Waiting for yet another inevitable (and avoidable) surge, wondering why does it have to be this way?

A song I improvised this morning, a blues song, about Sajid Javid, Matt Hancock, Boris Johnson and the dreadful policy choices they keep making, in spite of the evidence that Elimination Strategy prevents all of the harms caused by their 'live with the virus' Herd Immunity eventually Mitigation Policy.  Denial is a blithering Eejit, not a river in Egypt!

It is so frustrating, so utterly infuriating and very, very sad for us all, to be sitting here, on this Sunday morning in July 2021, waiting for the next surge, the new wave, the incoming tide, the looming season of increased rates of infection to commence it’s out of control spread, knowing that the disastrous policy choices of this Conservative and Unionist Johnson Herd Immunity government have placed us all in a much worse position than we ever needed to be in, and is doing so once again.
What we have is a government of immature, self serving adults, who are deploying passive aggressive management across many areas, rather than adopting a mature, evidence based approach in order to best protect the people we are told 'they serve'.

The duty of every nation, every government is to eliminate community transmission of the virus within it's territory, not only to protect the people of each territory but also to protect the people of every other state - exporting the infection is a breach of that duty of care. #JohnsonVariant #CovidIsNotOver

The #JohnsonVariant has two fails - the first is letting the new variant in through porous borders, the second is the total lack of any elimination strategy to stop it spreading within the UK.  

Here is the basic pattern, in the most simple terms.

1. They issue deliberately vague directions, and they provide inadequate support 


2. If people fail to make it work, blame the people 


3. If people manage to make it work, claim the kudos 


4. The aim is to stay on top with minimum effort, to maximise personal gain. They are 'serving themselves'.

So now we are being told to 'live with the virus'. Sajid Javid's advice as Health Secretary?

As Christina Pagel puts it "it's stupid, it's a terrible plan."
Mr. Javid is a stupid man. He might cunning, he might even be clever but he is stupid. He, and this odious Conservative and Unionist Party Government, are stupid, venal and callous.

Live Events Summer 2021

I read the Governments phase one report on the  Events Research Program when it was released. I saw that it had caveats and gaping data holes right across the board. Then Independent SAGE issued an open letter that confirmed my observations more precisely.


Turns out these 'tests' were a scientific nonsense, and the choice to give the go ahead to 'selected events' under the guise of 'testing covid safety parameters' was political, rather than a matter of public health or event safety. That other events have moved their plans forward and taking bookings on the basis of the government's false assertions that these 'tests' showed little or no spread is a disgrace, they were all misled - it ought to lead to litigation against the Government, for compensation.

I perceive a difference between cunning and intelligent. Evil and Avarice are cunning, never intelligent. Nurture is intelligence.

As Oscar Wilde pointed out, 'once is a misfortune, twice or more is carelessness' and in the case of Johnson, Bolsonaro, Modi, Trump, Hancock, and now Sajid Javid (and many others) what we are seeing is repetitive and blatantly callous recklessness. They stand proud and defiant of their record on this!

If anyone deserves to be proud of their record, Jacinda Arden does.


Jacinda and the Little Bugs : my song on YouTube

Sajid Javid, the new Health Secretary misleads from the start

This rainy, windy Sunday July morning on #Marr on the BBC, Sajid Javid, the new (inexperienced) Health Secretary claimed that that there are "compelling health arguments" for removing all covid safeguards on July 19, when in England we are seeing higher daily cases than whole of EU put together and we are on course for circa 80K cases a day by July 19th.

The Health Secretary blames public health safeguards/restrictions for rise of domestic violence, when his government have done so little to measure and buffer the impact of #COVID19 *on women* and vulnerable groups in this pandemic. He does not take into consideration the Conservative Governments 10 year record of Austerity driven cuts to those precise supporting services, coming into this pandemic. 

Austerity is something Sajid avoids, like the proverbial plague. He spent 2020 moonlighting for JP Morgan. 

JP Morgan spokesman said: “We are delighted to welcome Sajid back to JP Morgan as a senior adviser, and we look forward to drawing upon his in-depth understanding of the business and economic environment to help shape our client strategy across Europe.”

As to Mr. Javid's in-depth understanding of his constituents economic environment, and of their needs during this epidemic, those that voted for him and those who did not, we can only guess. His MP Salary and his ministerial pensions barely touch the £2 million retainer fee his part time role delivered - perhaps he takes the view that his role as an MP is a 'part-time job'. As  to Mr. Javid's ability to inform an American investment bank on European Strategy - his Brexit stance suggests otherwise.

Insanely optimistic headlies!

Sajid Javid cites the harms caused by existing policy choices of his government to argue for worse management of the epidemic. This is a deliberate manipulation tactic. We have seen this before. He, like others before him, sat in tidy offices, flags on poles, huddled with key advisors and they worked out the messaging on this, they looked at how they could trigger support among vulnerable target groups for their adverse policy choice. Cry "Freedom!"

Current daily new case rates

At the current rate of spread it is expected that there will be circa 80,000 new cases confirmed on a daily basis by July 19th. Hospitalisation and death rates are rising, at around 4% for hospitalisations, of confirmed cases. What is 4% of 80,000? Every day. Hardly insignificant.

Daily new case projections

Not even a week into the job, he is promoting lies and he is gaslighting us, telling us that what we know to be true is not true, telling us what to think. 

He is not an improvement on Matt Hancock, (killing us softly, with his snog) and is likely going to be much worse for the health of the nation, if that is at all possible. It was reported in January this year that the Johnson Government had issued 64 sets of rule changes in 2020. That inspired me to do a parody version of '50 Ways to Leave Your Lover,' also a song about planned betrayal. How apt.

64 Ways (and more) to Mislead The Country

Misleading, callous money men.

Then there's Robert Jenrick - Robert Jenrick on #Marr just said that there will be an ‘exponential growth in new CoVID cases’ but we have to just “live with it now..”

In essence the policy is 'let everyone receive the viral infection, and see what happens', with an uncertain gamble that the death toll and morbidity levels will be reduced by the vaccine to 'acceptable levels'. This 'acceptable levels' attitude reminds me of English Government attitude towards the Irish Famine.

Elimination Strategy works

We know that a well resourced elimination strategy works really well, that it is eminently doable, that the strategy to stop the spread of the virus from person to person within the community within any bordered area is efficacious, and prevents the harms associated with mitigation strategies.

https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)00978-8/fulltext - Lancet reviews the evidence of the efficacy of elimination strategies and compares it with the adverse outcomes of mitigation policy. The evidence is incontrovertible. The kind of evidence Johnson can only deny - he dare not discuss it in any detail in Parliament, and Starmer abides by Johnson's need at our expense.

You do know that circa 1.8 billion people are living with that degree of effective protection, where responsible governments took firm action to resource elimination of community transmission strategies and took clear action to support the population in achieving that, and indeed the population engaged with their governments and together they avoided immense harms we in the UK have not That is a huge evidence base.

Mitigation aka Living with The Virus causes avoidable harm 

Another 2 billion citizens are suffering the consequences of mitigation strategy, where reckless governments have rejected elimination strategy, have refused to take firm action, have laid the bulk of the responsibility for limiting spread of the infection upon the individual citizen, resulting in repeated waves of infection what got out of control, necessitating global shutdowns and intense restrictions limiting movement of people, in order to protect health services and to slow the spread, all of which caused immense harms. Death, disease and business collapse as the measure of the policy choice.

That is a huge evidence base.

https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/05/26/the-uks-coronavirus-policy-still-places-too-much-responsibility-and-blame-in-the-hands-of-the-public/ - the British Medical Journal reviews the English Governments fatal 'personal responsibility' stance, noting the lack of material and logistic support to the population to manage that responsibility most effectively. What is even more galling is that the English governments paternalistic behavioural dogma treated citizens as if we were as selfish as Johnson and the crony capitalists around him are. They decided to have it both ways, and we paid the price, with both attitudes. 

Evidence ignored

The English government, the News Media - the political class of England, which dominates the so-called United Kingdom, are all ignoring the evidence. They are basically refusing to discuss elimination strategy. They are blanking the science. What is that?

What it means is that one can tune into any chat show or talk radio and listen to ordinary citizens, not knowing  that they don’t know, speaking with great authority about 'living with the virus', about 'opening up the economy', about vaccinations as if they provide total cover and block transmission, about ‘restrictions’ and 'freedoms', about holidays hugging and football and citing the harms caused by bad policy to argue for worse policy, all of this the hp to alleviate their frustration (understandable) in the hope that they can  ‘ just get back to normal’ and the presenters dare not confront them with the evidence, they merely acknowledge ‘that’s how you feel, I hear you’ and they let it slide. Or worse, they agree and thus amplify the nonsense!

Free speech

Free speech as a concept is all about speaking truth to power. Telling the truth in public. Free speech is not a free for all, a right to spout nonsense that has lethal and morbid consequences. It’s not that I’d want to inhibit the nonsense speaker, it is that someone must speak truth to the nonsense speaker when the nonsense is being presented through public media channels that reach the eyes and ears of millions of people. The truth must be told in public, in the same fora where the nonsense is being broadcast and at the same time. The unknowing are not being confronted with the truth.

It is not good enough that the evidence is available, and can be read and listened to on platforms that do not have the reach of public news media and government briefings.

People just don't know

I understand, of course, that these people genuinely do not know what they are talking about because the bodies that ought to be disseminating grounded information are not doing that.

The news media, the politicians, the Church leaders are all mute on elimination strategy. Ordinary citizens who rely on those channels for information are in a vulnerable position, they are not getting accurate and timely information. The English government is exploiting that vulnerability. Crony capitalism is part of that exploitative mind set. Avarice governs this dynamic.

This is an infuriating situation, after 17 months of pandemic.

For the epidemiologists and public health scientists, it must be even more distressing to be caught in a position where their skill sets are being set aside in such manner.

Yesterday, England recorded 24,000+ new cases of covid19 infection, the actual numbers are probably higher, and the current growth rate suggests we will see +40k by the end of this week, and +80k, daily, by the 19th of July.

Hospitalisations and deaths lag a few weeks following on from infection. The reduction in rates of hospitalisation due to vaccine efficacy has been from 10% of cases down to 4% of cases.

For the health professionals, in hospitals and doctors surgeries, to be held hostage to repeated waves by a reckless government must be exhausting and debilitating - the resilience with which they have maintained service is all the more remarkable.

Mute Labour

Why is The Labour Party mute on all of this? Why are they ignoring the evidence? Why are they refusing to confront this situation, in Parliament and in their briefings?

Why does Keirless with the Evidence Starmer refuse, time and time again, speak truth to power in public? Why does he avoid bringing the evidence that elimination strategy prevents the harms mitigation causes?

What is that? Savile, Assange, The Forde Report and now this?

England beat the Ukraine at football, 4-0!  

The feel good factor is great, yet it does nothing to protect the people from harms caused by a reckless Government.

Sajid Javid must go - he is not qualified to lead the country as Health Secretary. 

Hit the road, Sajid!

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

Letter to UK and Irish News Papers : Elimination Strategy is proven - why gamble with our lives?

What will he do? What must we endure? Why?

To the Editor

The evidence from a number of detailed studies shows that countries that opt for rapid action to eliminate community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by  transparently engaging the well informed support of their citizens  better protect their health, their  economies and minimise restrictions on civil liberties compared with those that strive for mitigation aka 'living with the virus'. 

1.8 billion people's health and their economies have been spared the ravages inflicted upon the UK, USA, Brazil and the EU.

Importantly, elimination has been framed as a civic solidarity approach that will restore civil liberties the soonest, protect the healthy and the vulnerable and stabilise the economy; this focus on common purpose is frequently neglected in the political debate in these islands.

Stopping the spread is spreading the love.

In the UK and Ireland, and elsewhere, a new variant that is more transmissible, that is showing signs of significant vaccine escape, is surging and there are no mechanisms in place to suppress it.

Why is it that the evidence for elimination strategy is being ignored by Governments, Parliaments and the bulk of News Media?

Are we to endure more death and disease?

To what end does it serve to set the bar at 'living with the virus'?

Why must we gamble with citizens lives in such manner?

Yours sincerely,

Corneilius Crowley

(Address with the Editor.)

It's beyond belief: Dido Harding - the Conservative crony who oversaw the catastrophe of Test and Trace - is applying to run the NHS. Dr. Rachel Clarke - who has seen first hand what the government did to the NHS and country during the pandemic - beautifully rips apart this absolute affront. Rachel points out that prior to the Covid19 Epidemic, the NHS waiting lists were in the region of 4 million cases. Also heads up on Michael Gove's plan to rerig the NHS in a top down manner, led by Sajid Javid, the Duetche Bank executive who helped crash the banks in 2008 who has taken over from super spreader Snogger Hancock.
13 Minutes. Beautiful. Clarity.


Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

Hit The Road Matt, Sajid!: end Mitigation Strategy, start Elimination Strategy to prevent more harms

Elimination Strategy is proven to prevent the harms that mitigation strategy has demonstrably caused. 

Misfeasancenonfeasance, and malfeasance are types of failure to discharge public obligations existing by common lawcustom, or statute Misconduct in Public Office is a criminal offence in England and Wales.

In a global pandemic, the government of every country has a dual duty of care. Firstly, they must work with the population to stop the spread of the pathogen in order to protect their health and their economies and secondly they must ensure they do not export the pathogen, which is a duty of care they owe to the global community.


March 2020 :same media, organisation, different headlines, similar policy of mitigation, 
elimination strategy rejected, with attendant harms not avoided.

This is incontrovertibly true. 

The evidence is there for all to see. On every possible measure, human or systemic, elimination strategy delivers much better outcomes. This is beyond all doubt true.

Evidence suggests that countries that opt for rapid action to eliminate SARS-CoV-2—with the strong support of their inhabitants—also better protect their populations health, their economies and minimise restrictions on civil liberties compared with those that strive for mitigation.

This chart shows the basics

FigureCOVID-19 deaths, GDP growth, and strictness of lockdown measures for OECD countries choosing SARS-CoV-2 elimination versus mitigation

The Lancet report lays out the evidence, fully referenced. Read it. Knowledge is better than belief.

"Among OECD countries, liberties were most severely impacted in those that chose mitigation, whereas swift lockdown measures—in line with elimination—were less strict and of shorter duration (figure). Importantly, elimination has been framed as a civic solidarity approach that will restore civil liberties the soonest; this focus on common purpose is frequently neglected in the political debate.

Evidence suggests that countries that opt for rapid action to eliminate SARS-CoV-2—with the strong support of their inhabitants—also better protect their health and their economies and minimise restrictions on civil liberties compared with those that strive for mitigation"

That this was predicted in January, February and March 2020 is also quite clearly true.

It's not rocket science, it is epidemiology and public health best practice.

It was why Australian State Governments chose elimination strategy and eventually beat down the Australian Federal Government's Mitigation policy choice. They acted wisely in opposing the Morrison/Murdoch policy line.

It was what China had done, and was what Vietnam, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South and North Korea had all chosen. Protect the population to protect the economy.

Stopping the Spread is Spreading the Love

Stop the spread of the virus within the community - track every case, trace all contacts, test all contacts, quarantine contacts, isolate the infected in prepared treatment facilities designed to prevent exacerbation of symptoms and disease - chase the virus until it can find no new hosts.

Maintain a tightly quarantined border - goods can pass, people must be checked, and quarantine monitored.

All of which was done without any Vaccine.

Slow spread is lethal

So I am writing today, from England, as we observe an exponential growth surge of the Delta Variant, a variant only possible because Governments chose to allow the virus to spread and rejected elimination strategy.  The English Government are gambling with the lives of the population and with the wealth of the economy.


They have made a bet with very uncertain odds.

Their bet is that the vaccine will reduce harms to an 'acceptable level'.  When just under half of the population is unvaccinated, and of the other half, only half are double dosed, with supplies and delivery systems stretched to their limit, even as a surge of the Delta Variant is under way. That's a very dodgy bet indeed.

The Education Secretary advises that masks are no longer mandatory in schools and the Health Secretary, 'Snogger' Hancock suggests ending all restrictions and leaving it to 'personal responsibility'.

'Acceptable Level' is meaningless when already the UK as seen 150,000 excess fatalities, of which 127,000 are directly attributable to COVID19 - a truly frightening and horrific way to die - and in addition we are seeing 2 million cases of Long COVID, with 350,000 cases of severe disease that appears to be chronic.

How much more of this are we to endure? How is any of this 'acceptable'?

Then there's the financial losses incurred by millions of people, entirely driven by Government policy decisions, in a wide range of industries. Is all of that 'acceptable' now?

Who loses, who wins in this casino of health and wealth?

Crony Capitalism is obviously one winner.

The Good Law Project is exposing in court what the Government has kept under wraps, the crony capitalism that is gouging profits from an imperiled population, whilst the pro-Government media is under reporting what should be known in every household in the land. The Government are borrowing on your good name, and their mates are shunting a significant portion of that cash off-shore via private contractors and sub contractors.

Pro Government News Media organisations owned by billionaires are losing money in order to maintain this degree of government support - and none of the leading editorials of any newspaper are calling for elimination strategy, which is what would prevent the harms we see daily.

During the past 16 months the English Billionaire class have seen their wealth increase by more than 1/3rd in 2020-21.  The Millionaire Club has seen an expansion too. They can afford to lose money supporting the current English Government because they are raking it in, in spite of the harms to the general population.

Who loses?

There are more children 'qualifying' for Free School Meals. Food bank dependency has grown, food banks in the UK saw a 47% increase in need during the crisis. Unemployment has surged even as the number of millionaires has grown.. 

Social Support systems are at breaking point after a decade of deliberate cut backs, carried out under the guise of a lie, Austerity, an act of Sado-Monetarism, by a government that is unrepentant and a continuing source of harm. 

Women bear the brunt of all this, as carers and frontline staff, as essential key workers and as low income workers who cannot survive on Statuary Sick Pay, and thus cannot afford to isolate if they suspect they are ill, possibly with covid19. There is no immediate economic or moral or emotional support for low income people who really ought to be isolating. 

The English government portrays such support as doling out freebees to individuals, rather than as part of a series of actions that protect the whole community. Gaslighting the population, trying to make people feel ashamed of asking for support.

Is snogging an criminal offence?

Matt Hancock is filmed in a sexual embrace with his lover, within his offices and some people call for his resignation. Hancock makes an apology, in writing, but does not present himself in public. Johnson accepts the apology, and says the matter is closed.

I disagree.

I say - arrest Matt Hancock, drag him from his office, bring him to a police station, charge him with Gross Malfeasance or Misconduct in Public Office and Corporate Manslaughter, and place him on remand, in Belmarsh Prison.

Hit The Road Matt

(Hit the road, Matt and don't you come back no more
no more, no more, no more)
(Hit the road, Matt and don't you come back no more)

Woah, Matt, oh Matt, don't treat us so mean
You're the meanest health minister that we've ever seen
because you tel us only  lies
virus spread far and wide
Woah Matt, listen, Matt, don't ya treat us this-a way
we'll be in Court for sure some day
We're really angry with you 'cause it's understood
You ain't got no morals, you just ain't no good
Woah Matt, Kissing, Matt, it's not a crime to snog you say
Your crony contracts are unlawful.  the Courts did say
We're really angry with you 'cause it's understood
You ain't got no morals, you just ain't no good
And because you always lied
a hundred thousand died

Who ever is chosen to take over the role of Health Secretary MUST end this harmful folly of 'mitigation' and 'living with the virus' which is an approach that rushes towards harm rather than avoiding harm. I do not hold much hope that this will happen. 

The current Conservative and Unionist Party and indeed, Keirless Starmer's front bench opposition show no signs of ever admitting the evidence that elimination strategy works, is proven and is, in the UK, eminently doable. Undoubtedly more people will die horrific deaths, long COVID will increase as the virus spreads. 

We are doomed to 'live with this Government', and must resort to doing our best as individuals to avoid being harmed and to avoid causing harm. 

Stopping the spread is spreading the love.

Julian Assange.

I know, I am howling at the moon again. Screaming into the wind. But I cannot stay silent, I cannot and will not recede into mute impotent fury. I much prefer loud impotent fury. Even if my audience is small. Even if I am screaming to myself.

Here's an idea - let's do a prisoner swapsie.  Release Julian Assange.

And make room in Belmarsh for Johnson, the entire Cabinet, the culpable Downing Street Cabinet Office advisory teams, the editors of News Media that rejected Elimination Strategy, UsForThem Lobbyists and many others.

Instruct Parliament to form a National Unity Government tasked with implementing elimination strategy and when we finally do eliminate community transmission within the British Isles, let us sit back and enjoy the public trials, and hug one another, freely.

#ArrestMattHancock #FreeJulianAssange Arrest Hancock, set Julian Assange free. A crazy idea! Totally unrealsitic. Fantasy la la land. Nonetheless Thiis speaks to the venality of the English Ruling Establishment : Blairs Freedom, Assange's persecution, Hancock's pension and resignation fee and the rejection of elimination strategy as the way to manage this epidemic are inextricably linked to Starmer's current position and his support for the English Government, and for Israeli State Military violence, among other things.

To be honest, I wouldn't want Keirlessness Starmer defending me in court. Would you?

Update: The new Health Secretary!

The new Health Secretary is Ayn Rand fan, Sajid Javid, former investment banker, CDO peddler, '08 Crasher, serial short term Cabinet Minister and general right wing neo-Liberal Free Market opportunist.

Richard Murphy outlines the kind of policy position Mr. Javid will bring to the Health portfolio.


"Sajid Javid is now the Health Secretary,and it has to be noted that  his prior experience was in trading the financial instruments that crashed the world economy in 2008.

And he was not a minor player. He was a major player at a major bank, worthy of having press releases issued about his career progression. In 2008 he helped bring down the world economy: no one else but bankers did that. Deutsche in London was right in the middle of that.

Now this Ayn Rand reading banker is making the decisions on whether or not the economy will reopen. And he says his I aim is to 'get back to normal'.

What? The normal where people whose only experience is in making a deal on a computer screen, the consequences of which they are utterly indifferent to, is what is defined as normal?"

Should Sajid Javid Rand really be appointed as Health Secretary?

https://gezwinstanley.wordpress.com/tag/sajid-javid/ apt blog article on Mr. Javid and his attraction to Ayn Rand, a 'thinker' whose 'philosophy' amounts to a rabid justification for absolute selfishness, cited by those who think nothing of using Wealth as a weapon against everything they dislike, despise and fear - for the neo-liberal billionaire freedom is the right to do what you will with your own property, especially as owners of the land and  rulers of the people that inhabit it. A conquerors creed.

"So, after Matt Hancock’s humiliating resignation (which preserves his pension and severance pay), our Tory Government has just appointed Sajid Javid as the new Health Secretary?

What we are NOT being told, of course, is that Mr Javid is ideologically committed to the total destruction of the NHS.

"Mr Javid is a dedicated follower of the US “thinker” Ayn Rand (apparently he makes a point of re-reading a key scene from Ayn Rand’s novel “The Fountainhead” twice a year). Ayn Rand’s system of thought (which styles itself as “Objectivism”) is an extreme form of right wing libertarianism in which selfishness is regarded as the ultimate virtue from which the whole of morality is derived

Rand’s ideas are revered by many tax and regulation avoiding, and privatisation loving, billionaires, who then fund think tanks and political parties aiming to quietly promote such ideas the world over.

So now we now have a Health Secretary who is an adherent of this philosophy, who therefore thinks that anyone who needs healthcare, but can’t afford to pay for it, is a “looter”, part of Atlas’s burden, who should perish. Who really opposes socialised healthcare as an evil.

And our Government have made this appointment while we are still fighting a pandemic, and when yet another major reorganisation of the NHS is looming. How late, or non-existent, would our lockdowns have been with Mr Javid in charge? Will Big Business, via the new Integrated Care System boards, essentially now take over the NHS, with all that could imply for moving to a more “American” model?

The Tories are clearly intent on destroying the NHS, and lying while they do it. For most of us and our loved ones, at least those of us who have so far survived Tory austerity and the pandemic, this is literally an existential crisis"

One Mr. Javid's awful attempts at governance was ordering research into the ethnicity of child grooming gangs,as an appeal to right wing Daily Mail voters.rather than researching why grooming gangs exist in every city and in many towns, and remain largely un-challenged.

As Home Secretary Mr. Javid ordered research into why men convicted of grooming-gang sex crimes are disproportionately of Pakistani origin. Mr. Javid said at the time  that establishing the “particular characteristics” of the perpetrators was “critical to our understanding” of offending in places including Rotherham, Telford and Newcastle. He made the commitment in a letter to Sarah Champion, the Labour MP who was strongly criticised for stating that the country “has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls”.

As it turned out, research proved that the majority of such activity in England is perpetrated by white British and White European gangs.

His  Randian opportunism outweighed his concern for the welfare of the most vulnerable among our children and our youth.We can expect more from where that came from in the coming months and years, if he remains in post that long. The prospect is awful.

Hit the road, Sajid.

He is totally the wrong person in the wrong government to manage our health care systems in the midst of this epidemic/pandemic, if we wanted it to be managed well.

They all are.That much is obvious.

Hit the road, predaTory Party, it is understood, you ain't got no morals and you ain't no good, you are amoral, callous, avaricious, power mad bullies and cowards.- why do we have to live with you?

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

I Need Your Support - Can You Help?

Hello All you lovely people.
I am not able to do live gigs in England, where I live, and have not been earning much in the last 16 months, what with live music events being scuppered, and as a result I have pretty much hit rock bottom in terms of finances.
We Are All Family

Me performing my song 'We are all Family', my anthemic ballad about humanity as one family, made of many ethnicities, nations, languages, lands.
I am seeking your help, your support in financial form via Patreon, inviting folk to donate the equivalent of a cup of coffee or a pint to support me every month, so that I can continue to write this blog, continue to write and produce new songs, perform and maintain my body of work without stressing too much on the financial front. With adequate support I would expect to be able to concentrate even more effort into my work as a writer, commentator and live performer on line.

So right now, every little donation could make a big difference, and lots of donations would have a huge impact on my ability to continue to do my work and would be really deeply appreciated.

I currently run one live show every week, on Wednesday, on Facebook from this account:


I hope to improve and enhance my live broadcast kit, and to be able to broadcast on multiple platforms in HD and in quality stereo, because my music has many layers and is very much spatially arranged. With that in mind I aim to move to a Mac platform, with better quality soundcards, cameras and disk storage. 

I want to deliver a really best quality show, presenting my guitar skills and vocal harmonies to their best advantage,

I hope to be able to return to live gigs in the future, and to be able to travel to locations where my patrons can attended unique and special live events.

What I can offer now is live performances on line, and access to my music, in mp3 or CD quality, which I have always offered for free. 

https://soundcloud.com/coreluminous - here you can most recent find CD quality recordings, free to download

https://soundcloud.com/corneilius-crowley - here you can find CD quality recordings, free to download

https://reverbnation.com/corneilius - here you can find MP3 quality downloads, free to download.

I may be able to offer bespoke TeeShirts as time progresses.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

New Song: Racism is a Weapon, in The Class War.

It is PRECISELY because most people think of Racism as a personal flaw, a petty hatred,  a weakness rather than as the social weapon system created by the Ruling Class, that Racism persists within Western Democracies.

We need to up our game.


Here's why.

MP Kim Johnson sat on the Education Select Committee, which issued it's report this week.

First Report: The forgotten: how White working-class pupils have been let down, and how to change it


"In the name of championing the white working class, the Tory-led Education Select Committee report released this week picks up the mantle of the government’s highly discredited Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities.

The report calls for public bodies – including schools and charities – to ‘seriously consider their responsibilities’ when promoting the term ‘White Privilege’. 

This was watered down from the preferred recommendation from some committee members, which called for financial penalties for public bodies doing this work. It was taken off the table after legal advice that it would contravene human rights legislation by having a chilling effect on freedom of speech.

It’s a shameful attempt to limit the freedoms of ethnic minorities to articulate their experiences of racism, and to stoke the culture war by scapegoating them for the poverty endemic in ‘left behind’ communities.

The report also pushes a free schools agenda, despite plenty of evidence to suggest that academies do not reduce the attainment gap for disadvantaged children in comparison to local authority-run schools.

Since 2010 there have been 92 Education Committee reports and only two of these reports have explicitly focused on a named ethnic group – both on white pupils.

Instead of focusing on the multitude of evidence that shows that cuts, lack of investment and stark poverty has on the opportunities of so many communities, the Tories once again take the cowards way out by pointing the finger at the red herring of ethnic minority communities.

The use of data and language is highly selective in the report, allowing it to make misleading assertions that the white working class as a whole is achieving less than disadvantaged ethnic minority students."


In short, the English Government are trying to assert that efforts to address Racism and Misogyny are the root cause of the difficulties of poor white schoolchildren living in areas where unemployment, low wages and cuts to funding for social programs are contributing to poverty. The English Government are using skin tone and gender as weapons to sow social discord and prevent grass roots solidarity emerging. 

They are broadcasting this via vexatious abuse of their majority in parliament and it's select committees, and they are quite deliberately targeting the alt-right amidst those  impoverished by 12 years of Austerity who are on  low incomes or are dependent on benefits, the poorer sector of the English population, 14 million strong and growing due to callous Conservative policy. They are saying to those people that the difficulties their children face are being caused by too much concern about Racism and Misogyny and not enough concern about them and their condition. 

They omit that Austerity has harmed children of every ethnicity in England.

The recent Sewell Report which asserted that there was no such thing as Institutional Racism in England is part of this campaign. Denial and then the allegation that those who seek to address the 'non existent Institutional Racism' are creating a distraction that is harming poor white children. 

This is using Race as a weapon. Which is how Racism was invented in the 1600s, by the British Colonial plantation owners and ruling class, as a device to thwart emergent worker solidarity, which they perceived as a mortal threat to their power, privilege and status. The legalisation and Institutionalisation of Racial discrimination was a grooming operation that took 4 decades to engineer, and the ill effects are with us still  400 years later.

I have written a song to articulate this.

Race is a Weapon in The Class War - a brief historical outline

Australian Aboriginals - Genocidal Racism Exported by The British Empire

The Curse of Ham was taken as the basis of the definition of Race, and Superiority in Colonial America.

The Colston Statue in Bristol was Removed  by Activists

England's Players were booed for making a public anti-Racist symbolic gesture

A new song, fresh from the studio. As usual, a rough mix.

Race is a weapon, in the class war.

This is the story of the co-opting of Biblical myth, and the re-invention of Race and skin colour as a tool of discrimination and then the crafting of legalised Racism, in the British Colonies, in the 1600s.

Prior to this period, discrimination was largely religious or cultural, and rooted in war fare, with slavery as part of the 'booty' of war.

The conquered of the colonies would be enslaved by the conquerors, although it often turned out that native peoples were unsuited to enslavement and they mostly died out rapidly, burned out by the trauma of conquest. They did not have much to live for.

This was why the Spanish Empire started to import slaves from Africa to the Caribbean and to South America. They basically genocided the local populations through over working them as slaves.

In the British Colonies it was different : the development of indentured worker systems which included free citizens, usually too poor to pay their way, who worked for a contract that paid their passage, and convict workers, imported from Europe and from Africa, was dominant in the early period.  There were also cases of Africans who had been enslaved by the Spanish, and were on board Spanish ships which were attacked by English Privateers. The English would bring the Africans to the colonies, and they would be sold as indentured workers, who would be freed at the end of their contract, and allowed to enter into society as free people, equal citizens, they could own land, develop businesses and so on.

This was a time in the British Colonies when African and European indentured workers worked side by side on plantations, and were routinely freed at the end of their indenture, and given land and tools to develop their own futures as equals. They formed villages, towns and communities, inter marriage was common enough.

It was not multicultural in as much as it was not an issue because they were all part of the same culture, a new culture growing in the colonies. Pioneers. Breaking new land together. There were various languages spoken, there were enclaves of various European ethnicities. Irish people, Dutch, Germans would live close to each other.

Life was incredibly harsh. Many, many people died during their indenture, and from time to time, the indentured 'rebelled' and took out their frustration and pain on their 'employers'.

It was this that frighted the Plantation owners - that the working class - indentured and free - might unite, and together in solidarity, undo them, take them down from their positions of absolute power as a reaction to the owners cruelty and oppression. The owners needed a plan to protect their long term prospects, a plan for many generations.

Thus the concepts of Race and then Racism were developed over time slowly, bit by bit, to divide the working class of the colonies.  A political grooming operation over a 40 year period, starting from the Pulpit, concocting themes to marginalise, dehumanise and then legalise the oppression of freed black folk,  culminating in the legalisation of Slavery of African people, with conversion to Christianity offered as a 'mercy' to those who were enslaved, for life. 

A mercy denied the Native peoples, who were ethnically cleansed, in a multi-century genocide.

Race and Racism, Xenophobia and Religious bigotry continues to split the working class across the Earth, and all of these protects the Oligarchy, the owner class, even still, and will continue until the working class as a whole figure this out - honest history is crucial to effective political organisation and action.

Slavery - essentially free forced labour - was the primary human 'resource' that generated the wealth that seeded the Industrial Revolution.and funded the Capitalist Oligarchy that emerged from that set of circumstances.

From the initial back breaking toil of clearing of land by hand, through to planting, harvesting and processing sugar, tobacco. coffee, cotton and other materials that generated the first immense merchant fortunes and Oligarchy networks which became political power centers in their own right, to the first investments into factories and the development and expansion of the factory system, Racism and class continues through to the present as a thread of oppression and extraction upon which the wealth of Europe and America is founded, with European and American controlled colonial assets protected by military and political dominance. This is why England and America and France, and others, are engaged in combat operations continuously .

Racism is a weapon in the class war.


MP3 version:

CD version:














Kindest regards


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The issue of the Delta Variant is not a singular event.

The issue of the Delta Variant aka #JohnsonVariant aka #ModiVariant is not a singular event.

It is part of a whole.

The whole is the deliberate policy choice to ignore the evidence, reject the epidemiology, set aside the best practice Public Health and allow the spread of this virus no matter what the outcomes are, only taking action to stop exponential spread when the adverse affects cause the NHS to be be overwhelmed with active cases and fatalities, a situation that threatens the optics of the political position of the English Government.

Update 20th June on the impact of the Delta Variant in the UK:

One more example of a repeated and thus a deliberate policy choice that runs against the evidence, in spite of ample warnings, is the recent Governments order to eschew masks in School settings across England, when it was established that aerosol transmission is a primary path of spread of infection, when no funding or advisory has been made available to schools to improve ventilation, reduce class sizes or enact a number of proven protocols that reduce risk of spread of the virus.

What we can see is an attitude that reveals an approach that accepts externalised costs, accepts collateral damage where others (the population) pay the price - as long as the ruling faction retains Power, and can therefore continue to pursue policy objectives that are proven, beyond doubt, to absolutely undermine the fundamental duty of care and the trust inherent in genuine democratic Governance.

Elimination strategy is proven beyond any doubt, incontrovertibly, to deliver better outcomes for the population and the economy on every measure used. This Lancet report summarises the evidence quite well.


However, elimination strategy precludes cornyism, grift, corruption and dogged enhancement of political hegemony because at root it is a co-operative strategy - government and people working openly and transparently together to stop transmission of the virus, to prevent variants emerging, to protect health systems.

Profits at what cost?

Not everyone pays the price! Some are maximising profits!

"Serco Group raised its 2021 profit outlook on Monday by 15 million pounds to about 200 million pounds ($282.18 million) as the British outsourcer expects stronger demand for its COVID-19 services in the UK.
The company has outperformed the wider UK outsourcing space, benefiting from its focus on the public sector, including the country's national test and trace programme related to the pandemic.
Serco said its testing and tracing contracts volumes in the UK have continued to be strong and expects demand for these services to continue for longer in the second half than previously anticipated."

Profits made operating a failed contact tracing system, a failed testing system, within which off shore contractors are channeling our taxes away to evade taxation, when back in February 2020 the NHS had an efficient, trained contact tracing hub that could have been expanded locally but that was shut down by the English Government even as the virus was being seeded into England from Northern Italy and Spain, via Ski Tourists!

And then this travesty of an operation was contracted out to SERCO, via Dido Harding and other inexperienced cronies.

What is that?

We are subjected daily to a deliberate policy choice that ignores the evidence, and is being maintained even as the experts advise all governments globally to assume elimination of community transmission, because they know that elimination strategy is working for 1.8 billion people and their economies across East Asia and Oceania, in Nordic Europe and elsewhere. 

That evidence is incontrovertible. It cannot be denied. To deny it is insanity or psychopathy.

This report from The Lancet is instructive.

"The trade-off between different objectives is at the heart of political decision making. Public health, economic growth, democratic solidarity, and civil liberties are important factors when evaluating pandemic responses. 

There is mounting evidence that these objectives do not need to be in conflict in the COVID-19 response. Countries that consistently aim for elimination—ie, maximum action to control SARS-CoV-2 and stop community transmission as quickly as possible—have generally fared better than countries that opt for mitigation—ie, action increased in a stepwise, targeted way to reduce cases so as not to overwhelm health-care systems."

 Figure : COVID-19 deaths, GDP growth, and strictness of lockdown measures for OECD countries choosing SARS-CoV-2 elimination versus mitigation.

Clearly, on every measure, elimination strategies produce better outcomes, they reduce harms and they generate fewer variants. 

What we see here in the behaviour of the English Government is the deliberate applied, studied practice of public lies, misinformation, disinformation, gaslighting, scapegoating, evasion, cronyism, corrupt contracting and more deceitful practices from within the English Government and echoed and supported by British News Media, in print and in broadcast.

In essence a wave of orchestrated avoidance that allows the adverse policy which is causing so much harm to be sustained.

How much more of this will we allow?

How many more deaths, each one an horrific event, on top of the 150,000 already recorded?

How many more cases of chronic disease, Long Covid, on top of the 1 million already recorded?

How many more shutdown/open up/shutdown cycles that destroy businesses, exhausts workers, disrupts Education at all levels?

We are allowing this to happen, make no mistake. 

The position of Power of this Government is not inevitable.

What will it take?

Call for a general strike, a mortgage and rent strike?

Arrest them all for Malfeasance in Public Office, we have the evidence - place them on remand so that they cannot do any more harm -  and install a government of National Unity,  with those in SNP, Labour, Plaid, Greens and others who are willing to operate on the basis of evidence, who will put a sound elimination strategy into place, and when it is working, hold an Inquiry, and then let us hold an election.

Grenfell Towers

This week is the anniversary of the Grenfell Fire, a catastrophic fire that was forewarned, a fire that happened because officials aligned with the Government ignored residents calls to look at shoddy work, inadequate provision of fire safety resources.

72 people were burned alive, some jumped to their deaths from the towering inferno.

Hundreds of families were made homeless, men, women and children who were traumatised and then treated with contempt by officialdom in the aftermath, as the officials sought to protect themselves. Hillsborough, Orgreaves, Iraq. The same dynamic where the powerful protect their interests and the ordinary citizens are forced to pay the price.

The image, status and reputation must be protected above all other considerations.

So once again, we are facing a surge of a new variant, a surge that absolutely could have been prevented at a number of points, where warnings were given and ignored, and we are left with inadequate mechanisms to control and eliminate community transmission and facing the possibility that this variant will have significant vaccine escape, we are unprotected.

We are looking at the likelihood of a serious surge of infection that will impact the NHS and other services, in a repetition of Government inaction that 'goes beyond what is medically rational' to quote an infamous speech, given by Johnson on February 3rd 2020.

We are face with the consequences of gross reckless behaviour of Government, which can best be described as lethal malfeasance in public office, and it would appear that no one in positions of power or responsibility will take any measure to attenuate the situation. 

What is the point of Parliament, The Opposition, the Judiciary, the News Media, the Police, The Church of England or even The Crown in this situation?

How much more abuse must the people endure?

Kindest regards 


 "Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."