Bully systems, projection, social conditioning and optimal biological health behaviours.

This is the core of human integrity.

Our egalitarian ancestors were biologically healthy in the truest sense of the terms, utterly sustainable (Austrlian Aboriginals peoples are 60,000+ plus years of continious culture, who thrived through two massive climate changes without losing genetic diversity...)

Biological health includes healthy bonding, healthy sense of self and community, sensitivity, active liminal consciousness, empathy, creativity and robust health, in large part because their environment is clean and there is plenty of varied physical activity involved in living in the wild..

The ability to notice and respond to enviornmental changes is also part of that healthy biolgical mandate... ad thatand get this - ALL this behaviour is learned, none of it programmed by genetics, all of it influencing and thus influenced by epi-genetics and situation/circumstance of growing enviornment.

For example the eye is programmed to see, but what it sees is largely learned - people from vastly different environments see in the same manner, but what they are attuned to notice in the most subtle of environmental variations is learned, by experience and either would be lost in the others environment. Eskimo's in the Desert, Bedouin in the Rain Forest.

We live within a bully social system, that is itself and institutionalised unresolved post-trauma outcome.

Which is why the tradition of describing nature as 'brutal' , as a struggle for survival, is simply a aprojection of the brutality of the hierarchical mind-set - bullies are fundamentally insecure, and so for them life is a struggle for control. And so of course they will project that onto the world, and seek to rationalise that stance in the protection of their status, their ability to bully effectively.

Hey ho - I know who we are.

And we are not of the Institutional mind, even as we are conditioned by it...

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

100 years since WWI Armistice.

Here's three images that contain  useful information.

The first two are the results of a survey of 'un-developed' indigenous, tribal, aboriginal societies... it reveals some clear patterns about social behavioural characterisitcs.. Check it out...


This survey makes clear that some societies are bully systems, and others are not, that there is a spectrum of behaviours that emerge, and the key in terms of violence, abuse and bullying is the way the society relates to and treats their children. There is further evidence gathered since then to show how this plays out in bio-social-psychological detail.

Empathy is healthy, bullying is not.
This is the core of human integrity.

Our egalitarian ancestors were biologically healthy in the truest sense of the word, utterly sustainable (Austrlian Aboriginals peoples are 60,000+ plus years of continious culture, who thrived through two massive climate changes without losing genetic diversity...)

Biological health includes healthy bonding, healthy sense of self and community, sensitivity, active liminal consciousness, empathy, creativity and robust health because the food is clean and there is plenty of varied physical activity involved in living in the wild..

The ability to notice and respond to enviornmental changes is also part of that healthy biolgical mandate... ad thatand get this - ALL this behaviour is learned, none of it programmed by genetics, all of it influencing and thus influenced by epi-genetics and situation/circumstance of growing enviornment.

For example the eye is programmed to see, but what it sees is largely learned - people from vastly different environments see in the same manner, but what they are attuned to notice in the most subtle of environmental variations is learned, by experience and either would be lost in the others environment. Eskimo's in the Desert, Bedouin in the Rain Forest.

We live within a bully social system, that is itself and institutionalised unresolved post-trauma outcome.

Wghich is why the tradition of describing nature as 'brutal' , as a struggle for survival, is a aprojection of the brutality of the hierarchical mind-set - bullies are fundamentally insecure, and so for them life is a struggle for control.

Hey ho - I know who we are.

And we are not of the Institutional mind, even as we are conditioned by it...

Now this....

I created this as a memorial to all those who have been murdered in wars.....

There are many people who survie war, who live with the trauma, the flash backs, the fear, the confusion, the depression, the desperation, the loss, the grief, the hatred and the love, courage, resilience and the urge to heal - way beyond the troops who 'serve'...

Trump claimed that some "just are not strong enough to handle it."

He was trying to be honest....even kind, in his strange way....

What he missed was that no-one is strong enough to endure chronic, organised violence and no-one ought ever be put in that position, not least civilians... we are not biologically adapted for such behaviour.

100 years on.

No-one ever needs war.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Living in a Bully Social System. Bully, Bully, Bully and The Disabled.

We live within a social power system, a bully system, that we did not create.

It's not what our biology was expecting.…

1. One can live with as much personal integrity as possible, as the first step. Ruthless self honesty, total honouring of one's mind, body and being as a biological wonder designed for nurture. Extending that to all you meet, every day, as the mood takes you. Recognising that in all life. De-colonise oneself. Return to full human health, as biology intends.

2. One can also organise, with others to create safe communities. It helps if one is aware that the historical creation of the material social power system places us in historical situations - thus past, present and future becomes our context for action, which is informed by experience, (the past) as action is taken in the present, with envisioned impacts, and paying close attention to outcomes in the future, which further inform our efforts.

Feed back. Better feed back, than blow back.

The task is long term, longer than any single human life time... it is multi generational.

Do one's bit, cheerfully, with full passion, in one's area of skill, talent, aspiration, afinity, and with due diligence. And remember - The bacteria are the base of the forest. They are the base of me, and of you.

Bullying is not a biologically mandated evolved behaviour.

Social organisaiton based on healthy humane bonding is. Bullying

A version of what is known as The BioPsychoSocial Medical Model applied to assessing and relgulation of Disability Social Support.

A US think tank co-opts insight to generate twisted judgementalist medicalily peverse justifications for limiting support for disabled people by focusing on 'attitude'....'like, domore exercise...', 'get a job'.... etc

The amoral background to the UK New Labour/Conservative/LibDem lpong term neoliberal policy that is bullying disabled folk to death in the UK today....

- Blaming The Victim, all over.

A superb, clear and easy to read paper that examines the DWP's 'biopsychosocial medical miodel' basis for WCA, it's origins, and it's validity.

And it's outcomes.

Read about how a US Corporate think tank associated with the Health Insurance Industry directly influenced British policy design and implementation, in the back ground, in ways the EU could never occasion.

How that policy was clearly understood - that it would induce a nudge - a 'stress' to alter claimants behaviour positively, to urge/help them into work, upon an already chronically stressed demographic, leading to deaths.... and was still pursued.

Lord Freud supported this. It's in the Parliamentary record, Hansard.

Descendant of Siggy Freud. Relative of Edward Bernays. Nudge.

19th Century blame the distressed psychology

Identified as a non-medical functional assessment, the Waddell-Aylward biopsychosocial (BPS) assessment model was created at the Centre for Psychosocial and Disability Research (the Centre), at Cardiff University, when sponsored with £1.6million by Unum (Provident) Insurance, who had been official UK government advisers on “welfare claims management” since 1994.

Commissioned by the DWP, The Scientific and Conceptual Basis of Incapacity Benefits was rapidly produced at the Centre in 2005, with the recommendation that the medical model should be disregarded when assessing claimants for out-of-work disability benefit.

The totally discredited Waddell-Aylward BPS assessment model as used for the WCA disregards the diagnosis, prognosis and past medical history of the ESA claimant. Deaths were always inevitable.

- DWP Policy based on flawed papers, which when peer reviewed are found to be utterly false.

AUSTERITY was just the latest phase.


In other words, wholly avoidable harm causation was not avoided, in pursuit of an ideological policy. People died as a direct result.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Hype is a clue. Always. Rotherham, Race and predatory abuse.

Abuse of Power

It's a behaviour pattern.

A pattern of behaviour..

It's not skin tone related, nor is it genetic, and it is certainly an unhealthy behaviour, even though it is frequently institutionalised within violent hierarchies.

It happens in homes, institutions, criminal networks, in private.. it's a cultural marker, as much as is Commerce or War,

It happens to be Institutionalised across the corporate and religious domains.

It's a behaviour pattern.

Pedophiles - one variation of the predatory psyche as it is expressed within this culture - will insinuate themselves into the lives of those around the target, so that if the target speaks out, it threatens the circle of trust and they cover up, deny, run him out of town, but keep it quiet... They will also seek out targets who are abandoned, neglected and present with other vulnerabilities,

When the council's are running 'care systems' that routinely fail vulnerable children, then it's obvious that that predatory cohort will be targeted.

Predatory criminal behaviour is the key here, not skin tone. Volition, the choice to abuse another person.
People who hype the race card narrative, or the 'elite pedophiles' meme who are using the horrific lived experience of courageous Survivors for political leverage, are behaving like bullies, and they undermine the work of Survivors and their advocates by using the Survivors experience as a political polemic.

I am saddened when ever I see the hype.

Survivors deserve so much more than that..

They deserve honesty, transparency, understanding, compasssion, support and a proper hearing.

They are at the vanguard of the efforts towards detection and prevention of further abuse, as a cultural act of social justice and accountability.

Not the politicians. Not the hype activists. Not Tommy.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Brexit 101, and an odd thing.

There's a HUGE problem here and I want to open up about it.

Grooming and Manipulation

As long as the polarised leave/remain dynamic is dominant among media and politicians, and others, and the people who are being triggered and enervated are seeking to 'win', on all sides, no one is acknowledging that they have been groomed, gaslighted and emotionally manipulated to hate the other side.

That's a serious vulnerability.

I see people on both sides dehumanising the other as a result.

It's appalling behaviour.

It is THE problem, here, not the decision itself.

We have been socially conditioned to not see manipulative bullying when it happens, and we are unable to name it, and confront it it our offices, and our civil and political lives.

So here's the way forwards...

..... taking back control 101

We the grass roots want and deserve an honesty in political, civil and economic policy design, implementation and review.

The problems are not of the EU alone.

They are of the existing hierarchicaly system of power, currently occupied by a small minority of local and global oligarchs placemen.

Putting Tony Blair and all who voted and promoted for the Invasion of Iraq on trial would be my version of #takingbackcontrol #nowthatswhaticalltakingbackcontrol

It's not on the Brexit menu,

How odd!

We the people, the grass roots taxpayers and voters and non voters all deserve honesty and transparent in political and civil administration.

That much we can all agree on.

How odd!

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Take a Moment, Ownership, Misogyny and Climate Change.

It is often stated that the problems we facing are "everything to do with land distribution/equality, wealth distribution/equality, resource distribution/equality, and the lack of.."
Hmmmm..  fairer wealth distribution….? seems so far away, so bright!

Even if we have equitable distribution of wealth, power, land and technology would that culture leave the aboriginal peoples living on undeveloped lands to sustain their ancient tenure?
Wealth itself is problematic. It's an institutional concept:

The Moment
Margaret Atwood
The moment when, after many years
of hard work and a long voyage
you stand in the centre of your room,
house, half-acre, square mile, island, country,
knowing at last how you got there,
and say, I own this,
is the same moment when the trees unloose
their soft arms from around you,
the birds take back their language,
the cliffs fissure and collapse,
the air moves back from you like a wave
and you can't breathe.
No, they whisper. You own nothing.
You were a visitor, time after time
climbing the hill, planting the flag, proclaiming.
We never belonged to you.

You never found us.
It was always the other way round"

Margaret Atwood - 'The Moment'

Is wealth a healthy concept, when it results, in material terms in the degrading of the environmental abundance that is so freely available, easily nurtured.
What is healthy behaviour for the biological human social species?
Try explaining all that stuff about freedom, and gender roles, to healthy egalitarian pre-conquest cultures, and they'd think you desperately ill in your soul.
For egalitarian healthy adults, freedom is not a concept they play with. There's no need. They are born and live free, because they eschew power play. Egalitarian.
If we today are are talking about freedom, it is because we live in a social dynamic where the urge to control, to dominate, is common place, overt and covert. Misogyny is a fine example of how liberals and intelligentia keep missing the root.
It has nothing to do with gender, even as it presents if it were.
It has everything to do with 'property' - that one can do as one wishes to one's own property (without consideration of the environmental outcomes of what ever action is taken) because ownership is entitlement to control. Religions claim ownership by virtue of their God. Kingdoms, by Divine Right, by virtue of their violence and business acumen. Blessed by God. Misogyny is a fallacy built to enable the owning/bullying of women, and their children, as part of a system of hierarchies of power and violence. Not because they were/are women or children, but because they were/are viewed as property. The possessive relationship, that needs contractual guarantees.
Margaret Atwoods poem' The Moment' speaks to me of a sense or a context of masculinity and femininity that is ecologically deeper, more fundamental to the health of our species than those on offer within the dominating psyche, or those offered up in dissenting reaction to that dominating psyche.
Nature nurtures, and that is all nature does.
So yeah, freedom from the self-limiting desire to frame freedom from within a prison, to gain better freedoms, within that prison.
As soon as one enters into the 'owning' psyche, one closes the doors of perception, the sensitivities that that enable one to connect fully as a part of the world, totally connected to the environment within which one lives.
The idea of that 'withdrawal' by Nature, Gaia, Mother Earth is an echo of the wrath of God, which is a belief, and a scientific and logical fallacy.
Nature nurtures, and that is all nature does. Earth is also a dynamic environment, constantly changing at every level, in vastly differening time frames, and all emergent organisms are designed to respond to those changes in ways that support the biological health of both species and environment. Not worrying about freedom leaves one open to that. Being oppressed pushes that into the background. And it is always there. It just takes a moment to re-connect.
So yeah, freedom from the self-limiting desire to frame freedom from within a prison, to gain better freedoms, within that prison.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.