Showing posts with label Cambridge Analytica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cambridge Analytica. Show all posts

Lizz Truss, Steve Bannon White Nationalist Love Cruise to .....

Lizz Truss, Steve Bannon White Nationalist Love Cruise to .....

short Novara film about the Trump-Truss-Bannon-Farage reform love cruise, and its destination

not sure if they have the course set correct, or that they have the wind in their sails.

a bit desperate, unhinged, loopy loop insane and dangerous...

One thing the writer, Peter Jukes, does not write into this article is the back story to SCL, concerning its parent company and their involvement in multiple elections in multiple countries, prior to FarceBark and Cambridge Analytica.

SCL was active in 30+ states, covering 100+ elections, no one is sure these are the exact number. Their activity crossed many boundaries and they were not alone in this kind of organising 'messaging' - Cognitive Warfare. 

They were part of a trend in the Conservative party indicated by David Camerons creation of The Behavioural Insights Team as a sub office of the Cabinet Office.

Nudge as a tool of policy. Nudge is in the wrong hands a methodology of manipulation circumstances and social-material space as behavioural modification, into behaviours deemed more appropriate by who knows who, who is likely avoid of all human empathy for the objects of their interest. Cold hearted. Anti-Social.

World map : SCL/Cambridge Analytica - election interference

source : quarts 

makes for interesting reading, no conspiracy theory, just business as usual : psychometric neuro-marketing operating in the political domain, exploiting emotional, psychological vulnerabilities. 

I think that is really cruel. Don't you?

But yeah, election interference, who does that? 

The deployment of cognitive warfare in practice is operating on an industrial scale, funded by right wing white nationalist wealth in USUK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and now in Ireland, and everywhere.

All those memes that get yer emotions going, one way or the other.... they have a utility beyond out entertainment.

I call this practice Political Grooming. Brexit is a useful, informative case study

Nudging public and online and private debate into more bigoted, discriminatory, authoritarian, and othering space, normalising it as just another political view point, rather than the social-material abuse vector it is. A population has to be groomed into accepting 'war as part of the way it is, part of business as usual and our side are the good guys'. That is a learned behaviour.

Who instructs to habituate such behaviour?

Political Grooming is real and a present threat in our political, cultural, social and private intimate space (our minds and hearts) because it ‘floods the zone with shit’ as a certain Steve Bannon has written and said, a number of times, in different ways, depending on who he is targeting.

Stevie B! is just the front man - the production crew are the various billionaires who fund all this, and who exploit the Christian Fundamentalists urge for theocracy to set up a ‘might is right’ war economy and protect the Fossil Fuel and Pharma and Chemical and Mining and Logging and Farming and Military Industrial Corporations from necessary accountability. Or at least that is the sense I make of it all.

A class war.

The owners, as Rulers, with vast Wealth, deployed as a weapon vs the Subjects, and anyone who threatens the power of the ruling class, they are enemies.

Kindest regards


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Don't You Dare Blame the Voters!

“How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics in the 20th century.”
― Aneurin Bevan

Those who Rule spend a lot of money, employ a lot of people and devote a lot of energy to make every effort to assure that that persuasion works, and one part of it is getting the people they did not persuade to hate the persuaded more than they might want to reach out, understand and help liberate the persuaded or even protect those vulnerable to being persuaded. I want to address that dynamic in this blog article.

Blaming the voters is a dead end, it leads to nowhere useful, and gets one there immediately. Likewise the charge of 'apathy' frequently laid against those who do not vote.

We cannot claim we have a functioning democracy when industrial scale political grooming and gaslighting campaigns are operating with impunity.  

"The grooming (gaslighting) of human vulnerability is one of most vile things any human being can do to another."

Emotions influence a huge part of our behaviour. 

Triggering other peoples emotions in order to exploit the other person is an assault, whether it is legally defined or not... if you do this in a relationship, it's abuse. 

If you do this socially, it is abuse.
Feelings carry information about how we are, our state of being.

It's about the quality of the lived experience. We call this qualitiative data. It cannot be 'measured', in can be observed, felt, recorded, described nonetheless. It is not something AI can relate to, ever.

Both our emotions and our feelings are also a beautiful intelligence, when they are integrated, at ease in the body of the person experiencing the emotion, the feeling, conveying qualitative information, that can be felt and empathised with, understood. A language without words. Sometimes sadness is not the dispair, or the loss, or the pain. It's more than these. Happiness too.

Vulnerability is part of our human evolutionary strength; our sensitivity is rooted in our intelligence, our brains imagining ability, that visual invention lab in the mind is the desing tool, and the task is to nurture love, and receive love as a social creature in a social context, with the materials to hand.

Emotions are rooted in our past experience and our present perceptions, they involve biological processes and body mind reactions that are also hormones, neural signal path-time, muscle tone, adrenaline levels, converted into extremely rapid, invisible and visible body mind changes which we ourselves do not really notice.

Until it's over, and we decide, yes, that is what I meant to do.

We know this is normal behaviour, fully conscious free will in total control is an illusion, the biology proves it.

We also know cultural or habituated behaviour is not genetically driven, culture is learned and we know that epigenetic reactions to trauma or epigenetic response to loving care can influence behaviour, down through generations.

Regular or chronic disruption to any body regulatory system habituates the person exposed, and this it alters behavioural dynamics incrementally, over time.

"repeat a lie often enough, with force, and it will be internalised as a truth."

Deliberatly triggering someone to elicit a reaction is a disruption generator.

Much of the disruption occurs below conscious control, in the autonomic systems, in the practiced habituations, in what we have learned accumulatively from repeated way or the other.

Therefore the target is to a very large degree defenceless if the targeter can refine the material with which the target is being triggered, without the target knowing this is happening.

Of course, wrap this in Marketing, and you are 'merely' doing business, growing the economy by selling products to a demographic, seeking the best hooks to maximise your potential capture rate... sounds inoccuous.

It's not.

Triggering other peoples emotions in order to exploit the other person is an assault. 


It is defined within Law covering Domestic Abuse, which is about relationships.

That is what is 'winning' the popularity contest the Corporate Media has made of Democratic Elections.

A population level case of psychological assault.

Political grooming gangs..... a previous piece.

If you want to know more about where this is coming from in greater detail, then this piece by Kitty Jones is superbly researched and will be of use.

The revelations about Cambridge Analytica indicate clearly that western governments are subverting democracy"

Don't you DARE blame the voters.


Do not even mention the non voters... really.

They are innocent in all of this too.

And don't blame Corbyn either.

Cummings, he's accountable for all of this.

Lynton Crosby, the Marketing Industry, Integrity Initiative, Blair, Johnson, Trump and their psponors - and all the liars and all those who allowed them to lie often enough that millions of people internalised 'Corbyn is a Communist', 'Corbyn is a Terrorist' or and even 'Corbyn protected pedophiles' (probably just a few thousand people on that one... enough to shift a seat from Labour to Conservative where there is a small difference between their votes - Kensington was taken by Cons, from Labour, with a 250 vote 'majority'. The previous election with went the other way, with a 150 vote 'majority' for Labour. The Tories did not need to gain more votes, they needed to trigger the right numbers of people with emotional content to vote reactively.

Up to the neck in organised institutional micro-targeting of trigger materials, lies and dirty tricks.

We are all exposed.

The Marketing Industry abusing psychology to sell alcohol, bleach, guns, crisps, chocolate, sex toys, and anything else that can be made and sold by exploiting people's studied vulnerabilities.

It's utterly corrupt, and the Powerful have jumped on the tool provided, and have exposed a trail that describes the manipulating behaviour in greater detail than they realised, they were so cock-sure and self-congratulatory.... blatantly, do not blame other voters, do not shout at each other.

Remember when Syria ('The Assad Regime is a caricature) was accused of using chemical weapons?  The UN didn't find any evidence, whatsoever. Their research show background traces of Chlorine. The Media reported presence of Chlorine. Lies, repeated often enough, become internalised. That's why they lie all the time.... habituation.

"Nothing I read however, came close to the dishonesty and deception I experienced while at Newsweek. Previously, I believed that not enough journalists questioned the government narrative sufficiently. I believed they failed to examine the facts with close enough attention and had not connected the dots as a handful of others had done.
No. The problem is far worse than that."

You know where to look. It's not just Facebook.

Here's how to 'fix' facebook.

Unless they introduce a restriction on triggering materials, and specifically real time micro targeting of political advertisements and election 'materials' disguised as mutliple grass roots entities that are merely webpages, and fronts.

Leave. They cannot function without us.

A day of none wuse will cost them.

A week will hurt them.

A month will close them down.

It's not highly likely, it is a possibility.

Kindest regards


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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account.