancient.

Love drove our species as much as any, and probably for far longer than any other 'urge', because to love in that ancient way is not possessive, it is egalitarian .. and within that, we are sensitive, we vary in temperment and inclination, we are not drones... and we are moody, so tempers can flare - it's what we do when that happens that decides if we are at peace or at war...

Older societies laughed, talked it out worked it out -  this one eggs the adversaries on.

Netanyahu’s Namaste.

Speaking of the psyche, and Benjamin Netanyahu comes out and articulates it, precisely, in public, with a big smile on his face. He’s a happy man, it would seem. 

Here he speaks to the PM of India, Modi, who paid Israel a State Visit, in January 2018.

Here is his speech, the full context, from which the recent quote about strength emerged. Netanyahu’s speech starts at 6.55.

Note that both India and Israel are Nuclear Powers. Note that this is the first Indian Government State visit to Israel. India was created in 1945, Israel in 1948 (expanded by conquest to where it is today). Both States are engaged in irrational political behaviour.

Here he is a few months later, with a much more aggressive version of that psyche, speaking with regards to Iran, at a naming ceremony for an Israeli Nuclear Research Facility...

“Shimon aspired toward peace but he knew that true peace can be achieved only if our hands strongly grasp defensive weaponry. In the Middle East, and in many parts of the world, there is a simple truth: There is no place for the weak,” Netanyahu said,

“The weak crumble, are slaughtered and are erased from history while the strong, for good or for ill, survive. The strong are respected, and alliances are made with the strong, and in the end peace is made with the strong,” Netanyahu continued.

The latter paragrah was tweeted on his official Prime MInister Tweet account. On it's own.

The Psyche : Syria

Syria back into the visible news cycle:

Some thoughts.

1. ALL the violence is wrong. This we know.

2. The set-up is the International Competing Powers Dynamic. Institutionalised Gang War Fare.

2.a In spite of the emergence of mass Democracy through workers and women seeking to participate in electoral and legislative processes, and years of political struggle, hard work and daily effort of millions of people to slowly bring change to society, the Competing Powers dynamic remains dominant.

3. The leading gangsters always try to ensure their PR is dominant among their own populations, as that's where they get the money and men to run armies, spies, trade missions etc...

4. Within that, there are the relatively recent international Laws created via the League of Nations, the UN, WTO, EU, BRICS, etc etc.... whilst the Laws exist, the underlying psyche of seeking dominance is untouched.

4.a Thus when the Laws are broken, and because everyone is participating in the competition, no one gets arrested. So the Laws are not fully applied.

4.b Because the seeking of advantage, the seeking dominance psyche goes so deep, it is embedded in popular perceptions of biology as the brutal competition of Social Darwinism, in Religion as the Fear of Hell, Hope of Heaven, in relationships 'conquest', etc..... indeed it is fully institutionalised.

5. And that psyche is the problem.


Syria is hardly unique in this regard. Syria has also been under intense external pressure since the British 'created' it in 1920. Let alone the lived experience of those born in those lands since 3500 bc, who have been subjected to various Empires trampling upon them as they passed through. A genetic history of being trampled by Empires.

Can you imagine what it might be like to live in a State whose emerging Government is caught between hugely power external forces who use covert violence, intimidation, bribery, sabotage etc to get their way...

Syria is the outcome of a world wide culture of violence, that is deeply embedded into the existing structural dynamic of power, it is a human and institutional pathology, and taking sides is futile. If there is a side, it is the innocent citizens, and their families, who suffer repeatedly, that I side with on, all sides.

This war will continue until the Syrian State can assure that it is not being attacked from within it's own borders by externally mandated militia. That's the facts on the ground. Whatever it takes. They have seen Iraq and Libya. They are supported by a majority of Syrians remaining in Syria.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Gaza, Palestine. All European creations.

From their first days as international states, European creations of colonial policies and commercial security over raw materials resources.

Who has exercised the most violence?

The Europeans, and the many tyrants they support...

The question for us is this - have we the courage, skill, determination and resilience to confront the War Lords and Gansterism in our own History, past and present, with regards to the state we fund? Can we stop Great Britians covert wars?

Our role in Syria's peace is to arrest Tony Blair and ALL the War Criminals who prosecuted, and continue to prosecute Great Britains dirty wars.

Will we do this?

What will we do for our children, and their contemporaries, their futures?

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.