Showing posts with label Carl Rogers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carl Rogers. Show all posts

Dave and Alice, TWAT or Peace? Through the looking glass.

It matters that this conversation is happening. ~

It's not an easy conversation.

It has to be evidence based, or it will go badly.

This is the core discipline required.

Opinion now, in this conversation, is truly dangerous.

Look it as a genuine health and safety issue, along with belief, faith, hope or ideology - none of these can be allowed to trump the evidence (no topical pun intended...) in seeking to resolve this situation.

It will not be resolved overnight.

It can be resolved.

It is not the Sun.

It is us.

David Smail.

David Smails take on ‘reality’ is closest to what I feel :

“Hardly any of the ‘symptoms’ of psychological distress may correctly be seen as medical matters.

The so-called psychiatric ‘disorders’ are nothing to do with faulty biology, nor indeed are they the outcome of individual moral weakness or other personal failing.

They are the creation of the social world in which we live, and that world is structured by power.
Social power may be defined as the means of obtaining security or advantage, and it will be exercised within any given society in a variety of forms: coercive (force), economic (money power) and ideological (the control of meaning).

Power is the dynamic which keeps the social world in motion.

It may be used for good or for ill.

One cannot hope to understand the phenomena of psychological distress, nor begin to think what can be done about them, without an analysis of how power is distributed and exercised within society.

Such an understanding is the focus of this web-site.”

His website…

Alice Miller.

Alice Miller wrote about how the institutional violence of the adult world afflicts all our children.

She traced the psychology of power through society, into human relationships, and how the influence of violent political power permeates society. Miller looked at the history of education in Europe, leading up to World War II, and examines the industrial powers influence on it to prepare each generation of children for participation in that violence, as workers or as fighters, as if it were something normal.

Something Patriotic.


Fighting for a Cause.

See where this is going?

FOR YOU OWN GOOD : The Roots of Violence in Child-Rearing.

Dip in.…/the-roots-of-violence-are-n…/

She is not talking about individual parenting, (a common misconception of her intent) she looks at cultural parenting, which is often subject to belief, faith, religion, ideology or mere opinion rather than the evidence about, and of children themselves.

She explores how repeated war trauma fosters socialised violence when entire populations are subjected to violence, over time, to the extent that that history is seen as glorious.

Internalisation. Very much part of radicalisation.

A very strong book, a disciplined read required.

That said....

Some Steps Towards an End to TWAT And a Start to Peace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*This is of course an incomplete list, with only the briefest of pitches, and very little supporting, referenced documentation to substantiate the points raised.

It’s more to a thought smorgsabord on the issue of TWAT And Peace.

Here goes :

Actions that Western and all Governments can take that might lend towards a long term peace.

-caveat : there's more that I don't know than I do about all of this. A lot more. This analysis is not to be relied upon. In any way, shape or form. It is a list to things I think could alter the situation in useful ways......

1. Acknowledge the War Crime of Iraq and Afghanistan which is the responsibility of the US /UK Coalition of States that invaded and occupied both countries.

2. Arrest the War Criminals.
3. Full public accounting. Convictions.
4. Formal economic, political and cultural sanctions regime against Saudi Arabia, and it’s Wahhabist intervention in Government.
5. Cease all support for Saudi military, including ban on weapons sales. A total ban.
6. Cease all military operations against the Syrian Government. Immediately.
6.a Destroy all DAESH supply lines. No exception. Ensure no funding, arms, munitions, food, oil, petrol, diesel, medicine gets through to their fighting units. If States are involved, then they must be dealt with. International effort in good faith and honour.
7. Allow the Syrian State and people to confront DAESH in Syria, and with respect to language groups and ethnicities, enable autonomy for those as part of the political resolution of other matters. Allow the Syrian State to invite chosen allies to assist with this operation.
8. Abandon the US-UK-Russia-China competing powers behaviour which is the active dynamic in international relations. That behaviour is toxic, irrational and utterly cruel.
9. Excise all incitements to violence from all recognised Religious Texts. These are in breach of Human Rights, and cannot be countenanced.
10. Total separation of Religion and Government, and Legislation. World wide. Governance MUST be evidence based, rather than belief, faith, sectional interest or mere opinion
11. Close down Saudi funded Wahhabist Maddrassa systems, total removal. World wide. Such systems are institutionalised child abuse. No negotiation. Full records of all students to be provided.
12. Demand Saudi excise all incitement to or justification of violence from Wahhabist Texts and Teachings, and remove corporal punishment from the Saudi penal code, as an olive branch, or a carrot, a way to avoid actions 4., 5,
13. Ban Saudi Oil. Last resort.
14. Stand down all international military alliances in favour of a United Nations based resource, resourced from those competing military alliances. The UN treaties provide for a military force that maintains peace, enforces sanctions as a policing action, supporting a diplomatic, political, economic and cultural conflict resolution drive, which must, of course, be equally well resourced.
15. Detain all known participants in militia in their home countries. Process these the weed out those who are reliably dangerous, prosecute those for crimes committed and incarcerate them for Health and Safety reasons.
16. Tear apart the media cabal, and liberate the press, to articulate solid critical analysis of matters of Governance, based on evidence rather than alignments with belief, faith, ideology, bias, opinion.
17. Arrest Murdoch. Close down all media that spin, that present opinion as information, that are aligned with any political party, that are lobby tools for power interests.
18. Public Parenting information must be based on evidence rather than alignments with belief, faith, ideology, bias, opinion. Parents must be legally made to comply with the child’s Human Rights in full. Parents do not have any right to tell their child what to think. Ever.
19. Rebuilding, reparations. We must devote the resources we have to help rebuild what has been destroyed, and restore people and society to a healthy sustainable state.
20. We must also build Systems of Deliberative Democracy, rather than representative Democracy, which is obviously a failed experiment. Power as a shared responsibility.
21. Rekindle old language groups and environmental ethnicity’s, the thriving variation of healthy human culture.
22. In all, evidence based action must be the standard. All evidence must be appraised, no piece omitted, neglected, dismissed, mitigated or denied.
23. End Competing States/Warring States as an accepted political dynamic.
24, Decriminalise mind altering plants and their usage as sacred tools, and medicine.
25. Pay close attention to the Australian Aboriginals people, for they have a well of lived experience for which there is no other comparable population, listen to them and hear their message. 

They are the polar opposites of the Jidhadist/Competing Industrial Powers insanity.

They truly know how to live on Earth as fully human beings in sustainable cultures. : TWAT = The War Against Terror.

They have survived an attempted Genocide, and are here today, offering wisdom, love, nurture and peace to the culture that tried to wipe them out.

It doesn't get any tougher, in terms of diplomacy and negotiation than that. If they can, anyone can.

Yes, it's not going to be easy.

Just a reminder, Alice Miller, The Roots of Violence in Child-Rearing.

Get hold of a copy..

A Peace activists must-read.

Again and again.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Abuse : Origins, root causes, recovery and re-alingment with optimal human biological health

The resolution of the issue of abuse as a common behavioural dynamic lies not in punishment, rather it rests in altering the way our society as a whole relates to and treats children. And indeed, how it relates parenting, and how it supports healthy parenting. It is intrinsically linked to how power is mediated in social and material terms across our economic and political and judicial systems. It is inherently a matter of governance.

Of course, known serial abusers, those who cause intentional harm who operate without remorse in any sphere of human activity must be segregated, isolated from society at large, because they cannot be trusted to act otherwise. That goes without saying. It is a health and safety matter of extreme importance. Punishment is not really effective as a way to deal with this problem. Punishment does not prevent harm, because it always arrives after the harm has been caused. Punishment is always too late.

"The psychology of any given family, community or society is both revealed and perpetuated in how that family, community or society relates to and treats the children".

Chronic stress degrades all known biological systems, and leads to disease. Unresolved trauma leads directly to chronic stress, as does war, poverty and all forms of abuse.

These are not inevitables, nor are they unknowns.

They are all the result of choices made by adults.

Here is a detailed chart outlining the social behavioural characteristics of various societies, which was collated in the 70s.

Research since then into endocrine systems, autonomous systems, in utero development and psychology, trauma studies, inter-generational trauma behaviour patterning, history, anthropology, neuroscience, biochemistry, child development and psychopathology confirm the insights of this survey.

Researcher/writers such as Alice Miller, Judith Herman, David Chamberlain, Oliver James, Joseph Chilton Pearce, Carl Rogers, Derrick Jensen, Gabor Mate, Kitty Jones, Robert Zapolsky, David Smail and many, many others are great resources in this.

I URGE you to access the data, the evidence, and go through the works of the writers listed above if you are genuinely concerned about child abuse....

I say this because I want to help you, and all of us, to understand this dynamic so that we can work together to apprehend abusers, to prevent further abuse emerging as it does in such massive numbers and realign our social systems with optimal human biological health.

I am a Survivor of long term intentional child abuse.

I speak and write with some knowledge of this subject.

Both in terms of addressing my own abusive and destructive learned behaviors and my recovery from the trauma I endured for the best part of 20 years.

This blog is where I join the dots on all of this research by people who literally have saved my life and enabled me to return to a degree of optimal biological health.

At some time it will become a book, a website, an interactive mind map and a documentary.

I do this for myself, I do it for you and I do it for my great grand children and all their contemporaries.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Institutional ‘care’ is abusive in it’s current form : that is the reality.

Institutional ‘care’ is abusive in it’s current form : that is the reality.

Workers within State, Church, and within Private Care systems (which are businesses first and foremost) know this. Most ignore it, and carry on doing their job. These are tough times, and there are tougher times ahead. It is true that this work is not easy, yet it is also true that the Institutional Systems do NOT make that workk any easier, for patients or the workers.

Top heavy with Administrative Management, driven by 19th Century perspectives and attitudes towards psychological distress, those who ‘receive’ that care know it too. And they frequently tell those who are ‘caring for them’ this. - Gerry Robinson on Elderly Care Homes - one story of a boy called Conor

The management and workers, for the most part, take this is further ‘evidence’ of the ‘illness’ of those in their care. How dare they criticise those whose daily work is to take ‘care’ of them, this, of course, drives the ‘clients’ into further depths of retreat from the world around them.

Billions of Pounds. Dollars, Euros, Yen and Rupees are spent every year on these systems of care, and a large percentage of those funds are taken off as profits by the suppliers to this vast Industry.

The ward workers, that is those who ‘work’ with the patients, the recipients of care, are typically the least trained and the least well paid.

Those with ‘careers’ with the care systems are psychologically trained as ‘teams’ of mutually supportive people engaged in a difficult yet necessary job; and the fundamental rule of the team is to support the team. Always support the team. Only constructive criticism is allowed. This is what they are taught from day one.

Critical analysis is impossible in such an environment that does not take the criticisms of those who are receiving the care provided.

This translates into being told that any critical analysis that might arise from within the team, no matter how well explained or justified, is ‘negative’ in that it is not supporting the team. “You are being negative. You are breaking the team!”

“Whose side are you on?”

No mention of the non-team on the other non-side, the recipients of the ‘care’ the ‘team’ is supposedly ‘providing’. No real advocacy for those real human beings, as vulnerable people in an invulnerable system.

No mention of the now widely known and well understood dynamics of intergenerational distress and abuse that lead to severe breakdowns of a persons psyche. No mention of the feelings and sensing’s of those who are so troubled by these dynamics, through no fault of their own, and who do not ‘fit in’, who give the lie to the illusion of Society and it’s assumed beneficence.

Psychological Distress is not a life choice.

Blame is not an appropriate word to assign to those whose natural response ability has, for whatever reason, broken down. Control is not an appropriate response to the presence of people whose psychological distress is evident.

Lacking in real empathy, administering more control than care, the systems of ‘care’ as they currently exist are in reality a deepening of the abuse dynamics that led to the psychological distress in the first place.

And the massive and widespread denial of these facts is akin to the actions and mind-set of The Vatican, as it avoids any calls for true empathic response ability, with regard to the many hundreds of thousands of children who have been abused whilst in it’s ‘care’.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe 

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Fear of the Transparent Honest Child : The Natural Child

What have the designers and operators of the culture of dominance, that ideology and system of governance, education, religions and so forth that I was born into, to fear from the honest transparent child?

What kind of parent fears the honest child?

This is a question that contains an implication, which is that system of dominance does indeed fear the honest transparent child.

Bullies fear honesty.

The evidence for this is partly my personal experience, which is primary knowledge, a micro event that contains fractals of macro events within this ideology of dominant culture.

They feared me and attempted to control me. They had no empathy for the child I was.

My experience is common enough, with a wide bandwidth of abuses deemed ‘appropriate‘, from the slight to the extreme. Smacking and raising one’s voice to beatings and humiliation. Punishment and reward.

There is ample evidence from recent history, from the recorded actions and consequences of ‘rulers’ behaviour, and that of whole civilisations, that the indoctrination of all children was and remains prioritised, was and is still deemed essential.

Education loaded with reward/punishment dynamics that deliberately render the child powerless.

In essence that says those rulers did not and do not trust the natural child.

That each and every child must be taught to accept or adapt to training or coercion in ways that could be manipulated.

Hitler youth. Pop Fans. Republican or Democrat or Liberal voters. Brexit. (in the future, from whence I write this edit,)

The existence of ‘Liberal’ political parties within Western Democracy came from fear, not from empathy. The fear that if the Rulers did not make some concessions to the ruled,  trouble would stalk the land.

What is not trusted, is feared. Fear is the first justification for violence. All violence is self-interest.

Fear and hatred are twins in the hands of Power.

Why this fear, when it would appear that those in control are omnipotent, ubiquitous?

A good question... If the Rulers are so omnipotent, why are they so fearful?

What did those who abused me as a child, and what did I, when I abused my friends and bullied my children, in later years, have to fear from the honest transparent child?

Honesty first and foremost, for the honesty flags up my own crimes, flags up the Rulers crimes, clear as day. And that honesty also means that I behaving like a bully, and that the system of dominance behaviours will meet resistance. Honesty is a sign that the ideology is no longer operational.

“Stop what you are doing, I am frightened you are going to hurt me!”

Before a child gets to the point where he or she hates his parent, carer, that’s the sentence she or he would like most to utter. That and “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

The first is a command, yet the child is powerless. The first is a law of natural humane adults : no harm shall come to the children, and yes, in spite of that, the child is powerless.

The second is of course an honest question, and a demand!

The child is, of course powerless.

However the honest transparent adult is not powerless.

Far from it. Indeed she or he has far more natural power than the narcissistic controlling psychopath; the power to connect with all life, to sense that universal quality and feel the unity of life as it manifests on Earth, the home of natural human beings, as real and foundational and as a great gift.

A recognition of life as an act of supreme love.

Indoctrination is by design and intent an attempt to undermine that recognition, that source of identity. When one does not trust oneself, there is fear of self. Narcissus looked to his reflection on the water for a sense of identity. He looked without, rather than within. Approval as identity basis. If you need a mirror to see yourself it is only because you have lost who you are from within.

And the narcissistic psychopath. who has internalised the values of those who have abused him or her, can rest only when she or he feels that they have total control, over others and over nature. That control is needed to ward away the awareness of the pain of the loss of self. It is sensed as a loss of the plot......

And is therefore on a lifelong mission. Which is not yet, nor will it ever be, complete, and certainly not in the way the narcissistic psychopath might imagine. The only long term result is collapse. The strain on self and environment is too much. Nature wins. Always. Psychosis is nature calling.

Carl Rogers, and later on John Wier Perry, outlined that in the 50s, 60s and 70s and showed with the Diabasis project that psychosis was a pathway towards self-discovery, towards wholeness of the person and not to be feared, but to be taken as a call for balance. And the best assistance was empathetic companionship and what he called 'unconditional positive regard'....... Rogers trusted the innate self healing of all living cells, and sought to facilitate that self-healing. Thus he avoided Instruction. Indoctrination. Medication. And he succeeded.

Our lives are short. Our time is precious. It must be lived with as much transparent honesty as the soul, the unique sense of identity, the happening of being can craft though the agency of the body on this fertile Earth That is what the design implication of the human body experience is. Joy. In being. Oneself, transparent, relaxed. Breathing easy.

Any attempt to indoctrinate a child, as done in these dominatory cultures, is an attempt to rob that living being of that unique and innate joy-fullness, which is a grievous loss to the child; and to add insult to injury, the persons life is then manipulated to the ends of the indoctrinator :a narcissistic psychopath.

Again, let me say that when one does not trust oneself, there is fear of self. Narcissis looked to his reflection on the water for a sense of identity. He looked without, rather than within. external approval as identity basis. Image replaces sensing.

Young men and women don’t become soldiers. They are made. Trained to kill on command. Clearly those who do feel no guilt, no remorse and have no operational conscience nor friendly empathy nor will those who orchestrate such conditions be merciless. Torturers. Special Forces. Secret Police. And those who control them. They to can have no conscience. The School of the Americas. David Stirling. Idi Amin. George Bush. Pinochet.

Corrupted good people are racked with guilt. A guilt they rationalise away. A guilt they compartmentalise.

They could be soldiers, policemen, civil servants, corporate managers. You. Me.

Its always a choice. They sell their lives, their integrity. They deny their remorse, they rationalise their complicity as best they can … and they know. And they can become narcissistic psychopaths. In that corruption and complicity is a ‘gateway’ experience. Or they can acknowledge what they are doing and stop.

When more chose to stop, when more choose not to be corrupted, then the system of dominance reveals itself in whatever way to those who are complicit, to those who rationalise it’s violence. And recognition of that violence leads to honesty. Honesty to resistance.

And that is the true state of the honest, transparent adult. To resist that which is oppressive.

Interestingly enough within the project of Compulsion Schooling lies a virus, a methodology that thwarts the natural maturing process, that stills the critical thinking that arises from a naturally empathetic humane being, as most children are, that extends adolescence way beyond it’s time, that infantilises those who succumb. The archives show this clearly.

Which is why advertising works.

Obama. 2012. The Rapture. Hope. Manipulation of those who can be manipulated. For power and for profit.

As adults we have the power to resist oppression, indoctrination and propaganda in way the natural child has not, because we are now on an equal physical footing with the oppressor. THAT is why the State is armed to the teeth. Not to 'protect' people. To intimidate people.

The threat of extreme violence is all that holds the modern state and the rapacious corporation as either stands, with all the 'exported trauma' that goes with those structures : (if one lives in, say the ‘peaceful’ cities of London or Paris or Berlin or countries that claim this ‘peace‘ and believes in it, and fails to ‘see’ the externalised costs of those cities, towns and country systems, the trauma has been exported from ones awareness.).

As adults we can choose not to accept indoctrination, lies, propaganda and we can choose to confront that where we find it.

It all comes down to choice.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Change Values for Survival. Set a course for Thrivival.

Four words, to meet again in a future reality where Thrivival is the human cultural setting.

I have spent a good part of my life on the healing path, firstly to heal my own wounds, so that I may breath freely, relax deeply and enjoy my being. I am still on that path.

Secondly and perhaps more importantly, to ensure that I do not inflict the same wounds upon my own children. Breaking the cycles. And I sense it as an intergenerational thing, from one entire generation to the next. We are all in this together.

The hope is that they might too breathe more freely, relax into who they are more deeply and enjoy their being. That is, I think, the second best possible gift I could give them. Peace as an internal reality.

The best gift is a cleaner, safer environment within which they can live as nurtured and nurturing beings.

Much of that healing has been through attempting to take some kind of responsibility for my diet, my thought processes, my actions. Small actions within my own limited sphere of influence.

A bumpy path, with many ‘wrong’ turnings, yet 'something' in me keeps me to the path.

That 'something' I have come to sense as an element of our innate nature. The biological urge to heal, to recover balance, to thrive, to live in a default state of trust and well being.

In recent years I have also spent much time learning about the structures that caused my wounding, by looking at them, by understanding them from different angles and by taking the piss out of them.

A sense of humour is a great gift to receive, and a necessary tool - to laugh when things do not work is a useful way to defuse, de-escalate, self regulate one's emotions. I have also devoted time to looking practices  that are truly healthy and in that now common phrase, sustainable. Often looking for love in all the wrong places.

The opportunities for self deprecating humour are everywhere in my life.

One of the things I know for sure, is that consumerism, market economies, power exercised over people as an addiction and much else of what is taken a granted by industrialised cults is not sustainable. The industrial revolution started the process whereby most of us did not grow our own food, but worked for money, and generally a pittance at that, so that we could buy food, inserting a middleman in the chain between food and eater, whilst that middleman extracted wealth from us.

Ignorance is not not knowing, ignorance is ignoring what is

That middleman does not exist in nature, and there’s the core of the problem. The fact is that in nature all living entities, from the microscopic to the macroscopic, have a direct relationship to their food, their nourishment. And we are all dependents. Others efforts make our foods available.

As lungs to oxygen. Eyes to light. Nature functions in ways that enable all living entities have access to what they require to reach their full potential, and that in the process of reaching towards that potential, they also guarantee all other living entities the resources required for reaching full potential, notwithstanding ‘shit happens’ as in natural ‘disasters’ or being eaten…….shit is not waste, it is a resource, if treated in the correct and natural way.

Given the complexity and perfection of nature, the exquisite beauty and balance of the vast system that covers the surface of our planet, it does not make sense that this is a mechanical mindless process, but an intelligent one.

The seed must ‘know’ that it is to be the plant, and must know how to become that plant, or at the very least be able to learn how to become that plant. As must all living creatures.

The culture into which I was born is by design quite different, insofar that access to resources is controlled so as to alter the innate behaviour of those that are controlled, be they plant, animal or humane being.

That control necessitates the abuse that I experienced as a child. It necessitates the abuse of billions of animals which we ‘farm’ for food. It necessitates the enslaving or exploitation of plants in much the same way, insofar that the natural life path of plants is controlled, carrots are planted in lines, forests are destroyed etc etc..

The controller is the middleman, the interventionist in the process of life. In nature all is food, and thus food is generally speaking, abundant. Strangely enough though, obesity is not common place, nor is starvation, in natural systems. Neither is existential insecurity as we experience it.

In Danger of Falling Fruit.

 Permaculture seeks to replicate those systems in such a manner as to obviate the ‘clear the land and grow food in lines’ for profit way of doing things. Bill Mollison made a great video about permaculture forest gardening entitled “In Danger of Falling Fruit” …….. as opposed to the Danger of falling bombs, as espoused by our governments, as the way towards ‘freedom‘ and ‘democracy‘.

 As ever, old Bill expressed a profound and beautiful truth in pithy terms, with no wasted words. A beautiful human being who with David Holgrem, and others, has bequeathed us with an opportunity to get ourselves out of the mess we are in. Perhaps that was the only danger in the garden of Eden.

Would that it were the only danger facing us today!

 Alice Miller and Carl Rogers are two others whose observations ring true in a similar manner, with respect to how we treat children and how we treat each other. If, in my life, I could add to, or share those great gifts, even in the slightest way, then I would judge my life worth living, beyond the sheer joy of being alive, which as ever I regard as a great mystery, a profound gift for which I am ever grateful.

We can do this!

To subvert the systems of control, we need to not give them our compliance. If nobody enlists, there can be no war. If we grow our own food, we do not need the money nor do we need Tescos.

If we don’t watch television, we don’t need the BBC. If we sing our own songs, we don’t need Bono, nor do we need the Rolling Stones.

 If we are prepared to be visionaries, we would need no movies nor would we need scripture. If we think for ourselves, we will need no leaders. We are born, each and every one of us, with innate wisdom and a great learning ability. Our expressions would be the sharing of that which enriches us all. Open sourced.

 Change values for survival" Helen Caldicott says, and I would add, let's change our values and behaviour so that we move well beyond survival and stroll and stride and run and skip and hop with joy into Thrivival.

 kindest regards Corneilius Do what you love, it's your gift to universe
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