Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts

Is World Peace possible?


Of course peace is possible, for the entire family of humanity, and all the other living creatures on Earth.

All children are inherently, innately peaceful, intelligent (in different ways), creative and beautiful.

The starting point for peace is the childs experiences as he or she grows.

Alice Millers work "The Roots of Violence : For Your Own Good" demonstrates clearly, with plenty of evidence, that the childs upbringing is the predominant factor in determining whether or not he or she is compassionate, empathetic and self-reliant or wether her or she becomes fearful, a bully or a basically angry person, or an out of contro psychopath.

Irrespective of religion, philosophy or any other factor, a child who is listened to and respected becomes and adult who listens to others and respects others.

A child who is treated with gentleness and encouragement will grow into an adult who treats others in a similar fashion.

It is not a question of discipline or chastisement, it is not a question of, as some hold, mastering the child, controlling him or her or a matter of indoctrination.

When children are seen, as some marketeers see them, as 'evolving consumers' or as Governments see them, a work force in the making or as potential soldiers for their armies, or as easy converts to religions or ideologies the children are being used for adults purposes, and thus moulded, coerced into boxes that are not innate,those children become constructs of society, rather than natural individuals who truely know who they are, who live life with vitality, integrity and authenticity.

John Taylor Gatto has written about the way the project to craft "Compulsory State Education" was driven to achieve this. Here is a quote that is chilling in its content, and the context is that of creating a class of people who will do what they are told to do, irrespective of the psychic cost to themselves.

Between 1896 and 1920, a small group of industrialists and financiers, together with their private charitable foundations, subsidized university chairs, university researchers, and school administrators, spent more money on forced schooling than the government itself did. Carnegie and Rockefeller, as late as 1915, were spending more themselves. In this laissez-faire fashion a system of modern schooling was constructed without public participation. The motives for this are undoubtedly mixed, but it will be useful for you to hear a few excerpts from the first mission statement of Rockefeller’s General Education Board as they occur in a document called Occasional Letter Number One (1906):

"In our dreams...people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions [intellectual and character education] fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of science. We have not to raise up from among them authors, educators, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have ample supply. The task we set before ourselves is very simple...we will organize children...and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way."

And the things to be done in a pefect way? Working in factories, bureaucracies, corporations and in armies. And to what greater purpose? Why to control the worlds wealth and to craft what these indusrialists called a 'perfectly ordered society'.

We must face the fact that as a culture, the leaders of the industrial World, and others, are have been and still are using our chidren for their own purposes, and in doing so, they denature and warp the children. This is the greatest of taboos, and must be broken.

Hitler could not have done what he did without the support of money, and also many hundreds of thousands of angry people, ordinary people, looking for scapegoats for their unresolved psychic woundings.

George Bush and Tony Blair could not have launched wars that have killed 1.2 million people, 1/3rd of whom are, were children under the age of 15 without our compliance, our indifference, our deficit in empathy, our timidity and obedience.

Those qualities are not innate, they are learned and are the product, if not the intent of the conditioning process I have described.

Luckily the system of conditioning is not perfect, and many children do manage to slip through the net, partly due to parents who are able to give them the space to be authentic, partly because some people are less able to submit to being conditioned.

There are many, many healthy, empathetic and compassionate people. And there are the many who have not had the chance to grow that way. Healing is possible.

The future depends upon how we treat our children. Upon whether we listen to them or condition them.

And that is something we CAN change.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Obama, War and the value of an MBA

I tend write as if I am correct in my understanding, and I do of course acknowledge that I am at best surmising the most clear picture I can from my own position, and that is bound to be incomplete. I would like to delve a bit deeper into my thinking and bounce it off you.

Death by War is closer to most than climate change.

I wrote about the 'immediate' threats we face, and I used the word 'immediate' because there are far too many people being murdered daily across this planet by the war machine (most of which is funded by ordinary people like you and I, in taxes, consumption of products etc etc which are taxed) - for them the threat is imminent. Our comfort does not make that threat any less imminent!

I am talking here about the generalised war on terror, the war on drugs and many other wars that are ongoing and from which the corporations of the world are deriving benefits.

Dealing with the causes of war is a core part. Those root causes are in my opinion generalised conditioning via state schooling, media and organised religion, the profit/greed and inhumane ideologies of the Corporation.

Resource wars due to 'over population' is a misnomer - they are mostly due to attempts by the neo-liberal ideology of globalisation (whether it is capitalist or otherwise - eg : china) to force indigenous self reliant peasants and similar others off land that is required for exploitation, and to thus create a vast workforce that is cheap and vulnerable. Who will at some time aspire to become comfortable middle class, once a generation of their children is exposed to media conditioning. More growth.

The culture of infinite expansion and economic growth is the direst of problems, yet it is not so much the population growth but the profit delivering consumer product growth that is eating the resources up. There is a surplus of food fit for humans on this earth even today, in spite of the millions dying for wnat of such food!

It is the non-recyclable nature of our production that is the issue - for example the idea that we can continue to manufacture more cars as long as they are fuel efficient is a red herring. Those cars must be made so that the recycling of them is completely integrated as part of the process. It is the damage caused by the fact of non-recyclable materials that is driving environmental degradation, and the loss of forests etc that is driving climate change, far more than the use of fossil fuels. Old cars must be recycled or reused with efficient fuels until that recycling has been sorted. Obama, of course, is ignoring this.

It's the economy, stupid! Not!

As for Obama's rise to power, of course the media are saying it is due to the economic turmoil, precisely because they want to; they have to denigrate and minimise the huge opposition to the wars and to the loss of civil liberties and to globalisation and privatiation and mask it's presence, in particular where it is strongest amongst the youth voters, the new voters in the Black, Hispanic and other communities, as well as those who have felt disenfranchised over the past 20 years and have stopped voting, yet returned as a result of community activism by Nader and others like him - those voters cast their votes with Obama rather than McCain as a vote of no confidence in Bush et al rather than direct support for Obama.

The economic turbulence was really crafted to take the wars off the election agenda - because if the wars had stayed firmly on the agenda two possibilities would have existed that the bankers etc wanted to avoid at all costs - any public discussion of these must always be terminated : the first is the legality of those wars being discussed in detail, the second being the inevitable call for the laws against war to be upheld which would lead to impeachment of not merely the leadership in the white house, but the prosecution of the CEOs and henchmen of JP Morgan, Halliburton, Blackwater, Lockheed Martin, BAe and so on..... all of whom are legally liable for war crimes in that they have directly supported these wars and have profited very from them.

By masking that group of new voters, by taking the war off the agenda, they can still hold onto the middle classes who really like to remain as myopic as possible - pretty much as they did in Nazi Germany - which is the danger of Middle class psychology; they like and are attached viscerally to their comfort and status - it forms part of their ego identity, which as you know is extremely defensive when threatened even in the slightest.

The value of an MBA

The middle classes are crucial because they are the line managers of the bureaucratic and corporate system - without them the system cannot operate. Without their support the system fails to carry out the orders issued, and worse than that these people can change the system from within if they awaken. That cannot and will not be allowed.

The use of black psychology as a core control tool is old, is deep and is intense. "Give me the boy, and I will give you the man!" Of course those who use such tools always back them up with a willingness to use force, and when neccessary to kill large numbers of people....Hiroshima, Cambodia, Fallujah....

The value of an acedemic examination to those who set it, is not in the ability to determine the knowledge of the person sitting the exam, but to determine the extent to which that person has changed their behaviour so that the system can reliably slot that person into the appropriate slot. That is what 'outcome based education ' is all about. That is the real value of an MBA. They know who will work for them and ignore the harm they do.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Hope, Reality and Compassion : OBAMAS MUST DO LIST!

Hope, reality and compassion : Obamas MUST DO list!

Seems to me that here, as elsewhere, for many people, common sense has simply flown out of the window!

Regarding Obama, don't you recall that he has vigourously opposed impeachment of George Bush, Dick Cheny and others..... that is not a good sign, coming from a Havard trained lawyer.... though, hey it might be political strategy.....(maybe....)

Anyways, if Barack Obama is really to herald true change that impeachment and the following are the MINIMUM Obama must pull off very very soon to carry out the mandate of the huge wave of emotion and hope he rode to power on, for any of it to have any real meaning... (other wise 'tis just a bunch of deeply conditioned - pavlovian!? - people trying to assuage their individual and collective guilt, not so much for the sake of the victims but for their own selfish sense of self esteem - and that is really really ugly - or merely getting hookwinked yet again by snake oil salesmen with guns!)


1. STOP the Iraq and Afghan wars immediately, stand down and then withdraw troops and foreign oil companies, contractors etc and allow the Iraqis the 'luxury' of holding Democratic Elections at local to national level like they did in September 2003 (those elections were annulled by Bremner, who then chose the new Government! Seems most people who still only read newspapers, watch BBC etc do not know this!!).

This would also allow the Iraqis to then use the funds from their Oil resources to rebuild their country. Which they are well capable of. Not to mention to help heal their truama, which is going to tke a generation at the very least. We are talking about 2 million maimed, many more traumatised. The dead are dead and thus they are beyond all healing.

2. Close down Guantanamo and all other sites like it, and rescind all the laws that made such places possible. End the use of torture. Dismantle Blackwater and other military operational contractors and prosecute all who have committed war crimes. Repeal all laws that removed Habaeus Corpus.

3. Stop all AID to Israel, and instead fund a resurgence of civil democracy and infrastructure in Palestinian lands.

4. STOP the current bank bail-out dead in it's tracks and re-negotiate and far stronger deal for the taxpayers, mortgagees and small businesses, if the taxpayers are to fund the bail-outs.

4. Force the Corporations to accept transparent lobbying, and ban them from political donations. He must also remove certain rights from corporations that denigrate human and civil rights of individuals.

All these are the bare minimum. I haven't yet started on the environment, farming, health care and Education, because to be frank and clear, THE WARS and all that they entail are by far the biggest immediate problem we are facing today.

Deal with that then the rest will be easier a) because it would require huge citizen action to carry out all of the above, and that would bind people at the grassroots level, forging citizen activism at the community and national level b) it would show the rest of the world that he and the US citizens truely mean business and are willing to co-operate, for the best interests of everyone concerned, not just Americans and their 'lifestyles'.

Obama and the American citizery would be greatly helped if we would also arrest and prosecute our own war criminals. The law is very clear, an amazingly simple, on this issue. Tony Balir and all in Government who supprted the war ARE legally war criminals.

Please visit

http://www. makewarshistory. org. uk

for the full documentation on this, which most ordinary folk can read and comprehend.

And finally, lets compare the 'hope' some people in US/UK and elsewhere are currently overdosing on, with the 'hope' of a Palestinian/iraqi/Afgan child/mother/father for food, lighting, heating, healthcare and an end to the unceasing violence visited upon a largely innocent civilian population by an idustrialised military.
Which we the taxpayers are funding!

Now thats some hope indeed!

I have gone to some effort here and elsewhere to treat adults like adults, and I will not for one minute accept any sentimentality or wishy washy comments and will deal with those mercilessly.

Some of you might not like it, but you'd like it less if I was a US/UK Soldier bashing down your doors, dropping a bomb on your wedding or a US/UK Corporation stealing your land, assets etc etc - because that is what this all boils down to - are we willing to face that horrendous reality and do what it takes, collectively and as individuals, to sort it out or are we just looking for ways to cover our lever so smooth lily white arses?

As they saying goes, Silence is compliance when we KNOW what is going

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Obama Hope? Not without you!

Obama has won ..... so it would seem. However he alone cannot do much against the forces aligned against us all unless ALL OF US, AS THE PEOPLE wake up, get smart and START TO ACT as mature healthy adults.

That means engaging with each other in the work of building an equitable and natural society, one that nourishes it's constituents, be they human, animal or plant.

That also means helping those who are caught in the illusion of conditioning to free themselves from their bondage. We each of us must speak out, and fearlessly express the truths we know in our hearts about our humanity, our humane and visceral desire to love and to be loved with a simplicity and directness that is mirrored by the unwavering uncondionality of the suns energy and light as it reaches this beautiful Earth. Which is matched by natures unwavering provision of food, shelter and water to all her children.

We cannot leave it anymore to leaders to succeed or fail. Those days are gone or we are lost. We must do it for ourselves, for our families, for each other ... reaching across old divisions, old hatreds, old emnities .... seeing our diversity as a value as much as our commonality as humane beings living on an exquisitely balanced Earth that is a gift to all life.

Only that can shift the balance of power away from those who exercise it over others for their own agenda. Towards those who, recognising the innate equality of all life, prefer to share resources, share power that it might protect all of us, without fear or favour.

If WE THE PEOPLE do not rise up to this challenge, we will leave Obama, and all the hopes invested in him, out to dry in the deathly sun of dry selfishness, arid foolishness and infertile insanity. And if he does not make the effort required, if he is not strong enough or courageous enough, then we must be.

Do not ever rely upon a leader, nor blame them if YOU OR I do not take up the challenge of leading oneself, of healing what needs healing in ones own being or of nourishing life all around ourselves, whatever our circumstance.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The Core Crime upon which all others are founded...

The core crime against life is the indoctrination of children. The cure? Listening to children. Children know and will tell any adult preparde to truely listen, open hearted and open mindedly.

By listening, we adults who as children were not heard, and who have resigned ourselves to this in order to survive, can heal our own childhoods and gain insight to the unique natural individual that we, each of us, are.

And in doing so, only then do we realise why we must not harm another, not because it's a question of 'right' ot 'wrong', more because we sense the pain in our own being of that harm, and would never, ever knowingly inflict that upon any other. And should we unwittingly cause harm, then we would move to cease that as soon as we were made aware of it.

This is the innate childs sensitivity, and we are naturally adapted to live with such a sensitivity, for in that sensing we can interact and relate to the world as it really is as opposed to the world interpreted and constructed by faith, ideology or other paradigm.

This sensitivity is a form of intelligence that those who seek power over others fear the most.

Here is my song, "Expectations of every Child"

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Soldiers Human Rights -Tragic Oxymoron!

I saw this report on the BBC wesbite, here's the original

As I read through it I found myself makings these following comments - they are in italics.

This is what I think.

What do you think? Lets be honest here.

Human rights 'apply to UK troops'

(bbc headline!)

Human rights laws can be applied to British troops even in combat, a High Court judge has ruled

The landmark judgement came in a test case relating to the death of Scottish soldier Pte Jason Smith in Iraq.

Mr Justice Collins said sending soldiers into action without proper kit could breach human rights. Ministers are appealing against the ruling.

What about the human rights of those caught in the crossfire?

What kind of kit would the court estimate would be 'poper' for a woman with three children, and two grandparents caught in the crossfire?

Whose responsibility is it to provide that kit?

The court also ruled families of those killed in conflict should get legal aid and access to military documents.


The judgement came during a request for military inquest guidelines in the case of Pte Smith, 32, from Hawick, in the Scottish Borders, who died of heatstroke in Iraq in 2003.

Legal defeat

Moral Victory?

Phyrric Victory!

Lawyers for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) had argued it was impossible to give soldiers in combat situations the benefits of the Human Rights Act.

But Mr Justice Collins said that although a duty of care could not be expected in combat, troops did not lose all protection.

So give them proper kit? Still getting shot at! And shooting back! Still murder! Still illegal!

It's an illegal war of aggression!


For example, sending a soldier out on patrol with defective equipment might be a breach of Article 2 of the Human Rights Act - the right to life, which in the event of death requires an independent inquiry.

Many believe the judgement will make it easier for the families of those injured or killed in Iraq and Afghanistan to claim for compensation.

Is it really that hard?

The decision was a legal defeat for Defence Secretary Des Browne who also had his attempt to ban coroners from using critical phrases such as "serious failure" rejected.

It is! You would sell your mothers soul for whateva!

Jocelyn Cockburn, the solicitor for Pte Smith's family, said the ruling meant British soldiers sent abroad would "have the same human rights as any other British citizens and must be properly equipped when sent into battle".

Hmmmmmmmm …. aren't human rights applicable to ALL nationalities, equally and without favour?



Catherine Smith, Pte Smith's mother, welcomed the decision and said she hoped other families would now not have to struggle in the same way she did to find out how their loved ones died.

"It was questions upon questions that we couldn't get - we couldn't get any information at all. And I think that's wrong. We should've had disclosure."

She's right, of course. And braver , so much more committed to just cause than many in parliament, in that she seeks to face down the Government and the MOD! She is their equal in every way. Each of us is.

'Common sense'

Diane Dernie, the mother of L/Bombadier Ben Parkinson, from Yorkshire, who was injured in an explosion in Afghanistan last year, told the BBC the decision was "absolute common sense".

Soldiers Human Rights -Tragic Oxymoron!

Liberty director Shami Chakrabarti said it was now clear it was "not just the military covenant that protects our forces all over the world".

"Their fundamental right to dignity and fair treatment must be safeguarded as well."

As well as what, might I ask?

Their right to murder people?

Their right to follow illegal orders?

Their right to NOT follow illegal orders?

... or is that a duty, under the Law?

But shadow(y) defence(sive) secretary Liam Fox said it should not have taken a court decision for ministers to realise they had "a responsibility and a moral obligation" to ensure troops were the "best trained and best equipped in the world".

Human Rights? 'Best' trained killers? 'Best' weapons of mass destruction? This is insane!

Liberal Democrat defence spokesman Nick Harvey described the ruling as a "shattering ruling for Des Browne" and said he hoped it would "wake the government up" to equipment shortages.

I must be at the wrong meeting!

The government has a moral obligation to equip those it sends into battle on our behalf properly
Matt Hennessy, London Send us your comments

Those in government, being of able body, and unmarried have a moral obligation to equip themselves appropriately and go fight the fuckin' wars themselves.

However, Mr Browne told the BBC his department had come "a long way" in response to "the changing environment both in Iraq and Afghanistan" regarding equipment.

So That's all right then! You guys are on it! Yay! LMAO!

"So this is criticism which is dated criticism from a different time. It is not applicable to the troops that are presently deployed."

Well that's nice to hear! Although ithe courts decision is a precedent! Well, OK then, possibly….

He confirmed the MoD would be appealing against the ruling that sending British soldiers into battle with defective equipment could breach human rights.

You What? Appeal? Didn't you hear the man? You really want to send young men to me maimed, traumatised, even to their deaths, men you have asked to do your dirty work for you?

You Absolute Tosser! And all who like you see fit to use legal instruments applied to mitigate murder, as opposed to banning it outright. Ist that it?

On the judge's rejection of the government's bid to stop coroners using critical language, the MoD said it had never attempted to prevent coroners from "undertaking independent investigations and making their findings public".

You quibble over wording when peoples lives are destroyed by decision that you make and their consequences.

Damn! I got taken in again, for a moment I had lost the sight of all the civilians who are the majority of casualties, across all three spectra - psychological trauma, maiming, death not to mention the collapse of society, for a moment I was really only concerned about the soldiers human rights.

Just stop the bloody war and start to make reparations, dude! It's our money. We WANT YOU TO DO THIS!

Stop the war.

....and... geuss what?

Brownie Boy

....... is NOT

..... really

..... listening!

So hit him, and all the civilian and corporate war makers where it hurts - in the pocket, to do this we need to build communities everywhere, that is talk to each other and break the spell of the denial- we all need to learn to grow food, and start to withold our taxes that we who do pay taxes, pay to central government.....and this is legaly sound and cannot be prosecuted under any law because it is merely upholding the Law, both National and is do-able..... and if done....... then very soon after it will bring the wars to a close.

Then it won't matter if they don't listen. They will stand trial.

People must be mature ebough to accept the responsibility of taking any and all possible legal action that leads to stopping thes wars dead in their tracks.

Be the Law!

It's about all humans rightful expectation that peace should prevail, that greed be curbed and that wars shoudl stop. Now. Just say No!

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Yes We can!

Obamas latest video juxtaposes various singers against his electioneering phraseology and uses slick marketing techniques to make him attractive. It appalls me that otherwise intelligent friends of mine, not to mention millions of other people, are taken in by this sort of thing. So here's my reply!

Yes we can, yet not the way THEY prescribe! Here's why.

The progression of what can be called 'urban culture', the culture of the (scare)city has evolved through interfering with the naturally evolved, direct and sustainable relationship between people and their food. A middle man was created. A violent one at that.

Thus the creation of the Wrathful Gods of the Sky and Beyond, as opposed to beneficient Gods of the Woods, the Plains, the Sea and the Rivers, evolved to redirect peoples awareness away from what is all around us, away from what nurtures us in abundance, to what exists in the suitably conditioned mind. The process starts with the indoctrination of the children. The work ethic is amyth of Imperial Culture.

Given that we KNOW that indigenous aboriginal peoples are fitter, happier and more or less in tune with their habitat where as we are less healthy, deeply unhappy and obviously out of tune with our habitat, it makes sense to me to re-establish those prior relationships within the infrastructure that exists.

For example Cuba, a country of 11 Million People, have managed to convert their entire food production to bio-dynamic permacultural methods, with the resultant improvement of health physical and psychological for their people.

That process also had the effect of strengthening community, as people exchanged both foods and growing tips (valuable comoodities and valuable information) from person to person, community to community.

Most if not all 'underdeveloped' countries could easily do the same. That is a large part of what most of the 'campesinos' in South America are fighting for, the right to live that much closer to their roots, according to their own chosen culture. We can too, though the process will be more difficcult for us. That does not make it any less worthy of our fullest attention.

We in the west are funding our Governments. We are funding our Corporations. Thus we ARE partly responsible for what those entities do. If we cease to fund them, then we are taking responsibility for our part in their negative and destructive activities by withdrawing from them.

That is not to say that those in Government and in control of the Corporations (and Banks) are any less respsonsible for the choices they make, fo what they are doing with our money and energy that is damaging our environemtn, and harming people.

Nontheless, if I pay taxes, a large proportion of those taxes are being used to pay off loans which are used to support the Military Industrial Complex, the Pharamceutical unHealth Industry, etc etc and are ultimately pocketed by the bankers who lend the money. The Politicans and CEOs are bought off with cash, once they have done their jobs. As in Tony "three jobs" Blair or John "Carlyle" Major, etc etc....

I am labouring a point here. It cannot be overstressed.

The best way for us to recoup our moral and practical responsibility is to therefore refuse to comply, to start to recraft our lives so as to recreate a closer relationship between ourselves and our food, our environment, to recraft our lives so that our values are to do with family, community and sound ecology as oppose to consumerism, warfare and amassing wealth.....

We can do this. We know that our governments WILL NOT DO THIS. Those that oppose systme from within are dealt with quite severely, and in such a manner as to warn off others.

To all those who believe (and it is a belief) that we NEED RULERS I say this.

No we don't. What we need are good co-ordinators!

There is a far greater and natural desire amongst people to work together for each other than there is to compete. But since we have been born into an Imperial Cutlture, we were raised to believe its myths, and to fear both it's rulers and the lack of rule at the same time... a common dichotomy, beloved of Catholics, Jews and Islam as well as a quite few others......

Nature is self-organising, it is a sentient process and we are fundamentally of nature, moreso than we are of the Imperial Culture. Of course the conditioning is profound and held in place, as I have said, by fear.

The antidote is love, and the source of love is a heart felt awareness of who we really are and how fortunate we are in being on this Earth, with all the freely avilable abundance that is nature.

The history of the vote is the history of a sorry compromise whereby the pain has been transferred rather than dealt with. In much the same way that the pollution of manufacturing has been transferred to China, alongside the drudgery of the 7 day factory week, workers hostels etc etc..... basically the same conditions that existed in 1780 in Englands Industrial revolution, with the ever present threat of death and brutality by the state to maintain the status quo. Chine executes, under law, at a minimum, 10,000 people annually.

Look to your history, my fellow citizens of the UK and the USA. These are the facts. When the 'workers' got the vote, the women did not. When women first got the vote, they had to be property owners! Or married to property owners.

And still today, ALL mothers are as yet unpaid in our culture. Think about that. The single most imoportant human activity, nurturing the young ones, is still a form of slavery. For many it is a comfortable slavery, yet that comfort was the painful subject of "The Womens Room" and "The Female Eunuch" and others, and the truths expressed in those books remain unpalatable for the majority of men in our culture.

No, I do not subscribe to voting for an elected representative who has been compromised. I subscribe to what was outlined in the POWER INQUIRY, a devolution of power to the community, so that Government merely manages as we direct. We are intelligent, compassionate and willing, most of us, to work together... do look at the research done by the POWER INQUIRY, and come back to me - the political and corporat(e) elites have poo-poo'd that research because it is a serious threat to their power.

And for those of my critics, let me say this. My current Carbon Footprint is one 5th of the average of the UK, and it is so by my choice. I choose to live without central heating, without a car, without holidays, without a bigger TV screen, without newspapers. I choose to eat a less varied diet of organic UK sourced foods. I choose to wear out my second-hand clothes. I choose to not use chemicals in my home. All these are choices. One day soon I hope to access an allottment and grow as much of my own food as possible. I live on around £70 per week, I contribute taxes only through my purchases. I am self employed and that's fine by me.

We can, all of us, live well, with far less than what we currently use up of the earths resources. Indeed there are many who do so. We could certainly live without Governments and Corporations that make and profit from wars. The Merchants and Managers of Death. This all boils down to a choice, and it is our choice. It is not fate nor is it an accident.

So, yes, we can. And we will do it sooner or later, or quite possibly perish. Sooner would be more honourable. Certainly more enjoyable. What a mission! And surely, a gift to those to come.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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