Showing posts with label satire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satire. Show all posts

Up the Tory mountain, Down the workers glen, They daren’t go a-husting For fear of Unionised men;

A rewrite of that lovely poem, 'The Fairies' by William Allingham, which was then and remains to this day a popular poem, for it is lovely indeed. That said, this re-write as a silly satire song ain't anything like the original, and I apologise to any expectations otherwise.. 

source : Metro  : New anti-Union, anti-strike, anti-protest Laws coming soon!

Someone, somewhere is very worried, stupidly so. We want balance not revenge. Equity is justice applied and made materially real. Then we're all safe, bruv, innit.


Up the Tory mountain,
Down the workers glen,
They daren’t go a-husting
For fear of Unionised men;
Wee folk, good folk,
Trooping all together;
Warm pickets, no top hats,
Corbyn and Lynch unfettered!

Down along the rocky shore
Some make their home,
They swim through the wake
Of sewer tide-foam.

Some in their mansions
And what their Tax Havens make,
With their CP watchdogs,
All night awake.

High on the hill-top
The old King sits;
He is now so old and grey
He’s nigh lost his wits.
With a bridge of Barnum Verbiage,
England he crosses,
On his stately journeys
From Palace to the masses;
Or going up with the music
On cold starry nights,
To sup with the Queen Consort
Of the cold Northern Lights.

They stole little Brexit
For fifty years long;
When they made the exit,
their friends were all gone.
They took a vacuous tack,
Between the night and morrow,
They thought that we was fast asleep,
- we was drained by the horror.
They have klept it ever since
Deep within the State,
Media a bed of fig-leaves,
Watching till we wake.

By the privatised hillside,
Through the KCs* care,
They've planted legalese 
For enclosure, here and there.

Is any man so daring
As dig them up in spite,
He shall find their sharpest thorns,
The Met, at the door, in bed at night. (Assange....)

Up the Tory mountain,
Down the workers glen,
They daren’t go a-husting
For fear of unionised men;
Wee folk, good folk,
Men and women, all together;
Green jacket, red cap,
McAnea and Sidhu KC* unfettered!

*Kings Counsel or Queens Counsel

Kindest regards


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The Selfish Green - deconstructed, satire...

The Great and The Good of The Straight World discuss the future of humanity in the light of so much poverty, climate change and over population. War is off the agenda for this discussion!

David Attenborough, Richard Dawkins, Jane Goodall and David Leaky discuss the parlous state of affairs as regards the issues of the day...... before a rapt audience in good old Bristol. They are all good people, definitely well-meaning. Some easier to like than others. They have worked hard on others behalf. And they are straight. I mean really straight. Excruciatingly so.

One may view it here :

by way of warning :

1. They don't mention war - a basil fawlty moment short of a laughing gnome ... well she did mention getting rid of the military... Jane Goodall.... smart girl!

2. Dawkins claims the idea of a species caring for the future, (were western civilisation to do the right thing) is a novel idea, an unique moment in time. Seems he missed out on all the indigenous peoples known proclivity in those very areas. As in "All is Born of Woman. No Harm Shall Come To The Children" doh!

3. Dawkins claimed we have ended slavery! oops! that's another 300 million people, alive today who missed a meeting!

4. Ok so Attenborough did say we need to look at nature as a unity, and there's agreement on this, yet he misses that the natural biodiversity is the best path during climate change, so give land back to nature to recover, put people to work repairing the land...

5. They miss that nature is a self-organising living paradigm ...... that the solution lies in tapping into that very self-organisational living paradigm. Nature KNOWS what to do! doh!

6. The men are boring, Jane Goodall is almost excluded....

7. They skirt around the issue of power, the minority who wield it and their naked willingness to harm anyone and anything so as to keep their power....

8. Leaky is hoping to convince the 100 people running industrialised humanity to change course? Really?

9. That's going to solve poverty? Oh yes, that and the Canadian steel charcoal burning stoves for African 'peasants'. The stoves I understand. The mind boggles.

really short review :

Man talks ... blah blah blah ... more men talk..... blah blah Jane Goodall - passion and common sense -men talk blah blah blah. man talks. man laughs. man sighs. blah blah blah. Jane Goodall says get rid of the talk blah blah blah....blah blah, Jane Goodall says that it's unacceptable that we leave this planet worse than we found it, think about the children...... men talk blah blah blah.... men sigh, ponder weighty questions, pretty much offer no detail of any possible shift we need to make .... ..... very, very frustrating.

I know at least 200 people who would have given these people some answers and insight into the interconnectedness of all these issues - and there are millions of people like that.

Just have to get on with it, 'cos these fools are LOST!

And I'm not. No-one needs to be. Though many are. Thankfully it's not as bleak as that, we know we have nature within us.... that's some force to be reckoning with.... many millions of humans....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Olympics SchmOlympircks!

The Olympic protests are great! They show the hypocrisy of all current model of Governance for what it is! Well done those who disrupt the flames progress around the globe!

Many in the Wests Media are currently pointing the finger at the Chinese Government, and many 'pundits' are commenting on China's suppression of Tibet, asking questions about China's readiness to 'enter the fold' of Democracies. They also ask questions about the apparent inability of various police forces to suppress the protesters and make comments on the 'disruption' and 'bad publicity' that the organisers, the IOC, are having to 'deal' with.

Yet few of them are realising that there are three other fingers pointing right back at themselves, and that to those who have the eyes to see, it is blindingly obvious (a neat oxymoron, if ever there was one) that those who on one hand engage in Wars of Aggression, those who export pollution to other countries to maintain the illusion of clean technologies in their own countries, those who exercise power over people rather than power for the people as standard behaviour are in no place to criticise others whose practices they supposedly abhor.

Finger One : There is the cogent fact that the West has exported almost all of it's toxic polluting manufacturing processes to China, where child labour and near as damnit indentured labour exist as standard fare for the majority, in particular those who come from the countryside...

On this our pundits remain silent. In fact most of the products they are wearing, using and consuming are made in China.

Finger Two : Furthermore, our own Governments are engaged in illegal wars of aggression in Iraq, Afghanistan and possibly in other places under covert operations..... and this is something they have always done, it is nothing new. It is our history.

Another aspect of the Olympics, though hardly worth a finger (other than in the proverbial) is the drug taking that is rife! Both amongst the athletes (performance enhancing) and those who design and build the facades, the edifices of greed, the modern day coliseums. I am sure it takes a lot of cocaine to set up the great big deals and make the 'cool' designs (most of which are truly dreadful - the London Logo being but one example!) - hubris and greed, as ever bedmates!

The survival of the fittest is a meme that Empire spreads in order to provide manure for it's agenda, and it is proven to be so far wide of the mark that it is purely by virtue of the conditioning process we have all been subjected to that it is ever discussed in an serious terms.

Bio-diversity Science tells us what the ancients knew well, because they lived on the land, with the land and saw themselves as being of the land - they knew that all nature is a life-giving co-operative, a vast altruistic interaction that provides everything within it what it needs to grow to full potential.

Finger Three : Compare that with Western Civilisation, which chews up everything it meets, spits out what is of no use either to itself or any other life form, and continues to grow, to expand, to dominate all other ways of living. Western Civilisation, being the civilisation of city states, eats up the natural resources and converts them into toxins. For what?

For profit, for greed and for power over others. All the symptoms of a profound, abysmal loss of identity, a deep sense of inadequacy and thus a fatal misunderstanding of the nature and great gift of life.

Here's my video fro my song "The Olympics are Here"

Enjoy is hardly the word, but if you have a car with a good sound system, put the song on yer player and open the windows, drive slowly and play it LOUD!

You can download it from here:

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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