Gaza Needs This Now, The World of States Needs This Now

A military assault upon a civilian population is not a war - it is a genocide.


Gaza needs this now - read with cadence.. 

'Time is of the essence.

Gaza needs this now

While they are
Aching for safety,

Crushing onslaught,

Gnawing hunger,

Pounding barrages,

Pressing hunger,

Sharp shards.

Dull crunch,

Stabbing pain.

Throbbing hearts,

Burning desire.

Deep despair,

Knot-like resilience.

Pinching myself

Is this real?

Prickling dust,

Sore feet.

Stretching canvas


Crampy conditions,
Electric disabled,

On-the-surface rubble,

Pins and Needles. 

Pulsing Terror,

Shooting Civilians,
The Hunger.

Liberation from 

Gaza. ..

Israeli ceasefire.
Gaza needs This

Just STOP.

The world of states..
needs this 

and so many other places.

Ceasefire! You bloody maniacs! Ceasefire!'

a cartoon from mondowiess
The area of Gaza overlaid on London

Every day, all day, all night for 5 months

Mike Pence signing Israeli Artillery Shells 2024
Keeping it going.

Stop it.

You maniac!


Why do children bully other children?

Because Adults bully.

Nobody wants to have that conversation.

History tells us the modern State was born of Kingdoms, most often with much bloodshed.

Hierarchies of Wealth and Power that deploy layers of violences to maintain and expand their dominant reach are a threat to our species.

We do not need States that rationalise mass trauma as part of a 'necessary' and 'inevitable' historical struggle for dominance. We never have.

We need States that are born of peoples, emergent states that represent the healthy and just self determination of each people, each language group, each ethnicity, each culture, each territory according to how they best live well, nurtured and safe.

These States must therefore be bio logical egalitarian entities, rather than structures of hierarchical belief systems, and must reflect the evolved state of healthy mutual aid that is the base line of human and Homo Sapiens evolution and optimally biological health.


Kindest regards


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