Showing posts with label society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label society. Show all posts

Self Empathy and Power.

Having studied parenting for some time, I note that parenting occurs in a context determined by  very powerful Societal Influences which are masked - the Vatican harbours abusers to protect it's status (even though we KNOW that many tens of millions of children over the past 150 years have been abused) : States operate 'secret services' that utilise organised criminal networks, launch wars under false pretexts : Schools and education systems use reward/punishment as a coercive technique : Marketing uses psychological techniques known as 'aspirant' advertising which key in on known psychological insecurities in the target audience : all claim to be 'beneficial' and refuse to address the adverse affects of their behaviour. When confronted they mitigate, spin and scapegoat.

A classic denial situation.

A profound lack of empathy.

I have outlined a process that is simple to comprehend.

Let's start with an infant. Take for example the practice of training a baby to sleep alone, by letting them cry themselves to sleep.

The infants needs are not met, and the infant has to 'cope' by ignoring his or her feelings: this process leads directly to a loss of self empathy, because one cannot shut down ANY feeling without compromising the entire feeling ability, and of course it follows that this leads to a loss of empathy for others. Because children's sensitivity and constitutions are massively variable, some survive with some empathy intact, some recover, some 'adapt' and others go crazy....

It must be said here that letting a child cry themselves to sleep is but one of a myriad of practices Society induces that have the same adverse affect.

Nonetheless, if this process occurs to the majority, then that lack of empathy becomes part of the societal norm.

Furthermore this induced lack of empathy leads to a lack of felt connection, and for an infant that is a disconnection from that which nurtures in the natural sense..... this leads directly to fear and that fear drives the urge to over-control. ANY control imposed on any natural organism will generate resistance, and this is where violence enters into the picture.

When any person or population endures a trauma, they will also have to cope, (by suppressing feelings, emotions and memories) and if they cannot resolve they will remain in the coping mode.

Any societal structure they build will have those elements of fear and control built into them.

This is the modern Institutional World, as it was the ancient 'civilisations'. Most Institutional Religions utilise processes that disrupt the natural mother-child bonding. They KNOW what they are doing.

They have studied this for many thousands of years....

James Prescott, Alice Miller, Bowlby and others have mapped out apsects of this.

What we HAVE to recognise is that there are influences in Society that apply this as a technique to embed their control. This is difficult for most to face up to. Nonetheless, it's absolutely essential that we do.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Single Issues, Riots, Ideology and the Truth: The Dominant Culture is Toxic.

If there is an ONE single root to the riots, it lies deeper than any of the current public media analyses, most of which are geared to an ideological stance, the basis of which is that the psychology of the current dominant culture is more or less OK, and that these riots are evidence of a malaise with Society, a disenfranchised minority behaving badly. With the emphasis on 'minority' and 'behaving badly'.

It's clear that each person who engaged in the rioting and looting had their own reasons for so doing.

It's clear that each of those individual decisions emerges out of a larger context: poverty, police immunity in death in custody cases, consumerism driving the desire to HAVE, economic policy that coerces people into work through the stick of poverty.

Economic policy that rewards the rich, undermines the poor, traps the middle class and loots 'resources' from distant lands, bloodily; a 'lack of respect for authority' amongst children and the youth, obvious corruption in Governance, in Commerce, in Justice, in Institutional Power of every kind. A lack of respect amongst Authoritarians for children which more than mirrors that lack of respect amongst children, whose sense of injustice is ever keen.

Add to that the black markets, the black economy, the war on drugs which criminalises self-medication (addiction is 80% the result/symptom of Adverse Childhood Experiences), the wars being prosecuted, and profited from, and these are  realities that are being masked, spun, obscured, lied about by Politicians and other Institutional Power actors EVERY DAY, such that they reveal a willing denial of the reality of our Dominant Society.

Add to all that that SOME people within all that were merely opportunists, who went along for a laugh, a buzz. And add to that some people who are really, really angry, enraged and almost out of control - both as rioters and as police men.

Quite a mix. Lots to look at. And there's more of course .... the list is endless..

Under Common Law, or Common Sense Law, there are two primary instructions : Cause no Harm, Cause no Loss and Address all Harm, Address all Loss - address means in this context deal with the situation such that the loss or harm is resolved. Common Law seeks resolution and restorative justice, rather than punishment ...... though to some minds it might feel as though resolution IS punishment.... because they perceive that they lose whatever they gained by their adverse actions in the resolution of the case.

What few appear to be willing to admit is that the fundamental basis of this Society is sick, that the sickness is not something attacking the culture, but is in fact fundamental to the culture. The Dominant Culture, Industrialised Society, is founded upon coercion, might, power and the immunity of those who 'rule' from accountability for their actions, especially when those actions cause harm or loss to others.

And that means that the 'sickness' cannot be healed without profound changes to the culture, changes which would move us towards a more empathic, nurturant society based on meeting our natural needs, and the needs of the environment that supports us.

This is what the Natural Child expects. This is what the Natural Child is biologically geared to grow into, or emerge from within.

Natural Child, Natural Society. People meeting people's natural, genuine needs.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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The Loss of Self Empathy and the Urge To Power.

The disruption of the naturally mandated child-mother bonding process sets up a chain of events, leading to emergent violence.

The flow is as follows : if the child is not related to in ways that nurture self-empathy, then the development of a loss of empathy occurs.

With that loss, a sense of disconnection is felt and with that comes fear.

The fear leads directly to a perceived need to control others and to control the environment.

As all natural organisms are autonomous, self directing growing beings so too they will resist, to one degree or another, efforts to control them.

That resistance generates violence to impose or retain that control.

In human family or society, if this pattern starts, and is not resolved, then each successive generation will impose that control, and their children too will grow up in an environment that they will 'adapt' to the situation, internalising that psychological need to control.

What baby would not be angry at not being met with the experientials our biology has mandated? Think of the child left to cry himself to sleep in another room, to scream and cry until exhaustion brings sleep. Is this not a common practice in our culture? What of the resignation, the suppression of that rage, the loss of self empathy which ensues from that suppression which is the outcome of such a practice?

That need to control then gets transmitted into the structure of that family or society and over time becomes codified, normalised, embedded.......

Not all children respond or react to the situation in the same way, thus variations arise in the need to control and the levels of violence used to retain control will emerge, with some retaining their basic empathy.

Some will resist the controls. They will be subject to the efforts of others, by violence or by other means, to control them. This resistance leads directly to violence on the part of the controlling parties, because the fear is that if they are not controlled at all costs, then the safety of the controllers is at risk. This is of course unnecessary.

If the issue of empathy is resolved, nurturant co-operation is the natural outcome. We are at our happiest when we meet each others genuine living needs.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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A Nurturant Society

A Nurturant Society

In considering the fundamentals of a Nurturant Society, one has to define the ground upon which one stands.

If that is not taken in hand, and clearly defined, then it is inevitable that the ‘revolution’, as many are calling it, by positing an ‘alternative way’ to the status quo or by adopting a position of resistance to that status quo, is to a greater extent defined within the frame of reference of the status quo. It is a response to something : that something defines the response. It is a reaction.

Thus it was with Marx, and with many others. They did not see the trap they laid for themselves by talking in terms of production, ownership, and control, which are the terms and structural processes that the oppressive Society uses to exert it's power over people and the habitat. Transferring those to the workers does not change the nature of the Society as radically as people believed, it still permits the current dominant systemic mindset of control of nature as a resource to exploit. Thus the fundamental dynamic and psyche of Power remains, with a merely a change in the Actors and their behaviour towards each other within that set of structural processes. Kinder to one another,  yet damaging to the environment, the shared habitat.

And of course, it has to be said, Marx was a man of his times, and lacked the data we have today about neuroscience, endocrinology, psychological and evolutionary development and the reality of natural empathy. A lack accurate information can lead to the invention of theory out of rudimentary thinking that is without the appropriate evidence. Marx was rightly concerned with human suffering that he knew could be avoided. 

The Nurturant Society avoids that predicament by defining itself on it’s own clear terms.

The Nurturant Society is a fundamentally simple concept.

To Nurture, as a biological process, and as in human action, is to improve the conditions of the habitat or the environment within which life occurs. This process can be observed by anyone who is careful and honest in their explorations of nature. Henry David Thoreau made this abundantly clear in his work during the 1800s, as did Rudloph Steiner (Biodynamics) and Bill Mollison (Permaculture). These three are sequential in that their lives began as one ended and they form one example of continuous thread of exploration of nature that is free of the lens of what I call Empire Logic, the 'struggle for survival' etc etc. All these people and others who were and  their contemporaries looked beyond the Herbert Spenser doctrine of struggle for survival, of civilisation as the apex of natural biological evolution.

To Nurture is to provide both space and materials for life to flourish.

To Parent? Perhaps. However, the word Parent is itself troublesome, for it contains meanings that are to do with control. Control always inhibits emergence. Parental Control implies a mistrust of the child. Control is often a question of fear.

The etymology of Parent.

"to trim by cutting close," early 14c., from O.Fr. parer "arrange, prepare, trim," from L. parare "make ready," related to parere "produce, bring forth, give birth to,"

Thus Parenting has to be redefined or qualified. Natural Parenting or Nurturant Parenting better describes this new paradigm.

Nurturant Parenting then, is fundamentally about facilitating the emergent, about recognising the innate desire and ability of the natural child to learn, to master his or her self, to develop life skills, to be able to meet his or her own needs, and with that the needs of others, as an empathically alive human being, in essence to contribute to his or her family, community, society environment such that all may thrive.

All of which is diametrically opposed to the concept and awareness of the consumer, whose concern lies solely with consumption.*

And, because human life does not occur in a vacuum, but rather takes place in a continuum, in a non-linear web of activity that is typified by connection and interdependency, it follows that when life is nurtured, it is nurtured for all life.

Thus Natural Parenting is an activity that is not exclusive to the biological parents, but includes the entire community. "It takes a village to raise a child." And a forest. No community exists independent of the habitat.

Everything is food. There is no waste.

This can only be achieved by each element with the biological process web being it’s true self, having it’s own needs met. It is therefore a question of meeting inherent needs. Nature is a web of intersecting needs being met. Algae make oxygen. Bacteria eat all kinds of materials and transform them into their bodies, which are eaten. They also produced 'waste' which is not waste, but is in reality food. Plants take in Carbon Dioxide and release Oxygen. Bacteria in the plants take in Zinc, and other trace elements and create new chemicals the plants need. Animals breathe oxygen and eat plants. And so it goes.

This - being one's true self - is not a limitation, because in all living organisms we see the same responsive ability, the ability to learn, which has been called ‘adaptation’,  that is foundational to the maintenance of the dynamic equilibrium of the processes of life. That responsive ability is biological empathy in action.


What we see in Nurturant Biology is an outcome that can best be described by the new word, Thrivival.

Thrivival goes beyond survival**.

Thriving, in relation to the human being, is that positive sense of well being that is inherent in the process of growth. Thriving, for the human being and for all mammals, originates in utero, and extends throughout life. Thriving applies to the individual, the family, the community, the society and to the environment from which all emerge.

Because this is a simple paradigm, and because it is an empathic paradigm, it will find expression in diverse ways, mirroring the diversity of the environment, the habitat, from micro to macro, leading to diversity in human expression of community and society.

The Nurturant Society is complex, and yet it is not at all complicated. This is the nature of nurturant empathy. The precise solutions emerge out of the experiential of each community.

*The consumer eats and does not seek to nurture anyone other than him or herself; for his or her eating is the penultimate act in the receipt of a service that the consumer has paid for, and having paid for it, the consumer does not trouble him or herself with the conditions within which the food was produced, or what happens to the by-products, but merely the presence of the food on the plate, it's appearance and taste, and other similar immediate considerations and the of course the price he or she has paid for the meal to be consumed. Quite often the consumer has no concept of what it takes to produce that end product on the plate. This because the human being, the citizen consumer, unlike every other living organism, is cut off from the source and the processes that create the food. Likewise the consumer is not concerned with what happens to that which is not eaten. It is considered waste, not food.

The 'consumer' is a dehumanising term which reduces each unique human being to an object to be crafted and then manipulated for profit. And for Power.

**Survival carries with it the sense of threat, the sense of scarcity. Whilst there exists the possibility of being eaten, for each individual, that does not in and of itself threaten any entire species, and what we see is that no predator nor herbivore will consume the entirety of that species which it eats.

Both prey and predator thrive in the natural state. The are interdependent, mutually nurturant. The struggle for survival is in fact a projection of the dynamic of fear that the Hierarchical, non-empathic Society feels, generates and promotes.

This is due to a fundamental undermining of natural empathy, which leads to disconnection, and with that insecurity arises, and the need to control follows and it is from this that violence flows.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Full Moon and Lunacy.

Someone made a comment on the beauty and largesse of last nights full moon. And the apparant increase in 'loony' behaviours......

I think the Power psychology of the Society we live in has a LOT more to do with the emergence of 'madness'  - or psychological dsuress - than any other single factor.

And, as we know, the Society and it's Institutions likes to distract us from that realisation as much as possible.

Hows' this for 'madness' :
I find the way the media are talking about the dieing, the shredding of lives, is really, really grim. It's prices of bombs, numbers of planes, maps, graphics and plans, it's fbreathless ootball reporting, ainterviews with 'players', managers and fansd; a make believe make over of ugliness and studpity that is all the more apalling by virture of the fact that it is 'showbusiness'.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Two Poles of Society, everything in between, and how we got here..... and where next?

There are, in this brief outline, two poles, two ends of a spectrum of the kinds of societies of human beings that have emerged, with a wide spectrum of variation between the two.

For the purpose of this article, I will describe the poles as Egalitarian and Hierarchically Violent.

These are trends, characteristics rather specifics. History is littered with the specifics, and standing back from the present to look at the whole allows one to observe the patterns that emerge.

I am trying to get under the social institutional reality-as-it-is-ness, face value assumptions, to peer into its inner core, the bio-psycho-social mind of culture, if you will.

These two pages that follow are of a survey of behavioural characteristics of different modes of society - egalitarian at one end, hierarchically violent at the other. The rest of this essay is an exploration of what I think these comparisons reveal.

source :

These Societal variations are to a very large degree confirmed by evidence and research emerging from the sciences of Anthropology, Neurology, Neuro-Chemistry, Biology, History, Developmental Psychology and Trauma Studies.

To be more precise : there exists a spectrum of societal behavioural characteristics, from Egalitarian to Hierarchically Violent, expressed by different societies, in different times, locations and times, all over our Earth.

I will speak in present tense because the data emerging from known Aboriginal cultures still with us, c.350 million peoples in all, confirms much of what the vast bulk of first contact data consistently described in their meetings; societies that were apparently power balanced, non-hierarchical, peaceful peoples in the majority of  the recorded observations.

What has been found is that there was a wide range of social and organisational activity such that 'hunter gatherer' is no long considered a viable generic descriptive term for egalitarian societies.

There is evidence of formal and informal agricultural activity, as much as there is evidence of nomads, traders, season followers, herd/swarm/food followers, mixtures of all these and more, organised from small bands to large sedentary living groups.

The picture emerges of a diversity of language identity based social groups who thrived, and exchanged goods and words, who intermarried at the edges, and who were stable for millennia.

This not a picture of a struggle for survival.

That said, the first contacts also met a few openly hostile and some profoundly violent societies as well. It's not all a Garden of Eden out there. The European Conquest Civilisations met others similar, though less technologically developed. The ones with the 'better warfare tech and training' tended to prevail.

The egalitarian society is the biological normal, the healthy normal for the  majority of our existence as a species.

The healthy society nurtures the whole, together. Healthy behaviour is a basic biological mandate for all species. Unhealthy behaviour is not something any species are evolved for.

The Healthy Society tends towards co-operation. These societies do not tell their children what to think or do, they do not use reward/punishment as a way to 'teach' children, and they tend towards less religiosity, more often expressing a sense of alive-ness in everything we the civilised always mistake for Spirituality, a sensitivity that is individually experienced.

These societies seem to understand or sense deeply, in a pre-verbal and in verbalised manner, that the lived experience of each person, each being, is unique and each child is already a person to be trusted, and that a culture that trusts the innate natural intelligence and sense of justice  of very young children results in those children becoming adults who craft societies that are stable, happy and sustainable.

There are fewer rules required when innate empathy is functioning.

The healthy cultures tend towards loving bonded lifelong attachment parenting as the most natural and nurturing care of children. This is critical in developing the core biology of self regulation, awareness and mastery of one's emotions. They are able to deal with a wide variation of behaviours, for they give space to the diversity inherent in those variations. They tend towards non hierarchical communities.

Mothering, fathering, sibling and relative care aka shared parenting by the community at large is the healthy natural background for hominid species and and permeates the society, informing its wisdom and practices at every level, without being authoritarian, and yet holding authority. It is generally considered that being the birthers of the society, mothers, and their sisters, have a certain sense of nurturance that brings balance to their society, and that this is well understood. That is to say it is also a rational choice.

"All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children."

When they are faced with anger, frustration, misunderstanding etc within their own communities the egalitarian culture tend towards conflict resolution. Healthy cultures tend to ritualise violence when the feelings run very high, as and when any issues arise, as a way to de-escalate and defuse.

However these kinds of societies are vulnerable. They have great difficulty in dealing with the other variation of society, (see below) because they are innately non-violent and do not naturally invest in the technology and training required for warfare.

Of course it's all too easy for critics to claim it's simply 'noble savage' romanticism. It's not that at all.

We estimate that a total of 1 billion Australian Aboriginal people lived and died in the 60,000 years of their continued sustained healthy society. That's a lot of happiness.

At present there are about 350 million people of these pre-industrial societies alive, and much is being learned about their cultures from their point of view.

Among them are whole survivor nations, comprising many hundred of thousands of individuals, in families, clan groups, language groups,  whose stories are now being heard, and understood, perhaps for the first time, in the wider Euro-American conquest culture, and whose truth telling is blowing apart old comforts such as un-examined assumptions, false premises, historical lies, propaganda about savage and primitive societies and people....

Across the Euro-American conquest culture the stories of abuse of native children, as part of a deliberate colonial cultural destruction project, emerging from within the Conquest State, under the operational control of the Catholic and Protestant Churches, is part of that story too. This is also seen in most large scale religious institutional political cultures.

Survivors are a potent voice, and must be listened to, and it is a critical part of our learning that they too to be felt to have been heard and understood as part of a greater integration of the meaning of the lived experience.

And those peaceful cultures, they embody a lived natural logic, one that is purely crafted from the biology, the natural world with the human organism as one of its many expressions. 

It has to be recognised, not to be marketed. It's a question of heart. Empathy is the innate ability of any biological organism to 'read' or sense the elements within its habitat, the environment with some degree of accuracy.

The other pole, Hierarchically Violent.

When any Society endures a trauma, and is for whatever reason, unable to resolve or metabolise (process) the experience and their feelings about what took place, there is a strong tendency to engage in controlling behaviours which emerges, unconsciously, as a  coping mechanism, a survival strategy that becomes institutionalised over time.

Just the same dynamic can happen for a person, a family, an extended family....

This is one of the many learning’s that has emerged out of the survivor’s stories, their lived experience.

If unresolved, those behaviours will be passed on, through inter-generational trauma patterning.

Rapid Climate Change

There is evidence that correlates the emergence of hierarchy cultures around the timing of rapid climate shifts in different parts of Earth's habitats, and at different times.

This list of such events is of interest. Other trauma events could be Volcanoes, Earth Quakes, Floods and infectious diseases that harm entire groups.

What is also of equal interest to me is that we know that the Australian people's thrived for 66,000 years as egalitarian cultures, with 250 or more distinct language groups existing when the first Europeans arrived as an invasive culture. We know, from the genetic record, that they lived through at least two major rapid climate shifts without a major loss of population or a reduction in genetic diversity. What was it about them that enabled them to thrive through such shifts, and does that experience reveal any behavioural dynamics that might inform current situation as regards climate disruption and environmental degradation becoming potential existential threats?

Indeed as the European conquest spread out across Earth's continents in the 1400s onwards, they met mostly egalitarian cultures which all suffered terribly from that contact. Pre-conquest cultures being largely peaceful, were and remain vulnerable, and it is not just down to technical prowess of weapons - it is more due to the willingness to deploy weapons against an entire people, often justified by Religious or Ideological bias, the pursuit of Wealth and Resources and conquest cultures discrimination against 'others'.

Parents are not the problem.

Most certainly, it's not that the parents are malignant, it's that this is what can happen when a person, or a community, is traumatised; the controlling behaviour patterns acquired in a moment of trauma remain, the body systems remain in fight or flight reactive mode.

We see this in era's after WWI and WWII - returning combat veterans trauma is inflicted upon their home life.

Thus the feelings of threat and need for security are passed on, because their children will have only that psychology of their parents to work with, which they internalise and the parents are in truth not the problem - the social setting that blocks recovery is the larger problem.

Internalisation is a key dynamic - a healthy organism or  culture internalises it's habitat, as a mind map of everything around them, making navigation of it's dynamics more fluid, enabling a build up of lived experience knowledge, creativity and co-operation. 

The healthy child will explore this new world, develop skill sets to become more adept and learn to express him or herself, to communicate the complexity of his or her interior.  The natural desire to learn, which is in part driven by the impulse to be  a contributory part of the family and community that loves the child ensures that.

If the parents attention is distracted, if the child's needs are not met, due to external stress, then that can set up insecurity in the child.

With the limited power at their disposal, a child can develop attention gaining behaviours, where the power disparity between adult and child is so great, the relationship can become a hard battle of wills. The Power of the adult vs the power of the child. Not every child responds or reacts exactly the same way. This is how unhappy children learn about life the hard way, beneath cognition. Some find ways to heal, others do not recover. Day by day habituation.

Thus, at some stage, some time, somewhere it has happened that changing conditions affect the natural parenting processes within that culture or community such that the natural child mother/carer  bonding process begins to break down.

This is the driver; a lack of empathy that will turn a community or society ever more hierarchical, rigid, rule based, punitive, and ultimately violent over generations.

A healthy society is traumatised, and unable to resolve the trauma, and enters into a collective cPTSD mode of survival. That is easy enough to understand because we can observe it, and it is written into history, if one cares to look between the lines of narrative.

In time that leads to hierarchy of power relationships normalised.

Being insecure, and building the repetition of that insecurity into the child rearing will lead to for example, the development of tools to enhance control, driven not by 'innovation' but by the 'need to control'. If it was the latter, that neediness of insecurity being unconscious, expressed in physiology as  learned neuro-pathways of behaviour, it would always want to expand. Control has no end in sight.

To put it simply, a tool making animal that feels insecure will make tools to create a sense of security. That's the Nuclear bomb in a nutshell. It's also the basis for the current economic system.

There are those societies that do not trust the innate intelligence of children, and the adults, who themselves were dominated as children and therefore 'adjusted' to that society, and in turn they will seek to control or dominate their children so as to 'form' them in their own image as extensions of themselves.

Children in hierarchy of power and violence are seen as extensions of the adults, and are often treated as possessions. 

Religious indoctrination is part of this process, often consciously imposed by the hierarchy. 'Give me the child, and I will make the man.'

These kinds of societies are typified by a lack of empathy, a justification for coercion and violence and a generalised emotional blindness. They tend towards rigid structured hierarchies. They tend towards religiosity. They tend towards competition.

They tend towards hoarding great wealth and building monumental structures to reflect their sense of power. They tend to fear nature, and seek to dominate nature. They actively suppress any children whose innate intelligence or sensitivity to injustice resists that domination. These societies are trauma based, in that they are unable to metabolise their trauma and thus the PTSD is transmitted from generation to generation. This is the unresolved trauma society. This kind of society is the current dominant society, because they have been willing to cause harm to build and expand.

What is happening now, and has been brewing for a long, long time (well over due and absolutely critical NOW!) and what this piece is a small part of, is a recognition that these two streams or variants (and of course there's a wide spectrum between both these stereotypical descriptions) of human society have their continuation expressed in child 'rearing' practices within a given Society.

As such there are neither good nor evil forces, but rather the outcomes of unresolved trauma as it might play out. And there are some very evil people. They must be confronted. By all those who are not. Egalitarian practice is for the whole community to confront nasty individuals, a community acting together to de-escalate if that is possible, or to exclude or otherwise impede the nasty ones. This piece by Peter gray looks at how egalitarian cultures manage conflicts.

A website that looks at developments in our understanding of the psychology of birthing, from in utero, through birth and infancy.

We can choose, firstly as individuals, then as communities, and beyond, to work through the trauma, to metabolise those experiences, and, by locating attachment parenting at the centre of societies response abilities,  by having the natural wisdom of mothering inform society, as one of it's pillars, to build a future for all children, one that is a co-operative effort, engaged in without the need for excessive control, or we can choose to ignore the unresolved trauma and continue as we are, with more wars, more harm to the environment, and more excessive control being exercised over people and habitat and all that dwell there. And those who are vulnerable will go to the wall. That is inevitable.

Those who choose the later path will manipulate everything and anything the can to stay on that path.

It has to be understood that Nature is absolutely founded on co-operation, that the twin concepts of 'survival of the fittest' and 'competition for resources' are projections of the Dominant Culture's psychology and perspective, the viewpoint of society gazing upon Nature, which is easily carried off as we can see that all living beings eat; plants eat sunlight and raw materials and metabolise them into new materials that other living beings also eat, and many animals eat other animals; yet nor single 'predator' eats the entirety of the 'prey species; in fact most species live full lives, into maturity. Predators function in ways that work to ensure the continuation of their prey species in thriving numbers.

There are natural boundaries in all natural relationships. They are best observed.

In nature the core biological function, in terms of effects, that is to say, the actualised material results of natural living processes, of all living beings, is to improve the habitat for all life, each by being their natural selves. Sometimes that means changing, learning, evolving. Those societies who trust their children's innate nature are closest to the biological function I have described. The return of nutrient to the habitat as a fundamental material reality. They nurture their nature.

Everything I have written is factual, supported by Scientific Evidence across a range of disciplines. Not to mention experience and feeling, which Scientists and Ideologues all too often refuse to admit as data.

It is also crucial to understand that the damage to the developing brain of a human being, the natural child, that occurs in dysfunctional child rearing practices, be they subtle or gross, can be very long lasting as they can hard wire that brain for 'survival' in an near permanent anxious state, the state a child so treated grows into.

This damage can, with care and support,  in most cases be attenuated. There are known pathways towards recovery for survivors.

Obviously, it's a better option to avoid causing the damage in the first place.  But we're not there, we're here. That leads me to identify two tasks.

Stop the abuse, help the survivor to honestly metabolise the experience.

The first might well occur across society, silently, as we as people learn to understand the trauma-society dynamic in ways we can test, verify and articulate.

As we step away from Power Relationships, we will inhibit the psychology of power relationships at home. We will decolonise in our hearts and minds, our bodies, our streets, amongst our neighbours, long before we permeate the power structures of the Dominant Culture. We have to. 

We have to, because we must be clear that we cannot allow any co-opting influence succeed.

Much of the learning is coming from survivors, and whole survivor communities, survivor societies (of these many generations) and from many the independent academic researchers in a wide range of the sciences.

Survivors speak up, not out of a desire for revenge, but to see that the abuse does not continue; we know it continues because of the missing information; what lay behind our silence for so many years is now being told, now that our chains of shame, fear , confusion, loathing are disintegrating.

We know this: it will take whatever it takes.

Please do some research, some study, reading and critical thinking check what I cite as evidence, and check that my take on that evidence and it's meaning is accurate, or an error, and do so for yourselves...

Kindest regards


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Our Society is either just, or it is unjust.

Our Society is either just, or it is unjust.

The idea that we are becoming ‘more’ just, incrementally, is ludicrous. It is, also, an insult to intelligence, all the more so because it is a belief often touted, if not actually held, by the majority of so-called intellectuals.

You know, those people who are supposed to be good at thinking, that is to say using the mind as a tool of observation, direct perception and insight. Scholars of thought.

Philosophers and ideologist, theologians and psychologists.

The kinds of people every system of domination sets up as a grand jury on life itself.

The kinds of people who are entrusted to ‘teach others and to pass on ‘wisdom’.

Their texts are the one’s ‘think tanks’ and Governments use to create rafts of Social Workers, Clergy, Policemen, Soldiers, workers, labourers out of ‘raw’ children.

A good friend of mine, who is a philosopher, once said ‘what we need is a ‘coup d’etate’ of philosophy, to expose the primitive mind-set that inhere’s to most intellectual discourse.

“A coup de thought!” I responded, quickly. It was the first thing that came to my mind, an instant response. Quick as a flash.

We are asked to live with the idea that an abuser incrementally becomes less abusive.

Why can’t the abuser simply stop? Is that not what the child or those being victimised would wish for? Just stop it!?

I have always held the position that to talk about abuse allows the abuse to continue, unless the abuse is first and foremost stopped.

As we see in the Case of The Pope, as out lined by Geoffery Robinsons, QC, a pre-eminenent Human Rights Lawyer and Activist.

The Vatican has been talking about the abuse of children for nearly 1800 years. And the abuse continued.

Even now, as many thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of survivors of abuse are talking, telling their story, blowing the whistle, The Vatican is talking and not acting.

Right now, just as you are reading these words there are sexually abusive, physically abusive and psychologically abusive priests, nuns and brothers going about their day to day activities, being fed, sheltered, watered, confessed and funded by The Vatican.

Right now, just as you are reading these words there are sexually abusive, physically abusive and psychologically abusive social workers, soldiers, politicians, bankers, CEOs, teachers, policemen and others going about their day to day activities, being fed, sheltered, watered, confessed and funded by The System.

The abuse has not stopped.

What has happened is that some people are more comfortable than others, there are some people who have more ‘disposable’ income than others, whilst those at the ‘bottom’ of The System are being abused.

At least we know where we are with regards to the Conservative Party in the UK, whose vitriol towards the poor is their public stance, notwithstanding their careful ‘spin’ doctoring of their constituents mutterings as regards the ‘work shy’ and ‘the authority of the teacher’ and ‘disruptive pupils’ and how they wish to ‘help’ those people in to work, to give teachers more power (over the children) for the purposes of punishment and control, to drug those children whose spirit is such that they resist the bullying, coercive psychological tactics of Compulsory State Education.

To compel is to force. Rape is compulsion. Not a compulsion, as The Vatican would hold is a legal (in Canon Law) defence for a priest who has confessed to serious and often physically violent sexual abuse of children, and for which the priest is due a full pardon, forgiveness and the blessings of Christ.

The fact that a priest can be defined as a pedophile is taken to mean that the poor man is suffering from a sickness, a compulsion that drives him to abuse, and that as such, he too is the victim.

Whilst the real victim or the survivor is enjoined to permanent silence on the matter, on pain of ex-communication, amongst a few other injunctions. Such as large payments of hush money. Or as of late, tawdry deals with Governments to admit these crimes, yet limit the liability of The Vatican, as such to provide State indemnity for The Vatican.

Just as The Vatican provides indemnity to the confessed pedophile cleric, such as being moved to a new Parish, (out of sight) or going on retreat (healing) or being required to repeat a thousand ‘Hail Mary’s’ on his or her knees in prayerful supplication – though as soon as the penance is announced, the Priest or Nun or Brother is forgiven; he or she could indeed kneel and fantasise about his or her next abusive encounter, and no-one would be the wiser – in fact, the act of confession alone (which occurs in strict secrecy) urges forgiveness in the eyes of The Vatican.

As I said, our Society is either just, or it is unjust.

The idea that we are becoming ‘more’ just, incrementally, is ludicrous. It is, also, an insult to intelligence, all the more so because it is a belief often touted, if not actually held, by the majority of so-called intellectuals.

One of whom, astounding as it may seem, is The Pope. He is an esteemed theologian according to the BBC.

A man who in adopting the role of Pope, follows a long lineage of Popes who made sordid deals with the most extreme rulers, be they Kings, Prime Ministers, Presidents or Dictators.

Ratzinger himself has interceded in the case of Auguste Pinochet. So as to help him avoid public trial.

Our Society is either just, or it is not.

And this fact cannot be swept under the carpet, by use of that old dictum : Life is not fair!

Blame the victim, blame the poor, blame the sinners (all children are of course sinners in the eyes of the Vatican, their sanctity being conditional on the child’s submission to the ideology of The Vatican.

Our Society is just as it appears.

Fundamentally abusive.

Lacking in empathy.

Replete with ‘charity’, to pour balm on the wounds of the oppressed and professing reconciliation and forgiveness for those who oppress them.

Our prisons have more victims than abusers within their cold, hard walls.

Our Society is unjust.

It is cruel.

One cannot be cruel to be kind.

Those words are mutually exclusive.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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There ain't no Satan! demons deconstructed.

When anyone is abused, and especially when it is small, vulnerable children who are expecting love and nurturing, and the abuse is prolonged and unmitigated, the psyche of the abuser and the painful memory of the trauma penetrates the psyche of the victim. The shock and repeated shock goes deeper and deeper. These memories and feelings are often embedded deep within our bodies, as suppressed memories, old wounds, blocked pathways of vital energy.

If the victim, in an attempt to survive, buries that memory, shuts it away, it remains within nonetheless. The body never lies.

The same applies to any community or society that denies it’s past. That denial is a survival strategy of the survivor.

Recovery is dependent upon recalling and resolving those memories and wounds in a safe environment, where the survivor feels held. Coping strategies are an attempt to manage these feelings without ever releasing them. Coping arises from a deep fear, from the lack of help or safety that is all too common and is, as such,  an adaptive strategy, and an adjustment to the prevailing situation. No real growth or learning is possible with this strategy. Belief becomes an essential tool of survival. Knowledge of the truth is banished. Often the survivor survives because he or she takes on the responsibility fro the abuse.

This is the self-loathing, shame, confusion that the survivors takes on. This si also what stops the survivor from speaking out.

And when, in day to day life, the survivor feels that fear, when the fear is triggered by related or unrelated events in the present, he or she will invariably see it as an external force, not as something emerging from within.

The psyche of a society that is abusive in nature will seem massive to anyone attempting to confront it, just as the psyche of an adult who abuses a child will seem massive to the child. That makes it more difficult to deal with in healthful ways.

These are real forces, they emerge from real events, and in a twisted way, the survival strategy of the victimised often helps the abuser and the abusive society to maintain their power over survivors if those forces are portrayed as being outside the human realm.

Thus Satan is an externalisation of the masked abuse of the Society.

My own demons are externalisations of my inner pain, fear and wounds. When I first saw them, I too saw them as externals, and they terrified me. I had to eat them, to breath into and through them to dislodge that illusion of externality. I had to recognise the parts of the abusers psyche that were within and excise them. This took love to do; that is to say compassion for the child I was, empathy for the child I was, actively recognising the survival strategies I engaged in, actively loving myself the way I found myself, actively nurturing myself. And taking it on, bit by bit, day by day.

Realising this is helpful, because then one has some traction on the problem. One can see that the demon is NOT so much an external force, or that it is beyond one’s reach or ability to deal with. It is not easy, that much is true. It is somewhat easier when one knows, that much is also true.

It takes the entire Society to deal with the Demons of Society, just as it takes an individual to deal with his or her own demons, with support from what Alice Miller calls an ‘enlightened witness’.

Just as many of my helpers were able to empathise with me, and to accompany me on my journey of exploration and recovery (as opposed to diagnosing me and issuing instructions and medication based on a diagnostic model), the survivors who are now speaking freely, in large numbers, and for the first time are able to reveal the full extent of their trauma are bringing the beginnings of healing to Society.

Those who have successfully ‘adjusted’ to the norms of our Society will find this process threatening, for it dislodges their concepts of identity just as those who exercise abusive power will find it threatening, though for quite different reasons: they do not wish to let go of their power and many will do ANYTHING to retain that power. That is the nature of the sociopath, the psychopath.

In truth, the psychopath and sociopath ARE demons; physical and human, if not humane. And they know it serves them to craft a scary monster, to shift the goal posts, the burden of responsibility away from themselves onto an imaginary entity.

They know too that those who have yet to meet their own 'demons' and metabolise them will all too easily fall prey to the illusion. This is the very basis for Organised Power and Organised Religion.

"There is no Satan, no such solitary force,
just old wounds that are hidden, protected and projected of course
The choice is yours, the choice is mine
we live by out choices all the time."

From my song "There is no Evil"

Kindest regards 


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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