Strategy for confronting the UK War Makers in Parliament and elsewhere.

the facts of the matter

pro-war candidate undermines peace candidate with same Party

Back in 2007, Make Wars History ran a grass roots campaign to hold Blair and the Labour Party leadership, the Conservatives and others who enabled the invasion of Iraq, to account, by trying to get MPs on board with launching war crimes investigations.

The Labour Party rejected this appeal, apart from John mcDonnell and a few others...

The Labour voters rejected this approach because they wanted to 'keep the Tories out.'

If we in England had held Blair to account, if we had mobilised to send him to The Hague, which was possible under the International Criminal Court Act of 2001, we would have been the first Western nation to hold our own War Criminals to account and it is very likely that would have prevented the wars that flowed ever since.

Now here we are again.

A Labour Party leadership supporting a genocidal assault upon Palestinians, a Tory Party fully committed to supporting Israel no matter what crimes Israel commits.

An election looming, and nobody standing to hold our war criminals to account.

And every one of us are funding the British States war crimes. 

We got some serious thinking and activism to get on with.

As regards Climate Disruption, what chance is there for global co-operation which is required to meet that challenge as long as we refuse to hold our war criminals to account?

Vote for peace makers, remove all war makers from our legislatures, local, nationally and internationally. Vote for peace makers. Vote for Peace Policy. Do not vote for Parties and Loyalty. We can do this, collectively.

We cannot stop the genocidal war against the Palestinian people and we will be forced to watch it's completion in utter impotent horror and fury.

Our pain is as nothing compared to what the Palestinians are enduring. Our pain is as nothing compared to what the Iraqis, Afghanis, Libyans, Syrians are still enduring. 

We MUST adopt a long term strategic stance as tax payers to hold our war criminals to account, to cease future engagement in warfare, to build a legislature that commits to peace and justice and there is no single Party that can or will ever do that - not within an adversarial democratic set up of two party states.

Kindest regards


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