Showing posts with label blair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blair. Show all posts

There never was any cave-men, or 'primitives', ever.

Almost no-one within the Institutionalised culture understands the fact that

a) there were never an cave-men ug ug alpha males brutish stage of 'humanity' - we have not evolved from 'primitive' to 'advanced' in terms of sociality... there is no evidence supporting such a behavioural 'progression'.

b) the bulk of the past of human species are the life stories of billions of perfectly evolved people, evolved to love, live, nurture, create sweet lives (understanding that this means dealing with things like accidents, illnesses, deaths, changes in weather, environmental changes in creative ways that enabled them to continue living and thriving) utopia-free. as in it was not an IDEAL, it was a living reality.

c) there is no biological evidence that suggests that predatory, violent hierarchy is natural, healthy behaviour or that it is anything other than a pathology, a disease state, a presentation of severe and long term chronic stress and traumatisation, that is cylical, in that the behaviour tends to pass down the generations until it is healed.

d) So few people are willing to accept that the optimally healthy biological human being is mandated by the very design of our bodies, our sensory systems, our cognition systems, by how we develop from seed to mature adult by learning through direct contact and experience in the environment that we call 'the wilds' or 'nature' where the context is a dynamic of incremental increase in environmental fecundity.

Healthy humans nurture the environment, they do not pollute or poison the environment.

I detest the spiritual world view that holds that the tryanny and abuse being meted out is part of the story of Human Consciousness Development, from primitive to evolved, all is in place, and our task is to work through it, survive it, and ascend. Or our task is to comfort the afflicted.......

This is both a fantasy and a betrayal.

See how easy it is for people of Spirit to 'rise above it all' yet remain fully institutionalised.

There is only one thing to do - de-colonise,

De-colonise, and come home to Earth.

ps: I can de-colonise and still use my tech tools, but I probably won't want to pay a mortgage, support wars or work for bullies.... it's really quite easy, as I are already evolved to nurture - I just need to learn... to heal... to return.. to nurture here.

No Ascension.

It's ALL here.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

The Psyche of the International Competing Powers and our Children's Futures.

Benjamin Netanyahu, The Pope, Tony Blair.

Why are these men at liberty to carry on as if they had not comitted Human Rights abuses of a global nature?

Compassion takes into consideration the effective social conditioning processes being constantly tweaked and adjusted by a network of deliberate and attentive institutional bullies.... they are effective.

Yes - adults over the age of 40, me included, have failed our resposnsibilities to our chidlren, as a culture and a generation, and we have done so within the context of the entire culture and it's structures that resists the urge to peace that is the grass roots of society.

Most of us are innocent, in that we have been conditioned, to one degree or another.  I recall what it was like to think I was a Catholic, what it was like to think 'Dallas' had any insight into real life America, to follow given thoughts without examining them; I recall what it was like to feel assaulted if my beliefs were challenged. I know. We all know this.

That said, a few people, quite a few, hundreds of millions of poeople, have made huge efforts that will reverberate through the years - Permaculture is one example. Trauma Informed Care is another. Health care, Nutrition, Psychological Health, Housing are all areas where a committed cadre of our society are creating sustainable, humane resolutions to previous structural problems. More and more we see, from the grass roots, proposals for resolution and long term planning emerging, evidence led porposals.

Some of those people were in the conditioned state too, before they began to dig deeper and ask honest questions... anyone  who is safe, can do this..

Trauma Informed Health, Policing and Education will make huge differences in the coming decades is another area that is ignored by the ruling classes.... they are winding down all three, for a fire sale! The issue is critical. Just as resolutions emerge that are practical, the bullies harden their stance, dig in deeper, and launch offensive, after offensive.

There are many, many more working flat out to heal and create healthier sustainable ways to do things, and they don't get much News Media coverage.

What does happen is every statement the ruling class issues is fact checked, open source, on line and any lies, manipulations, incosistencies etc will be analysed, and countered...

These are heady times, indeed.

The Millenials.

There is a generation who have been able to reliably fact check their teachers, parents and politicians and have found them wanting, and have seen, to some degree, through the Emperors clothes.

This massive constituency is the one driving the confrontation with bullying in all, and any, form across our society - which is why the bullies call them snowflakes.

I am one of the failing generation, and I support the kids, 100%.

The system is a bully system and until we adults face that fact collectively we will still be co-opted to cause harm to our own children, and to other parents children too.

The Psyche of The System

Vladimir Putin, the Baby boy, was not born to become the Leader of a Nation.

Donald Trump, the Baby boy, was not born to become a bully.

Martin Luther King, the Baby boy, was not born to become a political leader.

Neil Armstrong, the Baby Boy, was not born to walk on the moon.

Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, General Custer, Cromwell, the babies, were not born to become military leaders who ordered the murder of millions.

They were and are all products of the societal psyche of 'Power', 'Hierarchy', 'Authority' and 'Security', terms which aggrandise the basic act of bullying.

Just as the populations of soldiers, willing or conscripted, are products of the societal psyche of power, which is a wholy cultural over lay and has no basis in healthy biology.

The chronic stress and trauma of this culture affects biology adversely. We see it first in our own disease vectors, within our own bodies....

Civilisation or Bulliliessation?

War is wholly avoidable.

The Wounded Psyche

How children are mandated to grow and develop as social beings according to biological optimal behavioural outcomes is now quite well understood.

The intergenerational affects of chronic trauma, on the body and the mind, have been and are under continious study, and we know so much more now about the way these dynamics perpetuate.

Therapeutic responses have been developed that help with recovery.

These are not yet widespread.

The evidence begs the question 'why the trauma?' directed at the society at large, at the social, causal and material environment.

Medicine and Psychological Health professionals must become activists, advocates of healing this cultural psyche.

"Given the place and time of your birth, what you were born into, and all that who have experienced/endured/enjoyed, it's no wonder you feel they way you do."


Prevention is understood to be more efficient, inherently sustainable.

Prevention is justice. Compassion is clarity. Integrity is strength.Transparency is honesty.

These are ancient human mandates, the mandate of Mother and child, the mandate of sociality as a joyous bond, the mandate of learning as self motivated, the mandate of sense of self as emergent, the mandate of robust health and ability to read the environment accurately, to respond creatively to changes, to notice changes and muse upon them, thus spotting patterns... these are all key skill sets for living in 'the wild'. Ancient.

Love drove our species as much as any, and probably for far longer than any other 'urge', because to love in that ancient way is not possessive, it is egalitarian .. and within that, we are sensitive, we vary in temperment and inclination, we are not drones... and we are moody, so tempers can flare - it's what we do when that happens that decides if we are at peace or at war...

Older societies laughed, talked it out worked it out -  this one eggs the adversaries on.

Netanyahu’s Namaste.

Speaking of the psyche, and Benjamin Netanyahu comes out and articulates it, precisely, in public, with a big smile on his face. He’s a happy man, it would seem. 

Here he speaks to the PM of India, Modi, who paid Israel a State Visit, in January 2018.

Here is his speech, the full context, from which the recent quote about strength emerged. Netanyahu’s speech starts at 6.55.

Note that both India and Israel are Nuclear Powers. Note that this is the first Indian Government State visit to Israel. India was created in 1945, Israel in 1948 (expanded by conquest to where it is today). Both States are engaged in irrational political behaviour.

Here he is a few months later, with a much more aggressive version of that psyche, speaking with regards to Iran, at a naming ceremony for an Israeli Nuclear Research Facility...

“Shimon aspired toward peace but he knew that true peace can be achieved only if our hands strongly grasp defensive weaponry. In the Middle East, and in many parts of the world, there is a simple truth: There is no place for the weak,” Netanyahu said,

“The weak crumble, are slaughtered and are erased from history while the strong, for good or for ill, survive. The strong are respected, and alliances are made with the strong, and in the end peace is made with the strong,” Netanyahu continued.

The latter paragrah was tweeted on his official Prime MInister Tweet account. On it's own.

The Psyche : Syria

Syria back into the visible news cycle:

Some thoughts.

1. ALL the violence is wrong. This we know.

2. The set-up is the International Competing Powers Dynamic. Institutionalised Gang War Fare.

2.a In spite of the emergence of mass Democracy through workers and women seeking to participate in electoral and legislative processes, and years of political struggle, hard work and daily effort of millions of people to slowly bring change to society, the Competing Powers dynamic remains dominant.

3. The leading gangsters always try to ensure their PR is dominant among their own populations, as that's where they get the money and men to run armies, spies, trade missions etc...

4. Within that, there are the relatively recent international Laws created via the League of Nations, the UN, WTO, EU, BRICS, etc etc.... whilst the Laws exist, the underlying psyche of seeking dominance is untouched.

4.a Thus when the Laws are broken, and because everyone is participating in the competition, no one gets arrested. So the Laws are not fully applied.

4.b Because the seeking of advantage, the seeking dominance psyche goes so deep, it is embedded in popular perceptions of biology as the brutal competition of Social Darwinism, in Religion as the Fear of Hell, Hope of Heaven, in relationships 'conquest', etc..... indeed it is fully institutionalised.

5. And that psyche is the problem.


Syria is hardly unique in this regard. Syria has also been under intense external pressure since the British 'created' it in 1920. Let alone the lived experience of those born in those lands since 3500 bc, who have been subjected to various Empires trampling upon them as they passed through. A genetic history of being trampled by Empires.

Can you imagine what it might be like to live in a State whose emerging Government is caught between hugely power external forces who use covert violence, intimidation, bribery, sabotage etc to get their way...

Syria is the outcome of a world wide culture of violence, that is deeply embedded into the existing structural dynamic of power, it is a human and institutional pathology, and taking sides is futile. If there is a side, it is the innocent citizens, and their families, who suffer repeatedly, that I side with on, all sides.

This war will continue until the Syrian State can assure that it is not being attacked from within it's own borders by externally mandated militia. That's the facts on the ground. Whatever it takes. They have seen Iraq and Libya. They are supported by a majority of Syrians remaining in Syria.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Gaza, Palestine. All European creations.

From their first days as international states, European creations of colonial policies and commercial security over raw materials resources.

Who has exercised the most violence?

The Europeans, and the many tyrants they support...

The question for us is this - have we the courage, skill, determination and resilience to confront the War Lords and Gansterism in our own History, past and present, with regards to the state we fund? Can we stop Great Britians covert wars?

Our role in Syria's peace is to arrest Tony Blair and ALL the War Criminals who prosecuted, and continue to prosecute Great Britains dirty wars.

Will we do this?

What will we do for our children, and their contemporaries, their futures?

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

2017 and the centrality of bullying in all our lives.

Donald Trump and Miss Universe, DAESH and Jimmy Savile and are indeed part of a wider problem within our Society, our world culture of Power and State.

They are not the problem, it must be said; their behaviour are symptoms of a problem.

The problem is bullying.

From within an Imperial culture still heavily invested in 'Christian Ideals' even as it lays claim to a secular grounding; from within a 2000 year old culture that has undermined egalitarian and empathic relationships in all areas of life in favour of the relationships demanded by hierarchies of Power who see themselves as involved in a struggle for 'survival' (that is to say, a struggle to preserve their power at any cost); in that paradigm a key dynamic is the ad-mixture of sexuality and power.

The poor are ugly. The rich are beautiful.

Christians are beautiful, Pagans are ugly.

Primitive Peoples vs Civilised Peoples.

Gods view on sexuality is Law.

The unspoken line is that one must use one's sexuality as a tool to get something, as proof of one's power and potency, as a marker of who one is, as a sign of loyalty and conformity.

Marriage as a political tool.

The dynastic model.

Fucking for power.

Fucking for security.

Fucking for money.

Pleasure and Power.

When our innate, emergent and natural sensing of self is assaulted by forces we are unable to confront, specifically those forces of power that indoctrinate a people's children, a force that defines who we should be, then a wounding occurs, a wound to the emergent sense of self, and in order to survive that wounding and 'get by' on the terms power has set out, (a thriving healthy peaceful egalitarian society at all levels is but a pipe dream) within that woundedness, we are forced to 'adjust' to the status quo.

It is not that sex sells, it is that the illusion of power that sells.

You can be more attractive. Buy this product, subscribe to this belief. Gain power.

Rape is about power above all else.

Strict gender roles emerge in societies that are hierarchically and institutionally violent. Adherence to these self limiting roles is demanded by power. Seeing oneself as merely a man or a woman as defined by power.

Such societies repaint Nature, and create Gods in their own image.

Hierarchical, vengeful, domineering - and they love us!
 God loves us?

Our leaders and our Power Establishments love us.

They ‘serve’ us. It is an honour and a privilege, they acclaim.

And when our children are sacrificed, that too is an honour.

Yeah, right.

2017 onwards - can we end single issue political activism?

Or at the very least join the dots.

It's yet anoyther way the system has of dividing folk, of diluting and preventing a solid critical analysis of the situation, a way of undermining solidarity amongst our many strands of struggle. Fund and promote one above others. Create a climate of competition for funds and attention. Let the unresolved psyches of activists do the rest.

Homosexuality allowed openly within the Military is touted as ‘progress’.

"We will accept anyone who wants to enlist as a trained killer and help us bully other States!"

Gays for Trump! Fathers for Justice! Feminists for Clinton! Blacks for Obama?

How about Gay people for Heterosexual people against war and the bullying of women?

How about Climate Change activists against Bullying?

There is one issue.

It is called bullying. Power exerted over others.

Rape is bullying.

War is bullying.

Bribery is bullying.

Misogyny is bullying.

Sexism is Bullying.

Religious indoctrination is bullying.

Ideological indoctrination is bullying.

Usury is bullying.

Mortgages are a mass bullying device.

Debt is bullying.

Aspirational Marketing is bullying.

Mountain top removal is bullying.

Sex trafficking is bullying.

Uranium Mining is bullying.

Bullies always discount the costs others bear for their behaviour.

Fake News is bullying.

Every US President is a bully in Office.

Every Home Secretary is a bully in Office.

The Christian/Muslim/Jewish missionary is a bully.

And so it goes.

To cast any adverse judgement on a person's sense of their sexual self and their desire to live that sense openly where it does not involve any abuse of another is bullying.

It's not that people are homophobic, it's that they are bullies and they seek 'approved' targets, set by Higher Authorities, to vent their own frustration, pain and rage, again, and again (because their wounds remain unhealed) in the service of Power.

Bullying. Bullets. And Bombs.

They are the signal that something is out of balance and dis-eased.

I applaud everyone who engages in the work of confronting the issues within their own lives, I praise the disabled who campaign against cuts and discrimination, I delight in the peaceful who campaign against the weapons/war industry, I love the environmentally aware who campaign against environmental abuse, I admire and laud the Survivors who campaign to demand accountability from their abusers and the Institutions within which they are protected, I sing for the local folk who campaign against the imposition of fracking.

I understand the need for focused, evidence led campaigns, and I understand that they can be effective. I cannot dismiss these on any level. I can only praise these efforts.

It is the combinations of a one behaviour - bullying - across many areas of life that is the central issue.... the symptoms are not the central issue.

I hope more activists and others can make this connection as we move forwards with our struggles.

We need to see a focus on the central issue, Bullying, within and across all single issue campaigns.

We need to see that in our homes, schools, work places, Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Temples, and across all areas of Civil Governance.

We need to see that in relation to imposed taxation.

The urge to Power.

An origin story. A paper I wrote on the origins of Hierarchically Violent Religions and Cultures as an unresolved trauma-behaviour pattern that has become institutionalised over time, and thus deeply embedded within the modern industrial cultural psyche.

A short video on one aspect of the origin of the behaviour patterning that leads to the urge to exert power over others so that they meet one’s perceived needs.


It never strikes back.

Listen to the child.

Hear the Child.

Adults Don't Heed my Distress.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

The core responsibility of Healthy Governance.

When it comes to Governance, that is to say the administration of a community's shared resources - for example, taxation, which everybody contributes to - opinions are inadequate as a basis for decision making.

Only the data, the evidence, all of it, the whole picture, all that is reliable, available and assesed quantitatively and qualitatively can be utilised to meet the requirements of effective, just and sustainable Governance.

Miss out any one part of that available data, evidence or picture, for any reason or bias and we will generate problematic policies. That much ought to be rather obvious.

This is the discipline required, and frankly, too few people, anywhere, are prepared to exert that discipline on behalf of the entire community to deliver genuine equity.

Taking ideological or religious 'sides', the left/rightism of political discourse are all based on fundamental biases that will omit or ignore or play down any evidence that challenges their core beliefs. News Media and Schooling all function to embed these biases, in that they are top down, hierarchies of information.

That is immature, and honestly it is an abysmal failure, of due diligence and duty of care. We are all part of this problem.

I do understand that bias emerges in any system where forms of hierarchical violence are perpetuated and 'sides' within that structure groom people as 'supporters'.

To me, from my perspective, the 'sides' are irrelevant, a distraction.

I think the millennials get this in a way that previous generations do not.

They all grew up watching the adults around them allow a war against other young people their age, in other countries, be prosecuted .... in Iraq and Afghanistan..

.. and that showed them the immaturity of the adults around them who failed to confront the bullies in Power, the bullies in the media, the bullies in executive roles across society and as a direct outcome people, millions of people died and were maimed and traumatised, entire civilian structures destroyed.

Because we failed them.

I am 57.

I am of that generation.

They are rightfully appalled at that.

We should be ashamed of that at the least, and we should be honest about this.

We should be doing what we can, where we can, to remove that shame, by being honest, by taking no side but the truth (the available evidence in full) and to do that we need to up our game, seriously, to meet the duty we owe all the children, across the world, each and every one of us, as adults.... and get involved, get informed, get real.

We fund Government. We are paying for it. Those bombs are our bombs, and where they fall is our responsibility. Indeed it goes without saying that they ought not fall at all, even if they exist.  That they exist at all  speaks volumes. A bomb is a bullies extension , a mechanism to project power through murder and destruction.

The millennial's know this. Imagine how frustrating it must be to have parents who refuse to look at and see this.

The 'generation gap' is a culture gap. The difference between a culture acclimatised to violent bullying and a culture that refuses to bully.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Corbyn is not the problem: the threat of prison sentences for War Criminals is the problem.

Look. See the evidence.

The NeoLiberals within Labour, within Conservative, across Society in the UK and elsewhere have a problem.

They went to war, and it was illegal.

They knowingly lied about the 'reasons'.

Iraq was a War Crime, and everything, everything related to it that flows from that decision, from Iraq to Libya and Syria, is part of that crime spree.

Check their voting records, the speeches they made, the justifications they repeated without due diligence.

The broke a number of laws... repeatedly.

They believed they would get away with it because Saddam was such a bastard, nobody, nobody liked him, even those who worked for him - they feared him and for many it was safer to work for the Devil than to challenge him. Blair thought he would get away with it. Bush thought he would get away with it.

Corbyn has made it clear that for him, according to the evidence, Iraq was a War Crime, and he has made that clear publicly. He cannot back away from that statement, nor can he avoid it's clear implications. I think he knows that, and that he has the mettle to push this all the way that it needs to go. I think that many, many people support this.

The Labour and Tory and LIberal Dem MPs who voted for the War can smell the iron bars, they can smell the loss of liberty and their great wealth and priviledge.

Cameron can smell the bars awaiting him for bombing Libya and arming violent militia and escalating violence across North Africa and the Middle East.

The BBC, Guardian, Sun, Sky News, etc are all participants in maintaining the propaganda, and they can smell the iron bars of those cells that await them. They cannot say they did not know, as all their errors were pointed out at the the time, in detail, repeatedly.

The Military top brass likewise.

So they are fighting for their lives, their liberty, their social position.

They will do ANYTHING to avoid those trials.... they cannot admit the crime.

And they are all part of the British Establishment that is shitting all over poor and low income folk, beyond the limited imagination of 'successful middle class' folk....

They are also the same people who DID not resist 'austerity', they are the same people who forced the tax payer to bail out the banks on a fraudulent prospectus, they are the same people who allowed WorkFare, Benefit Sanctions, who allowed the DWP to sanction disabled folk, unemployed folk, who encouraged the Buy-To-Let Mortgage market to create more indebted 'landlords' who then raised the rents to meet their 'costs', screwing the renter whilst taking the profits from the house price rise,  all of this to enrich the finance industry, to increase land prices..

Those policies are part of their over all world view. And yes, there are those in Europe who share those views.And yes there are issues with the way the EU treated the Greeks, the Irish, the Spanish and how that affected the poorest sectors of society. That's a lot of hardship meted out to people who did nothing wrong at all, who are vulnerable because they are poor or disabled, or slightly mad or badly educated....

And look at the 'killing' they are making out of all of this abuse. Look at the distribution of wealth and resources. They are raking it in. Does Tony Blair need or deserve a fortune edging onto £100 million?

The War Crimes trials are the ONLY real leverage those who seek justice and fair governance within the UK have against that Power Establishment.... imagine Murdoch being charged with War Crimes? Or the individual writers who wrote clear lies in order to sell the war? Imagine the executives that profiteered from War being indicted, tried in public? Imagine the UN putting Ian Duncan Smith on trial for Human Rights Breaches at the DWP sanction regime?

They all KNEW what was going on. They all KNEW what they were doing.

They went to war and they shafted the poor/low income of this country at the same time. These are not separate matters.

So that is why there is so much energy directed at the Corbynistas, so much energy devoted to making out that the working class leave vote is racist and xenophobic, so much energy devoted to shredding social support.

This is the fight we ought to have put up back in 2003.

We ought to have gone on general all out strike, to bring the Blair War cabal down.

We failed then, we cannot fail now, or we will be remembered as 'good germans' are now remembered.

This is a matter of Justice above all else.

Do you uphold the Law, or is lawlessness rewarded?

This is the choice before us.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

THE BIG QUESTION! IN or OUT? Sanders, The Illuminati, Obama, Clinton, Farage, Cameron and The Button

Sanders, The Illuminati, Obama, Clinton, Farage, Cameron, The Button and THE BIG QUESTION!

The Illuminati narrative is un-necessary for anyone who studies history, even as it is made.

There is a question that everyone ought to ask. It’s a two part question that goes to the heart of what we are facing today. The Illuminati Industry does not ask this question, in fact they avoid it like the plague.

Look and learn, as they say.

Ask Questions.

Seek evidence you can check. Ask more questions.

Never, ever accept someone’s opinion of the evidence, the actual evidence. Accept only the evidence.

“What’s your opinion on the political actions of Henry Kissinger?”

Someone offers me an opinion. I reply.

“Great, now where can I find the evidence of the outcomes of his political action. After all I am not going to base my assessment of his political actions on your opinion.”

We KNOW how bully systems operate.

We know the Statist system of Power has it's deepest roots in the dominant and dominating power establishment, local and global.

We KNOW that any population seeking a genuine participation in the exercise of Power so that justice is real and Governance is fair will be bribed, marginalised , undermined and then attacked.

We know those operations on the part of the Power Establishment will be sohopisticated, well resourced, will involve long and short term planning. It’s old news, old hat – anyone studying the classics in the 1600s, and their own history since William The Bastard arrived, would have drawn them to the same conclusion- indeed that awakening was a small part of the English Civil War. The bit that gets ignored.

The Illuminati narrative has so much 'fear' associated with it, so much shock and fascination, it is a distraction. It is a deliberate distraction. It IS exciting. In a I used to watch TV and that was exciting kinda way. Which is that it’s not. Exciting. It triggers.

It’s a trigger point for vulnerable, wounded, traumatised, bullied people who are just coping with it all, to various degrees, a deliberate trigger point.

These fuckers are cruel and sophisticated. We have to match and exceed that with love and willfulness. The willfulness is critical.

And it has to be evidence based.

Obama is part of the Bully Class, as is Clinton.

I hope all the Sanders voters vote for Sanders as an independent. I hope he and the Greens form an alliance. The Greens are a potent International lobby. He should connect the struggle in the US with all our struggles internationally.

When it comes to Obama, or Clinton we KNOW they are both NeoCons/neoliberals , dressed as Democrats, and they are willing to kill people to get their way. Lots of people. Entire populations.

It’s a pattern.

Hiroshima. Vietnam.

Indeed, the American Power Establishments basis for the 'treaties' with the local peoples (who lived there LONG before those Europeans became 'Americans') during the 1840s onwards was "You will kill some of us - we will kill ALL of you," and it was not said in rage, it was a cold, calculated policy. They had plans. Cold plans. Thought out. Well resourced. Long and short term. They still do.

It was wrong then, it is wrong now. It was a criminal act then, and it is criminal action now. We see it every day. Every time they open their mouths and spout obvious spin and lies we see it. We see it in the outcomes, in the faces and stories of the 100 million refugees from War currently 'displaced'.

Anyone who thinks anything has changed at the level of Power Establishments in that regard is naive. At least we are in the position of KNOWING IT. That is the start of our empowerment.


Thomas Jefferson...  ‘a founding father’ had this to say.

In 1807, Thomas Jefferson instructed his War Department that, should any Indians resist against America stealing Indian lands, the Indian resistance must be met with "the hatchet". Jefferson continued, "And...if ever we are constrained to lift the hatchet against any tribe, " he wrote, "we will never lay it down till that tribe is exterminated, or is driven beyond the Mississippi." Jefferson, the slave owner, continued, "in war, they will kill some of us; we shall destroy all of them". (Ibid)

3rd paragraph in.

Look and learn.

See the horror of what that policy meant to the human beings, the mothers, fathers, children, grand parents who were subject to that policy.

Obama, number 44.  He fits in, like a hand in a glove.

And the story of how the racism was crafted as a political device?

A total psy-ops operation! Sophisticated, manipulative, triggering. Carried out over time.

They crafted it as a way to unite indentured workers, menial labourers and slaves against the Native Peoples by the early colonists Power Establishment when at one stage they were outnumbered by the indentured workers, menial labourers and slaves and felt they were at risk if they united.....

So they published Racist pamphlets, pamphlets suggesting non-christians were inferior, that native peoples were savage, and lazy; lurid tabloid stories of atrocities; then they gave land parcels, small ones, a hectare or two, just on the edges of their colonies to the indentured workers, and labourers all of whom had been reading this material and hearing it from the pulpit - and hey allowed them to own a few slaves, not the kinds of numbers they had in their plantations, and some of those slaves, much closer to their ‘owners’ fought with the new land owners against native peoples.

The owners created a ‘belief’ through propaganda that the slaves were to be seen as inferior and the Native peoples to be feared as feral.  It was a hierarchy. The slaves were useful, the Natives were to be discarded. The labourers and indentured workers need to be integrated into the  plans of the Power Establishment.

And it worked a treat.

That's a cracker!

Howard Zinn details it quite clearly in his tome, "Voices of The Peoples History of the United States". - the full text is now online open-source.

If that, all of the above was taught in our State School systems, if History was honest, racism would vanish in a generation.

Only the truth sets us free.

Only the truth.

Which brings me to the question……


The one I mentioned at the beginning of this polemic.

In what kinds Society or culture do we see rape and abuse of power, and associated violence, and social control and religiosity as a common experience?

In what kinds of Society or culture do we see more empathy and egalitarianism, justice and fairness, more autonomy?

This link is a chart outlining the facts. Check it.
Everyone ought to KNOW this.

We live in a bully social power system, everything is polluted by the bullying.

And a key in all of that is the disruption of the child-mother bonding process that takes 4 years to complete and a life time to refine, and is 100% BIOLOGICALLY MANDATED as part of the picture of Optimal Human Biological Health for the entire species, as much as for each individual.

You SHOULD KNOW what this data means.. your neighbours, the bus driver, your local bar staff, they all should know this. All the folks working for the local council, they should be told.

It means we are human beings born into a social power situation that is far from the biological mandate, and in a really, really baaad diseased pathological and utterly cruel way. Because so much of it is intentional, volitional,  the result of clearly conscious choices to rationalise the use of extreme violence. Repeatedly.

What it means for me is this :

I am SO GLAD I am not like that system, and that I have been able to heal enough of my wounds to know this.

I don't fit in. I never will. I never did. I TRIED. Dear God that does not exist, how I tried.

Now, I wouldn't want to.

Yuk! It’s appalling, it’s inhumane, it’s utterly abusive, it’s a pathology.

I cannot vote for 'choices' ring fenced by that fact.They WOULD press that button. They do drop bombs on totally innocent people.

I can't. It's way to ugly.

It's SO disempowering as it stands, wherever we live, to vote and then see them do whatever they want in ways that you cannot inform, check, balance, or mediate in any meaningful way, and as the majority of 'candidates' are probably the last people who ought to be given any power, (barring a psyche check) it's naive of voters to criticise me and say I must accept what they have voted for.

At the same time, I understand why people break and become conditioned to 'fit in'; they are being bullied on so many levels, it's not entirely their fault or responsibility and I say this - they are part of what perpetuates the bully system, I say this not to blame them, not to chastise them, just to suggest that our job is to help them FEEL the truth of that.

Feel it, and fit in; if that is the choice, then that is the choice. There's always the possibility of other choices. It's in the open.. let it all hang out!

And if those that do fit in call me failure, a drop out, a misfit, then yes all of that is true. I am proud of it. I fail to fit it. I chose to drop out. It's my human right to be a misfit. It's a health issue.

To me everyone arguing in/out in Britain repeating the arguments published in the media, and across the inter-webbery, picking a side, shouting, ranting and typing, copying and pasting, liking and hating, is fitting in. Especially the ones who think they are anti-establishment. Lolz.


Let's put it all in perspective :  Arrest Tony Blair and the entire command chain associated with Foreign Military 'operations' in the Middle East is NOT fitting in.That IS what NEEDS to happen. No question.

That would be both Just and fitting.

There's a lot of us who do not fit in.We feel justice in our bones, and we cannot see it being met.

We need everyone to FEEL this, and then, in time, when we have the numbers, to act on it. We cannot force this. We can only make it clear.

We have to talk to those caught up in it. Satirise and hack the Power systems.

We must organise, learn, educate, connect and be very patient - professionally patient with people who were like I was 30 years ago, 20 years ago - conditioned. I never forget that. I watched Dallas, ffs!

When bullies no longer fit in and cannot find a place within emerging  Structures of Governance and Jurisprudence, Commerce, Health and Entertainment, Faith, and our own streets and homes, then we will have made some headway.

Hilary Clinton, a Feminist Icon?

The 'progress' of equality? 

Anyone who can maintain that concept and vote for it is in deep, deep, deeeeeeep, deeep delusion.

And no, I have not mentioned Nigel Farage. Is he worth mentioning?

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate an enlarged audience, as that would be encouraging more beautiful willfulness and critical thinking and analyses.

You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not.

I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive.  For obvious reasons.

The Essence of the Jimmy Saville story

This is the essence of the Jimmy Saville/ The Pope/ David Cameron/ George Bush/Tony Blair/ Saddam Hussien etc etc etc story - those who use Power do so because they lack empathy, and respect - the basis of love.

They were not born thus, but became thus largely due to their earliest childhood traumas... this is not to excuse what they do - they are adults, and adults are always, always accountable for any harm they cause to others - it is to say that as a society, as individuals and parents we must address who we relate to children, how we treat them...

As Charlie Chaplin is reputed to have said : "You need power only when you want to do something harmful. Love is enough to get everything done."

We all will do to our own, to a greater or lessor extent, what was done to us if we cannot resolve what we went through in those earliest days and months. Few can recall what occurred because we learn by experience, by feeling and by emotion at depth. That learning is the primary relational information we have, and it is mostly unconscious.

This that leaves a majority of people open to direct manipulation .... which is essential for Power and Mass Media to operate..... without that, they would fall.

The psychology of any given society, community or family is both revealed and perpetuated in how the children are related to and treated. Change that and you can change everything.

It cannot be change by Government dictat, as all dictats run counter to this change towards empathy, it must be changed at the grass roots and grow from there...

We are at across roads, in that so much information is emerging about abuse, and about the natural development of empathy in early childhood..

With this information, which concurs with common sense we can move forwards.....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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