Boris Johnson : Is Misogyny a Hate Crime?

Johnson is largely correct in that Misogyny, harbouring thoughts of hatred of Women, in and of itself, is not a Hate Crime - Misogyny is a psychologically dysfunctional mental health issue. Hatred generally is.

Do we need a definition, in Law, of Misogynistic Crimes? We do.

Misogyny only becomes a crime when a crime is committed against a women because she is woman, or a crime is inspired or justified by misogyny.

Harbouring misogynistic thoughts is a disease state, and as long as it's just thoughts, it's a private matter. 

A misogynist can sit in his or her underwear, stew in the privacy of his or her domicile, and rage about his or her hatred of women, to his or her hearts content. It affects no one else. The affliction is contained. Obviously that person needs and deserves mental health support, irrespective of his or her awareness levels.

However, as soon as those thoughts inform behaviour and action in the social material domain, the physical real world, the shared commons and they start to have an impact on women, men or children, then the misogyny becomes a problem.

Misogynistic Bullying is Hate Crime.

Misogynistic threats made in anger are a Hate Crime.

Mistreating a woman just because she is a woman and the antagonist is a misogynist is a Hate crime.

Spreading misogynistic hate content, verbally or in any other form or medium, in order to incite more misogynistic hatred is a Hate Crime.

Insulting Priti Patel because she is a woman is a Hate Crime.

Noting that she is a bully is a statement of fact, and has nothing to do with her gender.

Sexual Harassment is a Hate Crime.

Boris Johnson's lies that prop up adverse policy that causes harm to vulnerable people are criminal, clearly. 

Yet he retains the power to utter those lies, Parliament refuses to hold him to account due to arcane and irrational rules. Johnson can cause immense social, economic and political harms, and get away with it.

Interestingly I am not aware of any single word that describes hatred of vulnerability, no technical term for that.

Vulneraphobic? MisVulnerable? A Bully?

Johnson can troll about with utter impunity, to the extent that he can troll the Earths political leaders at the UN General Assembly with inane references to Kermit the Frog and accuse them all of being adolescents, rather than mature adults, and infer that he, Boris De Peffel Alexander Johnson, will be the one to help them all mature at COP26, in Glasgow, in November 2021. 'Time to grow up!' indeed.

I am working on a song "It's not easy being Green, when you're a Bully, Liar, Troll, Thug, Groomer etc etc...!"

Meanwhile, COVID is spreading across all Primary, Secondary Schools and Universities in England, and the news mefia, parliament and the ruling class are silent: there is a taboo about talking about mass child abuse.

That deliberate silence is criminal.  I hate that silence. Is that a crime?


Kindest regards


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