Showing posts with label natural wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural wisdom. Show all posts

Nurture the Nature : genes will respond

A baby in utero who is exposed to stress develops his or her hind brain more than his or her fore brain. The fore brain is the neo-cortex which deals with intelligence, perception and creativity, the hind brain deals with physicality, defence and stress situations. Thus the stressed baby emerges prepared for a stressed (violent) environment and the relaxed baby emerges ready for a relaxed (empathetic) environment.

These factors are compounded by life learning; thus adverse conditioning or adverse childhood experience(s) can increase the tendency towards violent and controlling behaviours, which are often the symptoms of brain damage caused by those experiences; and empathetic nurturing increases the tendency towards peaceful egalitarian non-controlling behaviours, as the child’s brain is nurtured according to it’s nature.

Babies in utero develop touch and volitional movement by 7 weeks, light sensitivity at 10 weeks, (even though the eyes are not fully developed until 26 weeks), sensitivity to pain at 12 weeks, taste at 14 weeks, hearing at 16 weeks (even though the ear is not fully developed until 24 weeks), and spend more time in dream state at 30 weeks than in awake state, awareness and response to the language of the mother is evident at 25 weeks.

* Consciousness at birth: The range of empirical evidence (1983/1987). In Thomas Verny (Ed.), Pre- & perinatal psychology: An introduction (pp. 69-90). New York: Human Sciences Press.

Evidence of birth memories indicate full cognitive abilities at birth, equivalent to an adults abilities...

What is also known and well understood is that the environmental conditions act so as to switch gene expression on or off and indeed 'writes' new genetics, which may then be passed on….another way to say this is that genes are responsive, though it's the RNA which initates the 'writing' of or 'ateration' new genes. There is an interplay between the structual instruction sets and the environment, and they affect each other.

The tendency towards obesity evident in the current epidemic of obesity arose first out of a generation of people who ate fast foods, processed foods, were exposed to toxic chemicals and who have experienced various societal stressors such as trans-generational trauma which is directly correlated to symptoms of distress (“it’s my wall of protection” or “life is shorter” given as felt explanations of their obesity by obese people) and we now see obesity emerging in very young children.

Whilst there are genes that are 'related' to the incidence of obesity, it is the environmental experiential conditions that cause their expression in the first place. And those conditions are man-made with regard to obesity and many other health issues….

Seeking or promoting a ‘cure’ with first dealing with the environmental issues is a way of protecting the creators of those environmental conditions and of blaming those who become obsese, addicted, distressed as a result of those conditions. The 'cure' is aimed at the symptoms of the person distress, not at the conditions that give rise to that persons distress in the first place.

And it is the lack of prevention, implicit in the marketing of those toxic processed sweets and 'foods' precisely directed at those communities that experience most deprivation, and thus distress, that brings that tendency or genetic environmental reponse into material reality.

Essentialy, a massive act of control-freakery. Industrial civilisation tends towards the more violent controlling behaviours common to, if not essential to, Power Relationships.

To change the trajectory of the dominant civilisation, we have to treat ourselves and our children with far more empathy, detailed empathy, from conception onwards... to create the conditions that will support an emerging Empathic Society we have to examine Power Relationships carefully and make changes. And then we must continue, day by day, to build in the genetics of that natural empathy, in the path towards natural sustainability for all life on Earth.

Here's a classic example of the environmental factors being downgraded in importance, compared to genetic factors. They barely mention the fact that economic deprivation, cultural derpivation are often INTENSE as environmental operators, or signals capable of affecting the genes themselves, as much as the day to day behaviour - and they omit the knowledge that brain damage caused by trauma, adverse childhood experiences, toxic chemicals; thus slanting the focus on the genes.

Much of the info regarding a babies consciousness comes from the research of David Chamberlain :

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Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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There is a world of difference between Religiosity and Spirituality.

The roots of that divide are to be found in the ways in which natural child-mother bonding processes, which are biologically determined, are either nurtured or not.

The research of James Prescott, Phd back in the 70s into primate mother-child bonding and the emergence of violence indicated to some degree the dynamics of this.

However, the research he carried out on primates was not possible for human beings - separating a child from his or her mother and providing a surrogate for 'experimental' purposes was correctly seen as 'unethical' - though Social Services and Hospital Protocol dictate that this separation does indeed occur, and with alarming frequency... how else is a circumcision to be carried out (60% of males born in the US are circumcised....)

So Prescott decided he'd do the next best thing and started a cross cultural survey of all known Aboriginal Societies to see if there was any patterns that could be observed that would suggest that his learnings with primates applied to human beings.


Absolute proof, statistically solid, that the ways in which the child-mother bond are nurtured or not are an rock solid indicator of the emergence of violence, hierarchy, sexual repression, rigid gender roles, territorialism and religiosity.

The facts are that when the needs of the natural child for healthy development are not met, when natural empathic nurturance is not fully functioning, abuse flows as a direct result.

"David  Smail correctly points out, in his book The Nature of Unhappiness, that psychological theories rarely move beyond the power exerted within the family - where by the oedipal child or the tyrannical parent - and generally fail to see the importance of wider social structures. He widens the ‘power horizon’ to include the effects of politics, culture and class on personal relations, and the impact of ideology on family life and education.

If emotional and psychological distress is brought about by social and environmental powers which originate at some distance from those ultimately subjected to them, then it follows that the best therapy comes in the form of political, ethical and ideological change. We need to move beyond the microenvironment of the therapeutic space, and through our interaction with patients provide three essential things: comfort, through proximal solidarity; clarification, to undo the mystifications of power, by helping patients to remember, see and say; and encouragement to physically and materially alter their position in the world."

 from a review by Christopher Dowrick, Professor of Primary Medical Care, University of Liverpool,

Furthermore, the research carried out by David Chamberlain, Joseph Chilton Pearce and many others into developmental neuroscience with regard to peri-natal experience, birth experience and the first years of a childs life absolutely support Prescotts insights.

Religion wears the mask of empathy, yet demonstrates time and time again a complete lack of empathy.The same applies to much of Social Services and Governance.

It's  BELIEF that is imposed externally, whereas true empathy emerges from within.

It is indoctrination that typifies Schooling and much of University 'Education'. Whereas true learning emerges from unfettered and honest exploration of the world we live in.

We need no more Religion, no more belief.

We need, we are desperately crying out for EMPATHY.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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On Human 'Rights'.

The concept of 'human rights' has a serious flaw, in that 'rights' are granted, by some form of authority, and equally can be withdrawn, or altered in definition, as we see. This flaw leads to and emerges from an acceptance of Authority, a percieved need for Hierarchy, which has no correlate in the Natural World which we are, biologically speaking, an expression of.

Culture and Biology are very different, with this in mind: The core biological functioning of every living cell is to improve the habitat for all life. This is easily observed in the wild. That same fundmental applies to us as bio-logical organisms.

It is therefore more appropriate to speak of innate and natural expectations that if fulfilled, lead to optimum health, not only fot the organism, but for the entire habitat. Air to lungs, food to the belly, light to eyes, EMF singlas to tiny cells rigged for perception in that manner, faeces to ground and to bacterial breakdown into metabolised nutrients.

Being innate and intrinsic, they cannot be granted, but simply recognised and responded to appropriately, so as to improve the habitat for all life. Or not. They cannot be denied, simply obstructed. They are ever present, even in the moment of darkest oppression.

Being a biological imperative, they operate from the grass roots UPWARDS, and in reality, all directions, as Nature is a non-linear living process.

One the fundamental of this is recognised, and integrated, a different discourse regarding the welfare of people and plant must arise.

It is one long overdue.

As for human conflict being inevitable, it is not. Choice is always present. Informed choice is a distinct possibility.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Freedom and Response Ability

The ability to respond appropriately so as to enhance the living environment for all life is not a burden; if anything it is a liberation! 


 It is also a biological imperative, and it absolutely inhere's to all natural living processes.


The responsibilty of those who refuse to do so, to respond apropriately, for whatever reason, is indeed a burden. 


Hence the denial. Hence the ultimate futility of that denial, for it is a prison of one's own making. 


In a world of many prisons, that is the one most tractable, the easiest to escape. 


Make your way to freedom.


Let ruthless self-honesty be your chain breaker. 


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Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The Ceremony of Expulsion and Cleansing

 This is the text of the Ceremony held outside Westminster Cathedral on 10-10-10 in London.

All actions are seeds, seeding the future, all actions have consequences that cannot be avoided, all actions are choices made. Make your choice, live with the consequences.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

We call on and represent the spirit and energy of life, of the natural world, of which you and I am a living part, which permeates every cell of my being, of which we are all a part, and which permeates every cell of our being, which inhere’s in our very existence, which many past carriers of wisdom, including he known as Jesus Christ brought as their shared learnings, to help clarify the un-clear, to make honest the dishonest, to respond with all strength to the dysfunction of the lack of empathy that typifies your Institution and all like Institutions, to flood through,  and to wash away, so as to cleanse this place of all that dysfunction and all thoughts and deeds that mask that dysfunction, such that the Natural Principle of Nurturance may now take precedence over the false and artificial Principle of Dominance.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.
To The Vatican and The Pope, we say this; we are calling you to listen to these words and to see these actions as being the natural response ability of natural people, under common Law, upon which all other Laws are founded.

That Law is ‘all is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children!”

You have broken that Law, into many millions of shards of pain, each shard a human life, a sacred and precious gift of Nature, a life destroyed, and we, and all our common ancestors and relatives, are declaring this for it is true, and we have come to say ENOUGH! And to reject and repudiate any authority you claim, to expose the fallacy of your lies, to unmask the cruelty of your actions. You are now made as naked in the eyes of Nature. Your power is nothing without your violence. You are now made as naked in the eyes of the people. You are nothing – a No-thing.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

In the void, the newly empty space once made to appear occupied by your teachings and actions, by your fine clothes, your grandiose and repugnant wealth and by fine buildings, Nature now re-seeds life.

Mother Nature now nurtures life so as to improve that habitat, the living conditions for all life. Nature will now metabolise the remains of your body, the fears and darknesses of your philosophy,  and your deeds and in so doing release those materials for natural living processes.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

(Water is sprinkled)

From this moment onwards and for all time, in all directions from this point, all those whom you beguiled and imprisoned are set free, for you are no more. Neither fear nor shame will impinge upon their hearts.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother Nature, that which nurtures life, has been called and has responded, as she always does, to give forth new life and to express herself in the hearts, actions and in the lives of her creations, and in particular the hearts and minds of all natural people.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

(Water is sprinkled)

In place of enforced the old coercive order, in place of this Institution and all Institutions like it, intrinsic and empathetic co-operation, the natural self organisation and wisdom inherent to natural living process now emerges, as the freedom to grow as a healthy, robust and vibrant part of the life of Earth with gratitude, respect and a joyous embrace of the sensory wonder of being alive, which all life expresses.

(Water is sprinkled)

 All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother Nature, and all her children, let us now bear witness to this exorcism, this repudiation of a dysfunctional system of coercion and proclaim, yea let us sing of the new life and the joyous recognition from the loving heart of life itself, within the hearts of each of her children. Together we banish the psyche of this Institution and all others like it from our midst. Begone! You are a no-thing.

 All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother Nature, we accept the nurturance of your wisdom. And we know now, in our hearts, in our minds and in our bodies, that we are with you, we are of you and that we will live as your expression of life, and that all illusions of division are shattered, that war between mother and child, father and mother, brother and sister is finished, over, and that the philosophies of coercion are now finally and permanently discredited.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

 (A candle is lit, the papers are burnt)

All actions are choices. All actions have consequences. All choices must be accounted for between men, women and children. This is the light that shall never be extinguished. You will NEVER kill the will to grow free This is the light never to be extinguished. You, of this Institution and all others like it, to you collective psyche and will I say this and declare : your own hatred will eat you up and spit you out, and the lies will be no more. This is the light never to be extinguished.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother Nature calls now, to all of her children, to walk in freedom and true responsive autonomy, to live with empathy, to act with compassion, to feel the vibrant joy of being nurtured and of nurturing and to take part in the healing of wounds, the recovery of forest and plain, and to receive the gifts of life as free men and free women. As nature ever intended!

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother and Father Nature, I call on you now to enter these places and to absolutely penetrate and permanently permeate these old and fallen places of what was once called worship and to breathe into them the air of your nurturance, to render these places as places of comfort, sanctuary and honest reflection, open in all directions, to all people, that the true meaning of love be the lies will be no action, content and form.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother and Father Nature!

Enter into the land and make it a common garden again, where yours and mine is abolished, and all things are held in common so that all may eat and prosper.
Mother Nature in your name and in our children’s name, and in our own names, we fully reclaim your world, we honour and align with your nurturance and we call you back to our hearts and our lands, that together we make it that all are free to eat, to thrive, to live as Nature intends.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother and Father Nature. Enter into the former places of power and dissolve the greed and violence that remains there. Dismantle the weapons of death and bring final peace and love to all nations. For what was prophesied has come to pass: they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning forks: the lion shall lie down with the lamb, and man shall not learn war anymore. For the old order has passed away forever.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

God and Goddess of creation, Mother and Father Nature in whom we live and breathe and know our being, we bless and praise you for bringing us through the long night into the light of your eternal nurturance. Help us now and forever to live and proclaim with one heart and voice these words:

Our Mother and Father, who dwell among us, your name is sacred, your children are sacred. Thy world, which births us, which nurtures our very being, which holds us in relationships of love and honour, has come, is here, is being lived and is eternal and Thy unity which holds us has been re-established. We are the bread that will feed the world, as forgiveness with integrity shall mend all that has been torn. The darkness has gone. For your Nurturance and Intent is established amongst the people, now and evermore.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Go now to live and love in the light of the new creation, walk with Mother and Father Nature, within you and among you. It is accomplished.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

All actions are seeds, seeding the future, a future that belongs to all our children, and all actions have consequences that cannot be avoided, all actions are choices made. Make your choice, live with the consequences. Do no expect your children to accept the consequences of any action taken that is dysfunctional – to do so is to abuse your own children, and all children.

         All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The Natural Child - an understanding of how The Dominant Culture has emerged and why it is so controlling.

The basics of my thesis are as follows :

In Utero the natural child lives in near perfect empathy with the mother .... this is easily understood given the sheer physicality of their connection. Ask a few mothers about this.

In Utero learning is now reasonably well understood and documented. The foetus is learning all the time. The psychological and phsysiological state of the mother is part of that learning. As is the Society into which the child will be born into, as that will inform the mothers psychology..

It is now well understood that birth is a conscious experience for the baby, and that near perfect recall of all the events of a birth is possible and with empathetic parents very likely...

Thus the birthing experience is a conscious one for the baby....

Now, in utero the baby is learning all the time, writing or creating neural pathways for life...

This learning is experiential.

Thus learning is occuring during birth...

At birth the baby has twice as many neurons as an adult, with far fewer neural pathways - suggesting that the baby is ready to learn huge amounts very rapidly.

The first learnings are to do with safety and re-connection with the mother... with that which nurtures the baby.

The baby 'lands' on the mothers left side and lays his or her head against the mothers body, and hears the heart beat of the mother, a heart beat they have lived with for all of their life, a heart beat they know very, very well.

The baby hears and recognises that particular heartbeat and feels safe, as he or she did in the womb. This experience writes neural pathways that go deep, deep... these learning’s at the earliest stage are to do with learning empathy as a separate body….

Empathy is a biological imperative, it is the ability to read the world accurately. The baby has lived with empathy in utero and now needs to have the experiences that help crafty the neural networks for empathy as a separate body..

Then the baby will look towards the mother and make that empathetic connection visually and it is then that the baby goes for the nipple, for sustenance...

Thus the sense of safety, of being held and nurtured goes deep. And is the basis for the following movements....

Any untoward intervention or un-natural event during the birthing will have a profound effect. Remember this is a learning experience that is ultra intense!

This continues to apply throughout the first 6 years of the child's development and pertains though-out life. 

Trauma, especially repeated trauma (think Gitmo, abusive family setting, extreme poverty, war etc etc) will craft neural pathways and physiology in dysfunctional ways, and if unresolved and widespread in any community will lead to structures that reflect that dysfunction and fear, and be expressed as a need to control the environment.

If this is unresolved, then it will write or cause a new genetic to emerge over time....

DNA is written by the environment, and responds to the environmental experience... DNA is all about form and the environment drives behaviour..... which is learned.

The Dominant Culture is one that exercises extreme control, to the point of lethality, to the point of threatening the very basis of life, of nurturance in much the same way an addict may drive towards self destruction.

Work with addiction shows that it takes some form of self control to break the habit and exert yet more control to stay on the straight and narrow or it takes a full realisation of the elements in ones childhood or forgotten trauma learning’s and with that understanding comes empathy for oneself as a child, and an understanding of the elements that led to the trauma…

We also know that children do repair damage to their brains and even transfer functions from one part of the brain to another part as they recover..... if they have the appropriate nurturing environment around them. So we have some hope that this dynamic can be halted and that we can recover from it.

Spread this dynamic across an entire community, and it is easy to understand how a community that is traumatised will engage in various control patterns, some of which are structural, some of which are destabilising, to manage the unresolved feelings associated with the trauma.

This is what Prescott’s research bears out.

When reviewing what was known about indigenous peoples, he was able to delineate two strands of society. One was violent, hierarchical, religious, rule bound. The other was egalitarian, spiritual, non-violent and devoid of rules. The former were the in the minority. That is to say, most of the known gatherer hunter societies were egalitarian, empathetic and nurtured the child mother bond. However the majority were vulnerable to the less empathetic societies. For obvious reasons…

He was able to predict the emergence of violence based only on what happens between the mother and child and found one other indicator - the suppression of adolescent sexuality. Both of these biological imperatives are very powerful and it takes power to thwart them, power that is exercised by a few over the many.

And The Dominant Culture is an expression of this dynamic. Power is suppressing the natural at every turn and creating toxic mimics of the natural, quite often consciously (PR, Marketing, Propaganda, Indoctrination) as an attempt to hoard wealth and protect it, and to undermine any possibility of those people caught in this dynamic from breaking from it...

The cure?

Meeting the natural empathetic learning requirements of children........ and all that that entails. It's a long term cure, and parenting is at the very heart of it. Informed parents are a vital part of the process of recovery.

There are some very good writings on Indigenous Mothering that show some of the possible pathways for this recovery.

Revolution as a reaction to the dominance dynamic will always fail, because it contains within it the very same psychological dynamic...

Here's a neat one page presentation of the social behavioural characteristics found in both streams of society - the high nurturant and low nurturant.

my song 'The Expectations of Every Child"

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Learning vs Teaching

"Education scientist Sugata Mitra tackles one of the greatest problems of education -- the best teachers and schools don't exist where they're needed most. In a series of real-life experiments from New Delhi to South Africa to Italy, he gave kids self-supervised access to the web and saw results that could revolutionize how we think about teaching."

Learning is NOT the product of teaching, learning is the product of free exploration made by biological organisms, and is by design and intent a mechanism for improving the habitat for all life.....

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Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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There ain't no Satan! demons deconstructed.

When anyone is abused, and especially when it is small, vulnerable children who are expecting love and nurturing, and the abuse is prolonged and unmitigated, the psyche of the abuser and the painful memory of the trauma penetrates the psyche of the victim. The shock and repeated shock goes deeper and deeper. These memories and feelings are often embedded deep within our bodies, as suppressed memories, old wounds, blocked pathways of vital energy.

If the victim, in an attempt to survive, buries that memory, shuts it away, it remains within nonetheless. The body never lies.

The same applies to any community or society that denies it’s past. That denial is a survival strategy of the survivor.

Recovery is dependent upon recalling and resolving those memories and wounds in a safe environment, where the survivor feels held. Coping strategies are an attempt to manage these feelings without ever releasing them. Coping arises from a deep fear, from the lack of help or safety that is all too common and is, as such,  an adaptive strategy, and an adjustment to the prevailing situation. No real growth or learning is possible with this strategy. Belief becomes an essential tool of survival. Knowledge of the truth is banished. Often the survivor survives because he or she takes on the responsibility fro the abuse.

This is the self-loathing, shame, confusion that the survivors takes on. This si also what stops the survivor from speaking out.

And when, in day to day life, the survivor feels that fear, when the fear is triggered by related or unrelated events in the present, he or she will invariably see it as an external force, not as something emerging from within.

The psyche of a society that is abusive in nature will seem massive to anyone attempting to confront it, just as the psyche of an adult who abuses a child will seem massive to the child. That makes it more difficult to deal with in healthful ways.

These are real forces, they emerge from real events, and in a twisted way, the survival strategy of the victimised often helps the abuser and the abusive society to maintain their power over survivors if those forces are portrayed as being outside the human realm.

Thus Satan is an externalisation of the masked abuse of the Society.

My own demons are externalisations of my inner pain, fear and wounds. When I first saw them, I too saw them as externals, and they terrified me. I had to eat them, to breath into and through them to dislodge that illusion of externality. I had to recognise the parts of the abusers psyche that were within and excise them. This took love to do; that is to say compassion for the child I was, empathy for the child I was, actively recognising the survival strategies I engaged in, actively loving myself the way I found myself, actively nurturing myself. And taking it on, bit by bit, day by day.

Realising this is helpful, because then one has some traction on the problem. One can see that the demon is NOT so much an external force, or that it is beyond one’s reach or ability to deal with. It is not easy, that much is true. It is somewhat easier when one knows, that much is also true.

It takes the entire Society to deal with the Demons of Society, just as it takes an individual to deal with his or her own demons, with support from what Alice Miller calls an ‘enlightened witness’.

Just as many of my helpers were able to empathise with me, and to accompany me on my journey of exploration and recovery (as opposed to diagnosing me and issuing instructions and medication based on a diagnostic model), the survivors who are now speaking freely, in large numbers, and for the first time are able to reveal the full extent of their trauma are bringing the beginnings of healing to Society.

Those who have successfully ‘adjusted’ to the norms of our Society will find this process threatening, for it dislodges their concepts of identity just as those who exercise abusive power will find it threatening, though for quite different reasons: they do not wish to let go of their power and many will do ANYTHING to retain that power. That is the nature of the sociopath, the psychopath.

In truth, the psychopath and sociopath ARE demons; physical and human, if not humane. And they know it serves them to craft a scary monster, to shift the goal posts, the burden of responsibility away from themselves onto an imaginary entity.

They know too that those who have yet to meet their own 'demons' and metabolise them will all too easily fall prey to the illusion. This is the very basis for Organised Power and Organised Religion.

"There is no Satan, no such solitary force,
just old wounds that are hidden, protected and projected of course
The choice is yours, the choice is mine
we live by out choices all the time."

From my song "There is no Evil"

Kindest regards 


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Corneilius speaks at the UK Rally Against Child Abuse 2010

This video speaks for itself......

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Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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POPE : an Acrynom!

What more needs to be said?

Other than to remind folk that this is NOT merely about the Pope, or even The Vatican; this is about a Societal Psychology that mediates abuse as a norm, and whether or not we, as good people, can face up to the facts, and do the work that our children deserve be done to ensure that such abuse patterns are examined and the intergenerational cycles of Power and Abuse are finally ended.

It is their future we are talking about here..

Kindest regards


 Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Christ, Empathy and Society

The Christ, from what few references we have, appeared to be a deeply empathic person. Those qualities are not his alone, but the qualities of a naturally empathic human being, the kind that lived for many hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions of years in a sustainable and relatively stable condition. 

Whilst Christ can be suggested as a role model in this, (though it must be said that to do this would necessitate the omission of, or critical analysis of, the entire old testament, which is essentially a document on Monolithic Power and how to manage Power Relationships to retain Power, violently and otherwise, and contains a specified torture manual to boot! ...and most of the new testament, apart from those few stories concerning the Christ's actions, being as actions speak louder than words - think of the trees saved by this one simple shift in paradigm!)  he can not be held as the SOURCE of Empathy.

It is absolutely clear, to both Science and Mothers, that appropriate child-mother bonding and environmental conditions (such as being part of a day to day community, with full access to nature as a place of exploration and learning, optimum nutrition, intimacy, trust, respect and so on) are ESSENTIAL for the development of the empathetic neurology and natural sensitivity of the new born.

Any deprivation of any of these essentials leads directly to stressed physiology, an altered neurology and a consequent psychological dysfunction as an emergent quality of any given society, and when codified, becomes Institutionalised as we see throughout the Dominant Culture.

Thus, with regards our biologically determined empathy, when the appropriate nurturant environment in place, there is no need for an historical role model, or an external role model, for the parents and community will assuredly provide that confirmation of the internal, intrinsic empathy emerging from within the child, naturally.

This is extremely important.

For example, the lack of empathy inherent in The Missionary Position; to look upon another human being as being inferior to the point of being sub-human and to offer to ‘convert’ that person with the caveat that if conversion is not possible, then extermination is inevitable and justified by Biblical Dictat is so utterly devoid of empathy that it’s a feat of deep, almost supernatural denial that stretches the concept of Charity completely out of shape, and creates a monstrosity steeped in blood and misery.

The lack of empathy inherent in the religious induction of infants into a faith and binding those children to a psychological and spiritual contract they cannot possibly consent to, with the caveat that the child is already a sinner, already condemned, and that this is communicated at the earliest possible moment, consistently re-enforced by what are, in effect and intent, behaviour modification techniques of a Pavlovian Skinnerist perspective. Though it has to be said that the practices of Pavlov and Skinner were long extent by the time those two fools existed. Indeed they are prime examples of the lack of empathy in action.

The lack of empathy inherent in Dominance and Empire; the Dominance of the Christian/Judeo/Muslim Human Being over the Earth and all that dwell within her; the Empire of God open only to those who qualify, Eternal Torture for those who fail.

The lack of empathy that blames the poor for being poor by categorising them as being in Gods disfavour, and them treating them as a charity case, and doing NOTHING to alter the fundamental inequities of the distribution of the materials that nurture life of which Poverty is a symptom.

The lack of empathy inherent in the Vatican’s response to the unveiling of massive abuse of children in Institutions operated by Clergy, often on behalf of the State, dating back centuries and ongoing even as I

The lack of empathy demonstrated by so many adherents of Faith, that amounts to a declaration of war against all who do not share that Faith. The so-called battle or struggle between Good and Evil.

Let it be said here too, that a lack of empathy is not merely an issue for religion, but for our entire Society.

It permeates Economics, Psychiatry, Commerce, Education, Health Care, Food production and much else besides.

I submit, for your perusal, a useful document that outlines the characteristics that emerge in variant societies, where nurturing is either present or absent.

Take a good look at these characteristics and again at the Society you were born into, that you had to adapt to.....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Responsibility, Blame and the mediated disempowering of the people

Apportioning responsibility, rather than blame, empowers healing AND effective resistance to oppression.... 

Blame is the tool of the oppressor, for it entangles and disguises the various layers of responsibility and is used to confuse those who are in distress... such is the nature of our society that blame and it's partner guilt is more common in law than responsibility or remorse.

As David Smail points out in his Essay "The Moral Tyranny of Therapy" when a person who is in distress present themselves for help, what is left out of the picture is the ways in which Societal Power Relationships mediate in all our lives. What this means is that ALL the responsibility for the distress causes are heaped upon the person seeking help, instead of allocating it where it belongs.

There are powerful Institutions who directly profit from and impose conditions upon people whose effects they know about and routinely disguise, lie and cheat about, and about which Education and National Health Care Services DO NOT examine or reveal in any great detail and consequently those forces are NEVER mentioned AS PART OF THE PICTURE.
If on the other hand, someone in distress hears the following "Well, given the nature of the society into which you were born, the rampant conditioning and violence which characterises it, AND your personal experiences, all of which are at variance to your natural expectations and healthful needs, it's no surprise that you feel as you do. Let's talk about this, shall we?" then the person in distress will immediately heave a sigh of relief and get to work on the issues they face, disentangling those aspects that they themselves are genuinely responsible for or to and begin handing the others back to where they rightfully belong.
This of course is being studiously avoided by mainstream psychiatry, psychotherapy and their various mouth pieces, as much as by the mass media, the Governments, the churches etc etc..... and by MOST official mainstream Charities......
A potent example of this is the phrase oft used "Look at what YOU made me do!"
I KNOW that program because I too used it AGAINST those I bullied or hit out at in irrational anger to justify my behaviour.
As an example of what I am writing about, I can tell you that I suffered from fear and self-loathing for much of my life. This manifested in self-sabotage, depression, irrational anger and other symptoms of distress.
I blamed myself for all those symptoms and others around me did the same, including many 'therapists' and officials.
Only when I was able to discern that it was the conditioning and abuse to which I was exposed to that inculcated that self loathing, as a survival strategy of a small child, (to accept that the adults brutality was justified is a survival strategy) that I was able to address the way I thought and felt about myself and finally release the suppressed pain of the wounding’s that gave rise to those feelings. That was me taking my responsibility, my ability to respond, as my own.
I was then able to apportion responsibility to those who harmed me for such a long time, and then to those Institutions that crafted such conditioning that those people became part of.
And so I no longer ever use that phrase "Look at what you made me do!" as a get out clause or for any other reason.

Kindest regards 


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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