Showing posts with label Wealth Extraction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wealth Extraction. Show all posts

The Truth About Poverty - it is deliberately maintained, and why imposing judgemental caricature of the impoverished as the mainstream narrative is so important.

The Truth About Poverty - it is deliberately maintained, and why imposing judgemental caricature of the impoverished as the mainstream narrative is so important.

"The silver lining in an otherwise grim landscape is that the disastrous right-wing grip on public policy has been shattered. Truss was right on one thing: it is an imperative the country breaks out of economic stagnation. The alternative to trickle-down economics is to raise public and private investment along with rising exports, the universal drivers of economic growth. Britain needs a step change upwards in public investment and it needs to recast its financial and ownership system to foster the great companies that innovate and invest."

The Observer Lead Opinion Sunday 16 October 2022

Nothing about poverty, let alone the fact that poverty is deliberately inculcated, intentionally maintained, the impoverished constantly gaslighted, with great human harm as a consequence .... and as it happens, no - the neoliberal grip has not been shattered, they are flexing it, and there's more to come.

Middle Class myopia. Hope. Unfortunately, growth of the economy does not correlate with a robust, happy pulse of the health, welfare and safety of the population. It is not an accurate measure, taken on it's own. 

The Observer headline for this rather dull witted passage: Patronising bollocks.

None of this is new, none of this poverty is necessary.

The lived experience and the meaning of social mutual aid, and it's absence.

2008 - The Subprime Lending Fraud collapses, States bail out fraudulent system. Poverty increases, wealth accumulation increases. Austerity and Big Society, tiny state. 

'The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better'
 was published in 2009. 

"Written by Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson, the book highlights the "pernicious effects that inequality has on societies: eroding trust, increasing anxiety and illness, (and) encouraging excessive consumption". 

It shows that for each of eleven different health and social problems: physical health, mental health, drug abuse, education, imprisonment, obesity, social mobility, trust and community life, violence, teenage pregnancies, and child well-being, outcomes are significantly worse in more unequal rich countries."

Source :

2022 - Things are not improving, are they? War budgets and Billionaires wealth are increasing in line with the increase of poverty. 

The Truth About Poverty

Everything we think we know about poverty is probably incorrect, a caricature of the impoverished, designed to mislead us. 

The Truth About Poverty - and why it is deliberately maintained, and why imposing judgemental caricature as the mainstream narrative is so important.

We see all around us, above us, besides us, below us - an institutional culture of deliberate judgemental paternalistic societally enforced snobbery, for profit. 

People must be taught to see the poor as having only themselves to blame 'because people are flawed and selfish and lazy. Inferior.'

What of the 'advice' given to the poor from that perspective?

Pull up your socks?

Whereas the truth is much simpler - most people are decent, honest and caring. And most people are living with near intolerable levels of chronic stress.

Why so decent? Because it's so much healthier. That's just common sense. Food banks, local charities, applause for health care workers, raises for all workers, peace and a clean environment. No more than what we need for a genuinely healthy life. Decency. Humanity. Community. These are all real political forces if we truly understood their potency.

Rutger Bergman gets into the detail, in the video just above - it's a friendly chat.

Make a cup of team sit back, open the popcorn, switch off the phone, take it all in. This is healthy science meets social care as an economic commons at it's very best.

Given our general good nature, what's happened to our perception of one another?

This raises the question as to why the caricature of poverty and the theme of the selfish individual remain as existential assumptions within the narratives of the established political and economic system, irrespective of ideology, creed, 


Maintaining the dominance of Corporations and Wealth over the people, as it is,  is cruelty beyond imagination.

Kindest regards


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Care, Nurture and Power - Hatred as a political weapon. Where is the nurture?

"The further a political or economic culture moves from care and nurture, the more the proponents of such a drift will encourage hatred of all those who nurture and care, precisely because that care and nurture confronts the cruelty of that cultural shift"

Beyond standard ideological L/R polarities, rooted in the historical dynamic of the French Revolution, which replaced one oppressive ruling class with another, reducing political development to a struggle between two poles of oppression, masquerading as democracy, this is a question of de-humanisation, deliberately deployed, intentionally undermining humanity, and as Climate Disruption, Environmental Degradation, Racism, Misogyny  and Poverty reveal, it is a question for Humanity as a whole. As a species.

Where is the nurture? Ask that question of every policy proposal. Dig into the detail.

Kindest regards


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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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Wealth Extraction vs International Democracy. Brexit is a precedent. Selfish as an interest, a faux philosophy, a meme of the bully cults political power base.

'Wedge Issues' : Seeking out materials that are belief based with which to stimulate endless angry argument (and violence) as a means to prevent democratic solidarity emerging amongst us workers. A core activity of News Mefia, oligarchy funded conspiracy theory, political hegemons, within the Bully Cult.

The ruling of the USSC on Roe vs Wade is designed to harden divisions across the USA - belief that Christianity needs to expand and dominate, belief that Christianity is under threat of a 'birth dearth', belief that US Military Power is a benign, honourable culture, belief that peoples sexual pleasure is a threat to society, belief that Capitalism is the best way to organise a society, belief that the poor and destitute are inferior and have only themselves to blame, belief that Race is a biologically, God given stratification - belief imposes it's will, and ignores the evidence, the knowledge, and sets up an endless brain-offline war of nasty attrition, as the believers refuse to acknowledge the knowledge, and dig their heels in, emotions flared, frontal cortex off-lined, amygdala over loaded, guns at the ready.

The underlying pattern this odious dynamic misGovernment is revealing is simple.

In the UK the attempt to break the terms of the Brexit Agreement regarding Northern Ireland may appear crazy, yet if one takes a wider look, something else emerges, and although it too is insane, and ugly, it makes sense of the attempt to legislate English Law to break an international treaty. Unilaterally, ditching negotiations.

They know exactly what they are doing and their sponsors do too. They know exactly what they are aiming for, strategically.  A Free-Market fundamentalist State, Sovereign and selfish.

What appears to be incompetence is not what it seems. Indeed the charge of incompetence provides a cover for the nature of the program they are pushing - 'incompetence' is easier pill to swallow than plainly evil. Evil is causing harm and denying it, in order to exploit a situation. That choice is evil. And no-one wants to see it, because to see it is to awaken to a need for deliberate and determined solidarity based political action that entails effort, vulnerability, potential stress and failure. A scary ask for anyone.

@torysc_mout #uk #politics #britain #fyp #parliament #government #northernireland ♬ Epic Emotional - AShamaluevMusic

The program : to undermine International treaty obligations as a standard and undermine democratic engagement of the population in driving through international treaties, national legislation and other measures necessary to meet the challenges of climate disruption.


Because the goal is to insulate the Wealth Extraction class from democratic regulation and legislation that would :

a) Make provision for climate disruption adaptations and support for those most afflicted by the disruptions that are already happening, and will continue to escalate

b) Make provision for criminal indictments for delaying, denial and other campaigns that have hindered recognition of the problems, which were known to those campaigning for those delays, because those delays are causing harm. Lies, gaslighting, manipulation, conspiracy theory, denialism and corruption.

c) Make provision for prevention of harms in all industries that pollute, poison, spill waste into the environment, spill toxins into our air - this would impose a massive cost on all industries involved. It ought to be basic practice to not pollute, poison or release toxic 'waste' materials into the environment.

d) Make provision to limit Wealth Extraction and to abolish poverty. Low wages is a key component of extracting wealth, backed by deliberately maintaining and exacerbating poverty, with the threat of homelessness and destitution as a whip - note that the money the impoverished spend on food and utilities flows back to the profit extraction process whereas the money extracted is off-shored or 'invested' in ways that drive up property prices and enhances the political power of the Wealth Extraction class as a political hegemon. Wealth as a weapon system.

e) This Tory government removed the clause in the ministerial code of conduct in 2015 in preparation for this strategic shift. Brexit was a test case, to see how quickly breaking international treaties unilaterally could be set as a precedent. Once the precedent is set, as this week, Parliament 'debates' the setting aside of the Northern Ireland Protocol Agreement as a piece of legislation.

f) The Tories want England to become a safe haven for the Oligarchy to park their wealth. Free Ports, Free Cities, low corporate taxation, secrecy, off-shoring and much else besides. 

This amounts to a campaign that is a war - Wealth Extraction against the survival of Humanity, against any democratic movement that seeks to end the harmful practices, and avoid all those harms into the future.

Their biggest fear is a united population, humane solidarity across the diverse population - and so they sow division, using tactics that target emotional belief and bias, to generate divisions within the voting population, and beyond, so that popular solidarity cannot emerge to challenge the Wealth Extraction class.

Laws that make protest a criminal offence, laws that remove democratic Human Rights, laws that protect the Wealth Extraction and sanction the impoverished, laws that impede oversight of Government, laws that allow Government to ignore court rulings, laws that allow secret service, military and police and others to commit crimes in the course of their work to 'protect the nation', laws that criminalise poverty, laws that permit pollution of our waterways, laws that undermine almost every element of a functioning democracy (not that we have ever had a functioning healthy democracy - the existence of a ruling class makes that ideal impossible.)

A legislative war against democratic legislation and regulation of industrial wealth extraction rooted in externalised costs, even as those costs cause harm to hundreds of millions, and potentially billions of people, and our shared environment.

The ruling of the USSC on Roe vs Wade is also designed to harden divisions across the USA - belief imposes it's will, and ignores the evidence, the knowledge, and sets up an endless war of attrition, as the believers refuse to acknowledge the knowledge, and dig their heels in, emotions flared, frontal cortex off-lined, guns at the ready.

We know what must be done, don't we?

Kindest regards


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