Showing posts with label Capitalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Capitalism. Show all posts

Take all the bullying out of Capitalism, what is left?

 When folks claim that Humanity is a harmful species I remember this ... bully any species, and dysfunctional behavioural dynamics will present.

Institutional Bullying is a culture, an experientially learned behaviour set, with a reactionary tendency to justify behaviour, rationalise harms caused in order to avoid accountability and thus maintain status.

If a bully builds a social structure, that process will Institutionalise the bullying.

Kings to parents. Same dynamic. Different scale.

Thus internalisation and projection form a large part of the behaviour.

The adult projects (religion, ideology, unresolved feelings) onto the child, the child internalises that experience to 'fit in'...because they have no other choice, because their bodies and behaviour is developing all the time.. learning through direct enviornmental experience, wordlessly.


Do not conflate Capitalism with Trade.

Capitalism is about the concentrated power of Capital, aka Wealth, as a political hegemony, as a Ruling Ideology. Communism was the same thing, just a different season.

Concentrated Power, as we know it, is a bully dynamic.


Here's a thought experiment - take all the bullying out of Capitalism, what is left?
The same question works with Islam, Christianity, Judaism, NeoLiberalism, Socialism, Communism...


There is no 'British People' as a thing, only as an abstract.

The 'British People' is a bunch of individuals and families who happen to be living in Britain.

Some people will have internalised Britishness. They will have internalised The Flag, the Monarchy, British History.

They THINK they are part of the thing that does not exist - 'The British People', because it is an abstract, a concept posing as an adjective, a noun..

There are no Irish, no Welsh, no Scots, no American 'People' as a thing.

Think about it.

The Soveriegn State is not some immutable, inevitable law unto itself, that can be imposed on those who just happen to live there - it is an out-dated mechanism of conquest.

When the ordinary tax payer who funds government directs policy, then we will have the beginnings of a State of sovereigns..

Taking back control: from the perspective of the UK must mean indicting Tony Blair and all others who enabled the Invasion of Iraq; likewise in the USA. Everything else is ceding control to the bullies.

If you do not understand this, then that is that.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

The Popes Global PR Tour. Words and action.

Activists for any number of 'causes' are taking comfort in the words of Pope Francis.

Memes are proliferating across the interwebs.


Survivors around the Earth are not taking comfort in Pope Francis's words, nor are they impressed by the actions of The Vatican. The same can be said of survivors advocates, lawers, physicians, psychotherapists and close friends.

Actions speak louder than words.

The action that Survivors, survivors advocates, lawers and transcenders and humane decency require is that the Vatican hands over all it's documentation on clerics who have sexually assaulted, bullied, abused harmed defenceless children: from the initial allegations, through to investigations and the response of the Catholic Hierarchy and it's officials acting under it's umbrella in their dealings withe Survivors.

That, and that alone is the missing element in the world wide process of Survivors seeking justice, resolution and probity with regard to their cases. And those that are taking their cases forward are a minority of the total caseload.

Some say this refusal to open up is partly a matter of the Vatican's finances.

Wealth hoarded, concentrated or sequestered is wealth taken away from the wider community.

All wealth is generated from within the community at large. Including the massive wealth of The Vatican and national church organisations.

It is not generated by individuals who are billionaires etc, no matter how the big the egos of celebrity 'entrepreneurs', politicians and fawning pundits waffle on about their 'wealth generation'.

There are people who capitalise on the cheapened labour and the taxes of the grass roots, and they take a bigger share than they need or deserve, and they do not 'create' it. The workers create it, and the shoppers create it, and that service users create it.

The fact is that great wealth has nothing to do with greed; it's a political utilitarian device that enables Political Power to exercise itself over people, in that so called 'economic decisions made by Governments are political, ideological rather than economics based on evidence, and such decision making exists in order to enhance, protect and project political onto others, the electorate and their children, who are seen as objects rather than human beings, with real feelings and experiences that matter.

Private Military Contractors do not come cheap.

The behaviour of The Vatican and The Irish Government towards both predatory clerics, and survivors, and the ECB in relation to Greece, and the DWP in relation to job seekers, disabled people and other vulnerable groups, amongst many others, makes this abundantly clear.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Free Food is Freedom.

Free Food IS Freedom, especially if one grows or gathers it from the land base one lives on...

Did you ever consider that of all the creatures on Earth, only the civilised are forced to BUY food?

Here's my short video song, Springtime is planting time...

Springtime is planting time, work it in my garden

I put the seed, into the ground
sit back and just hang around
the roots grow down, the shoots grow up
I sit back and the plants do their stuff

Springtime is planting time, work it in your garden

You put the seed, into the ground
sit back and just hang around
the roots grow down, the shoots grow up
you sit back and the plants do their stuff

Springtime is planting time, work it in your gardens

Free food, Free food
Free food is Freedom

Springtime is planting time, working in my garden
Summer time is growing time, I'm growing in my garden
Harvest time is harvest time, I'm living off my garden
Free food is Freedom, work it in your gardens

Springtime is planting time, work it in your gardens

We NEED edible municipal parks, edible national parks, edible hedgerows.... scatter food growing seeds wherever you go....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Fear of the Transparent Honest Child : The Natural Child

What have the designers and operators of the culture of dominance, that ideology and system of governance, education, religions and so forth that I was born into, to fear from the honest transparent child?

What kind of parent fears the honest child?

This is a question that contains an implication, which is that system of dominance does indeed fear the honest transparent child.

Bullies fear honesty.

The evidence for this is partly my personal experience, which is primary knowledge, a micro event that contains fractals of macro events within this ideology of dominant culture.

They feared me and attempted to control me. They had no empathy for the child I was.

My experience is common enough, with a wide bandwidth of abuses deemed ‘appropriate‘, from the slight to the extreme. Smacking and raising one’s voice to beatings and humiliation. Punishment and reward.

There is ample evidence from recent history, from the recorded actions and consequences of ‘rulers’ behaviour, and that of whole civilisations, that the indoctrination of all children was and remains prioritised, was and is still deemed essential.

Education loaded with reward/punishment dynamics that deliberately render the child powerless.

In essence that says those rulers did not and do not trust the natural child.

That each and every child must be taught to accept or adapt to training or coercion in ways that could be manipulated.

Hitler youth. Pop Fans. Republican or Democrat or Liberal voters. Brexit. (in the future, from whence I write this edit,)

The existence of ‘Liberal’ political parties within Western Democracy came from fear, not from empathy. The fear that if the Rulers did not make some concessions to the ruled,  trouble would stalk the land.

What is not trusted, is feared. Fear is the first justification for violence. All violence is self-interest.

Fear and hatred are twins in the hands of Power.

Why this fear, when it would appear that those in control are omnipotent, ubiquitous?

A good question... If the Rulers are so omnipotent, why are they so fearful?

What did those who abused me as a child, and what did I, when I abused my friends and bullied my children, in later years, have to fear from the honest transparent child?

Honesty first and foremost, for the honesty flags up my own crimes, flags up the Rulers crimes, clear as day. And that honesty also means that I behaving like a bully, and that the system of dominance behaviours will meet resistance. Honesty is a sign that the ideology is no longer operational.

“Stop what you are doing, I am frightened you are going to hurt me!”

Before a child gets to the point where he or she hates his parent, carer, that’s the sentence she or he would like most to utter. That and “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

The first is a command, yet the child is powerless. The first is a law of natural humane adults : no harm shall come to the children, and yes, in spite of that, the child is powerless.

The second is of course an honest question, and a demand!

The child is, of course powerless.

However the honest transparent adult is not powerless.

Far from it. Indeed she or he has far more natural power than the narcissistic controlling psychopath; the power to connect with all life, to sense that universal quality and feel the unity of life as it manifests on Earth, the home of natural human beings, as real and foundational and as a great gift.

A recognition of life as an act of supreme love.

Indoctrination is by design and intent an attempt to undermine that recognition, that source of identity. When one does not trust oneself, there is fear of self. Narcissus looked to his reflection on the water for a sense of identity. He looked without, rather than within. Approval as identity basis. If you need a mirror to see yourself it is only because you have lost who you are from within.

And the narcissistic psychopath. who has internalised the values of those who have abused him or her, can rest only when she or he feels that they have total control, over others and over nature. That control is needed to ward away the awareness of the pain of the loss of self. It is sensed as a loss of the plot......

And is therefore on a lifelong mission. Which is not yet, nor will it ever be, complete, and certainly not in the way the narcissistic psychopath might imagine. The only long term result is collapse. The strain on self and environment is too much. Nature wins. Always. Psychosis is nature calling.

Carl Rogers, and later on John Wier Perry, outlined that in the 50s, 60s and 70s and showed with the Diabasis project that psychosis was a pathway towards self-discovery, towards wholeness of the person and not to be feared, but to be taken as a call for balance. And the best assistance was empathetic companionship and what he called 'unconditional positive regard'....... Rogers trusted the innate self healing of all living cells, and sought to facilitate that self-healing. Thus he avoided Instruction. Indoctrination. Medication. And he succeeded.

Our lives are short. Our time is precious. It must be lived with as much transparent honesty as the soul, the unique sense of identity, the happening of being can craft though the agency of the body on this fertile Earth That is what the design implication of the human body experience is. Joy. In being. Oneself, transparent, relaxed. Breathing easy.

Any attempt to indoctrinate a child, as done in these dominatory cultures, is an attempt to rob that living being of that unique and innate joy-fullness, which is a grievous loss to the child; and to add insult to injury, the persons life is then manipulated to the ends of the indoctrinator :a narcissistic psychopath.

Again, let me say that when one does not trust oneself, there is fear of self. Narcissis looked to his reflection on the water for a sense of identity. He looked without, rather than within. external approval as identity basis. Image replaces sensing.

Young men and women don’t become soldiers. They are made. Trained to kill on command. Clearly those who do feel no guilt, no remorse and have no operational conscience nor friendly empathy nor will those who orchestrate such conditions be merciless. Torturers. Special Forces. Secret Police. And those who control them. They to can have no conscience. The School of the Americas. David Stirling. Idi Amin. George Bush. Pinochet.

Corrupted good people are racked with guilt. A guilt they rationalise away. A guilt they compartmentalise.

They could be soldiers, policemen, civil servants, corporate managers. You. Me.

Its always a choice. They sell their lives, their integrity. They deny their remorse, they rationalise their complicity as best they can … and they know. And they can become narcissistic psychopaths. In that corruption and complicity is a ‘gateway’ experience. Or they can acknowledge what they are doing and stop.

When more chose to stop, when more choose not to be corrupted, then the system of dominance reveals itself in whatever way to those who are complicit, to those who rationalise it’s violence. And recognition of that violence leads to honesty. Honesty to resistance.

And that is the true state of the honest, transparent adult. To resist that which is oppressive.

Interestingly enough within the project of Compulsion Schooling lies a virus, a methodology that thwarts the natural maturing process, that stills the critical thinking that arises from a naturally empathetic humane being, as most children are, that extends adolescence way beyond it’s time, that infantilises those who succumb. The archives show this clearly.

Which is why advertising works.

Obama. 2012. The Rapture. Hope. Manipulation of those who can be manipulated. For power and for profit.

As adults we have the power to resist oppression, indoctrination and propaganda in way the natural child has not, because we are now on an equal physical footing with the oppressor. THAT is why the State is armed to the teeth. Not to 'protect' people. To intimidate people.

The threat of extreme violence is all that holds the modern state and the rapacious corporation as either stands, with all the 'exported trauma' that goes with those structures : (if one lives in, say the ‘peaceful’ cities of London or Paris or Berlin or countries that claim this ‘peace‘ and believes in it, and fails to ‘see’ the externalised costs of those cities, towns and country systems, the trauma has been exported from ones awareness.).

As adults we can choose not to accept indoctrination, lies, propaganda and we can choose to confront that where we find it.

It all comes down to choice.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Fuedalsim, Capitalism, Socialism : all kackered - whats next?

A Guardian Article, entitled We need a bigger shift,

prompted me to write this. I like it. I thinks it's rather good.

A number of things spring to mind.

1. Top down organisation does not work for the majority.

2. Nature and children's learning are based upon self-organising systems. Our bodies are self-organising systems, as are forests, coral reefs etc etc.

3. Happiness is the only currency of a life worth living. Unhappiness is rife and on the increase. As evinced by the facts : 25% of Americans on anti-depressants, at least once in their lives. 20% in the UK. And rising. Even amongst children!

4. Ideologies can never deal with reality, because they are always an imposition upon reality.

5. Common-sense wisdom is under-rated in the current paradigm of top down management.

6. The Power Inquiry showed how 'ordinary' folk would, if given the chance, redesign democracy, at least as far as the UK is concerned, so that the grass roots (those who pay the bills, and foot the bill, so to speak) make the decisions and the civil service, serves, civilly. Or gets fired.

7. The future emerges from the behaviour of the present, in the same way the overall intelligence of an ant colony emerges from the behaviour of it's constituent ants. Day by day the little ants do their thing, and before ya know it there's a huge city, perfect in every way!

8. A sea change in our behaviour is required. One that is emergent, not dictated by 'experts', Utopians or 'leaderships'.

9. Ownership of society is properly innate to all of us.

10. Growing as much of your own food as possible, in yer own patch or collectively, is really, really healthy. And fun!

11. Mix that lot up, and lets see what transpires ( and perleeeeease! lets put down the WMD, shall we? They are soooo last century!)

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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