Ed Milliband, Corbyn, and children as politically astute non-voters.

Shadow of a child blasted onto a wall at Hiroshima

I watched Ed Milliband being put in his place, politely, gently yet firmly, by a 13 year old boy, at the Power Inquiry Conference, London, in 2006.

The boy was at the front row and he had his hand up as the panel were discussing the voting age, discussing lowering it. Or not.

Millibland was against lowering it. Most of the panel was against lowering it. He intimated that they (under 17s) did not know enough to be trusted with a vote. He was not alone in that.

The boy held his hand up, for quite a while, patiently waiting for their attention.

Eventually, the panel asked the boy to speak.

The boy, 13 years old (worth repeating) said this :

"The money being wasted in Iraq and Afghanistan: wouldn't it be better spent to give it to pensioners whose pensions were being reduced by Government and bad banking?"

The crowd erupted in applause.

The boy was correct. Succinct. Polite. Spot on.

The war was not popular in that room. Most of the applause was for that, rather than for the way the child demonstrated to the adults his ability to think clearly and articulate that thinking in unambiguous terms.

The panel ignored his comment, and went on to someone else. The discussion did not refer to the boy again, or his point. They disenfranchised that child, and all children.They also disenfranchised our pensioners, and all Iraqi and Afghani citizens. Nice! Not.

The adults on the panel just passed by an intelligent, clear sighted child...... because they did not have the heart, the empathy, the self assured-ness to admit their inadequacies, to meet the boy as an equal .... they are callous smoothies, Millibland et al in Parliament.

Nice people, with attitudes that are dysfunctional.

Authoritarian. They smile, they preen, they soundbite to attract voters.

And they let Tony Blair and the British Establishment get away with mass murder.

Children are paraded to demonstrate the candidates adherence to 'family values' - children should be seen, and not heard.

Sadly this is true for many adults, who as children were treated in the same manner.

It is called 'traditional family values'.  The teacher as 'authority'. Reward and punishment as a parenting style.

Nudge theory. Religion. Indoctrination.

"I have the natural (God given) right to smack my children!"

The Law still permits this.

The complex of hierarchy of violence infects the home.

For me, parents have an inherent duty of care both to their children, and to society at large, to disinfect their homes of that hierarchy, not least to better equip them for the struggles ahead in their lives, dealing with what we as parents have not dealt with. Executive power that tramples on the communities best interests.

Iraq. Libya. Cutting funding to Community Voluntary Sector services, whilst privatising them. Care for profit.

Many, many parents need healing, and probably the best way to enable that is to inspire them to start really listening to and hearing their children as complete persons, growing and to help them see that how they were (mis)treated as children impacts and informs their parenting in the present, and that it does not have to be that way.

We grow together.

Politics, democracy, and sound healthy governance starts at home.


This ties into what is being done to Corbyn by the Establishment.

The underlying issue is less about Corbyn than it is about the stance he takes that policy decision making is a grass roots response ability - one that all hierarchies detest above all else.

That transfer of power to the grass roots is their greatest perceived enemy.
The technique of maintaining a narrative that is focused on Corbyn and 'leadership' is being run in order to keep that paradigm off the public radar. Every effing day!

Blame the immigrants, the victimised, the children, the convicts, the trots, the Corbynista's, the Blairites. All of us are prone to such judgementalism.

The power of Punishment and Reward.

So there is a need to de-activate that track, and set another discourse in motion, on social media, and in commentary on mainstream media.... and elsewhere.
"We pay their wages. We instruct our public servants."

If we fail to take that response ability up, then we are partly responsible for the adverse policies those who wield a distal power get away with.

We are not wholly responsible in that so much of politiking is the psychological manipulation of known vulnerabilities the exist across a population. Known vulnerabilities that are the direct result of indoctrination, bullying and much else that is mediated by power establishments through governance systems which we all fund.

That is what 'focus groups' are designed to tap into. Find those vulnerabilities, and leverage them.

The old politik is dying, not least because it is killing so many of us, and we need, our children and their children will need us to take up our responsibility towards them as an entire generation, not just for our immediate children, but for all of them, everywhere, to build a new politics that is about healthy governance and power sharing as a social response to the changing dynamics of our world rather than power as a central force dictating what happens.

Blair used PR techniques to get into and hold onto power - because those techniques work, and they work because of our vulnerabilities.... so we have to deal with our vulnerablities, we have to immunise ourselves from that kind of manipulation, as part of our process, moving forwards.

The EU referendum was a classic case of this technique - conning an entire population into a forced choice, where there was no evidence, no data with which to realistically compare the choices and their outcomes forced people onto opinions, personal opinions.

Choose to leave the EU, by all means. But make a choice based on sound evidence, rather than myth and fear, rage and desperation or sheer frustration. Demand that the discourse is evidence based.

That we allowed that to happen speaks volumes.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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Women reject the use of gender to silence legitimate political opposition: an open letter

An open letter by some active women folk looking at the basis of the accusations of misogynistic behaviours emerging from the Media, directed at Jeremy Corbyn and Momentum activists...

Women reject the use of gender to silence legitimate political opposition

"We, the undersigned, women Labour members or supporters from different backgrounds, ethnicities and regions, condemn attempts by some women MPs to blame the Leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn and shadow chancellor John McDonnell for alleged intimidation. The accusations are baseless and are part of an escalating witch-hunt against Corbyn and his supporters.

The tragic murder of Jo Cox MP, for which a right-wing racist with mental health problems has been charged, has been invoked as if it was connected with anti-racist, pro-refugee Corbyn. A brick through the side window of a building used by many groups, including the local MP, has been attributed to Corbyn followers without any proof. And we are warned against holding peaceful demonstrations outside MPs offices or calling for them to be deselected."

The full text of the letter is truly worth reading.

The core point is that to use such slurs demeans the entire political process, and does nothing to help confront and resolve the issues around power, sexualised violence, abuse and harm; if anything it undermines our efforts in this area.

It is clear, accurate, compassionate and written with utter integrity, by women activists engaged in intensive daily work to support women (and by extension, men and children).

It feeds back into my many blog postings about bullying in politics, violence in society, hierarchies of power, trauma related behaviour patterns, and much else besides...

Media Trolling

Media - Read and react, or read, analyse, check and respond.

We have a choice.

Our choices dictate outcomes, especially with regards to bringing about a healthy, sane, nurturant society.

The reactive mode is easily manipulated.

The responsive much less so, to the degree that any individual has worked through his or her own issues around power and sense of self - whether it is truly emergent or laced with internalized system values (shame, guilt, blame, praise, reward, punishment ... are all clues to where we still hold onto internalized system values).

Many people are making this choice, consciously, deliberately, and bringing that to the table of politics and governance.

And this choice gets far less attention and examination in the media than the justifications for war or for Corbyn's so-called 'unelectability'.

Established Power's self protection.

It would appear the established power does want to enable such choices by acknowledging the multitude of stories of those who do. The mainstream power establishment media is peppered with justifications of violence, with sexism, fantasy, ideology and sales pitches.

The Inquiry into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse underway in the UK has lost yet another chair-person. We do not yet know why. It is very sad and very, very worrying.

The Australian Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse is revealing just how endemic cover-ups, mitigations, institutional desire to protect itself are in this area....

Ireland and the United States have had multiple Inquiries.

The evidence is immense and mounting all the time.

The response of Power is way behind what the evidence suggest would be appropriate.

"Houston, we have a problem."

The Astronauts fixed the problem with assistance from Ground Control.

They worked together.

The Government (and The Vatican) needs to work with and for Survivors, not try to get around them.

The Labour party MPs who are opposing Corbyn need to work with the grass roots of the party, not try to get around them.

It is the same pattern.


Tribal is an odd word to use to describe violent systems.

Here's why.

This is a chart of social behavioural characteristics of different societies (tribes, sic) from a meta-analysis by James Prescott in the 1970s,  which looks at whether or not they are truly nurturant or controlling, and indicates the sets of behaviours associated with each.

Societies with very different child relating modalities, and very different outcomes...

And the common link between the emergence of violence or nurturance appears to revolve around the way a given society relates to and treats the children.

If we want to resolve these problems, we start with parenting at the very base of society, as the very base of society.... which means the work women do for women is absolutely critical.
Here is an article I wrote expanding on the chart by James Prescott.

The website www.violence.de is very useful in exploring this issue.

The Neurobiology of Trauma.

Here is an example of one aspect of that work, related to the neurobiology of trauma, and trauma informed responses to sexual abuse which counter the 'traditional' responses which are the subject of numerous national inquiries. Informative, direct, clear and deeply compassionate, it also hints at the problems with inherited traditional approaches to sexual abuse allegations, which are indicators on the nature of our Society and it's power structures.

In another recent blog I posted a basic outline for anyone interested in this area of human exploration, knowledge and healing, with some links to key writers and researchers in this area..

These insights into the neurobiology of trauma indicate that in utero trauma can occur, if the mother is subjected to trauma events or chronic stress beyond her ability to control. They also feed into child development issues....

Everyone of us carries some of the bully psychology within us to one degree or another until we resolve it within ourselves. Social conditions and socialised conditioning tend to make it so.

That's why we become bystanders.

Resolve it with insight, evidence and self reflection.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Climate Change - what climate, whose climate, whose fear?

1. Biology responds to dynamic environmental changes by making precise changes to meet the dynamic changes to maintain the nutrient flow and balance. The old paradigm of random mutation is a lie, a piece of propaganda, designed to challenge an older lie, that of the supremacy of the Gods of the hierarchically violent societies.

2. We are biology at our base. Biology is fundamentally nurturant, it leads towards thriving communities of diverse organisms and living systems constantly modulating and responding to a dynamic environment.

Optimal Biological Health is a mandate for each individual, each species and the entire biome of Earth.

3. The Industrial Civilisation and all Hierarchies of Violence as social constructs are, by definition, an outright rejection of 1 and 2.

4. Fear is the worst driver of healthy change. Fear also drives Industrial Civilisation and Hierarchies of Violence. Likewise anger and hatred. They are in essence abuse systems that become Institutionalised. Bully systems.

5. The difference between a response and a reaction is key to how this genral issue is being framed in the public domain. A response looks at the situation, tries to understand as much as possible, and makes a choice and keeps an eye on what is happening, is prepared to meet new information and integrate it into the response.

A fear reaction tends to be knee-jerk, ideological and inadequate to the task of a fluid response.

6. Fear tends to urge people to look away, and seek a 'leader' to get them out of the shituation. Fear tends to suggest we are relatively powerless. Fear and 'leadership' are bed fellows in Violent Hierarchies.

7. A rational response would suggest various ways to maximise the changes, rather than trying to stop them. Which we cannot do. Climate has always, always changed over time.

8. Permaculture has all the design features to maximise the changing climate patterns, rapidly and accurately. It also contains indicators and practices that undermine concepts of hierarchical thinking and psychology. Permaculture is returning to biological optimal health. Fundamentals such a 'there is no waste' are meaningful.

9. The entire issue is directly linked to how we as individuals and small communities engage with governance and the administration of shared contributory resources - in essence the situation demands that we mature, that we devote time to the matters of governance and move away from careers, mortgage servicing, macro economics and become more connected again.It demands that we become more nurturant, we take personal and collective responsibility to ensure that nutrient cycles are maintained, for all life.

10. That is in effect a psychological and social climate change modality.... self governance is the oldest form of governance in the human species, it has been supplanted by Violent Hierarchies that tooled up to expand their reign.

11. The system of power itself, in evolutionary terms, is a vast human psycho-climate change, and we need to recognise that, we need to base ourselves in our fundamental biological 'nature' in order to respond more accurately and NO EXTANT GOVERNING OR ECONOMIC SYSTEM will volunteer for that.

12. They will manipulate and resist to the very end.


14. Don't worry, in 10,000 years it will be very different. We cannot kill the planet, we cannot destroy the life force of biology. We can only destroy our chances of healthy nurturant happy living. The planet is fine, the other species are fine, biology is fine.

15. The culture is the problem, not humanity. Gods are not the answer. This life is a glorious, full body, sensory jam, not a rehearsal.

16. With that in mind we are invited to stand up and confront and dismantle the systems of hierarchical violence with all the love and humour and robust physicality we can whilst remembering to love, party and laugh as often as we can, without dropping the ball.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Abuse : Origins, root causes, recovery and re-alingment with optimal human biological health

The resolution of the issue of abuse as a common behavioural dynamic lies not in punishment, rather it rests in altering the way our society as a whole relates to and treats children. And indeed, how it relates parenting, and how it supports healthy parenting. It is intrinsically linked to how power is mediated in social and material terms across our economic and political and judicial systems. It is inherently a matter of governance.

Of course, known serial abusers, those who cause intentional harm who operate without remorse in any sphere of human activity must be segregated, isolated from society at large, because they cannot be trusted to act otherwise. That goes without saying. It is a health and safety matter of extreme importance. Punishment is not really effective as a way to deal with this problem. Punishment does not prevent harm, because it always arrives after the harm has been caused. Punishment is always too late.

"The psychology of any given family, community or society is both revealed and perpetuated in how that family, community or society relates to and treats the children".

Chronic stress degrades all known biological systems, and leads to disease. Unresolved trauma leads directly to chronic stress, as does war, poverty and all forms of abuse.

These are not inevitables, nor are they unknowns.

They are all the result of choices made by adults.

Here is a detailed chart outlining the social behavioural characteristics of various societies, which was collated in the 70s.

Research since then into endocrine systems, autonomous systems, in utero development and psychology, trauma studies, inter-generational trauma behaviour patterning, history, anthropology, neuroscience, biochemistry, child development and psychopathology confirm the insights of this survey.

Researcher/writers such as Alice Miller, Judith Herman, David Chamberlain, Oliver James, Joseph Chilton Pearce, Carl Rogers, Derrick Jensen, Gabor Mate, Kitty Jones, Robert Zapolsky, David Smail and many, many others are great resources in this.

I URGE you to access the data, the evidence, and go through the works of the writers listed above if you are genuinely concerned about child abuse....

I say this because I want to help you, and all of us, to understand this dynamic so that we can work together to apprehend abusers, to prevent further abuse emerging as it does in such massive numbers and realign our social systems with optimal human biological health.

I am a Survivor of long term intentional child abuse.

I speak and write with some knowledge of this subject.

Both in terms of addressing my own abusive and destructive learned behaviors and my recovery from the trauma I endured for the best part of 20 years.

This blog is where I join the dots on all of this research by people who literally have saved my life and enabled me to return to a degree of optimal biological health.

At some time it will become a book, a website, an interactive mind map and a documentary.

I do this for myself, I do it for you and I do it for my great grand children and all their contemporaries.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Dynamics of different kinds of societies in a graphic.

Some flows of experiential and sensory societal drivers and behavioural dynamics, related to nurture, trauma, oppression. 

Parts of the puzzle, stand back and try to see the whole.
To be able to perceive the underlying patterns.

Right click, then view on new tab, on this link to view it in large scale.

This is a mind map I am looking at the two poles of Societal Behavioural Characteristics, which can be viewed as an adjunct from my previous article on those two poles of Society, and how we got here....

I am trying to describe flows of experience context as they relate to observed social behavioural characteristics of different kinds of cultures, ranging between Egalitarian and Hierarchically Violent.

It is only a brief outline of the difference in dynamic between a hierarchically violent society and an egalitarian empathy based society. A guide for further questioning and exploration.

It also works with this graphic ...

This outlines a flow chart of what can happen when a trauma or trauma pattern remains unresolved, or is resolved.

Healing and recovery are a core dynamic of all living systems,  accidents happen, and organisms have evolved repair and recovery processes and dynamics precisely because accidents are common in any dynamically changing environment - wind, storms, snow, ice, rain storms, floods, moment of distraction and oopsie!

The difference for existing human culture  is that the harm and stress caused is way beyond accidental, and there are no known mammalian biological processes designed for sustained chronic stress and toxicity.

We are not designed to handle chronic stress.

We need to really understand that that means that we humans are 'designed' to accommodate a degree of occasional stress. We are designed to be able to respond/react from a background of robust health - physiological and psychological.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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