Wear a Mucking Fask II - COVID parody song.

I've been playing this song since May 2020...
this is the most recent version, live on my loop station. I present two new videos, one real time, single take, with lyrics, one accidentally speeded up, yet it still works...
I do hope that you enjoy it, and feel reassured by it.
These are difficult time, indeed
Kindest regards to everyone of you...

MP3 version downloadable and playable:

If you enjoyed the song, please consider sharing it with your friends. Help get the message out!

Cheeky version. lolz.
Stopping the Spread is Spreading the Love.

 A short blog with a focus on making Schools and Education as safe as then can possibly be, to pursue suppression of community transmission everywhere as the most effective
way to make that happen.


Kindest regards


Thank you for reading this blog.

"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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