Showing posts with label Vatican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vatican. Show all posts

Andrew Brown's Blog in The Guardian - Facing the truth.

"A leader who wished to end the crisis would sack Cardinal Bernard Law "
Andrew Browns Blog 
THE GUARDIAN - March 17 2010 - St. Patricks Day (irony of ironies)

One ought to read this 'opinion' piece very carefully - it is a protective of The Vatican, , it is a clever piece of propaganda, and all the more nasty for that.

"What has driven a great deal of the outrage is the perception that the church placed itself above the secular law. Well it does.AS A GLOBAL INSTITUTION IT MUST. Otherwise it has no more moral worth than Google or News International, or any other multinational which will do business wherever it is profitable. And – especially under the Polish pope John Paul II who fought so hard against communism – the church's moral worth was validated by its utter refusal to bend to the standards of the society around it."

The author Andrew Brown, also implies that the 'scandals emerged' during the 70s and 80s and are over - he ignores the fact that the Residential Schools System worldwide (both Church and State) operates still, has operated for over 100 years, and that in that time, many millions of children have been profoundly harmed, by a culture of abuse thathas been described as endemic.

The Vatican leadership has long been aware of pedophile rings operating within the Church - the recent Ryan Report (2009) and more recently the Murphy Report in Ireland merely serves as one reminder of this.

The same pattern is repeated across the world. The Last Indian Residential School in Canada was closed in 1996. These were run by Catholic and Protestant Churches, in conjunction with the State. - Hidden From History : The Canadian Holocaust

The Canadian Social Services have taken over the role of 'assimilation' - Aboriginal Children are 50 times more likely to be fostered than white european children in Canada, and that figure has risen as the Residential Schools were shut down.

Until Our Hearts are on The Ground -
Aboriginal Mothering, Oppression, Resistance and Rebirth
Edited by D. Memee Lavell-Harvard and Jeannette Corbiere Lavell

White fosterers are paid three times the rate that Aboriginal mothers are paid in State support.

This pattern is seen in all countries where Church and State operated Residential School Systems.

Assimilitation by other means. Social services as a tool of social engineering and 'resource exploitation'. The reason for the forced assimilation is that the lands from which these Aboriginal peoples emerge are rich in 'explotable resources' deemed neccessary for the Economy. 

Uranium, Coal, Oil, Timber, Gold. To access the lands the Aboriginal peoples have to be co-opted or removed.

In Ireland, Australia, the USA and elsewhere, those populations whose children were formerly sent to Residential Schools are now more likley to experience forced removal of children, who are placed in State 'care' or are fostered. The poor, the distressed, the damaged, the Aboriginal.

Andrew Brown is either unaware of these facts, and their implications, in which case his article is lazy; or he is ignoring the facts, in which case he is being ignorant.

And both of these, given the serious nature of the matter, are harmful.

There are many other like Brown, public apologists for what is criminal activity.

They must  be confronted at every turn.

Empathy demands that one NEVER uses another as a means to an end.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Letter Published Examiner Ireland 24 January 2011

Here's a pdf file of letter published in The Examiner, and Irish Daily Broadsheet, based in Cork, Ireland.

The text is as follows :

THE residential school system story and all that goes with it is a far greater crime than the IMF story.

It is a crime in which the Irish State and the Vatican are equal partners. No party in Ireland at present can say it has dealt with this issue decently, honourably. What is it that stops the Irish people from defending the survivors, from demanding that those who protect the Vatican, who indemnify the Vatican and themselves from civil and criminal liability, be brought to account?

One thing I have noticed is the absolute silence on abuses within the elite fee-paying boarding schools which occurred — I know I was there. I am a survivor.

Ireland and its people need group therapy and fast. Without looking at the psychology, the intergenerational patterns of abuse and their effects, without understanding how the abused are forced to 'adapt'  to a situation where abuse is constant, no future Irish government will do any better.

"The ordinary response to atrocities is to banish them from consciousness. Certain violations of the social compact are too terrible to utter aloud: this is the meaning of the word unspeakable.

Atrocities, however, refuse to be buried. Equally as powerful as the desire to deny atrocities is the conviction that denial does not work. Folk wisdom is filled with ghosts who refuse to rest in their graves until their stories are told."

Remember what Judith Herman wrote: “Remembering and telling the truth about terrible events are prerequisites both for the restoration of the social order and for the healing of individual victims.”

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Letter to media re: release of chapter 9 of The Murphy Report.

To the Editor,

The release of Chapter 19 of The Murphy Report is a reminder to everyone concerned with the welfare of all our children. 

It is a reminder that is well overdue, a reminder that cries out for Justice for all those children who over the years, have been sexually assaulted, brutally beaten, humiliated, bullied and psychologically tortured by clergy and by lay-persons in Church and State Residential Institutions entrusted with their 'care'. Justice.

It is a reminder that there are many, many adults today who bear the scars of these crimes, whose lives have been absolutely undermined by the toxic effects of these Adverse Childhood Expereinces, who have lived with shame, pain, confusion, fear, lonliness, psychological and physiological breakdowns, addiction, family breakdown and more, many of whom have been held responsible by Society for those symptoms, for the unbroken cycles of abuse that have disfigured their lives.

How many times have Surviviors been told to 'pull your socks' up by well-meaning, insistent yet impatient and ultimately un-empathetic helpers?  Charity is all well and good, yet if Society does not directly address the roots of the problem, the problem persists.

Survivors suffer still, many decades after the initial trauma.

The long drawn out process of breaking through the resistance of State and Church to achieve a full disclosure and accountability, resolution and closure for what went on - the endemic brutal and extreme mistreatment of children - for so long that in cannot be called 'accidental' on any level, is part of what I see as a wider pattern of fear. Cowardice.

These crimes would have remained masked and obscured were it not for those Survivors who first confronted their own fear, to bring charges against their abusers, often in the face of resistance from family, community, the State and of course the Church itself.

Who has the most to fear?

Is it the Irish State? Is it the Vatican? Is it those perpetrators as yet un-named? Is it Irish Society?

Or is it the Survivors?

As a survivor I fear that Irish Society does not really 'get it', is still largely in denial - we know, yet we do not allow ourselves to feel the full impact of the truth - and Irish Society is even still unwilling to address the matter openly, because it is not simply the story of Survivors of Church and State abuses of children - it is the story of how Irish Society relates to children, and the failure to place the welfare of children above the preceived interests of adults, of State and Church Institutions and of matters financial.

This is also a matter of Power Relationships.

The greatest natural disparity of power is that between an parent and an infant. That disparity is mirrrored in the disparity of Power between Governance and those who are Governed. Even in a democracy.

This Christmas, think of the new born, think of the future you are building for that child, for all children.

Think of the variance between the idealised birth in a manger in Nazereth, of a childhood that has not been recorded in the Gospel, which remains shrouded in mystery, and then think on and feel the reality of so many children, across the world, who suffered so terribly for so many years at the hands of Church and State and how that too has been shrouded in secrecy.

Ireland's story is part of an international pattern. As Indigenous Aboriginal Residential School survivors will affirm in Canada, Australia, North America, South America, Africa and Asia.

How many years must Survivors beg and cajole and litigate and struggle for Justice?

How many more reports will be conducted? How many surviuvors have died whilst these investigastions have been carried out, and ho wmany more will pass before the truth is made public, before justice is served and real change with regard to the welfare and status of children has a foundation that is solid and is made visible by the actions of Society?

What would Jesus do?

Kindest regards

Corneilius Crowley

Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Harsh Truth and The BIg Question

I survived 5 Elite Irish Boarding Schools, 12 years in all.

It destroyed me. To the extent that it wasn't until I was 28 that I realised that there was something really wrong with what had happened - I thought it was because there was something 'wrong' and 'evil' and 'dirty' in me.....

I have studied the history of child-rearing in many, many cultures.

For 25 years. I have also studied the subject of Power Relationships and Politics.

I am a parent.

Christianity's concept of Original Sin lies at the roots of the abuse I and so many others endured.

To promote and enforce such a doctrine is an expression of an  adverse and deadly Authoritarianism.

It's a doctrine that is an expression of a profound hatred and fear of The Natural Child.

It is a psychological device that sets the parent against the child, and the child against herself or himself. It is devoid of empathy.

It is also a lie.

The concept of Hell ties in with the concept of Original Sin, as it creates a fear for what occurs AFTER death, a FEAR that permeates life for those who are taught it.

That fearof Hell and and stain of Original Sin conditions the child to such ad eep sense of a basic unworthyness, and is resolutely kept in place by the RULES the Church invented, or lifted from The Old Testament, rules which The Christ never, ever  spoke of..

"suffer the little children..........."

The vast majority of indigenous native societies were, and are,  empathic, non-hierarchical and had no  use for Power Relationships, only mutual relationships. This is the natural state. Most people in the West have no idea as to the nature of those Societies. We have been sold lies and romance, and not the reality.

The vast bulk of first contact data going back to the 1400s reveals the truth.

There are 350 million Indigenous Native people alive to day.

The current Anthropological data gathered from extant indigneous Societies confirms the first contact observations, and runs counter to how those observations were interperted by the colonial masters. We all know how the Brehon system protected women and children in the main.

And we all know how that culture was interpreted by the Christian and Norman Invaders, and later the British Empire.

Rape, Child Abuse, Hierachy, Rigid Gender Roles are rare in these communities until they come into contact with Western cultures, and then they emerge out of the dynmaic of intergenerational trauma  that afflicts those communities as the Western Culture drives them off their lands, and forces them to 'assimilate'.

Where they do show up in Indigenous Native Societies, we also see a disruption to the natural child-mother bonding process. This natural process builds the neurology of empathy at the earliest stages, and if those stages are missed (as they are in ALL hierarchical violent societies, none excluded) then a lack of empathy emerges as a trait that permeates the hierachical societies.

Even to this day. There are Christian Missionaries running Residential Schools in Africa, South America, Asia to 'assimilate' and 'save souls'. Some are connected to the Catholic Church. Others to other Churches.

The Vatican is and always has been an Institution of  Temporal Power as much as it claims Spiritual Authority..

These are the hard truths. It was only by facing the harsh truth of my own experience, and my own dysfunctional behaviour which was the result of that trauma, which was the symptom of the trauma, that I was able to overcome it and survive, and now thrive as a natural, loving human being, one who limps. Some wounds do not heal.

The is NO LOVE, NOR EMPATHY in The Vatican. None.

There is NO LOVE, NOR EMPATHY in the Irish State Istitutions and Government.

Without Love or Empathy there is no understanding.

Without understanding there is no effective accounting, no effective justice ... and for the hundreds of thousands of children who were abused, or witnessed abuse (which can be just as traumatic if the witness is sensitive) who did not survive, who have already died, there is nothing. No justice for them. No accounting for the lives they lived in agony and fear and shame and confusion and insanity.

And even today, for most survivors there is neither justice nor understanding, nor support for their recovery.

This is the harsh truth.

If survivors had not spoken out, in spite of strong resistance even from their own families, this crime would still be totally covered up.

The Irish Government and The Vatican made a back-room deal to 'manage' this crime, to dojust enough to make it look like something was being done, so that neither would be broght to the courts, by Civil Litigation or by Criminal Prosecution.

The 'pressure' on either side is merely a publicity tactic. A cover.

This is the cute hoor-ism we all know and love : Charlie Haughy typified it. Aherne, Cowen and Lenihan typify it. And many, many others in Power in Ireland.

Power Relationships poison Society.

I am not going to tell you what you ought to be doing about this.

Ask yourself that question.

From  Henry Porter in the Guardian commenting upon the WIKI LEAKS situation.

 "It is all about power and who has access to information. Nothing more. When those who want society to operate on the basis of the parent-child relationship because it is obviously easier to manage, shut the door and say "not in front of the children", they are usually looking after their interests, not ours."

He is correct.

The greatest Power disparity in a healthy society is between the adult parent and the infant child. It is never used, for nurturance is their way, their norm...

In an unhealthy Society that Power is used adversely. The State takes the role of parent, the vulnerable and the people are it's children.

Ireland, The Vatican and The Residential Schools system. 80 years.

Canada, The Vatican, The Anglican Churches and The Indian Residential Schools System. 110 years.

America, The Vatican and The Indian Residential Schools System. 110 years

Australia and The Aboriginal Residential Schools System. 100 years.

America, the coalition of the 'willing'  and Iraq. 20 years

America, the coalition of the 'willing'  and Afghanistan. 9 years

Thailand, Christian Church groups Residential Schools and The Akha People

China and the Peasants.

The UK and privatised Elderly Care.

The UK and Social Services care-homes.

The UK Coalition Government, the Banking System and the Vulnerable.

The Irish Government, the Banking System and the Vulnerable.

The Metropolitian Police Force TSG, The Coaltion Government, The Banking System and Students.

Industry and the habitat.

You get the drift.

This cannot stand. It has to be addressed, and with some speed.

Power relationships as they are practiced poison life.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Open Letter to The Irish People from a Survivor, regarding the IMF deal.

Just as the Irish Government indemnified The Vatican against ruinous litigation that threatens it as a result of it’s officers endemic abuse and betrayal of children for over 80 years, a crime so large and so lengthy that it defies comprehension, so to they are indemnifying the Irish Banking Sector, the European Central Bank and it’s investors (who hold assets worth 20 trillion euro, which is 5000 times the Irish DGP) for what is reckless behaviour, and as we see, abusive in character.

The victims are being punished for the crimes of their abusers.

Ireland’s people, you must awaken to the facts; there is pattern here, you have been abused in one way or another for many hundreds of years. Abusers always justify their abuse, and always post facto rationalise their decisions.

They have their apologists, of course. Those whose livelihoods are entwined with the abusers will resist being made to face the reality of their relationship with power. Media, Banking, Civil Service Mandarins and others who ‘lobby’ for their own personal gain – Unions who limit their protest to the issue of wages are an example, as are the mainstream charities who refuse to confront the abuses of Government face on.

People of Ireland, You cannot avoid facing this truth. You MUST not. To do so is to place your own children in jeopardy.

You must confront the abuser and stop any further abuses from taking place.

This means that you must also inform yourselves as to the means, methods and manipulations of the abuser, you must understand in detail how you have been abused, and how you have ‘adapted’ to that abusive status quo – for they who represent Power and The Status Quo will not let go voluntarily, and will not hand themselves in for indictment. Remorse is rare in their circles. And those who simply push them aside will repeat the same patterns, for such is the nature of centralised Power.

Evidence for this is everywhere, not least in The Vatican or the HQ of AIB.

To do all this will entail effort on your part, and perhaps some discomfort, and it will be an effort that will be necessary to sustain for some time. Such is the role of any parent.

You must separate yourselves completely from the abuser, and render the abuser to the Criminal Justice System for indictment, trial and conviction where the evidence supports it.

And by doing this you will re-assert your right to DECIDE at the grass roots the future path of Ireland as a PEOPLE. You cannot leave it to merely voting for people over whom you have no Power once they are in Office as in days of old.

Participative Democracy is perhaps the best way forward, and is technically easy to achieve with a well educated and diverse population. It means that Power resides at the grass roots, and that the National and local Government and Civil Service sectors obey the grass roots and facilitate the needs of the grass roots. It means that lobby ends, that the party whip, which is fundamentally anti-democratic is abolished. It means that every adult gets involved, and that the voices and lived of the most vulnerable, be they child or adult is also taken into consideration and informs decision making.

I wish for Governance by the most vulnerable, to set the tone of a future Ireland, where children are not abused by priests, where people are not abused by deprivation, where greed is treated as the ugliness that it is, where Society and Community and Environment are truly peaceful, empathic and sustainable.

It can be done; it doesn’t have to be the way it has been.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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The Ceremony of Expulsion and Cleansing

 This is the text of the Ceremony held outside Westminster Cathedral on 10-10-10 in London.

All actions are seeds, seeding the future, all actions have consequences that cannot be avoided, all actions are choices made. Make your choice, live with the consequences.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

We call on and represent the spirit and energy of life, of the natural world, of which you and I am a living part, which permeates every cell of my being, of which we are all a part, and which permeates every cell of our being, which inhere’s in our very existence, which many past carriers of wisdom, including he known as Jesus Christ brought as their shared learnings, to help clarify the un-clear, to make honest the dishonest, to respond with all strength to the dysfunction of the lack of empathy that typifies your Institution and all like Institutions, to flood through,  and to wash away, so as to cleanse this place of all that dysfunction and all thoughts and deeds that mask that dysfunction, such that the Natural Principle of Nurturance may now take precedence over the false and artificial Principle of Dominance.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.
To The Vatican and The Pope, we say this; we are calling you to listen to these words and to see these actions as being the natural response ability of natural people, under common Law, upon which all other Laws are founded.

That Law is ‘all is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children!”

You have broken that Law, into many millions of shards of pain, each shard a human life, a sacred and precious gift of Nature, a life destroyed, and we, and all our common ancestors and relatives, are declaring this for it is true, and we have come to say ENOUGH! And to reject and repudiate any authority you claim, to expose the fallacy of your lies, to unmask the cruelty of your actions. You are now made as naked in the eyes of Nature. Your power is nothing without your violence. You are now made as naked in the eyes of the people. You are nothing – a No-thing.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

In the void, the newly empty space once made to appear occupied by your teachings and actions, by your fine clothes, your grandiose and repugnant wealth and by fine buildings, Nature now re-seeds life.

Mother Nature now nurtures life so as to improve that habitat, the living conditions for all life. Nature will now metabolise the remains of your body, the fears and darknesses of your philosophy,  and your deeds and in so doing release those materials for natural living processes.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

(Water is sprinkled)

From this moment onwards and for all time, in all directions from this point, all those whom you beguiled and imprisoned are set free, for you are no more. Neither fear nor shame will impinge upon their hearts.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother Nature, that which nurtures life, has been called and has responded, as she always does, to give forth new life and to express herself in the hearts, actions and in the lives of her creations, and in particular the hearts and minds of all natural people.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

(Water is sprinkled)

In place of enforced the old coercive order, in place of this Institution and all Institutions like it, intrinsic and empathetic co-operation, the natural self organisation and wisdom inherent to natural living process now emerges, as the freedom to grow as a healthy, robust and vibrant part of the life of Earth with gratitude, respect and a joyous embrace of the sensory wonder of being alive, which all life expresses.

(Water is sprinkled)

 All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother Nature, and all her children, let us now bear witness to this exorcism, this repudiation of a dysfunctional system of coercion and proclaim, yea let us sing of the new life and the joyous recognition from the loving heart of life itself, within the hearts of each of her children. Together we banish the psyche of this Institution and all others like it from our midst. Begone! You are a no-thing.

 All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother Nature, we accept the nurturance of your wisdom. And we know now, in our hearts, in our minds and in our bodies, that we are with you, we are of you and that we will live as your expression of life, and that all illusions of division are shattered, that war between mother and child, father and mother, brother and sister is finished, over, and that the philosophies of coercion are now finally and permanently discredited.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

 (A candle is lit, the papers are burnt)

All actions are choices. All actions have consequences. All choices must be accounted for between men, women and children. This is the light that shall never be extinguished. You will NEVER kill the will to grow free This is the light never to be extinguished. You, of this Institution and all others like it, to you collective psyche and will I say this and declare : your own hatred will eat you up and spit you out, and the lies will be no more. This is the light never to be extinguished.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother Nature calls now, to all of her children, to walk in freedom and true responsive autonomy, to live with empathy, to act with compassion, to feel the vibrant joy of being nurtured and of nurturing and to take part in the healing of wounds, the recovery of forest and plain, and to receive the gifts of life as free men and free women. As nature ever intended!

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother and Father Nature, I call on you now to enter these places and to absolutely penetrate and permanently permeate these old and fallen places of what was once called worship and to breathe into them the air of your nurturance, to render these places as places of comfort, sanctuary and honest reflection, open in all directions, to all people, that the true meaning of love be the lies will be no action, content and form.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother and Father Nature!

Enter into the land and make it a common garden again, where yours and mine is abolished, and all things are held in common so that all may eat and prosper.
Mother Nature in your name and in our children’s name, and in our own names, we fully reclaim your world, we honour and align with your nurturance and we call you back to our hearts and our lands, that together we make it that all are free to eat, to thrive, to live as Nature intends.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Mother and Father Nature. Enter into the former places of power and dissolve the greed and violence that remains there. Dismantle the weapons of death and bring final peace and love to all nations. For what was prophesied has come to pass: they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning forks: the lion shall lie down with the lamb, and man shall not learn war anymore. For the old order has passed away forever.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

God and Goddess of creation, Mother and Father Nature in whom we live and breathe and know our being, we bless and praise you for bringing us through the long night into the light of your eternal nurturance. Help us now and forever to live and proclaim with one heart and voice these words:

Our Mother and Father, who dwell among us, your name is sacred, your children are sacred. Thy world, which births us, which nurtures our very being, which holds us in relationships of love and honour, has come, is here, is being lived and is eternal and Thy unity which holds us has been re-established. We are the bread that will feed the world, as forgiveness with integrity shall mend all that has been torn. The darkness has gone. For your Nurturance and Intent is established amongst the people, now and evermore.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Go now to live and love in the light of the new creation, walk with Mother and Father Nature, within you and among you. It is accomplished.

All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

All actions are seeds, seeding the future, a future that belongs to all our children, and all actions have consequences that cannot be avoided, all actions are choices made. Make your choice, live with the consequences. Do no expect your children to accept the consequences of any action taken that is dysfunctional – to do so is to abuse your own children, and all children.

         All is born of woman, no harm shall come to the children.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Our Society is either just, or it is unjust.

Our Society is either just, or it is unjust.

The idea that we are becoming ‘more’ just, incrementally, is ludicrous. It is, also, an insult to intelligence, all the more so because it is a belief often touted, if not actually held, by the majority of so-called intellectuals.

You know, those people who are supposed to be good at thinking, that is to say using the mind as a tool of observation, direct perception and insight. Scholars of thought.

Philosophers and ideologist, theologians and psychologists.

The kinds of people every system of domination sets up as a grand jury on life itself.

The kinds of people who are entrusted to ‘teach others and to pass on ‘wisdom’.

Their texts are the one’s ‘think tanks’ and Governments use to create rafts of Social Workers, Clergy, Policemen, Soldiers, workers, labourers out of ‘raw’ children.

A good friend of mine, who is a philosopher, once said ‘what we need is a ‘coup d’etate’ of philosophy, to expose the primitive mind-set that inhere’s to most intellectual discourse.

“A coup de thought!” I responded, quickly. It was the first thing that came to my mind, an instant response. Quick as a flash.

We are asked to live with the idea that an abuser incrementally becomes less abusive.

Why can’t the abuser simply stop? Is that not what the child or those being victimised would wish for? Just stop it!?

I have always held the position that to talk about abuse allows the abuse to continue, unless the abuse is first and foremost stopped.

As we see in the Case of The Pope, as out lined by Geoffery Robinsons, QC, a pre-eminenent Human Rights Lawyer and Activist.

The Vatican has been talking about the abuse of children for nearly 1800 years. And the abuse continued.

Even now, as many thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of survivors of abuse are talking, telling their story, blowing the whistle, The Vatican is talking and not acting.

Right now, just as you are reading these words there are sexually abusive, physically abusive and psychologically abusive priests, nuns and brothers going about their day to day activities, being fed, sheltered, watered, confessed and funded by The Vatican.

Right now, just as you are reading these words there are sexually abusive, physically abusive and psychologically abusive social workers, soldiers, politicians, bankers, CEOs, teachers, policemen and others going about their day to day activities, being fed, sheltered, watered, confessed and funded by The System.

The abuse has not stopped.

What has happened is that some people are more comfortable than others, there are some people who have more ‘disposable’ income than others, whilst those at the ‘bottom’ of The System are being abused.

At least we know where we are with regards to the Conservative Party in the UK, whose vitriol towards the poor is their public stance, notwithstanding their careful ‘spin’ doctoring of their constituents mutterings as regards the ‘work shy’ and ‘the authority of the teacher’ and ‘disruptive pupils’ and how they wish to ‘help’ those people in to work, to give teachers more power (over the children) for the purposes of punishment and control, to drug those children whose spirit is such that they resist the bullying, coercive psychological tactics of Compulsory State Education.

To compel is to force. Rape is compulsion. Not a compulsion, as The Vatican would hold is a legal (in Canon Law) defence for a priest who has confessed to serious and often physically violent sexual abuse of children, and for which the priest is due a full pardon, forgiveness and the blessings of Christ.

The fact that a priest can be defined as a pedophile is taken to mean that the poor man is suffering from a sickness, a compulsion that drives him to abuse, and that as such, he too is the victim.

Whilst the real victim or the survivor is enjoined to permanent silence on the matter, on pain of ex-communication, amongst a few other injunctions. Such as large payments of hush money. Or as of late, tawdry deals with Governments to admit these crimes, yet limit the liability of The Vatican, as such to provide State indemnity for The Vatican.

Just as The Vatican provides indemnity to the confessed pedophile cleric, such as being moved to a new Parish, (out of sight) or going on retreat (healing) or being required to repeat a thousand ‘Hail Mary’s’ on his or her knees in prayerful supplication – though as soon as the penance is announced, the Priest or Nun or Brother is forgiven; he or she could indeed kneel and fantasise about his or her next abusive encounter, and no-one would be the wiser – in fact, the act of confession alone (which occurs in strict secrecy) urges forgiveness in the eyes of The Vatican.

As I said, our Society is either just, or it is unjust.

The idea that we are becoming ‘more’ just, incrementally, is ludicrous. It is, also, an insult to intelligence, all the more so because it is a belief often touted, if not actually held, by the majority of so-called intellectuals.

One of whom, astounding as it may seem, is The Pope. He is an esteemed theologian according to the BBC.

A man who in adopting the role of Pope, follows a long lineage of Popes who made sordid deals with the most extreme rulers, be they Kings, Prime Ministers, Presidents or Dictators.

Ratzinger himself has interceded in the case of Auguste Pinochet. So as to help him avoid public trial.

Our Society is either just, or it is not.

And this fact cannot be swept under the carpet, by use of that old dictum : Life is not fair!

Blame the victim, blame the poor, blame the sinners (all children are of course sinners in the eyes of the Vatican, their sanctity being conditional on the child’s submission to the ideology of The Vatican.

Our Society is just as it appears.

Fundamentally abusive.

Lacking in empathy.

Replete with ‘charity’, to pour balm on the wounds of the oppressed and professing reconciliation and forgiveness for those who oppress them.

Our prisons have more victims than abusers within their cold, hard walls.

Our Society is unjust.

It is cruel.

One cannot be cruel to be kind.

Those words are mutually exclusive.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Letter of Complaint to the BBC re: Coverage of Pope's Visit.

I write to the BBC to complain about the coverage of the Pope’s ‘State’ visit to the UK.

The Pope was on the Committee, in 1962, that wrote the document, that odious directive Crimens Soliticitalis, that demanded that all cases of allegations of child abuse made against priests be controlled by The Vatican and handled as an internal matter.He later became head of the Congregation of The Faith, and as such, administered that ‘policy’ for over 25 years.

That ‘policy’ included intimidation of victims and survivors and those who supported their allegations, including State Prosecutors in many countries.

This amounts to an intentional obstruction of justice and absolutely undermines ANY claim to Holiness or Empathy that The Vatican has ever made.

To this day he defends that Policy, and worse, The Vatican provides moral and financial support to many proven Pedophiles, Bullies, and others who beat children, who humiliated children, who engaged in what amount to protracted psychological torture.

It was The Vatican, under Pope Adrian, the only English Pope, that authorised Henry II to invade and conquer Ireland, under the Pabal Bull Laudibiliter.

This became the ‘legal’ template for the European Colonisation of North America, Australia, Africa and South East Asia that ensued and lasted for nearly 500 years.

To this day The Vatican has not apologised for ANY of these crimes against humanity.

The BBC has not given equal coverage to the recent disclosures of the widespread, endemic abuse of children that has ruined the lives of many millions of children.The BBC has not given any coverage to survivors of these abuses.

The coverage of The Popes visit and of the crimes described above that the BBC is currently engaged in is shameful and amounts to complicity in the continued cover-up of these crimes.

The BBC has become a propaganda arm of The Vatican, and in doing so has demeaned itself, caused harm to all survivors of Church abuse and offended the principles upon which the BBC claims to stand: that of fairness, and lack of bias.

The BBC's bias is clearly set against survivors of Church abuse.

Kindest regards


 Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The biological processes involved in the Origins of Love & Violence are no longer a mystery

And if it's all new to you, I suggest this stunning piece of research as a starting point... unless one gets to the core root, then all attempts at making a healthy change WILL FAIL.

An Introduction by Michael Mendizza (from : )

A baby's developing body and brain mirror and reflect, lifelong, the emotional-sensory environment provided by its first primary relationship, that is with its mother.

The Origins of Love & Violence (please see below) take root in this first, primary sensory environment.

What we call "affectional bonding" or nurturing, or its absence-- very early in life--structures the developing brain to interpret the world and its relationships as peaceful, pleasurable and loving or hostile, painful and violent depending on trust or anxiety experienced in this first relationship.

The biological processes involved in the Origins of Love & Violence are no longer a mystery.

During pregnancy a mother's body provides the sensory stimulation; the taste, touch, smell, sight, sound, and the pleasure or pain associated with these sensations that shape her baby's brain.

The state of the mother's own body, in relationship to her environment, safe and nurturing, or unsafe and anxious, is mirrored in the baby's developing brain and nervous system.

If mother feels safe and is herself nurtured, her baby's brain, with its creative capacities, will reap the benefit. If mother feels unloved or unsupported, is threatened, anxious, and fearful, nature will give greater emphasis to her baby's ancient core brain, with its defensive and survival systems, at the expense of evolution's newer creative capacities.

Read it, share it..............

also this essay which draws together the most advanced research into this most crucial issue....

What you DON'T hear from the various voices such as Alex Jones, Noam Chomksy, David Ike, The Pope, Obama, Dalai Lama, etc etc are the VOICES OF THE CHILDREN... why is this?

What is likely is that YOU don't recall the detail of your childhood.

This is the missing data that is being ignored.

Kindest regards


 Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Natural Children Victims of a Crime..

For as long as can be remembered and longer, The Church, State and 'Charities' have taken children in their 'care'...

And behind closed doors abuses that are as horrific as any committed by the Nazi's, the main Historical Scapegoat taught in Schools and mentioned often in the media as an aberration from the 'norm' were perpetrated upon those beautiful, vulnerable children by those who 'cared' for them.

These crimes were part Policy, part recycled abuse and were designed to 'mold', cripple or destroy those children - in every Country where indigenous peoples were forced off their lands these practices existed and exists to this very day.

The current reporting of the Vatican's crimes is but the tip of the iceberg...

And even today, 'damage limitation' exercises are under way, by all Institutions involved.

The spin, avoidance of responsibility and suppression comes not from shame, but from a desire to protect the status, wealth and power of these Institutions.

The wealth of Scientific Information that confirms the cyclical nature of abuse is routinely suppressed, ignored and co-opted by these Institutions - Ritalin prescribed to 'manage' children who refuse the yoke that was in the very recent past enforced by corporal 'punishment' is an example of current 'tactics' mediated against children and their parents, who for the most part are unwittingly enrolled in the conditioning processes that are very much in use; marketing, propaganda, spin, debt based lives and of course extreme violence is still utilised - Iraq, Afghanistan, Columbia and elsewhere - and the 'public' appear unable to respond.

The victims, the survivors are courageously telling their stories, and a few brave advocates are supporting them.

Some few are recognising the cycles of abuse in their own lives... and breaking them, so that no more abuse is visited upon others within their sphere of influence.

Here is a letter I wrote, that was published in the Irish Times November 2009, with typo errors included ... uneditted.

This is issue runs to the very heart of the State System and Society.

The future will be defined by whether or not these issues are faced up to and dealt with; punishment that is abusive will not help; incarceration of the perpetrators, the spin doctors, the official deniers is a must; full accountability, reparations and the widespread sharing of the information that can help the victims and active support for the victims is a must.

None of us can afford to turn our hearts from these facts....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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