Free Food is Freedom.

Free Food IS Freedom, especially if one grows or gathers it from the land base one lives on...

Did you ever consider that of all the creatures on Earth, only the civilised are forced to BUY food?

Here's my short video song, Springtime is planting time...

Springtime is planting time, work it in my garden

I put the seed, into the ground
sit back and just hang around
the roots grow down, the shoots grow up
I sit back and the plants do their stuff

Springtime is planting time, work it in your garden

You put the seed, into the ground
sit back and just hang around
the roots grow down, the shoots grow up
you sit back and the plants do their stuff

Springtime is planting time, work it in your gardens

Free food, Free food
Free food is Freedom

Springtime is planting time, working in my garden
Summer time is growing time, I'm growing in my garden
Harvest time is harvest time, I'm living off my garden
Free food is Freedom, work it in your gardens

Springtime is planting time, work it in your gardens

We NEED edible municipal parks, edible national parks, edible hedgerows.... scatter food growing seeds wherever you go....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Manuals of Instruction : Black Pedagogy, Telling a Child What to Think

Cultures that are Hierarchies of Power are not the 'natural order'. They are entirely human creations, born out of trauma. Every child born into a culture of hierarchical power and violence suffers the slings and arrows of that creation. No child left behind. Some deal with more adversity than others.

Black Pedagogy or Poisonous Pedagogy : the process of instilling a social superego in the child, to construct a basic defence against natural drives in the child's psyche, to toughen the child for later life, and to instrumentalise the body parts and senses in favor of socially or culturally defined functions.

Gender roles are an example of culturally imposed behavioural dynamics. As are the roles of Ruler and Heir. As are the roles of Soldier, Accountant, Magistrate etc...

Tell the child what to think, use coercion to ensure compliance, and you then can control the adult for life. Even if the adult resists, that can be used too.

We know is that there is written evidence going back many thousands of years regarding concrete knowledge on the processes of imposing the adult worlds will upon the natural child. We have a long recorded history of discussions on how to 'tame' children, how to forge them into the 'ideal adult citizen'  or 'warrior' to the extent that it can be called a scientific approach, mediated intentionally by adults carried out in the name of Institutions such as Churches, Crowns, Rulers, Governance and Education.

"Give me the child until 7, and I will show you the man!" goes back as far as the Spartan culture, and further back than that...

The simplest way I can think of to describe the origins of such practice emerge from looking at the reality; that those who hold power wish always to pass that power over to those who will continue to exercise power over others in order to preserve that power indefinitely. 'My legacy, my Kingdom, my Empire'.

Those who hold power over others will want, of course, to KNOW that they can trust those to whom they pass that power to. They will want to know that the power they so assiduously built over their lifetime, and that which they may have inherited, will remain, it will expand and it will not dilute.

In order to do this, those who hold and exercise power over others have to be certain about the psychology of those to whom the power is passed..

That certainty is the certainty of the ‘trainer’ with regard to the ‘tamed’.

A thought exercise - Imagine

If you are the Leader, and have gained your power by abuse, inheritance or by guile you will want to teach your own children to follow suit; you know that they will have to be as manipulative, as well versed in human psychology, as willing to be coercive or brutal as you were in your rise to power and your maintenance of that power.

If you co-operate or compete with other rulers to retain power over large territories, this knowledge about educating the next rulers, and their servants and assuring they are psychologically attenuated to be brutal, to rule with a sense of entitlement, will be shared or stolen, and it will be applied.

 Any new learning or observation that adds to the toolkit will be recorded and added to the knowledge, and will become part of the custom, literature and behaviour that is black pedagogy.

Because power is coercive it always meets resistance, and those that are resistance always learns new ways to resist, so the rulers are forced to ever study the forms and manifestations of resistance and devise and test new methods to quell that resistance or at least neutralise it. The rulers can never relax their vigilance.

As pesticides to ‘pests’ and herbicides to ‘weeds’ ….

An example in modern times….

It is interesting that the use of Ritalin and other similar drugs correlates closely with the banning of corporal punishment of children in schools - it replaces violence as the extreme way of controlling those natural children who react against the impositions inherent in compulsion schooling. Exams and targets are the less extreme mechanism of control... less extreme in that they are designed to encourage acquiescence rather than compliance.

By saying that the children’s behaviour is ‘caused’ by some chemical imbalance, the locus of investigation and ‘blame’ is moved away from societal causes of distress or resistance.

Another element of this problem is that the parents will need to investigate their own adverse childhood experiences, their own mis-education and social conditioning as a necessary and separate task to the actuality of day to day parenting.

This is a personal task, and yet it deserves social support.

Healthy parenting demands we learn ways to avoid adverse power dynamics in the day to day parenting experience with ourselves and our own children so that we can 'get out of the child's way' of his or her natural development. Parents and children are biologically designed to grow together, each maturing the other..

That requires some basic understanding of the natural child, it is helped if the dynamics of controlling others to protect oneself from hidden wounds and the suppressed feelings is also understood.

The problem for parents is they have to accept what for most parents is most difficult - that they have been 'set up' by the ruling class of this society and are not to be blamed or shamed for any of this, but must yet face it.

The good news is that children who are allowed their natural development will help the parents by being a natural and actual source of experience and information that helps the parents recognise where they are blocking or controlling their children to ward off awareness of their own wounds... and then the parent can take time to reflect on their own experience and heal it by working through to their original natural child perspective

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The Natural Child, Authority and The Problem of Civilisation

some research on the nature of the parent child relationship within the hunter gatherer culture

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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An inconvenient fact

The work of exposing and understanding all the ramifications of the inherent abuses that arise from the adults world views that are imposed or coercive with regard to child rearing practices and how that dynamic reverberates around societies as a power relationship is the most radical approach, in that it encompasses ALL single issues, because it transcends gender, race, religion, spirituality, economics, environmental concerns, psychological concerns, location and any other single or combined locus or focus for resistance or change; it is grounded in material reality, is proven and well researched : this approach wins all arguments as to what to do in that there is no counter answer to this claim, no data worthy to counter it, no other analysis that reaches so deep into the human psyche..

This approach immediately includes ALL human activity as it is the base of all human activity, we are all born as natural children, and if one advocates for one child, it must be for all children, for all time.... there can be no exception to this that is not a dilution of the thesis, and as such a betrayal of the core aim : an empathetic humane society living in balance within nature, where coercion is a word that has no meaning, where the act of hunting and gathering is a sacred act, replete with all that makes life truly sacred - unconditional love.

Unconditional love allows no lies, confronts abuse in all forms, favours none and fears none. That is the essence of the natural child.

So, the gauntlet is thrown. Are you with the natural child, or not?

Do not answer this question, for there is no gauntlet to throw... it's merely a turn of phrase often used. I am making a counter point to the duality that leadership imposes on followers.

What is important is to feel into this issue and to allow your most honest and fearless responses to emerge..... who knows where that will flow? I don't, that's for sure.

we all start here

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Natural Children Victims of This Crime

This song is for all the millions of natural children harmed by priests all over the world, over the past 100 years, calling on all people to recognise this horrific crime, and to support the survivors with all the empathy and compassion you can muster, to use whatever means at your disposal to engage and confront the Catholic Church and demand immediate accountability and suitable reparations and if those are not forthcoming in an open and transparent way, to call for a total disestablishment of the Catholic Church and all it's institutions wherever they may be,  that they be hounded from every corner of this Earth for the dark deeds they have enabled..... Spun Apologies and cant will not suffice....

Natural Children

Natural children

Walking on this Earth

Natural Children

Natural Children

in the place of their birth

Natural Children

Natural Children

Victims of this Crime

Natural Children

Natural Children

Frightened all the time

Natural Children

Natural Children

When will we draw the line?

Natural Children Natural Wisdom

When will we draw the line?

Natural Children

Natural Wisdom

Actual Wisdom 

Act on the wisdom

of Natural Children

When will we draw the line?

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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