Bio-Logic and Illogorithmic deciet. A new Word is born!

Some Thoughts on Biology, on Life as it emerges.

Bio-logic. The logic of living processes as they are observed at every level of our capability. It works. There is a logic. It was there before we humans emerged, and it will thrive after we are long gone.

Biology does not do 'good and evil'.

Biology does what works, and what works nurtures the entire habitat and maintains optimal living conditions in a dynamically changing environment.

"Either it works, or it doesn't and either way, it's all compost."

Biology is balance in movement.

We are born biological.

What we experience, what we are taught, what we endure, how we are treated is what we learn from. We call that learning from experience within culture and environment.

And there are biological mandates for all of that.

Mandates that if maintained, maintain that nurturant stance throughout life.



The Web of Life......

Because it works, beyond any moralistic judgemental labeling of toxic action and outcome as 'wrong' or 'evil' or 'bad'.

It could be put this way.

“I work for life, rather than merely agitate against toxicity.”

Biology is not concerned with such self limiting perceptions as judgementalism.

"Either it works, or it doesn't and either way, it's all compost. Food for more life!"

I find that thought really perfectly beautiful.

A New Word!
A pun on algorithm, the ghost in the machine, the sleight of hand, the deceit of a predator  - a spectrum of behaviour.

Illogorithm :

: a procedure for triggering tension or escalating dehumanisation, a deliberate wind-up. executed in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation;

:  a step-by-step procedure for denigrating a target, using  any number of logical fallacies interwoven into a false narrative, and with the intent of setting that target up for abuse;

: an illogical behaviour, using false logic to incite yet more illogical behaviour and action, especially when viewed in the context of Optimal Human Biological Health, both for the species and for the individual;

: any statement that purports to be evidence based, and is presented as such, which is in fact a wild generalisation, and generally false;

: anything composed of a two dimensional, polarised thought process and contains a number of logical fallacies, and which then leads to illogical, irrational behaviour and actions, and is used by populists to trigger reactions in audiences;

: 'if a person xxxx, then yyyy and zzzz and therefore abcd’ is a common format, and is used often enough in typifications or attributions of a generalised and de-humanising nature by populists, pundits and prelates;
: is a self-contained sequence of illogical actions to be performed;

an emotionally biased negative calculation, a presentation of subjective data processed as a truth;

: a linguistic tool, a motivational device ustilised by populists and bullies alike, to engineer or trigger automated thinking in the target audience, be it an individual or any group in terms of their understanding of their relationship to  the denigrated or dehumanised objects;

Sillogorithm – an illogorithm that  is just way too silly to be taken seriously;

A game people play, reciting traditional illogorithms, or creating new ones, object of the game is the use of intellect, wit, language and laughter.

Everybody wins.

Which is the opposite of illogorithmic deceit – everybody is hurt by it, even the deceivers, even if they are unaware of how it is dehumanising them, and which underpins the illogic of such behaviour.

Compared to the logic of Bio, Bio-Logic, from which we humans have emerged.

Thou Shalt not Commit Logical Fallacies. A website that examines the detail of logical fallacies. Worth a view.

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