Showing posts with label Tony Blair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tony Blair. Show all posts

Patterns, details, humanity. Toby Young.

Gangs... power structures.... hooligans.... Boris Johnson, Toby Young, Jeremy Hunt. Pinochet. Saddam. Nixon.
portrait of a neoliberal gangster.

- youth gangs and associated knife crime issue requires some social honesty

Persistent, institutionalised social inequity is directly correlated with widespread chronic distress, despair, powerlessness. The evidence for this is clear. Giving banks close to half a trillion dollars, whiist reducing support to poor and vulnerable people was not the choice of the people. So it goes.

Persistent, instutionalised social inequity is also correlated with emergent and increasing street crime, petty public violence and other signs of breakdown. The Community fragments. Resources are diverted away. The greater the sense of inequity, the greater the refusal to co-operate, the more intense the breakdown. This is just common sense. Visible Social Inequity is the driving pressure. Pressure. International relations between States, with dominant power blocks seeking hegemony, in an adversarial environment that is fully militarised. This robs peoples of resources, youth, respect and dignity and it absolutely influences local politics, to the very core.

Lateral Violence is a term that describes a statistical dynamic, where abuse within a hierarchy trickles down, and emerges as sideways violence and aggression, where individuals or groups pick on others at their own level or below, to vent their anger upon. Gay bashing, racism, religious sectarianism and much else falls into this dynamic, or emerges more often within the dynamics of a hierarchically violent power culture That is a pattern. Not an excuse.

Not every case is the pattern; they are more than that, and to understand what is creating the pattern, we need to be honest about the evidence, the dataset, and that has to include the journey of that individual, and of every individual we learn about, it has to take in the situation of his or her lived experience and social setting as see all the elements that come into play, as influencers on those lives. All of them, in both qualitative and quantitative research terms. Empathy, compassion,respectful distance: scientific.

First Minimum requirement to solve a problem is the full understanding of the problem.

The second is access to all available pertinent information. A news story will provide only a caricature of any situation it reports, A news story is not enough to base a diagnosis on. Yet we are all expected to do this, from reading newspapers,. etc to voting in that booth, we are told we have enough information make a diagnosis, and we vote with very little data.. Beyond each caricature of a criminal or murderer, a terrorist or a soldier there lies an invisible child, now an adult human being, a history. Do not let the bullies write that history. Or co-opt it to their ends. There will be some cases that are a mixture of all of this: that are to do with social care systems and punishment, with socio-economic status, with broken familial relationships, some might have disabilities, or emotional trauma, and all will have differently altered brains, trauma altered endocrine alterations.

Peer pressure, poverty, marginalisation, bigotry can all interplay and adversely impact any child, any developing brain.
These harmful elements running through a society do not proclaim the health of that society, do they?
The Media hypes stories, for an agenda, not for honesty, or justice.

Justice would remove the economic incentive for gang membership and operations. As a first step.

By dismantling any institutionalised socio-economic inhibitors on equitable economic engagement and arrangements, where being a low skill worker does not mean low paid, economically challenged .... every hour of our lives is precious. All equally so.
The pattern.
Take a public service. cut it. to save money.
Cut it again. then bash it, to save money..
Slice it, and cut it. Then twist it, to be more efficient.
Keep doing this, until it begins to fail.
Then suggest that a private contractor could step in and save the day.

A large corporate private contractor with a track record of fraud, bad practice, graft and inefficiency.

How can any adult  alive and literate, walking about today in 2018 Britain be unaware of this pattern?

Another fine example is this: The DWP plans to streamline benefits using sanctions as a mechanism in administrating efficiencies have cost more than they have saved.

of November 2016, they had blown £50,000,000 on administering sanctions, £200 million monitoring claimants, £35,000,000 hardship payments, running to a total of £285 million... and they had saved £132 million.

For that total net spend of £153,000,00 they have demonstrably increased chronic stress on 11,000 people who have died soon after assessments that applied reductions on their support. At least 11,000 people, who it can be said, did not need nor deserve any extra pressure and stress upon their lives.

How much of that £132 million was sequestered as corporate profits?

In other words, how much tax payers cash became shareholders profits?

Many others persisted, in spite of the system failures,  and pushed back. Which is why the UN took steps to document the tragedy unfolding.

Have they spent £153 million on bullying vulnerable people just because they can?

Is Toby Young  a natural ally of Donald 'PG' Trump, is his opportunist Toryism emblematic of the brown nosing revolving door of the neoLiberal Ruling Classes?

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

An honest insight into Geopolitics, Blair, Sierra Leone, Titanium.

Here's a short video, a recording of comments made by a former UK Diplomat, concerning the realities of Geo-Politics... a man who was fired for his honesty.

It's instructive, it is genuine 'insider' information, and of the highest calibre.

It is honest.

Without hype.

Just the basic truths.

Calmly stated.

This is what we fund through our taxes, and our purchases.

This is what we enable with our votes.

This is our burden.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Somme : They died for Tony Blair's Freedom.

"they died for our freedoms"

The died for our freedoms. That's the claim.

They were murdered.

They were maimed, traumatised, broken.

They died for our freedoms.

It is a lie.

They were murdered. On both 'sides'.

They were murdered for the British Establishments freedom to wage war again, less than 100 years later. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria.

80 million working class low income folk have had their entire lives turned upside down, with millions dead, millions maimed, millions in refugee camps.

"They died for our freedoms!"

To honour the dead of the Somme, then Tony Blair, Anna Eagle, Jack Straw  and all of those who enabled the illegal war of aggression against the Iraqi working class people, the Libyan working class people, the Syrian working class people,  must be honestly,robustly investigated, and then arrested each and every one of them, and brought them before the courts, to account for their actions and the outcomes, in public.

We are free to do this, the evidence is clear, the law is clear.

Honour the dead of the Somme : Keep Calm and Arrest the War Criminals!

What could be more simple, more clear than that.


Immigration driving down wages - why that is a lie.

The argument that immigration from Eastern Europe into Britain was the cause of lost jobs, due to low wages they Eastern Europeans and others were paid is a classic misdirection.

It is also known as 'Gaslighting'.

1. It was the choice of the employers to pay those low wages.

2. The Eastern Europeans did not advertise themselves as cheaper labour. They did not come here and say "We will do that work for less!". They came here and took what was offered. Who offered it? And why?

3. It was the choice of the Government to accept the employers choice to make more profit by paying less on wages to vulnerable people..

The Government could have said : "Woah! No you don't!". They live here now, they get same wage as standard for that job.

They could have said, "here's the national minimum wage, and here's the standard for skilled and unskilled labour in your industry."

"No discrimination."

"No exploitation."

No. What they did was to make the situation worse. For everyone concerned, except the employers.

They created Tax Credits to insure the employers, to ensure income working class people in Britain, resident British people, could be employed at low wages, with a tax payer top up.. and the employers could make more profit.

As if it was a gift.

The they use that set up and loudly acclaim their social program.

"Look at what we are doing for YOU!"

Then they whisper into hurting people's ears, and present them with images for their eyes and they say "They take your jobs, your houses, your schools, your streets......"

And anger mounts.

And so it goes.


Is this what the dead of the Somme died for?

Exploitation of vulnerable workers, so that Industry could make more profits using cheap labour.

Do not hold the immigrants to blame for that.

Hold the employers to account. Hold the Government to account.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

War Crimes, Brexit and Self Determination of a people, as opposed a State Power Establishment.

 There's something being avoided by the mainstream public domain discourse.

Something absolutely fundamental to the legitimacy of Governance in England and across the UK. Was the Iraq War, and the wars against Libya and Syria, legal or not?  We know they were unjust. We know that media and Government lied and spun to sell the concept. Chilcott is due out in July. What will it bring up?

The British Power Establishment can ignore 1 million violent deaths of Iraqi's, Libyans, Syrians... they can ignore 11 million Syrian Refugees. Yes, they can even ignore 3 million signatures on an e-petition.

They cannot ignore the threat of War Crimes trials, which is what this EUref is really all about. Neurtralising a threat. They'd go as far as triggering a civil war in Northern Ireland, whose 'peace' is in part secured by the EU and EU Human Rights Law.

EU Law helped install the legislation required to arrest and try War Criminals into English Law, under the 2001 International Criminal Court Act.

Leaving the EU is first step to repealing that Legislation.

The Power Establishment know they are vulnerable, that the upholding of the Law will undermine their 'freedoms'.

WE cannot ignore that any longer. They MUST remove all legal instruments that leave them vulnerable, as they are, to charges of War Crimes.


The claims of 'self-determination' of the Brexit campaign are empty unless the War Criminals are dealt with before the Law, unless they ALL UPHOLD THE LAW, and see that it is applied in this case without remorse.

Too many people have been murdered and maimed, funded by UK Tax Payers contributions, for this to be avoided.

The UK Government has no legitimacy until this is dealt with, and Justice is served.


Imagine what it must be like to have been a 16 year old in 2003 watching the adults in your own community allow the British Government to wage an illegal, amoral, horrific war, and then follow that up with three more against Libya, Syria and Yemen, wars the majority of 16 year olds objected to stongly, but their voices were silenced.

And now the EUref, and those same voices are sidelined again, at age 29, whilst the current 16 year olds were denied participation in a decision they will have to live with longer than anyone else apart from their little brothers and sister, a decision made under false pretences....?




Upholding the Law?

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Peace, Poppies and Honesty,


There can be no peace, no equality without empathy. Empathy for the children, the mothers, the fathers, the civilians who are forced to flee for their lives.

Empathy for those children whose best option appears to them to be to enlist in a State Military or a street gang, or a terrorist militia....

And empathy as a means to understanding the mind of that kind of power that rules, the social conditioning of that power that rules rather than governs. That too.

What I mean is that we must develop an accurate, evidence based understanding of those who bully, who abuse their power and we must understand their psychology and their techniques

Know the mind of those who would call YOU an enemy of the State because you desire and aspire towards a State that nurtures peace, community, egalitarianism, justice and kindness.

The Poppy

The people who wear the Poppy and hold Power.... are not the same as the people who wear poppies to commemorate and remember those who died of State induced Violence, out of sadness and regret, but are similar to those who celebrate the 'victory' of War, the 'sacrifice' of millions of people, the 'freedom won' .... because they have been taught to think that the myth of being slaughtered 'for freedom' is heroic, that it was a freely entered into choice of those who were slaughtered.

It was not.

No civilian population ever chose war against other civilians. The majority of troops did not choose war. A majority were conscripts, in one way or another because it is always the leaders, the political power players who chose war. They chose but do not participate, do not venture near any danger, do not share the burden of blood, guts, tears.

We ordinary folk are and were subjected to intense social conditioning designed to serve the needs of Power above all else, and so we bought and are buying the lies, we fought and died, and we will will continue to do so, and it was and is all needless waste, 100% avoidable and it is all predatory abuse.

The troops followed orders that were and are insanely incompetent. The troops in Afghanistan followed orders that were insanely incompetent. There is ample evidence of this.

The Poppy as a symbol was first used to commemorate the lives lost, to accentuate the needlessness of such mass death by violence, to urge a move away from such massive slaughter of both troops and civilians.... but it has been co-opted.

Our political leaders are intent on grooming us, on manipulating information and situations so that they can pursue war as a policy tool. Bearing in mind that there is a massive industry that makes immense profits from that slaughter. A massive industry that funds many of our leading politicians, directly and indirectly.

They who are in power who wear the red poppy, who celebrate 'sacrifice', who lie and cheat and bully, are a danger to the grass roots of humanity.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

NHS : Prevention - Don't mention induced chronic stress!

The NHS Question: A few thoughts or 'just sayin' ... or it be, like, this.

Warning: polemic ahead.

Read on.

What do I sense of being human as biology, as the bacteria 'we' are, the wider life we are, the 'I am the living habitat' sense of 'we' and 'i' . What is human health? Who defines it?

Here is what pondering those questions that might implies to me.. or 'here's another one I made up...."

I knew this always, that science and common sense observation of the whole helps assert what is factual. I tell myself this often..


We are biology.

And there is the possibility of sustaining a biologically mandated healthy state, and there is an emergency stress response state, which is activated when the situation demands it.

Both these states of being can be described at the level of hormone cascades that happen across a range of the human body systems, and to use those to indicate what is happening,what outcomes are resultant: one can be healthy, and deal with a stressed state as an occasional event in a dynamic habitat, meeting the challenge of changes, threats, and situations which demand focus on dealing with the immediate present.

Right then what is needed and available, as a fully evolved capability,  is a flood of short term hormone cascades the moved rapidly and efficiently across the body in thousandths of a second, all increasing capability in terms of hyper focus and mobile ability, initiating accurate action in response, without thinking, that rescues the situation. In natural biology shit happens. Leggit!

An optimally healthy human being's endocrine system can experience the occasional emergency and return to optimal healthy behaviour baselines.

However when there is a chronically stressed state one regular outcome is that the response ceases to be a response; this happens because the original response, and many subsequent response made no difference or made matters worse and a new behaviour had to be worked out, arrived at, to successfully avoid the stress or worse, resist the stressors, becomes a triggereable reaction. Its' the strategy of the powerless in a threatening situation - as a result learning ceases. Habit forms, dependency follows.

And it has direct impact of healthy functioning of all body systems.

Thus we can look at the stress induced on an organism in such manner that the organisms body systems adjust to a state of constant near to hyper-arousal required for that stress, (it will always be there) as their 'new' baseline, and only because the power status quo actively reinforces it's dominance with the threat of violence and is able to control enough of the material situation to be able to perpetuate the 'stress position'.

The stress is maintained.This appears to be common policy in power institutions world wide.

Science can be used to describe how the hormone cascades of healthy happy people behave.

It can also describe the effect of stress hormones on the body systems, in both immediate, medium and long term outcomes, many of which prefigure in a whole host of disease states and which are all outcomes of chronic stress..

Tell me that life under the current social-political power structure is not chronically stressful for a vast majority of people who live with that presence in their lives?

Tell me gain, what is the leading cause of disease?

Induced Chronic Stress. No-brainer!

This is what I sense of being human as biology, the bacteria we are, the wider life we are, the 'I am the living habitat' ... fully participant.

The NHS is dealing with this above all else.

How is that fair and just?

Fund it to the full!

Essential, mandatory:  turn attention and focus to the way the abuses and misuse of Political Power is inducing stress on people and society, and tackle that one, without calling it a war, or a 'fight' for a 'cure' and seeking charitable donations.... too much is focused on putting a saddle on a bolted horse.

Savings and improvments on the NHS - 2015 onwards!

1. Prevention - active attention to induced chronic stress! identify all those socio-political dynamics and behaviours that induce stress and maintain it, carry out a diagnosis so to speak; and prescribe a recovery pathway, a prognosis.

Honesty and transparency are the basic prescriptions.1.2. Continue to look after all those who need it, and with dignity and respect, for all involved. No more political interference in caring for those who need it.

2. Yeah, and stop that profit gouging, sweet deal making, error prone,  privatisation estate agency work!

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

The Established Power Base, Corbyn and You!

 The Established Power base is not simply trying to get rid of Jeremy Corbyn, it is trying to undermine YOUR participation in political decision making - your awareness and awakening is what they fear more than anything else on this Earth.

Jeremy Corbyn merely represents that desire to participate in ways that promote honesty, fairness and justice as THE STANDARD in ALL political decision making and State Governance.

Jeremy Corbyn has repeatedly stated that the grass roots should be directly involved in policy formulation and the research/exploration that supports healthy policy formulation.

O'Donnell has stated clearly that 'recall' ought to operate at every level of electable public office, as a means to provide direct oversight and control to the grass roots.

These ideas were first laid out in some detail in The Power Inquiry​ 2006.

Ideas which David Cameron and Ed Milliband praised and then dismissed as 'impractical' without saying why he believed them to be impractical.

We know why.

The greatest threat to the Established power base is not violence from 'terrorists' - it is the emergence of a grass roots actively committed to that equal participation and oversight of Government, a grass roots that is organising as I write.

From the removal of the Independent Living Fund to arming Saudi head chopping, crucifying Regime, from the dropping of clean energy to the expansion and promotion of Fracking, from the refusal to prosecute known predatory child abusers (in all main parties, and the Churches) to 'protect the state' to imposing intense examination upon primary school children, secondary school children, and ensuring University students emerge from Study in debt, all this in order to put them (and their teachers) under chronic stress.... these are all standard patterns of how Established Power operates to preserve it's position, enhance and project it's power into our lives.

If you are going to take on the system, it's best you know what you are dealing with. Be fearless, be honest, be a mature adult.

We ALL share a responsibility as adults, to each other and to all the children.... that responsibility is inherent, innate, fundamental to our healthy biology. Take it up.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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Thank you for reading this blog. - donations gratefully received

Realism, Idealism, Corbyn and the NeoLiberal's Fear.

The growing awakening of grass roots people, as evidenced by the Bolivarian Revolution, the various Arabian 'springs', the colour 'revolutions', the efforts of Survivors of Institutional Child Abuse, the emergence of Jeremy Corbyn as the voice of those who truly care for other people within the UK Labour party and grass roots, the surge in Green votes in the UK and the increasingly obvious propaganda campaigns of the NeoLiberal media which aims to undermine that awakening, is real.

Here is Zbigniew Brzezinski, past master of covert operations to undermine sovereign Governments whose stance was towards independence from the hegemony of the US/UK State and Corporate power, again admitting that the globalists are in fear of the global awakening .... and current Government and Media policy is geared to assuaging that fear.... by presenting a false picture of history as it happens.
Comment from Jeremy Corbyn at the end of a recent meeting in Brighton "Can we change the way history is taught in schools?"

If you KNOW where you have come from, you have a good idea of where you are going. And by know I mean access to the full data set, the honest truth.

It's realism that brought the benefits to our social system of the NHS, the Welfare system, Free Education, not idealism.

The realities of poverty, of disease, of trauma and the realities of how Power behaves towards the mass of humanity.

The reality is that the healthy human,and the healthy humane society, is caring, nurturing, robust and intelligent and avoids abuse through many measures.

The concept of Political Power over others as an entitlement of a certain class of people, and the 'right of might', is an idea, and it is the imposition of that idea that is the nature of 'idealism', and that that imposition requires coercion, force end effort to be maintained against the healthy human condition says much about it's status and value.

I am a realist, not an idealist.

I prefer to live in the honesty of empathy in action, imperfect as it may occur, rather than submit to the dishonesty of ideology that is imposed from above, which suggests it is aimed at some external idea of 'perfection'.

I am not alone in this.

Realism vs Idealism.

Healthy human behaviour, as mandated by our biology centered around the facts of the child mother bonding process, precludes abusive behaviour, and suggests that a healthy sense of self, based on experienced self empathy which feeds into empathy for others, and is the basis for autonomy and co-operation in intelligent and caring ways that nurture the entire community, as a survival and thrivival evolutionary 'strategy'. Included in this is a robust physical health.

Such a state is the natural baseline, the biological reality of optimal human biological health.

Chronic dysfunctional behaviour is ill-health, a disease state, biologically speaking.

The current dominant civilisational social system is permeated with power dysfunctions, where power to abuse others is the driving force behind the system. It's also true that the stories that such an abusive system sets out as 'human nature' are concepts, ideas rather than an accurate diagnosis.

Thus the imposition of the ideas of this dysfunctional system are the ideal - it is an ideological power system rather than a humane empathic system, and it imposes itself on those human communities that fall under it's control. The system is the idealist, in as much as the system is corrosively enforcing a concept of what it is to be human - those who seek pathways towards healthy human behaviour are the realists.

Jeremy Corbyn, Caroline Lucas and many, many others are not therefore idealists, they are human realists.

They and we tell it like it really is.

David Cameron and George Osborn and Iain Duncan Smith are the idealists, in that they act to impose a concept, and ideology upon society and they ignore the human cost of that imposition.

There's a meme doing the rounds claiming that Clement Atlee brought in the changes that created the NHS, Welfare State, Social Housing, Free Education...

He didn't do it on his own. Millions of UK Citizens, many of whom had fought in the war, or worked in the war at home, saw the sense in these things and got behind the project.

Let me repeat myself. It's important to emphasize this point.

It's realism that brought the benefits to our social system of the NHS, the Welfare system, Free Education, not idealism.

The realities of poverty, of disease, of trauma and the realities of how Power behaves towards the mass of humanity.

The reality is that the healthy human,and the healthy humane society, is caring, nurturing, robust and intelligent and avoids abuse through many measures.

The concept of Political Power over others and the 'right of might' is an idea, and it is the imposition of that idea that is the nature of 'idealism', and that that imposition requires coercion, force end effort to be maintained against the healthy human condition says much about it's status and value.

I am a realist, not an idealist.

I prefer to live in the honesty of empathy in action, imperfect as it may occur, rather than submit to the dishonesty of ideology that is imposed from above, which suggests it is aimed at some external idea of 'perfection'.

I am not alone.

For a more detailed insight to what I mean by Optimal Human Biological health, I refer readers to this previous piece.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Tony Blair: Accountabilty cannot stop with him alone.

Tony Blair's 'essay' on Iraq, Syria etc ::

I would like to suggest that he is not alone in accountability for the war crimes of Iraq and Afghanistan, and that meaningful accountability must include all culpable officials and other actors involved. He cannot be set up as a fall guy on his own. To do that would be a failure of equal proportions to the wars themselves.

Here's some pertinent points concerning his recent essay .... some background the mainstream media has avoided like the plague...

1. Blair claims that the underlying problem is "Islamic Fundamentalism". Some of the most extreme Islamic Fundamentalists are the Wahhabist Saudi Regime, Quatar, Bahrain etc - all 'allies' of the West. These States have are Religious Autocracies, and are extreme puritans amongst other things, and been funding attacks on progressive Islamic Social Democracy movements across the Middle East and further afield, since the 1940s, in order to protect their Power, supported by the Western Powers, who also helped to established these States as their local proxies.

2. The popular uprisings in North Africa, and Ukraine have a common thread. A progressive grass roots protest undermined by 'imported' violence from 'foreign fighters' who escalate violence.

This pattern is old, well used and well documented and we know that Power often has a hidden hand in terms of planting paid agent provocateurs within protests and activist communities. It's a standard tactic.

Once that cycle of violence starts things get out of hand quickly and the progressive grass roots movements are sidelined. Until the violence cycle ends. Which is not possible when Western 'military funding and training' is supplied to one side or the other.

This is true in Syria. A state that was/is a Militarized Government : The primary reason the State in Syria is militarized is because an official state of war exists between the Syrian State and the Israeli State.

It also happened in Venezuela, during the failed coup to oust Hugo Chavez in 2002. There were direct links to US support in these events.

The Syrian Government faced a progressive movement, was willing to make concessions (albeit slowly), then that movement was infiltrated by foreign fighters who escalated the violence, even to the extent of invading urban areas, causing locals to flee, which forced the State to defend itself.... then Western allied funding for those foreign fighters increased dramatically whilst laying ALL the blame for the violence on the Syrian State Government.

Thus the  indigenous movement for a Social Democracy is thwarted.

Indigenous Arab Social Democracy is seen as a threat, because it would necessarily involve projects such as Nationalising Resources, stepping away from Western/Eastern power alliances, etc, etc.... this happened also in Ireland in 1916, 1922 and in Northern Ireland in the 60s.

The escalation of violence is a deliberate tactic, and has been deployed many, many times. It's a pattern, and it's intentional.

3. The history of these areas cannot be avoided : the issue goes back to Colonial state line drawing which split communities and installed 'Power' that would work with 'Western Interests' (Corporations, Resource 'Management' etc.) and undermined any local grass roots Social Democracy which sought to develop 'resources' for the grass roots benefits.

4. History is also about patterns.

Look to what has happened in South America and understand that the Western Powers knew what would happen in Iraq because they had practiced it in South America - wars cannot be sustained for much longer than a decade, chaos will follow all wars, a traumatised people will take two or three generations to get back on an even keel, if they have a chance.

In South America the exposure of the US Governments and Corporations direct involvement in horrific practices known as 'counter-insurgency' in the 70s and 80s led to a partial withdrawal from such direct intervention, (the War On Drugs was a cover story to allow the continuation of this direct intervention) which allowed grass roots movements to gain traction and slowly alter the power dynamic. Bolivia, Agrentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Honduras, Equador, Nicaragua, Panama etc etc...

The internet in the late 90s and early 2000s helped the grass roots movements gain support across the world as information became widely more available, and the action of Western Power was exposed.

5. The proliferation of violence in the Middle East and Persia is a direct result of Western support for one side over another...

The Militia that emerged post invasion in Iraq were two fold : The US funded Militarised Police and local shia and sunni, kurdish and secular resistance to them. In other words the US created the civil war. All these groups lived side by side at the grass roots without tension (as they had done for many centuries) and in Saddam's Government were members of each grouping who participated in Power - the divide in Iraq was always along power lines rather than sectarian lines. The US support for one sect and the violence that followed created the sectarianism the now dominates the situation.


The details of all these patterns are laid out in some detail, very well referenced and evidenced in Naomi Klein's opus: Shock Doctrine. And in that book she warned that the Economic Policies we are subject to in the UK today were on their way. She was correct because she has studied the matter in some depth, and sought out the evidence.


Blair knows EXACTLY what he is doing - he is lying through his teeth, protecting himself and his allies. His words make sense only if you ignore the wider historical realities and his personal responsibility in causing so much trauma.

Lastly two quotes to illustrate the central problem of Power and the dynamic of integenerational trauma..

Reaching back in time, a quote from Keith Joseph, Conservative Education Minister under Thatcher...1984

"We are in a period of considerable social change. There may be social unrest, but we can cope with the Toxteths. But if we have a highly educated and idle population we may possibly anticipate more serious social conflict. People must be educated to know their place."

This reveals a preoccupation with conditioning the children of each generation to accept the status quo of Power as 'right' and 'normal', even if it causes harm, or trauma to a large part of the population, and even if parts of that population are so hurt, so enraged by their mistreatment that the are reduced to rioting in order to be heard or felt. It shows that Power is happy to accept low level rioting as it is something they can handle, or 'manage' or even utilise.


“Like traumatized individuals, traumatized countries need to remember, grieve and atone for their wrongs in order to avoid reliving them.” Judith Herman

I would say the the the UK or 'Great Britain' has not yet gone through the process of honest remembrance, grief or atonement.... and THAT is a big part of this problem.

Certainly Blair has not done this, he as studiously avoided it as have the UK Government. Bear in mind that Blair is calling for more violence, not less violence.

Blair cannot be held meaningfully accountable without exposing the thousands of other officials and other actors who were directly involved in pushing for and prosecuting the illegal and amoral wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to the same degree of accountability.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

What Nelson Mandela's media death-fest means to me.

Nelson Mandela is being used as mortar to point the cracks between the bricks of Empire. As toilet paper to wash the stained, putrid behinds of Power players. As a soporific to drown out the cries of the oppressed. He cannot speak in his own defence, for he has passed away. He is being abused again.

Nelson Mandela

image source : By Francisco Anzola from United States - Rivonia treason trial, CC BY 2.0,

The Marikana Massacre in 2012 stands as a testament to the reality of Power in South Africa. Striking African miners brutally shot to death by Police operating under the direction of the ANC. 

In much the same manner that the BBC fawned over Pope Benedict on 16-19 September 2010, during his 'State Visit' to the UK, the mainstream media fawns over the English Establishment, over the very people who have in the past expressed hatred for Mandela, yet who are now riding the bandwagon whilst pursuing policies Mandela himself described :

"If there is a State that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don't care for human beings."

What State does? Show me it. Prove it with outcomes, not with reference to slick slogans or empty aphorisms

Bush, Obama, Clinton and Bono, Cameron and Geldof and so many others, let alone the local lads, Jacob Zuma, Cyril Ramaphosa: these are all people whose political lies have led to the violent death of others with less power, people unable to defend themselves; these are all people who have enriched themselves at others expense and who defend their positions and proclaim their own innocence.

I find the lack of critical analysis in the mainstream media to be a horror.

All the more horrific given that Nelson Mandela went down the road of reconciliation with those who had abused him, because he understood that the urge for revenge amongst people who have been dreadfully, lethally abused is natural enough and yet, for peace to have a chance, that urge must be transformed, by personal and determined daily effort, into practical pathways towards understanding, honesty and material changes.

He also knew well that those who hold Power are capable of utter horrors, such as the US infiltration of South America with trained mercenaries, special ops and armed militia sent in to undermine democratically elected governments who failed to toe the line, who dared to claim the resources on their lands as their own 'strategic resources'. Such is the nature of the powerful abuser.

That those who were the abusers - the owners of the 'strategic resources', gold, coal, oil, silver, diamonds, platinum etc - manipulated that insight, that gift of Nelson Mandela to his country and to ALL the people of South Africa, that example of empathy and kindness, to preserve their economic power knowing it would mean that many, many millions of innocent people's lives would be adversely impacted, reveals a lot about those people and the institutions they utilise to preserve their grandiose and narcissistic 'civilisation'.

I find the mainstream media to be implicated in the abject failure of representative democracy as a tool to mitigate the effects of free-market economic ideologies (wealth hoarding at the expense of the vulnerable) and religious fundamentalisms (indoctrination of defenceless children and aboriginal peoples) and it's stealthy lack of genuine, meaningful support for those whose vulnerability is being abused by these two Institutional threads of greed - the greed for power and money and the greed for power and souls.

Not least because few journalists are capable or willing to look at the psychology of the Society they are a part of. They dare not go there. They dare not even look into their own internalisations, and so they project onto the world their own opinion and describe that as reality and attack with 'ad hominem' those who would try to reveal it for what it is. 

Snowden, Dr. Kelly, Manning, King, Nigella Lawson - that odious video is an attempt to distract from nature of the throat holder she co-habited with, and what that whole scenario really means.

None appear able to engage with history as a psychological study of intergenerational behaviour patterns that emerge out of trauma. So the past becomes irrelevant other than as a foot note, an aside, a curiosity or a justification for more abuse, based on the idea that that the historical abuse was so much worse and what is happening now is mild in comparison, and represents an improvement.

History as it is taught in schools is being utilised as toilet paper... to wipe clean that which has stuck, stinks and is deemed unpalatable for inspection.

None are willing to do more than repeat official lines or adhere to their editors instructions (the media version of the party whip) and offer their opinion (most opinions are useless when facts are the issue, because they reflect personal prejudices and are not journalism in the sense that democratic journalism is functional when it investigates power, and reveals what has been found, in such manner that the reader can grasp the basics of any given subject and then make informed decisions on how to act).

The entire thing is disgusting.

For me, the new age movement is dead, it is all deadly and incredibly boring. Dull as. False Hope has been beautifully packaged, wrapped in finery and sold as a way forwards, when it is backwards, insular and ineffective in bringing forward healthy activism.

It is as dull and unimaginative as is the concept of civilisation progressing, in some linear fashion towards an ideal, which is so often the claim of Power and those who are comfortable because they occupy a position of relative ease within the Power dynamic.

Taking up an aboriginal culture's philosophy as something to facilitate healing, or drive change with, is meaningless. Pacha Mama is not my word. The Vedas are not of my time. Ubuntu is drivel, when it is spoken by Europeans who refuse to acknowledge the truth of their own culture.

The dysfunctional myths of other cultures are irrelevant to my life.

Aliens are pointless distractions. Ceremonies are futile. Conspiracies are real and the theorists are un-realistic and unwilling to do the work that needs doing, not least on or within themselves, let alone in following the path that Nelson Mandela took. He had to dig deep to go where he went.

Eco-tourism is extravagance wading through the oppressed. High Culture is propaganda.

Unless it is with all the children, all the innocents, all the wounded, every single last one of them, not least the child within each adult, that personal place of vulnerable innocence, taking sides leads to sterile debates and furious that are a debasement of discourse and learning. Someone wins, someone loses: that is not a balanced situation.

If you think Facebook or your favourite bulletin board and the trolls are bad, try your media, your papers, your pubs, your pop music, your scriptures. It's all an abhorrent falsified performance of avoidance. Real addictions are painfully meaningful.

For me the dominant culture of power is boring and deadly, it is incredibly dull, severely and intentionally limiting, it is putrid, utterly rank, it stinks and is probably beyond being compostable. Useless.

That's what I get from the media reporting on the death of Nelson Mandela.

Of course we all have no choice but to live in this sewer that calls itself a high culture : we were born into it, we had no choice. I am so fortunate that my place in the sewer is relatively comfortable. I am so lucky I was not born in Iraq, Gaza, Palestine or Soweto or a council sink estate in the UK or a run down area in Detroit, where the neglect of power and wealth is real and the people who are suffering are blamed and pilloried for their suffering as though it was entirely their fault.

And so I praise the life in myself, the beauty in you, and in all people, the generosity of spirit I see all around, which thrives in spite of, not because of, that culture of Power.

Here are two songs that celebrate you and I.

Occupy Common Sense


Expectations of Every Child....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

There ain't no Satan! demons deconstructed.

When anyone is abused, and especially when it is small, vulnerable children who are expecting love and nurturing, and the abuse is prolonged and unmitigated, the psyche of the abuser and the painful memory of the trauma penetrates the psyche of the victim. The shock and repeated shock goes deeper and deeper. These memories and feelings are often embedded deep within our bodies, as suppressed memories, old wounds, blocked pathways of vital energy.

If the victim, in an attempt to survive, buries that memory, shuts it away, it remains within nonetheless. The body never lies.

The same applies to any community or society that denies it’s past. That denial is a survival strategy of the survivor.

Recovery is dependent upon recalling and resolving those memories and wounds in a safe environment, where the survivor feels held. Coping strategies are an attempt to manage these feelings without ever releasing them. Coping arises from a deep fear, from the lack of help or safety that is all too common and is, as such,  an adaptive strategy, and an adjustment to the prevailing situation. No real growth or learning is possible with this strategy. Belief becomes an essential tool of survival. Knowledge of the truth is banished. Often the survivor survives because he or she takes on the responsibility fro the abuse.

This is the self-loathing, shame, confusion that the survivors takes on. This si also what stops the survivor from speaking out.

And when, in day to day life, the survivor feels that fear, when the fear is triggered by related or unrelated events in the present, he or she will invariably see it as an external force, not as something emerging from within.

The psyche of a society that is abusive in nature will seem massive to anyone attempting to confront it, just as the psyche of an adult who abuses a child will seem massive to the child. That makes it more difficult to deal with in healthful ways.

These are real forces, they emerge from real events, and in a twisted way, the survival strategy of the victimised often helps the abuser and the abusive society to maintain their power over survivors if those forces are portrayed as being outside the human realm.

Thus Satan is an externalisation of the masked abuse of the Society.

My own demons are externalisations of my inner pain, fear and wounds. When I first saw them, I too saw them as externals, and they terrified me. I had to eat them, to breath into and through them to dislodge that illusion of externality. I had to recognise the parts of the abusers psyche that were within and excise them. This took love to do; that is to say compassion for the child I was, empathy for the child I was, actively recognising the survival strategies I engaged in, actively loving myself the way I found myself, actively nurturing myself. And taking it on, bit by bit, day by day.

Realising this is helpful, because then one has some traction on the problem. One can see that the demon is NOT so much an external force, or that it is beyond one’s reach or ability to deal with. It is not easy, that much is true. It is somewhat easier when one knows, that much is also true.

It takes the entire Society to deal with the Demons of Society, just as it takes an individual to deal with his or her own demons, with support from what Alice Miller calls an ‘enlightened witness’.

Just as many of my helpers were able to empathise with me, and to accompany me on my journey of exploration and recovery (as opposed to diagnosing me and issuing instructions and medication based on a diagnostic model), the survivors who are now speaking freely, in large numbers, and for the first time are able to reveal the full extent of their trauma are bringing the beginnings of healing to Society.

Those who have successfully ‘adjusted’ to the norms of our Society will find this process threatening, for it dislodges their concepts of identity just as those who exercise abusive power will find it threatening, though for quite different reasons: they do not wish to let go of their power and many will do ANYTHING to retain that power. That is the nature of the sociopath, the psychopath.

In truth, the psychopath and sociopath ARE demons; physical and human, if not humane. And they know it serves them to craft a scary monster, to shift the goal posts, the burden of responsibility away from themselves onto an imaginary entity.

They know too that those who have yet to meet their own 'demons' and metabolise them will all too easily fall prey to the illusion. This is the very basis for Organised Power and Organised Religion.

"There is no Satan, no such solitary force,
just old wounds that are hidden, protected and projected of course
The choice is yours, the choice is mine
we live by out choices all the time."

From my song "There is no Evil"

Kindest regards 


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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