Showing posts with label governance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label governance. Show all posts

Forgotten Australians : A letter to Australian Senators

Survivors of Institutional Abuse are an international community.

Committed to seeing that full Justice is served, we co-operate and seek to inernationalise our efforts. We support each other across borders, oceans, moutain ranges, laguage barriers, creeds, skin colour and culture. We seek to ensure that no Survivor community is isolated. This is not an issue that pertains to any one country in isolation. 

The crimes and the perpetrators are international in scope, and so the response to their abuses  and to their cover-ups and with regard to all failings with in serving Justice, Reparation and support for recovery must likewise be International.

This is the just one of many such letters, seeking to remind those in positions of responsibility, that they are being observed, locally and internationally, that their responses to the testimony of witnesses and to the demands for Justice, demanded not only by Survviors, but also by their relatives and advocates, and by the Law itself to which all must submit, are being carefully scrutinised, documented, compared and evaluated for efficacy.

In the case of Crimes Against Humanity, the Nuremburg principles apply. Diplomatic Immunity does not exist where Crimes Against Humanity have been committed. All member States of the United Nations General Assembly, bar two - USA, Somalia, - have ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of The Child and are bound under Law by this convention. Breaches of it's principles are crimes. The Institutional Abuse of Children is a Crime Against Humanity, and whilst it is not yet defined thus at the United Nations, the UNCRC binds all to it's principles.

Many hundreds of millions of Parents are deeply concerned about these issues. This is a public process, and as such it is designed to inform the wider public, the media and all other interested parties. This process is designed to gather momentum and support for the full accounting and exposure of those Institutions culpable of such abuses to the full force of the law, to the fullest force of the publics concern. It is designed to publicly evaluate the response of Governance to the issues.



I am writing to you because I am a concerned citizen of Ireland, and also a World Citizen, and a Survivor of Catholic Residential School Abuse.

I wish to draw to the attention of the all Australian Parliamentarians the following :

Having studied the matter in some detail, I understand that the Forgotten Australians Enquiry did not uphold all of its stated terns of reference. The result being, the enquiry did not get to the bottom of ALL problems and cases of child neglect, including but not limited to - clergy abuse, institutionalised neglect and agent abuse.

This is pattern that is well documented, and is sadly replicated in Ireland, Canada and many other States where Survivors have come forward to give heart rending testimony to the abuses they have suffered, often decades after the abuse occurred. This delay in coming forwards is well understood in therapeutic and clinical practice.

The shame, fear, confusion, dissociation and distress that affects Survivors make coming forwards extremely difficult, and with the generalised unwillingness of culpable Institutions, individuals and others concerned – insurance companies, faith groups, communities, Police Forces, News Media etc - to hear these testimonies, to face the full truth and meaning of these testimonies, those effects are compounded.

Accordingly victims of this abuse remain unable to access proper legal redress. Also certain departmental faults leading to abuse remain unattended. The eventual findings of the Forgotten Australians enquiry was not on all of the points of reference nor was it on all the topics based on the evidence provided

I therefore call on all Australian Parliamentarians, men and women of good heart, men and women of integrity, parents and others, that you proceed as follows:

Open an Independent and verifiable Enquiry which will allow all evidence of child neglect, institutional neglect or other agency neglect to be bought to an Enquiries attention.

If not an Enquiry, then I ask that you request that a government body with the authority to receive and investigate all evidence of child abuse and provide feedback to the Federal Government be so instructed.

I am requesting that the Australian Parliament to be made aware that many cases of child abuse/neglect have gone un-investigated because certain terms of reference of previous and existing Enquiries were not upheld.

I am requesting that all efforts be made to do this. I urge you to take a determined stand on this issue, so as to verify the public’s perception that Justice is for all, that Justice is at the heart of good Democratic Governance, that the prevention of re-traumatising of Survivors (due to any failure to fully investigate abuses) is ensured and that the prevention of further abuses is also ensured by all those whose responsibilities with regard to Governance and Justice is underwritten by taxes, by the electoral franchise and by our common trust, which is key to the conduct of any decent Society.

I look forwards to hearing from you in the very near future.

Yours sincerely... etc

Corneilius Crowley

Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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A Primary Skill in Parenting is Empathy.

This piece was written as a comment on 'comment is free' @ The Guardian in response to this article :

The comment was moderated and removed. Here it is in full. For what it's worth.

A primary skill in parenting is empathy.

In a Society that is predicated upon Power Relationships where a power disparity is engineered and maintained between those in Power and those they rule, sensitivity and empathy are often seen as a weaknesses. The ability to manipulate and exploit the vulnerable is seen as a strength.

Empathy for the infant in front of me will depend to some degree upon whether or not I have empathy for myself as an infant, which in turn will be dependent upon how I was treated as a baby, infant, toddler.

This kind of understanding is largely experiential. If we are related to with empathy and sensitivity in infancy, then we are, through that experience, laying down the fundamental behavioural patterns and the physiology and neurology that goes with that experience,  and therefore it tends to persist in later life. It permeates our relationships, and informs how we self regulate our own emotional states. 

If one has no experience of other peoples infants, of being around small children, then the newness of the situation as a parent is quite a challenge. 

It's even more difficult if those 'forgotten' times were in any way adverse.

On top of that, when a parent  has to work full-time plus overtime, whether  a single parent or a couple, if ones income is relatively small, if one are out of work and depressed, if one feels that society is judging you for being out of work, for being relatively poor, if one has Social Services who threaten  rather than offer support, if one's housing is sub-standard, if one lives with a partner who has issues, if you have issues, it's really hard.

And there are many, many people in this state, mostly through no fault of their own.

Poverty is absolutely the result of the concentration of vast wealth in the hands of the few. The rich always blame the poor for being poor. The colonialists always painted the colonised as sub-human. They still do.

The emergence of violence, of hierarchy, of abuse in any society is absolutely linked to the levels of empathy that permeate that society, which in itself is directly linked to the disruption or support of the natural child-mother bonding processes that our biology determines as necessary. Disruption increases the likelihood of dysfunction, support increases the likelihood of well being.

The ACE study shows the clear evidence based links between adverse childhood experiences and later risk behaviour, ill health, addiction and psychological distress.

I was a stressed out parent some 22 years ago, and found myself bullying my children. One day I decided that this had to stop. I sought help, and found it, in the form of a weekly group hosted by a facilitator. 

It was called Parent Link.

It was a co-counselling group, hosted by a facilitator. The group I took part in was 12 women, and myself and my partner. We were the only couple in the group. The others, all mothers, were mostly in relationships and their partners were not seeking help. I found it strange being the only man in the group. The others were very appreciative of my presence, in that it offered hope that more men would participate. They also appreciated that I could cry about my sense of loss regarding the state of my relationship with my children.

There was a lot to learn, and over 13 weeks I learned enough to start the process that has continued ever since.

The first thing I learned was that if I had had ACE's as a child, then it was likely that I would repeat the same patterns, the same controlling behaviours, because that was the unconscious information with which I was operating, in spite of my best intentions, in lieu of accurate information and support.

The next thing I learned helped me to understand that children know what they feel, even infants, and that it requires empathy and some patience to be a healthy carer, to learn how to meet their needs, to read their moods and that it is incredibly frustrating for them when they are unable to communicate and be understood, which is what they are expecting - to be felt, and understood.

I learned how to interrupt my own patterns, to notice when I was becoming irritated and to stop, to relax, and check with the reality of my children's present. I learned that my past had nothing to do with their present. I also learned that some schedules are less important than my children's well-being and that I had to take things at their pace, and that if I wished to be somewhere by a certain time I had to factor in extra time in the preparations, to avoid stressing them out to meet my needs.

These very simple learnings, supported by the group work, over 13 weeks, revolutionised my parenting experience, made life for my children so much better. They helped me end the power relationship dynamic and enter into an empathic relationship.

It also helped me to start the work of dealing with my own past experiences and start to recover.

Better than handbooks is genuine support offered by people who have proven experience, parenting requires time, and the time spent is much more important than the time spent working to pay off a mortgage, to urge forwards a career, to earn enough to have a flatscreen TV the size of a cinema screen or whatever is being touted by the marketers and bankers as the next big thing.

What really concerned me at the time was that there was not one single Government supported programme like the one I was so lucky to have found. Nothing. Zilch.

The question that arose was this : given that this information that was making such a huge impact on my life, on the lives of my children, was known, proven to be effective, had been around for some 20 years why was there nothing like this being offered through any Government or Social Services Programme?

In the end, my answer is this - they don't want to support empathic parenting because it runs counter to their embedded Power Relationships. 

Maybe they just can't see it.

Perhaps it is simply reflexive, perhaps it's psychological myopia, and then again perhaps not. 

Either way it matters greatly to those who are stressed out as parents, because that simple, effective an inexpensive support would make such a huge difference to their lives and the lives of their children.

And for that reason it must matter to anyone concerned with the welfare of Society as a whole.

(Tony Blairs 'evidence' today at the Chilcott Iraq Inquiry is pertinent in that it demonstrates the love of power, the willingness to cause harm and to rationalise that harm. In  a Society predicated on Power Relationships.....)

In the 20 years or so since then I have researched this area and have found nothing at all to counter this answer.

This research paper from 1975 makes this clear.

If this article makes sense to you, if you feel it, then please share it.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Huge areas of woodland to be sold by government

Headlines this weekend :  Forests for sale by UK Government!

Ian Duncan Smiths comments on the utility of buses, with regard to seeking gainful employment in an economy he and his colleagues are decimating!

Hang on a second! This is nuts!

Who caused  the major 'economic' problems?

The Bankers and The Economists and The Politicians, that's who.They MAKE policy. They see that it is enforced. Gold Command.

Oridnary Taxpayers did nothing other than live within the system the three Pillocks of Society built. Most of us are so not within the command structure. If we had a command colour it would be transparent. Null.

Yet the Ordinary Taxpayers are now being asked to watch whilst the very poorest, the long-term unemployed, the vulnerable elderly, the distressed, the unwell .... (all of whom pay quite a few taxes, apart from income tax, by virtue of their spending the most if not all of their 'benefits' back into the economy), are beaten into oblivion.

So who ought to pay?

I say transfer all Crown Land, Heritage Land and Private Estates immediately to the stewardship of The People, knowing as we do, as now accepted by virtue of the masses of peer reveiwed Science that proves the case, that permaculture, forest gardening and smallholdings can work better with the land than industrial farming, large estates or the few allottments that remain because those processes build in the fecundity of the soil and biota, year on year. Urban allottments ought to be an absolute priority.

It would also mean decent work for many millions of people, (and there would be many takers of the opportunity to decamp the cities) and not least the long-term strategic security of a more natural local based food cycle that is not damaging the habitat.

What's not to like about this? Long-erm employment for millions of happy people, happier children, long-term food security strategy all rolled up in one?

The fact that it cannot be done overnight ought not be seen as grounds for any objection. We could start now.

However none of this would benefit the 'economy of the bankers'. It is their 'economy'. The own it and they run it. The Ordinary Taxpayer is simply forced, by birth and circumstance, to live within in it.

Gross National Happiness is an irrelevance in State which has the dubious honour of hosting the unhappiest childhood experience of any 'developed' Nation. And is doing what it is doing in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. These are not happiness creation programmes.

I say make the Bankers, Politicans and Economists personally liable for the itent and consequences of their decisions. I say intent, because in nature, results always indicate intent.

The poorest, most vulnerable folk in the UK are being targetted. By those who have most responsibility for the situation. Who will pay far, far less, in terms of relative wealth and in terms of stressing conditions imposed by the cuts to public services.

And they are ignoring the DATA regarding the environment, farming and stewardship.

Both acts are abusive, and criminal.

This cannot stand. 

And sometimes one has to somehow laugh at it all, to thwart the Bankers, Politicians and Economist dubious claims on intelligence. Or even common sense. These are partners, they go hand in hand. Though not whilst walking down Wall Street! Nor do they entwine themselves in the corridors of power. Clever is not neccessarily intelligent. It's cleverness that allows the environment to be degraded to the extent it has thus far. Criminal cleverness. Utter stupidity!

Unlike that old saying by George Carlin 'MILITARY INTELLIGENCE - two mutually exclusive words!" which is to say intelligence without common-sense empathy is lethal. - George Carlin, Who owns Society?

and - Corneilius, Bears don't shit in the woods no more.

And after the laughter, comes resolve and action....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Tory Education revealed for what it is : A return to Poisonous Pedagogy

Head teachers in England will be able to discipline pupils "any time, any place, anywhere", says Education Secretary Michael Gove.

Addressing the Conservative party conference, Mr Gove promised tougher powers for head teachers.

Gove is pushing what is known as poisonous pedagogy. He lies when he claims that children are condemend to a prison house of ignroance because Teachers authority is undermined...  he sneers BECAUSE he knows he is lying:  he employs rethoric because the truth is that the predominanat teaching methodologies FAIL children, the burden of bureaucracy that teachers endure FAILS the children, the focus on rote learning, tests, tests, tests and the qaulity of text books FAILS children and the training of teachers FAILS children.

He is attacking all those who have been working damn hard to bring reform to the old system BECAUSE the work they are doing is changing perceptions, as much as proving the harm that tradtitional Education inflicts.

And his solution is to turn heads into Policemen, teachers into adminstrators of punishment, and to re-instate the BULLY as the prime motivator of children.

Quick translation of his speech. "Let's whip them into shape!"

National Union of Teachers initial response

My response :

Watch this TED talk by Sugata Mitra on self organised learning.


Micheal Gove, the current Education Minister, and all those who are part of the current Complusory State Education System and the Industries aligned with that system : when you subvert the natural self organisation of learning, YOU HAVE TO EXERCISE POWER OVER CHILDREN TO FORCE THEM TO 'LEARN' unwillingly, and THIS IS THE ROOTS OF the childrens rebellions : now that violence is no longer accepted against chidlren, you are using psychological coercion, and so the rebels use what is left to them.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Blair, the Media, Intellectuals, Complicity and Cowardice.

William Rees Mogg, in The Times, February 1st, 2010 writes in his first paragraph of an article headed :  - Blair the dictator bulldozed us into war -

 " It may never lead to his being tried in any court, but there is nevertheless a public verdict of his responsibility for the British action in Iraq." ...

Why might it never lead to a trial? What right does he have to make such an assertion and then pour his feeble outrage onto paper for the public domain, and at the same time imply that 'International Law needs to be clarified' - International Law prohibiting War is the clearest Law on the planet. What planet is Rees-mogg on, or more to the point what drugs?

Is not the Law clear? YES.

Has not the crime been reported to British Police? YES

Is there an investigation under way(ish) at The London Metropolitan Police War Crimes Unit? YES

Is this a secret or covert operation, requiring special police investigation? NO!

So, why is Rees Mogg not saying all of this and not asking the following questions :




Is it possible he is unaware of all this?  Hardly.

Very slightly since those involved

( )

have written to EVERY MP, to every News Media outlet, have hosted meetings in both Houses of Parliament, posted videos to youtube, have facebook, myspace, twitter and other online resources, which have been  active for quite some time (the first attempt at reporting war crimes was in 2001, for Afghnaistan!) and have an online international campaign informing people of the Law, and asking that the Law be obeyed, calling their campaign a CIVIL OBEDIENCE campaign. Hardly the shrinking violets of the activist movement, yet totally ignored by mainstream mdeia, an absolutely focussed and active ignorance. Caught in the act of ignoring.

While certain forces may have bulldozed towards war, as Rees Mogg writes, certain others (public intellectuals, media pundits etc ) refused to face the facts at the time : That  War as a Tool of Policy Enforcement is wrong, amoral AND illegal.... and they parroted the lines that Policy dictated. Terrorists. WMD. Nasty Dictators (who used weapons systems our State sold him on his own people, who waged a war with Iran on our States behalf). Half truths are often worse than outright lies.

http://www.medialens,org  a British website that had been challenging the way in which media reports wars with such deep bias as to actively support those wars, is replete with such examples, carefully de-constructed, almost to tedium, based on irrefutable evidence, by the medialens crew;  and vehemently defended by said intellectuals and pundits. Some of the former is quite entertaining. Most of the latter is utterly reprehensible.

And now, when the veil is lifted by Blair himself, when he exposed his crass logic and astute denial before Chilcott's gentle probing, in full public view, (with no option but to go the whole hog), a veil many of us have been able to pierce and had removed, even as he prepared for war, and so now, some of these intellectuals finally find their voice? Give us a break!

STOP THE WAR coalition must have known at the time that the war was utterly illegal. They have access to the best legal minds in the country. Look to the results of their actions. Did they inform or mop up concern? Did they harness the compassion, the horror and anger of the people and use that to act, or did they organise a we will  'do our best' gig, much as Bob Geldof might have, again mopping up concern, knowing that it was futile because it offered no real challenge?

A general strike would have been a good move. A blockade by the 2 million people and their friends who did not turn up for the march, yet who supported the intent of that march in Hyde Park would have been fun. And effective.It was estimated that for every one person on that march at least another 4 agreed with them. Some say 15. That's between 8 and 30 million people. That's a lot of power if marshalled. Polls say more than that opposed the war. Anyways, STWC failed, and failed miserably, in their stated aims.

So back to the future, 2010 : the majority of mainstream media even still parrot the policy line; Blair's testimony last Friday was 'assured', a 'fine performance' according to most press this weekend...

Iran still the de-stabilising force in Iraq ( a lie I have dealt with in detail elsewhere), Tony the 'victim' of circumstance and unfortunate planning...

The disconnect is further highlighted with the recent press coverage of the issue of assisted death in cases of severe debilitating painful fatal disease, where the assistance is requested by individuals whose minds are clear, whose intent is clear, whose assistant is a close and dearly loved one.

The DPP saw fit to go ahead with a prosecution for murder for a woman who helped her daughter, who had lain in bed for nearly 20 years, her body shattered by disease, her life shattered by constant unrelenting pain, who had decided enough is enough and I want to die, and was so weakened she required assistance up to the point she herself pressed the plunger of the syringe containing her final does, her final act in her own life.

Yet stalls with regard to a man and a system that not only   failed to protect a nation of 29 million innocent people, but actively and illegally enabled a war of aggression, that denied the Iraqis grass roots democracy when the Iraqis made so bold as to unite and hold their own elections, that selected it's own chosen men to run Iraqs cities, towns and villages, that actively funded and supplied a police force that actively repressed those who dared to engage their own democracy, that started a war of resistance that was portrayed as 'sectarian', that led to even more slaughter, torture, terror for Iraqis?

These are the facts.

What say you now, Rees Mogg? Defend your pious stance from this perspective. You cannot!

Take a walk to your local police station, and report the crimes of Blair and the UK Government. Do something useful.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Irish Priests, Abuse and Society

Another report from the slow snail of Justice and Governance in Ireland regarding the vast swathe of crimes against children perpetrated by the people within the Institutions set up by State and Church for the 'care' of children has just been published. The BBC reported this here

I left a comment which formed the basis for this piece. I do not know if it will be published.

I spent my childhood in Irish Catholic Boarding Schools, from age five and a half to seventeen, and as a ward of court, was in custody of my relatives. Who were less than empathetic. Let it be know that abuse occurred in peoples homes too, and that much of that activity has been covered up. Thus as a child there was no-one for me to turn to talk to about my experiences.

I grew up believing those experiences, and my shame, were normal. I believed my low self-esteem was my own fault, that I was evil, a sinner and at heart a disgusting, filthy and ugly person, even though I could pass myself off as reasonably affable.

My life has been pretty much ruled  and dominated by those experiences and how I 'adapted' to them, how I internalised the values of those who abused me, and took on the image they protected on to me as my own identity.

Years and years of unhappiness, dysfunction, insecurity and a nameless rage (for which, for a long I time no target - and that meant I turned the rage upon myself and those close to me) have dogged my life.

I have struggled as best I can to heal, this for myself, and to understand, to fully comprehend  the dynamics of abuse operating at such a huge scale, such that it might be classed a societal problem, because the problem is tractable, because the cycles can be broken, and because this should never happen to any child,  and because the resolution of which is essential to the future of all human beings.

There is no higher calling on Earth today.

It is the FACT of  the intentional and systematic  climate pollution of our children’s psyches through conditioning processes that is a taboo subject for mainstream society and the ‘greens’ and other movements for change must now address this issue, openly. Vigorously.

Failure to do so will be catastrophic for all of us.

Because abuse is always about POWER. Abuse is always about control. Abusers 'condition' those they abuse to accept the abuse as 'normal'. To maintain that control.

There is a long historical record in writing, of the processes of conditioning, under the guise of education, or child-rearing, or training, that go back millennia, writings that informed the philosophies of dominance that are the basis of this society. The cycles of abuse go deep.

I am encouraged that the issue is being looked at, today, and in my own lifetime, and not least by the victims and their families, and empathetic researchers. Much research in these areas has been undertaken, and much is known, far more than is in practice through state sponsored projects, such as education, health , culture and ‘spreading democracy’.

I am less encouraged by Government action on these issues. Slow, unwilling to respond to victims with the speed with which they responded to the abusers, in this case, The Christian Churches. That they defend the likes of leaders who start wars should come as no surprise.  That our Government opposes fiercely any attempts by ordinary folk to arraign war criminals is typical.

There are more incidents beyond the abuse of children, that litter our society, that are tied up in how a society treats children.

The philosophy a society has in this regard must be examined for any false or corrosive assumptions. Conditioning must be acknowledged as a corrosive force.  And ceased.

And that is the only path which I as a survivor deem plausible if we as a society are to honour all children, for all time. It is time, well past time actually, to clean up our collective and centralised acts.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

G20 protests and leassons to learn

What we need to learn from the G20 demonstrations and the reality of POWER and how it induces violence…. to it’s own ends.

The leadership of all the campaigns have a tough nut to crack. And a severe weakness.

It is their willingness to continue to appeal to POWER to change (not going to happen), their love of the media circus, the big event with impressive speeches etc etc and their apparent unwillingness to go out and meet and work with the everyday folk of our society.

Those whose views and real concerns, whose issues are most often ignored to a large extent by mainstream media, and certainly by Government, local and national, and to share with these people the campaigns learning’s, aspirations and concerns, and to listen too; to work much more vigorously at the grassroots levels, as do the South Americans, away from the attention of media and ‘charidees‘ and big name NGOs, in housing estates, in deprived areas, in inner cities, in small town estates, and in the schools in these areas, to show people skills they can use to become self-reliant and independent, to grow food, to develope credit unions, local community organisations, to share skills that help one to live well on what little there is, thus to use perm culture, to use natural health care, to use co-counselling, to use conflict resolution and to help to heal the wounds of their brothers and sisters who for the most party are the volunteers in our Army, who have been sent under false pretences, by the elites, the managers, to kill other poor people, and so on, effectively to side step Local and National Government as it is and deal directly with the poorest people, who are the ones who bear the hardest burdens of all.

These people have the right, as well as the ability, given time, and resources, to do the research needed for any decision making process to be effective, to set the agenda for their areas, and to select candidates for local governance from their own communities, away from current partisan political structures.

The campaigns should focus on facilitating that right. On taking power back from the hierarchy, and devolving it to the local communities, who are intelligent, common-sense people of great heart, who are stereotyped in ALL MEDIA….

No longer can political parties or others such groupings be permitted to determine policy and then offer that - real people must determine policy, and then select those who will facilitate that policy. And have the right to oversight and recall procedures as and when necessary.

The campaigns must reach out too to all children and not attempt to condescendingly inform, but to listen. It is their future we are discussing here. Children have a deeper understanding of things and a far greater comprehension of reality than most adults would assume. Ye they have no real voicing that is heard.

The campaigns must reach out to the elderly, and also listen to these people for they are wisdom walking, if one would but listen.

The campaigns must start now, must deeply unite and must now start to build an effective alternative to the current status quo, away from the middle classes, the managers, the collar and ties, the media, etc etc…. to empower those who always bear the worst of it all, and they are many… and they are good people, strong people though much burdened…

The next big protest ought to be a huge sit-down protest, a gathering of thousands if not hundreds of thousands, if no tmillions of people willing to sit and do nothing other than sit, for an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year if necessary : thus a demonstration of the variance between people and POWER…… and it must include all the most deprived in our society, be extended to schools and all places where children are gathered, and be an expression of gentle, determined power.

And when those who will to violence appear, be they hotheads, police, military or agent provocateurs, they will be isolated by their actions, identifiable too, and exposed for the insecurity they truly represent.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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