Pamphlet : A People's Complaint, on April 1st 2022

A People's Complaint, on April 1st 2022

The English Ruling Class Oligarchy deliberately maintain Poverty as a means to drive people into low paid work so as to Extract Wealth, and they laugh about it. We have plenty reliable evidence for this assertion.

John Lilburne (c. 1614 – 29 August 1657), also known as Freeborn John, was an English political Leveller before, during and after the English Civil Wars 1642–1650. He coined the term "freeborn rights", defining them as rights with which every human being is born, as opposed to rights bestowed by government or human law.[1] In his early life he was a Puritan, though towards the end of his life he became a Quaker. His works have been cited in opinions by the United States Supreme Court

 A Pamphlet : A People's Complaint.

To Whom it may concern.

Under the current set of circumstances, on April 1st 2022, in light of the blatant criminality of the British Government (Corruption, Eugenics, Treason) under the Rule of the Conservative and Unionist Party and the Johnson Regime, and under the malign influence of the British News Press Media owned by non-domiciled Oligarchs (misinformation, lies and disinformation), we wish to make a formal complaint, under the UN Charter of Human Rights, The Human Rights Act and other statutes, and Tort Law, citing our personal and collective Right to Health, our Right to an honest, uncorrupted, honest and transparent democratic government, our Right to reject unjust and evil legislation, our  Right to clean food, clean air, clean rivers and clean seas, our right to a pollution free environment, our Right to not find particles of plastic or exhaust particulates of fossil fuels in our blood and in  the blood of our children, even in utero,  and in light of many other sundry rights established by Law, Custom and natural expectation.

Our complaint is that this corrupted English Government has caused multiple avoidable harms, amounting to tyranny, including hundreds of thousands of deaths, millions of cases of chronic disease,  myriad economic harms and has exacerbated poverty for millions of decent folk living across the UK, in ways that amount to wilful manslaughter and reckless endangerment in its deliberate mismanagement of the SARSCOV2 Pandemic.

Our complaint is that this corrupted English Government has caused avoidable harms, including deaths, chronic disease, psychological and economic harms and this odious English Government has deliberately maintained and intensified poverty across the nations in ways that amount to wilful manslaughter, especially in the case of Disabled and Vulnerable people, through its deliberate policies of Austerity, policies that were justified by lying about the political and economic realities of the time to the public.

Our complaint is that News Media and the general Education system has not helped to dissuade the general public of these lies.

Our complaint is that  this English Government, the Conservative and Unionist Party and the Opposition Party, Labour,  are both undeniably corrupted by private funding and donations from Oligarchs and their various organisations from America, AustraliaRussia and elsewhere, whose interest is being served above the interests of the democratic voters, the citizens, their families and children across the UK and that this funding amounts to interference in our  democracy by foreign and alien entities. 

Our complaint is that this interference amounts to Treason by the English Government and the Labour Party.

Our complaint is the the English Government has not discharged its legal and moral responsibility to indict and arrest proven War Criminals from within its ranks.

Our complaint is that this English Government and the Opposition are, since 2003, guilty of multiple counts of War Crimes, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and elsewhere.

Our complaint is that these failures make it impossible and inconceivable to hold Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel, Iran and other States and actors to account for War Crimes those Governments have committed and are committing. This failure imperils us all, exposes us to the increased likelihood of Nuclear War and thus diminishes hope and the aspirations of Peace for the entire human race.

Our complaint is that Brexit has been proven, beyond any doubt, to have been a political grooming operation that manipulated millions of vulnerable  members of the UK electorate, exacerbating those vulnerabilities in order to exploit the reactions of the targets, and that this amounts to the largest incidence of grooming as an act of mass psychological warfare directed against a population in the 21st Century, and is a criminal action that must be confronted.

Our complaint is that Brexit was and remains a continuous act of Treason, in which an English Government acted on behalf of foreign and alien entities against the best interests of the English people, the English democratic polity.

Our complaint is that energy costs are being raised on the back of speculation, an entirely fabricated measure, in a manner that is wholly intolerable and unacceptable not least because these are essential provisions for the welfare of the population and that these price hikes amount to another part of a long standing and wholly unjust Rentier Wealth Extraction under duress.

As an aside its worth noting that Norway and the UK started to produce Gas in the North Sea at the same time, in the 1960ws. Norway collects in taxation c. £21 per barrel equivalent, UK collects £1.27 per barrel equivalent, and worse the UK gives tax breaks to the gas producers that mean they are net receivers of tax payers cash. Norway holds a Sovereign Fund of £1 trillion. Good management for the Norwegian people has a history. Corrupt management for the English people has a history, still being written in death, disease, debt and ruling class disdain for our welfare.

Our complaint has historical resonance.

Our complaint is that this Conservative and Unionist Government has enabled Water Companies to collect monies from us, the people, specifically to handle our faeces, and has at the same time allowed those Water Companies to flood our waterways with untreated sewage, 375,000 times in the last 12 months, a release which pollutes those same water ways and our beaches, in order to assist those private enterprises maximise their profits. This renders enjoyment of our water ways and beaches as a health risk. A double insult, with the potential to cause injury.

Our complaint is the this English Government is exporting weapons to States engaged in War Crimes. It follows that any Military personnel associated with these exports, in any capacity, is engaged in conduct ancillary to the commission of a War Crime. 

A War Crime must be always be confronted , no matter whom or what entity is responsible. Militarism in the face of climate change is criminal negligence.

Our complaint is that, as things stand, there is no remedy to these extremely serious and in many cases, life threatening complaints.

Until such time as our complaints are  resolved to our satisfaction, we must refuse to pay any energy bills, any rents, any mortgages, any water rates, any  taxes or engage in any non-essential work. In essence a General Strike is our only real power to move Government and others to take remedial action to protect the population from avoidable harm.

Until such time as these wholly rational and justified complaints are heard, and resolved, in full, by a National Unity Government tasked with that resolution we must call for a general strike on all non-essential commercial activity.

It is now time for the workers and citizens of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to find common cause, to eschew the many abject divisions engineered by widely published and promoted falsehoods and bigotries and to form a citizens Union, based on evidence and justice.

All ordinary soldiers are workers too. Soldiers must strike, and demonstrate that their true solidarity is to the people, to the people's freedom from oppression and abuse, above and beyond the Government, to protect the people of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland from a Government that is causing so much harm.

It is time for the decent, uncorrupted people of this United Kingdom, North, South, East and West, to build a social material solidarity that will confront the criminality of the current English Government, her Majesty's Opposition and their various foreign sponsors and set us in a much better stance to meet the challenges of Climate Change, Poverty, Pollution, Warfare, Racism, Misogyny and the Venal Avarice of The Global Wealth Extraction Class.

The time is now, the task is ours, this English Government will not help us, so we must help each other. 

Kindest regards


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Izzy said...

Absolutely fab. I so agree. Glad you also excoriate Labour, which has just introduced a rule banning the invocation of natural justice or fairness in its disciplinary action against its own members.
Please just put 'its' instead of 'it's' when you are indicating possession.; e. g. 'its ranks'. Perhaps the auto-correct was working its malign magic!

Izzy said...

Absolutely fab. I so agree. Glad you also excoriate Labour, which has just introduced a rule banning the invocation of natural justice or fairness in its disciplinary action against its own members.
Please just put 'its' instead of 'it's' when you are indicating possession; e. g. 'its ranks'. Perhaps the auto-correct was working its malign magic!

Izzy said...

On to The Debates of the Army at Putney; Colonel Rainborough:'I see no reason why the smallest he in the land hath not as much right as the greatest he...'. In the intervening 370 years, we've managed to include 'she'. Now for the rest of it!

corneilius said...

Thank you Ixxy, Have made the typo corrections, thank you,

And thank you for your very kind and reassuring and encouraging comments.... and yes, I agree with the thread of misogyny being one of the barriers to progress,,, even still. I support Selma Jame's call for a Global Women's Strike and a living income payment for all mothers work...