Be Alert!. Bullies Exploit Emerging Vulnerabilities.

"The grooming (gaslighting) of human vulnerability is one of most vile things any human being can do to another."


It will take 2 to 6 weeks for the first clear signs of a surge in infections to become apparent..

The UK Government is gambling with your lives.

Only if you allow them to.

Stay home, tell your boss to think about the legal action you will be forced to take if he or she demands you return, or offers to fire you if you do not.

Do not send your children to school, do not demand more teachers place themselves at risk, furlough is not an easy money free ride, it is a protective measure.

Do not be bullied.

There is a local epidemic, here in the UK. 

We are called upon to be alert. Then let us be alert. Let us pay close attention to the implications, the masked threats, the veiled insinuations.

The virus is real. The infection is not a hoax. 
Viruses are not bullies. Hoaxers are bullies. Some bullies will be attempting to exploit the situations created by this  viral infection and the disease it causes. Bullying can be described as using any form of power disparity to manipulate or coerce others to meet the needs of the entity with the greater power.

David Icke is a bully. Alex Jones is a bully. Both are exploiting people's fears and insecurities, their rage and hatreds and emotional reactions to sell books, to sell product, to market a brand, to build a cult following. That is a form of bullying, it is psychological bullying. Donald Trump is a bully.  Trumplestiltskin - the public persona is that of The Bully's Bully. The Bully for all Seasons. I will stamp my feet if I do not get my own way!

They are not alone in this. Brexit was a similar dynamic, with Boris Johnson at the very core of that behavioural dynamic, which I have previously described as political grooming. Nigel Farage stating that in his opinion street violence would be understandable if people did not get their own way. Straight bananas.

Hoax? What hoax? 

SARSCOV2 is a genuine, naturally evolved 
virus (if you take in the impact of harvesting wild animals for meat, and stocking them, live, in a meat market where stress and stock conditions can mean a virus can be passed from one creature to another in ways that would not normally occur, but can, and did, and is then transferred to a human by contact, where it finds access to cells and replicates and is then transmitted to another human being).

COVID19 is the disease caused when the virus enters a human host and uses the hosts cells to replicate, so that it can then be coughed or breathed out in tiny droplets of moist breath, to infect a new human host.

The process of using the hosts cells to make millions of copies of itself destroys those cells, and that is what causes the various disease breakdowns that can cause fatality.  Some people's immune systems cannot cope with that,  often because they are already suffering a chronic disease. Some people's immune system fails, even though they appear to be healthy. It's a risk for everyone, albeit greater for those who are already ill. We have no vaccine, and none on any reasonable time horizon.

If your lung cells are destroyed, you cannot breathe in oxygen, or breathe out carbon dioxide, and that causes lots of problems for most of your bodies organs. There's more to it than that. That is not the point of this short piece. Infectious diseases can cause terrible damage especially when we have no natural immunity and no vaccine and not curative treatment.

There is a pandemic (which is concurrent epidemics happening at the same time in different countries). This is now a global issue. 7 billion and more are involved in this. We are all in this together. It is in the air we breathe. Breathe in, breath out, spread it all about.

There is no vaccine. There is no vaccine in sight. I repeat myself. The promise of a vaccine is an empty promise. And in the next paragraph I will outline one reason why some people are floating it as a strategy with imminent potential right now. It is a delaying tactic. I think Bill Gates naivety is being exploited. I don't think he is evil. Nonetheless, there are those whose intentions are evil; predatory intent among humans is evil. We all know about predatory lending practices. Some people are clearly attempting to exploit the situation of this pandemic.

A slow spread policy avoids taking the kinds of action what would demand a Government supports a population through the process of stopping the spread, suppressing the virus and eradicating it from any given population.

For some ideologues funding the incomes of workers, (as opposed to  bailing out hedge funds and investment bankers), is considered an evil greater than the virus's impact on vulnerable people. The people might become addicted to the free money. I have written on this blog quite recently about the historical resonance of British political masters and their fear, their disdain, their hatred for helping the poor, the vulnerable.  The UN has chastised the UK Government for it's inhumane mistreatment of disabled people seeking states support to live in dignity.

Priti Patel, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, Sir Charles Trevelyan are quoted in my previous piece on the historical behaviour pattern I have observed resonating through this epidemic.

Some predatory Governments, Hedge Funds and others such as Rees-Mogg will attempt to exploit the local and global epidemics - buy low, sell high! How can we make a 'killing'?  Can we use this to acquire more power? What economic gains can we make from this crisis?

The UN calls for a global cease fire, the USA denies the motion because the WHO exists, because China exists and because both have done, and are doing, immense work to stop the spread, suppress the virus, eradicate it from populations and this shows up the US Federal Governments bad policy. 

The UK is in lock step with this move by the USA,  Both regularly abuse the Veto rights granted by their presence on the UN Security Council. Yes, the council of those who hold the biggest weapons of mass destruction systems, their versions of political protection equipment. Equipment that is a threat, rather than a protection. Bullies. History. I digress.

Let's return to the lead-up to the present moment, in the UK, by way of the speech Boris Johnson delivered even as the first cases of COVID19 were confirmed in the UK, and health officials were assuring us that the UK was among the best prepared in the world.

This is the official transcript from Boris Johnson's speech on February 3rd.

"And in that context, we are starting to hear some bizarre autarkic rhetoric, when barriers are going up, and when there is a risk that new diseases such as coronavirus will trigger a panic and a desire for market segregation that go beyond what is medically rational to the point of doing real and unnecessary economic damage, then at that moment humanity needs some government somewhere that is willing at least to make the case powerfully for freedom of exchange, some country ready to take off its Clark Kent spectacles and leap into the phone booth and emerge with its cloak flowing as the supercharged champion, of the right of the populations of the earth to buy and sell freely among each other.

And here in Greenwich in the first week of February 2020, I can tell you in all humility that the UK is ready for that role.

We are ready for the great multi-dimensional game of chess in which we engage in more than one negotiation at once and we are limbering up to use nerves and muscles and instincts that this country has not had to use for half a century."

That clears everything up then. There we have it. Those who seek to protect their populations are panicking, cowardly, spineless and weak, The UK Government is strong, caped up and ready to make vast profits in this situation.

Treating the people as children.

Boris Johnson's May Bank Holiday speech was deliberately vague, and because the instructions are vague he is hanging workers out to dry.

Classic passive aggressive management tactics are to issue deliberately vague instruction sets that contain conflicts; in response, when workers exercise too much caution, they are blamed for any failures to meet objectives, and when they are not cautious enough, they are held responsible for any adverse outcomes.

The response of various experts in the fields of medicine, virology, epidemiology and public health largely critical of the lack of clarity and the lack of a science based rationale.

His speech calls for factories and other workplace settings to
restart working in the midst of a lock down, at a time when statistics indicate a plateau, rather than a downturn.

Johnson makes a call to maintain social distancing even though we know that it is practically impossible in many work and travel situations to maintain that - the Ro number is still rather vaguely estimated, and in all likelihood it is still too high. We know using public transport is a super spreader. We know that thousands of new cases are confirmed at hospitals every day, and that hundreds are still dying in hospitals, at home and in care homes and that a third of UK 15,570 care homes are hosting outbreaks of infection. His instructions and directions amount to deliberate confusion.

"The main sources for infection are home, workplace, public transport, social gatherings, and restaurants. This accounts for 90% of all transmission events. In contrast, outbreaks spread from shopping appear to be responsible for a small percentage of traced infections" source

Who will take up the workers part when they are ordered back to work, and
out of concern for others and common sense they refuse? Will they then be fired? 
What of their rights under Section 44?  What legal aid access will the have? Is this how furlough is to be reduced? The addicts pushed out to face cold turkey. They can exercise all day long, to work through it?

Bullies give vague directions in order to set the victimised up for future failure and censure. This is a known behavioural and tactical dynamic associated with passive aggressive management.

News Media carefully float in comments about how furloughed workers are taking a freebie, sitting back and enjoying the free cash, Callers into talk shows repeat these claims, and acclaim their own desire to get back to work! Underneath is the unspoken allegation of mass malingering, disincentivised work shy slackers threatening the UK Economy.

Treating the people as adults.

Other Governments and organisations are responding in ways that attempt, as best they can, to take care of the people. They are attempting to stop the spread, to suppress the virus until it is eradicated from the population to whom they owe fealty and of for whom they hold a duty of care. They are supporting their people in order to have a people, to be an economy.

 'Unless we fix the biology, there will be no economy.' Dr. Erin Bromage. Understanding the risks matters. Opinion and belief may well be lethal.

 New Zealand is one example of a State choosing to take an evidenced position in order to protect the most vulnerable people within their population, which as it happens will also be the most protective of their economy.

Be like Jacinda, Stop the Spread, Spread the Love.

I wrote a song about Jacinda  vs Boris and Donald. No fridges or golf games for her. Just the daily work of suppressing transmission, eradicating the virus. Day by day.

This chart in the link below outlines the impacts of the different policy approaches in different countries, in terms of infections or progress of their local epidemic, as a result of their policy approaches. Take a look. It's real.

It really is that clear.

Bullies Exploit Emerging Vulnerabilities

Another way to frame this is to say that bullies will always attempt to exploit any emerging vulnerability in any family, village, church, organisation, institution or population/state where they hold degrees of power over others. 

I understand that this is a behavioural pattern, one the bully does not have to think about engaging, that it is automatic.  See opportunity, grasp it!

The bully will be behaving in an opportunistic dynamic, and will be co-opting any push back by the populations they are afflicting, so there is this push and pull dynamic that is very unsettling - this is then masked by a narrative that gives the illusion of incompetence, and that serves the purpose of throwing the afflicted off the scent, so that the opportunity to exploit the situation remains in the control of the bully.

There is also a benefit to the bully in encouraging a raft of conTheories and even in promoting them - The Chinese Virus! - some people will reject such theories as too outlandish, too crazy to be real or meaningful, and in throwing out the baby with the bathwater, they lose touch with the bullying element. Incompetence is much more comforting an illusion, and it gives the bully more more to act.

A bully can be a person, a group of people, an institution or a Government twisting arms.

Stay alert to the plays of professional bullies.

Stay Alert!

Stay home and study the matter.

Write to your local MP.  Write to the media you read.

Protect your children and their teachers.

Make a noise, stay at home, disturb the bullies.

Stop the spread, spread the love.

Kindest regards


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