The Truth About Poverty - it is deliberately maintained, and why imposing judgemental caricature of the impoverished as the mainstream narrative is so important.

The Truth About Poverty - it is deliberately maintained, and why imposing judgemental caricature of the impoverished as the mainstream narrative is so important.

"The silver lining in an otherwise grim landscape is that the disastrous right-wing grip on public policy has been shattered. Truss was right on one thing: it is an imperative the country breaks out of economic stagnation. The alternative to trickle-down economics is to raise public and private investment along with rising exports, the universal drivers of economic growth. Britain needs a step change upwards in public investment and it needs to recast its financial and ownership system to foster the great companies that innovate and invest."

The Observer Lead Opinion Sunday 16 October 2022

Nothing about poverty, let alone the fact that poverty is deliberately inculcated, intentionally maintained, the impoverished constantly gaslighted, with great human harm as a consequence .... and as it happens, no - the neoliberal grip has not been shattered, they are flexing it, and there's more to come.

Middle Class myopia. Hope. Unfortunately, growth of the economy does not correlate with a robust, happy pulse of the health, welfare and safety of the population. It is not an accurate measure, taken on it's own. 

The Observer headline for this rather dull witted passage: Patronising bollocks.

None of this is new, none of this poverty is necessary.

The lived experience and the meaning of social mutual aid, and it's absence.

2008 - The Subprime Lending Fraud collapses, States bail out fraudulent system. Poverty increases, wealth accumulation increases. Austerity and Big Society, tiny state. 

'The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better'
 was published in 2009. 

"Written by Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson, the book highlights the "pernicious effects that inequality has on societies: eroding trust, increasing anxiety and illness, (and) encouraging excessive consumption". 

It shows that for each of eleven different health and social problems: physical health, mental health, drug abuse, education, imprisonment, obesity, social mobility, trust and community life, violence, teenage pregnancies, and child well-being, outcomes are significantly worse in more unequal rich countries."

Source :

2022 - Things are not improving, are they? War budgets and Billionaires wealth are increasing in line with the increase of poverty. 

The Truth About Poverty

Everything we think we know about poverty is probably incorrect, a caricature of the impoverished, designed to mislead us. 

The Truth About Poverty - and why it is deliberately maintained, and why imposing judgemental caricature as the mainstream narrative is so important.

We see all around us, above us, besides us, below us - an institutional culture of deliberate judgemental paternalistic societally enforced snobbery, for profit. 

People must be taught to see the poor as having only themselves to blame 'because people are flawed and selfish and lazy. Inferior.'

What of the 'advice' given to the poor from that perspective?

Pull up your socks?

Whereas the truth is much simpler - most people are decent, honest and caring. And most people are living with near intolerable levels of chronic stress.

Why so decent? Because it's so much healthier. That's just common sense. Food banks, local charities, applause for health care workers, raises for all workers, peace and a clean environment. No more than what we need for a genuinely healthy life. Decency. Humanity. Community. These are all real political forces if we truly understood their potency.

Rutger Bergman gets into the detail, in the video just above - it's a friendly chat.

Make a cup of team sit back, open the popcorn, switch off the phone, take it all in. This is healthy science meets social care as an economic commons at it's very best.

Given our general good nature, what's happened to our perception of one another?

This raises the question as to why the caricature of poverty and the theme of the selfish individual remain as existential assumptions within the narratives of the established political and economic system, irrespective of ideology, creed, 


Maintaining the dominance of Corporations and Wealth over the people, as it is,  is cruelty beyond imagination.

Kindest regards


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The Labour Files : Bullying in Politics, how it operates. Bystanders are faced with a choice - enable or disable the bullies.

The Labour Files : Al Jazeera has tens of thousands of documents that reveal an internal series of dirty campaigns to get rid of Socialist members, using false allegations to engineer dismissals, there was intimidation, slander, racism, minor incidents escalated, spurious charges of breaking party rules and even misogyny against targets, and even when there are witnesses who confirm the alleged offences did not occur, the purge continued without regard. Appalling behaviour.

Listen to the words of Wimborne-Idrissi. She was interviewed for ‘The Labour Files’ and gave her view afterwards here In particular this is the most important question we all need to ask, and answer, and be accountable.

‘If I were to have a face to face discussion with Keir Starmer, I would ask him does he seriously believe that the people of this country want a party in which the sort of injustices and abuses that were revealed in the Al Jazeera files take place. People will ask the question, if you cannot manage dissent and honest debate in your own party, how on earth can you presume to stand as the leader of the government of a nation?’

It is a vital and disturbing question that remains unanswered.

It's not about anti-Semitism, it's not about Racism, it's not about Misogyny - it's about bullying in politics, how it is operated as a strategic and tactical weapon. It's one thing to be faced with an office bully - it's another matter when it is co-ordinated action by a large group of people aimed at another group.

He knew, he knew all along.

The Labour Files documentary reveals a dramatic tip of the iceberg of a sordid callous cold behavioural dynamic within a so-called socialist workers party. A culture of bullying fully institutionalised and deployed as a tactical weapon against decent, honourable people willing to put effort into forming a more healthy, humane and body politic, a genuinely just and equitable social agenda of State Governance and International Relations.

Very few people, when put to the test, have the integrity and moral courage to stand up against bullying, harassment, abuse, threats and corruption. The targets of adult bullying are selected often because they DO have the moral courage to challenge; many people will pass by on the other side.

A target of adult bullying is most often chosen because of their strength, not their weakness. Research shows that targets of bullying tend to have highly developed empathy, and sensitivity for others, a high degree of perceptiveness, high moral values, a well-developed integrity, a strong sense of fair play and reasonableness, a low propensity to violence, a reluctance to pursue grievance, disciplinary or legal action, a strong forgiving streak and a mature understanding of the need to resolve conflict with dialogue. "

Source :

And it makes perfect sense. This one blog article is a genuine resource for anyone trying to understand what is being done, and I think that it is also a useful lens to try out, when trying to peer through the fog of war.

The Innocent and the Guilty. The Strong and the Weak. 
In that order, Left to Right.

Bystanders within The Labour Party at all levels are now faced with a choice - support those who were targeted and attacked, and do so in public, so that all can see, in order to disable the bullies, or enable more of the same. They have the evidence and now the ball is in their court. They need to ace it.

It is not an easy task. Not many people understand enough about how bullying really works.

This blog post (see below), from Kitty Jones, 'How Bullying In Politics Works' will prove an invaluable resource for all those afflicted by the bullying The Labour Files has laid out.

They say that Politics is distinct from Healthy Governance in that Politics is about  the struggle for power, a war waged to gain access to leveraged power, for good or for ill. Of course, all involved will claim fervently their case is for good. 

Healthy Governance on the other hand is the best practice management of a communities or countries shared resources, their shared environment, their shared equity and wealth, for the best welfare of all concerned, especially those who are most vulnerable. 

What 'The Labour Files' documentaries and trove of documents reveal is the dark side of politics in the pure form, designed to thwart healthy Governance, in full swing within Labour, a party purporting to represent the interests of workers as a counter weight to the influence of the owners, Capital as some describe - whom I like to call the Wealth Extraction and Accumulation Faction - who extract wealth and accumulate it as a political and cultural weapon, in order to maintain their position as a dominant political, economic and cultural hegemon.

Bystanders within the Labour Party must now get off their comfortable fences and act. 

The 330,000 Austerity deaths and 240,000 COVID deaths caused by the deliberate mismanagement of successive Conservative Governments over a 12 year period ought to urge them onwards, to prove that there are decent people who can take robust action when the time arrives for such action. That time was then and is now.

----- the following are excerpts from the blog.-----

"Very few people, when put to the test, have the integrity and moral courage to stand up against bullying, harassment, abuse, threats and corruption.

A target of adult bullying is most often chosen because of their strength, not their weakness

Research shows that targets of bullying tend to have highly developed empathy, and sensitivity for others, a high degree of perceptiveness, high moral values, a well-developed integrity, a strong sense of fair play and reasonableness, a low propensity to violence, a reluctance to pursue grievance, disciplinary or legal action, a strong forgiving streak and a mature understanding of the need to resolve conflict with dialogue. 

Often, targets of bullying are independent, self-reliant and “different” in some way. Weak people often disingenuously confuse these hallmarks of character with weakness.

Bullies aim to inflict psychological injury more often than physical injury. Their main aim is to control, discredit, isolate and eliminate their target.

The word “victim” also allows disingenuous people to tap into and stimulate other people’s misconceptions and prejudices of victimhood which include the inference that the person was somehow complicit in the abuse. (See just-world fallacy and victim-blame narrative). So I use the word “target”, which is also accurate because bullying involves the intentional singling out of a person for abuse.

Introduction to the Serial Bully – “Perhaps the most easily recognisable Serial Bully traits are:

  • Jekyll and Hyde nature – Dr Jekyll is “charming” and “charismatic”; “Hyde” is “evil”;
  • Exploits the trust and needs of organisations and individuals, for personal gain;
  • Convincing liar – Makes up anything to fit their needs at that moment;
  • Damages the health and reputations of organisations and individuals;
  • Reacts to criticism with Denial, Retaliation, Feigned Victimhood;
  • Blames victims/targets;
  • Moves to a new target when the present one burns out.

What is a Bully – “Projection behaviour and denial are hallmarks of the serial bully. It is believed by some that bullying is present behind all forms of harassment, discrimination, prejudice, abuse, persecution, conflict and violence.

What bullies fear most is exposure and being called publicly to account for their behaviour so they can go to great lengths to keep their target (victim) quiet from misdirection when it is reported to using threats of disciplinary action, dismissal, gagging clauses and fear.

Despite the façade that such people put up, bullies have another side to them. What complicates matters is that the  bully may not be aware or acknowledge to themselves they very often suffer from one or more of the following:

# Envy# Jealousy# Low self-confidence# Low self-esteem# Feel insecure# Seething with resentment# Bitterness# Hatred# Anger# InadequacyAnd may have a wide range of prejudices as a vehicle for dumping anger onto others.”


I urge my Labour Party readers to go to Kitty Jones blog on Bullying in Politics and read it, print it out, keep it handy, and utilise the insight, wisdom and robust clarity it articulates as and  when the need arises.

"Very few people, when put to the test, have the integrity and moral courage to stand up against bullying, harassment, abuse, threats and corruption. The targets of adult bullying are selected often because they DO have the moral courage to challenge; many people will pass by on the other side.

"A target of adult bullying is most often chosen because of their strength, not their weakness. 

Research shows that targets of bullying tend to have highly developed empathy, and sensitivity for others, a high degree of perceptiveness, high moral values, a well-developed integrity, a strong sense of fair play and reasonableness, a low propensity to violence, a reluctance to pursue grievance, disciplinary or legal action, a strong forgiving streak and a mature understanding of the need to resolve conflict with dialogue.

Often, targets of bullying are independent, self-reliant and “different” in some way. 

Weak people often disingenuously confuse these hallmarks of character with weakness."

From Kitty Jones Blog on Bullying in Politics, how it operates.

Listen to the words of Wimborne-Idrissi. She was interviewed for ‘The Labour Files’ and gave her view afterwards here, in Mint Press News. In particular:

‘If I were to have a face to face discussion with Keir Starmer, I would ask him does he seriously believe that the people of this country want a party in which the sort of injustices and abuses that were revealed in the Al Jazeera files take place. People will ask the question, if you cannot manage dissent and honest debate in your own party, how on earth can you presume to stand as the leader of the government of a nation?’

It is a vital and disturbing question that remains unanswered. And I think it is a question that needs to be asked everywhere formal governance is active, within our legislatures and our police stations, within our churches and the halls of finance, across all social services and social strata.

What is it with this bully culture? 

Kindest regards


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Power, grift, harm causation and denial in one meme - Externalised Costs imposed upon the most vulnerable.

Power, grift, harm causation and denial in one meme - Externalised Costs imposed upon the most vulnerable.

As it happens, it has been understood that combustion particulates cross the blood barrier in the womb since the mid 1980s. This is not 'new' information, it is further more precise confirmation. I will cite four resources, using their own text, within quotation marks, to lay out the basic floor plan.


"Toxic air pollution particles have been found in the lungs, livers and brains of unborn babies, long before they have taken their first breath. Researchers said their “groundbreaking” discovery was “very worrying”, as the gestation period of foetuses is the most vulnerable stage of human development.

Thousands of black carbon particles were found in each cubic millimetre of tissue, which were breathed in by the mother during pregnancy and then passed through the bloodstream and placenta to the foetus.

Dirty air was already known to strongly correlate with increased miscarriagespremature births, low birth weights and disturbed brain development. But the new study provides direct evidence of how that harm may be caused. The scientists said the pollution could cause lifelong health effects."


"Tiny carbon particles dumped into the atmosphere by industry and transport have been found on the wrong side of the placenta - a critical barrier meant to protect unborn babies from harm.

Only last year researchers spotted ominous flecks of soot in placental white blood cells, the first solid indication that the pollutants could migrate so close to a foetus. Now there's evidence that these potential toxins can creep even closer still.

Researchers from Belgium's Hasselt University and East-Limburg Hospital used high resolution imagery to highlight tiny accumulations of black particles on both the mother's and foetus's side of every placenta taken from 28 births.

Further testing on the tiny clumps confirmed they were firmly embedded in the tissue, and were made up of the kind of potentially hazardous 'black carbon' particles emitted by combustion engines and fossil fuel power plants.

While the study stops short of linking carbon particles with birth complications, it does show the barrier at the core of the placenta isn't filtering out enough of the material already associated with a variety of serious health concerns for developing bodies."


"Corporations, special interest groups, and individuals inject billions of dollars into the American political system every year. Much of the financial support in politics is concealed from public view, as some rules – and loopholes – allow “dark money” and undisclosed donors to remain behind a wall. But some of those contributions can be traced via the Federal Election Commission, the IRS, congressional public records offices, and other resources.

The Open Secrets database, for instance, shines a light on this often murky process. The website is the work of the Center for Responsive Politics, whose stated mission is to improve transparency and citizen engagement around the influences of money in public policy. The website uses existing transparency laws to track the finances of candidates, political parties, lobbyists, and outside groups, and it describes ways cash is funneled through the system.

Few seriously question whether fossil fuel money in politics has played a substantial role in climate change and energy policy, and some researchers say it’s the single most important reason climate action has been stalled for decades in the U.S. Investigative reporting by InsideClimate News showed that Exxon and other oil companies have spent more than $5 billion undermining climate science and fighting clean energy policies. It reported in a 2017 article on how money circulated through multiple channels:

The industry sowed doubt for decades about climate science, spending $2.9 billion on advocacy advertising alone in a 10-year period ending in 2015. It spent $1.3 billion more lobbying to shape public policy on energy issues during the same period and has pumped out $827.9 million in campaign contributions since 2000 to elect sympathetic officials at the local, state and federal levels.

While the breadth of fossil fuel spending on climate policy and political issues is not surprising, the scope and scale is perhaps best understood when hard numbers are brought out to daylight.

Fossil fuel interests outspend renewable energy by more than 13 to 1"


A timeline of the understanding within Fossil Fuel Industry of the likelihood of Greenhouse Gas rapid increase due to fossil fuel use leading to climate disruption and the development of campaigns of denial and obfuscation in order to avoid taking action to prevent that outcome.  Prevention which would have imposed costs that might have made the entire industry unprofitable, and reduced the economic and political power behind it. I cite the early years from the Greenpeace Article, and note that the basic scientific proof of Greenhouse Gas effect had been established in 1859, by John Tyndal, an Irish Physicist, a century before I was born.

The following is taken from the Greenpeace Article. The point here is knowledge of harm, and a long campaign of denial - in effect the externalisation of the costs of preventing the harm. Now, babies in all our mothers wombs are bearing that cost.


Scientists working at Humble Oil (now ExxonMobil) publish a paper on the dilution of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and ocean. The paper notes: “Although appreciable amounts of carbon dioxide have undoubtedly been added from soils by tilling of land, apparently a much greater amount has resulted from the combustion of fossil fuels”–indicating company scientists understood the link between fossil fuel use and rising CO2. (Source: Center for International Environmental Law)

1978 (Global COlevel: 335 ppm, Exxon annual profit: $2.4 billion)

James Black, working under Exxon’s Products Research Division, writes an internal briefing paper called “The Greenhouse Effect” following from a 1977 presentation to Exxon’s management committee. The paper warns that human-caused emissions could raise global temperatures and result in serious consequences. “Present thinking holds that man has a time window of five to ten years before the need for hard decisions regarding changes in energy strategies might become critical,” Black writes in his summary of the presentation. (Source:InsideClimate News)


Major fossil fuel companies, including Exxon, Mobil, Amoco, Phillips, Texaco, Shell, Sunoco, Sohio and Standard Oil of California and Gulf Oil (two companies that became Chevron) meet regularly as part of a task force to discuss the science and implications of climate change. The meetings are organized with the help of the American Petroleum Institute. A minutes document from one of the meetings suggests that oil companies knew that climate change was occurring, and that they would bear some responsibility for managing it. (Source: InsideClimate News)


Roger Cohen, director of the Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Laboratory at Exxon, writes a memo summarizing Exxon’s climate modeling research. The memo states: “The consensus is that a doubling of atmospheric CO2 from its pre-industrial revolution value would result in an average global temperature rise of (3.0 ± 1.5)°C [equal to 5.4 ± 1.7°F]…There is unanimous agreement in the scientific community that a temperature increase of this magnitude would bring about significant changes in the earth’s climate, including rainfall distribution and alterations in the biosphere.” Cohen would later become a lead climate science denier at an Exxon-funded front group.

1983  (Global COlevel: 343 ppm, Exxon annual profit: $5 billion)

Exxon cuts funding for climate research from $900,000 per year to $150,000. Exxon’s total research budget at the time was more than $600 million.

2000 (Global COlevel: 370 ppm, Exxon annual profit: $17.7 billion)

ExxonMobil publishes an ad, titled “Unsettled science,” highlighting a study showing a historical decrease in temperatures in the Sargasso Sea. CEO Lee Raymond presents the study at that year’s shareholder meeting as evidence that fossil fuels may not be causing global warming. The author of the study, Lloyd Keigwin, later complains that Exxon misused the data: “I believe ExxonMobil has been misleading in its use of the Sargasso Sea data. There’s really no way these results bear on the question of human-induced climate warming…I think the sad thing is that a company with the resources of ExxonMobil is exploiting the data for political purposes…”

January 2001

George W. Bush inaugurated as US president, with $100,000 in inaugural funding from ExxonMobil. Just days before Bush’s inauguration, Exxon’s publishes an advertisement titled “An energy policy for the new administration.” The ad argues that “the unrealistic and economically damaging Kyoto process needs to be rethought.” 

February 2001

The Bush White House receives a letter from Exxon asking if the administration can oust climate scientist Robert Watson from his position as chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Under Watson’s chairmanship, the IPCC had released a number of reports linking climate change to human activity.

March 2001

Bush administration announces withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol."


It's worth reading all 4 articles.

Externalising costs and political corruption - hedging bets on behalf of Wealth Extraction and Wealth Accumulation as a Political Hegemon, waging a war against democratic legislative regulation of toxic industrial practice.

What must we do to counter this?

Kindest regards


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Mass Murder by Economic Violence aka 'Austerity' - the Legacy of Conservatives, Lib Dems and Blairite Labour.

It is not 'trickle down economics', it is economic violence.

'Austerity' is mass murder by deliberate withdrawal of support for vulnerable populations.

The report said there was now a “clear and urgent need ... for such harmful policies to be reversed”, with the authors urging the UK Government to “implement measures to protect the most vulnerable in society”.

These policies, promoted on the back of lies and gaslighting, were intentional actions that the Government of the time was warned against, and they went ahead, fully aware of the likely consequences.

"The study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, noted there were 334,327 excess deaths over the expected number in England, Wales and Scotland over the period. This included 237,855 excess deaths among males in England and Wales, with a further 12,735 excess deaths recorded among men in Scotland.

Among women, there were 77,173 excess deaths in England and Wales, and 6564 in Scotland. The research was carried out amid “a stalling of improvement overall” in mortality rates, with increasing death rates among the poorest having been observed across the UK since the early 2010s.

Statistical analysis showed previously improving mortality trends had changed around the period 2011-13 in both Scotland and England, with this occurring following the Tories’ election victory in 2010."

This is Murder by Economic Violence, nothing less.

The United Nations has issued two reports in which they asserted that these policies amounted to a breach of the Human Rights of vulnerable people across the UK.

The Labour Files prove, in quite clear evidence, that the Centrist Blairite Brigade, now led by Sir Keir Starmer were in spite of the evidence focussed upon actively opposing, undermining and slandering Jeremy Corbyn, Momentum, the Disabled, The Vulnerable, the Unemployed, the Working Poor and Labour's own BAME members and staff from within the Labour Party, using illegal and amoral tactics - rather than pushing hard against these policies, showing a united socialist, humane front that had depth and energy, by joining in the work Corbyn and Momentum and Human Rights groups were and still are engaged in - this is a total betrayal of trust and of all the vulnerable people across the UK, on behalf of the Ruling Oligarchy, the Fossil Fuel Industry and the Military Industrial Complex of the UK.

The Labour Files, and why it matters.

The Labour Files provide plenty of solid evidence of persistent campaigns, nationally and locally, from the very moment Jeremy Corbyn accepted the leadership position, campaigns that included outright lies fabricated to suppress Socialists, false allegations, court cases driven by abusive spouses, Racist and Misogynistic abuse, email hacking, and the weaponisation of Anti-Semitism to undermine Corbyn, and more.

"The damaging revelations about the Labour Party in the recent four-part Al Jazeera series, ‘The Labour Files’, and the almost totalitarian silence in response by British news media, should ram home the illusory nature of ‘democracy’ in the UK.

Based on the largest leak in British political history, Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit has exposed how Labour party officials smeared and intimidated rivals on the left of the party. The leaked data comprises 500 gigabytes of documents, emails, video and audio files from the Labour Party, dating from 1998 to 2021. They reveal:

  • The weaponisation of antisemitism by the right-wing of the Labour Party to hinder Jeremy Corbyn’s chances of becoming Prime Minister.
  • A ‘hierarchy of racism’ within the Labour Party disciplinary process which prioritises the investigation of alleged antisemitism cases over other forms of racism.
  • Shocking examples of Islamophobia and anti-Black racism within Labour.
  • The crushing of dissent within Labour under Sir Keir Starmer’s leadership."

How utterly ugly has the Party formed to represent and protect the interests Workers become since Blairs wars, and the refusal of Labour Party to countenance War Crimes Investigations?

That warlike group within the Labour Party share culpability for these horrific deaths - be it in illegal and amoral psychological warfare against it's own members, or the economic violence of dying by poverty, cold, exacerbated disease, chronic poverty, chronic distress, abandonment and COVID are all utterly awful, awful ways to pass from this life. These are not the peaceful deaths most of would hope for.

The Weapons sent into multiple war zones lead to more violent deaths, always.... and as I have held, ever since the Iraq War, Labour and Parliament remain War Criminal entities, unindicted. Now they are mass murderers of their own constituents.

Labour and Conservative and Unionists and Lib Dems are all soiled by this vast culling, 580,000 awful deaths in the past 12 years, in pursuit of 'growing the economy'.

What then must we do to protect our own people from such harms?

What rights to action do we have?

Do not look to the Labour Party that is adopting a Vaticanesque silence on the false anti-Semitism charges aimed at Corbyn and the entire Socialist peace mongering Left now fully revealed, beyond any possibility of denial or open admission.

Al Jazeera’s ‘The Labour Files’ is a must-watch series. For the state-corporate media, for Labour Executive, for anti-Socialists and for the UK Ruling Class it is a ‘must-ignore’, 'not not mention the war' series.

All four episodes are available on YouTube:

Part 1: The Purge

Part 2: The Crisis

Part 3: The Hierarchy

Part 4: The Spying Game

We, the good and decent people of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland need a new political solidarity that takes on these bullies and gains a majority of seats in the Legislatures, at the ballot box. We have won the argument already.

Kindest regards


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