Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts

Late Elizabethan Holocausts

How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political power to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics in the twentieth century.” ~ Aneurin Bevan
One way of understanding history is to seek out the stories of those most harmed by the attitudes, behaviour and actions of those who hold and exercise the most social material power. The lives of the most vulnerable are historically more meaningful in that they reveal so much about the attitudes of the powerful. It is often the case that those who exercise power in abusive ways seek to obscure, bury or otherwise silence the stories of those most harmed by that exercise. Judith Herman faced that in her work as a Trauma specialist, meeting men and women exposed to extreme violence in the 1960s onwards, ranging from domestic abuse to political terrorism. "
I argued then that the study of psychological trauma is an inherently political enterprise because it calls attention to the experience of oppressed people. 

I predicted that our field would continue to be beset by controversy, no matter how solid its empirical foundation, because the same historical forces that in the past have consigned major discoveries to oblivion continue to operate in the world. 

 I argued, finally, that only an ongoing connection with a global political movement for human rights could ultimately sustain our ability to speak about unspeakable things." ~ Judith Herman in Trauma and Recovery
The narrative of historical celebrity is by definition and intent a serial hagiography.

Undue reverence to those who officiate the violent hierarchies rides roughshod over compassion, empathy and genuine concern for the lived experience - the lives of those who endure the worst outcomes of the decisions of the powerful who benefit most from the hierarchy systems are more footnote than headline.

Late Victorian Holocausts (follow the link)

Late Elizabethan Holocausts. (see below)

I want to make it very, very clear that I do not hold either of these Queens personally liable, culpable or responsible for any of the harms caused by the English Establishment during their tenures as Queen -as the Crown in person - they are persons trapped by birth and circumstance more than anything else. The accident of birth is as it is. This is in part about the Monarchy as a device exploited by the Establishment which dates back to The Restoration. 

Who are the culpable parties?

The Establishment are the Oligarchy. The descendants and inheritors of the Barons, The Merchants, the Colonists and the Industrialists. The Holders of the Assets of the Empire.

Since 1948, and the end of WWII, and the emergence of the Social Welfare State, the English Government has participated in a range of actions that have caused immense harm to entire populations, actions that were entirely avoidable and yet deliberately chosen. 

The Queen ascended to the Throne in the midst of all of this, on February 6th 1952.

Aden was abandoned in 1967. One could go back earlier in the historical record and include the Colonial abuses across Africa, India and elsewhere in the 19th Century. Apartheid in South Africa  from 1948 onwards was wholly supported by the English Establishment.  The brutal suppression of Mau Mau political activism in Kenya in the 1950s.

"Historian Mark Curtis, who estimates that the number of deaths in the post-war world for which Britain bears ‘significant responsibility’ is at around ten million (erring on the side of caution, as he stresses).

Taking into account such atrocities as the wars in Malaya (1948-1960) and Kenya (1952-1960),Indonesian atrocities (both during the 1965 coup and in East Timor from 1975), the Shah in Iran (1953-1979), the Falklands War (1982), support for US aggression in Central America (1980s),Apartheid in South Africa, other proxy wars in Africa, Military action in Sierra Leone, the bombing of Yugoslavia (1999) and Afghanistan (2001), and the invasion of Iraq (2003) not to mention the support for the Israeli conquest and occupation of Palestinian lands.

Of these ten million deaths, Britain has ‘direct responsibility’ for between four and six million:‘ Often, the policies responsible are unknown to the public and remain unresearched by journalists and academics’ (the friendly historian Dominic Sandbrook can still claim with a straight  face in 2010 that ‘Britain’s empire stands out as a beacon of tolerance, decency and the rule of law … Nor did Britain countenance anything like the dreadful tortures committed in French Algeria’).

Curtis adds in Unpeople that ‘humanitarian concerns do not figure at all in the rationale behind British foreign policy,’ and are occasionally evoked purely for ‘public-relations purposes.’"


Mark Curtis - Unpeople at the Authors website.

The Elizabethan Era - for whom the bells tolled.

Northern Ireland, 1968, where the oppression of civil rights marches degenerated into a faux Civil War in which the English State colluded with violent militia, that lasted for 30 years.

The destruction of the Trade Union movement, during the 1970s, and the offshoring of the bulk of English manufacturing jobs to gouge greater profits through production with cheap labour, which devastated communities in Wales, the midlands and the North, deliberately impoverishing millions of British citizens. Deprivation visited upon millions of English citizens by the English Establishment. 

The Thatcher Government provided ample support to Iraq in the Iraq-Iran War, 1980 - 1988. That support certainly prolonged that war. That support is implicated in the death toll of that war.

The Gulf War, in 1991 to repel the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait (itself a miscalculation by the US Ally, Hussein) and the decade of bombing with Depleted Uranium munitions, in order to maintain a 'no fly zone', which when combined with the destruction of civil infrastructure and the embargo of foods and medicines imposed by the US and UK let to the early deaths of 500,000 children.

The Invasion of Afghanistan,  in 2002 and all that ensued - 157,000 violent deaths, more maimings, displacement of hundreds of thousands of people, more trauma and poverty.

The Invasion of Iraq, 2003 and all that followed as a consequence - 600,000 deaths, more maimings, displacement of millions of people, more trauma and poverty. This also increased terrorism across the Middle East, North Africa,  the EU and USA.

2006 was the year that the Labour Government introduced the Work Capability Assessment, presented as a way to 'help disabled people into work'. The assessment regime was imported from USA, where it had been designed by a Health Insurance Corporation to downgrade claims for Disability, in order to make more profits.  Disabled claimants subjected to that Corporation's regime had been awarded hundreds of millions of dollars by courts. Nonetheless, Labour proceeded to implement this atrocious system. 

The former DWP Chief Medical Officer, Mansel Aylward, moved from the DWP in 2005 to the then named UnumProvident Centre for Psychosocial and Disability Research at Cardiff University, with funding by the American corporate giant who sponsored the new research centre with £1.6 million. 

Together with Gordon Waddell, Aylward produced discredited ‘policy based’ research4 in the 2005 DWP commissioned report: The Scientific and Conceptual Basis of Incapacity Benefits5 which supported the DWP’s planned course of action to demolish the welfare state.

DWP Ministers insisted that they were helping chronically sick and disabled people to take responsibility for their own financial future by searching for employment. In reality, various reforms to social welfare policies allowed preventable harm by the State to creep into disabled people’s lives. 

The flawed Waddell and Aylward biopsychosocial (BPS) model of assessment1 was used by the DWP to justify the use of the WCA, and the excessive use of sanctions against ESA claimants are known to cause identified preventable harm, including starvation, for those least able to protest."

This shift has caused untold harms ever since it was introduced. The UN made a series of reports that used UK data on how disabled people were being treated by UK Government, and called it a 'crime against humanity'.

Estimated excess deaths in the population of disabled people during 2010 - 2020 run to 150,000. During 2020/21 60% of all COVID related deaths were deaths of disabled people. The continuing harm of this policy is a stain upon the English democratic system of Government and is a holocaust of death, distress, fear and exploitation. still under way. The English Government shows no sign of changing course. The English population appear unwilling or unable to push against this, even as disability campaigners work over time. This is tragic.

Is it that the Queen, who we are told worked every day, right up to to her passing, is the example the Establishment sets out to mask this?

Support for illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine, where we know that 263,000 Palestinian people have been displaced has been a constant, in that support for the Israeli Government by the UK Government in social material terms and in the UN remains firm, and opposes almost every politician who draws attention to these criminal actions.

Support for Israeli War actions against Gaza, causing at least 6,000 deaths of civilians, men, women and children, where due to embargos and bombing of civil infrastructure, 1 million are forced to live abject poverty, a situation that the UN deems an act of collective punishment.

Austerity, 2010  which followed on from bailing out fraudulent mortgage selling and insurance practices which caused crashes in investment banking, for which no bankers were indicted. Austerity built on lies, which led to increased poverty across England, and the excess deaths of 150,000 disabled, vulnerable and low income people. The rich were given socialism, the poor were punished.

The destruction of Libya, 2011 - 2014, a functioning Civil state, reduced to rubble, which led to it being split and controlled by competing violent militia, where the rule of Law vanished and the rule of the wat lord still thrives.

The funding of violent militia in a proxy war against the Syrian State, 2011 - 2021 which has displaced millions, destroyed cities, towns and villages, caused immense trauma and poverty, where now food shortages exacerbated by trade sanctions are creating the possibility of famine, in the midst of a global pandemic.

The military and political support for the Saudi war against Yemen, 2015 - 2021, where 5 million people are facing famine, on top of all the associated harms of war. UK sells warplanes and munitions, and the ancillary staff to operate a fleet of aircraft to bomb peasants.

And in the last year: COVID19

The deliberate mismanagement of the covid19 epidemic locally,  200,000 deaths, 1,300,000 long covid cases, massive economic damage to working folks livelihoods, massive damage to small and medium businesses, tourism, live entertainment industries.

The policy that has exacerbated the pandemic globally, via the spread of variants that emerged within the UK and were spread due to keeping borders open, airports active, for non-essential travel and the rejection of early action by a prime minister, Boris Johnson, who styled himself as the Superman, the champion on Free Trade, in a speech given in Greenwich on February 3rd 2020.

These are all actions of the English Government that have caused millions of deaths, millions of people have been forced to flee, to be 'displaced', millions of people have been traumatised and these actions by the English Government have increased poverty and inequity across all nations afflicted.

At the same time, the English Establishment has increased it's global wealth and increased it's own power.

Late Elizabethan Holocausts.

I didn't mention Brexit, because, as of this moment it is not clear that it will cause death and mayhem at anything like the scale all these other actions have caused. But there is no doubt that it will. Brexit is, among other things, a move against collective effort and evidence based climate disruption policy to protect populations, build in resilience, shift from fossil fuel usage

People cry that the Conservatives are most foul. 

That is only partially true..  It's not just the Conservative and Unionist Party, the rot is much, much wider than that. Even within Labour there is a faction that opposes taking any meaningful action on the issues laid out above. Because they are culpable. Their war against Jeremy Corbyn laid bare the realities, and even still there are a sizable group of Labour voters who bought the lies, and are still, even as the Forde Report was released, holding firm to opposition to corrective action.

The English speaking global Oligarchy Establishment is dominant in all political parties in England, America, Australia and Canada - and they are a venal, brutish clan short on humanity, long on greed and focused always on fulfilling their desire for more power, and more wealth extraction and accumulation. 

Brexit was their operation to 'take back control' from a humanist Europe that is starting to regulate extractive industries, off shore banking, tax evasion, air and water pollution, environmental degradation and other abusive industrial practices that are the source of the wealth of the Global English speaking Establishment.

That is a large part of why Scotland is seeking independence.

Boris Johnson's veil slipped when he claimed yesterday that “The reason we have the vaccine success is because of capitalism, because of greed my friends.”

He is of course, totally wrong. The Vaccine success is entirely down to public funding, open and transparent sharing of information by research and academia, across borders, supported internationally as a medical necessity.

This resonates with his speech in Greenwich, February 3rd 2020 which I detail in a recent blog posting.

He posed himself as 'Superman' - he who will not flinch or panic, who will not undertake 'action that goes beyond what is medically rational' like others do, who will preserve open borders to facilitate trade. Except that was a deceit. Goods do not carry the virus, passenger travel carries the virus. He deliberately kept open borders without quarantine and therefore guaranteed spread of variants to and from the UK, even though experts warned of the dangers in this. He lied.

Crony Capitalism

The gaming of the epidemic as an exercise in profit gouging - £37 billion budget for a process to suppress transmission of the virus that is designed to fail at every turn, whilst pretending to help.  £57 billion wasted on contracts for PPE and other healthcare equipment, which ignored existing suppliers within the UK and handed contracts to small companies with no prior experience - creating hundreds of newly minted millionaires who raked off commissions at average 10%.   The filler accounting of the abuses of power are greater than the scope of this article.

This is Capitalism as a bullying dynamic, where the powerful exploit emerging vulnerabilities across a population and cause harm to that population whilst gaslighting that population through public briefing, news media co-ordination and online political conspiracy theory grooming dominance.

Taking Back Control

The English people need to seek independence from this Establishment, to save further lives and prevent further harms - indeed, the English people needed to do that back in 2003, when it was obvious that a War of Aggression was being initiated and prosecuted using tax payers funds. When the English grass roots failed to indict Tony Blair, a proven liar and War criminal,  they opened the flood gates to where we are today.

Queen Elizabeth is on the Throne, binding the nation. She is a person trapped by birth circumstances.  None of this is her fault. Her position is exploited by the English Establishment. Flags are waved, and people die.

Late Elizabethan Holocausts.

Now you know why.

God Save the Queen from this odious Establishment of NeoLiberal Robber Barons!

Arrest them all for malfeasance and corporate manslaughter.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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Bullying Behaviour - the core dynamic, obvious, yet carefullu avoided. Why?

Mother's bleached out of History is a form of institutional bullying.

The Official History does not give voice to the mothers of wars, for mothers rarely go to war, war comes to them.

From my view, I see the parade of war lords, kings, presidents, emperors, queens, prime ministers, dictators that stretches back such a short span of  our human existence, a span where wisdom has fled, and the bully proceeds. The competing powers dynamic is a pathology.


pregnant mothers.

your mother.

my mother, 

our mothers.


For me it has been a gently creative summer, this warm, balmy 2017,  and I am now leaning into a leisurely and hopefully creative autumn.

I have been sitting with the plants and bugs, I have been musing and ruminating, mulling over things, whilst ensuring I took time to fritter away being idle, indolent and chilling the way out..... for me, life is to be savoured, not for it's peaks, but for it's intense essence, it's mere presence. Being alive and sensitive is amazing!

Which is really at the core of why I detest bullying, or coercion, or manipulation, or any attempt to 'nudge' one person in anyway in order to gain an advantage, or have ones perceived need met, whatever that might be.

Bullying intrudes upon and disrupts that space of presence. Peace is more than the absence of bullies...

It's ugly behaviour, really.  We know it stems from insecurity, from a wounded place.

I prefer transparency, honesty, integrity. It's strong, until it is broken.

I look around at this culture, it's icons, it's goals, it's actions and outcomes and I understand that bullying is normalised, institutionalised, mythologised, theologised, dramatised, fetishised, attributed to Divinity and demonised as the most foul, in equal measure, across this existing Militarised Industrial Civilisation.


It's like varieties of mint.

Racism, Misogyny, Sectarianism, Colonialism, Sexism, whatever......... same plant, different flavours, the flavours are not the problem.

Babies are not born bullies. This we know.

Some babies may be born with damaged or weakened systems, and if not spotted, these can become pathologies, through a variety of vectors. A lack of empathy, or inability to self regulate may lead to overt control rather than attempts to heal that area, deepening the behavioural dynamic. But more than that the evironment and social experience of the child will determine much of that child's development, and each child will carry elements of the epi-genetics of the past recent generations as well...

"There are things in a child's life that should happen, and do not. And there are things in a child's life that should not happen, and do."

The child's agency in this is limited.

The task then falls to the adults to correct the balance.

As many have observed, a loved child is more likely to become a loving adult, than a child which has been abused, neglected.

I think children are being bullied quite a lot, in institutional settings, and in the public domain, and I think it's so common, that no one can see it.

And I think it is one of the many dots to be joined regarding how healthy behaviour is distorted. How do we relate to and treat children? How those with power relate to and treat those who hold little power?

A song about bullying and honesty.

A parody of Abba's pop song 'Money, Money, Money'

A reflection on our times, a gander at the cost of bullying in politics, and in how bullied politics afflicts peoples lives, in the knowledge that all of it is wholly avoidable. And how the best approach is honesty. Clarity.

Break it down : as soon as a person speaks and promotes their bias, prejudice, animosity etc in a manner that is in any way intimidating, or denigrating, or that seeks to base legislative powers on the false assumptions of their prejudice,  or that demands change be forced through based on those false assumptions.... that then is bullying.

Political bullying is a fully professionalised enterprise, effectively a world of well funded, well resourced war-gaming.

That's all bullying. IT HAS NO PLACE IN CIVIL GOVERNANCE. Ever.

We talk about racism, sexism, genderism, etc with regards to the reasons for each petty prejudice.... yet we rarely talk about bullying, we talk about trying to alter the reasoning, yet bullying is so normal that the bullying continues...

Let's be honest and call it out.

Here's a fine article on how bullying operates in politics - the tactics and technicals. 

Well worth a read.

The writer connects the dots between bullying dynamics observed in inter personal situations and tactical political behaviour, and it makes much sense of a confusing world, in that it describes an arena of happenstance as much as one of seeking control, that there is a chaos element to the bullying. Bullying is inherent unstable.

"Here are some recognisable bullying traits and tactics, designed to damage, isolate, discredit and eliminate the target:

  • bullies are adept at exploiting the trust and needs of individuals, organisations and groups, for personal gain.
  • bullies react to criticism with denial, retaliationfeigned victimhood.
  • the bully grooms bystanders, and the target, to believe the target deserves the treatment they are receiving and attempts to limit contact between others and their target. Often the bully will use communications that exclude the target so that there is no opportunity for them to defend themselves and present their truth.
  • the bystanders see only the Dr Jekyll side of the bully, but only the target sees the Mr/Ms Hyde side; Dr Jekyll is sweet, manipulative and charming, Mr/Ms Hyde is evil; Mr/Ms Hyde is the real person, Dr Jekyll is an act.
  • bullies exert power and control by a combination of selectively withholding information and spreading lies and disinformation, therefore everyone has a distorted picture – of only what the bully wants them to see. "

Babies are not bullies - the behaviour is learned...... prevention is the only sustainable  approach.

A Societal Psyche

Vladimir Putin, the Baby boy, was not born to become the Leader of a Nation.

Donald Trump, the Baby boy, was not born to become a bully, and a Leader of a Nation.

Martin Luther King, the Baby boy, was not born to become a political Leader, to be assasinated.

Neil Armstrong, the Baby Boy, was not born to walk on the moon.

Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, General Custer, Cromwell, the babies, were not born to become military leaders who personally ordered the murder of hundreds of thousands of people, all largely innocent..

They were, and are all products of the societal psyche of 'Power', 'Hierarchy', 'Authority' and 'Security'.

These are the terms used which deferentially aggrandise the basic act of bullying, which is what lies at the core of each and every one of them.

The Bully System.


The powerful influence of the bully system does not excuse their crimes. It's more a question of understanding the development of that kind of predatory psyche, in order to deal with it.

Just as the populations of soldiers, willing or conscripted, are products of the societal psyche of power, which is a wholy cultural over lay and has no basis in healthy biology.

Healthy human biology is largely mandated towards egalitarian localism.

That power based predatory psyche acts as an inducer of chronic stress, and it affects our own physiology, or very biology, adversely. The stress to maintain military outposts takes resources away from what ever community is paying for it, in many different ways, where local need is not being met..... it's crazy.

Chronic stress is a MAJOR disease and degenerative vector. Yet the masters of the economy impose more and more stress on ordinary people.

Civilisation or Bulliliesation?

We cannot continue to vote for bullies, and expect material change....

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Reality check, Tommy Robinson, Bullying as a societal dynamic

Why when people are bullying in a racist way, we call them racists, rather than bullies, and then spend hours arguing about race and not talking any sense about bullying, let alone doing anything effective to reduce either?

Why when people are bullying in a sexist way, we call them misgynists, rather than bullies, and then spend hours arguing about misogyny and not talking any sense about bullying, let alone doing anything effective to reduce either?

Why when people are bullying in a Statist way, we call them Leaders and Dictators, rather than bullies, and then spend hours arguing about State vs The Rest,  and not talking any sense about bullying, let alone doing anything effective to reduce either?

The obvious is being avoided.

This is of course understandable, almost natural in that deliberate social conditioning is a working strategic arm of those who seek to rule over others. People must be 'tamed', must be taught what to think and dissent is permnissable only so far as it does not threaten the status quo.

When people discuss the current Tommy Robinson story, they take sides, and talk about those sides, yet miss the opportunity to talk about child abuse and abuse of power as elements of a same social psychological and structural dynamic.

Going nowhere fast, in terms of protection, prevention and policing.

Games we play.

What games do we have that reflect healthy egalitarian bio-social behaviours? The way nature and biology works.

What games do we have the reflect hierarchical competing powers, and the values of such a system?

Bullying and The State.

Irelands youth have delcared their wisdom. They have repealed an ammendment of the Irish Constitution made in  1983 that criminalised Abortion. Whilst it was well known that child abuse within institutional care settiungs was widespread, common and harmful.

A wider view of the issues drew this as a reflection :

"If a) we lived in a truly egalitarian society where b) education on sexuality, relationships, parenting and power was evidence based, where sexuality was centered on pleasure, autonomy, intimacy, connection, equality and soul-meeting, be it casual or life long, and where b) religious or ideological indoctrination was banned because it's a psyche invasive process, then we'd be having a different conversation.

But we're not.

Because we are living in an immature, stressed, selfish, competitive society. A society built on Patriarchy and Violence. Sanctified by Religion run by cold, cynical men of power.

Conquest and Sexuality are mutually exclusive.

Put that in pipe, smoke it.

And yeah, it's the woman's choice. Hers alone.

Shared if she has community and family who understand, who will not judge her, who will care for her, whatever.

Catholics can assume the ban on Abortion themselves, as a personal spiritual committment.

They cannot assume any right to legislate to impose that belief on others, they can choose that it's something they'd apply to themselves -  if a Catholic woman falls pregnant, then she must follow her belief, but she cannot impose that on any ohter woman.

The right to abortion does not impose abortion on anyone.

And the Christians should still stand as Jesus would have, to support the woman, to nurture her.

Because that's what Jesus would have done. They call themselves Christians but ignore His words in favour of the old testament, which is closer to a manual on counter-insurgency that a spiritual text.

Basic common sense.

Religion has no claim to civil legislation, policy or governance because it is not evidence based.

Good for you, the Irish youth and progressive adults. Good for you.

The 21st Century will be yours to nurture."

The value of life, and it's meaning...

The value of each life is in the persons experience of a life of love, respect and nurture as a social species human person, and in how they nurture the world they inhabit.

What has no genuine value are instutionalised toxic mimes of 'growth', 'spirit' or 'community' co-opted to concentrate wealth and power. Zionism claims a spiritual, biblical root.

 Zionism is purely a political device, void of any genuine spirituality, let alone being of any use, to anyone.

That said, Fact: Israeli Government is  carrying out war crimes, and deliberately harming a vulnerable, trapped population of people it has displaced.

Fact: Hamas has waged guerilla terrorism against Israeli citizens and Israeli military. Hamas was funded by the Israeli State to rule Gaza and force a split between them and Fatah andf the PLO. Better gangsters and thugs Govern Gaza than ordinary folk on a civil and human rights tip.

Fact: The British State committed a War Crime, waging an invasion and occupation of Iraq.. Libya was a war crime, outsourced.

Fact: many states and militia are guilty. They all have their reasons. All their reasons are excuses.

People are being harmed, deliberately.

Who cares what the harmers justifications?

 They must stop harming people.

That's it.

It is that simple.

All the debates I observe across society do, is push that painful truth away.... the reasons for harm causation cited by various actors are complicated only because they are untruthful, they do not admit all the evidence.

Before peace, stop violence. Before talks, stop violence.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.



The push, the release
the squeeze, the belief
in letting go - we both
surrender to the next life
as in the new world
I arrive to the softness of
the strange dry air,
something unknown to me,
the pulse of my mothers heart
the thumping with which I have
for nine months lived
- all of my life thus far -
oh the relief of hearing that sound again
having been briefly, yet intensely
separated from that
fundamental pulse.

I gaze with all my body,
all my soul
and we catch each other,
before I reach to feed.
and oxytocin mediates the adrenaline
I am born, and we are clean, together...

My fathers deep voice rumbling in peace and joy,
amazement and bliss.

Being born is the art of the eternal welcome.
 Mind and body
one ingenuous zone of love,
head to toe I know
that my love of life,
this desire to nurture,
the qualities
we see
and feel in each other,
and we are recognised,
for these are the echoes,
these are the dreams
that are essential
above all else.

Nurture love,
tend the garden

Blessings are
these tears of love,
these peals of laughter
like a silken glove
held and yet unrestricted.

And then the flags, the tanks, and the shelling?

This tragedy is pathology,
the loving is all gone,
the culture says no breast-feeding in public,
it's more important
that you learn your Nations song!

Democracy and the Abuse Family Dynamic - Gaza, the innocents and you!

1. It's a fact that in War, 'restraint' is a myth. Winning means destroying the 'other'. It's a mirror of that odious word ' debate' - One side must win! One side must beat the other! We see this infantile approach every day in the UK Parliament, the House of Commons.

We see it in the media. We see it in comment sections, in blogs. Unrestrained, abusive, willfully inaccurate, biased 'reporting' or 're-tellings'. It is ubiquitous.

Many people are unable to see this as part of an abuse dynamic, largely due to the careful conditioning of State Education, Religious and Ideological Indoctrination and Consumerism Marketing.

2. In the psychology of abuse relationships and dynamics, dysfunctional families, trauma studies etc a common theme is one of the abuser blaming those they are abusing...

"look at what you made me do!" and "this is for your own good!"  The abuser has to do this, has to be able to manage, manipulate or condition those around him or her, to maintain the position of Power.

Both Hamas and IDF do this.

They do it to their own, and to each other. And innocent people get caught up in the cross fire.

The rest of the family gets caught up in the cross fire.

Other common themes of the abuse family dynamic are that some family members become allied with the abuser, some create and maintain an external myth that says the family is really a good one, some who resist become scapegoats, then there are those who cannot escape and just keep their heads down and pretend it is not happening. And there are those who flee.

These are all survival techniques or modalities.

People who are genuinely thriving do NOT behave in this manner.

Political Power, as we know it. is a mirror of the abuse family dynamic.

Power over others is a key abuse dynamic, and the majority of our great Institutions are mirrors of the unresolved trauma of their creators, and their psychologies, their need to exercise control over people, over society at large.

The current power disparity between the citizen and the state is a mirror of the power disparity between an infant and an adult, with the adult using his or her power to control the infant and to enhance the adults power, rather than using that power to nurture and empower the child.

3. The support that the Israeli State receives from the UK State reveals that the UK is not a functioning Democracy, in terms of have a Representative Government. There are many other examples of UK State action that has no mandate amongst the majority of the people. This is a similar pattern across ALL modern 'State Democracies'.

4. In fact , we in the UK live in a situation of permanent oppression, and most of us refuse to see it for what it is. We do not resist. We 'adapt' or 'adjust', we 'fit in'. Or we 'rebel', reflexively, most often in ways that in the end, serve the abuser - because the abuser understands the limitations of 'rebellion'. Rebellion is not the same as resistance, and liberation is a much deeper dynamic than mere rebellion.

This 'adjusting' includes taking sides on issues - left/right, religious/atheist etc etc rather than being willing to think beyond such narrow definitions, being able to examine the world and one's own experience and subjecting both to a critical analysis. This is a key outcome in all indoctrination systems. It's a key outcome of the UK's State Education System. We learn to love our oppression. We learn to not see it. We learn to participate, we learn to debate, to win or to lose.

We do not learn how to craft win-win resolutions.

This learned refusal to see, this learned inability/unwillingness to look at and to understand what is happening all around us, supports the abuse dynamic, the conflict dynamic, which is largely exported by the UK State and her 'allies' - the banks, the military-industrials - to other places. For profit.

The raging arguments about Gaza and Israel that take sides, that do not see the entire human family picture, will only serve to continue the conflict. The appeals to our own Government are for the most part wasted energy. They will not heed us. Nonetheless, it is valid to register our concerns, our sadness and our outrage and to keep these alive. However, this leads to a serious question.

The Question :

If we are to resist, if we are to seek a dynamic of Liberation, what would that have to look like to be successful, both in the short and long term?

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Gaza, Trauma and Threat… obeying the law.....


click this link to launch my streaming radio :

It will open a page with a player and song list. Press play....

The Israeli Election is done. Now the formation of a majority block Government begins. Two weeks they say. And who has been talking of peace or justice? What have they said? And who amongst them will talk of peace, And who has been talking of more war? And who amongst these elected Israelis, now with the responsibility of Governance as an occupying military power in their hands, will speak of seeking peace and abandoning violence, physical or economic. As a first step. Unclench the fist, and remove the glove. Who?

And absent from anything i have read, is comment upon the reality that after a trauma, any threats the assailant makes publicly is by Law, and offence, classified as an assault. It also hurts....

Imagine what it’s like for a child who has seen his family die in the most bloody way, to hear the persons responsible for that horror making threats to launch another war, or to speak of unending war?

What is that like?

That child could be Israeli or Palestinian or American or Congolese, take a pick at any ‘conflict’, there are many.

Seen from this perspective, birth into this way of life, on Earth, is a grotesque lottery, devised by the hands of power, uncaring of the harm. Sure there are risk inherent in nature. But this?


So many children!

How is THIS in any way acceptable?

These are the questions we must ask as people and demand that answers, both our own conclusions and those of established ‘experts’ be openly sought, facts faced and appropriate decisions made.

With the disgusting and ignoble rhetoric of war ringing around the world, with foreseeable disasters looming as possibility's, ones we could better turn our energies so as to prepare, and mitigate the foreseeable, as derived from climate variation, mass poverty as capitalism falters, as war continues and other factors I won't go into here,(the reader will collate their own list) it behoves us all to stop the war as a priority.

One way or another, the subject must become THE SUBJECT that politicians, makers of weapons and war supplies, soldiers, citizens and children focus on.

protest. strike. blockade. write. inform. talk to the children. no-one has to become part of the system. it cannot be imposed. alternatives will emerge.

i write about this because of what I know to be true. It is deeper than any belief.

Because of the children.

All real children have prior rights in that they did not ask to join this culture, and cannot be subject to it's imposed ideologies without undermining their human rights, this in both a legal and a more general sense.

Those rights are the responsibility of the adult world in it’s entirety.

That responsibility is not so heavy that mankind has been struggling with it eternally. That would not be a great survival strategy in the long run, as we are beginning to understand. Ahem! (cough, cough!)

Until quite recently, about 16,000 years ago as far as we can tell. Not long in the long line of ancestry really. And always, always organised war directed by hierarchical societies has been at the heart of it all. The motive : Profit by brute force.

‘Progress’ was and remains a metaphor for more land, and more land implied controlling other lands, others bodies, be they whatever species……as resources to exploit.

Happiness in a consumer culture?

Truthfully, the ‘happiness’ quotient of those closest to the land, where pressures from the consumer based industrial world are non-existent, minimal or ignored, is the highest and broadest of all living human societies. That matters! That really, really matters. Think about this. Pause.

This way of living as a natural humane being has real meaning, value, content and depth. It is neither a fashion statement nor is it a currency. It’s no utopia. Shit happens.


Two streams of behaviour. Different consequences.

One cares for children. The other ‘rears’ children.

One turns anger into ritual.

The other drops missiles on them from seven thousand miles away. Or thirty. Or shells the child from one hundred yards away. Bulldozes house with dead people inside, your dead brothers, your dead parents and grandparents.

One would never make that threat.

The other repeats both threat and trauma.

A cyclic pattern.

This happens.
This is war, carried out by ‘states’, stimulated by ‘empires’.

Does it really have to be this way?

Of course not! Feel that pulse of nature, and the child at play, the family laughing. That’s real.

Doubt not that for once thousandth of a second.

Imagine again, sense this, feel what it would be like for that child at the harsh end of a missile.

Wherever that child is.

Imagine now, slowly, taking time to sense again how you felt gazing upon the most beautiful natural sight you have ever seen. The most moving. Then imagine playing as a child in nature, in that vision, or as it comes, as you might have as a child. Learning by exploring. By experience. By joy!


A missile, the components of which may well have been made in 25 different countries, assembled in one country, shipped to the battle front, used once, lands in a child’s bedroom.

So when the politician said read my lips, no more taxes and did the opposite, when they say they want peace and make war and work to increase the possibility of more ‘efficient’ war, when they say they care for our health and refuse to regulate tens of thousands of synthetic toxic chemicals that are currently in common use, which are absolutely a leading cause of much distress, common and evolving, in or civilisation and outside it, as the toxicity takes hold, when this and more, with so many lies, there comes a point. There has to. Enough!

“It’s the children stupid!”

It’s (certainly not) the (military consumer products services industry) economy (interests and natural market) stupid!

What do you think? What are your thoughts on this?

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Real Courage ........under fire!

I was sent this video : watch and learn.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Is World Peace possible?


Of course peace is possible, for the entire family of humanity, and all the other living creatures on Earth.

All children are inherently, innately peaceful, intelligent (in different ways), creative and beautiful.

The starting point for peace is the childs experiences as he or she grows.

Alice Millers work "The Roots of Violence : For Your Own Good" demonstrates clearly, with plenty of evidence, that the childs upbringing is the predominant factor in determining whether or not he or she is compassionate, empathetic and self-reliant or wether her or she becomes fearful, a bully or a basically angry person, or an out of contro psychopath.

Irrespective of religion, philosophy or any other factor, a child who is listened to and respected becomes and adult who listens to others and respects others.

A child who is treated with gentleness and encouragement will grow into an adult who treats others in a similar fashion.

It is not a question of discipline or chastisement, it is not a question of, as some hold, mastering the child, controlling him or her or a matter of indoctrination.

When children are seen, as some marketeers see them, as 'evolving consumers' or as Governments see them, a work force in the making or as potential soldiers for their armies, or as easy converts to religions or ideologies the children are being used for adults purposes, and thus moulded, coerced into boxes that are not innate,those children become constructs of society, rather than natural individuals who truely know who they are, who live life with vitality, integrity and authenticity.

John Taylor Gatto has written about the way the project to craft "Compulsory State Education" was driven to achieve this. Here is a quote that is chilling in its content, and the context is that of creating a class of people who will do what they are told to do, irrespective of the psychic cost to themselves.

Between 1896 and 1920, a small group of industrialists and financiers, together with their private charitable foundations, subsidized university chairs, university researchers, and school administrators, spent more money on forced schooling than the government itself did. Carnegie and Rockefeller, as late as 1915, were spending more themselves. In this laissez-faire fashion a system of modern schooling was constructed without public participation. The motives for this are undoubtedly mixed, but it will be useful for you to hear a few excerpts from the first mission statement of Rockefeller’s General Education Board as they occur in a document called Occasional Letter Number One (1906):

"In our dreams...people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions [intellectual and character education] fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of science. We have not to raise up from among them authors, educators, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have ample supply. The task we set before ourselves is very simple...we will organize children...and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way."

And the things to be done in a pefect way? Working in factories, bureaucracies, corporations and in armies. And to what greater purpose? Why to control the worlds wealth and to craft what these indusrialists called a 'perfectly ordered society'.

We must face the fact that as a culture, the leaders of the industrial World, and others, are have been and still are using our chidren for their own purposes, and in doing so, they denature and warp the children. This is the greatest of taboos, and must be broken.

Hitler could not have done what he did without the support of money, and also many hundreds of thousands of angry people, ordinary people, looking for scapegoats for their unresolved psychic woundings.

George Bush and Tony Blair could not have launched wars that have killed 1.2 million people, 1/3rd of whom are, were children under the age of 15 without our compliance, our indifference, our deficit in empathy, our timidity and obedience.

Those qualities are not innate, they are learned and are the product, if not the intent of the conditioning process I have described.

Luckily the system of conditioning is not perfect, and many children do manage to slip through the net, partly due to parents who are able to give them the space to be authentic, partly because some people are less able to submit to being conditioned.

There are many, many healthy, empathetic and compassionate people. And there are the many who have not had the chance to grow that way. Healing is possible.

The future depends upon how we treat our children. Upon whether we listen to them or condition them.

And that is something we CAN change.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The Core Crime upon which all others are founded...

The core crime against life is the indoctrination of children. The cure? Listening to children. Children know and will tell any adult preparde to truely listen, open hearted and open mindedly.

By listening, we adults who as children were not heard, and who have resigned ourselves to this in order to survive, can heal our own childhoods and gain insight to the unique natural individual that we, each of us, are.

And in doing so, only then do we realise why we must not harm another, not because it's a question of 'right' ot 'wrong', more because we sense the pain in our own being of that harm, and would never, ever knowingly inflict that upon any other. And should we unwittingly cause harm, then we would move to cease that as soon as we were made aware of it.

This is the innate childs sensitivity, and we are naturally adapted to live with such a sensitivity, for in that sensing we can interact and relate to the world as it really is as opposed to the world interpreted and constructed by faith, ideology or other paradigm.

This sensitivity is a form of intelligence that those who seek power over others fear the most.

Here is my song, "Expectations of every Child"

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Soldiers Human Rights -Tragic Oxymoron!

I saw this report on the BBC wesbite, here's the original

As I read through it I found myself makings these following comments - they are in italics.

This is what I think.

What do you think? Lets be honest here.

Human rights 'apply to UK troops'

(bbc headline!)

Human rights laws can be applied to British troops even in combat, a High Court judge has ruled

The landmark judgement came in a test case relating to the death of Scottish soldier Pte Jason Smith in Iraq.

Mr Justice Collins said sending soldiers into action without proper kit could breach human rights. Ministers are appealing against the ruling.

What about the human rights of those caught in the crossfire?

What kind of kit would the court estimate would be 'poper' for a woman with three children, and two grandparents caught in the crossfire?

Whose responsibility is it to provide that kit?

The court also ruled families of those killed in conflict should get legal aid and access to military documents.


The judgement came during a request for military inquest guidelines in the case of Pte Smith, 32, from Hawick, in the Scottish Borders, who died of heatstroke in Iraq in 2003.

Legal defeat

Moral Victory?

Phyrric Victory!

Lawyers for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) had argued it was impossible to give soldiers in combat situations the benefits of the Human Rights Act.

But Mr Justice Collins said that although a duty of care could not be expected in combat, troops did not lose all protection.

So give them proper kit? Still getting shot at! And shooting back! Still murder! Still illegal!

It's an illegal war of aggression!


For example, sending a soldier out on patrol with defective equipment might be a breach of Article 2 of the Human Rights Act - the right to life, which in the event of death requires an independent inquiry.

Many believe the judgement will make it easier for the families of those injured or killed in Iraq and Afghanistan to claim for compensation.

Is it really that hard?

The decision was a legal defeat for Defence Secretary Des Browne who also had his attempt to ban coroners from using critical phrases such as "serious failure" rejected.

It is! You would sell your mothers soul for whateva!

Jocelyn Cockburn, the solicitor for Pte Smith's family, said the ruling meant British soldiers sent abroad would "have the same human rights as any other British citizens and must be properly equipped when sent into battle".

Hmmmmmmmm …. aren't human rights applicable to ALL nationalities, equally and without favour?



Catherine Smith, Pte Smith's mother, welcomed the decision and said she hoped other families would now not have to struggle in the same way she did to find out how their loved ones died.

"It was questions upon questions that we couldn't get - we couldn't get any information at all. And I think that's wrong. We should've had disclosure."

She's right, of course. And braver , so much more committed to just cause than many in parliament, in that she seeks to face down the Government and the MOD! She is their equal in every way. Each of us is.

'Common sense'

Diane Dernie, the mother of L/Bombadier Ben Parkinson, from Yorkshire, who was injured in an explosion in Afghanistan last year, told the BBC the decision was "absolute common sense".

Soldiers Human Rights -Tragic Oxymoron!

Liberty director Shami Chakrabarti said it was now clear it was "not just the military covenant that protects our forces all over the world".

"Their fundamental right to dignity and fair treatment must be safeguarded as well."

As well as what, might I ask?

Their right to murder people?

Their right to follow illegal orders?

Their right to NOT follow illegal orders?

... or is that a duty, under the Law?

But shadow(y) defence(sive) secretary Liam Fox said it should not have taken a court decision for ministers to realise they had "a responsibility and a moral obligation" to ensure troops were the "best trained and best equipped in the world".

Human Rights? 'Best' trained killers? 'Best' weapons of mass destruction? This is insane!

Liberal Democrat defence spokesman Nick Harvey described the ruling as a "shattering ruling for Des Browne" and said he hoped it would "wake the government up" to equipment shortages.

I must be at the wrong meeting!

The government has a moral obligation to equip those it sends into battle on our behalf properly
Matt Hennessy, London Send us your comments

Those in government, being of able body, and unmarried have a moral obligation to equip themselves appropriately and go fight the fuckin' wars themselves.

However, Mr Browne told the BBC his department had come "a long way" in response to "the changing environment both in Iraq and Afghanistan" regarding equipment.

So That's all right then! You guys are on it! Yay! LMAO!

"So this is criticism which is dated criticism from a different time. It is not applicable to the troops that are presently deployed."

Well that's nice to hear! Although ithe courts decision is a precedent! Well, OK then, possibly….

He confirmed the MoD would be appealing against the ruling that sending British soldiers into battle with defective equipment could breach human rights.

You What? Appeal? Didn't you hear the man? You really want to send young men to me maimed, traumatised, even to their deaths, men you have asked to do your dirty work for you?

You Absolute Tosser! And all who like you see fit to use legal instruments applied to mitigate murder, as opposed to banning it outright. Ist that it?

On the judge's rejection of the government's bid to stop coroners using critical language, the MoD said it had never attempted to prevent coroners from "undertaking independent investigations and making their findings public".

You quibble over wording when peoples lives are destroyed by decision that you make and their consequences.

Damn! I got taken in again, for a moment I had lost the sight of all the civilians who are the majority of casualties, across all three spectra - psychological trauma, maiming, death not to mention the collapse of society, for a moment I was really only concerned about the soldiers human rights.

Just stop the bloody war and start to make reparations, dude! It's our money. We WANT YOU TO DO THIS!

Stop the war.

....and... geuss what?

Brownie Boy

....... is NOT

..... really

..... listening!

So hit him, and all the civilian and corporate war makers where it hurts - in the pocket, to do this we need to build communities everywhere, that is talk to each other and break the spell of the denial- we all need to learn to grow food, and start to withold our taxes that we who do pay taxes, pay to central government.....and this is legaly sound and cannot be prosecuted under any law because it is merely upholding the Law, both National and is do-able..... and if done....... then very soon after it will bring the wars to a close.

Then it won't matter if they don't listen. They will stand trial.

People must be mature ebough to accept the responsibility of taking any and all possible legal action that leads to stopping thes wars dead in their tracks.

Be the Law!

It's about all humans rightful expectation that peace should prevail, that greed be curbed and that wars shoudl stop. Now. Just say No!

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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