Showing posts with label Corbyn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corbyn. Show all posts

Keep Corbyn at the forefront!

I think Labour ought to vote to stick with JC, and not merely to to spite the Mefia.

"I think the media are leading the Labour membership along a merry grooming operation - it;'s none of their business, it is the business of the Labour Party Membership.

The opinions of people and organisations who have bullied Jeremy Corbyn in print and broadcast, over the past 4 years, on any of this are just more propaganda and bullying. There is something deeply wrong here.

Standing up to bullying.

Furthermore, and importantly, I think it would be standing up to the bullies and grooming gangsters to say NO!

"Jeremy is correct, honest and totally a worthy Prime Minister, and we will not let you lot bully him or us: we are retaining Jeremy as Leader."

The Bullies have always wanted Corbyn to go.

Are you so readily going to give them that satisfaction?"

Continuity. Matters.

Putting this in another way, I would describe the situation as the following:

If A is part of an extended family, and A spreads lies and misleading statements and slander about a cousin B in order to get the rest of the family to hate on that cousin B, that is an abusive psychological assault.

It is defined in Domestic Abuse law as a criminal offence.

Corbyn is the cousin B, the extended family is all of us, the Establishment, and their operatives are A.

The abusers are the microtargeters, the Mefia and others who push emotionally potent trigger material, lies, misleading statements etc towards studied and identified vulnerablities across specific demographics to exploit targetted groups across the population to 'sell' a political meme, product to ideology....

This is the easiest way to explain what is happening.

This is abuse, straight up. 

Deliberate emotional abuse.

Persistence, determination and community based work matter, deeply.

Jeremy Corbyns election to Leadership of Labour came as a shock to the British political status quo. That was never meant to happen. It did.

And lots of people joined and re-join Labour because they felt the possibility of an honesty in politics that might move matters towards a more peace oriented future.

The youth movement have transformed UK politics, supported by millions of elders - the vast majority of whom vehemently oppose all the UKS wars and humanitarian inteerventions, the generation of the Invasion of Iraq, privatisation of social care, Austerity etc...

They have thrown down a guantlet of honesty without stooping to dishonesty, deliberate triggering, or emotional manipulation, by designing policies informed by the people they will most affect.

The policy manifesto that Labour set out was adequately costed.

It was grounded on sound economics and a social duty of care, precisely because it was informed by the disabled, the vulnerable, the poor, the low income working poor, the families struggling with debt, the students struggling with debt, combat veterans, women in refuges, the issues on climate, environment and food safety and working conditions and rights.

The Tories had 'Get Brexit Done' and click bait policy headlines with no commitments, or costings, mere chaff in policy terms, and they had the micro-targeting of varied demographics with emotional triggering materials that exploit known and studied vulnerabilities, biases, prejudices and ignorances, in co-ordination with the sloganeering News Mefia smear campaigns such as targeting Corbyn as a Communist or Marxist or Anti-Semite or Terrorist Sympathiser.

These are all outright lies. Knowing misrepresentations designed to elict an emotive reaction that turns the target against Corbyn.

I have met random people across London, the so called liberal metropolis, who call Corbyn a 'Communist' in such hatred as they spit that word out. They had no evidence, just a printed opinion.

Hearts and Minds psychological operations - an entity created to disseminate material

Cambridge Analytica, Lynton Crosby, The Institute for Statecraft, Facebook's refusal to police political 'advertisements' for misleading content, lies, etc... The way the News Mefia allowed liars to state their lies, without challenging them. The way talk radio allows people to repeat those lies, as if that formed a valid 'opinion'...

So we are all faced with well resourced organised global goading systems that have been quietly tested in elections across the global south,,,,


I think that Labour needs to move away from 'Leadership' invested in a person or an institutional singular role.

The people need spokespersons who have sat with them, talked, listened, heard the evidence, seen the evidence and who have designed policy that will meet those needs.

Take that to the Legislature. As a foundational dynamic.

Set up a spokesperson team, of able communicators, with superb critical thinking skills that can politely or robustly defuse attempts at manipulation, bullying, misleading as they happen and identify the behavioural tactic in real time. and then calmly proceed with the evidence based dialogue.

Defuse the attacks on a Leader, use them to bring the policy evidence to the fore.

Call out political bullying as a clinical practice protocol.

Let us state that Honesty is our ground upon which Justice will be built.

Sign the petitioon, link below, to register this position, if you agree with my take.

Honesty of the many, will tear down the Lies of the few.

That they can then join the many, and be at ease, finally among the family of humanity.

Or detained, humanely, where they can cause no further harm - we must have justice, rather than revenge, and I certainly do not want to cause harm anyone.

An Honest World is possible. You will need to be brave and determined, and acutley aware of how bullying really works.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Bullying Behaviour - the core dynamic, obvious, yet carefullu avoided. Why?

Mother's bleached out of History is a form of institutional bullying.

The Official History does not give voice to the mothers of wars, for mothers rarely go to war, war comes to them.

From my view, I see the parade of war lords, kings, presidents, emperors, queens, prime ministers, dictators that stretches back such a short span of  our human existence, a span where wisdom has fled, and the bully proceeds. The competing powers dynamic is a pathology.


pregnant mothers.

your mother.

my mother, 

our mothers.


For me it has been a gently creative summer, this warm, balmy 2017,  and I am now leaning into a leisurely and hopefully creative autumn.

I have been sitting with the plants and bugs, I have been musing and ruminating, mulling over things, whilst ensuring I took time to fritter away being idle, indolent and chilling the way out..... for me, life is to be savoured, not for it's peaks, but for it's intense essence, it's mere presence. Being alive and sensitive is amazing!

Which is really at the core of why I detest bullying, or coercion, or manipulation, or any attempt to 'nudge' one person in anyway in order to gain an advantage, or have ones perceived need met, whatever that might be.

Bullying intrudes upon and disrupts that space of presence. Peace is more than the absence of bullies...

It's ugly behaviour, really.  We know it stems from insecurity, from a wounded place.

I prefer transparency, honesty, integrity. It's strong, until it is broken.

I look around at this culture, it's icons, it's goals, it's actions and outcomes and I understand that bullying is normalised, institutionalised, mythologised, theologised, dramatised, fetishised, attributed to Divinity and demonised as the most foul, in equal measure, across this existing Militarised Industrial Civilisation.


It's like varieties of mint.

Racism, Misogyny, Sectarianism, Colonialism, Sexism, whatever......... same plant, different flavours, the flavours are not the problem.

Babies are not born bullies. This we know.

Some babies may be born with damaged or weakened systems, and if not spotted, these can become pathologies, through a variety of vectors. A lack of empathy, or inability to self regulate may lead to overt control rather than attempts to heal that area, deepening the behavioural dynamic. But more than that the evironment and social experience of the child will determine much of that child's development, and each child will carry elements of the epi-genetics of the past recent generations as well...

"There are things in a child's life that should happen, and do not. And there are things in a child's life that should not happen, and do."

The child's agency in this is limited.

The task then falls to the adults to correct the balance.

As many have observed, a loved child is more likely to become a loving adult, than a child which has been abused, neglected.

I think children are being bullied quite a lot, in institutional settings, and in the public domain, and I think it's so common, that no one can see it.

And I think it is one of the many dots to be joined regarding how healthy behaviour is distorted. How do we relate to and treat children? How those with power relate to and treat those who hold little power?

A song about bullying and honesty.

A parody of Abba's pop song 'Money, Money, Money'

A reflection on our times, a gander at the cost of bullying in politics, and in how bullied politics afflicts peoples lives, in the knowledge that all of it is wholly avoidable. And how the best approach is honesty. Clarity.

Break it down : as soon as a person speaks and promotes their bias, prejudice, animosity etc in a manner that is in any way intimidating, or denigrating, or that seeks to base legislative powers on the false assumptions of their prejudice,  or that demands change be forced through based on those false assumptions.... that then is bullying.

Political bullying is a fully professionalised enterprise, effectively a world of well funded, well resourced war-gaming.

That's all bullying. IT HAS NO PLACE IN CIVIL GOVERNANCE. Ever.

We talk about racism, sexism, genderism, etc with regards to the reasons for each petty prejudice.... yet we rarely talk about bullying, we talk about trying to alter the reasoning, yet bullying is so normal that the bullying continues...

Let's be honest and call it out.

Here's a fine article on how bullying operates in politics - the tactics and technicals. 

Well worth a read.

The writer connects the dots between bullying dynamics observed in inter personal situations and tactical political behaviour, and it makes much sense of a confusing world, in that it describes an arena of happenstance as much as one of seeking control, that there is a chaos element to the bullying. Bullying is inherent unstable.

"Here are some recognisable bullying traits and tactics, designed to damage, isolate, discredit and eliminate the target:

  • bullies are adept at exploiting the trust and needs of individuals, organisations and groups, for personal gain.
  • bullies react to criticism with denial, retaliationfeigned victimhood.
  • the bully grooms bystanders, and the target, to believe the target deserves the treatment they are receiving and attempts to limit contact between others and their target. Often the bully will use communications that exclude the target so that there is no opportunity for them to defend themselves and present their truth.
  • the bystanders see only the Dr Jekyll side of the bully, but only the target sees the Mr/Ms Hyde side; Dr Jekyll is sweet, manipulative and charming, Mr/Ms Hyde is evil; Mr/Ms Hyde is the real person, Dr Jekyll is an act.
  • bullies exert power and control by a combination of selectively withholding information and spreading lies and disinformation, therefore everyone has a distorted picture – of only what the bully wants them to see. "

Babies are not bullies - the behaviour is learned...... prevention is the only sustainable  approach.

A Societal Psyche

Vladimir Putin, the Baby boy, was not born to become the Leader of a Nation.

Donald Trump, the Baby boy, was not born to become a bully, and a Leader of a Nation.

Martin Luther King, the Baby boy, was not born to become a political Leader, to be assasinated.

Neil Armstrong, the Baby Boy, was not born to walk on the moon.

Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, General Custer, Cromwell, the babies, were not born to become military leaders who personally ordered the murder of hundreds of thousands of people, all largely innocent..

They were, and are all products of the societal psyche of 'Power', 'Hierarchy', 'Authority' and 'Security'.

These are the terms used which deferentially aggrandise the basic act of bullying, which is what lies at the core of each and every one of them.

The Bully System.


The powerful influence of the bully system does not excuse their crimes. It's more a question of understanding the development of that kind of predatory psyche, in order to deal with it.

Just as the populations of soldiers, willing or conscripted, are products of the societal psyche of power, which is a wholy cultural over lay and has no basis in healthy biology.

Healthy human biology is largely mandated towards egalitarian localism.

That power based predatory psyche acts as an inducer of chronic stress, and it affects our own physiology, or very biology, adversely. The stress to maintain military outposts takes resources away from what ever community is paying for it, in many different ways, where local need is not being met..... it's crazy.

Chronic stress is a MAJOR disease and degenerative vector. Yet the masters of the economy impose more and more stress on ordinary people.

Civilisation or Bulliliesation?

We cannot continue to vote for bullies, and expect material change....

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Theresa May, Justice, the Brain on Trial, Common Wealth Violence

Deliberative Justice...

Less about punishment than containment and restoration of peace/justice....

Trauma and neuro-behaviourally informed, evidence led, designed for restoration of peace, prevention of further harm.

Accountability rather than guilt.

Remorse rather than shame.

Flexible enough to confront the person with their own behaviour, and give them the responsibility for their containment, to the degree that the 'defendant' co-operates and demonstrates a change in behaviour that is lasting.

Restorative Justice.

There are many people, deeply versed in legislative systems and the science of the brain, neurology and behaviour, world wide who are exploring these dynamics, and generating trials and new practices..

The biology of behaviour, the sciences of neurology and endocrinology, child development and human geography bring an important series of observations that must impact what we call the Criminal Justice System.

There are aspects of behaviour that are beyond conscious control, in that they are biological dysfunction states within the persons body systems, including the brain.

This short video introduces the basic concepts in pretty clear language... its entertaining, heart warming and challenging.

I respectfully suggest readers view this video before proceeding with the rest of this piece..


Alan Alda and Robert Sapolsky, 

The Brain on Trial - 

Behave, the Biology of Humans at our best and our worst
essential reading!

Who Am I?

Who or what do we identify or internalise?

For me I internalise plant life, bug life, biological life, all life as much as I can, I ixternalise love, empathy, compassion ... it's so different in quality, it's hugely healthy compared to 'appreciation' of the bland offerings of the artifice civilisation likes to call 'culture'.

I feel connected to all living as one, made of many.

Compared to the intelligence and beauty of the biology, the 'achievements' of the hierarchical civilisation culture loses their lustre, they stand debunked, the dominant culture's self acclaimed notion of 'progress', it's pomp and grandeur are mere showmanship. Barnum Arts. 

Clever yuk, skilled yuk, genius  yuk, yes  all these, they worked hard at their various arts, they were superb craftsmen, and so too the weapons makers, and it was all propaganda... a lot of it still is.

I have no taste for that.

Biological life is still the mother and the muse of Humanity, of human-ness.

Compost is my future.

Nurture is my present, and my presence.

I know who I am, what I am.

Peace is more than the absence of war.

Being’ anti-war’ or being peaceful is to be mature enough to not take sides in a dysfunctional hierarchy of violence.

Now that that is cleared up, perhaps we can progress.

Let us continue this conversation, in order to be informed, enlightened and reassured.... in our desire to bring the conflict and violence to a close.

Break the cycle.

Cease the violence.

The Windrush Common Wealth Immigration Issue...

Theresa May's policy decision which has caused, and is causing real harm to real people. Avoidable in every single case. In spite of being forewarned of the problems.

The cruelty of this policy implementation, that they went ahead even though they were warned that the policy would result in avoidable harm.... something else is going on other than incompetence... and it must be regarded as an act of institutional violence.

This policy was put in place in 2014.


I have a theory.

The Establishment knew they had a EU referendum ahead and their tactic was to generate as much division as possible across different demographics.

They wanted to break the center and left into many pieces using the EU ref. which they believed would happen which ever way the vote went. They expected the vote to go to remain. 

So the strategy was to troll and harass different sectors and demographics, using regulation

By making immigration from the Caribbean and Common Wealth more difficult, that demographic felt unfairly treated, and their ire turned against the EU immigrants, directed by the media and populist politics, and they backed Brexit for that reason. By making immigration rules more difficult for all Common Wealth origin, they would have trolled a huge demographic that could have influenced the Brexit Vote.

My local UKIP Candidate in Harrow West was Asian, in his 60s, and concerned about the unfairness in immigration rules for Common Wealth vs EU immigrants. At the time that struck me as strange. A year ago I met a lovely Caribbean woman who told me she voted for Brexit because the immigration rules were so unfair. These two events in my life now fit into a larger pattern.

The Home Office was warned that their policy as set out would render many tens of thousands of long term UK taxpaying Caribbean British Citizens illegal aliens. They went ahead. That's my first  'clue'.

Now we hear the paper documents, the landing papers, of thousands and thousands of people who arrived, legally, legitimately were all destroyed in an 'office move' pretty much guaranteeing this outcome.

In 2010 or 2009, by either a Tory or New Labour Administration.


In other words they knew, in 2010 and 2014 that the original documents were destroyed, and that would lead to lack of proof of legal entry for hundreds of thousands of older generation immigrants.

The outcome tells the tale.

Now, they are caught out, because the injustice of that policy is a news story, 4 years later.

Perhaps they already had a plan that looked at this and they will now implement their chosen resolution, and make it look like they are 'responsive' to feedback (Tell the disabled that...... see how that goes down) just in time for the Council elections........

They are that machiavellan.

And that is the problem here - the machiavellan psychology of the Power system.

Harming families to pursue policy objectives.

Just look at the behaviour of The British State since 2003.

Deliberately escalating militarised violence.

What are we dealing with here?

What indeed?

Craig Murray asks a similar question.

Robert Fisk went to Duoma, and spoke to the people who were there when that video purporting to show gas attacked children.

Their testimony contradicts the narrative of a gas attack.

Robert Fisk is a 100% reliable source, unbiased, who lives in Beiruit, has done for decades, and who does not take sides, and writes critically of all the violence on all sides, consistently exposing hypocrisy wherever it emerges in what he reports on.

The 'reason' given for the 102 missile attack on Syrian State infrastructure was a blatant lie.

What kind of people, again?

Read all about it.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Scam Society or Honest Society?

Bullies seek to co-opt the decent.
In practice it is both a behaviour pattern (unconscious), and a deliberate tactic (conscious).
If the bully cannot co-opt, the bully will denigrate the target in the eyes of others, the on-lookers, the bystanders, the target population.
'Corbyn is a Marxist', 'Corbyn is un-electable' , 'Corbyn is an anti-Semite' are all untrue, and the reason these untruths are spoke is because he would not press the Nuke trigger. That's the real reason the established power networks hate him so much.
It has nothing to do with Socialism.

The issue is with being willing to follow orders. to be willing to press the trigger, to launch mass death upon an innocent population, Because when he is stating that he would not press it, and would in fact seek to disarm it, that is publicly rejecting their co-opting of the job of Prime Minister into that of a Warlord.
However the bullies cannot speak the truth, they cannot say "We will never let a pacifist have the power to stop War!"

Instead they lay allegations against him, with ad hominem twist for spice, and then associate him with a hate figure. It is when one understands this behaviour, that one tends to look more closely, and observing the precise moment of co-option, then immediately defusing that trigger, that this kind of bullying is disabled.
You knock it on the head there and then. You name it. You say 'This Emperor is Naked!'

This is the only way to activate the will of the people, the energy and engagement of the people with what is happening. People will only respond if they can see that there is ruthless honesty and it is clearly felt, absolutely understood.

When that practice is common amongst the electorate, we will see progressive change, because we will be driving it.

The Bullies will not, obviously, volunteer in this effort, and will resist any such efforts by every tool of disruption.

Hence the need for active engagement with understanding grooming, manipulating people through studied vulnerabilities.

Hence the active divisive marketing machine going over drive.
Corbyn, Gaza and marketing propaganda

Where ever we see a military force arranged against a civilian population, we see oppression, organised, institutionalised oppression.

We see the combined efforts of millions of workers, hundreds of thousands of troops, thousands of officers and many hundreds of civil officials, the logistical, industrial supply lines, the collection and expenditure of taxation and State policy all geared to that military operation.

That's a lot of people, that's entire cities, whole economies of regions devoted to oppression, rather than nurturance.

Today is a 15th anniversary day of so many needless deaths and maiming's in Iraq in the first weeks of the War Against Iraq. Every day is an anniversary of some horror perpetrated upon innocent people by States and their proxies in the international arena of competing militarised powers. Every day.

'Department of 'Defence'.

Yeah, whatever

ISIS. The IDF. The Burmese Army. The US Marine Corps in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Russian Army, Al-Nusra Front, Argentinian Troops in The Falklands, The IRA, FARC, Nazi War Machine, Nuclear Weapons, Bio-Weapons, covert and overt support for militia - it's all the same psycho-social dynamic.

Sides are an illusion. Taking sides is a delusion, and insane delusion.

None of their justifications or rationales for political or economic violence stand the test of honesty, evidence and justice. None.

Not even WWI or WWII.

Taking sides within this culture of hierarchically organised violence merely perpetuates it.
Debt is political leverage, and the narrative of the property ladder is merely a grooming operation for debt creation as a hobble.

New Labour continued the deregulation of the banking sector, they broke the separation between high street retail and investment banking, flooding the retail sector with electronic credit, to make it easier for workers to buy property - the credit was then converted into real earned revenues by the workers, as they paid pack the mortgages, and that real wealth was transferred to the lenders.

The property remains, is perhaps redecorated, and renovated.
The material value does not fundamentally change, it is still a property, but it's nominal land price does change, because the market pushes the prices up to attract investors in debt, and so the cost of fitting in and participating in property ownership as an investment model has an entirely fictitious 'market driven' price.

It ceases being a home, part of a community of homes, it becomes an investment vehicle ofr an individual and the village dies.

The lenders convert imaginary assets into wealth.

They set the market, and politicians legislate for that need.

The home owner is politically inert, reduced to a cog in a machine.

Debt clouds the debtors horizon.

The Tories are continuing the process.

Load debt onto the electorate through credit, load the State with debt to a similar degree, and the entire country is on hock to the money men.

This is but one of many scams.

Sold as upwards social mobility.

Sold as aspirations.

Thatcher birthed some of it's recent spawn, but it started long, long before she emerged.
It's less Left vs Right any more, than it is Scam vs Honesty.

Scamservatives and ScamLabour vs Honservatives and Honest Labour

Scam vs The Honest People.
Kindest regards Corneilius "Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe" Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Women reject the use of gender to silence legitimate political opposition: an open letter

An open letter by some active women folk looking at the basis of the accusations of misogynistic behaviours emerging from the Media, directed at Jeremy Corbyn and Momentum activists...

Women reject the use of gender to silence legitimate political opposition

"We, the undersigned, women Labour members or supporters from different backgrounds, ethnicities and regions, condemn attempts by some women MPs to blame the Leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn and shadow chancellor John McDonnell for alleged intimidation. The accusations are baseless and are part of an escalating witch-hunt against Corbyn and his supporters.

The tragic murder of Jo Cox MP, for which a right-wing racist with mental health problems has been charged, has been invoked as if it was connected with anti-racist, pro-refugee Corbyn. A brick through the side window of a building used by many groups, including the local MP, has been attributed to Corbyn followers without any proof. And we are warned against holding peaceful demonstrations outside MPs offices or calling for them to be deselected."

The full text of the letter is truly worth reading.

The core point is that to use such slurs demeans the entire political process, and does nothing to help confront and resolve the issues around power, sexualised violence, abuse and harm; if anything it undermines our efforts in this area.

It is clear, accurate, compassionate and written with utter integrity, by women activists engaged in intensive daily work to support women (and by extension, men and children).

It feeds back into my many blog postings about bullying in politics, violence in society, hierarchies of power, trauma related behaviour patterns, and much else besides...

Media Trolling

Media - Read and react, or read, analyse, check and respond.

We have a choice.

Our choices dictate outcomes, especially with regards to bringing about a healthy, sane, nurturant society.

The reactive mode is easily manipulated.

The responsive much less so, to the degree that any individual has worked through his or her own issues around power and sense of self - whether it is truly emergent or laced with internalized system values (shame, guilt, blame, praise, reward, punishment ... are all clues to where we still hold onto internalized system values).

Many people are making this choice, consciously, deliberately, and bringing that to the table of politics and governance.

And this choice gets far less attention and examination in the media than the justifications for war or for Corbyn's so-called 'unelectability'.

Established Power's self protection.

It would appear the established power does want to enable such choices by acknowledging the multitude of stories of those who do. The mainstream power establishment media is peppered with justifications of violence, with sexism, fantasy, ideology and sales pitches.

The Inquiry into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse underway in the UK has lost yet another chair-person. We do not yet know why. It is very sad and very, very worrying.

The Australian Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse is revealing just how endemic cover-ups, mitigations, institutional desire to protect itself are in this area....

Ireland and the United States have had multiple Inquiries.

The evidence is immense and mounting all the time.

The response of Power is way behind what the evidence suggest would be appropriate.

"Houston, we have a problem."

The Astronauts fixed the problem with assistance from Ground Control.

They worked together.

The Government (and The Vatican) needs to work with and for Survivors, not try to get around them.

The Labour party MPs who are opposing Corbyn need to work with the grass roots of the party, not try to get around them.

It is the same pattern.


Tribal is an odd word to use to describe violent systems.

Here's why.

This is a chart of social behavioural characteristics of different societies (tribes, sic) from a meta-analysis by James Prescott in the 1970s,  which looks at whether or not they are truly nurturant or controlling, and indicates the sets of behaviours associated with each.

Societies with very different child relating modalities, and very different outcomes...

And the common link between the emergence of violence or nurturance appears to revolve around the way a given society relates to and treats the children.

If we want to resolve these problems, we start with parenting at the very base of society, as the very base of society.... which means the work women do for women is absolutely critical.
Here is an article I wrote expanding on the chart by James Prescott.

The website is very useful in exploring this issue.

The Neurobiology of Trauma.

Here is an example of one aspect of that work, related to the neurobiology of trauma, and trauma informed responses to sexual abuse which counter the 'traditional' responses which are the subject of numerous national inquiries. Informative, direct, clear and deeply compassionate, it also hints at the problems with inherited traditional approaches to sexual abuse allegations, which are indicators on the nature of our Society and it's power structures.

In another recent blog I posted a basic outline for anyone interested in this area of human exploration, knowledge and healing, with some links to key writers and researchers in this area..

These insights into the neurobiology of trauma indicate that in utero trauma can occur, if the mother is subjected to trauma events or chronic stress beyond her ability to control. They also feed into child development issues....

Everyone of us carries some of the bully psychology within us to one degree or another until we resolve it within ourselves. Social conditions and socialised conditioning tend to make it so.

That's why we become bystanders.

Resolve it with insight, evidence and self reflection.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Politics, Governance, Corbyn and Bullying

There's a difference between Politics (which is the strategies deployed to gain, retain, enhance and project Power) and Governance (the administration of shared resources for the equal benefit of all the people).

We need to find ways to remove politics, the power struggle, the adversarial dynamic of seeking dominance, which is based on hierarchies of violence, aka bullying, from ALL systems of Governance, which would be more correctly based on equity - the value and meaning of what we share.

This is not an easy task, yet it is a necessary one, and it is a collective task that cannot be led by any individual or grouping - it's a task for all of us,  who seek healthy human social systems. This is not so much about rebelling as it is about robust healing, with all the practical, material details that that task entails.


The mainstream narrative attacks the person and ignores or trivialises the policies which he is standing for, which are largely informed by the party membership and the evidence.

What other behaviour does one need to make a behavioural diagnosis on institutional Power occupied by bullies?

Bullies you say?

Just to re-iterate : there's a difference between Politics (which is the strategies deployed to gain, retain, enhance and project Power) and Healthy Governance (the administration of shared resources for the equal benefit of all the people).

We need to remove politics, which is based on hierarchies of violence, aka bullying from ALL systems of Governance, which are more correctly based on equity.


He stands as a representative of a grass roots who have decided that enough is enough, we pay their wages, we decide policy, we want oversight of implementation and we want the shared responsibilities of power across the grass roots.

He stands for a GENUINE democratic process of engagement, where power rests in the people, not an executive.

It was Tony Blair's strategy to strengthen the executive, which enabled him to send the State to war, illegally, amorally.

British Democracy died the day Parliament voted for a War of Aggression. 

That decision to go to war had a vast parliamentary majority, one sixth voted against it, and the rest abstained (stained, they were, nonetheless, by that avoidance of their duty of care)

"At 10 pm, the motion  was passed by 412 to 149 votes, authorising the invasion."

A Demoracy cannot wage a war of aggression, and retain the definition. Not in my view. The amorality undermines the very essence of Democracy.

It is the NeoLiberal's within Labour who are protecting the power establishment by attacking Corbyn.

The old 19th century concept of leadership as some person in Authority convincing the electorate to vote along certain lines using grooming tactics is out of date, yet still in use, and effective.

In essence, I view the 21st Century as the emergence a healthy system of Governance, where the people are the leaders, the people are asked to choose who will represent our insight, our concern, our creativity and intelligence, our vulnerability, our human frailty and love, our family, our community by carrying forward policies the people have deliberated upon, across all levels of Governance.

Honesty in Education with regards History is a priority, as is introducing demoracy into schools. as a collective, deliberative decision making process.

With that in mind, I refer the reader to The Power Inquiry, 2006, a project on examining democratic power within the UK with a view to an accurate description of power disparities, and various ways to approach devolution of decision making to local populations where any policy that might impact them is informed by their conditions, their needs.

The Power Inquiry

A constituency of more than two million people active in the Community Voluntary Sector looked at how power can be safely devolved to the grass roots.

In effect the Power Inquiry was engaged in undermining the ability of a power establishment, any power establishment - to dominate Governance and deploy the resources of the State as political weapons with which that establishment retains, maintains, enhances and projects it's power over the people.

Which is why David Cameron, Ed Milliband and others after praising it at the 2006 Conference, suggested only 2 days later that it was 'impractical'. A dismissive turn of phrase. The matter is not worth discussing. No reasons were given. To do so would mean they would have to lie in public. Silence is the better part of valour, in this case, for those in power.


As if the millions of people serving vulnerable people were ill placed to discuss Governance, a key element of their work - from matters of finance to developing evidence based services, from oversight to deliberation, from representing their clients to lobbying for more support and understanding.... that's a LOT of self Governance skill-sets in action, and the bullies declared it is 'impractical'?

And it was about then that the Government's plans to destabilise the Community Voluntary Sector (CVS) under the "Social Care Reform' and the 'Big Society' label were set into motion, by a Labour Government, and continued by a Tory/Lib Dem and now a Tory Government, and now (in 2019) a Tory Tory Majority seeking to enhance it's executive powers....

That's practical to the Rulers... retain their dominance.


There is no justice without empathy, no justice without prevention, no justice without honesty, no uustice without accountability.

As I wrote earlier:

There's a difference between Politics (which is the strategies deployed to gain, retain, enhance and project Power) and Governance (the administration of shared resources for the equal benefit of all the people).

We need to remove politics, which is based on hierarchies of violence, aka bullying, from ALL systems of Governance, which are more correctly based on equity - the value and meaning of what we share. 

It is also important to look at the tactics and behaviours of those who are bullying Corbyn (and all of us who want a genuinely evidence based just participative democratic governance system). I have another short blog on some of the behaviours of those who bully through the media, etc, that you might find interesting and useful.

I would also suggest readers take a look at this superb blog piece on bullying in politics and how it operates  to obstruct fair discourse,  justice and healthy democratic change...
(blog by Kitty Jones). Insightful, evidence based, honest and easy to read an assimilate...

We also need to be able to spot bullying from within our own ranks, and how to confront it, safely, in order to preserve our calm, and prevent provocative people from derailing our work, and possibly help those who are angry and frustrated and hateful to deal with that side of their struggle.

We are all in this together.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

What next? Brexit, Corbyn, Low income workers, the British Power Establishment and you.

Jeremy Corbyn has been in Governance and politics since 1974.

Nearly 42 years of experience, direct experience of the establishment in action.

He knows what he is up against.

Hence his smile.

He knows how they behave, what their insecurities are, he knows their personalities way better than any of us.

He knows their scent, their stench, their dreams, their nightmares.

He has spent time in their company, up close.

His independence and sense of autonomy is well known.

Corbyn was one of 12 Labour MPs to support Plaid Cymru and the Scottish National Party's call for a Parliamentary Inquiry into the Iraq War.

12 Labour MPs.

Think about that, What does that mean?

The lost that vote. What does that mean?

His stance of refusing to goad or be goaded has generated massive insecurity amongst the establishment, especially since he became leader of Labour. They have no traction with him. He cannot be triggered. The shit they fling does not stick to Corbyn.

Like shit off a Corbyn's back... a new phrase. You read it here first folks.

His stance has outed the war criminals and NeoLiberal collaborators within Labour, the well dressed cuckoos in the nest.

And in spite of all that he has offered an olive branch to those who sought to undermine his leadership.

They will not take that olive branch,  and they will stoop further into the gutter to destroy him, personally and politically - and he knew this when he stood for the leadership.

They did.

Labour MPs in the Sun calling on people to join Labour to oust him.

Fair enough.

People did join the Labour Party to elect him.

The next step will be to assign the task to ISIS, the proxy army of the House of Saud. The task of removing him.

The entire weight of the establishment.  With all the resources they have at their disposal. Including our gullibility. Including our deference and timidity.

He has chosen to take them on.

He knows he has to expose them for what they are, to every UK Citizen, what ever party or side each of us occupies - he is damned strong. That takes real guts and passion, clarity of thinking, discipline. Qualities lacking in the current Labour PLP.

And he cannot do it alone, and neither can Labour as a single party, This is not a solo show, folks and we are all involved, one way or the other.

Solidarity is the key here, and remainers and leavers alike, all of whom were expertly played by the Establishment need to admit that we were played, that we fell for it....

Then we need to get a grip and start listening to each other, to understand what needs are not being met and why, and how we can help each other meet those needs. Remainers and leavers need to talk with each other, get to know each other beyond the vapid stereotypes the media presents.

We have all been played by experts. Our willingness to be angry at others who voted different, because we lost is one of our weaknesses.

We need to direct that anger and outrage at the establishment and at all bullies in our lives.

We need to master ourselves, and be true warriors of peace and dialogue, and not fall into insult or abuse or mere opinion.

Get informed. Become a knowledge base, develop policy based on the evidence, all of it, the whole. Be prepared to respond to new information, plan strategically, play tactically. Learn what these words mean in the world of power politics.

Satire is fine!

And it works much better.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Why is the BBC so keen on bringing Corbyn down?

Why is the BBC so set on bringing Jeremy Corbyn down?

Many of the leading reporters, writers, editors on the BBC and other media are implicated in the propaganda campaign to support the decision to wage war in Iraq and their support for follow up actions in Libya, Syria and Yemen.

The crime of a war of aggression is what Elizabeth Wilmshurst, a leading Foreign Office Lawyer, who started her career at the FO in 1974, and who resigned in 2003, days before the war was launched, identified that war in her resignation letter.

Wilmshurst gave up a lifetimes work to maintain her integrity. She was a leading lawyer in the Foreign Office and had a long and dedicated career. Her concerns were serious.

You can find some more details on the behaviour of the BBC and other media in supporting the race to war, and it's behaviour in reporting on what happened next, some of whichcan be found in this article by Medialens.

We are living in a time when the propaganda function of even our most respected media is clear for all to see."

Could that be why they are so set against Corbyn?  Their propaganda, which was questioned at the time by some, makes them complicit in the commission of that crime. They are vulnerable to charges of War Crimes.

The repeated attempts, in such a short time, by the BBC to bring Corbyn down
probably amount to a world record of some kind.

The repeated failures and subsequent continuation of this program of institutional bullying suggests that the management and some staff at the BBC are very exercised about all of this.

Have they applied the same energy to resolving the Jimmy Savile case? Or the matter of Lord Janner? Or indeed the matter of the Vatican cover-up of pedophile predatory priests and the intimidation of survivors who have come forwards with testimony? Or any number of serious matters where public figures have committed dreadful crimes?

If not why not? Why then this incessant drive to destroy Jeremy Corbyn's leadership of the Labour Party? What is that all about?

Perhaps they can smell the sweat of an indictment, the iron bars of conviction: the entire British Power Establishment is very worried indeed...  and so they should be - a very serious war crime has been committed, we know what was done, who is involved and what the outcomes are.

The Power Establishment : These are the people in every political party, in every organisation, in charities and other great institutions who operate as part of a broad base or community that has historically gained, retained, enhanced and projected Power over people, nations, industries, finance, the Military and so forth.

My concern here is that Corbyn, Galloway, Skinner and O'Donnell are the ONLY leading UK politicians who have said the Iraq War was a Crime. There may be others. (Let me know in the comments if you know of any, so that I can add to the list.)

I cannot see how ANY real change towards a healthy functioning Democracy can emerge whilst the War Criminals are still on the public payroll and at liberty - and that includes everyone who has made Iraq and the subsequent 'actions' in Libya, Syria and Yemen possible, way beyond Tony Blair...

The Power Establishment are vulnerable to War Crimes trials.

We have the evidence, we know a lot about what they did, and while we do not yet have access to all their secrets, we do know where they live.

We should prosecute that campaign to identify and arrest the War Criminals with all due diligence and determination and strength.. The Law is with us on this.

This goes beyond ideologies, socialism, capitalism, communism, conspiracy theories, religion etc - it is about genuine social justice...

1 million + Iraqi's have been murdered, close to 33 million have been traumatised, 6 million Libyans, 22 million Syrians, 24 million Yemeni people have been harmed, and yet more hundreds of thousands have died or been maimed largely due to our Government's overt an d covert actions in their lands, and this wave of unspeakable trauma has been funded by our taxes, on goods and income etc.....

We share some responsibility for all of this. We are not innocent bystanders by any stretch.

We have allowed the British Government to convert our taxes into millions of dead bodies, maimed survivors, traumatised communities, destroyed states. By not pursuing the War Criminals we have stood by when we could have done something.

Well that time is here.

Support Jeremy Corbyn, and support all those who seek to enact a genuine and just democracy, who seek to ensure that Justice is served.

We make peace more likely if we prevent war. And the best prevention is to make it clear that anyone in Power who initiates such action will be held accountable in public.

It is also important to look at the tactics and behaviours of those who are bullying Corbyn (and all of us who want a genuinely evidence based just participative democratic governance system). I have another short blog on some of the behaviours of those who bully through the media, etc, that you might find interesting and useful.

I would also suggest readers take a look at this superb blog piece on bullying in politics and how it operates  to obstruct fair discourse,  justice and healthy democratic change...
(blog by Kitty Jones). Insightful, evidence based, honest and easy to read an assimilate...

We also need to be able to spot bullying from within our own ranks, and how to confront it, safely, in order to preserve our calm, and prevent provocative people from derailing our work, and possibly help those who are angry and frustrated and hateful to deal with that side of their struggle.

We are all in this together.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.