An inconvenient fact

The work of exposing and understanding all the ramifications of the inherent abuses that arise from the adults world views that are imposed or coercive with regard to child rearing practices and how that dynamic reverberates around societies as a power relationship is the most radical approach, in that it encompasses ALL single issues, because it transcends gender, race, religion, spirituality, economics, environmental concerns, psychological concerns, location and any other single or combined locus or focus for resistance or change; it is grounded in material reality, is proven and well researched : this approach wins all arguments as to what to do in that there is no counter answer to this claim, no data worthy to counter it, no other analysis that reaches so deep into the human psyche..

This approach immediately includes ALL human activity as it is the base of all human activity, we are all born as natural children, and if one advocates for one child, it must be for all children, for all time.... there can be no exception to this that is not a dilution of the thesis, and as such a betrayal of the core aim : an empathetic humane society living in balance within nature, where coercion is a word that has no meaning, where the act of hunting and gathering is a sacred act, replete with all that makes life truly sacred - unconditional love.

Unconditional love allows no lies, confronts abuse in all forms, favours none and fears none. That is the essence of the natural child.

So, the gauntlet is thrown. Are you with the natural child, or not?

Do not answer this question, for there is no gauntlet to throw... it's merely a turn of phrase often used. I am making a counter point to the duality that leadership imposes on followers.

What is important is to feel into this issue and to allow your most honest and fearless responses to emerge..... who knows where that will flow? I don't, that's for sure.

we all start here

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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