“How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political power to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics in the twentieth century.” ~ Aneurin Bevan

"The grooming (gaslighting) of human vulnerability is one of most vile things any human being can do to another."
So called 'activists' or writers or pundits who do not follow due diligence on material they generate or re-post on social and press media are being exploited by professional grooming gangsters.
Re-posting on Social Media.
Have you checked and verified , or did the text trigger an emotional reaction that led you to re-post it.
The latter is you being groomed.
What is grooming in this context?
Organised, well funded operations that target and manipulate peoples social wounded-nesses, insecurities, prejudices, worries, misunderstandings, cultural conditionings and fears, and do that through public and private media media, through marketing, propaganda, media campaigns operating on an industrial scale, manipulating vulnerable people for ideological, religious, political or economic advantage.
David Icke is a grooming gangster, an independent grooming gangster.
Nigel Farage is a grooming gangster.
Boris 'the tackler' Johnson is a grooming gangster.
The Telegraph is a grooming gang, a Corporate Plutocracy Grooming Gang.
Fox News is a grooming operation.
Trump and Johnson are grooming gangsters.
The Vatican is a grooming gang, a religious Mafia. They all are.
God's representatives needs your money? Grooming!
Heaven and Hell? Grooming!
Karma? Grooming!
The Church of England, The Crown and The Queen are all part of a grooming gangster mafia.
Justin Beiber, a grooming exercise.
The X-Factor, a grooming exercise.
XR is a grooming exercise. It might not want to be, but it is. Leaders, emotive messaging, false premise for action (3.5% enough to drive change is ludicrous and delusional).
Grooming and marketing, selling your brand, making a profit without paying all the costs associated with what ever it is you do is grooming gangster activity.
If the grooming gangsters are willing to destroy whole states, if they are willing to murder citizens through warfare, if they are willing to allow millions to die to achieve Hoard Immunity for their wealth and power, then you, as a citizen needs to wake the fuck up!
Waking up is becoming wholly honest, transparent, vulnerable and unwilling to accept a moment of deceit as we move forwards through this horror show. Waking up is exercising the mind and body to become fit enough to confront the reality and sustain our efforts.
Waking up is taking on the responsibility of healthy, transparent, loving and secure attachment bonded parenting as the most important revolutionary act of all. Especially if you have no children of your own...
We are all parents of all the children, their future is our collective responsibility.
Waking up is an act of self and communal liberation from the delusion of Libertarianism.
Waking up is coming home.
Kindest regards
"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"
Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.
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