on Earth Life Processes That Build Habitats for Diverse Populations of Mutually Interdependent Autonomous Life Forms

I feel we are innately, biologically designed to 'tread lightly, do no harm'.... one of the oldest maxims I know of is 'all is born of womanlife, no harm shall come to the children' which puts males in a place of deepest respect for woman and child, thus naturally concerned with the continued abundance of all life and the habitats that host that abundance.

That fits in with the known ways in which nature (defined for the purpose of this piece as : Earth Life Processes That Build Habitats for Diverse Populations of Mutually Interdependent Autonomous Life Forms) works in balance, with such precision, without any known centralised driving force, working from the grass-roots, from bacteria (who are arch metabolizers, factories of food, recycling experts, and also seed rain clouds! which is why they live inside us - we eat their poo! and their decaying bodies! no waste. all is food.) to the largest organisms such as the great barrier reef and the fungal tissue that extends across entire continents through forests.... everything eats, none eats beyond the sustainable levels of what they eat, few starve, most live full lives - that's not a struggle, its certainly no competition based system of evolutionary 'perfection'.


Nature is abundance. Nature is. And there are variables. Weather does change. Volcanoes will erupt. Tsunamis do occur. Floods will happen. The are all necessary parts of nature and life on Earth. Nothing natural is useless. Everything matters.

We learn to fear in the way 'civilisation' fears; as children we 'adapt to' a dysfunctional situation by internalising the values of the situation, the values of those who control the situation. That's the nasty little voice to the side, (I sense it on my right hand side, just above my ear, just outside ) that feels like judgement, that tells me I am 'bad' etc etc....the repeated lies I was told about my body, my spirit, which were told so often I took them to be true. And they ruled me. Those voices were once physically embodied in the voices of the adults who 'raised' me, of the authority of the adult world over me, and for a long time the ghosts of those voices ruined my life, because I believed them to be my own voice......

Those voices rule many people, and those voices drown out the voice of the heart for many people, to the extent that they become ideological or fundamentalist, to the extent they find it easy to de-humanise, to the extent they respond to 'charisma' ..... Obama, Osama......

Let me make this quite clear. My true conscience is in my heart,embedded in body, that's where I feel my true feelings of empathy, my sensings of others in this world, which is conscience itself, really. It is NOT in my head.... and there are aspects that are reflected all over my body... 'my hand can feel the burn on your hand' my heart the wound I might inflict when I think of that .... and knowing the pain I sense is real, that by action I might realise it in you, I cannot take any such action - I feel you' There is no deeper base for behaviour that this, and it is innate.

Unlearning the 'fear' is not easy, it takes time, and a little dedication..... it is a process of becoming more human in a 'civilised' and industrialised world that dehumanises, de-souls and that objectifies all life in order to 'exploit' it.

This is the struggle I am engaged in for myself.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Irish Priests, Abuse and Society

Another report from the slow snail of Justice and Governance in Ireland regarding the vast swathe of crimes against children perpetrated by the people within the Institutions set up by State and Church for the 'care' of children has just been published. The BBC reported this here

I left a comment which formed the basis for this piece. I do not know if it will be published.

I spent my childhood in Irish Catholic Boarding Schools, from age five and a half to seventeen, and as a ward of court, was in custody of my relatives. Who were less than empathetic. Let it be know that abuse occurred in peoples homes too, and that much of that activity has been covered up. Thus as a child there was no-one for me to turn to talk to about my experiences.

I grew up believing those experiences, and my shame, were normal. I believed my low self-esteem was my own fault, that I was evil, a sinner and at heart a disgusting, filthy and ugly person, even though I could pass myself off as reasonably affable.

My life has been pretty much ruled  and dominated by those experiences and how I 'adapted' to them, how I internalised the values of those who abused me, and took on the image they protected on to me as my own identity.

Years and years of unhappiness, dysfunction, insecurity and a nameless rage (for which, for a long I time no target - and that meant I turned the rage upon myself and those close to me) have dogged my life.

I have struggled as best I can to heal, this for myself, and to understand, to fully comprehend  the dynamics of abuse operating at such a huge scale, such that it might be classed a societal problem, because the problem is tractable, because the cycles can be broken, and because this should never happen to any child,  and because the resolution of which is essential to the future of all human beings.

There is no higher calling on Earth today.

It is the FACT of  the intentional and systematic  climate pollution of our children’s psyches through conditioning processes that is a taboo subject for mainstream society and the ‘greens’ and other movements for change must now address this issue, openly. Vigorously.

Failure to do so will be catastrophic for all of us.

Because abuse is always about POWER. Abuse is always about control. Abusers 'condition' those they abuse to accept the abuse as 'normal'. To maintain that control.

There is a long historical record in writing, of the processes of conditioning, under the guise of education, or child-rearing, or training, that go back millennia, writings that informed the philosophies of dominance that are the basis of this society. The cycles of abuse go deep.

I am encouraged that the issue is being looked at, today, and in my own lifetime, and not least by the victims and their families, and empathetic researchers. Much research in these areas has been undertaken, and much is known, far more than is in practice through state sponsored projects, such as education, health , culture and ‘spreading democracy’.

I am less encouraged by Government action on these issues. Slow, unwilling to respond to victims with the speed with which they responded to the abusers, in this case, The Christian Churches. That they defend the likes of leaders who start wars should come as no surprise.  That our Government opposes fiercely any attempts by ordinary folk to arraign war criminals is typical.

There are more incidents beyond the abuse of children, that litter our society, that are tied up in how a society treats children.

The philosophy a society has in this regard must be examined for any false or corrosive assumptions. Conditioning must be acknowledged as a corrosive force.  And ceased.

And that is the only path which I as a survivor deem plausible if we as a society are to honour all children, for all time. It is time, well past time actually, to clean up our collective and centralised acts.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

The Myth of Democracy.

The facts are that power is exercised over living beings, human and non-human, in ways that diminish both, in ways that are degrading the abundance of the environment, in ways that are not subject to the will of the people of the land (voting changes the overall abuse not a whit, as much as switching lightbulbs will do anything other than salve a flaccid conscience).

Whether it’s the US Government or the Iranian Government, the Catholic Church or Islam, the IMF or the WTO, decisions that are properly those of the people of the land are made by distal powers whose experience is inadequate to the task of knowing what people need and truely want, and therefore relies upon theory and belief for it’s action. Such a basis for action is bound by it’s inadequacies to cause harm.

That harm, vast and yet somehow invisible to many, is rationalised as a ’sacrifice’, or ‘collateral damage’ or ‘the price of freedom’ or ‘enduring freedom’ or worse, it is rationalised as evolution, the survival of the fittest, as progress.

Until we recognise that a) we are fully of nature b) that the function of ALL living beings on Earth is to improve the habitat for ALL living beings c) that the processes of power and dominance start with the domination of our children, who become adapted to that dynamic of dominance, and so become troopers, cops, weapons scientists, corporate managers, bankers and mercenaries as much as those who become rapists, murderers, and abusers of all hue, we will be unable to shift our behaviour as a 'civilisation'.......

For example, lets take a quick analysis of democracy as practiced.

Voting without complete and transparent oversight of those selected is no choice at all, as it leaves room for corruption. Voting without active and ongoing participation (which is power true sharing) is also a fraud.

The remedy is as follows :

Undermine the power of parties, ban private funding of parties, ban ‘party line’/'party whip’ and make lobbying transparent, both of which are currently enforced because no-one at the grass roots level would abide by such behaviour amongst their own neighbours, and why would they chose otherwise?

Institute a recall process for all positions of public office, at all levels, from grass-roots to the executive.

Make it easier for independent local representatives to enter. Give more decision making powers and the resources to effectively make decisions at the grass roots local level.

In a word, give people real power and they will use it wisely. This is proven by the very fact that the system is rigged AGAINST people power.

The The Power Inquiry of 2006 is a document that proves this analysis to be correct.

And for all these reasons, Democracy as practiced is a fraud.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Responses to the Swine Flu Immunisation Program Now Underway....

Here's a short video outlaying some of the reasons, legal and moral, for dissenting from the current Governance view that mass vaccination 'against'  the swine flu virus must progress.

I'd like to share a few thoughts on the video and the issues around it..... it's all about immunity or  putting it another way, healthful ways of responding to and of handling toxicity.

Fact : Bacteria and Virus' are present in pathology. We know that they also feed on unhealthy material, or the by products of ill-health - in fact they metabolise those by-products for us. As they do all over nature.

Fact : There is no prima facie evidence to prove that either bacteria or virus cause pathology. Only theories.

Fact : there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the very way of life, including the psychological core of that way of life, creates pathology, toxicity and does so in ways that nature cannot metabolise.

Which is why, I avoid all processed foods, eat only trusted organic, fresh produce.... forgo most 'body products'  and 'household cleaners'for natural oils ...I eat as natural, and as clean as I can. If you can start a garden next spring, go for it. Common sense says what body is expecting is within safe range. What it is not expecting is potentially  toxic. As we see.

Being in muck/nature is good for the immune system as is getting dirty (yes, that too!), as are scratches and a little physical stress from time to time. We are of Earth.

oh! Please say hi to your body - it's a self organising bag of bacteria, and geuss what - those bacteria know what they are doing: all we do is feed the bacteria.... and when you 'get' this you can start to experience and communicate in new/old ways with those wonderful cells, individually and collectively, that know what they are doing. And they love doing what they do! They also respond to ones intentionality and 'presence' towards their efforts on your behalf.

Listening, observing without judgement is always the best foundation, to oneself honestly, at depth, ease-fully.

Like all of modernity, disease is a symptom, and unless we deal with causes, we will always have symptoms.

Thus we must also deal with those values of the system of dominance that we ourselves have internalised, we must understand the process of conditioning and link the exposing of it, including the fundamentally criminal intent dressed up in rethoric, with one's own personal stories (embarrassing as them might appear at first to be)  as much as others, to all emergent dissent as much as we must physically and non-violently face down those who wage war, force vaccinate etc etc.

It is the psychological core of that system of dominance. The process of internalising the values of the system under the duress of marketing, propaganda, the need to 'earn a living', the /seduction/threat of a good job/bad job even at very young ages.....

From the point of view of Power our compliance is founded on that.

Break that and the system breaks within. Each of us can bring our own story, our own experience to bear on this. Add to the data of primary experience. There is no one size fits all to nature, life 'adapts' or 'responds' (the former to survive, the latter to thrive) to precise variations in local micro climate as much as changes in the macro climate. That's the nature of self-organising - it's fundamental to life. It's innate.

And understand that the systems main tactic in thwarting the emergent healing is to make those who show the signs of distress feel responsible, feel 'wrong', feel 'fated', feel a 'karmic' sense to their distress when in fact it was the system that they were born into and found themselves within which creates the kinds of conditions that many feel intolerable and are willing to show or otherwise unable to hide from us their truth.

Such labels as 'schizophrenic' or 'bipolar' or 'ADHD' serve this function. As does shame in peer group pressure. As does existential guilt in monotheism.

They make us feel bad about ourselves, in order that we never get out of that series of mini-hells, in order that we go shopping to aleiviate the pain, go on holiday to aleiviate the pain, marry 'mr. right'/mrs.right' to aleviate the pain.... and in many other ways.

Same will apply to this flu vaccines - 'good injected citizens' and 'bad citizens' - earmarked for future roles.... they will seek to make us feel bad to undermine ourselves, and to keep those who still doubt, feeling like we are bad and wrong...

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Natural or Civilised?

Taking is not receiving. That is one way to describe the difference between civilised processes and natural processes.

Civilisation, takes; most often by force, whatever it ‘needs‘/ ‘wants‘, irrespective of the cost to others, irrespective of the natural continuity of the community from which it takes.

Nature gives; everything is provided by processes in which each participant entity simply by being what it is, by it’s unique and precisely adapted metabolisation of nutrients available in the habitat it lives in.

Civilisation is organised rape and pillage. Survival and Power. Survival is Fear driven.

Nature is organised abundance. Thrivival.

These are the stark facts.

These are the facts of life on Earth. Not the facts of Civilisation. One of which, for example, is if you refuse to ‘work’ you must starve. Not only that but you also become the pet kicking object of a load of people who have sold their souls so as to ‘survive’ in that Civilisation. Another fact of Civilisation is Slavery. War. Child Abuse.

Thus when Scientists speak of the ‘struggle for survival‘, they are projecting their Civilised doctrines , their Indoctrination, onto nature….. Civilised Humanity has to struggle to survive, never mind thrive, to remain in place on Earth precisely because it is so anti-Nature, and cannot therefore easily survive in Nature, as it does not abide by Natural Processes, in fact it actively undermines those processes. It is also resisted by Indigenous peoples up to the point where they are all but annihilated, extirpated, erased.

Let me tell you something about Darwin. He was a Racist. He stated that the inter-breeding of ‘good stock’ with ‘bad stock’ would lead towards an inevitable degradation of the ‘good stock’, his example being the English inter-breeding with Irish. Implicit in this is the understanding that indeed there are some human beings, who by birth and race, are superior to all others. That’s a fundamental premise of Civilisation. And for them survival of the fittest and natural selection were merely ways to ‘scientifically’ prove their assumptions regarding superiority. Making it all to easy in their minds to extirpate that which does not ‘comply’. Compliance.

Darwin was, as it happens, from an extremely wealthy ’landed’ family, a man who socialised with European Royalty, a man who was part of that same class. A member of the Elite. With an agenda. And an enormous budget. He was a propagandist. The one who got there first. As in his books were published, promoted and given support. Before Wallace. Who saw that Nature is co-operation.

Civilisations come and go, and so too will this one which we find ourselves born into.

The question arises : with whom, or with what do I or you most identify?

Civilisation or Nature?

Only when I/you have answered that gritty question, can I/you start to deal with the problem of Civilisation…..

Look at it this way : our entire body is produced and sustained by nature. Every cell is wild, self organised, and getting on with it without any need for direction from our thinking selves. The only civilised part is the thinking, and the lack of empathy that arises from that thinking. We ARE nature. We only THINK we are civilised.

Only when one recognises that one is of nature, rather than of civilisation, can one start to deal with the problem of civilisation. The civilised cannot, by definition, deal with this problem in any meaningful way. They cannot see it. They see other problems, which are symptoms, and will attempt to suppress the symptoms rather than seek the root cause.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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