Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

The Great Hack - a review.

The Great Hack.

How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political power to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics in the twentieth century.” ~ Aneurin Bevan 

I just watched 'The Great Hack' on Netflix.

I watched it twice, just to make sure I was clear on what I thought it was, and editing this months later, I have to adjust my position, I have more information.

Now on 24th June 2020, having read 'Zucked',  I am about to start on Christopher Wylie's 'Mindf*ck'.

I will be reappraising my stance as a result and will edit this piece, or write a part two, as a follow up, to show what I am learning as I travel.

The online user-content-creator social media in general is an advertisers landscape : We create content on our timelines, that content tells facebook a lot about our psychologies.

Google+, Youtube, Amazon and Facebook's management and business model, the techniques they use to expand their business, and their willingness to make advertising revenue by selling access to their users psychologies, with intimate specificity through micro-targeting.

The lure to advertisers is founded on intimate psychological data gathering of the users likes, dislikes, key strokes, reactions, engagements, fears, rages etc, which users agree to, even if we do not fully understand what that means.  As Bill Hick put it  they are working ' the outrage dollar' or the 'fear dollar' ...

It is true Facebook does not sell your data - it is too valuable a resource for them. They hold that data and it is their feedstock for advertisers seeking to reach precise target groups. Facebook also allows the advertisers to work on any targeted group, to observe how effective their adverts are, what ways targets are responding to various versions of the content, and it enables them to use that information in real time to refine the content and enhance the effectiveness of the advertisments. 

This is relatively innocent, until a bad actor pays to target deliberately manipulative content at specific groups of vulnerable people, and enhance that for political, ideological or economic gain. And when the bad actor is spending millions of dollars a week, or billions in an election, all classed as 'advertising' then the platform becomes a vector of abuse. The platform does not create the abuse, it allows the abuse to occur.

These Companies have no functional ethical or moral code. They permit all the tactics of narcissistic bullying across their platforms, knowing it causes real harm, under the fig leaf of 'freedom of speech'. That is the problem. A bit like The Vatican.

Bill Hicks was on point in this beautiful routine.

They - the social media giants - are not the origin of such behaviours.

Most official News and Press media and all entertainment and all marketing revel in such tactics to increase sales and profitability. The Bible is as fine an example of this as any document I know of. 

Telling people what to think.

I have written much about that subject on this blog over the past decade. What they appear to be doing is knowingly, if not intentionally, enabling and profiteering from these behaviours across their services because a lot of people are vulnerable to manipulation, and there is a dysfuctional vulnerablity dollar out there, for marketers to exploit.

My apologies to Carol Cadwalladr for misunderstanding her perspective. Her work and that of other journalists and, importantly, the whistle blowers like Mr. Wylie and Ms. Kaiser is really critically important work.

-----.What follows is the original piece.

It was not about a hack at all.

Hacking is gaining unauthorised access to a prohibited computer system and injecting novel code into it to play with it, extract information, undermine it etc...

Cambridge Analytica is not a hacking operation.

Though it has been associated with hacking in the Nigerian Elections in 2015, with Cambridge analytica staff organising the hacking the emails of the Nigerian President to bring him down during an election Not that that was mentioned in this 'documentary'.

Not enough time, really. There is a lot in this documentary.

The narrative presented in 'The Great Hack' was carefully designed to avoid the simple truth that all mainstream news that carries advertising, are also being utilised as political grooming devices and that many are actively aware of that and unwilling to do anything reasonable about it.

The Sun, Telegraph and the Daily Mail, the Guardian, the Independent and the Mirror, they all carry propaganda posing as news.

The narrative in The Hack was also to seek to blame Facebook, and the Tech companies, rather than talk about political grooming, seriously.

In essence a deflection

Another way to say it this : no one talked intelligently about political grooming.

As a cultural and politically institutionalised dynamic of abuse carried out in the public domain, a form of bullying, that is the mainstay of advertising, marketing, religious indoctrination and propaganda.

Jeremy Corbyn is not an anti-semite, racist, terrorist supporting politician; he is exactly the opposite.

The press bullying of him, and his strength of character, are an object lesson in how to deal with public bullies.

Here's my take on the 'documentary'...

Ms. Kaiser is no ordinary whistle blower...

Ms Kaiser worked for the Obama Election campaign, a proven grooming operation - I said so at the time, even without understanding the way online micro targeting was being weaponised by groups such as Cambridge Analytica, because I was paying attention to the funding drives on facebook, and to the mainstream print and broadcast campaigns. And because it's been the basic dynamic of neoliberal 'democracy' for a long time and I understood that no rational citizen would ever vote for policies that cause harm to his or her own community, voters are not that irrational.

Ms. Kaiser was involved in  the 2015 Nigerian Election campaign, where she introduced a team of Israeli specialists to the Cambridge Analytica team,  who had hacked the incumbent Nigerian President's emails...

Cambridge Analytica ran campaigns for right wing candidates in a number of third world countries, to earn a few bob and to prove the efficacy of the model, before going on to the really big bucks. 68 countiries, and probably more. Hundreds of elections.

Trumps Election 2016 campaign spent just under one hundred million US dollars on their facebook messaging.


Ms. Kaiser worked on Trump's campaign at the very core of it's Facebook operations, fully aware of what she was doing. She was at the very center of this. She knew they were targeting peoples biases, fears, insecurities and prejudice in order to exploit those for political gain.

The term for this activity is grooming.

It is taboo to say this out loud. "shhhhhhhshshs!"

Ms. Kaiser mentioned the use of weaponised communications tactics, which are apparently 'restricted' by the Department of Defence. I would say that  every Instiotutional Religion deploys the exact same behaviour. Indoctrination of the faithful. Such practice is normative in violent hierarchies. Spreading stories, maintaining a narrative, optics, favours and punishment.
I would take issue with Carole Cadwalladr's effort to load all the blame to Facebook and the Tech companies. They are liable and culpable, I agree, yet not singularly so. That has to be called out - the general practice of targeting known cognitive biases (vulnerability) ought itself be declared a criminal offence, as it is an abusive thing to do to another person.

Alexander Nix 

Included in the 'documentary' was two brief sections covering Alexander Nix, the CEO of CA.

His boasting at a dinner meeting about CA's abilities, and his recalcitrant appearance before the House of Commons Committee Hearings on Fake News, where he got off very lightly.

Cambridge Analytica was shut down due to bankruptcy, - such a difficult decision to make (not), and so much money already banked, lives ruined and it is likely that the bulk of their files are now missing, destroyed or lost, etc  -  there's a hole in the evidence set.

Well, well, well.

If you wish to check the nature of the Observer and The Guardian take a peek at Medialens a UK based news media analysis website which has, since 2001, confronted the propaganda that gets passed off as 'news reporting' - in effect misleading readerships in line with existing established political hegemony via the readerships triggering their cognitive biases, or as I would call it, the grooming of ordinary folk via opinion posing as evidence (WMD) in the UK media.

Chomksy called that process of propaganda the manufacturing of consent. is well worth a look.

The Great Hack

I found The Great Hack riveting - and yet I felt it was somehow dishonest. That said, everyone might want to to watch it, and note how we, in our own unique case, are being mislead - turn the exercise into a learning by experience.

It also tried to pass off Russian influence on UK voting as a major influential factor, which is inaccurate -  all competing powers brief against their perceived opponents, through various media outlets. That is standard practice, and no great secret or conspiracy. It rarely has any meaningful effect upon the target populations elections.

The major effective malign influences are always homegrown. The home government has more to fear from a people who realise they are being bullied than any other external state or agency.

In this previous posting, I outlined in the most precise and concise terms, the true nature of political grooming gangs.

Let's have a laugh!

Boris Johnson's £10 million grooming operation will go nowhere near his hair or his crumpled suits...


"You've been Groomed!"

New Reality Show Pitch.

'Enjoy the thrills and spills of indoctrinators, indoctrination and the indoctrinated as our intrepid reporter takes you on a journey of discovery, breakdown and release."

pitched to ITV, BBC, CNN etc...

all rejected it as 'improbable'.

subtext - are you trying to kill us off.

( yes, of course, you are grooming gangsters!)

No, i did not pitch this, this is all make believe fake news...

Here's a track I created to articulate the realities of political and ideological grooming.

Kindest regards


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Muralgate, Corbyn, Anti-semitism, Racism and Education.

* apologies to early readers, for the horrendous lay-out.. edit, 21:57


A mural was created on a London wall. In 2012. Jeremy Corbyn made a comment about it, without having seen it, and his comment was related to free speech, rather than the particular, specific image.

The mural, depicting white old men playing monopoly, on a board which is carried on the backs on kneeling non-white people, and there is an all seeing eye/pyramid above them....

It's about state colonialism, empire, wealth and power and the harms

6 years later, this becomes a media storm, insinuating that Jeremy Corbyn, and by extension, those who support him, are anti-semetic.
The mural has been tagged.

This is Mear One, the graffitti artist speaking about this piece, his mural. This video is on facebook.

A few things I would like to add.

1. There is no such thing as Race. Racism is built on fantasy, not reality. Treat it as such. So too misogyny, patriarchy et al.

2. Many millions of non-white people, under the table, as a cultural, ethnic and continental population are poorer because of European State colonisation.

The European Scramble for Africa; conquest, and then continued dominance of those European origin interests after 'independence' to the extent of covert military operations, economic warfare, debt inducement, supporting dictators and anyone willing to support that continued economic or corporate dominance over Africa.

3. This is part of a global pattern of institutionalised hierarchical power and militarised violence determining the fates of millions upon millions of ordinary people.


On the matter of the spy-poison soap opera, this from Yes Prime MInister puts it in it's place...

The International competing powers dynamic is a dysfunctional set of relationships and it is a pathological behaviour set, which is causing immeasurable avoidable harms and any honest discussion about the Russians, The Americans, The Israeli's, or anyone else engaged in that behaviour must be set in that context, or it inevitabley perpetuates the dynamic.

This is that the painting is about..Breaking the spell.

The poor, the low income worker, and the middle class are all exploited by a hierarchy of power and wealth.

I suggest one take's this as a starting point, rather than the media and ideological statements.

What did the artist intend?

An insight.

A black friend of mine pointed out that no one was shouting about the black people under the monopoly board, their voices had no place in this 'debate' ..... that revealed another layer of hypocrisy.

I checked out the artists words on the image (see above), and for him it was nothing to do with Jews, or Israel in particular. The mural was about the entire hierarchy of power (the all seeing eye) and money (the bankers) ruling the world sitting on the backs of the poor. The majority of whom are non-white skinned...... he was using symbolism to articulate a fact. Political power is dominated by the interests of great wealth, much more than the welfare of the people's…

The hypocrisy of the media claiming the mural is about Jewish Bankers, tht support of the mural is anti-Semitic when the only genuine identifiers of people in the image are the white monopoly players, and the naked non-whites kneeling under the pressure of the white men's game of monopoly.

Pure manipulation, trolling...

The entire episode is a nasty manipulative PR gimmick.

Anti-semitism and generalisations

To all those who use the generalised terminology of 'The Jews' and complain about Jewish Bankers, or 'The Muslims' etc... The Christians, the Russians, The Chinese, the Lefty Commies, the Snowflakes, the Rednecks, the Brexiteers, the Remoaners, Women, Men, Humanity etc.
The abusive usage of generalisations, caricatures, etc is causing more discord, rather than understanding, and it is ineffective for any citizen engaged in the political and community spheres of interest.

So many generalisations in so many postings, mutterings, videos, essays, blogs, comments, so often laden with ad hominems.

Not much different to the Daily Mail.

Publishing triggers.

No information, just an opinion. To get a reaction.

So here is my cue on how to thwart that dynamic

Address the specifics of the behaviour, not the personality or any group.
Identify the behaviour, the actors, the outcomes and deal with the evidence, honestly.

Name the behaviour - stop the narrative, correct it.

Otherwise the narrative is manipulated into merely stirring anger, and that is selfish and counter-productive.

It is also politically irresponsible and reckless.

Name the behaviour, name the outcomes, name the actors, stick to the evidence, provide accountability on a peer to peer level.


Bullying is the behaviour, and the bullies justifications, or their religion, skin colour, gender are irrelevant - there are more in any group who are just like you and I, ordinary vulnerable, working people who being born there, are stuck in it, not of their own making. Just getting by.

The use of generalisations includes all those ordinary people as the abusers.

THAT is deeply divisive.

Worried about facebook and the security of your data?

Quick critical analysis:

Don't be worried.

Here's why I say that.

1. Every computer platform we use will surveil, it's built into how computers talk to each other, Every platform will retain and use user data, one way or another.... you input the data, you know what is there. and if you are worried about that, then why?

Really. Most of what we input is dribble, it's useless information, irrelevant to how power operates, none of us are doing anything seriously dangerous to the system of power as it stands. Banal day to day stuff. Trillions of terrabytes of the stuff. We input it. It's mostly garbage of a consumer life style, which is a culturally imposed lifestyle. And there's plenty of useful stuff there too, and lots of nastyness... it's a reflection of Consumer Society after all. What is the risk in all of that data?

Where the risk lies is if I am manipulatable (is that a word?).

If there are buttons in me that can be pushed to stimulate me to react emotionally in predictable ways, and if I cannot regulate that reaction that is where the only key of the entire process that I can turn, either way, lies... regulating my emotional reactions..... especially to print and video... if I fail to do that, then I am vulnerable.

Then, if someone knows how, and has to technical ability to do it, and wants to target a given peer group of people with 'insecurities' similar to mine, to trigger that demographic to influence our political decision making at the grass roots, or anywhere else on an emotional level, rather than with evidence led, transparent analysis..... that person can push my buttons, and my reaction hands that person psychic control of me for a brief moment.

On a collective level that has to be exposed for what it is.

It is psychological and emotional grooming.

The bullies in Power have been doing that with pamphlets and  billboards since before the printing press, and it was done with the Bible, The Torah, the Koran and many other texts before.... it's nothing new.

The vulnerability is not in facebook, it's not in SCL, or surveillance, it's in our minds, our conditioning, our prejudices.

Our insecurities - we must get to know them, and spot when they are being triggered, if we wish to be an effective citizenry seeking egalitarian governance. 

We need to be able to spot the behaviour, name and stop it, and rthus etain control of the narrative.

The targeting works - the triggering works. Look to the roots of the problem.

Everyone is so worked up! Perhaps not as many as some would like to think?

So much rage being printed, and video'd, yet I think, as I said before, there is a lot of deliberate hype, duplication, replication that makes some things appear much bigger than they are and that there's lots of social movement right now against that, seeking evidence based governance in all areas of our social systems.

Key to this is our social conditioning, by institutional systems of education, indoctrination and ideological academia, news media, film media and marketing. The sources of our insecurities are not all biological, some are en-culturated, indoctrinated or a direct result of oppression, bullying or trauma.

Institutions are tools.

If I fear the tool being used to manipulate me then that is a matter for me to deal with, in the first instance.

Rejection and critical thinking are the only correct response to any attempt at psychological manipulation.

The story about Cambridge Analytica is not about using Facebook, it is about directing manipulative, triggering, trolling political marketing material at targets based on their self published vulnerabilities and insecurities..... in order to influence peoples behaviour in order to undermine an evidence led decision making process, so that the target can be exploited.

THIS IS GROOMING. It is wholly abusive psychological grooming.

And it's a fully integrated behaviour of the system as things stand...

And I think the education system is a core component of that behaviour, in that so many leave with without learning critical thinking skills. Why does our Schools Eduction system fail in that regard?


Facebook is not the problem.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.