Israeli Combat Teams fire on Gazan civilians searching for food aid. No excuses.

We sit here and watch, wherever we are, acutely aware that we are not there, that those who are are suffering terribly. We want this to stop, already. 

A State cannot be capable of such atrocity, let alone enabled, supplied, protected and validated. 

A State doing this intentionally, and smugly un-apologetic about it all?


That cannot be right!

Looking at the screen, not believing what we are seeing, in almost real time, our hearts and minds shaken and clouded with confusion, fury, sorrow. We cannot turn away, We are witnesses and we are companions in the long march to social and material and indigenous freedom from oppression, finally at peace and thriving.

Watching in horror, grief and outrage as a dusty multitude of Palestinian people are moving along, mostly in one direction, walking and running along by the sea front, a massive nervous crowd, many heads glancing back towards the camera, checking.  For as far as the camera show can see into the horizon.

They all know that death is in the air, Israeli warships are off the coast. That kinda thing makes on nervous.

A biblical multitude, a sea of people, by the sea, in Gaza. An ocean of tears.

The waves of the Mediterranean break onto the sunlit shoreline in the background of the shot.

An ocean of tears. Everyone dusted by the dust of pulverised concrete…

Where there was once a road and many buildings, landmarks and trees, a bustling, functioning city, full of people and lives being lived is nothing but rubble and a wide path cut through it.

The Israeli Military had had their way. They have left their mark.  These are not battle marks. These are a military campaign of urban demolition. The developers have moved in, and started the deconstruction of the site.

A barren wasteland of urban materials crumpled aside into piles of rubble, around skeletal remains still standing to make a super wide traffic flow space for Israeli military vehicles.

You’ve seen the images of that sea side road of death.

As far as the eye can see, people moving, moving towards the desperate hope to get some food, trying, hoping to find some food from the aid supply trucks, all along the aid delivery line.

These people are starving.  They are being starved, deliberately.

The are exposed to continuous traumatic distress, all day, 247, for 5 months and more.

They don’t have enough food. The food is there, and is being blocked by the Israeli Military.

This is being prosecuted by an industrial scale mechanised, hi-tech multi-platform military machine, and it’s suppliers and supporters.

They don’t have enough water. The water could be made available, nearly all the civil water sanitation has been destroyed.

Flattened earth theory. Erasing the civil topography, chasing the inhabitants away, extirpating the cultural sites, the graveyards, the memorials. Erasing a Nation.



Given the situation, the only sound action is for the Israeli Military action cease, and withdraw, as aid, help, personnel are flowing in, and those in acute need who need modern health care and surgical services can be transferred. There's so much work that must start now. There is no excuse. 

The politics is infuriating. 

The power struggles and gaming and brinkmanship and horse trading - delaying whilst munitions are being launched upon homeless Palestinian civilians - are make what is already a complex vast scale human made catastrophe much more complicated a task to help those people than it ever needs to be.  Unless being deployed bye the Israeli state as a weapon. Collective Punishment.

What use is International Law if the leading powers routinely ignore such Laws, with impunity?

Just stop! 

That's it. Stop. Stay stopped and talk. Enough,

Kindest regards


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