There is a world of difference between Religiosity and Spirituality.

The roots of that divide are to be found in the ways in which natural child-mother bonding processes, which are biologically determined, are either nurtured or not.

The research of James Prescott, Phd back in the 70s into primate mother-child bonding and the emergence of violence indicated to some degree the dynamics of this.

However, the research he carried out on primates was not possible for human beings - separating a child from his or her mother and providing a surrogate for 'experimental' purposes was correctly seen as 'unethical' - though Social Services and Hospital Protocol dictate that this separation does indeed occur, and with alarming frequency... how else is a circumcision to be carried out (60% of males born in the US are circumcised....)

So Prescott decided he'd do the next best thing and started a cross cultural survey of all known Aboriginal Societies to see if there was any patterns that could be observed that would suggest that his learnings with primates applied to human beings.


Absolute proof, statistically solid, that the ways in which the child-mother bond are nurtured or not are an rock solid indicator of the emergence of violence, hierarchy, sexual repression, rigid gender roles, territorialism and religiosity.

The facts are that when the needs of the natural child for healthy development are not met, when natural empathic nurturance is not fully functioning, abuse flows as a direct result.

"David  Smail correctly points out, in his book The Nature of Unhappiness, that psychological theories rarely move beyond the power exerted within the family - where by the oedipal child or the tyrannical parent - and generally fail to see the importance of wider social structures. He widens the ‘power horizon’ to include the effects of politics, culture and class on personal relations, and the impact of ideology on family life and education.

If emotional and psychological distress is brought about by social and environmental powers which originate at some distance from those ultimately subjected to them, then it follows that the best therapy comes in the form of political, ethical and ideological change. We need to move beyond the microenvironment of the therapeutic space, and through our interaction with patients provide three essential things: comfort, through proximal solidarity; clarification, to undo the mystifications of power, by helping patients to remember, see and say; and encouragement to physically and materially alter their position in the world."

 from a review by Christopher Dowrick, Professor of Primary Medical Care, University of Liverpool,

Furthermore, the research carried out by David Chamberlain, Joseph Chilton Pearce and many others into developmental neuroscience with regard to peri-natal experience, birth experience and the first years of a childs life absolutely support Prescotts insights.

Religion wears the mask of empathy, yet demonstrates time and time again a complete lack of empathy.The same applies to much of Social Services and Governance.

It's  BELIEF that is imposed externally, whereas true empathy emerges from within.

It is indoctrination that typifies Schooling and much of University 'Education'. Whereas true learning emerges from unfettered and honest exploration of the world we live in.

We need no more Religion, no more belief.

We need, we are desperately crying out for EMPATHY.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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On Big Business

A letter from Big Business urging George Osborne owards with the 'cuts'.

To all those who claim big business generates the taxes that the Government spends... WRONG.

Who buys the products with built in obselesence?

We do, consumers, families, on the pittance Big Business throws our way in compensation. Because we have no choice, as durable goods that last for many years are rare.

Who exposes their children to scientifically applied 'nagging' marketing?

We do, because there is no alternative. Big Business has seized all public space for it's propaganda. And is busily finding 'creative' ways to invade private space as well.

Who takes a slice of every transaction between food producers and our tables?

Big Business: through it's myriad of subsidiaries and shell companies.

Who makes processed foods that are a root cause of about 80% of degenerative disease, which costs the Health systems of all State so many billions - much of which is profit for those Big Business suppliers to State Health Systems..

Big Pharming. The simple and ugly elegance of this particular scam was outlined in some detail by Anne and Harvey Diamond in the early 80s in their soft-cover 'Fit for Life'. The data on this is now vast!

Who makes a profit out of 'care' and most often gets it badly wrong?

Private Care Homes. Who were foisted on our elderly, under the impression that private enterprise would upgrade the lived experience - well, Gerry Robinsons programme on that very subject last winter made it really clear that is NOT the case. And the Government chimed in with a policy that demanded that the elderly sell up and move into these homes (to fund the programme, thus converting their homes into someone elses profit)

Big Business functions to convert 'resources' into profits - the means to do this are the  sale opf mostly useless products and services, (80% of all consumer goods inthe USA are placed in a bin within 6 months of use - The Story of Stuff : ) and they are a morbid compensation offered to the majority in teturn for their toil in work that is not for their own benefit, and often not at all satisfying, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually.

The lack of adequate analysis and empathy in those who blow the trumprt of commerce is equal to those who blow the trumpet of what passes for corrupted Governance as we know it, be it centre, right or left - which is fundamentally the legalistic contractual licensing of Big Business to do as it will and earn those amassed profits at the expense of all but themselves, and the illegitimisation of any one who dissents and or provides an alternative vision of Society, and of course, with the added topping of  exercising that nasty urge to take an good hard kick at the under-dogs, the very much less well-off, the vulnerable, the damaged.

The unwillignness of Big Business and or Governance to honestly enagage with those alternatives in an open discourse on the best possible future for all our children belies the strength of their logic, practice and propaganda.

The truth is in this Society the many work for the opulence of the few, and the poor, damaged and vulnerable are fair game in the war to preserve comfort over dignity.

Big Bollocs! more like it. One has to have BIG BALLS of some kind to write such a letter under such circumstances where the people's debt is due to in large partt Government borrowing money from Banks to bail-out Banks, for conducting long term policies that have made nearly all people into debtors, finally stooping so low as to offer 'credit' to poor people in crap housing to buy the house and 'do it up', and than claiming that Society (apart from big business) and Nature must pay the costs, whilst the bankers suggest the price!

It's almost as good a con as the "God Loves you and HE NEEDS YOUR MONEY!" scam.

That both are frankly unbelievable is borne out by the formers imposition of it's creeds upon small defenceless chidlren, and in the latter case, by the walled enclaves and hired guns euphemistaclly called 'security contractors' of the super rich (Monsanto now OWNS  a good proportion of Xe, which was formerly known as Blackwater) and the existence of poverty itself.

Here's George Monbiots article on the list of quangos the media DID NOT Examine....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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On Human 'Rights'.

The concept of 'human rights' has a serious flaw, in that 'rights' are granted, by some form of authority, and equally can be withdrawn, or altered in definition, as we see. This flaw leads to and emerges from an acceptance of Authority, a percieved need for Hierarchy, which has no correlate in the Natural World which we are, biologically speaking, an expression of.

Culture and Biology are very different, with this in mind: The core biological functioning of every living cell is to improve the habitat for all life. This is easily observed in the wild. That same fundmental applies to us as bio-logical organisms.

It is therefore more appropriate to speak of innate and natural expectations that if fulfilled, lead to optimum health, not only fot the organism, but for the entire habitat. Air to lungs, food to the belly, light to eyes, EMF singlas to tiny cells rigged for perception in that manner, faeces to ground and to bacterial breakdown into metabolised nutrients.

Being innate and intrinsic, they cannot be granted, but simply recognised and responded to appropriately, so as to improve the habitat for all life. Or not. They cannot be denied, simply obstructed. They are ever present, even in the moment of darkest oppression.

Being a biological imperative, they operate from the grass roots UPWARDS, and in reality, all directions, as Nature is a non-linear living process.

One the fundamental of this is recognised, and integrated, a different discourse regarding the welfare of people and plant must arise.

It is one long overdue.

As for human conflict being inevitable, it is not. Choice is always present. Informed choice is a distinct possibility.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Freedom and Response Ability

The ability to respond appropriately so as to enhance the living environment for all life is not a burden; if anything it is a liberation! 


 It is also a biological imperative, and it absolutely inhere's to all natural living processes.


The responsibilty of those who refuse to do so, to respond apropriately, for whatever reason, is indeed a burden. 


Hence the denial. Hence the ultimate futility of that denial, for it is a prison of one's own making. 


In a world of many prisons, that is the one most tractable, the easiest to escape. 


Make your way to freedom.


Let ruthless self-honesty be your chain breaker. 


Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Institutional ‘care’ is abusive in it’s current form : that is the reality.

Institutional ‘care’ is abusive in it’s current form : that is the reality.

Workers within State, Church, and within Private Care systems (which are businesses first and foremost) know this. Most ignore it, and carry on doing their job. These are tough times, and there are tougher times ahead. It is true that this work is not easy, yet it is also true that the Institutional Systems do NOT make that workk any easier, for patients or the workers.

Top heavy with Administrative Management, driven by 19th Century perspectives and attitudes towards psychological distress, those who ‘receive’ that care know it too. And they frequently tell those who are ‘caring for them’ this. - Gerry Robinson on Elderly Care Homes - one story of a boy called Conor

The management and workers, for the most part, take this is further ‘evidence’ of the ‘illness’ of those in their care. How dare they criticise those whose daily work is to take ‘care’ of them, this, of course, drives the ‘clients’ into further depths of retreat from the world around them.

Billions of Pounds. Dollars, Euros, Yen and Rupees are spent every year on these systems of care, and a large percentage of those funds are taken off as profits by the suppliers to this vast Industry.

The ward workers, that is those who ‘work’ with the patients, the recipients of care, are typically the least trained and the least well paid.

Those with ‘careers’ with the care systems are psychologically trained as ‘teams’ of mutually supportive people engaged in a difficult yet necessary job; and the fundamental rule of the team is to support the team. Always support the team. Only constructive criticism is allowed. This is what they are taught from day one.

Critical analysis is impossible in such an environment that does not take the criticisms of those who are receiving the care provided.

This translates into being told that any critical analysis that might arise from within the team, no matter how well explained or justified, is ‘negative’ in that it is not supporting the team. “You are being negative. You are breaking the team!”

“Whose side are you on?”

No mention of the non-team on the other non-side, the recipients of the ‘care’ the ‘team’ is supposedly ‘providing’. No real advocacy for those real human beings, as vulnerable people in an invulnerable system.

No mention of the now widely known and well understood dynamics of intergenerational distress and abuse that lead to severe breakdowns of a persons psyche. No mention of the feelings and sensing’s of those who are so troubled by these dynamics, through no fault of their own, and who do not ‘fit in’, who give the lie to the illusion of Society and it’s assumed beneficence.

Psychological Distress is not a life choice.

Blame is not an appropriate word to assign to those whose natural response ability has, for whatever reason, broken down. Control is not an appropriate response to the presence of people whose psychological distress is evident.

Lacking in real empathy, administering more control than care, the systems of ‘care’ as they currently exist are in reality a deepening of the abuse dynamics that led to the psychological distress in the first place.

And the massive and widespread denial of these facts is akin to the actions and mind-set of The Vatican, as it avoids any calls for true empathic response ability, with regard to the many hundreds of thousands of children who have been abused whilst in it’s ‘care’.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe 

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