Cancellation of Big Green Gathering 2009 : implications

Intentionally disrupting the promotion of any grass roots common-sense solutions to many of this societies problems, solutions that are known to work, solutions that any person can engage without Government or Corporate intervention will inevitably mean harm for many, many people and the environment in the near and distant future - that makes the Mendip Council and it's officials and Avon and Somerset Police and their senior management criminals as far as I can make out.

Intent to disrupt and undermine the BGG is proven.

Here's a link to the Medip Council Licensing Comittee meetings.... (from schnewz) to give an idea of the kinds of restrictions and tone of council and police 'help' 'offered' to the BGG.

I wrote a piece about the BGG in 2007 that the increased police demands were an attempt (part of a long held strategy - see CAPTIVE STATE by George Monbiot which exposes the history of the corporate takeover of the UK Local Government , against the wishes of the grass roots communities in cities and towns all over the UK) to undermine the viability of Independent Green or Activist and Grass Roots Events.

This strategy is part political, partly business.

Big Corporate Events dominate the festival season more and more. Their business policy is to buy up smaller events and to otherwise make it difficult for small-budget events to lobbying for more restrictive licensing legislation.... just like any other expanding business... and of course they use their power at local level as much as at national level..

The political policy is driven by the Governments desire to maintain total control over the public discussions on climate change, peace, pharmaceuticals, war, society, liberty and much else, and all this means that as soon as any grass roots event makes national headlines, comes from below the radar... (as we did in 2006 - full two page spreads in the sunday broadsheets, and some front page photo's too! ) that event must be controlled and then the grass roots message must somehow be adopted and adapted to the Governments agenda... the corporate sponsorship usually includes a seat in the board and supporting management positions to allow that control access tot he inner working of the target group.

The two combined undermine human rights and liberty, not to mention scuppering any semblance of true participative democracy. This is how it is done. Understand this.

As to the inner workings of the BGG, until a full reporting of all that has transpired, we will not know enough to make any serious calls. Those concerned may well make some form of public statement, and may well address there concerns in the courts. Support them.

Nonetheless, the question arises : it not the case that the actions undertaken to undermine the BGG (not merely a festival, but a vital and independent hub for the entire UK sustainable living movement) will be viewed by children in the near future as criminal actions, in that the blocking of such sharing of information and skills, irrespective of how it happened, represented a serious negligence and dereliction of duty by all those involved?

And if so, must we, here today, not also view them as such? And if not, then why not?

If it is so, (and I believe I have shown it to be so) then action must be taken, at grass roots levels, to expose the localised and national workings of this oppressive regime and to counter such activity with local empowerment, local forums, local solidarity....all organised and run by local grass roots communities with the express intent of claiming our inherent right to organise our own lives and communities and any infrastructure associated with those. That action will of neccessity be driven by knowledge and NOT by belief nor by ideology.... the 'cosmic' side of life is best kept in the personal realm...

This was a political act and requires a political response.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

The Last Taboo : Abuse Culture

What is this Society we were born into?

The core problem we are all faced with is not being discussed, because it is the last taboo. Racists are not born, they are taught. Elitists are not born superior, they are taught that they are superior. Hierarchies of Violence are learned, they are neither innate nor are they inevitable. HVC - Hierarchy of Violence Culture is a-biological and unhealthy. Egalitarian Culture is closer to natural biological health by any possible measure.

Industrial Society is a Hierarchical Culture of Violence, and it is found upon molding children, telling children what to think using reward/punishment dynamics. Acceptance and habituation to Industrial Hierarchy of Violence as the normative for human society is founded upon child abuse.

The abuse family dynamic, scaled up and institutionalised. The same relationship dynamics persist throughout both structures.

Donald Trump and Boris Johnson are the result of what happened to them in their childhoods, as much as it was for Hitler and Stalin. They all bear the mark of the Hierarchy of Violence Culture, which they are perpetuating. We all are marked by this culture. This culture is neither inevitable nor is it a biological standard of health. This is a bully culture.

Natural Society is founded upon nurturing children as who they are, through empathy and common-sense.

Industrial Society is abusing the environment. Logging, mining, plastic in the oceans, exhaust particulates in fetal blood, zoonotic virus's transferring to human, and becoming human transmissible disease, war fare, deforestation, fracking and much, much more.

Industrial Society is abusing animals. Growth Hormones. Vivisection and live animal experimentation. Factory Farming. Pesticides. And more.

Industrial Society is abusing whole peoples. Iraq. Afghanistan. Congo. Honduras. Palestine. Cheap labour, high profits. Poverty amidst a growing population of billionaires. Epstein, Police Brutality.

Industrial Society is abusing our children. Indoctrination. Ritalin. Marketing to Evolving Consumers is the technical name for  relationships with children. Wars and refugee families. Nationalism and Xenophobia, Racism and Poverty. And more.....

All of this for profit. This is our history.  Past, present and if this is maintain, our futures too.

Any honest analysis of history confirms all of the above. These are the facts.

And it is all founded on one principle. That children are blank slates, upon which those who 'run' society for profit may write their own agenda, mentally, emotionally, physiologically, psychologically in such manner as to facilitate that control. The original identity of each is tampered with. Each Nation State imposes it's identity upon each child.

To tell a child what to think, to enforce ones views on a child ism without doubt, and without any legal definition, a criminal act.

This is quite often done with threats of violence, with threats of disapproval, with the threat of future poverty, and this one act is the basis of all the crimes of our society, for it robs the child of her or his innate wisdom and sensory acuity, and thus allows the children to be manipulated as adults.

Until this fact is faced, acknowledged - that some humans work together do this to others, intentionally and with full awareness of the damage they are causing, healthy and lasting change will not happen in any meaningful way.

Racists will riot to protect their symbolic affiliations. Oligarchs will continue to assume they are superior to the poor. Misogyny will persist and inequity will endure to poison social relations.

Once we, the decent yet largely powerless majority of people born into the Industrial Hierarchy of Violence Society recognise these facts as truthful observations of the historical and current socio-economic and political reality, then we will recognise how we were tricked and we will then be able to refuse to allow the same to be done to our children.

That moment is always close in all our lives, and the people who occupy the position of power are working flat out to put that time off. Their work is futile.

Their failure is inevitable, for they can never relax and they are unable to tap into natures flow, and nature will wear them out, sooner or later.

I choose to be as my innate being senses, honestly.

I choose to maintain that discipline, to remain sensitive, to be vulnerable, to feel the world as it is.

I have already won the war.

We can do this,

Kindest regards


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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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The Expectations of Every Child, what Micheal Jackson lacked in his experience...

This is what Micheal Jackson missed out on as a child, him and so many others .... had he been loved, respected and cared for rather than used as a cash machine, a performing cash cow, he might have lived a happier, more centered life - and one happy childs life is worth far more than the millions of records, millions of docile happy fans, millions of dollars, the pomp and narcissism of Arena Pop Music .....

Yes, his music was good, and it is also true that he did not make it all himself - he had the best in the business to assist him - from studio session musos, to producers, marketers, record companies (all of whom made a fortune from this living cash cow) and so on.....

And none of that makes up for the abuse he suffered as a child....

A fitting memoriam would be to expose the full extent of child abuse in our culture so as to ensure such abuse is extremely rare rather than fairly common.

But the fans, they want the music and none of the responsibility.. and the record companies and promoters, they want more cash....

here's my song,

The Expectations of Every Child

The expectations of every child
To be held in love, all the time
To know safety with every touch
These are the ways we need, it's not so much...

These are the gifts,that life on earth is meant to bring

The expectations of every child,
Acceptance, gentle guidance with a smile,
Honest answers to their questions of life,
Space to grow, fully assured and bright.

The expectations of every child,
To find a safe place to learn in good time
So that the child knows and trusts the heart
Then grows the child in confidence, that is the art..

The expectation of every child,
To know the family, to feel the line
Of ancient stories, and harmonies
The child is born to know that she is free.

The expectation of every child,
To be respected all the time,
To be chosen with the highest love,
So honour the child you hold, that will be enough.....

These are the gifts that life on earth is meant to bring
Do you bring the gifts? Do we bring the gifts?
Justify Full
click on the link to launch a pop-up player with this song

Share it please....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Do What You Love, It's Your Gift to Universe

As far as I know I thought of this phrase myself, back in 1995, after reflecting upon the perfection of universe.

How everything in universe (that we know of) IMPROVES the habitat for all life, how everything in universe does what it does SO WELL, so precisely, maintaining dynamic equilibrium.

How we are the only species on earth who live with constant background personal and external anxiety as 'normal'.... which being the exception proves the rule : that the natural child, like any seed, is innately capable of developing his/her mastery of self so that he/she too improves the habitat for all life, in the course of her/his chosen path in life and day to day activities on this Earth.... and if innate, then it is children who must surely lead the way in their process of learning and adults who assist, sharing their experience when requested ...

A process I see leading towards a natural human community that improves the habitat for all life AND enjoys life all the more deeply, empathically connected to the very process of life itself, moment by moment. Bliss. Dynamic Bliss not the Perfect Bliss of myth and seduction.

The inspiration to abandon the tuse of the definitive article before 'universe' comes from Buckminster Fuller. He correctly pointed out that using the definitive article before universe creates two seperate entities : the speaker, and the universe. That seperation is illusion.

Being oneself, honestly, transparantly therefore completes oneself in universe and completes universe too (though universe is NEVER incomplete), and one is yet another part of the precise dynamic equilibrium that is natural life in motion.

That is, in my heart at least, the best response to meet the gift of life itself and the wonder of experiencing life through the human body and mind.

And all the more reason to simply stop those activities engaged by adults such as war, oppression, abuse of environment and the conditioning of children.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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We are the only creatures...

....that turn our poo into toxic sludge, and we are the only creatures that claim superiority over all life forms on earth......... ha ha ha ha!

How utterly crass! How rude is that!?!

We deprive the habitat of nutrients that we cannot use (only 20% max of food is metabolised, the rest passes through, and in nature is re-used by other life forms to create more abundance, more food).....

The phrase "dealing with your shit" comes to mind....

Learn about yer poo and it's potential, and deal with it, if you can or if you are wise enough to do so.

Good poo inspired essay!


Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Unexamined Assumptions regarding Children and Education

After a week of travel in Cornwall and a weekend at Triban’s Beltane Festival I am rested and also ready for the summer. My festie fitness is good, and my ears are fine. My travel pack is sorted, must remember to pack my flip-flops …. Walking around in steel toe capped boots in the sunshine is not the best way to treat my wonderful long enduring feet. I love my feet. They get me places.

One of the common threads in all my conversations with folks as I travel and sing, is the series of unexamined assumptions that we have all been indoctrinated with….

1. Children need an authority over them. (which excludes their own authority … the writing of their own script in the story of their own lives as much as it excludes their respect for competent adults who care for them, a respect for that which is deeper than ‘authority‘ … as in an empathetic moral code)

2. Children need both parents…. (which excludes the fact that a natural child needs an extended family that is merged with community…not to mention nature … nature deficit syndrome)

3. Children need to be taught to read, write and count. (which excludes childrens proven ability to learn these skills when their own motivation impels them to do so….and do this very quickly, 30 hours for reading, 50 for math, similar for writing - and when they do so ,their comprehension exceeds that of standard education on all tests!)

4. Children need school for ‘socialisation’. (see point 2)

5. Teachers are doing their best. Head-teachers are doing their best. (which excludes the activities and intent of Departments of Education Ideological Psychologists and their advisors from philanthropic foundations who pretty much design all the details of tests, texts, lessons and teachers documentation - tracking - of students progress, things which teachers and head teachers have no input into, and which they do not resist.) By NOT examining the foundations of education and by NOT resisting the imposed bureaucracy, teachers fail themselves and the children entrusted into their care.

6. Being a ‘good teacher’ can help children (which excludes that being a ‘good teacher’ in a bad system merely prolongs the bad systems life … in much the same way a ‘good prison guard’ will attempt to help those inmates he or she meets, yet his or her presence as a prison guard supports the toxic system and can be used by it’s originators as a PR tool. “Look at our nice smiling policeman who has helped a cat down from a tree!”) Of course individual teachers CAN and DO help individual children, these instances are in such a minority so as to be worthless. Not recognising and challenging that is a failing, even for 'good' teachers

These 6 unexamined assumptions form the basis of personal understanding of education for most people. The excluded realities are rarely mentioned. (don’t mention the war!).

The fundamental assumption underlying all these is that children are not to be trusted. This appears to me to be insane - we trust the seed to grow, we trust our legs to walk, our eyes to see our lungs to fill with air so why this mistrust of children?

Thus for most folks the constant revision and change appears to be attempting to resolve the ‘problems’ of schooling, whilst in reality it is by design and intent exacerbating those problems.

There are many unexamined assumptions that derive from the process of education, such as the desirability of ‘progress’, the benign intent of Kings and Prime Ministers, the supremacy of Western Industrial Democracy, or of Humankind over Animals, that exams prove the presence of intelligence and knowledge, that men and women are different in their core beings, and so on…..

The existence of Gods, or Aliens, or Demons, or Evil as a solitary force are other unexamined assumptions taken as though they are real …. These ones in particular derive from religious indoctrination.

It’s good practice to explore such assumptions, and to find one’s own intuitions and to then find ways to test those learnings.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The Bears don S**T in the woods no more.... live!

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Let the will of the State act, then, instead of the will of the indiviual (or community)

Here's a nice quote to illustrate the way in which childrens minds were targetted through compulsory state education, on behalf of the Industrialists who were hell-bent on turning States into representatives of business, and to do that they felt it neccessary to exercise mind-control, to deflect dissent, especially reasoned dissent.

You will recognise the elements, and for sure, each of us has fallen foul of these. I know I have.

Charles Pierce, the eminence grise behind William James and John Dewey, architects of Compulsory State Education in the USA wrote :

“Let the will of the state act, then, instead of the will of the individual. Let an institution be created which shall have for its object to keep correct doctrines before the attention of the people, to reiterate them perpetually, and to teach them to the young, having at the same time power to prevent contrary doctrines from being taught, advocated or expressed.

Let all possible cause of a change of mind be removed from men’s apprehension. Let them be kept ignorant, lest they should learn of some reason to think otherwise than they do. Let their passions be enlisted, so that they may regard … unusual opinions with hatred and horror. Then, let all men who reject the established belief be terrified into silence….

Let a list of opinions be drawn up to which no man of the least independence of thought can assent, and let the faithful be required to accept all these propositions in order to segregate them as radically as possible from the influence of the rest of the world.”

We can see this in operation in the media, and in school text-books. And we can see this in operation in our own minds as we sometimes struggle to grasp the truth of our current situation. Unexamined assumptions are a good guide to those areas of our thinking that have been 'adjusted' to fit into this 'sick society', an adjustment that Martin Luther King made clear was unacceptable.

Here's a few more quotes to flesh this process out a bit.

Woodrow Wilson speaking to an audience of businessmen in New York City in 1909 :

“We want one class to have a liberal education. We want another class, a very much larger class, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks.”

This is the technology of modern management ……this is the doctrine which drove William James in “Principles of Psychology” (1890), to assign habit-training, not intellectual development, the place of honour in schooling :

“Habit is the enormous fly-wheel of society, it’s most precious conservative agent. It alone is what … saves the children of fortune from the envious uprisings of the poor … it alone prevents the hardest and most repulsive (jobs) from being deserted. It holds the miner in his darkness. It keeps different strata of society from mixing.”

All of us who attended state schooling have been exposed to and conditioned to accept the imposed and limited ideas that are taught through that education, reinforced through the media and that underpin the success of marketing.

This is the core technology of psychological state control upon which the likes of Tony Blair, David Cameron and the leaders of Indusrty et al depend upon.

Of course they retain that other oh-so familiar stick, that of poverty, physical violence or imprisonment to curtail those few who escape this conditioning. That’s what the War Against Terror and the consistent attack on civil liberties is all about.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Bees, the BBC and the obvious but obscured truths about food production

Just watched a docu on the BEE BEE SEE about bees and the massive die-offs of bees everywhere except Autralia.

It’s really obvious, to me at least, that the single most important factor in this occurrence, and in many other similar ‘events’ throughout nature HAS GOT TO BE the kinds of human interventions that tend to undermine natural resilience, which is founded on bio-diversity …. variety is the spice of life, so to speak, and when humans monocrop for profit, on a huge scale, the natural resilience and variety is destroyed....

Nature is a huge ineteraction of trillions upon trillions of creatures and plants, with no hierarchy other than that which human beings of the ‘civilised... Read more’ sort project onto it…(we project our own ideas onto others, because we have an inability to see others as they see themselves).

Thus messing around with something that works (nature definitely works, which is the strength of permaculture) is utterly stupid, and pretending that we are somehow ‘more intelligent’ than that which makes us is hubris of the worst sort.

We (industrial civilisation as is) are to nature as Tony Blair is to Iraq, Education and Spirituality.. and we brag about it….

Somethings got to give, and unless we revert to localised food production, and in ways that rebuild natural diversity, and fast, we are seriously and possibly fatally compromising our very existence.

There have been a few other programmes on the BBC which show how food production has changed since the end of World War II, when the Pharmaceutical Industry switched from killing people to killing bugs and plants - the same chemicals are used to 'fertilise' crops as were used to make bombs - and what nobody mentions is that the HUGE profits that the Pharmaceutical Companies made out of the war (while everybody else near starved on rations) allowed them to expend huge efforts to lobby Governments excessively so as to promote their chemcials as the 'green revolution', which has led inexorably to Monsanto, GMOs and patented seeds etc etc... and has been the cause of massive toxicity in our foods, our soils, our waters and also placed us in a very vulnerable position as food growing is ever more concentrated if fewer and fewer hands (only 1400 dairy farmers left in the UK.....!).

Keep on blowing the trumpet for local growing and eating. It’s the only tune that nature knows… apart from some species that travel to food such as some whales, great white sharks, birds etc etc….

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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A school run by children, assisted by adults

Short documentary on an independent 'school' in Copenhagen, from the 70s, that explores why such a school might exist. The footage shows happy lively children and adults learning together, and the commentary reveals the thinking behind the school.

This is what all children and parents need to understand, that childrens learning is best driven by their own motivations, that children want to become competent in the world they are born into, that 'thinking alone' is a vital creative drive in all people and that democracy without this in place in all it's constituents is a farce, a soap opera that distracts attention and enables control by forces whose interests are not the same as those of most 'ordinary folk'.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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