Showing posts with label teachers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teachers. Show all posts

Gavin Williamson's emotional manipulation, his grooming tactics in public view.

"The grooming (gaslighting) of human vulnerability is one of most vile things any human being can do to another."

Freedom of Speech, abused.

 Gavin Williamson's speech on Saturday 16 May, his Corona Virus Education briefing from 10 Downing Street, was an abuse of the rights of Freedom of Speech. It was a deeply manipulative speech. I want to put it into context in this blog piece.

Let me first lay out a necessary qualification about Freedom of Speech in the Public Domain.

Free Speech

Free Speech is a Responsibility - it is neither an absolute Right or a Privilege.

The Responsibility is to speak honestly, to be evidence based, to be as good a listener as a speaker and to acknowledge what is verified, reliable and true as such, and to also acknowledge beliefs as made up, as guess-work at the very best.

Freedom of Speech is not a right to promote beliefs over evidence in matters concerning the shared commons.

Freedom of Speech is not a right to groom, manipulate or exploit others through use of language and various logical fallacies...

Freedom of Speech abused.

The Freedom Movement protesters in Hyde Park and elsewhere were a 'welcome' media distraction from Gavin Williamson's 'briefing' against teachers, parents, children and health and safety common sense. Their case was a mistaken interpretation of the meaning of Freedom of Speech and both they and the Secretary for Education denied the social responsibility inherent in the right to free speech. The distraction was welcome from the point of view of the Government. A minor incident elevated to a mass media 'news' story.

A few 5G obsessed anti-vaxxers, freedom campaigners and assorted conTheory spreaders gathered in Hyde Park, near speakers corner, an historical location for Free Speech in Public, to spout nonsense in  public, and to bully , manipulate and groom others to their beleif system and at the same time they chose to deliberately breach social distancing guidelines and regulations whichare necessary to stop the spread of the virus.

The Freedom Movement UK protesters were speaking futile nonsense to power. And asking to be arrested, as a piece of political street theatre. They were in fact fufilling Johnsons policy objective - more spread towards mythical Herd Immunity.

A few of the 200 or so 'activists' were arrested for potentially spreading an infectious disease, after receiving two verbal warnings to disperse under the Corona Virus regulations. The police action was rough, because the protesters resisted and that made for great video evidence of 'state suppression'.

The protesters will claim that their rights to Free Speech were being trampled upon. They were not arrested for anything they said. No surpirse there - reality is hardly their logical foundation.

They are as narcissistic as those they claim to oppose. Fodder for the narrative that the lock down is an injustice.

Lock down injustice.

Which it is, yet not in the way these protesters claim. Reality is much more detailed than their futile and ill-informed caricature allows.

The injustice inherent in lock down as it is being played out in the UK is that it is not being deployed to stop the spread of infection, to lead towards eradicating the viral spread within the UK population in order to protect the significant population of vulnerable people. It is being deployed to guarantee a slow spread of the infection, which does not protect the vulnerable.

That is utterly repugnant, and it is a political and economic choice of policy that undermines the health and safety of at the 11.5 million UK citizens with chronic disease conditions, and in particular the elderly in care homes and those with multiple conditions.

Education and Work.

Teachers Unions have been speaking truth to power since March, and continuing through April, on into May  and  continuing this week, by asking direct and pertinent questions about health and safety of returning to school in the midst of an uncontrolled epidemic.

Whilst the lock down has slowed the community transmission rate in London, elsewhere it is rising.

The infection spread is still out of control.

 Under control means we know where the virus has been, we know where it is and we have suppressed transmission to the degree that there have been no new cases of infection for at least two days or more. None of these are in place as I write. The spread of infection is uncontrolled.

The teachers unions are asking the Government to present their scientific and public health evidence that proves that it is safe to return children to school by asking clearly worded questions, presenting the scientific evidence their questions are based on. The Government is failing to respond in kind.

The teachers concerns are laid out in the 5 tests they set for safe re-opening of schools.

They have also issued a substantial document laying out the detail of their questions, a document which is also a useful learning guide for anyone interested in the matter, as it poses the questions, outlines the back ground of their concerns, presents the scientific evidence and study papers that their concerns are based on.

The Government has not responded in kind.

The British Medical Association has come out in full support of the teachers unions. Their concerns are justified, they are medically rational, a phrase Boris Johnson might be familiar with in the negation of that same term, from his speech on February 3rd in Greenwich.

Instead the Government and their advisors are spinning the numbers, they are painting a false picture of the risk of infection emerging within schools. The details are laid out on this blog, Corona Maths.

"Dr Jenny Harries went even further in order to justify the opening of schools on 1st June by saying “There’s a lot of anxiety I think around this but people need to think through – in an average infant school with 100 children the likelihood of anybody having this disease is very small and diminishing with time.”
Let’s be clear about this.
That statement is absolutely 100% untrue statistically.  
The likelihood is not small and there is no evidence that that likelihood will diminish with time.  So let’s explore what the implications for schools really are.

The Implications for Schools

She is an epidemiologist who should have a grasp of statistics so I can only assume that she is toeing a political line and that what she has said is deliberate rather than accidental."

The risk in returning children to school is still very, very high.  The spread of infection, the  incidence of community transmission is not under control,not by any standard measurement, and  teachers are being bullied, workers are being bullied whilst many businesses are being stressed by lack of adequate economic support, bad policy decisions an d we are all subjected to misleading public narratives.

Emotional Blackmail and Gaslighting.

The Teachers Unions and the BMA were publicly gas-lighted by Education Secretary Gavin Williamson, in his briefing from 10 Downing Street, Saturday 16th May.

Williamson attempted to groom the general public, the students and the parents into enrolling in an attack on the teachers.

Here is the video of Gavin Williamson's odious speech.

He carried out a classic grooming exercise in full public view.

He intruded into circle of trust, he primed his audience, he then used emotional blackmail to bind them in to his agenda, and then launched a series of snide attacks where he deployed emotional triggers,  laid guilt trips aimed at teachers unions and the BMA, to undermine in the public view their evidence based concerns about health and safety of the teachers, the children, their parents and elder relatives. Machiavellian to the core.

Like he really cares about vulnerable children, or vulnerable adults, having voted for policies that are proven to have caused harm to vulnerable during the past few years, even when evidence was presented of those harms.

"School is the safest place for children from unhappy homes."  Emotional black mail.

"School re-opening is based on best scientific advice." Twaddle. They are unwilling to present that evidence. It does not exist.

Evil is as evil does.

Here is the transcript of that speech.

On getting children into school as soon as possible.

Here I will examine some of his statements, and indicate the tactics.

"This is particularly important for vulnerable and disadvantaged young people. There are some who would like to delay the wider opening of schools."

*( speaking to the wider electorate, entering into the circle of trust, blatantly lying to do so - schools are already open for vulnerable children - here, and here . and *here *even though many are not turning up where provision has been made for them, presumably because their parents are concerned with the risks of transmission of infection which might be brought back into family homes where vulnerable unwell or elderly adults share homes, a reasonable concern..)

"But there is a consequence to this."

*(Guilt tripping the teachers, frightening the parents, gaslighting the wider public to think teachers are putting selfish concerns ahead of children's well being)

"The longer that schools are closed, the more children miss out. Teachers know this. Teachers know that there are children out there who have not spoken to or played with another child of their own age for the last two months."

 *(guilt tripping the teachers in front of workers, talking about the teachers in the third person to the workers)

"They know there are children from difficult or very unhappy homes for whom school is their happiest place in their week. It’s also the safest place for them to be and it’s thanks to their teachers and the support that their teachers give to them that they are safe and happy."

*(those who are keeping these children out of school by blocking a return are harming these children, - emotional black mail)

The poorest children, the most disadvantaged children, the children who do not always have support they need at home, will be the ones who will fall furthest behind if we keep school gates closed.

*(guilt tripping the teachers in front of the public)

"They are the ones who will miss out on the opportunities and chances in life that we want all children to benefit from what teachers and schools deliver for them."

* (the claim is false, and he implies it is the fault of teachers if these children are failed )

So we’re asking some children to come back from the 1 June. And we are asking schools to adopt a number of strict protective measures.

*( he is asking for children of workers to return  - and he knows the Government have not answered the Teachers Unions evidence based questions on Health and Safety, and that those questions will not be answered in his briefing).


So to place this into the fullest context,  we must take on board the meaning of the UK Policy of slow spread of the infection, and what it really means, and what motives might lie behind it.

The speech by Johnson last week (May 10th) was about getting workers back to work. 

Protect the economy! Be alert! Get back to work!

He used deliberate, tactically vague instructions to set workers up for a fall, either way - if they are too cautious, they will be blamed for hurting the economy, and their employers will have a leverage to dismiss them, or refuse to support them.  If they take too much risk, they will be blamed for the adverse outcomes.

In order to really push that back to work agenda, more school children must be 'encouraged' to return to school so that parents are free to go to work. If they did not push for this, then at least half of parents would stay home because we know that many families both parents go to work.

There are 4.526,000 families with both parents at work.

That is a substantial number of workers, just over 9 million.

At present furlough is covering  6.3 million workers.

Even if the Government can get half of the parents back to work, they are looking at saving billions every month,  and at the same time they are increasing the potential for more slow spread of the infection, all at the same time.

Why is slow spread so important to this British Government?

What does slow spread really mean and what benefits does it accrue, and to whom?

Why does the UK Government reject the stop the spread, eradicate the virus within the population approach?

It would be utterly foolish to ignore these questions.

Especially when the Education Secretary is prepared to publicly behave in such a profoundly manipulative manner.

I am not personally frightened, as much as I am concerned. I have been very ill, for three weeks in March with lingering sense of infection into mid April. I feel much better now. Nowhere as well as I did before March.

I have gone beyond fear now, I am mostly furious and I also understand anyone who is vulnerable being fearful, not so much of the bug as of the Government and it's reckless behaviour.
The media are portraying our concern as fear, as timidity, as way to gaslight us, to bully us into submission.

It's really ugly to look at and see.

What is going on here?

Kindest regards


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Artificial Intelligence : Arrogance and Dominion

MY Body and MIND IS NATURE long before it was civilised, and now I am reclaiming my true biological identity... and intent!

The project to insert Artificial Intelligence INTO the human being is nothing less than a narcissistic fantasy akin to the immortality of Kings, the Inheritance of Power to Rule through Blood Lines and/or Criminal Alliances....

It is a rejection of the Natural Human Being and of Nature itself - Nature is what makes the human body, is it's Mother. The rejection of The Mother is only possible in children whose experience of The Mother is Toxic, whose natural empathy and intelligence is thwarted by external events mediated by the Psychology of the Society into which the child is born.

SO I made this short mash-up edit to comment on a recent documentary : Visions of The Future : The Intelligence Revolution : which is part of what I see as a DIRECT THREAT in the same way the George Bush threatened the entire world - "You are either with us or against us"......


And here's an alternative way of Natural Thinking demonstrated with beauty, with, elegance and verve!

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Discipline, the other side of Compliance and Teacher Stress..

Apparently Teachers are stressed. Yet unwilling to analyse in depth the roots of the situations and condition(ings) that are causing them stress. They seem to ignore their willing compliance, their own participation in accepting the stresses imposed upon them and the children they claim to serve. Have they stopped learning, so that they might then help others to learn? - What a farce! A dark farce indeed. The farces of darkness!

Have teachers become so unthinking, so unwilling to study that they cannot SEE the real world and it's history around them? Are they truly unaware of the agenda that underpins compulsory state schooling?

Certainly their Union leadership seems more concerned with the money they can earn, and the 'health and safety' of their members, whilst enforcing the compulsory schooling of the majority of our children, than they are concerned with challenging the basis for the system itself. They are thus like innocent prisoners campaigning for better conditions, and leaving the fact of their imprisonment well alone. THAT is not to be discussed.

All I can say is TOUGH! You morons! Wake up! You are being used to harm children, to make good factory workers, good pen pushers, good soldiers, good policemen, (the likes of which most green activists have met on a regular basis) and you are in denial! You are marketing compliance with a sick and toxic society. Get over it!

Though they are in this somewhat eclipsed by the moronic superstars of Government, Sir Alan Steer, Ed Balls and Gordon Brown.

Sir Alan Steers self-satisfied suggestions for enhancing discipline in schools amount to a conditioning process, a sweetened spy-ops behavioural training of children who are crying out for something that they can genuinely respect, who show that need by rejecting (correctly so) what is offered as meaningless.

Gordon Brown and Ed Balls are looking to coerce ALL children into community service of some form or other. Look at the legislation that might set that up, and in typical business style, there will be such a multitude of generalisations and vague definitions within it that it will be applicable in many different ways, it will also have sanctions built into it. And I bet that a good percentage of the thinking behind it comes from American think tanks and Foundations. Not that we will ever SEE those inputs. Sensitive Information. State secrets. It stinks. And luckily, there are those who dissent. But are they enough to impede these nefarious schemes? Only time will tell!

the details behind this 'community service scheme'... from a think tank!

- some comments from readers, replete with humour and common sense

- ordinary folk have much to say on this, some foolish, others issuing a warning!

Here's my version of Gordon Browns Article published in The News of The World : my comments in italics.

Young can boost community spirit
By Gordon Brown

EVEN in the face of these difficult economic times, the generosity and community spirit of the British people is humbling.

HUMBLING? You have no right to even utter such words, with your prancing on the G20 stage, your theft of the UKs Gold Reserves, your largesse towards President George W. Bush, notorious war criminal and torturer! You and your ilk IGNORED the people of England and Wales when you, and others like you said that the concepts and proposals for devolving POWER to the grass roots developed by the people of England and Wales and outlined in The Power Inquiry were ‘impractical’. Now you say their sterling effort to shore up the shoddy services your Government provides is ‘humbling’. The nerve!

Whether raising record amounts for Comic Relief or rallying round after disaster struck in the North Sea, we have seen communities across the country draw closer than ever to help and care for each other in times of need.

Only because you and your cronies have all but bankrupted social services or farmed them out to private corporations for profit, you disingenuous twerp!

What is inspirational is the number of young people who are serving their communities in endeavours from charity fundraising to green activism. We want to harness and encourage this community spirit.

Oh yes. We SAW that last week in London, the Governments desire to harness Green Activism, especially the Climate Campers… who just happened to be pointing out how ludicrous you Carbon Trading Taxation Schemes really are…how very inspiring indeed. Batons and shields, dogs and peppers spray, arrests under terrorism laws are deeply inspired, but not by the willingness of young people to engage, rather by the likes of Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin and Mugabe! You’re in good company, Gordon.

Already three million young people give their time to community service each year, usually without recognition or reward, whether by helping in an old age home or tutoring younger pupils, campaigning on local issues or fundraising for global causes, organising community activities or helping deliver environmental projects.

And by ‘conspiring to commit trespass’ in Nottingham!

But (there’s always a butt to kick, isn’t there Gordon?) we can achieve a step change in the participation of young people in community service.

It is my ambition to create a Britain in which there is a clear expectation that all young people will undertake some service to their community, and where community service will become a normal part of growing up.

YOU ARE GOING TO CREATE A BRITAIN? You have such great ambition for us! A nuclear Britain, fighting an unending Bogus War Against Terrorism is what YOU are going to create, by the sounds of things, m8!

Compulsory - no child left behind

That would mean young people being expected to contribute at least 50 hours of community service by the age of 19. This will build on the platform provided by citizenship classes in schools.

Yes, but you won’t be teaching the UN Charter, or The Universal Declaration of Human Rights or The Universal Declaration of Children’s Rights, will you, you ugly fat twat! Which is a legal requirement of countries that have ratified the UN Charter, which the UK has done. Funny omission that one!

As we set out our manifesto for the next Parliament, we will consider the best way of achieving our 50-hour goal. By building from compulsory citizenship studies in the 14-16 curriculum, we can create an expectation of national youth community service.

Create an EXPECTATION? What about our expectation that you and your buddies won’t scam the system, even by legal means? Eh? Eh? What about YOUR responsibilities as a citizen, employed by us, the people, the taxpayers…to be honest, transparent? Your predecessors Tony Blair works part-time for UBS and JP Morgan Chase, both of whom are shedding jobs like an Oak in Autumn.

And we can take immediate steps in the next school year to boost national youth community service. This will give thousands more pupils the opportunity to participate in community service and many more school-leavers the opportunity to undertake full-time and part-time placements.

Martin Luther King once said that everyone could be great because everyone can serve. And with our younger generations more involved in their communities, we can build a stronger, more united Britain.

You take the words of Martin Luther King and mire them with your foulness. You twist his meaning, his image, his soul to suit your insipid greed based banker inspired vision. You, who pay-rolled the slaughter of 360,000 Iraqi children under the age of 15, you who is even now sending troops to Afghanistan, you who is responsible for holding over 2000 children in ‘preventive detention’ in order the stop their parents from ‘vanishing’ into the so-called immigrant communities! You nasty, bloated, gormless bankers friend, YOU WANT TO GIVE more pupils the opportunity to participate in community service? By Compulsion? A compulsion is not an opportunity, and you know it! It’s a sentence!

Well YOU , m8! Are a great ARSE, and you serve none but yourself and those who direct you - the likes of RBS, E-on, UBS, JP Morgan Chase, Bae and the Saudi princes…. You miserable, fat toad.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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