Why is the BBC so keen on bringing Corbyn down?

Why is the BBC so set on bringing Jeremy Corbyn down?

Many of the leading reporters, writers, editors on the BBC and other media are implicated in the propaganda campaign to support the decision to wage war in Iraq and their support for follow up actions in Libya, Syria and Yemen.

The crime of a war of aggression is what Elizabeth Wilmshurst, a leading Foreign Office Lawyer, who started her career at the FO in 1974, and who resigned in 2003, days before the war was launched, identified that war in her resignation letter.

Wilmshurst gave up a lifetimes work to maintain her integrity. She was a leading lawyer in the Foreign Office and had a long and dedicated career. Her concerns were serious.

You can find some more details on the behaviour of the BBC and other media in supporting the race to war, and it's behaviour in reporting on what happened next, some of whichcan be found in this article by Medialens.

We are living in a time when the propaganda function of even our most respected media is clear for all to see."

Could that be why they are so set against Corbyn?  Their propaganda, which was questioned at the time by some, makes them complicit in the commission of that crime. They are vulnerable to charges of War Crimes.

The repeated attempts, in such a short time, by the BBC to bring Corbyn down
probably amount to a world record of some kind.

The repeated failures and subsequent continuation of this program of institutional bullying suggests that the management and some staff at the BBC are very exercised about all of this.

Have they applied the same energy to resolving the Jimmy Savile case? Or the matter of Lord Janner? Or indeed the matter of the Vatican cover-up of pedophile predatory priests and the intimidation of survivors who have come forwards with testimony? Or any number of serious matters where public figures have committed dreadful crimes?

If not why not? Why then this incessant drive to destroy Jeremy Corbyn's leadership of the Labour Party? What is that all about?

Perhaps they can smell the sweat of an indictment, the iron bars of conviction: the entire British Power Establishment is very worried indeed...  and so they should be - a very serious war crime has been committed, we know what was done, who is involved and what the outcomes are.

The Power Establishment : These are the people in every political party, in every organisation, in charities and other great institutions who operate as part of a broad base or community that has historically gained, retained, enhanced and projected Power over people, nations, industries, finance, the Military and so forth.

My concern here is that Corbyn, Galloway, Skinner and O'Donnell are the ONLY leading UK politicians who have said the Iraq War was a Crime. There may be others. (Let me know in the comments if you know of any, so that I can add to the list.)

I cannot see how ANY real change towards a healthy functioning Democracy can emerge whilst the War Criminals are still on the public payroll and at liberty - and that includes everyone who has made Iraq and the subsequent 'actions' in Libya, Syria and Yemen possible, way beyond Tony Blair...

The Power Establishment are vulnerable to War Crimes trials.

We have the evidence, we know a lot about what they did, and while we do not yet have access to all their secrets, we do know where they live.

We should prosecute that campaign to identify and arrest the War Criminals with all due diligence and determination and strength.. The Law is with us on this.

This goes beyond ideologies, socialism, capitalism, communism, conspiracy theories, religion etc - it is about genuine social justice...

1 million + Iraqi's have been murdered, close to 33 million have been traumatised, 6 million Libyans, 22 million Syrians, 24 million Yemeni people have been harmed, and yet more hundreds of thousands have died or been maimed largely due to our Government's overt an d covert actions in their lands, and this wave of unspeakable trauma has been funded by our taxes, on goods and income etc.....

We share some responsibility for all of this. We are not innocent bystanders by any stretch.

We have allowed the British Government to convert our taxes into millions of dead bodies, maimed survivors, traumatised communities, destroyed states. By not pursuing the War Criminals we have stood by when we could have done something.

Well that time is here.

Support Jeremy Corbyn, and support all those who seek to enact a genuine and just democracy, who seek to ensure that Justice is served.

We make peace more likely if we prevent war. And the best prevention is to make it clear that anyone in Power who initiates such action will be held accountable in public.

It is also important to look at the tactics and behaviours of those who are bullying Corbyn (and all of us who want a genuinely evidence based just participative democratic governance system). I have another short blog on some of the behaviours of those who bully through the media, etc, that you might find interesting and useful.

I would also suggest readers take a look at this superb blog piece on bullying in politics and how it operates  to obstruct fair discourse,  justice and healthy democratic change...
(blog by Kitty Jones). Insightful, evidence based, honest and easy to read an assimilate...

We also need to be able to spot bullying from within our own ranks, and how to confront it, safely, in order to preserve our calm, and prevent provocative people from derailing our work, and possibly help those who are angry and frustrated and hateful to deal with that side of their struggle.

We are all in this together.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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Corbyn is not the problem: the threat of prison sentences for War Criminals is the problem.

Look. See the evidence.

The NeoLiberals within Labour, within Conservative, across Society in the UK and elsewhere have a problem.

They went to war, and it was illegal.

They knowingly lied about the 'reasons'.

Iraq was a War Crime, and everything, everything related to it that flows from that decision, from Iraq to Libya and Syria, is part of that crime spree.

Check their voting records, the speeches they made, the justifications they repeated without due diligence.

The broke a number of laws... repeatedly.

They believed they would get away with it because Saddam was such a bastard, nobody, nobody liked him, even those who worked for him - they feared him and for many it was safer to work for the Devil than to challenge him. Blair thought he would get away with it. Bush thought he would get away with it.

Corbyn has made it clear that for him, according to the evidence, Iraq was a War Crime, and he has made that clear publicly. He cannot back away from that statement, nor can he avoid it's clear implications. I think he knows that, and that he has the mettle to push this all the way that it needs to go. I think that many, many people support this.

The Labour and Tory and LIberal Dem MPs who voted for the War can smell the iron bars, they can smell the loss of liberty and their great wealth and priviledge.

Cameron can smell the bars awaiting him for bombing Libya and arming violent militia and escalating violence across North Africa and the Middle East.

The BBC, Guardian, Sun, Sky News, etc are all participants in maintaining the propaganda, and they can smell the iron bars of those cells that await them. They cannot say they did not know, as all their errors were pointed out at the the time, in detail, repeatedly.

The Military top brass likewise.

So they are fighting for their lives, their liberty, their social position.

They will do ANYTHING to avoid those trials.... they cannot admit the crime.

And they are all part of the British Establishment that is shitting all over poor and low income folk, beyond the limited imagination of 'successful middle class' folk....

They are also the same people who DID not resist 'austerity', they are the same people who forced the tax payer to bail out the banks on a fraudulent prospectus, they are the same people who allowed WorkFare, Benefit Sanctions, who allowed the DWP to sanction disabled folk, unemployed folk, who encouraged the Buy-To-Let Mortgage market to create more indebted 'landlords' who then raised the rents to meet their 'costs', screwing the renter whilst taking the profits from the house price rise,  all of this to enrich the finance industry, to increase land prices..

Those policies are part of their over all world view. And yes, there are those in Europe who share those views.And yes there are issues with the way the EU treated the Greeks, the Irish, the Spanish and how that affected the poorest sectors of society. That's a lot of hardship meted out to people who did nothing wrong at all, who are vulnerable because they are poor or disabled, or slightly mad or badly educated....

And look at the 'killing' they are making out of all of this abuse. Look at the distribution of wealth and resources. They are raking it in. Does Tony Blair need or deserve a fortune edging onto £100 million?

The War Crimes trials are the ONLY real leverage those who seek justice and fair governance within the UK have against that Power Establishment.... imagine Murdoch being charged with War Crimes? Or the individual writers who wrote clear lies in order to sell the war? Imagine the executives that profiteered from War being indicted, tried in public? Imagine the UN putting Ian Duncan Smith on trial for Human Rights Breaches at the DWP sanction regime?

They all KNEW what was going on. They all KNEW what they were doing.

They went to war and they shafted the poor/low income of this country at the same time. These are not separate matters.

So that is why there is so much energy directed at the Corbynistas, so much energy devoted to making out that the working class leave vote is racist and xenophobic, so much energy devoted to shredding social support.

This is the fight we ought to have put up back in 2003.

We ought to have gone on general all out strike, to bring the Blair War cabal down.

We failed then, we cannot fail now, or we will be remembered as 'good germans' are now remembered.

This is a matter of Justice above all else.

Do you uphold the Law, or is lawlessness rewarded?

This is the choice before us.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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Passionate about Politics?

Passionate about politics?

We'd all be damned passionate if foreign bombs were being dropped on us to for 'regime change' and 'freedom'.

Passionate, and running away from the violence with our families and a few possessions.

Running for our very lives!

Because that is what this is all about.

There was no pressing situation that demanded an EUref.

It was a set piece designed to trigger, enervate and inflame folk.

The media xenophobia was designed to make the remainers THINK that the leavers were racist or xenophobic. Which in turn triggered the leavers who voted out in protest, and feel, rightfully that that accusation is a smear, and thus deepened the divisions across the grass roots.

And the few nasty racist street thugs who get off on bullying and violence will of course deem it permissable to escalate their abuse.

It was also a set up for the anti-Corbyn anti-Momentum, anti-democratic coup underway, which WILL fail....

And the main driver? Chilcott, anyone?

The THREAT OF WAR CRIMES INVESTIGATIONS AND TRIALS, nor just for Tony Blair, but for about 5000 establishment operatives who made the 'case' and who prosecuted the war.

Including EVERY MP who voted for the war and maintained that position throughout.

Which explains Anna Eagles betrayal.

She voted for the war and against an investigation.

She also
voted against saying that the case for war against Iraq has not yet been established.


Our taxes converted into smart bombs, and funding, training and weapons for violent militia across the Middle East and North Africa. Government policy. Did YOU decide on that? Were you consulted as they bombed and bombed and bombed? Was I?

Whose cash is that tax take, in reality?

Who worked their butt off day in, day out to generate an income that generated that income tax?

In good faith?

THAT is what this is all about.


I have all the charisma I need. I have all the evidence I need. I don't need a charismatic leader to convince me. An Obama, or a Reagan or a Blair. No.

I want a political party and a political leader and a government that is willing to act on the evidence, and understands that this cash is our cash.

I do not want to pay taxes to a War Criminal Government, to have the NHS sold off for private profit centers, to enable those nasty feckers to frack and fuck our land and people.


Passionate because I love being alive, being human and I understand in a very personal way what it is to have those degraded by geo-politics and street level abuse. Not because I hate. I don't hate. I detest, I dissent, I have empathy, I love.

That is why I am passionate about Governance, community and politics.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Angela Eagle, The War Criminals in Power, Iraq and Trident

Corbyn, McDonnell, Skinner and Galloway are, as far as I know the only living British politicians who have publicly stated that Iraq is a war crime, and that War Crimes Investigations and trials must flow. There may be more (Tony Benn has passed on...) Do let me know if there are any others.

The Blairite, Media and BBC attacks on Corbyn are the defence department of the British Power Establishment. They are defending that establishments operatives who worked on making the Iraq war happen.

Even IF people genuinely believe Jeremy Corbyn is not an 'effective leader' nor 'electable' and must be removed for Labour to gain ground in the next election, whenever that happens, ( an opinion not supported by the facts and the actuality of Corbyn's long political career) their support for his removal plays into the hands of the British Power Establishment.

Refusal to see that and integrate it into their desire to have a 'good' leader they can follow (which Corbyn rejects, he says the leadership must come from the grass roots) and a refusal to then mitigate their actions to dislodge him until they have a candidate who WILL pursue War Crimes Investigations and Trials with all due diligence is myopia, it is short sighted, it is folly, and worst of all it plays the hand of the War criminals.

It is not their intention to do so. I get that.

That does not alter the fact that the Power Establishment will benefit by reducing the threat of War Crimes Investigations and Trials of their operatives from that sectarian fight over the leadership, that needless distraction and they will use that to the hilt. No-one will be able to thwart that once the act is done.There are no credible MPs in the Labour Party who can stand and say they have the grounds and ability, the steel and grit to pursue the War Crimes issue.

In effect the leadership coup will protect the power establishment from a threat they really are vulnerable to. Our only leverage against them for all the harm they have and are causing. 

The reality, the legal reality, as well as the moral reality,  is that War Crimes were committed, and are being committed, by the British Government, the British State.

Supported by those Media who refused then and continue to refuse to tell the unadorned truth in this matter, and as such all actions of that Government, irrespective of who is in office have no legitimacy, until the matter of War Crimes is resolved by Justice. 

Every statute written since March 2003 is invalid.

An actively criminal Government cannot be legitimate under Law.

Yesterday, Angela Eagle cried tears in an interview explaining why she resigned and then refused to say if she'd mount a leadership challenge. "Now is not the time for this."

Now today she mounts that challenge.

She KNEW then what she knows now. Those tears were manipulation at it's most dramatic. Or darker.

Her voting record on matters of War speaks for itself.  She is culpable.

She DID vote for War against Iraq, she 
voted against saying that the case for war against Iraq has not yet been established, she voted against an investigation into the Iraq War, and much more besides.

Her integrity is questionable, and her due diligence in such important matters is lacking. The Law was (and remains) quite clear on the matter and she had a duty of care know that Law and to uphold it.

Nuremburg made it quite clear that not knowing the Law is no defence in War Crimes trials. It is also a general principle of tort Law.

Ignorance of the Law is not a defence. Ignoring the Law is a crime in and of itself.

Politics is a dirty, dirty game and if we do not grasp the levels of manipulation, deceit and grooming involved, and we underestimate the capabilities of the power establishment in terms of their abilities to dig into our psychology and manipulate us, and have not the ability to identify, question and then counter those moves, we are way out of our depth.

Governance is another matter.

In governance, we are talking about the administration of the shared contributory resource we call taxation, which ought to be administered for the equal benefit of all who contribute, their families, their children and their communities.

That demands that policy is a) evidence based b) designed in part by the people whose lives it touches c) free of ideology, religion or mere opinion d) transparent and e) subject to responsive change as new information emerges.

I support any politician who can prove that they understand and adhere to these principles. I cannot trust those who do not. Neither can you.

Let me remind folk that 80 million people in the Middle East have had their entire civil society destroyed as a direct result of these Wars, and that must weigh heavily on all of us as tax payers. 80 million men, women, children, families. communities : look around at your loved ones and try to imagine what that must be life.

The human reality is why I write. I have no ideology. Just empathy.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

War Crimes, Brexit and Self Determination of a people, as opposed a State Power Establishment.

 There's something being avoided by the mainstream public domain discourse.

Something absolutely fundamental to the legitimacy of Governance in England and across the UK. Was the Iraq War, and the wars against Libya and Syria, legal or not?  We know they were unjust. We know that media and Government lied and spun to sell the concept. Chilcott is due out in July. What will it bring up?

The British Power Establishment can ignore 1 million violent deaths of Iraqi's, Libyans, Syrians... they can ignore 11 million Syrian Refugees. Yes, they can even ignore 3 million signatures on an e-petition.

They cannot ignore the threat of War Crimes trials, which is what this EUref is really all about. Neurtralising a threat. They'd go as far as triggering a civil war in Northern Ireland, whose 'peace' is in part secured by the EU and EU Human Rights Law.

EU Law helped install the legislation required to arrest and try War Criminals into English Law, under the 2001 International Criminal Court Act.

Leaving the EU is first step to repealing that Legislation.

The Power Establishment know they are vulnerable, that the upholding of the Law will undermine their 'freedoms'.

WE cannot ignore that any longer. They MUST remove all legal instruments that leave them vulnerable, as they are, to charges of War Crimes.


The claims of 'self-determination' of the Brexit campaign are empty unless the War Criminals are dealt with before the Law, unless they ALL UPHOLD THE LAW, and see that it is applied in this case without remorse.

Too many people have been murdered and maimed, funded by UK Tax Payers contributions, for this to be avoided.

The UK Government has no legitimacy until this is dealt with, and Justice is served.


Imagine what it must be like to have been a 16 year old in 2003 watching the adults in your own community allow the British Government to wage an illegal, amoral, horrific war, and then follow that up with three more against Libya, Syria and Yemen, wars the majority of 16 year olds objected to stongly, but their voices were silenced.

And now the EUref, and those same voices are sidelined again, at age 29, whilst the current 16 year olds were denied participation in a decision they will have to live with longer than anyone else apart from their little brothers and sister, a decision made under false pretences....?




Upholding the Law?

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.