On Human 'Rights'.

The concept of 'human rights' has a serious flaw, in that 'rights' are granted, by some form of authority, and equally can be withdrawn, or altered in definition, as we see. This flaw leads to and emerges from an acceptance of Authority, a percieved need for Hierarchy, which has no correlate in the Natural World which we are, biologically speaking, an expression of.

Culture and Biology are very different, with this in mind: The core biological functioning of every living cell is to improve the habitat for all life. This is easily observed in the wild. That same fundmental applies to us as bio-logical organisms.

It is therefore more appropriate to speak of innate and natural expectations that if fulfilled, lead to optimum health, not only fot the organism, but for the entire habitat. Air to lungs, food to the belly, light to eyes, EMF singlas to tiny cells rigged for perception in that manner, faeces to ground and to bacterial breakdown into metabolised nutrients.

Being innate and intrinsic, they cannot be granted, but simply recognised and responded to appropriately, so as to improve the habitat for all life. Or not. They cannot be denied, simply obstructed. They are ever present, even in the moment of darkest oppression.

Being a biological imperative, they operate from the grass roots UPWARDS, and in reality, all directions, as Nature is a non-linear living process.

One the fundamental of this is recognised, and integrated, a different discourse regarding the welfare of people and plant must arise.

It is one long overdue.

As for human conflict being inevitable, it is not. Choice is always present. Informed choice is a distinct possibility.


Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Freedom and Response Ability

The ability to respond appropriately so as to enhance the living environment for all life is not a burden; if anything it is a liberation! 


 It is also a biological imperative, and it absolutely inhere's to all natural living processes.


The responsibilty of those who refuse to do so, to respond apropriately, for whatever reason, is indeed a burden. 


Hence the denial. Hence the ultimate futility of that denial, for it is a prison of one's own making. 


In a world of many prisons, that is the one most tractable, the easiest to escape. 


Make your way to freedom.


Let ruthless self-honesty be your chain breaker. 


Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Institutional ‘care’ is abusive in it’s current form : that is the reality.

Institutional ‘care’ is abusive in it’s current form : that is the reality.

Workers within State, Church, and within Private Care systems (which are businesses first and foremost) know this. Most ignore it, and carry on doing their job. These are tough times, and there are tougher times ahead. It is true that this work is not easy, yet it is also true that the Institutional Systems do NOT make that workk any easier, for patients or the workers.

Top heavy with Administrative Management, driven by 19th Century perspectives and attitudes towards psychological distress, those who ‘receive’ that care know it too. And they frequently tell those who are ‘caring for them’ this. 

http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00pccch - Gerry Robinson on Elderly Care Homes
http://news.bbc.co.uk/panorama/hi/front_page/newsid_9053000/9053378.stm - one story of a boy called Conor

The management and workers, for the most part, take this is further ‘evidence’ of the ‘illness’ of those in their care. How dare they criticise those whose daily work is to take ‘care’ of them, this, of course, drives the ‘clients’ into further depths of retreat from the world around them.

Billions of Pounds. Dollars, Euros, Yen and Rupees are spent every year on these systems of care, and a large percentage of those funds are taken off as profits by the suppliers to this vast Industry.

The ward workers, that is those who ‘work’ with the patients, the recipients of care, are typically the least trained and the least well paid.

Those with ‘careers’ with the care systems are psychologically trained as ‘teams’ of mutually supportive people engaged in a difficult yet necessary job; and the fundamental rule of the team is to support the team. Always support the team. Only constructive criticism is allowed. This is what they are taught from day one.

Critical analysis is impossible in such an environment that does not take the criticisms of those who are receiving the care provided.

This translates into being told that any critical analysis that might arise from within the team, no matter how well explained or justified, is ‘negative’ in that it is not supporting the team. “You are being negative. You are breaking the team!”

“Whose side are you on?”

No mention of the non-team on the other non-side, the recipients of the ‘care’ the ‘team’ is supposedly ‘providing’. No real advocacy for those real human beings, as vulnerable people in an invulnerable system.

No mention of the now widely known and well understood dynamics of intergenerational distress and abuse that lead to severe breakdowns of a persons psyche. No mention of the feelings and sensing’s of those who are so troubled by these dynamics, through no fault of their own, and who do not ‘fit in’, who give the lie to the illusion of Society and it’s assumed beneficence.

Psychological Distress is not a life choice.

Blame is not an appropriate word to assign to those whose natural response ability has, for whatever reason, broken down. Control is not an appropriate response to the presence of people whose psychological distress is evident.

Lacking in real empathy, administering more control than care, the systems of ‘care’ as they currently exist are in reality a deepening of the abuse dynamics that led to the psychological distress in the first place.

And the massive and widespread denial of these facts is akin to the actions and mind-set of The Vatican, as it avoids any calls for true empathic response ability, with regard to the many hundreds of thousands of children who have been abused whilst in it’s ‘care’.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe 

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Media Miss the Point, Again...... this is infuriating!

 A head line for October 14 2010  :

Tax investigation could land Pope with €8bn bill
European Commission to investigate exemption allowing the Vatican to avoid paying £2bn a year levy on 100,000 properties
By Michael Day in Milan


"The development is the latest blow to an institution that has been rocked by an annus horribilis following the global clerical paedophilia scandal that broke earlier this year, and investigations into money laundering."

What is wrong with the media?

For 20 years or more Survivors of Church abuse have been bringing their stories as EVIDENCE not only of the abuse, but of the cover-up of the abuse and the active protection of abuser priests from public scrutiny and prosecution. For 20 years an more, Survivors have suffered delays, obstruction, mis-understanding, fear and resistance to the truth from almost every quarter.


What an utter falsehood! This 'story' broke many, many years ago!

Consistently, it is NOT survivors who write these articles, it is NOT Survivors whose opinions and insights are sought after, it is not Survivors who are asked for ideas on the possible resolution, it is not Survivors who are asked for their insights into how Power Relationships operate within the Society they were, unfortunately for them, born into.

The not so silent Survivors have no real voice in the media.

Why? What possible excuse or rationalisation is there for that abscence?

It is bad enough that the EU sees fit to 'probe' into the Taxation Status of The Vatican, yet has not launched a 'probe' into the endemic problem of the mistreatment and abuse of children in the 'care' of The Church; but that no-one inthe media no-one comments sensibly on this glaring omission is frankly unforgiveable, and represents an appaling abdication of mature response ability!

It speaks of a clear and widespread lack of empathy for Survivors and a profund mis-understanding of the nature of the problem, or worse. .....

An attempt to avoid facing this problem square on, for whatever reasons, abandons Survivors, abandons current victims and indictes the media as much as the The Vatican, the protectors of the abuser priests themselves.


Let Survivors tell their stories, for they HAVE survived, and they are many, and their paths to resolution, in as much as it has been possible, within their own lives are each a unique struggle for liberation, a font of lived wisdom.

Without their wisdom, you KNOW NOTHING!

And finally, to compare the Popes current problems with those of the Queen in recent years is ludicrous; yet there is dark mirth in it all....

Anus Horribilus!


Kindest regards 


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The Ceremony of Expulsion and Cleansing

 This is the text of the Ceremony held outside Westminster Cathedral on 10-10-10 in London.

All actions are seeds, seeding the future, all actions have consequences that cannot be avoided, all actions are choices made. Make your choice, live with the consequences.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

We call on and represent the spirit and energy of life, of the natural world, of which you and I am a living part, which permeates every cell of my being, of which we are all a part, and which permeates every cell of our being, which inhere’s in our very existence, which many past carriers of wisdom, including he known as Jesus Christ brought as their shared learnings, to help clarify the un-clear, to make honest the dishonest, to respond with all strength to the dysfunction of the lack of empathy that typifies your Institution and all like Institutions, to flood through,  and to wash away, so as to cleanse this place of all that dysfunction and all thoughts and deeds that mask that dysfunction, such that the Natural Principle of Nurturance may now take precedence over the false and artificial Principle of Dominance.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.
To The Vatican and The Pope, we say this; we are calling you to listen to these words and to see these actions as being the natural response ability of natural people, under common Law, upon which all other Laws are founded.

That Law is ‘all is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children!”

You have broken that Law, into many millions of shards of pain, each shard a human life, a sacred and precious gift of Nature, a life destroyed, and we, and all our common ancestors and relatives, are declaring this for it is true, and we have come to say ENOUGH! And to reject and repudiate any authority you claim, to expose the fallacy of your lies, to unmask the cruelty of your actions. You are now made as naked in the eyes of Nature. Your power is nothing without your violence. You are now made as naked in the eyes of the people. You are nothing – a No-thing.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

In the void, the newly empty space once made to appear occupied by your teachings and actions, by your fine clothes, your grandiose and repugnant wealth and by fine buildings, Nature now re-seeds life.

Mother Nature now nurtures life so as to improve that habitat, the living conditions for all life. Nature will now metabolise the remains of your body, the fears and darknesses of your philosophy,  and your deeds and in so doing release those materials for natural living processes.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

(Water is sprinkled)

From this moment onwards and for all time, in all directions from this point, all those whom you beguiled and imprisoned are set free, for you are no more. Neither fear nor shame will impinge upon their hearts.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother Nature, that which nurtures life, has been called and has responded, as she always does, to give forth new life and to express herself in the hearts, actions and in the lives of her creations, and in particular the hearts and minds of all natural people.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

(Water is sprinkled)

In place of enforced the old coercive order, in place of this Institution and all Institutions like it, intrinsic and empathetic co-operation, the natural self organisation and wisdom inherent to natural living process now emerges, as the freedom to grow as a healthy, robust and vibrant part of the life of Earth with gratitude, respect and a joyous embrace of the sensory wonder of being alive, which all life expresses.

(Water is sprinkled)

 All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother Nature, and all her children, let us now bear witness to this exorcism, this repudiation of a dysfunctional system of coercion and proclaim, yea let us sing of the new life and the joyous recognition from the loving heart of life itself, within the hearts of each of her children. Together we banish the psyche of this Institution and all others like it from our midst. Begone! You are a no-thing.

 All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother Nature, we accept the nurturance of your wisdom. And we know now, in our hearts, in our minds and in our bodies, that we are with you, we are of you and that we will live as your expression of life, and that all illusions of division are shattered, that war between mother and child, father and mother, brother and sister is finished, over, and that the philosophies of coercion are now finally and permanently discredited.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

 (A candle is lit, the papers are burnt)

All actions are choices. All actions have consequences. All choices must be accounted for between men, women and children. This is the light that shall never be extinguished. You will NEVER kill the will to grow free This is the light never to be extinguished. You, of this Institution and all others like it, to you collective psyche and will I say this and declare : your own hatred will eat you up and spit you out, and the lies will be no more. This is the light never to be extinguished.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother Nature calls now, to all of her children, to walk in freedom and true responsive autonomy, to live with empathy, to act with compassion, to feel the vibrant joy of being nurtured and of nurturing and to take part in the healing of wounds, the recovery of forest and plain, and to receive the gifts of life as free men and free women. As nature ever intended!

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother and Father Nature, I call on you now to enter these places and to absolutely penetrate and permanently permeate these old and fallen places of what was once called worship and to breathe into them the air of your nurturance, to render these places as places of comfort, sanctuary and honest reflection, open in all directions, to all people, that the true meaning of love be the lies will be no action, content and form.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother and Father Nature!

Enter into the land and make it a common garden again, where yours and mine is abolished, and all things are held in common so that all may eat and prosper.
Mother Nature in your name and in our children’s name, and in our own names, we fully reclaim your world, we honour and align with your nurturance and we call you back to our hearts and our lands, that together we make it that all are free to eat, to thrive, to live as Nature intends.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother and Father Nature. Enter into the former places of power and dissolve the greed and violence that remains there. Dismantle the weapons of death and bring final peace and love to all nations. For what was prophesied has come to pass: they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning forks: the lion shall lie down with the lamb, and man shall not learn war anymore. For the old order has passed away forever.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

God and Goddess of creation, Mother and Father Nature in whom we live and breathe and know our being, we bless and praise you for bringing us through the long night into the light of your eternal nurturance. Help us now and forever to live and proclaim with one heart and voice these words:

Our Mother and Father, who dwell among us, your name is sacred, your children are sacred. Thy world, which births us, which nurtures our very being, which holds us in relationships of love and honour, has come, is here, is being lived and is eternal and Thy unity which holds us has been re-established. We are the bread that will feed the world, as forgiveness with integrity shall mend all that has been torn. The darkness has gone. For your Nurturance and Intent is established amongst the people, now and evermore.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Go now to live and love in the light of the new creation, walk with Mother and Father Nature, within you and among you. It is accomplished.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

All actions are seeds, seeding the future, a future that belongs to all our children, and all actions have consequences that cannot be avoided, all actions are choices made. Make your choice, live with the consequences. Do no expect your children to accept the consequences of any action taken that is dysfunctional – to do so is to abuse your own children, and all children.

         All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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