Climate Change Debunked : finally! Weather Proofing Debate!

A way of wasting time.

Arguments about Scientific Data, all of which can and is being interpreted, each according to her or his agenda, or simply reported as it is, tend to go round and round. And round and round. Yada. Yada. Yada.

However, from my perspective, how I see things, there's a few vital assumptions, and some foundational premises, that all involved in this riveting worldwide debate, concerning Climate Change, are not included in the data discussed. Ones that are assumed, (and incorrect - they are beliefs ) and ones that are ignored (and are correct - they are how  it is).

I'd like to share them with you. In a  kind of non-linear rambling sort of fashion.

Let's Get Real!

It's not merely the effect of CO2 emissions as a result of Industrial Society, and the potential consequences as an effect upon the environment : it 's the combined effect of all the changes Industrial Society has made to the environment, habitat, to the way things live and interact. - that is the real for me.

If there is a problem, that's a huge part of the problem.

The element of excessive release of CO2 that is altering the heat dynamics of our atmosphere lives within that context.

And that is something that human beings can change, if we really want to. If we cared enough to. I think the vast majority of ordinary people want to change this. Those who hold power, vast wealth and who control and dominate the extractive industries will not want to change much of it.. They will tinker at the edges at best. Deny the problem and exacerbate it at worst.

Let me look at it another way. If, for example there was an asteroid capable of hitting the Earth and creating a 200 year permanent winter, that would not be a problem of culture, rather a problem for humanity. That would be purely a natural catastrophic event, part of the processes of life. That's just life. It's not a problem. That creatures eat creatures is not a problem.  It's how natural life works.

Problems caused by cultures can be solved. Life is what it is.

For example it is demonstrably true that all in biology-nature the combined activity of all creatures improves the habitat for all creature and organisms. Everything eats, everything is eaten and the poop is always food for more life.

That include us humans, as one of trillions of natural inhabitants of earth. Yet, as a culture this does not happen The outputs of this culture are largely toxic. We are a biological anomaly. Unique, not in being human, but instead in being gross polluters. Truly unique. 

That's a problem. This culture - Industrialised Militarised Competing Powers Culture - is out of step with healthy biology and natural balance. 

By choice.

To compartmentalise the components of a whole, each as whole in and of themselves is one of the bottle necks in this discourse concerning climate change and societal change. I say this because the only reason we are discussing climate change is because it is being driven by a political and emotive agenda that demands 'changes' in our society. Those changes do not appear to include stopping war, stopping all toxic production, making profound changes to our 'extractive' processes so that they return nutrients to the environment at every stage. They do not appear to include re-establishing the fundamental of nature : each organism has a direct relationship to it's land base, food base and each organism improves the habitat for all life.

Furthermore the discussions around climate change appear to me to refuse to recognise that Industrial Society is extremely vulnerable due to it's inability to adapt to the way nature works. And that this arises from a  conditioned, and unfounded, fear of the wild. That is the true source of this cultural insecurity. Christianity and others promote this fear of the wild.


This, unfortunately, arises from hubris. The fallacies and ideas concerning mankind's Superiority, Manifest Destiny, Chosen Peoples, Higher 'Intelligence' etc., etc., are part of this delusion, one that is rooted in the God Delusion. "God made man in His Image." Merely a delusional belief.

As is the debate about 'climate change' and societal change that excludes war and the urge to power as a factor in this predicament we are in. They cannot be discussed separately. They are entwined.

The real predicament is merely that this Civilisation will not stand, will not survive, never mind thrive. It is not sustainable. The immense energy and power of nature to nurture is far, far greater than anything we can muster to destroy it. Co-operation and Improving the Habitat for all life is the way of Nature. Competition and Destroying the Habitat  for Profit is the way of Industrial Society. These processes are so not compatible.


Humility, and a willingness to put all the evidence, the data on the table, openly, honestly. and then we can talk about the appropriate changes to make to rebalance. The answers are all around us in Nature. We have to cease projecting what we think we know onto what is and see what is as it really is.

That data must by necessity include a fullest inventory, a telling of the cost to all life forms on Earth of the way of Industrial Society, a full accounting of the abuse we have meted, and continue to mete out to each other.

It must include a full accounting of the toxicity we have introduced, to oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, aquifers, forests, plains, swamps, bogs, and all their inhabitants and of course our own bodies.

That data must by necessity include a fullest inventory, a telling of the known natural world, her processes and inter-relationships, (her because I see Earth as my Mother) from the microbial to the continental, drawing on all traditions that have observed nature for very long periods of times, across several tens of generations, as much as our best scientific examinations. 

The data must show a full account of the vested interests that hold Industrial Civilisation in such a deathly grip of denial.

It must show the methods and extent to which power is bent against life, on behalf of those who dominate. It must show a full audit of the amassed wealth on one hand and the resultant poverty on the other and  that 'balance' be compared to the potential abundance that Earth may bestow in her healthiest state, for all life.

Abundance is when poverty is unknown, nor can hoarded wealth or ring-fenced 'resources' or denying nutrients be countenanced.

The data must include the sensing's, the dreams and observations of our children, our youth, and our elders as much as the admonitions of activists, politicians, pastors and so-called teachers.

These are the data to place the Climate Change discussions in it's true context. These and more.....

As ever it's never the weather, is it? It's the clothes we wear.

And we, as members of Industrial Society,  as Consumers (Consumer Rights?) are daily conditioned to wear the culture of abuse oh so comfortably, so comfortably in fact that sometimes we can't even see it.

The casually dropped piece of litter, a piece of plastic that will outlive thousands of generations, causing harm in the long, long, long term.

And Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk want to build colonies as their solution to this problem?

Utterly stupid.


Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Here's two videos of Beardyman, a London based beatboxer, whose originality and spontaneous performances are a joy to behold. He's a real mouth synth.... and behind that is a powerful mind at work and a great heart.

So here's three videos to illustrate the scope and depth of his work.

1. Beatbox Kitchen Diaries.

2. Sanatised Christmas Message

3. BEARDYMAN presents : George W. Bush V. Charles Manson

Hope you enjoy these as much as I did!

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Beliefs and Behaviour Patterns are Neural Pathways that have Become Hardened.

Beliefs and Behaviour Patterns are Neural Pathways that have Become Hardened.

As the brain is growing and forming in the young child, with each new experience a new neural pathway is created, and as those experiences are repeated that pathway or sets of pathways get used repeatedly. Thus certain pathways will become ‘worn’ or ‘hardened’.

This is necessary, and is how, for example, learning to ride a bike gets to a point where one does not need to think about it. The thinking during repeated training has formed enough of a pathway series to carry out all the various task required to maintain balance, note direction, read the ground and so on.

In this way the child learns and stores vital skills, such as control of her/his limbs, balance, co-ordination. We know that it takes about 10,000 hours of training to become fluent in say a musical instrument so that one is a virtuoso, or indeed any particular skill/talent that is then viewed, in our culture, as ‘pretty damn good’
This applies to physical action as much as thought processes. In esence one can become hard wired for any psychological or physical set-up, and there are those who create the set-up, who'd rather  their works remained hidden and unseen. Think of the effect of ten thousand hours of school room politics.....

We know that children learn much quicker when their learning is self-directed, and that the enthusiasm of the child is a major factor in driving what they will learn. We know that when an infant experiences discovery and understanding that their brains release dopamine and serotonin, and that this is part of learning, part of what drives learning fromn within the learner.
We know that infants and very young children learn at rapid rate, way beyond what is learned in later life, at university and as ones ‘career’ develops. That rapidity is essential and of course it stands to reason that the biological body is designed to enhance that ability
It stands to reason that this learning ability is a biological imperative. The child in nature has much to learn, much that is essential for self-reliance and thus survival or as I like to say ‘thrivial’. and not a huge amount of time to do it in.

Typically indigenous peoples children are fully competent by age 6. That is to say they are no longer utterly dependent and are considered an asset to their community. It is common for older children to care for the younger children, and there is much learning that is passed from child to child, rather than from adult to child. That comes later, as the child approaches young adulthood.

To give you an idea of just how much a typical indigenous person will learn, (through direct experience and communication) I have seen estimates of a comparison of botanical knowledge of a rain forest dweller compared to a European university trained botanist. The estimate suggests that the indigenous forest dweller contains the equivalent of 35 botanists with 15 years experience each!

That goes way beyond anything we in the West now consider an ‘expert’ or’ virtuoso’.

So given this amazing ability and capacity of the natural human being, what are the implications for a western child in a typical western school environment?

First off, how much time does a child spend in a school environment as opposed to the real world (which is where the natural child’s learning is based)?

What does the loss of that real-world learning mean for the western child?

Given the general tendency within indigenous peoples to respect the unique personal entity, to embrace diversity and independence along side interdependence, what does the teaching of ‘belief systems’ imply for the western child?

The Roots of Modern Compulsory State Education

To answer these questions, in the context of a western styled education, one has to go to the roots of that system and seek out the inspiration for it. John Taylor Gatto has done that in his phenomenal work, “The Underground History of American Education”. I will give a brief description here, culled from his book.

The initial inspiration for Western Mass Schooling, or Compulsory State Education, came from observations by the British in India of the Hindi Rote System of education devised for the lower classes within the Hindi system that the British met in the 1600s onwards. The HIndi system was an Empire... 

It was an Anglican Military Chaplain who first observed and understood how this system worked. His name was Andrew Bell.

What Andrew Bell saw and understood was that by gathering the children into large groups, where they had to learn drills by rote, where corporal punishment was widely used, where there was a number of powerful external imperatives to show that one had learned, (could repeat the scriptures, perform the rituals, read the texts,) the Hindi Caste system had created a solid state and class structure that had endured for thousands of years, and had resisted the British in spite of the British technological superiority in sea faring and in warfare.

Indeed there was meeting of minds in that the elites of both cultures recognised each other, and thus the British Raj, an accommodation of equals, both ruling their respective masses. The older was to refine the younger. And this was driven largely by commercial interests.

The Hindi Class System 

The Hindi Caste system looked a bit like this :
Top 5% of three groups : 
in Order of Power : 
Brahmin’s (priests and the professions), 
Warriors and Administrators, 
Merchants and Land Cultivators
Lower 95% of two groups : 
Menials, and 

The Brahmin’s ensured that the warriors, administrators and the bulk of the leaderships received a diluted insight into the drivers of this system, so that they alone retained overall control.

The lower 95% received the mass schooling, administered by teachers, who drilled student leaders, who then drilled hundreds of students, in groups of ten or so, all of this in large single rooms. The entire operation of each school was directed by a single Brahmin.

And all this because the belief systems were so entrenched by the time the child was 11 or so, ‘hardwired’ if you will, the overall system of the Hindi centralised power was secure.

“The entire purpose of the Hindu Schooling was to preserve the class system.”

At the time there was no formalised education in the British Empire, apart from the few elite schools and colleges. The peasant yeomanry were to a large degree self educated. Home schooled. The recent move from yeomanry to factory and mine worker had transformed the British Empire, though there was stiff resistance to this move, as the yeomanry/peasant came from a background of self-sufficiency, laced with a sense of liberty and dignity.

The Luddites were literate and clearly understood what the coming factory system implied for their communities and for societal control. The loss of their lands via The Enclosure Acts was a coercive move, designed to drive them into factories. Read E E Thompson’s fine work “The Making of The English Working Class” for a detailed look at who, who and why this process developed.

The concept of a proletariat had yet to be thought of, a concept that was required for maximum efficiency in a mass production economy. Modernising the plebians of the Roman Empire.

The first expression of this kind of schooling arose from a complete mis-understanding , and can be found in the Lancaster Schools of England. Lancaster, a Quaker, was inspired by an account written by Bell in 1797 of the Hindi system. Bell had made it clear that such a system was an effective impediment to learning, and created in it’s subjects a docility perfectly suited to mass production labour. Lancaster missed this, and concluded that it would be cheap way to awaken intellect in the lower classes. A classic case of a genuine do-gooder who missed the point completely.

Sparta : The Legend of the 300

The rest as they say is History… I would add here that the inspiration for Western Military Training came from the legendary Spartan Culture, and within that the concept of the militarisation of an entire culture was perfected. This was what drove the tiny Prussian State from near collapse, to become one of Europe’s most feared fighting machines and thus a mighty Empire. That was where the first ‘kindergartens’ were crafted. The logic was impeccable. And it was the Prussian system that refined Compulsory State Education as we know it. It was American, French, German and English Coal and Steel Barons, and their paid Educators who were most inspired by the Prussian Military success at Waterloo.

I highly recommend J T Gatto’s work. It will reveal much about the history of the project for a world wide state sponsored system of compulsory education, and it has ever since defined the nature of our society and it’s ills and Gattos work will both shock and reward the reader many, many times.


So now that we have looked to the core inspiration, we can ask what are the implications for a natural child in a typical western school environment? Lets take a look at what happens to that child.

1. They are cut off from the real world experience, from the wider community and segregated from their parents.

2. They are forced into un-natural groupings, according to age and ‘ability’ to conform.

3. They are required to ‘learn’ what they are told to learn, which really means to memorise texts provided by the teachers, who have been given these texts by other unseen administrators of the system.

4. Failure to 'learn' leads to punishment, humiliation, threats of low income for life.

Early schooling is about learning to respond appropriately to authority. Obedience is inculcated in the first three years of primary school. (These days the State wants your children even earlier!)

Thus the child learns that his or her own interests do not matter unless they get approval from the teachers..

They will therefore choose an interest within the scope of what is offered, this in order for the psyche to survive, and become dependent upon external approval.

They will have to become devious, self-limiting and external cue driven because they are expected to NOT MAKE MISTAKES, (such is the nature of rote learning) and making a mistake, observing it and correcting it, (an internal feedback loop) is an essential part of the natural learning process. Once that is disabled, then self motivated learning is all but impossible. University offers a mime of this, as the context and texts are limited to what is required for the student top pass his or her exam.

Further Educational and Academic success are dependent upon fitting into the system.

Conditioning and Control

All of this conditions the child in ways that make them ‘ideal’ for working in factories and bureaucracy’s.

Their teachers and their parents have all been through and accepted this system, and this isolates the child, for there is no-one to talk to who understands what is happening.

Those that ‘do not fit in’ are then channelled towards unskilled labour or the military and police. And then finally there’s those who rebel, who become severely damaged by this system and become ‘drop-outs’ , whose chances of getting a ‘good job’ are diminished … they are demonised, and held up as a frightening example to the others.

Officers and Political Leaders are drawn from the better schools and colleges, or from a carefully screened few who work their way up the ranks.

For a more in depth understanding of this whole subject, the works of John Taylor Gatto, John Holt and Paolo Freire are among the best resources you can find. Alice Miller and Carl Rogers have done some of the best work on the psychological nature of this process and how that leads inevitable towards distress and dis-empowerment. Both point to ways in which this can be healed and undone. All these writers are all but ignored by the Educational Elites, and you will be hard push to find a student of Education or Psychology who has been given access to these learning’s within the confines of established academia.


In essence this is all about the control of meaning, of replacing inner meaning with received meaning ,and shutting the gate on the possibility of inner meaning arising as a threat to the established meaning. What this means is that the children develop belief systems about their abilities, about their place in society and indeed about their society itself (these beliefs are embedded in the texts of the subjects they are taught/forced to learn in school) by constant repetition. These beliefs become hard wired, neural pathways, and become a sort of ersatz identity, one that is defensive and quite resistant to alteration – held in place by fear.

And that is the nature of belief systems, state and commercial control, in a nut shell.

That is why 20 million taxpaying adults will allow a Government to rip them off, time and time again, to send their sons and daughters to war, to manufacture and then drop bombs on other peoples who have been demonised, all this in spite of a nagging sense that somehow it’s not right!

This is why some people will read one newspaper and others another, and they will sit in a pub, or on a TV panel, or in a Legislative Assembly and debate the issues, repeating what they have read, thinking all the time that their debates are genuinely based upon their own unique understandings and particular viewpoints, rather than share experienced knowledge culled from the wider world and information they have gleaned for themselves so as to enlighten each other. In debates, the winner takes all!

This is why the ‘new age’ leads to ideologues, fantasists and sectarian divides, because of this mode of reading and repeating what one has read. Original thinking is all but obliterated, and where it exists, it is limited to ‘invention’, ‘fashion’, ‘art’ and literature and corralled into a world that is carefully structured by this whole process. Thus the majority of people become mere repositories of belief.

TV and Advertising work because of this very fact.

Processed and less than optimum foods don’t help matters either.

A Violent System

What has to be understood is that this system was imposed and is inherently violent – as is the nature of the city state and industrialism. The natural child is robbed of his or her innate sensory acuity, and is practically blinded by this process, made emotionally blind because the child has to suppress his or her natural anger at this imposition in order to survive.

On top of this, parenting practices handed down over the years, from the elites, have made violence an acceptable mode of training. As Alice Miller points out a child who has been beaten or humiliated all the while being told by those they are dependent upon, those whose love they require for their own psychic development,’that this is for your own good’ must believe that admonishment, and will in turn do the same to their own children.

It was in 1986 that corporal punishment was outlawed in English State Schools, and 1996 in private Schools. At the same time, to counter that, increased testing was introduced – and we know that this increased testing has not led to an increased intellectual ability in our children. Schools were driven to meet targets in order to secure funding, and so the teachers role become that of a trainer for testing, rather than an educator. The system is designed so that tinkering with it appears to bring novel change, yet the core underlying dynamics remain in place and the power structures retain their over arching power.

If all this seems a bit too much or unlikely, than don’t take my word for it. Explore the issues I have highlighted, do your own research, check in with your own experiences and inner sensing, and decide for yourself.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it’s your gift to universe

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Fear of the Transparent Honest Child : The Natural Child

What have the designers and operators of the culture of dominance, that ideology and system of governance, education, religions and so forth that I was born into, to fear from the honest transparent child?

What kind of parent fears the honest child?

This is a question that contains an implication, which is that system of dominance does indeed fear the honest transparent child.

Bullies fear honesty.

The evidence for this is partly my personal experience, which is primary knowledge, a micro event that contains fractals of macro events within this ideology of dominant culture.

They feared me and attempted to control me. They had no empathy for the child I was.

My experience is common enough, with a wide bandwidth of abuses deemed ‘appropriate‘, from the slight to the extreme. Smacking and raising one’s voice to beatings and humiliation. Punishment and reward.

There is ample evidence from recent history, from the recorded actions and consequences of ‘rulers’ behaviour, and that of whole civilisations, that the indoctrination of all children was and remains prioritised, was and is still deemed essential.

Education loaded with reward/punishment dynamics that deliberately render the child powerless.

In essence that says those rulers did not and do not trust the natural child.

That each and every child must be taught to accept or adapt to training or coercion in ways that could be manipulated.

Hitler youth. Pop Fans. Republican or Democrat or Liberal voters. Brexit. (in the future, from whence I write this edit,)

The existence of ‘Liberal’ political parties within Western Democracy came from fear, not from empathy. The fear that if the Rulers did not make some concessions to the ruled,  trouble would stalk the land.

What is not trusted, is feared. Fear is the first justification for violence. All violence is self-interest.

Fear and hatred are twins in the hands of Power.

Why this fear, when it would appear that those in control are omnipotent, ubiquitous?

A good question... If the Rulers are so omnipotent, why are they so fearful?

What did those who abused me as a child, and what did I, when I abused my friends and bullied my children, in later years, have to fear from the honest transparent child?

Honesty first and foremost, for the honesty flags up my own crimes, flags up the Rulers crimes, clear as day. And that honesty also means that I behaving like a bully, and that the system of dominance behaviours will meet resistance. Honesty is a sign that the ideology is no longer operational.

“Stop what you are doing, I am frightened you are going to hurt me!”

Before a child gets to the point where he or she hates his parent, carer, that’s the sentence she or he would like most to utter. That and “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

The first is a command, yet the child is powerless. The first is a law of natural humane adults : no harm shall come to the children, and yes, in spite of that, the child is powerless.

The second is of course an honest question, and a demand!

The child is, of course powerless.

However the honest transparent adult is not powerless.

Far from it. Indeed she or he has far more natural power than the narcissistic controlling psychopath; the power to connect with all life, to sense that universal quality and feel the unity of life as it manifests on Earth, the home of natural human beings, as real and foundational and as a great gift.

A recognition of life as an act of supreme love.

Indoctrination is by design and intent an attempt to undermine that recognition, that source of identity. When one does not trust oneself, there is fear of self. Narcissus looked to his reflection on the water for a sense of identity. He looked without, rather than within. Approval as identity basis. If you need a mirror to see yourself it is only because you have lost who you are from within.

And the narcissistic psychopath. who has internalised the values of those who have abused him or her, can rest only when she or he feels that they have total control, over others and over nature. That control is needed to ward away the awareness of the pain of the loss of self. It is sensed as a loss of the plot......

And is therefore on a lifelong mission. Which is not yet, nor will it ever be, complete, and certainly not in the way the narcissistic psychopath might imagine. The only long term result is collapse. The strain on self and environment is too much. Nature wins. Always. Psychosis is nature calling.

Carl Rogers, and later on John Wier Perry, outlined that in the 50s, 60s and 70s and showed with the Diabasis project that psychosis was a pathway towards self-discovery, towards wholeness of the person and not to be feared, but to be taken as a call for balance. And the best assistance was empathetic companionship and what he called 'unconditional positive regard'....... Rogers trusted the innate self healing of all living cells, and sought to facilitate that self-healing. Thus he avoided Instruction. Indoctrination. Medication. And he succeeded.

Our lives are short. Our time is precious. It must be lived with as much transparent honesty as the soul, the unique sense of identity, the happening of being can craft though the agency of the body on this fertile Earth That is what the design implication of the human body experience is. Joy. In being. Oneself, transparent, relaxed. Breathing easy.

Any attempt to indoctrinate a child, as done in these dominatory cultures, is an attempt to rob that living being of that unique and innate joy-fullness, which is a grievous loss to the child; and to add insult to injury, the persons life is then manipulated to the ends of the indoctrinator :a narcissistic psychopath.

Again, let me say that when one does not trust oneself, there is fear of self. Narcissis looked to his reflection on the water for a sense of identity. He looked without, rather than within. external approval as identity basis. Image replaces sensing.

Young men and women don’t become soldiers. They are made. Trained to kill on command. Clearly those who do feel no guilt, no remorse and have no operational conscience nor friendly empathy nor will those who orchestrate such conditions be merciless. Torturers. Special Forces. Secret Police. And those who control them. They to can have no conscience. The School of the Americas. David Stirling. Idi Amin. George Bush. Pinochet.

Corrupted good people are racked with guilt. A guilt they rationalise away. A guilt they compartmentalise.

They could be soldiers, policemen, civil servants, corporate managers. You. Me.

Its always a choice. They sell their lives, their integrity. They deny their remorse, they rationalise their complicity as best they can … and they know. And they can become narcissistic psychopaths. In that corruption and complicity is a ‘gateway’ experience. Or they can acknowledge what they are doing and stop.

When more chose to stop, when more choose not to be corrupted, then the system of dominance reveals itself in whatever way to those who are complicit, to those who rationalise it’s violence. And recognition of that violence leads to honesty. Honesty to resistance.

And that is the true state of the honest, transparent adult. To resist that which is oppressive.

Interestingly enough within the project of Compulsion Schooling lies a virus, a methodology that thwarts the natural maturing process, that stills the critical thinking that arises from a naturally empathetic humane being, as most children are, that extends adolescence way beyond it’s time, that infantilises those who succumb. The archives show this clearly.

Which is why advertising works.

Obama. 2012. The Rapture. Hope. Manipulation of those who can be manipulated. For power and for profit.

As adults we have the power to resist oppression, indoctrination and propaganda in way the natural child has not, because we are now on an equal physical footing with the oppressor. THAT is why the State is armed to the teeth. Not to 'protect' people. To intimidate people.

The threat of extreme violence is all that holds the modern state and the rapacious corporation as either stands, with all the 'exported trauma' that goes with those structures : (if one lives in, say the ‘peaceful’ cities of London or Paris or Berlin or countries that claim this ‘peace‘ and believes in it, and fails to ‘see’ the externalised costs of those cities, towns and country systems, the trauma has been exported from ones awareness.).

As adults we can choose not to accept indoctrination, lies, propaganda and we can choose to confront that where we find it.

It all comes down to choice.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Interesting Texts on Child Care that form the basis for the modern State.....

"Obedience is so important to education that all education is nothing other than learning how to obey. It is a generally recognized principle that persons of high estate who are destined to rule whole nations must learn the art of governance by way of first learning obedience. Qui nescit obediere, nescit imperare: the reason for this is that obedience teaches a person to be zealous in observing the law, which is the first quality of a ruler. Thus, after one has driven out willfulness as a result of one’s first labours with children the chief goal of one’s further labours must be obedience. It is not easy, however, to implant obedience in children. It is quite natural for the child’s soul to want to have a will of its own, and things that are not done correctly in the first two years will be difficult to rectify later. One of the advantages of these early years is that force and compulsion can be used. Over the years children forget everything that happened to them in early childhood. If their wills can be broken at this time, they will never remember afterwards that they had a will, and for this very reason the severity that is required will not have any serious consequences."

From : 'An Essay on the Education and Instruction of Children' J. Sulzer 1748

"It is my view that one should never strike a child for offences they commit out of weakness. The only vice deserving of blows is obstinacy. It is wrong therefore to strike children at their lessons, it is wrong to strike them for falling down, it is wrong to strike them for wreaking harm unwittingly, it is wrong to strike them for crying; but it is right and proper to strike them for all of these transgressions and for even more trivial ones if they have committed them out of wickedness. If you son does not want to learn because it is your will, if he cries with the intent of defying you, if he does harm in order to offend you, in short, if he insists in having his own way :

The whip him, well till he cries so
oh no Papa, oh no!

Such disobedience amounts to a declaration of war against you. Your son is trying to usurp your authority, and you are justified in answering force with force in order to insure his respect, without which you will be unable to train him. The blows you administer should not be merely playful ones but should convince him that you are his master. Therefore you must not desist until he does what he previously refused out of wickedness to do."

From : 'Some Thoughts on the Education of Children' : J. Kruger 1752

These are but a few examples of the texts from the 1700s that formed the basis for Compulsory State Education, a project that originated in the Textile Factories of the North of England... as a means of training workers and controlling the masses...

Most Urban workers and managers and all the Elites treated their children in this manner, in one way or another, consciously or unconsciously, up to the the present day. Indigenous peoples rarely do, nor do peasants... in general. There are always exceptions, on both sides.

What is terrifying, to me at least, is the understanding or psychological insight that is illustrated in these tomes. THEY KNEW EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE DOING. 300 years ago! There are older texts, dating back to Roman and Spartan timers. And they too knew exactly what they were doing.

Driving out willfulness, instilling blind obedience, all through force and compulsion rationalised on the basis that they assumed ALL children were prone to 'wickedness' (a mime of Original Sin), as much as they assumed all peasants, all indigenous peoples were too. The Laws of Europe show this clearly. The Art of colonising harsh lands with petty convicts drawn form the poorest of their societies is part of the same world view.

This world view exists today, though it was only in 1998 that the UK Government banned corporal punishment in all schools. Following on from that testing and exams took a more and more important role in 'conditioning' children, justified as ever by spurious claims about needing to have some kind of way of ensuring that educational targets were being met, with various sanctions for those who fail.... being held back, insulted, humiliated, labelled with 'learning difficulty', the threat of a life of menial work etc etc as much as rewards for those who 'succeed' stars, marks, approval and 'good jobs'..... the psychological abuse taking over from the physical abuse. All of this carefully meditated. And guaranteed by an overarching enforcing bureaucracy.

Teachers are given huge amounts of paper-work to do to fill their time, are dependent upon ensuring children do go through the process for their very jobs and income, and are reduced to policing children through these exams .... simply because they have not and are not given the time to spend with the children that is required for healthy learning and exploration... and the same can be said for most parents today in our cities and towns, with both parents working, spending more of their energy on paying off mortgages than on easy time with their children.

This world view is one that Blair, Brown, Obama and Bush demonstrate in their warmongering. The Policing at G20 is more of the same. The media repeats the message most of the time.

The question raised by all this is not how come so many succumb, but how come so many even today fail to see the damage, how come so many simply accept all this, in the 21st Century ... even some of those who have awakened to their own experiences can rationalise these kinds of behaviours.

And it is the case that these world views are resilient, are internalised by those who survive, and by those who escape, (unconsciously for most - we forget those early years..) and thus they form a large part of our cultures rules and regulations (though enforced mostly against the poorer sections of our society... with the rulers getting away with murder ... De Menzes murder in Stockwell Tube Station is a case in point..Iraq? Afghanistan? Pakistan? Columbia? Bolivia?. there are many, many more examples closer to home...- nearly 30 people every year die in Police Custody, yet no police man has EVER been brought to justice for these deaths!)

Every leader over the age of 40 who has been through these kinds of damaging experiences, and is unaware of how deep the damage is, will of course inflict the same on those they 'rule', will obey the Bureaucracy and most are easily corrupted, for the weakness is inherent in someone whose will has been broken.

This is not to let them, or anyone off the hook. This is to say LOOK at these realities. UNDERSTAND what we are dealing with in Politics.

Homeschooling is under severe attack in this country as I write, and all of the above is the real WHY of that attack. The state requires that ALL CHILDREN'S minds be colonised and controlled. To the extent that we as adults seek to 'train' or 'control' our children is the extent to which we have internalised those values. To the extent that we can rationalise violence and coercion is the extent to which we have succumbed to the conditioning.

And only it is we. it is only ourselves that can undo this. That is the deepest ecological act any humane being can do - to reclaim what was lost in the past, to reclaim our true and honest identity and to learn again to think and feel for ourselves and to allow, and to also to encourage that original sensing for the next generation of children.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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