Behavioural characteristics of Hierarchy cultures and Egalitarian Cultures.

The Cultural Behavioural Characteristics of Hierarchy Cultures and Egalitarian Cultures. Take a look.

We are living within a bully hierarchy culture. A culture based around artificial power disparities that are used to abuse people, with minimal regulation of the harms caused.

It is not inevitable, and it is not The Human Condition.
It is obviously unhealthy.
It doesn't have to be this way.

It is this way, yes, that is glaringly obvious and likewise it is obvious that doing anything about it to heal or correct that situation is going to be difficult, we know this. Difficulty is not necessarily a barrier to taking action.

It's no secret that those who hold power and deploy power disparities in their favour are unwilling to relinquish those advantages.
Nonetheless, our bodies and our psyches are biologically evolved for egalitarian behaviour and we know that hierarchy of power behaviour is biologically unhealthy. That suggests to me at least that our biology is a potential leverage point in articulating the potential to alter the culture.
Most of human distress originates in the cultural dynamic of power disparity and hierarchy, rather then in the human psyche.

The cultural obsession with enforcing and maintaining socio-economic status is a highly stressful and disease generating behavioural dynamic.
Established practice of Psychology, Psychiatry, Religion and New Age magical thinking are all deliberate mis-directions.

The person is not the problem. Yes, it is true that some people are dangerous to others. Dealing with the dangerous people is a health and safety issue for the community, where robust prevention of harm is the core dynamic, and punishment is rejected as irrationally judgemental and ineffective.

The Culture is the problem. In a culture of power abuse, it is obvious that it will generate people who are dangerous to others.
Change and heal the culture, reduce the incidence of emergent psychopathy - again, an obvious approach.
Deal with it. We all need to deal with this. The issue here is that we can never fix a social system that is a bully system.
It is by definition beyond repair. The bullying must cease.
Power Hierarchies with artificial power disparities are pathological systems built by bullies.
They cannot be repaired. The power disparity must be disabled, dismantled.
This is very difficult for those people who have been habituated to power disparity to appraise.
The psyche habituated to power disparity thinks that this is the Human Condition.
It is not.
It is a culture, nothing more than that.
The body and psyche is biologically evolved for the egalitarian behavioural dynamic as it's healthy normal state within the environment. We are social organisms. Our sensitivity is all about connection and co-operation, empathy and creativity, loving nurturant relationships with ourselves, our communities and our environment
If the body and psyche is subjected to chronic bullying, it will become distorted, and disease will emerge more frequently than it would otherwise do,
Bullying emerges from unresolved trauma, as a coping mechanism. It has become institutionalised over time.
Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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