Poverty is an externalised cost of efficient Wealth Extraction. Shortest blog I have ever written

Amazon Warehouse in Mexico. He could have afforded to build decent housing for all the workers as part of the plan, around the warehouse, and still have billions to spare. He chose not to use his vast wealth for the benefit of workers.

Food, Energy and Housing Poverty is an externalised cost of efficient Wealth Extraction aka Industrial Profitability and the accumulation of Wealth as a Political Hegemon.

This is the shortest blog I have ever written,


Kindest regards


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Advice to scrimp and be thrifty is gaslighting. We need a deeper policy, we need a nurture life policy platform.

"Sometimes the poor are praised for being thrifty. But to recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less." Oscar Wilde

This image is doing the rounds at the moment - for whose benefit is this being viralised?

How would you feel if someone advised you to eat less if you and your children were already eating less, due to poverty and speculation on necessary commodities driving prices up?

1. Asking people who, for the most part earn a low income (in order for corporations to pay high dividends to shareholders) to scrimp on Energy use in our homes, by 'raising consciousness' of the expense of daily use, with a tacit implication suggesting that if we made better 'informed' choices, we'd not face such intense bills is deliberate cruelty.

2. The price rises are entirely a matter of market speculation. UK generates 97% of it's own Energy needs. It has not become more expensive to drill, produce and ship oil. Speculation is all about using Wealth as an economic weapon.

Extreme inequality is a form of economic violence, where policies and political decisions that perpetuate the wealth and power of a privileged few result in direct harm to the vast majority of ordinary people across the world and the planet itself. 

3. Where's the chart for the energy costs of Tanks, Jets, Missiles, AirCraft Carriers, Mars Missions, Moon Missions, Yachts and Palaces? 

4. Where's the chart advising industry to be 'thrifty' with using energy?

Ordinary folk are responsible for at most, 25% of all Carbon emissions. USUK and EU populations are often presented as the biggest per capita Carbon emitters. Industry accounts for the most of carbon emission, with the US Military being the single biggest institutional carbon polluter on Earth. People point at China as the biggest polluter but ignore the population differences. If you combine Europe, UK and USA as one population it turns out that it is a population similar to that of China, and China's Per Capita Carbon Emissions are still below those of USUK and EU. Well below.

5. Carbon Footprint was initially designed as a tool to help us become more aware of the environmental costs of our day to day activity. Most ordinary carbon use is in getting to and from work, and in working for the Industrial Systems that refuse to pay the costs to prevent pollution and prevent environmental degradation. Because to do so would erase their profitability.

6. In it's great wisdom and benevolence, in 2004 BP recycled and popularised Personal Carbon Footprint as a way to make us ordinary people feel guilt, shame and hopeless hope (if we all did our little bit - which amounts to less than 10% of total) we could help save the planet) whist the Industrial Cult continued stomping on us all with their Carbon Wealth Extraction Boot Print. 

We little people were directed to obsess about our day to day use, so that BP, Shell, Exxon and their allies in Finance Markets could continue to obsess about Wealth Extraction in the 'most efficient' manner - by refusing to pay the costs of prevention of harm (pollution, disease casued by pollution and environmental degradation) and by speculating the price of energy fuels.

7. The Ukraine War is not causing Energy prices to rise - England produces 97% of it's energy needs from available domestic supplies.

So whose carbon foot print matters, and why?


"consumption and market exchange only represents a thin surface of our economy and its ecological consequences.

150 years ago, Karl Marx argued that the secret to profit, or what he called surplus value, laid in analyzing the “hidden abode” of production. 

We need a similar project to understand climate accountability in our carbon-based society. Of course, the most obvious producers of climate change are the fossil fuel producers themselves. 

A recent study suggests a mere 100 companies are responsible for 71% of emissions since 1988 (in this case, it is important to remember that half of total historical emissions since the industrial revolution have come since that year of 1988).

Yet, fossil fuel companies are not the only ones profiting off carbon emissions. Energy-intensive industries like steel, chemicals, cement, and aluminum consume ungodly amounts of fossil fuels to power and materially feed their production. 

The cement industry alone is responsible for 5% of global carbon emissions. Fertilizer uses natural gas as a source of hydrogen to combine with atmospheric nitrogen to form ammonia (NH3). When they extract that hydrogen from methane (CH4) carbon dioxide is the main byproduct. 

A fertilizer plant I visited in southern Louisiana claimed to consume a staggering 9% of natural gas consumption in the entire state (a state that already hosts an enormous industry of natural gas consuming chemical factories). 

This single fertilizer plant has the highest carbon emissions in the entire chemical sector of the United States."

8. Calls to tax these companies are largely a way to distract attention from the hidden roots of all industrial profitability - the deep roots of Externalised Costs as the very foundation of industrial wealth extraction.

9. Nationalisation is a way to 'take back control' and set pricing according to the needs of the population, us little people, whose need for the utility of energy, water, transit systems, health care systems, education systems ect is a life need, it is not a luxury. Such a move would massively help to alleviate general poverty, and for that reason alone it must be done.

It is important to understand that such a policy is designed to not touch the sides of Externalised Costs.

10. Cost externalizing is a socioeconomic term describing how a business maximizes its profits by off-loading indirect costs and forcing negative effects to a third party. An externalized cost is known to economists as a negative externality.

"The corporation is an externalizing machine (moving its operating costs and risks to external organizations and people), in the same way that a shark is a killing machine." - Robert Monks (2003) Republican candidate for Senate from Maine and corporate governance adviser in the film "The Corporation". Moving industries to where cheaper workers can be sourced is an externalising procedure. It's sole purpose is wealth extraction efficiency.

What we need. Starting now.

In my opinion Nationalisation must be followed by legislation that demands that industry prevents harm, pays the costs they have externalised from the beginnings of the Industrial 'Revolution' - from material sourcing through processing, manufacturing, distribution through to point of sale, use, consumption and end of life disposal - as the most basic measure of industrial health and legitimacy.

We must challenge every attempt to place the burden for such deep change upon us little people, many of us on low incomes, many more well paid yet trapped in mortgage debt; diligent workers and so-called 'scroungers' struggling to stay financially afloat are not the problem here.

We must not pass our life jackets to the Industrial Giants who are throwing us off the ship, as they sail towards the destination of continued, maximised Wealth Extraction.

We must mutiny, we must peacably take the ship over, be the majority in our legislatures that we fund, and we must plot a new course towards a nurturant industrial economic system that abolishes poverty, regulates industry well, eschews warfare as a a tool, prevents pollution and nurtures human and environment as one. and is honest and transparent.

Kindest regards


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Hamlet's Sololiqoy re-written for England 2022 : As raw sewage is poured into clean waters. To preserve profits.

Gammlet: Brexshit Shakespeare aka Shitspeare

Turd Act.

Scene : Poop, floating, lots of poop. Rich Owners smoking turd cigars. Every time they mention 'growing the economy' they pump raw sewage into our waters. 


Script: Actor holds plastic turd in hand, and looks intently at it.

“To the sea, or not to the sea?
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
 to take profit against a sea of turds,
And by opposing, send them again.
And again.

To fan The Shit,
No more; and by The Shit I mean to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand unnatural years 
The English are heir to: 'tis a  
Devoutly Norman Ruling Class. 

To swim, to paddle ;
To surface, perchance to splash —ay, there's the turd:
From within that floater of death what screams may come,
When we have shat on all this mortal coil,
Must give us pause—there's the lack of respect
That makes calamity of so long life.

For who would bear the whiffs and pongs of rancid poop,
The profiteers's wrong, the good are made to wade in effluvia!

The pongs of dispirited Brexit lore, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,
When he himself might his arse make
With a bare moon, our prime minister? 

Who would floaters bear,
To grunt and swear under a weary life,
But that the dread of something shit-like just before death,
The undiscovere'd slurry, from whose germs
No traveller returns healthy, these turds puzzle the will,
And makes us rather bear those Tories we have
Than fly to others much much worse, that we know not of?

Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the sewage of profit, cast offshore thoughtlessly,
And enterprises of taking great piss and old bovine movements
With this regard their currents turn turds awry
And we lose the lot.

Kindest regards


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'Obese patients being weight-shamed by doctors and nurses' - ACE study is routinely ignored. Why?

To the Editor,

I read the article 'Obese patients being weight-shamed by doctors and nurses' by Dennis Campbell, Health Correspondent,  writing in The Guardian, Wednesday 10th August 2022 with some degree of sadness.

Obese patients ‘being weight-shamed by doctors and nurses’

The ACE Study, carried out by Vincent Felletti and colleagues at Kaiser Permanente, some years ago studied the health outcomes of more than 50,000 people, and found a very strong correlation between health issues such as Obesity, Addiction, Heart problems and early Adverse Childhood Experiences. Further research has show the linkage is beyond mere correlation. Early adverse experiences - bullying, sexual abuse, neglect, poverty etc can have profound long term health impacts, that emerge and present many, many years later.


It is obvious that such early experience of trauma and chronic stress is not the child's fault. How can it then be the adult's fault as those illnesses present?

I have on three occasions spoken as a caller on LBC about the ACE study, and asked why the insights of this evidence base is routinely ignored. On all three occasions I was rebuffed by the presenters. They dismissed the information. They tended to discuss food, sugar and self control. They rejected the information I was presenting.

Blaming the vulnerable is a common form of discrimination.  

Lack of knowledge is part of this, as is wilful ignorance.

How is it possible that GPs and Nurses tasked with care of people with health issues are unaware of the ACE Study? I assume it is for similar reasons most people are unaware of the ACE study findings. Is it that no one wants to admit that early childhood trauma and chronic stress exists to the degree it does, and that form many sufferers, this has health outcome impacts that ruin people's lives? Is it that children ought to be seen and not heard is still a thread that runs through our culture?

Whatever it is way, that lack of knowledge and sensitivity translates into cruelty.

We must and can do much, much better. 

Kindest Regards

Corneilius Crowley


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My child recently spoke to me of grief - Grief for the loss implied by climate disruption, warfare, wealth extraction, Racism and misogyny.

I am 63 years old this summer. I have many memories, many happy memories. I have horrible memories too. I have endured much abuse and trauma. I have been very lucky, I think. At least this didn't happen. 

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

And I grew up in a country more or less safe from warfare, though polluted by Religion and Oligarchy, and have lived long time in a country that exports warfare globally. A country where it is safe to express my rage at war, yet remain utterly powerless to hold our war lords to account. The illusion of freedom.

My child will be 32 soon.

My child recently spoke to me of grief.

Grief for the loss implied by climate disruption, warfare, wealth extraction, Racism and misogyny.  Grief for avoidable harms deliberately not avoided.

Grief for the harm already caused and the harm piling up into the future, clearly escalating due to the action of Oligarchy and the  inaction of vassal state Governments.

Grief for decades of Labour warfare, Tory cruelty and, apparently, infinite myopic greed and avarice of the party membership.

Grief for the loss of a bright future for herself and her friends, her siblings, their children.

Grief for the loss of a bright future for billions of people. 

That grief is particularly strong for her. She truly cares about people, she cares deeply about all of us, the vulnerable humane beings that we are... and she is a resilient person, a strong person willing to feel the world as it really is, strong enough to be honest and robustly loving nonetheless..

Grief for the horror of harm well understood, yet deliberately not avoided on that scale.

My child understands that the human and ecological costs of Wealth Extraction are profound, anti-evolutionary harms - that no amount of GDP can ever undo those harms, or repay those costs already imposed. GDP is a measurement of how much there is to extract wealth from. We both know GDP has nothing to do with human happiness and psychological well being.

Grief at the waste of precious in taking corrective action, a waste of time my generation is largely responsible for.

I cannot deny this. None of us can.

Of what use are our mortgages and pensions, our careers and our wealth to our children, now? 

As we revel in the increase in the value of our properties, do we feel the grief of our children who must rent to fund others mortgages?

What did we build, even when we knew we were causing harm we could not undo or repair?

All these are the same problem.

The problem is the power of Wealth Extraction and The Bully Culture which maintains it. The Dominator Culture.

And I agree with my child.

The grief is real. A heavy shadow hovers over so many lives. A toxic cloud that cannot be busted by staring at it. A depression that cannot be lifted unless we work together, rich and poor alike, to solve these , which as part of a culture, we have created. 

All of us are always in it together. 

I grew up with the threat of nuclear war, imagined. Imagination backed by military hardware, and propaganda from all sides about 'deterrents' and the awfulness of the other side. Imagination fueled by very real wars prosecuted as 'foreign policy'. 

The Mushroom Cloud seared our minds, troubled our hearts, gave us nightmares and sleepless nights. The power of a terrorised imagination triggered by deliberate content allowed this to persist.

Nuclear Weapons were not my choice. You probably did not choose nuclear weapons either. You did not choose climate disruption, you probably did not choose war or the maintenance of poverty as a nudge to drive so many people into low paid work, in order for Wealth Extraction to maintain it's dominance, The measure GDP is all about how much of GDP is extracted, and the human costs are irrelevant.

My child is growing up with the threat of climate disruption and ecological collapse that is real, not imagined.  It is happening, now, everywhere.

My child and her contemporaries ask "Who will help the most vulnerable people to prepare for this, to live well, to have clean food and water, to abide safe shelter and thrive in communities that are resilient and self sustaining? Why do your generation refuse to take appropriate action?"

My child did not make this happen. This was not my child’s choice. 

What will my generation do in the time we have left?

How will we comfort our children? Can we do anything materially and socially useful for this situation? 

How do we meet their grief? 

What can we do for them, even as we approach old age?

Kindest regards


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Externalised Costs and Climate Disruption - a Letter to news media across UK and Ireland.

To the editor.

Whilst some optimists might see potential in wine growing in Ireland and the UK, what with the climate warming as it is. the reality is that this is not climate change so much as it is climate disruption.

We all know that climate does indeed change over geological time frames. Disruption is a different matter. Climate Disruption may out pace us, if we neglect to take corrective action as a collective.

What behaviour lies at the root of this disruption?

I respectfully suggest it is the common industrial practice of externalising costs, in order to maximise wealth extraction more efficiently  (profitability)  allied with the concentration of wealth as a political hegemon to protect wealth extraction that does not pay it's environmental and social costs, that is the root issue here. 

Environmental consultancy Trucost carried out a study in 2013 which estimated that the annual costs to our shared environment ran to $7 trillion dollars.
Here we are 9 years later, and no meaningful action has been taken to confront this. Profitability based on this is a deceit, and it is a systemic, cultural deceit that is causing untold harm. The future is so hot, we've got to find shade!

How do we correct this dynamic?

Unless we discuss it honestly across the public domain, in schools, universities and the various corridors of power, corporate and political we cannot even start to confront this behaviour.  And it is quite clear now where that failure will lead us. 

Our children and theirs will not thank us if we avoid or evade this matter.

Who dares to host such an honest discourse? It is my fervent hope that News Media such as yourselves participate as hosts of this necessary discourse. 

Our descendants will thank you for for taking such a stance, I urge you to be brave and break the ice on this one, before we lose all our glaciers across Europe. Whilst we have no glaciers here in Ireland or England, the glacial pace of addressing Climate Disruption sends a chill to my heart, at the tender age of 63. 

Climate Disruption is a global problem, and truly, we are all in this together.

Kindest regards


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Wealth Extraction vs International Democracy. Brexit is a precedent. Selfish as an interest, a faux philosophy, a meme of the bully cults political power base.

'Wedge Issues' : Seeking out materials that are belief based with which to stimulate endless angry argument (and violence) as a means to prevent democratic solidarity emerging amongst us workers. A core activity of News Mefia, oligarchy funded conspiracy theory, political hegemons, within the Bully Cult.

The ruling of the USSC on Roe vs Wade is designed to harden divisions across the USA - belief that Christianity needs to expand and dominate, belief that Christianity is under threat of a 'birth dearth', belief that US Military Power is a benign, honourable culture, belief that peoples sexual pleasure is a threat to society, belief that Capitalism is the best way to organise a society, belief that the poor and destitute are inferior and have only themselves to blame, belief that Race is a biologically, God given stratification - belief imposes it's will, and ignores the evidence, the knowledge, and sets up an endless brain-offline war of nasty attrition, as the believers refuse to acknowledge the knowledge, and dig their heels in, emotions flared, frontal cortex off-lined, amygdala over loaded, guns at the ready.

The underlying pattern this odious dynamic misGovernment is revealing is simple.

In the UK the attempt to break the terms of the Brexit Agreement regarding Northern Ireland may appear crazy, yet if one takes a wider look, something else emerges, and although it too is insane, and ugly, it makes sense of the attempt to legislate English Law to break an international treaty. Unilaterally, ditching negotiations.

They know exactly what they are doing and their sponsors do too. They know exactly what they are aiming for, strategically.  A Free-Market fundamentalist State, Sovereign and selfish.

What appears to be incompetence is not what it seems. Indeed the charge of incompetence provides a cover for the nature of the program they are pushing - 'incompetence' is easier pill to swallow than plainly evil. Evil is causing harm and denying it, in order to exploit a situation. That choice is evil. And no-one wants to see it, because to see it is to awaken to a need for deliberate and determined solidarity based political action that entails effort, vulnerability, potential stress and failure. A scary ask for anyone.

@torysc_mout #uk #politics #britain #fyp #parliament #government #northernireland ♬ Epic Emotional - AShamaluevMusic

The program : to undermine International treaty obligations as a standard and undermine democratic engagement of the population in driving through international treaties, national legislation and other measures necessary to meet the challenges of climate disruption.


Because the goal is to insulate the Wealth Extraction class from democratic regulation and legislation that would :

a) Make provision for climate disruption adaptations and support for those most afflicted by the disruptions that are already happening, and will continue to escalate

b) Make provision for criminal indictments for delaying, denial and other campaigns that have hindered recognition of the problems, which were known to those campaigning for those delays, because those delays are causing harm. Lies, gaslighting, manipulation, conspiracy theory, denialism and corruption.

c) Make provision for prevention of harms in all industries that pollute, poison, spill waste into the environment, spill toxins into our air - this would impose a massive cost on all industries involved. It ought to be basic practice to not pollute, poison or release toxic 'waste' materials into the environment.

d) Make provision to limit Wealth Extraction and to abolish poverty. Low wages is a key component of extracting wealth, backed by deliberately maintaining and exacerbating poverty, with the threat of homelessness and destitution as a whip - note that the money the impoverished spend on food and utilities flows back to the profit extraction process whereas the money extracted is off-shored or 'invested' in ways that drive up property prices and enhances the political power of the Wealth Extraction class as a political hegemon. Wealth as a weapon system.

e) This Tory government removed the clause in the ministerial code of conduct in 2015 in preparation for this strategic shift. Brexit was a test case, to see how quickly breaking international treaties unilaterally could be set as a precedent. Once the precedent is set, as this week, Parliament 'debates' the setting aside of the Northern Ireland Protocol Agreement as a piece of legislation.

f) The Tories want England to become a safe haven for the Oligarchy to park their wealth. Free Ports, Free Cities, low corporate taxation, secrecy, off-shoring and much else besides. 

This amounts to a campaign that is a war - Wealth Extraction against the survival of Humanity, against any democratic movement that seeks to end the harmful practices, and avoid all those harms into the future.

Their biggest fear is a united population, humane solidarity across the diverse population - and so they sow division, using tactics that target emotional belief and bias, to generate divisions within the voting population, and beyond, so that popular solidarity cannot emerge to challenge the Wealth Extraction class.

Laws that make protest a criminal offence, laws that remove democratic Human Rights, laws that protect the Wealth Extraction and sanction the impoverished, laws that impede oversight of Government, laws that allow Government to ignore court rulings, laws that allow secret service, military and police and others to commit crimes in the course of their work to 'protect the nation', laws that criminalise poverty, laws that permit pollution of our waterways, laws that undermine almost every element of a functioning democracy (not that we have ever had a functioning healthy democracy - the existence of a ruling class makes that ideal impossible.)

A legislative war against democratic legislation and regulation of industrial wealth extraction rooted in externalised costs, even as those costs cause harm to hundreds of millions, and potentially billions of people, and our shared environment.

The ruling of the USSC on Roe vs Wade is also designed to harden divisions across the USA - belief imposes it's will, and ignores the evidence, the knowledge, and sets up an endless war of attrition, as the believers refuse to acknowledge the knowledge, and dig their heels in, emotions flared, frontal cortex off-lined, guns at the ready.

We know what must be done, don't we?

Kindest regards


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Abortion, choice, health care, human rights and Wealth Extraction.

Abortion, choice, health care, human rights and Wealth Extraction.

This Earth that supports all life that dies is both beautiful and poignant.

I think the issue has to do with a power struggle. Let me explain why I think this.

I could be wrong. I might be missing something. If one person truly knows something, because they understand it through experience, it is not yet knowledge. When a whole community knows something, because they understand it through experience, they know. Belief is similar. Belief and Knowledge are not the same thing.

For example, I do not believe that war is wrong, I know it is un-necessary harm caused to largely innocent people. That is my opposition to war stance. Such harm cannot be justified. Knowledge.

On a much more personal tip, I know I am a good musician, people tell me this frequently, but somewhere I  believe I am not worthy. I know my belief is a matter of self esteem, and that my knowledge of that fact, and an understanding of how and why I learned the behaviour of  low self esteem helps me attenuate that element of my emotional and psychological character. I know this helps me maintain better health, personally and socially and in my work. 

We know low self esteem is a problem, as is over estimating oneself, as is narcissism, learned in early childhood in adverse circumstances. We know this impacts many, many, many people in our culture. we know this impacts out cultures of Power. 

Childhood is a critical component in determining the behaviour of future adults.

Happily, many people seem to do well enough on that front, Most people are indeed decent, honest, kind and compassionate. People are lovely. That is my bias.

This is not about sex or gender, even though both sex and gender are co-opted by various strands of thinking and rhetoric. It's about power over others. The resolution is power sharing. Simple, and the only way to handle a complex situation, because the action to preserve the gaols of power complicates matters. As we see.

For example war is demonstrably a matter of causing the most harm to force a political objective. This harms people, communities, populations and their shared environment. None of this harm caused to innocent people is ever necessary. Therefore all war is wrong. All of it. Taking sides complicates the public discourse on war. "It's not that simple!" they will claim. It is. Sorry. Complex is not complicated.

Justice is about the processes of detecting abuse, preventing harm, supporting the harmed in their recovery, reducing the prevalence of harmful behaviour. Leading towards peace, rather than a process of punishment. Honesty is it's primary dynamic, or it's not Justice.  

The Power Struggle

The struggle is, on one hand a struggle of power, and one another hand a struggle between personal and collective 'belief' systems and biases over-riding the matter of knowledge. The woman who is pregnant knows. "I do not want to bear this child, I want to abort my foetus." She knows.

It is the willingness of believers, of any kind, to impose their will upon others who make choices that do not accord to the belief, and appear to be breaking the rules of a belief system they do no subscribe to, women who will tell you, if you asked, that they do indeed know what they are doing, and who therefore do not share the belief system. 

Their basis for action is knowledge, the real world that they are, them as persons and their situation, condition, position and prospects.

It is, of course, correct and just for a woman who believes that abortion is 'sinful' and therefore 'wrong', can choose not to arrange an abortion, and choose instead  to continue the pregnancy, to hope to bring the child in utero to full term, birth a healthy baby, and then care for that child for 18 years, and a lifetime. 

I think that every woman who carries a child because she 'feel pregnant' without having chosen to conceive and who carries that child because she believes that abortion is wrong, and sinful, also deserves the fullest possible social and economic support from the community and the state to have the resources to live as a truly supported healthy parent - every child needs and deserves that. An unstressed parent and a community that is good enough, rather than imaginary perfect, supporting the lives of all our children, without fear or favour.

That, for me, is the debt of good enough parenthood as a choice to be made, and it is the supreme responsibility of all parents to meet that debt, and it is the responsibility of the whole community, the population and it's institutions, to support that outcome to the very best of their capability and ability.

Birth Dearth

Another element in the Abortion issue is the concept of 'Birth Dearth' - the idea that White Christian population is not producing enough babies to counter the invasion of non-White folk. To those who believe the ludicrous Biblical concept that White Christian Culture should prevail over all others, Dominion, this is sensed or perceived as an existential threat.

Triggering that dark emotion, existential threat, is a deliberate ploy designed to switch off the forebrain, to derail rational thinking and exacerbate the fight or flight fear dynamic of the target audience.

That the Oligarchy exploit this is blatantly the case - and it drives a confrontational fear based dynamic, which splits the population, and in so doing prevents the kind of humane solidarity that is genuinely Christ-like from emerging as an existential threat to the Wealth Extractor Ruling Class.

Public Health

The public health care provision of medical and social support for women choosing an abortion does not impinge upon the believer's ability to choose to not have an abortion.

Thus the removal of that facility is, as a piece of legislation, an imposition of will, an act of oppression. It removes a woman's right to decide on what she does with her own body, and be supported in making that choice. It appears to be an irrational thing to do other than to articulate power to permit cruelty and indeed, to utilise cruelty as a socio-political weapon.There's the cruelty of the sanction, and there's the cruelty of justifying it, then there's the cruelty of shaming and victim-blaming and gaslighting that goes with it. All political. How does any of that improve Public Health?

What's the Constitution got to do with this?

Then again, given the 13th Amendment, which allows Slavery within Prisons, is pretty much the same thing. All the constitutional arguments about Abortion are a distraction.

Here's some of my reasons why I think so. My reasoning is explained, and reflects my bias :  I try to be as transparent as possible.

What Is known:

a) For quite understandable reasons, unwanted children can sometimes develop in a distorted way, if they feel that they are not fully loved and accepted for who they are  (growing up feeling less than adequately loved and respected and assuming personal  responsibility for that and internalising it, can do that and that can disrupt a persons life trajectory)  through no fault of their own (the child's powerlessness, dependency, needs unmet by the adults who brought them to life, none of that is the child's fault, is it?).

We know that children whose needs are not adequately met by their primary carers are harmed by this.


"There are things that happen in a child's life that ought not happen, and things that ought to happen, do not.'

School Shootings, for example. Warfare. Poverty. Trafficking. Slavery. Mistrust and punishment by adults, approved of and justified by a cultural belief. The harm caused and the child's pain, terror confusion and sadness is merely collateral damage to the objective of exploitation. 

Cycles of behaviour maketh a culture.

It is easy to understand that a harmed child's behaviour can become distorted by that turn of events we have plenty evidence in the real world of this inequitable culture - there are already, across the USA, and in every country, a multitude of unwanted children, abandoned children, wounded children, a victimised demographic that has no voice, set on a very difficult trajectory for their lives, through the behaviour of adults. We know that there are generations upon generations of children who have been subjected to this dynamic. 

We know that many times, where a child is wanted, and yet behaves in ways that the parents belief system restricts, because when the child not share the belief, the parent cannot accept the difference, the parent cannot accept that the child is not there to meet the adults needs, the adults is there to respond to who the child is, and that this failure to meet needs correctly can cause yet more harm. Conversion Therapy.

Parental punishment to impose a belief or coerce behaviour to align with the belief system is toxic.

b) We know that coercion ruins healthy relationships.

c) Every woman who falls pregnant is a sovereign, autonomous, free human being. She has many things to consider, matters of interdependence, family, social conditions, that make her part of a wider community, because we all live within communities, and she will KNOW whether or not she wants to bear the child.

d) There is therefore no need to withdraw the right of women to make that choice, and to have facility to do so, with best possible health care easily accessible. No matter what the socio-economic status and condition of that woman's life is.

e) Believers can reject abortion for themselves, and the women that know what they are doing when choosing an abortion can avail of an attentive health care service, to meet their needs, as is their human right.

f) These are the basic issues here. The rest is all Cultural and Religious padding, and is irrelevant, really. 

The issue as why one's belief is such and such, is fascinating, and irrelevant to the matter of human rights and health care choices.

g) It is NOT a knowledge base that can compare to the knowledge base of the pregnant woman who really does not want to bear that child, for whatever reason. That woman KNOWS.

h) Roe vs Wade did not impede any woman who believed abortion is wrong for them to undertake, to take that course of action, and bear the child, irrespective of circumstances and social conditions. Thus the Believers rights were in no way impinged.

i) Therefore this is a direct act of power to allow states to impose a belief based restriction as a criminal offence, criminalising everyone associated with the process of abortion as health care provision.

j) The reason the Courts have provided to have Roe is Wade over-ruled and thus repealed are political considerations, not human considerations. 

Less than a Jury of one's peers!

Someone is using Institutional powers to impact the lives of hundreds of millions of people. 

Nine old farts, less than a jury of one's peers. And none of those old farts sitting be-robed upon those benches, are any ordinary person's peers. Not by any measure.They are not elected officials, either, so their commitment to genuine democracy is questionable. 

Democracy, if it is healthy, will detect the adverse, malign and harmful, be it intentional or accidental,  in it's consideration and administration of legal and economic processes and correct any errors, to avoid avoidable harm by creating legislation bearing on the subject in hand.

This action by the USCC is not healthy democracy in action, by any stretch of the imagination.

It is one section of society imposing it's will upon another.


The pattern one can see is that there is a body of power that seeks to generate a divide between ordinary folk, believers and knowers, neighbours and communities, in order to inhibit genuine human solidarity from emerging across all the working peoples of our countries, the kind of solidarity that could challenge the status quo, without resource to violence, if indeed that solidarity emerged robustly.

Which is exactly what is needed for the Earth and the whole species of human beings, and for the biosphere's health. Solidarity  does not mean loss of identity, quite the opposite. Solidarity means diversity, difference integrated and appreciated. 

We are not clones.

The two problems - the abortion/anti-abortion issue, and the abuse of Institutional Power justified by a Wealth Extraction Class, in ways which harm the workers, and their shared environment, from which that wealth is extracted, with the 'belief' that Wealth as a political hegemon is entitled to strip mine this planet to maintain it's dominance - are part of the pattern of belief trumping knowledge.

Discuss : USSC Roe vs Wade Decision - written for corporate privatised adoption services, among other things?

My family are Irish. Have you heard the tale of the Magdalene Laundries? How's that for a business model.


 "Wash your sins away, hand over the baby, here's the baby, that's $200, thank you.!"

It is a belief. We know and they know that it is toxic. Yet they persist.  That's the core of this pattern.

In Power struggles, gaining power over others is the goal. This is not healthy behaviour. It means lies and secrecy, it means manipulation and coercion, which leads to violence as a tool. Honesty is useful, if we want to confront the minority who abuse Power.

Useful too would be a genuine solidarity as Human Beings, Homo Social Sapiens, people walking this Earth, growing up together, in a shared environment full of interdependent species, our fecund, nurturing Home. Looking after each other, rather than our groups 'interests'.

Kindest regards


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US Supreme Court Bans Abortion whilst the US Wages Proxy Wars - oppression at home and abroad, profits increase.

I see patterns, in part because I see patterns, and in part because for 58 years I have read widely. I am curious about this world we live in. I think Earth is a beautiful place. I think some cultures are ruining it.

What links this ruling by the USCC, Wealth Extraction, Poverty, Food Banks, Low Wages, Brexit, Trump, anti-LGBTQ+ activism, Deforestation, Raw Sewage in Fresh Water Rivers, Rwanda, Patel, Johnson, Dead Sea-Beds, The Queen as a Monarchy within a  Democracy, Weapons flows into Ukraine, Syria, and Israel from the West, Boris Johnsons criminality, China and Nuclear War?

What links them is that every one of these few, on this euro-centric and incomplete shortlist, an indicator, and a myriad more, complex and complicated problems the culture has created, and must resolve. 

The industrial militarised competing powers for profit and more power culture. It's basic mode is bullying. That is not healthy, biologically speaking.  And if it's not healthy, then it is not 'normal' for our species - what this culture calls normal is really an acceptance, a submission and sense of normalised to behaviour that's unacceptable, largely because it causes harm. Do you get that feeling, sometimes?

what is she thinking?

The garden path


Today the US Supreme Court Removed the right of all women within the jurisdiction of the United States of America to chose an Abortion if they fall pregnant and do not want the child, for whatever reason, whilst the US Wages Proxy Wars - oppression at home and abroad. Good lives ruined. 

It's quite understandable that a devout Christian woman who believes that abortion is a 'sin' would refuse an abortion for herself. That is her choice.

A statement from Jacinda Ardern

It is, however, amoral for her to impose that belief on other women, not least other women who are not devout Christians following Christian rules, and to agitate in any way whatsoever remove that choice from them.

Free Speech is one thing, it's fine for Christians to say "I reject abortion for myself, due to my belief." It is their right to say that, publicly.

It is also a woman's fundamental right, as a person, as a human being, if she choses so, to undertake an abortion for a pregnancy she does not want. She also deserves the best possible health care and support undertake the operation, be she rich or poor.

How can any woman demand that another women bear a child that is unwanted?

The same applies to men.

How dare they?

The injunction in Christianity against abortion is a belief, based upon an imperfect and manufactured doctrine.  It is not a matter of knowledge, science or evidence. It is not a matter of health care and psychological health. 

There are many decent Christians, devout, who adhere to the rules of their Faith. They are not bad people, they are not evil. I see no problem in such people adhering to their rules, as long as they have chosen, consciously, to adopt their Faith. The Right to Choose, Right?

Where they err is to impose that rule upon all other women. That is wrong. amoral and unfair.

It is also a matter of insecurity - the insecure try to secure themselves often by imposing their will upon others. This is a dynamic that can be exploited and is being exploited by political actors who routinely troll and trigger target groups and individuals insecurity and belief patterns. Deploying the framing effect to influence decision making. 

We have seen plenty examples of this in recent years and throughout recorded history.

It is a standard practice in all violent hierarchy cultures.

One of the long standing problems I perceive within Christianity as a dogma is that Dominion is embedded into their belief system - they believe the worlds peoples should all be Christian, and that a Christian Earth would be the best of all worlds. God has given them this Earth. The promised land. Manifest Destiny.

This sense of the right to achieve Dominion is also built into Capitalism, which is rooted in Puritan Christianity. The Industrial Revolution and European Colonialism were also rooted in Christianity, and both were presented as Christianising projects. Wealth is a sign of God's approval, poverty evidence of His disapproval and thus, a flaw in the person who is impoverished.

The cover story for colonialism was the three 'C's. 

Christianity, Commerce and Civilisation. The British Empire was a global commercial domination project at it's core, with it's foundations rooted in Christian Dominion as a God given right and as the correct path for all Humanity.

The decision by the US Supreme Court to remove the right to abortion is part of this dynamic of imposing Christianity and it's rules upon a diverse population, it will impact all indigenous peoples in much the same manner as the conquest of the America's has and it is linked into the domination of Earths peoples by Capitalism. Every movement that rejects that imposition was treated as a threat, and type cast as a competing power grab. 

"Islam wants to take over!". "Communism wants to take over!"  "Secularism wants to destroy our Faith." "There is a war against Christianity!" 


Secularism brought us The UN Charter of Human Rights, and included within it the right to religious freedom to allow people to follow their Religion, without being persecuted or discriminated against, and was a response to the horrors of the European pogrom perpetrated by the Nazi German Regime, which itself was part of a historical trend of pogroms against Jews 2000 years old.

War, religion and children

Thus it's declaration of freedom of religion was quite understandable, in the wake of the intolerable monstrosity of the slaughter of Jews and many others perpetrated by a modern European Christian State.

Unfortunately, what it did not do was instil an injunction against indoctrination.

Indoctrination is a core element of the propagation and expansion of Religion, and is mainly perpetrated upon defenceless children, often using methods, that if used on Adults, would be understood as deeply offensive. The use of psychology and sanction and corporal punishment to instil a belief system is oppressive. No matter the outcome. Even of it leads to a child growing up to be a kind, decent humane adult. The end does not justify the means.

Russian civilians and their children, Ukrainian civilians and their children are learning that lesson in the hardest and most horrific way imaginable, as two states, both avowedly Christian, though of different sects, and their allies pour weapons and men into wage war, and the civilians who are there by accident of birth, and who generally have nothing to do with the various aims of the Political War Lords on either side, until they are caught in the cross fire and must flee or endure or fight, as circumstance dictates, circumstance beyond their capability to influence - who is seeking Peace on either side?

The same can be said of any and all wars. Ordinary folk do not start wars, they do not vote for wars, because they know what wars will do to their lives, their communities, their culture.

Warlords vote for wars. Oligarchs profit from wars.

Warlords also exploit Religion and National Identity. A majority of adherents of Religion, as much as the majority of people for whom a given nationality is asserted,  are born into the Religion or The State in which their parents live and are indoctrinated into the beliefs associated with either institution as a matter of course, a practice which is accepted as the 'natural' order. 

Distal Power and Power Disparity

Children have little power relative to adults, and it's natural to some degree that children will adopt the beliefs of their parents, but the art of indoctrination - which is only possible due to the power differential between adults and children, a power disparity that is exploited to meet the adult worlds needs, and is often deployed with sanctions or threats of sanctions to ensure compliance - intensifies that adoption or internalisation of  the belief, and this frequently leads to conflict, when for example a child comes to terms with his or her sexuality as a teen or adult, and steps away from the doctrinal assumptions on sexuality or when a child rejects National Identity - as Theresa May opined "a Citizen of the World is a Citizen of nowhere!" in her Brexit Nationalistic taunt - conflict ensues.  The adults object. The rulers object. 

In my view the person externalising their own emergent sense of their sexuality is right, and a person asserting his or her sense of being part of the Human Family rather than merely a subject or citizen bound by nationalism is in the right. Those who oppose that are in the wrong.

I understand people adopting a national sense of self, an identity bound by history and culture, we all internalise our environment, but for it to be the result of indoctrination in childhood, that is oppressive, that is deliberate grooming and it is especially egregious when it is late on exploited. Nationalism fills the ranks of militarism, and in that sense it is oppressive and bloody well dangerous.

Every militarist state tells the mothers of the dead that their sacrifice was not in vain, that it was a noble sacrifice. Nah, I don't buy that. Let me say it as it really is. That is an ugly, disgusting lie, every time. It masks the truth of what war really is - for what is war other than Oligarchs organising the resources required to train workers to murder other workers, as the Oligarchy wave their Flags, in order to maintain the power of Oligarchs to dominate the society and to extract the wealth required to wage war.

Who can poll the dead for their opinions?

Would Rupert Murdoch or Elon Musk or Obama or Blair or May or Putin or Zelensky or Johnson present themselves at the frontline? Never! They lead from far behind the battle lines. Do the weapons makers turn up for shifts in the trenches. Do they fuck! 

They exhort the relatively powerless citizens to 'make the sacrifice for the Father/Motherland!' They persecute deserters and active anti-war activists and pacifists. 

Where is Julian Assange headed, and why?

Sanctions must be applied to keep the rebellious in line, and to forewarn others who might be considering similar action. Conversion therapy is driven by religious ideology, not by health care, science or kindness. It is known to be a cruel process. Demanding that every woman who falls pregnant bears the child to full term is similarly an act of intolerable cruelty.

Flags and images of Jesus are posted above class rooms, and children are enrolled, indoctrinated into the nationality myth and the religious myth. Is this just? Is this equitable? Pacifists are derided when War Lords wave flags to enroll young men and women into their wars. I think the pacifists are among the most courageous people of all. Atheists are decried as enemies of religion. Other Religions are deemed evil. This is all nonsense. Abortion Health Care is the work of Satan. Yeah, right. Jesus never said any of this.

The decision by the US Supreme Court, and body of less than 12 people, (Juries are 12, the USSC is merely 9 carefully selected (not elected) old farts, deciding upon the rules governing the lives of some 340 million people, to remove the right of all women in the US of A to choose an abortion, (and to have safe health care provision for such an operation, which they must pay for) from the Constitution, is a cruel decision. A divisive decision. What drives this divisive, irrationality?


The Oligarchy, as I have written previously, are engaged in a political war against democratic regulation of toxic industrial practice. The strategic goal is a divided electorate, divided along irrational emotional lines of belief - that way they can harness the various value-emotion led demographics - Christians, Jews, Sunni vs Shia Muslims, New Agers, Commie Haters, people who fear LGBTQ+, Xenophobes, small land lords, people who do not correctly understand Government Level Finance Operations etc.,. etc. 

This is deliberate, well funded and utterly political right wing and very aggressive and funded by oligarchy.


A tactic they are deploying is to weaponise Free Speech.

They are also part of an anti LBGTQ+ political movement.

So they attack Trans-Sexuality as unChristian, then demand the right to do so publicly and claim their right to free speech is being trashed if anyone objects. Then the use emotional trigger to conflate and link that to other issues.

The Oligarchy seek out emotionally charged  issues that can be carefully groomed to align with political goals related to undermine democratic solidarity across the board.

This is a strategic gaming of people's emotions and positions for political gain, a strategy honest people would never engage in.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6927388/ - a study of anti-abortion activism in UK.

There’s a very well funded Christian Right Wing movement in England, affiliated with US, part of a global network.

They are targeting universities, clinics and do a lot of online advertising/grooming.

They conflate the issue of Free Speech with their campaigns.

Let me make it clear that these tactics are evil. They are abusive.

Grooming vulnerable people being deployed to restrict the rights of women, or anyone else, or to achieve any political goal cannot stand.

It is inhumane, it is institutionalised abuse, it is an act of mass oppression.

As to the Supreme Court decision it is an act of profound misogyny. And members of that court are already calling for other rights to be removed, to follow on from this egregious betrayal. The drive to divide the population along highly charged emotional lines is a drive to start a war of sorts, a war that inhibits grass roots worker solidarity.

This is not so much a slippery slope as another step along the well trodden road to inhumane ruination. This is not simply a gender rights issue, it is a full scale war against a humane democracy, a war waged by the Wealth Extraction Class who know that Climate Disruption, Poverty, Racism and Environmental Degradation, Species loss is on their door step. And they know that healthy democratic regulation would end their dominance, politically and financially. Addicted to that power they will do anything, anything to retain that power, even if it means billions of deaths.

If we don't work with all the energy, compassion, intelligence and creativity we've got, to build bridges of rationality across these emotional ravines, they will push this, and all of us to the wall.

It can be done, we have examples in our history where grass roots solidarity built healthy political movements to rein in some of the power of the Oligarchy. This work is not easy, yet it is worth the effort. The Norwegian Pension Wealth Fund is one example of taking a more socially caring trajectory.  Finland's decision to ban homework from schooling is another example of a more compassionate policy that works in the best interests of school children.

I describe a trend here that has little in it to offer hope that we will find the kind of solidarity across Humanity to meet the challenges of Climate Disruption.

And at the same time, looking at this awful decision by the USSC I wonder what might happen when hundreds of millions, if not billions, of very intelligent, compassionate and creative women and their male allies refute this atrocious ruling, if we collectively recognise this a more than about abortion,  that this is part of a deliberate trend towards an  autocracy that protects the Wealth Extraction Ruling Class, a trend that is not the will of the majority of human beings alive today.

I remain hopeful for our futures, precisely because I know most people are decent, kind human beings albeit living within a social and material power system that is toxic, and yes, there is lots of work to be done to assure our children will not suffer from previous generations of oligarchs avarice, irrationality and evolutionary stupidity.

Kindest regards


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