Letter : The Catholic Church, Transparency, Humility and Justice

Letter : The Catholic Church, Transparency, Humility and Justice

To the Editor

The independent Inquiry into Catholic Cleric Abuse behaviour in France has shocked that nation, with estimates of between 241,000 and 330,000 children attacked between 1950 and 2020. 

Most Survivors in those other countries where similar inquiries have taken place could see this coming a mile off. With each inquiry more is revealed.  With each, there is still more to be revealed.

30 years of exposure and even still, the Catholic Church, and others - and there are many other settings where sexual attacks upon children have been and still are being perpetrated - have not come clean. 

These powerful institutions have not offered total transparency, and they continue to defend and litigate against Survivors - what would Jesus do?  

Would He urge fullest possible transparency and humble honesty as a key element in both accountability and prevention? 

Such a move need not be humiliating for The Catholic Church - rather it would be a liberation from its own internal tyranny to do justice for all the Survivors, the living and the deceased.

What would be a truly just accounting, and what would a truly wise and healthy outcome look like?

How would Jesus approach the Survivors? How would Jesus end this story? 

Yours sincerely

Kindest regards


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