The Heart and accurate percepttion!

The core of our 'power' or inteeligence is in our ability to cognitively preceive or observe what is happening around us through our heart. The heart has a nucleus of brain cells, linked directly to the brain, and experimants in percpetion have proven that the heart 'sees' before the brain does.

The heart is a 'device' that 'gets' whether something is appropriate or not, no confusion. This is the best way to describe the accuracy of nature, for all creatures have a similar percetive quality. Those who have been disconnected from that perception are those who experience confusion.

The system of Compulsory State Education is designed to thwart that accurate perception. The teaching of 'romantics' in literature is part of that process. The heart is 'sentimentalised' and then compared to the 'rationale' of science, and of course in terms of 'profit and loss' is found wanting.

Thus pop songs, sloppy movies and novels focus on attachment rather than unconditional positive regard (which is what love is) and so the youth, and others, are misdirected. That is why Mills and Boon exists, and is at the core of much of what is called New Age. The same dynamic exists in 'evangelism', and it's similars.

The core of thinking independently revolves around generating thought from within, not in rehashing the thoughts of others. The heart starts the process, the brain follows it through to it's logical conclusion.

I have a song on the heart, which I will be uploading very soon.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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reality check!!

So.... lets put a few things into perspective here...

Our so called democratically elected Governments are prepared to bail out the large financial houses for a mess those houses themselves created out of greed and a desire for more power, and they are asking the taxpayers, workers to foot the bill?

These same Governments spend a fortune on Nuclear and Depleted Uranium Weapons which have NEVER been used on Military Targets... and many of these weapons are ready to go within minutes....

While at the same time they jail young people for having a little bit of weed or ecstacy, both of which are less damaging (in use) than alcohol or tobacco...

They start wars and kill literally hundreds of thousands of CHILDREN, not to mention men and women, and destroy whole countries, they violently work covertly to undermine democratically elected Governments - (this is happening in Bolivia as I write, and elsewhere)

and we are expected to believe that they do this for US?

This song juxtaposes the reality of the gifts of nature with the harm governments cause ...... life loves us, the government hates....

Check out this video: The Government Hates


Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Whats really going on with the 'credit crunch' and the financial 'turmoil'?

Corporate Authoritarian Communism basically... this short video gives an insight into the nature of what is unfolding daily .....


A situation has been engineered by the financial giants, the military idustrial complex whereby control over our lives is now concentrated in a few hands, who also have de facto control by force (through undermining civil liberties under the guise of the WAR ON DRUGS and THE WAR ON TERRORISM).

A state of emergency may well arise out of the response of the grassroots to the political elites as much as the finacial meltdown - either way the stage is set for the hammer to fall, and fall hard, upon the ordinary people of USA and Europe.

The only way around this is massive, localised, concerted and determined non-violent legal resistance - people power pushing for the Laws against war, against war crimes to be upheld and enforced, people power pushing for the elimination of the two party voting illusionionary democracy at local and national levels, to be replaced by community based democratic participation, ie direct involvement at all levels and for the disarming of the military and paramilitary police.

A mortgage and tax strike is one of the ways to force this through - all those in property that is mortgaged can hold onto their property if they work together, after all they are in poassession of their homes, and a tax strike is legally valid in light of the war crimes of the UK, US and other Governments. Those in power may well resort to using mercenaries to enforce their control, and that would be pretty ugly, but in the end futile, for there are many, many more veterans and serving military, people with the skills and preparedness, who could, if pushed to the limit, take the powers that be on - if the public were prepared to support them - a bit like Chavaz being rescued by the peoples of the barrios and the military guardians loyal to the people.

Here's hoping that these issues can be resolved peacefully. Start talking to your neighbours, your friends today about how this can be done.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Summer into Autumn

Back from the summer touring with small worlder wonderment and others at festivals, gatherings and camps throughout the UK and Ireland. Been a great summer for me and I have been introducing more of my musicality to my shows, by way of a boss loop station, and from what feed back I have been getting it's the way to go.......

Loads of photos from the festies on my facebook profile, if your are interested...

Looking back Ihave been so on message for years that I have not been sharing that part of me that is pure music, pure love, pure joy ... and it's a relief to finally discover that the message need not be diluted by including this part of my nature - for indeed if there were not issues to face, twould be beauty most of my music....

So for this winter I intend to get a band together, to expand the loop station usage, to learn beatboxing, to write the first draft of my story, my life thus far - friends have been asking me for years to do this .... so now I start, not sure of how it will form or where it will lead............ I also will be preparing some presentations on the info I am working on, a kinda debrief from our conditioning into being who we really are.....

To anyone, who reads this, that I met during the summer, bless you for keeping the connection alive. Feel free to message me, leave comments, invite me to play, (even in yer living room, if you can get a few friend around and cover my travel costs........) or chat...

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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This is who I am, no passport check required

I am a human being, my blood is the same substance as the plasma of plants, barring one atom (humans = iron, plants = mercury), the cells of my body bear a huge resemblance to the cells of all living beings. I am a bag of bacteria.

All that I am comes from the interaction of the Suns light and warmth withthe substance of Earth, upon this planets surface....

I am born of woman, as a mammal, as are many, many creatures on this earth. All of us are.

'Civilised' Mankind is THE ONLY CREATURE known to organise to consciously harm our own children, our brothers and our sisters, and the children of life in general, on a massive scale. Such a scale as to impinge on the 'rights' of others to live as nature intended.

This is born of an arrogance that borders on psychopathy .... and I am understating the facts.....

We are born of this earth, of this place, of the rivers, the plains, the mountains, the seas...

It is our natural home. There is no other.

Thus our inability to interact with that nature as it is, to gently adapt to it's bounty is our responsibility, and ours alone.

All children are born expecting the breast, expecting the patterns of night and day, expecting respect and time to learn, expecting oxygen and water, expecting the presence of nature all around us, expecting to be enthralled by its beauty and to avail fully of its bounty, in balance - that is our evolved state on this Earth.

I connect to the spirit of life, which is to say I am deeply, profoundly and utterly grateful for all that sustains and nourishes me, all the oxygen, the water, the plants that I have to sustain me, and especially my body in which I live and experience this abundance, knowing full well that I have not done anything to create this. I can only marvel at the sheer wonder of it.

My life has been harsh. I have been abused in many cruel and devastating ways for most of my childhood. I survived, and recovered my soul. That is my gift to myself, that I give myself my life again. And who stood by me in all this?

The gift of life as I feel it in my very being. And a few, all too few people. Even within my own family, too few.

And today who stands beside the children of Iraq and Afghanistan? Too few. Most are too worried about the chimera of how to sustain the comfort that they now are addicited to, and are more concerned with global warming than global warring, and scuttle, frightened for their own arses, from ideology to religion to science fiction.

They have all missed the nature of the gift. They have abandoned their own children.

Ask yourself, who made your eye and you brain to interpret what the eye percieves?

Earth did. THAT IS FACT.

Faith says Allah or God or Jehovah or Buddah or Krisna or some other invention of human mind.

Faith ignores the gift. Humiliates the gift by attributing it to something outside EARTH.

I respect that gift, and bless all that is of nature, as the starting point to every breath I take.

I long to see again a culture of humanity that reflects how I feel. To live at home with my brothers and sisters, at peace (barring shit happens, of course : weather, volcanoes, tidal waves, typhoons and my own clumsiness).

Children have the right (not a privilege, a right) to have their natural, innate expectations met - that is the basis for all life on Earth.

The arrogance of 'civilised' mankind to assume that they are the most intelligent creature on Earth, (it used to be WHITES are MORE INTELLIGENT THAN BLACKS, MEN MORE INTELLIGENT THAN WOMEN...) and to further assume the right to manipulate and harm others for their own end is the ugliest of all that exists on this Earth.

Creating a sustainable future so that all become christian, or muslim, or jew or anything else of similar ilk is in and of itself a part of that arrogance, that ugliness....

A personal faith is something an indiviual may well live by. And that is as far as it should go.

And if that faith is by indoctrination, then it is no faith at all but a prison. And it is the indoctrinates who destroy what they cannot accept or control, in life.

These are my words, of my soul, of my life thus far.

I strongly suggest that all read "SHOCK DOCTRINE" by Naomi Klien and "Underground History of Education" by John Taylor Gatto.

There is evil amongst us, it is planned and it is the product of rational thought processes of people who are divorced from the great gifting that is life. It is enabled by the fear and complicity of those who are it's fuel and for the most part it's canon fodder.

Denial is always a choice.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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